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The Brussels Post, 1914-11-19, Page 7
Fashion Flints iteetiletteneweeeegiatteigeeetenoe SEVERE PAINS A1thUNi) THE HEART Are Nearly Always Caused by . Stomach Trouble Suggetations an Season's Furs. Don't let a pain in the region of I£offeeey fe the popelee fee of the the heart frighten you into think - moment, hike many Popular lash- ial.g you have ;heart disease. Just ions, it is not new. I{.olinsky was as a Gates Madeley tth in re ouble, e, eo pain near ek 56141a111 used ]asst year by •Callan and Poiret. , the heart its sicarcedy ever present This year ib is dipped to .a deeper in organic heart disease. The' pain brown than it was last year. I i•s neita'ly always. caused by etomaoh A Russian furrier in New York trouble for the Monteith and heart has launched in the smart houses a are oonne:oted by many'nerves, and gas on the stomach causes pressure on the, heart, The alarming pains will disap- pear if you tone up the stomach, east the right things and don ti worry. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best sto- mach tonic, One or ftwe Pills after each meal soon produces a healthy appetite, the food does not distress you, you are no longer troubled with gas, sour risings en the throat, and those misleading pains around the heart. Strength and energy return, and the rich, red blood, carries renewed vitality to every part of the body. Mrs. Henry Con- nolly, Brookville, P.E.I., says: "Per a number of years I was a great sufferer from indigestion which, despite all the treatment I took, wars gradually growing worse: I would sometimes feel as though I was smothering, and when the trouble came on I would suffer from violent palpitation and pains around the heart which greatly alarmed me. I was under doeter'e treatment for along tdane, but with no benefit. A friend suggested Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to try them. In about a month I felt inueh nutter, and by the time I had taken another four boxes I was he the best of health and able to eat all kinds of nourishing food. It is now several years since I was cured and I have never felt a symp- tom of indigestion since. I take every opportunity of reoommend- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to friends who are ailiing." If your dealer does not keep these Pills you can get them by mal at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr• Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Out wolf fur, each hair of which is dyed by hand, It wears forever and a day and it is not expensive — two features which might to make it popular. it is made up with brown millinery velvet into muffs and neckpieces, Common 'backyard goat, deprived of any unpleasantness, is used by Drecoll in many of the best coat suits. The hair is left in its origin- al long, coarse state. Monkey, as every one knows by this time, is exceedingly popular. It is liner than goat. Ib is used for afternoon wraps as well as for col- lars and cuffs on street suits, for bordering of net and lace tunics, and for collar and muff 'sets and haat trimming. Ermine capes without black flecks are made on circular lines, lined with brilliant Martine si.lke of orange and blue. Last year all- white tern -line was used, and it was so attractive that it is to be revived this year. Coats, dolmans and Fanciful capes for afternoon wear are made of baby lamb with novelty linings in gay colors. New neck pieces of baby lamb and moleskin are excep- tionally novel. Many are cut on middle Victorian lines, with long fronts that cross in the front, and fasten -around the waist in the !back. The muff, turban and roller sets of fur and fabric .are extremely smart, These made of monkey fur and chiffon are perhaps the most popular, although those of other furs are very good. Nutria is a new fur that is used in wide' bands on velvet suits. The new muffs are immense. They look like ornamental soft cushions. One smart shape is the crescent, with a small opening at each side for a hand. These big muffs are not stiffened and they .are so soft that they roll up like a ball. The new linings form the greatest novelty of the new furs, Brilliant colors are used, among them old gold and Egyptian blue. The Mar- tine satins are well exploited. These are also pictorial linings. One, for instance, was in a superb mantle of baby lamb, a lining of blue and sil- ver brocade showing Apollo driving his flaming chariot across the sky. 1 PERILOUS UNIFORMS. Why the British Have Lost So Heavily. The following account, communi- cated by an eye -witness present with General Headquarters, con- tinues the narrative of the move- ments of the British force and the French armies in immediate teach with it: Ever since the South African War the desirability of rendering troops as invisible as possible has been generally recognized, and this was has thrown much I'ght on the matter. Ib appears that at long ranges the uniform matters tittle, but at medium ranges the red trou- sers of our allies show up very down, however, their kepis are not so easily seen as our own flat-top- ped forage caps. From prisoners it has been ascertained that at medi- um ranges both French and British officers are very easily distinguish- ed from their men, and that select- ed marksmen .provided with field - glasses aro specially told off from each platoon of German infantry to pink off officers. The French officer is betrayed by the greater visible length of his red trousers and by his accoutrements, while the British officer is "given away" by his sword, his open jack- et with low collar and tie his Sam Browne belt, and the absence of pack, The Germans certainly do employ snipers, and some have been found on church towers, up trees, and in Houses. One oil them suc- ceeded in killing two of our officers and wounding two more before he was accounted for. The following notification to his troops by one of the French army commanders bears upon German methods of. warfare. "The Germans have forced :some prisoners of wait toremain hi their trenches. When the Trench advanced, under "the impression that the trenches were in possession of their own :side, they were fired on at close range." That this has adeni e/ been done is fully 'confirmed by an entry in a captured German field note -book, It ,runs thus : "Al dawn the shelling began. We retired with the prisoners. My two prisoners work hard' at digging trenches 1.t midday I got the or- der to rejoin tvillage the v a 11 ge with them, .i, was very glad as I had' been ordered bo shoot them as soon as Ilie enemy advxtr:ed. Phatale God, it was; not necessary," FEATS OF AR1tIS. The French and British in the Crimea. For desperate fighting the Crimea yields an impressive record. *The French and British, so matey time's' foes, found themselves allied in tun attack upon Russian 'territory. The foe was worthy of their steel, for several closely contested battles had to be Bought, the hostilities leading up to that tremendous- fight—I•nker- man. This fight was so keen and so terrible that it was the, last oc- casion on which the Russiaaua ven- tured to meet the British in open combat. As one authority says— "The Russians lost in this great battle no fewer than 10,729 killed, wounded and prisoners." But Inkermamn, so her as British annals are concerned, at any rate, will not remain the moat noted fight in the Crimea. In popular opinion the struggle in the Balaclava Valleys will ever remain the most memor- able, for was it not there that the astounding charge of the Light Bri- gade took pilnce 1 In the whole his- tory of fighting there is scarcely an episode that,, for sheer courage, equals it. Originating in a mis- taken command, it was carried through with a supreme determin- ation and reckless courage that, so' long as military annals survive, wild never be forgotten. A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby's Own Tablets are the very hest medicine a mother can give. her little ones. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds, promote healthful sleep - in fact they cure all the minor ills of little ones. The mother may feel absohutely ego in giving thein to her children for they are guaran- teed by a government analyst to be strictly free from all injurious drugs. The Tablets are egad by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 conte a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. The Menu. Puzzled diner (to restaurant waiter)—What have you got for din- ner ? in'ner2 Waiter Roas'tibeeffricaseed- elhiokenstewedlam'b hash baked and fried potatoes janpucldinghnilktea aaideoffee. ' Puzzled Diner --Give me the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 18th and .19th syl lables, + iia arse's ..toff ill.oct Pans exactiy meet the needwhich so often arises in every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all cases of Constipation, but they help g'eatiy in breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by, cleaning out. the syatent and purifying the blood. In the same Way' they relieve or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick ileadlachee, Rheum- atjsnf and other Gammon a]linentie In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse's Indian hoot pills are t'f A Hoatieetto1d lite milli' Sir Archibald J. Murray, chief of .staff to Sir Jahn Threnoh. He served both in Zululand and South Africa. PRONE TO THE BATTLEFIELD. Lord Kitchener, in London, Speaks to Sir John French. Amongst the most remarkable features of 'the present war, none is more interesting than the fact that the authorities in Whitehall are able to epeatk by . telephone direct to General Trench. Messages are being received almost from the battlefield itself without delay, and with as much ease as. from Glasgow to Landon. Lord Kitchener can., as a consequence, sit in his chair at the War Office and speak to Sir John French without any mare trouble than if the commander of the British foroee in France was at Aldershot. This is the first time than science bas permitted the Brit- ish authorities at home to possess such ai close grip of the carcum- staaaoes of any war in which they haye been engaged. In the ' South African Warr the War Office depend- ed upon the cable service, and fortuneuteiy throughout the war, owing to the position of the Boers, the enemy was unable to dislocate this means of communication. Even so, the answer to queries could not follow directly after the question, and could not elucidate facts as readily as a good telephone service. Will Quickly Cure Ariy Sour Stomach Relieves gunness After Eating. "When I was wdrking 'around the farm last evinter, I. had an attack of inflammation,'" writes Mr. 111. P. 'Dew- kind, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to .use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indiges- tion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurt- ing, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require Targe' doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's: Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well, —no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I am sure, proves it, Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow .boxes, 25c. All dealers,. or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. A GERMAN LOVE LETTER. Glimpse Into the Homo Tragedy of One of Our Enemies. The French Red Oross had found the -body of a dead German soldier, says a London Mail special corre- spondent. 'The victim's tunic was already open, as is •the habit with our own brave 'Tommies.' I unfastened; some more 'buttons. Must I spoil this story! Let me out with it all in truth -a huge rasher of bacon. fell' from his' breast, and as we rais- ed his shoulders there fluttered out a letter—greasy with bacon and rapidly taking on another color from his welling wound, 'May we look at the letter?' The -doctor gives consent. just an ordinary letter. It ran thus: "'My Dearest Heart -When the little ones have said their prayers and Prayed for their dear father and have gone to bed T sit and think of thee, hay love. I think of all the old days when ve were betrothed, and I think of all Our happy mar- ried life, Ohl Ludwig, beloved of my soul, why should the people fight each other I cannot think that God would wish it, , "-'1 de not think you need read any mere,' said the doctor. tr `Nor do I,' was hay reply, You will not believe 11, but, hardened tc war froin my youth, I could only toy with my rough meal at night, and In my slumbers l: kepi hearing the shnple words. 'My dearest heart, when tine little ones have said their prayers and prayed for their dear tether and have gone to bed '1 sib and think of thee, my love.' I voider whether the great War Lord has been trenbled in this way recently?" Cure Chilllreli's Colds By Ex i'iial 'l'i'catmcnt Mothers WIII Find Nothing So Speed - Hy and Reliable as Old -Tim "Nerviline," It's really a shame to upset a young child's stomach by internal dosing, whim external treatment will ao promptly break up a cold. When your boy enures In after may with his feet soaping wet, his throat hoarse and sore, his little chest tight and congested, just apply Nerviline. Give him a vigorous rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his chest and rub it right in. To make Nerviline penetrate more quickly cover his chest and throat with a bot flannel bandage. This treatment WON'T fail. Your boy will be feeling better in half an hour, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have warded off perhaps a cold, or grippe, or illness that might have laid him up, Nerviline is mighty good for pre- venting colds and for breaking ud a bad one, too, For general family use it cures all sorts of external aches and pains—you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, lame back, rheumatism, or lumbago, Wherever there is conges- tion, inflammation or pain In the Joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure mighty quick, The large 50c. family size bottle is so economical, so useful, it should bo in every home. There is also a small 25e. size. Dealers any- where sell Nerviline. TRAINING AUSTRALIAN BOYS. The Government Is Vcry Strict In Regard to It. Australian lads of twelve years begin a more or less voluntary forin of military training. lb is an indul- gent, happy-go-lucky sort of thing, designed primarily to be of physical advantage. When the lads are four- teen years old a limited military service is iseverely, compulsory, with penalties for evasion, and fines laid upon employers and parents who interfere, and thus continues, with physical exercises, drill, parades, and rifle practice, for four years, whereupon these cadets are pa,sseal into the citizen forces. Four whole - day drills are required each year, and twelve half-day drills, and twenty-four night drills. A perfunc- tory attendance upon these grave obligations inapt, sullen, frivolous behaviour counts fox nothing at all. If the cadet fails to be marked effi- cient by his battalion officers lie mast perform his service all over again. In Kalgocraje, of Western Australian --,a greet dust -storm blow- ing that night—we watched a' col- umn of these "little conscripts" march past with rifles and bugles and drums; and they were smbart to see -blown uniforms, with tricks of green, and wide -brimmed Austra- Ban hats caught up at the foide in the Australian way, says a writer in Ha.rpter's Weekly. I't is no fareieal attar. When we were in 13risbane, Queensland, a scare .of truant youngsters were packed off to the military barracks for ten days of close confinement and drill; and away they went, in a big Cape wa- gon, in charge of a sergeant -major, and under more of some brilliant artilleryimen—aa melancholy little crew, these truants, then, facing ten days of absence from home, with sax hours of drill on the hot parade ground, under a sergeant - major who doubtless know how to improve the patriotism of small cell - pelts, and would do it with a switch. "Yes," said the .sto.rekeeper, "I. want a good, bright boy to be part ]•y indoors and partly outdoor." "That's all right," ,said the appli- eand "but what becomes of me when the door slams shut!" Superior= "Surpassing others in great- ness, goodness, extent er value of any quality "—Cen- tury/ Dictionary. That's the definition, and that's why Post Toasties are called the Superior Corn Flakes —the surpassing, delicate Indian Corn flavour being sealed In by skillful toast- "fng with sugar and salt. Tosties ,,t aro made in clean, airy, modern factories—cooked, seasoned, rolled and toasted to crisp golden flakes- Ready bo serve direct from the package. To secure the Superior Cars Flakes, ask Mr Post Toasties ;sold by Grocers. etomiab Poston, Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Windsor, Ont IIEEJ USGf[LY AN ARMY O1'' M.1I RSItillN, The Ilecruits Must Tae Able To Use r e LCioN rAcE The sa Rifle With E�;kiuer tinw+ importnn,eo attached Itching and Burning, Scratching Irritated, Disfigured for a Time, Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Pimples Disappeared, 1700 Winnipeg et., Regina, Sese.---"I watt troubled with Itching pimples on my fano for over three years. were red and unsightly. 'Flaw caused itching and burning and I used to scratch and Irritate them. Tho breaking out disfigured me for a time. "I tried many well -advertised treatments. such as ----- Prescription, eta, but without success. A short time ago I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment in a local paper and after I had tried a free sample I could sco a re- markable improvement. I washed myface withtheSoap and then applied the .Oint- ment two or three times a day, After using more Cuticura.-Soap and two boxes of Ceti - cure Ointment all the pimples completely disappeared." (Signed) Nicholas iioch, June 13, 101d. Samples Free Free by Mail A generation of mothers has found no soap so well suited for cleansing and purifying the skin and hair of infants and children as CuticuraSoap. Its absolute purity and re- freshing fragrance alone are enough to roc- ommend it above ordinary eidn soaps, but there are adddd to these qualities delicate yet effective emollient properttos, derived from Cuticora Ointment, which render it most valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting a nor- mal condition of skin and Bair health. CU - Ceara Sean and Ointment sold throughout the world. For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to "Cud - cure. Dept. D, Boston. U. S. A " Merely Coy. "That booby made a bluff at kiss- ing me last night and then quit." 'But, he save you scratched his face, blacked his eye and stabbed him with a hatpin,' "Well, a girl has to put up a lit- tle maidenly resistance." A WARM WINTER. June weather prevails in California, the ideal Wintering place, reached comfort• ably and conveniently by. the Chicago and North Western lty Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Chicago—The Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; the Los Angeles Limited, throe days to Land of Sunshine, the famous San Fran. uieco Limited and the California Mail. Rates, Iilustraaed matter and pertain. leis on application.. 13 IL. Bonnett, Gen- eral Agent. 46 Ycuge St., Toronto, Ont. • The Fond Mother -(to the local butcher) -Would yer mind weigh- ing any kiddie, Mr. Bittocki Mr. Bittock--Yes, mum—with the bones! INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon Se Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 130' Canadian patents were is- sued for the week ending October 20th, 1914, 103 of which were granted to Aeneritashs; 23 to Cana- dians, 6 to residents of Great Bri- tain and Colonies, and 4 to resi- dents of foreign countries. Of .the Canadians who received patents, 10 were of Ontario, 4 of Quebec, 3 of Saskatchewan, 3 of Alberta, 1 of British Columbia, 1 of Nova Scotia, and 1 of New Brunswick. About the time the average man learns how, to live he quits the game. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. IIc Needn't Have Worried. Her father (after the ceremony)— My child, I don't see how I atm go- ing to get along without you. Bride -0h, that's all right, pa. My husband has just confessed that he hasn't enough to start house- keeping, so von won't lose me, after a11. Don't waste time on hilerl- or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. 1 have proved Zam'Bulc best for Eczema, Piles, Skin Diseases, and injuries. As a mothel', , you owe it to your faintly to use the best, that's Zam.-Bull 1 50c bei, All Druggi,ia and Stems. BOILERS - New and Seoond•hand, for boating. and power purposes. Water $YAOK.S, TANKS AND SME OIt PSLSON lREtimgr SVORONTO Sngineere' and Shipbuilders. ,by the British military 'authierieles to emirate rifle fife is aeon in the thorough training which the more odvaneed reoruita,of the new army ars .now roc.eiain . Some 200.000 Men are now undergoing musketry 1n itenc'tion at the hatale of the Na- ttunal Bifie Aeeooialion, a busy which comma•udc some of the finest civilian riflemen in the kingdom, and their training, although nec'>s eerily °rammed into a shorter period, will be far more eoneen- traced titan that of regular soldiers in time of pence. The recruits, in- deed, will practically live in the butts until they become efficient shots, The intense and thorough training the men are receiving es part of Lord Kitchener's policy for the new armies. He is determined that the mien seat to the front shall not only be physically fit enough to stand the rigors ef an arduous winter campaign, but that every one of their number deal] be con- versant with every detail of drill, llighestgrade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Illavoro,lwith delieione sauces. They have no equal. PLUMS TOE SALE. N. w DGWSON. Ninety Colborne -51555 s. Toronto. 7 r Ytilc WANT TO 33UY 014 eit7LL •% 1 FrStock Orale or �airy Niru'. •1.115 R. W Dawson, Brampton or 9r retnerne Ft Toronto. 11 W. DAWSON. Colborne St,. Toronto. POR SALE. and to be able to use a rifle with les GGISTER1; )' FIIakfPSISOI1B SWINE the skill of a marksman, er as near: .1L1i1t,, prize winners. A11 2020. soba tc that standard as is individually i sexes. Fisher Bros., Iienmiller, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. possible. The extent to which the British Army's wonderful shooting 1 coli IVESE.i4Y IN LIVE, TOWN. t.N has been responsible for its success �X York County. dtaticnery and Hook will perhaps novel be fully realized Ter li iilierant'W loon Pnblisei ig. Corn except by experts. The militarynary: 73 went Adelaide Street, Toronto. authorities know what the marks- Ic manship of the troops has achieved ;1 MISCELLANEOUS, hence the care they are bestowing,ANGER, TUMORS, ' LUMP3, Elea � internal and external, cured with- en the musketry training of the re out 5515 by our home treatment. write ertlits of the :new armies. ue befnr2 Ino late Ar. Brilm:tn dled'tool Co r •United CorNoctvned, Ont The Old:.sl Man Living If asked about his corns would say they didn't bother him because he al- ways used Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years "Putnam's" has been the favorite because painless and sure. Try only "Putnam's," 252. at all dealers. a' Answered At Last. She—I can't understand why people do such foolish things. He --For precisely the same reas- on that we do other fodlish things, my dear. Mlnard'a Liniment Ourea Gelds, &c. An Impossibility. "I want a good watch—one that will last me forever." "Can't give you one like that, sir. All my watches have their hours numbered.' A druggist can obtain an Imitation of M1NARD'S LINIMENT front a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest' ono we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Flarry has tried to Introduce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. "Norah," said the mistress, "are these French sardines that you have given me " "Shure, Oi don't know, ma'am," said the new wait- ress; "they was pasht apakin' whin we opened the box." YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Muria° Stye Remedy fur Red, Weak, Waters Byes and C4ranulated leyellda;-No Smarting-^ inat Bye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye by mailFree. MurinebtysRomedyCo.,Cblaago. "She is an extraordinary woman, you know. She paints, playa, rides horseback, boxes, plays football, golf, and is an aviator. It is too bad. If I knew how to darn my own socks T would marry her." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. LATEST FISH STORY. Back to Land Movement by Pike Near Bassano, Alta. The lastest filth story that has been sprung on the public—a story which clout -whops" tonne of the most famous of the Whopper Club series is that told by J, Jones, an inspector in the agricultural branch of the Canadian Pacific, whose ac- tivities axe confined to the Rose• nary colony,' dean Bassen. 'llliere is nothing of the piling at- titude about the story but the fish. The fish were pike. It appeara that there has been started among the fish of the flow River a "baolt 'to. the' land" movement, with the irri- gated land preferred. Mr. Jones sage that on the land, or obi one particular farm; in the Rosemary colony, the water was turned into the ditches one morning for two hours and then thinned off. When' it had all seeped away inert the ground there were enough pike found to feedthirteen men for ono meal. Since that time a number of fish have been obtained, Li fact, there .seems to be a serious sort of mania among those fish to got out of the water at the earliest possible moment, It appears that many- of the irri mitten• ditches aro full of fish, and in some places one of the favorite recreations is to go out and "l and" a flock of fish for breakfast -1%0n%. real Gagetto. ;Cveryp woman shows bravery when tslhe leas a mouse in 0, trap, Canard's unman Otlree Diphtheria. T-. NTS OF INVENTIONS • PIOBON, P11BON & DAVIS 7u SWrJ.s Writ for lnform• atioantraul ematemettemeeencoiaezcieeemeweest ri FREE AN EVERY BOY e e �"" AND GIRL. 0 a T61, ring is an exact to W 1N'� g� `�69p, ,• duplicate f n15k.ond in �.+ gold ring d o can LIE O t•I ,7f ave it engravedawith Pei .y+ 4,•l//yy any monogram desired. • O , V .1 �'. 'K You can earn this bean- e>a ` - tiful ring in lees than gl e ill 21 packages of ouran abaaorpIiveamol, 0 3 • e,�rde. Inch package contains 6 aria,w , E`ell ycan for only loc. A free teepee Aryan0 • O li.Itla inch package, will make your friends ir el a buysthem en night. Don't wait a abate, but El dg r g1 ow lou vend no money Until you • an Love sold card , then send us the 11210.43), B © received 1 you have reo s eived (52.40), we sad you this 0 ml ring, engraved, by return moil. Ash teener big ■ • mlog of premiums. Address 6, COLONIAL ART CO. -,.°0'70,..11.5.1:0,.,.,.. e oareeeeem©Q®®edeeemeeelEeBil Worth While cultivating' your Maple Grove Now The Government's now - protective legislation against adulterators of pure Maple Syrup goes into effect on San. 1, 1911. Woo betide trans- gressors after that date' Maple Syrup makers will reap the reward of their honest labor at last! Bus - era el Maple Syrup will be greatly multiplied in number, and it will handsomely pay farmers to culti- ✓ ate their Maple Groves. The ono Evaporator built for the beet re- sults le the ' Champlon"—aur pride —oft,an imitated but never. excelled. Write for free booklet giving full particulars. THE GRIMM MFG. CO., LIMITED 68 Wellington St., Montreal, - Que. -- COPELAND'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock, 202 Withrow Ave•, Toronto, writes that he owes his life to tate above remedy: "Now that I am well and strong again, I mita to state that the fact I am alive to -day witnesses to the merit of your medicine. The doe- torts gave me only 8 to 10 days to live.. . I wish every one could know the worth of yourmedicine, especially thcoo afflicted with eon• sumption, ss I was, for I undoubt idly saved my life to its use. Etc.' doetorand a specialist. attended David Warnock and gave him no hope. That was in March, 1911. Font. months afterwards, he was a w all man and had gained 66 lbs. . If yon suffer, or .know of one, send us sour address, and we will send a copy of warnoek'e testimony in full and also many others; some of which have leen cured' of chronic bronchitis of over 30 years' stand- ing. At your druggist or direct from us at 51.00 per boats, COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 511 PAPE AVE., - TORONTO, "Please, Tidy,' will yeti help 'a poor man who ain't done Dahill' in the way o' work for more'n twelve mance?" '`Dear, dear; perhaps l can find you something. What can you do 4" ''Thank y', lidy, thank y' kindly, akin; ef y' could p'reps give mo some washin' to do, i could take it 'eine to me wife," r I Trim i'f' ED. 4. 185111