HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-11-19, Page 1VOL. 43 *VQ. 21 ERUSSELS, ONTARIO, TilURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, 1914 New Advertisements ---, was a iire long vosident, of Godeeich townsbip and one or the best known itime end many &vat *offerings. The pelibeaiers teem hoe six sons. - We understand that T. Vnilden hes again closed his Hotel auk' al.ables and consequently will not give accornmo- dation to the public. He is also giv- ing up the ivery businese it le said. Mrs. McGuire will twain furnish meals 10 the travelling public as formerly It is said. W(3 have not beard definitely what Mx. Vodden intends doing but ' think it likelY he, with his fatuilY vvill move to his flu in East or the village in the near femme. residence, 0. P. Beaker, Shakespeare, thence to St. Andrew's cemetery, Noah Elestliope. The funeral was largely attended showing the esteem in which she was held: Rev, Mr, Jainiesori officiated, °Amsted by Mr, nigh, Following acted as pallbear. els, two eons, john and Alex, ; two sonsein-law, S. Hamilton end (3. P. Becker ; two grandsons, Arthur and Alexander 'Hyde. Floral offerings were beautiful, including a pillow with "Mother" as the inscription. Friends and relatives were present from Thedford, St, Thomas, St. Marys, Stratford, Toronto, Wallace alid ASthabUla. LI Portrait Maitland sels, dUced it G. you now. '"TEMPUS, F. VVILE,.. sorry do not get your taken at the • Studio, Brus- this month at Re- Prices. See to FUGIT." • Maitland ifonoct-Tino Pow.. • •Waitetedenap--Wse Watrsolo. Harris. cotm. County uounoil-W, Lana Nor pals -David l'hom_pson, Soap shob imnn-1P. it. Smill, fee niers i II 1110 il letrice tie All k, at home and Rd watt' 111 Louisiana, are sons and Ill t.s. Oscar Tebbute of Ullii- ton is a daughter. Jamestown Alio, mcp},,,,,m,, of Brmseis, wee ,,, visitor here iill Sl111(10. D. Sti at Inc Patriotic Reamed re -Meg -G. P. Noltlaod, 1' -k of Nova Rooth., Reduced Millinery -Geo, AL maohell. Worignam tenan aesisted Ooticerl in. Ethel Monday night. 4 1 MIRS Ionian of Brussels Wet4 it ViSit. het. Nes, D', m0)01,0,1(1,1 • 'vY qistrut .41 •C til 5 - Mee. Peter McIntosh, a resident of Kinlose townehip, died Sunday in the hospital hel.e after• undergoing ail operation. She is survived by her or with BiLter, on Sunday. Service was suspended here Sunday e v e li I tl g owing to the inclemency of Belgrave IrtereirterE.- Next Tuesday after. itoon the regular ineeting of Belgrave Women'eLiettlute will beheld in the Foresters Hall. A special program will be presented. A. union Bible Society meeting will be held in the 111ethoclist church at 7 °Meek next, Sabbath evening. Ad- dresses mil be given by Die local pas- tors on this worthy cause. Last Sabbath evening Rev. D. Per- vie, of Wingham, preached in Knox church here. Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick and hie Congregation joined in the sereice. Rev. Mr. Boyle was at Wingharn. Richard Procter, Vice President of 13russels, Grey & Morris Municipal Telephone Co., was at Toronto last week as the delegate from the local Godmany. A short report may be read elsewhere. . • Moncrielf At tile Nrystery Eivening enteetain- eient o be held in Union church, rity ing of next wen., ek, in co Echeven nection with the ptogram Miss Ethel idoNitught will contribute readings end Mr, Hanley, tete of Owen Sound will sing. A good time is expected, husband and nine deughters. Soule of the citizens heve state thet they eye willing to adopt some Bel- giall abillflrell when they have the opportunity. The teonten 01(1gli•le are still milking clothing in their spare time about here. of Mr. ne's friends beel v Some Sere ere anxious about WS whereabouts as they have heard no news from him the weethee. An enjoyable time was spent by the young people at the home of Will. and Mrs. McDonald on Tuesday even- ing, The host and hostess weve kiielliese personified. The ladies of 1.11e Jamestown iietitoade ti, canvass Women's Ite m of this community for the Red 01.038 Fund and collected the tidy stun of Walton A ball will be held hi the A. 0. IL W. Hall Friday evening of this week. Rot has it that a couple more weddings are on the program for not far distant dates. se Several ears of cattle have been brought here from Toronto market for Winter feeding. The Ladies' Guild of St. George's • church purpose holding a Bazaar in the Workmen's .all on Wednesday December 9th. Further particulars on bills late'. On the evening of Tuesday, Decem- Entertain- bee 2211d, a Christmas Tree En melt will be held by the Sabbath of St. George's church, in the A 0. U. W. Hall. Several font this locality attended the funeral of the late Mrs. David McLaughlin, known to many in this vicinity, last Saturday. She was buried at Brussels. James Simpson had a metallic roof put on his silo. the work being done by Lorenzo Wain, of Grey. Mr. Simpson has everything very comfort- able about his premises, • A general overhauling of the stab- ling at Moody Holland's, Boundary ' him been on the .program. He has had cement flooring, new stalls, &c., put in and will have water installed for horses and cattle. L.. Frain, of Grey•township, had the contract and did a good job. MATE/MONIALt-Wednesday of this week by the help of Rev. R. A. Lun- ay, George E. McK. Habkirk and Miss Lizzie Shannon, bah a McSillop, were united in marriage althe manse here. The bride ie. daughter a Jno. Shannon. We wish Mr.. and Mrs. Habkirk many happy, prosperous years of ,marned life. Wroxeter A. Stemler. of Mildmay spent Sat urdity with W. Goldner. ' • A T. R. Isennett, of Willghalla, calla -district. on friends in the village on Mond v - a" ' Mrs. Jno, Morrison is visiting herstriking daughter, Ales. E. Cardiff, of Brussels./ fro W. S. McKercher returnedfrom Toronto on Friday where he had spent several days. The Bishop of Huron will hold a Conflemation service in the Anglican church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Jiro. and Mrs. McNaughton, al', Sleirnberryr entertained the choir oh the Presbyterian church last Wedues-V day evening, Miss Sophie Robinson was a dele. gate to the Stratford District Libraryi Institute meeting held in Walkerton Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs* T. Ni' Wesley, assisted by Earl Reis. concluc_ted the Young People's meeting in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. The sub- jeet was "Ten pointe of a good Society." since he left Valeartier. He was a Sergeant with Capt. Sinclair and took • a great Intel eget) the Boy Scants. Diffevent churches are preparing fnr s Keel services. the fleet bein in the PPresbyterian chevch next gStinday, when Rev. Dv. McCrea, of London, will address the congregations and Oil the night following e. supper ivill be Ib served in the lecture rooms. geternnn IN SEwEe,.- Chester me Hill aged 30, met instant death Mon- , ' -School uay afternoon when a large section of the new sewer on Josephine street, suddenly caved In. Hill was in the bottom of the treneh laying a pipe and was caught without the thence of escape. He was buried under 10 feet of heavy earth and al- though other workmen worked hard to'clig him out it was 3 hours before they could l'each him. He wag still holding the sewer pipe in his hands when found. Coroner Kennedy or- (loved an inquest and the jury viewed the body and adjourned until Tues- clay Hill leaves a wife and two small chrldren. OBITUARY.-Tbere passed away at $56.30. They are workers all right, A Patriotic Ootteeri under the ale- pices of the Women's Institute will be held in Victoria Hall, on Tbursday, Dec. Sid. An excellent, literary and musical progiam is being prepared. Particulars later. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.- The next meeting cif the Women's Institute will be held at Victoria, Hall on Thursday, Nov. 261h, commencing at 2 p. In, "Care of house plants for Winter blooming" and "Suggestions for simple Christmas gift's," will be inteoduced by Miss Jeniee Simpson &Ind Mies Lizzie Miner; Current events will be weed for by Miss Agnes Miller. A. good turmout asked for as program will be interesting and in- structive. In enelosing his subscription to Tent Poem A. F. McDonald vvrites hone Pusweign, Sask., unde!! date of Nov. 711t as follows :-Have had very tine Fall here and there has been a great deal of plowing done so that, if kindly Nature does her part, as me doubtedly she will, a bumper crop should be reaped next year. Had our so that a considerable portion of hi life has been spent in Stratford are Mr McOutcheon has a genial 001 . : . . personality and in the cum . ^ e , . • areeively shot 4 term of Ins residenc here bus won a swing place in th esteem of Stratford citizens, .eueh a only genuine worth could have gain m ed, This is made clear by. mention o ehis ho,lcling such positionsat_the pree, nt tune as W. M. of xecunasei Lodi.e A.. F. and A. M. • member o • . ' ' • I the ublic Library Board, of ethic he has b 1 ' Seeretar the Buirn 6 ItOlorileumanit;tee of K.Yrinc3, , church , andgPresident of the W. F A., indicative of a healthy interest ii manly sport. Me. McCutcheon is still a 701.111 man full -of energy and ambition an, possesses high qualifications as a e„ xecutive.officerewhith will be ealle Into requisition in his new posit:tor as the administration of the Wort , will , . men s Compensation Act rased. i the development of a considerabl staff, which Mr. MoCutcheon wi superintend, his relationship theret resembling that of the deputy head c a department. He will have congenic association in the chairman, San Price, K. C, also at one time of th city 02 85. Thomas. Mr. McCutcheo will be greatly missed here but regre - at his preferment for so Ilonaobi % and responsible position as the orle Ix is to occupy. Mr. McOutcheon is the son of th late W. H. McOutcheon, who was former resident of the 5111 Oen. c Grey township. Hearty_ congratulr tions are extended to him over le appointment. Cranbrook Several from this localitY attended the Concert in Brussels last Monday evening. Mrs. 0. Knight ea. children are back from a visit to the parental home at St. Thonms. A party Was held at Win. Looking's last Friclay evening when the young people enjoyed a big time. There was no service in either the PI esbyterian or Methodist churches last Sunday. Sabbath School was held in the latter. Mrs, Erwin Hunter, who is in tram. ing for a nurse at Guelph Hospital, is here foe a visit with her parents and other relatives and friends. Twife and family of A. Leitch he arrived in Cranbrook from Atter- Cliffe driving the past week. They ale living in the A. McDonald reel./ dence, Mrs. George D. Campbell, of Mile. stone, Sask„ was operated on for ap- pendicitis at a Regina Hospital and at last report was making a good re- covery. Swas formerly Miss Sara he Long, daughter of Jacob and Mrs. Long of Cranbrook. Clinton IVIost successful anniversttry services were held Sunday in the Baptist church by Rev. H. E. Priest. A speci- al song service, including selections by a Stentford quartette, was muth enjoyed. FATAL ACCIDENT. -William Perdue, aged 69, of Goderich township, was instantly killed and his wife 681,1°1181y hurt Saturday evening when as they were delving home, their herses took fright at two lads riding bicycles and jumped into the ditch, Mr. Perdue Wee hurled against a telegraph pole and had his head smashed in. His wif 1 was found unconscious and re- =tined in that rendition for some time. She is viiilleloing greatly fit shock itiel it is not known yet juin, how hadle hurt she is. The iterident her residence on the 9th line of Turn- berry Twp„ Mrs. Margaret Adelaide Hastings, after an illness of about three menthe. She was in the 55111 year of her age, being born in Bow- ick township ill 1858. Besides bee huller, who es now at the age of 96 years, she is survived by 6 sons and 3 &stets, namely :-William Ohesley, of New Liskeard ; Robert Elinyer, David Elden, Edmond Noble, Alexan- der Roy and Alvin Burns at home ; Mrs. Heniry Grane, of Zetland ; Mrs. Edmond Tuskey, of Belinore and Mrs. H. Ohittick, of Newininster, New Brunswick. In religion Mts. Hast- ings was a Presbyterian and /1. devout worker in the chervil, where she will be greatly missed. The remains were interred in Wingliain cemetery Mon. day ertemoon, the funeral being held from her late residence. Services first touch Ilf White'. yesterday, when it. snowed all day, about. a foot falling. liave been teaching ancl directing operations on my faun this year. Hoping all is 0. k. (old wishing you continned heithli and happiness. ANS ARM SOLD. Enweb 1311:YF THEa -This week the tine 100 acre Neu of the late Edward 13vyans, Lot 12, Con. 2, Grey township, was sold to James McOuttheon, of London, a son of the late W. H. eleOutcheon, formerly of Grey township. Purchaser gets poeseseion on the 1st of next Marehei Mrs. Buena and claughtels will' probably take up residence in Bios- stile. Mr. and Mrs. Bryitne were old and highly esteemed residents of "lie 2nd Lion. Mr. Mc:Ceti:hoop 8°Id his fru le near Mitchell a year oi. so ago and now comes back to his old home township. • --.....-- Morris August Gubr has completed the Blyth Creek Dude. A new barn has been erected by, William Gray, lth line, Next Council meeting will be, held Monday of next week, 2.3edinst. Several farmers are investing in lightning rods for their buildings A fine one, one of Joe Shaw s finest team, died very suddenly a few weeks ago. Mrs. Robb. Smith, 6th line, ie visit- ing with relatives at Baden for a week. The Misses Yuill, of , Stratford . Normal School, were home for the week end. Shan:mien, 5th . line, arrived home lest Saturday from a visit of a month with her daughter, Mrs. Sma11,1 at Wingham. ' Friday evening December 18th, is the date for a Pie Social to be ,held in the Jackson 'church, 8th line, under the auspices a the Sabbath School. A. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Wing- ham, are visitors at Alex. Cloakey's. The latter has been bothered with a sore eye but; we hope he will soon be all eight. Geo. B.- Turvey, 2nd Line has re- turned borne after treating__ for n month with a specialist. We are pleased to state that his condition is much improved. . A Box Social will be held at the home of Frank iticOuteheon, MI line, on the evening of Nov. 27th under the auspices of 1110 A. Y. P. A. of St, John's church, 13russels. J. E. Sellers, 3rd line, had a good rnare die one day last week. The beast had worked all day as usual apparently all right but, took sick and was soon dead. Indigestion was the cause, it is said. Grey ' Next, Council meeting will be held on Thursday December 101h. ,Mrs. W. Tracey, of Chautauqua and Mile Schell, of Jamestown, N. Y. Stale, were visiting their sister, Mrs.f W. J. Sharpe, for a while. Mrs. C. Martin, of liarriston, and Mrs, John FloimeS, of Molesworth, are in attendance at the bedside of their father, John Bishop, 5th Con., who continues very low. "Jen," youngest son of Jas. and Mrs, Armstrong, nth Oon., has been threatened with appwereidiecrietisobetdit :es feeling better now state. Mies Gladys McQuarrie and Will, Hoover were.visiting at their reepec- Live parental homes for a couple of days, returning on Monday to the Normal School at Stratferd. Keep the Mystery evening on Fri- day 27th inst., in 'Chiron church in mind, Itis tinder the auspices of the. Ladies' Aid and after supper a royal good program will be put on in which local and outside talent will take place. Tickets are only 25cents, Tea served fermi 6 to 8 o'clock. Roes eicKinnon, son of Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, 7111 Con., who has been in the West has enlisted hi the second contingent to go to Emope and is Dow in Montreal. Me has taken quite an Intel est in military affairs and we linpe he will come back without a soar when the war is over. The 100 acre farm of James Botz, 1101 Con. has been purchased by Henry Hoover, of Saginaw Mich., a brother to R. J. Hoover, 9th Cone,' Spey township, who pays the sum of $5,Q00 for it, getting possession on March 1st next. Mr.. Betz is in the West at the present dine and the ram has been woriced by Dickson Bios. Property is desirably located .aniT,' will make a fine home for Mr. Hoover and family. They were forna er residents of Bast Wawancish, Mrs. Hoover being a sister to Reeve Cruntsbell of that township. Fenn, Wag in posseasion cif the Betz fandly' for the peat 50 or mote years. • Alas. Hem SR. DIES,- Death re- moved one of North Easthope's pioneer settlers on Monday, Nov. 2, when Mary CunninghamMortday, aged 83 years ancl 10 months, passed away, she being widow of the late Alexander Hyde, %vim predeceased her 22 yeas ago. She had always been able to be up and around and deeth came with n startling soddeness. She was a kind, loving mother and was one of whom it could be said, "None knew her but to love her, none named her hut to praise," She was everybody's friend. Her chief joy was in imparting hap- piness to others. The community feels its toes deeply but rejoices in her great gain foe having fought the good fight of faith. She has entered the tours eternal rest ili bOUSe llOt Made with hernisi elevnal in the heavens. Most heat troth sympathy is extended to the sorrowing family, 4 eons turd 4 daughteve survive. They are :-. Geotge A., Wellesley township ; Hugh and John, Stratford ; Mrs. W. Cap- ling iii SathatcheWall ; Mrs. R. Ida- Lachlam Stratford ; Mee, C. P. Beek- ete Shakespeare ; and gra. S. Hamil- ton, St. Thomas and two sietere sur- 'Hee ; Mrs. E. Gordon, St, Marys and Mes, B. Gibb, Toronto. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon Nov. 5bh, ab 8 o'clock from her sort-in-law'S Fire of unknown orighrdid damap which will total SLOG° in L P. Long gent's furnishing store Stratford earl Sunday. Policeman Scott discovere the blaze, which was soon gotte under control. happened nit 1 ht. Rs v fb.10 road ehout Well. eIllidueted by Rev. O. Tait, 4 mile; 2 1.11111 rlim..,11. Mt. P , rdue Illuevale. Thema WAS a large attend- Ethel Mittmattity at half 'Infos at Geo. M. Mit- Brussels School Board - ' - - 're-' - .144.4.444 -+++++ 4..,.. + 4. + + + ' ully repared 1: + + +and + + FOR THE q. t' 4 + ''King, 4. + + 4. ÷ coLD.sNAp + * assameleaRialienisiNde + .LIBERAL alien's, Ethel. The township Council will meet here ou Thursday Deeember 10th, Rev. J. 1. 'McCulloch supplied for Rev. Mr. Nicol et Listowel last. Sun- a 'T• - . 1 ober t 1 horopson, son Win. Thomp son, retureed home bout the Wes1 says terms are o complete failure in some pants. • We ape pleased to state that John 91.11 Con, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, is improving nicely now and will soon be as hearty as ever we hope. Last, week E. B. &melees %vas at Wallusi ton the Public' The regular meeting of Brusse School .Board was held last Fride evening, in the Board room of tl Public Library, all the membei present except Jas. Fox. Minutes of last meeting read an passed. Au account was passed for 80 Principal Scott was instructed to pr, cure the necessary Art, pictures f( the Continuation School. Board then adjourned. CONVENTION IN . NORTH HURD .....„.............. + • + + + + * S the colder weather has now arrived we wish to + + + call the special attention of our Customers to the 4. + 4, 4' fact that with our large and well selected stock 4. + + + of seasonable goods we are well prepared to supply * . + * your requirements in all lines of + * ,e+ 4, attending Libeary Institute. Ile was re-elected al member of the leer untie° and de- selves the honor 'nen. he has been a very regular attendant - . . SALE 07 YOUNG- OATTLE.-Sattirday .nrcornooli .of this week an Auction Sale of 40 cheIeo young cattle will be held at the Royal Hotel yavds. They are the property of A. L. Mc,Donald, the well known local drover. They ai e roan mid red in color. F. S. At a meeting of the Liberals . No h Huron, held at Blyth, c i t Tuesday afternoon. of this week, was decided to hold a Nominatir Convention for the riding in Win ham on Tuesday, December 8th, at p. ne'. Addresses were delivered 1 Be F. Pavdee. 111 P. of Sarnia ; V Proudfoot, M. P. P., Centre Hare and °them. The fierce storm forbad the attendance of many Who. pn posed being there, + . , + e * + et .1. 4.+ o + + 4. 1. + - * 4. + + * General Dry Goods, l'eurs, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Ladies' up-to-date and good quality Cloth Coats Fur -lined and Fur -collared Coats, Underwear,' Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts An Excellent Range of ' Deese Goods and Silks -the NEWEST and )3EST ,Mert's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits and Underwear Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Sweater Coats Light and 11 in. Rubber's _ . + + + 4. + + + + +4, ..i. I p + 4' * + + + + se Scott will be the auctioneer. •Rev. I. A. McKelvey attended the funeral of '.1.110s. Daily, 11(1 Con. (tf Jfln oll SalueflaY. Mr. Daily was in hie 77th year iLlid was one of the pioneers of Nornington having lived there frn many years before he moved to Blum about 10 years ago. He was a Bit y faithful official member of the Trowbridge Methodist church. ' W. 0, Rupp, (if Si. Thomas. is visite ing his sister, Mrs. Thomas Davidson, Bed othee old friends. Ile has vecent- ly retuened from ili Wiese months visit thvough the Southern States and Gall- rovnia and along the coast to Victoria taking in BM the cities and feint orchards and reports he had a good time. He says °Well° is the home Morris Council - J W McCUTCHEON 0 A , ' ' / ' '. Receives appointment of . Secretary to the Provincial Workmen's 00Mpeneatien ' Board. " - Council meeting was held in 1.1 Towns,higlIall, on Monday, Oct. 20t Members present, Reeve presiditi Minutes of last meeting were read al: approved. A petithen for a menicip drain was received from J. Robb at others. Ityvas entertained and a cot sent to the Township Engineer. Ft lowing accounts were paid :-A., Pc lard, gravel. 53.60; James Peacoc gravel, $5.00; Er. Smith, gravel, 111831 McLean Btos., advertising, $3 92 ; SI Robertson, repairing, grader, 81514' Frank Guttridge cement, $14.85 of Corporatioof tilith, hall rent, $5,01 Municipal World, supplies, 95c, Mo ick Mehra' insurance on Hall, $1,6( D Rairmay, undersbrushing siderot 25 cold 26, $15.00 ; R. Adams, grave ling East holy., $6.00 ; David Smit tile, $2.00 ; Wni, Gibson, farra bridi B. C. D., $15.00 ; Jho emel], clew ing award drain, 50.50; 1 H. Itlit cement culvert, $4.00, tile death ace° road, $4,00, cleaning catch basin 131 drain, $100, 884411011 tile 135c ; Geoll Best, been bridge Smith drain, lot oon. 12, Grey, $15 00 i Fraser Ember ' Sarni bridge Ellis drain, $20,00 ; Anti McMillen, fent bridge 13. C. De $15 0 $. IL Bell, farm bridge 13.CLD., $15 Of Oliver Oampb(311, gravel and fens Gray's bridge, 523.46; :John CamPhe lights on Cruickshank s bridge, $4,4 lifting platik floor, $2.00 ; MeArter Miller, (Utah and tile amebic; rea $10.00 • W. Ferguson, filling and ft Ing culvert Nichol drain, $10,00, pe ting,,in tile culvert, $200 1 Ed. War digging Commit's; shitre of Anclerie award, 58400, putting ie tile civet $2 00 • B. YoUnt gravel, $2.40 ; Jr Brinhy. lutaber . bh line Midge. gat) _ He is an Oki Prop Township Boy.. - The Stratford Daily Herald says :- It is undeestood that an appoint. ment has been decided upon by the Ontario Government which will give host of Stratford satiefactioe to theCorporation friends 02 3. M. McCdtcheon, 13. A, 13. Paed., English Master at the Nor- mat school, as that gentleman has been chosen to be Secretary. of the Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario, at a very respectable salary, involving a good step up. Mr. Mc- Cutcheon has sent in his resignation to the Education Department and ex s peots to take up his new work on December, let or thereabouts, de. endine on the sectirin of a ettc- Pg cosset. fot hie deparierieet at the Nor- mei School His office will be in the Ontario Government Buildings, Tor- onto, ,,,, Mr. IVEcOetcheon came to Stratford in September 1908, OA ft member of the Normal BOA when that Institution began work, He had previously been for 8 years on the St. Thomas Public School teaching staff, rising to be Principal of the Public and Model Scheele. Be had previously taught runt] schools in Aldborough . and Tralee in Mornington, Ile was born n Grey toveriehip Huron Co and pent, his boyhood year' in LlitoWel + 4. .1. + + + .1. + + + . YARN 2 YARN II T hiS settsOn we are able to supply you with it better Yarn Ulan we we have been able to secuee for seeevalyears. ' We have it in two and three•ply in Bleck Mid Light end Blue, Grey, Mixed, ' ' • White, Royal Blue and Cardinal. Tins Yarn le worth knitting. '.1:Iry it. ,T, + / + + + + . + 4' for him. . AetenvenssAiee - The Anniversary Si vices (ff the Presbyterian church lest Sabbath were well attended despite the very inclement weather.. ttliV, Air. Nei( 1, (4 Limo%) el, preach. t.d two splendid ilevilions. leie choir which was ably assisted by Miss of eeve, and Geo. Halliday, BelgMrs, Krauter of Bi ussels did exceedingly + + 4. + + + ++ :re * . See our values hi All Wool Blankete. Don't forget our' STANFIELD Undervreav for+ Illen. . PENMAN'S Underwear for Ladies. And our famous All Wool Winter Hosiery for Ladies, Miracles, Children and Boys. + 4. 4, . 1 well and rendered Soffi9 very choke, anthems. 'Miss Halliday also sang a couple of solos in good voice and they were ranch appreciated. Tun Bine:tares -On Monday (wee- ing it Patriotic COVICerb WAS held in the Township Hill wider the rices of the Presbyterian chuith, In • spite of the emelt blizzae d which was vag- itig the Ilall was ffilsd by an 00- * , '1' ' 4, December S andard Fashion + + Standard Patterns 4. + ,4. . . • • • iilef+++++++.1014++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sheets Free. are alwas ysatisfactor. • + , 4' y , i • 47 . 4, + .1 , 4. thusiastio itudithee. A. fleet: dime prograin watt ventlered which con, suited of several selections hy the 13elgeave Quartette ; solos by Doegald $11'1101111,11 ; chorus by choir ; recite- tions, Rev. lelts Boyle of 13elgrave 1 addressee, Reek. 13oyle, Beave 1 8elli Mnleswnith ; and McKelvey,a Ethel, The addresses were excellent. Rove I, L. McCulloch teed° ail ail, cient cheirman. Proceeds of the evening Was for the Belgian Fund and enuounted„te over 880, W. 11. KERR, Proptietor e 1 0 1. e e N 32 11 11 g 1 v11 10 A, Monfewen, salary, $100.00, broken buggy. 5200, teleplione, 40e; Jt Gehl., extra 00 filytb Greek Arpin, 51170,00; J. Keeper, on Hopper drain, 5130.00, ()outwit then queued to meet Mons day November vd. MeeiEweri, Clerk, INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE ASSOCIA- TION CONVENTION, That• this association believes that the time •hes arrived when all tele- phone companies, both Dominion and Provincial, should be required to interchange business, both local and long distance, on terms of equality, We hold that, as public utilities en- joying' public privileges, all companies are on an equality and in justice to the people, from whom these privileg- es are derived, these meane of com- munication Omani be accessible to all citizens without discrimination. • The above resolution was passed by ,the delegates to the Independent Telephone Association's Convention at the City Hall, Toronto, Thursday of last week. A further resolution thanking the ProvinCial Government for the Telephone Act was also passed. Before the peoceedings, •concluded the following officers were elected Honorery President, G. W. Jones. Port Hope ; Presidents, A. Denham, Blenheim ; Vice -President, F. S. Scott, Brussels ; Secretary -Treasurer, F. Dagger, Toronto ; Executive Com- mittee, P. R. Crayen, New Liskeard ; EL B. Dawson, Mount Pleasant •, An - eon Groh, Waterloo ; A, Hoover, Green River ; Lieut.-0ot., Mayberry. Ingersoll; Dr. W. Doan, ' Harriets. vine ; F. E. Webster, Creamers -, A. McLean, Paisley ; Geo. Tait, Bridge - burg and M. A, Gee, Selkirk; Audi- tors, G. B. Adams, Harrietsville ; E. G. Hoover, Selkirk. ' 10 11 • g. id id 1.1 1- 1 - Id 55 d. 1. 10 0; e, 11, d, sc- itt t, s. • i FROM SALISBURY PLAINS. ENG. The following extracts from a letter received by his mother from Will. 3. 131:0WIL one of Molesworth's repre- sentetives on the first Contingent will be read with interest. Mr. Brown is a member of the 3rd Field Ambulance CoprpEsA.R Plet Ton kriA-RowEhNol;-I jaum8tgaet few glia01008n if10, hoping this will find you all well as xt leaves me fine. You can't imagine where I am writing this letter, well I will tell you, we have (mine over to a little village to church this afternoon and tbe good old person has supplied us with paper, pen and ink and we are writing in the basement of the church. The girls have fixed up tables and seats for us. Church is very old built in 1762 and everything is old and quaint. The girls have shown us all through it and theou eh the gvaveyard behind the church, same of the grave stones are dated back as far as MOO, We have been singing eti the organ almost all afternoon. There is only about 200 of a population in the vil- lage. The people are very kind to us and call us their Canadian cousins. We had dinner with an old lady who has two sons at the war and she is very poor. We gathered up 15 shilling among 8 of us and gave it to her. Besides paying for dinner, we promised to gd back and have supper - before church time. Some of the people here have never seen a large town, they have little farms and live in the village. We have had very miserable weath- er since 1 wrote you last, raining day and night and it is raining now. We are wet through every day but we are getting used to it. The rain cornett through the tents very badly end we might jest as well sleep outeide, but we are not so badly off as the poor fellows at the front who are lying in the trenches in the rain. The Germans are malting a bold attempt to capture Calais, just 20 miles across the English channel from Dover. If they take it we shall likely be sent to the front immediately. We get all the latest war „news brought into the camp every day. Some of the flying machines in our camp have flown over to France, which is not very far from here, but cif e01,1118 they were not carrying guns they were only scouting. 'We are go- ing to get three dolt leave before we start for the front. I ain going home' with one of my comrades, labs people live in New Castle mici have emit me an invitation to Conte with Fretek, he was one of tny chutes in 13randon. I am looking for letters from home. and if we are away teens here they will be forwarded on to me, Suppos- ing we are in the fighting line we will etill have mail brought to us, if we will get any chance to read it, Eng - laud is a nee countt'y, the hedges, stone fences and thateliede0ofs oh the houses are very old fashioned. I saw O limn atni a clog leading a large bunch of sheep to -day to be killed fee mutton for the soldiers, They are not driving them as they would at home, but they were111 follovrihg the num and the dog Was keeping the stragglets in their pla0e, Marty of the Gerinens in England ate being arrested end made prisoners of war. They have caught a lot of them spyiets so thought it Would be best to arrest them and make sure. One of the guards in the camp shot e, German here on Friday, He lied enough poieon on hito to kill the whole Canadian army, Fle was try- ing les put ib in the large Water tanks He shot, the guard through the knee but had his brains blown Out before be could do much. Well I Will have to close and give some one else a chance to write. Hopingto heti' front you 00 i, 1 reirtainwyne, Isonvialivirgare, "Pond Pam Cane Stdisbory riakeri Hemet& Oct, 10111,