HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-11-12, Page 8Tooth Brushes .... . MNIIIMEMI ..... A new lot ,received in assorted shapes and bandies—at rye each, They are good value Other Tooth Brushee are to, 25 and 35c each. Olean Teeth air ; i5'ita.,z., atx:t To keep your teeth clean Use— Rexall Tooth Pante Rexall rearl Tooth Powder or Euthymoi Tooth Pasta; Auy one of these preparations will whiten and beautify your teeth, and at the same time retard decay and give the mouth a Lice sense of cleanliness, 7 hey coma at ase. Your Films We are most careful in the develop. went of films left with us and you can feel sure of getting the best results. Although our policy is not "How Cheap" but "How Good," you will find our prices most reasonable. And by the way, right now is the very best time to have prints made for Christmas Calendars, Snap Shot Al- bums, &c. Tie :17 store F. R 1 SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Vaal betas t.enlim GET ready for Winter. How are your dried apples ? WHAT about the Home Guard ? IO CENTS gets THE POST to January rat next, THE Pryne mill is having a great run this Fall. BRUSSELS School Board Friday even - fog of this' week. QUITE a quantity of hay Is being marketed in town. SYM°PHONV Quartette, Town Hall next Monday evening, ADvERTteo the strayed and straying stook in THE Pose, 'THE tinsmith's have had a busy time setting up stoves for Winter use. FOURTH Division Court was held Wednesday with a light docket. Judge Holt occupied the Bench. A new telephone has been • installed at the home of Mrs. Henry Woods, Albert street, Brussels. LOCAL news as usual on page 5. There are special items that will interest you on that page this week. D. EWAN s factory has a prime stock of cutters ready for the coming Winter See them if you purpose buying. WHAT about that photo? G. F. Maitland is offering bargains for the Christmas gift making, Slee his advt. THERE is no shortage of poultry in the country judging by file supply that is arriving at R. Thomson's emporium these weeks. ANNUAL meeting of Hurou Co. Child- ren's Aid Society was held in the Court House, Goderich on Tuesday afternoon of this week. ' MONDAY was the anniversary of the disastrous storm on Lake Huron in which so many crafts were overtaken and lost last Fall. A wive goose was shot by Fred, Bur- chill last Saturday in Grey township on the Botz farm There was a flock of them temporarily t feeding mere. This one weigecl 7* pounds ounds g A HOL MCQUARRIE writes that he is wellleas ed with the business outlook at Victoria Harbor. A good newspaper is a big assest to any place and if it "plunked" out the difference would soon be noticeable. Every business man and woman should support it. SATURnAY of this week the amalgama- tion of the Metropolitan Bank and the Bank of Nova Scotia takes place and after that the combined institution will he known as the Bank of Nova Scotia. We are glad to state that the local manager will continue to he F. H, Gilroy. STOLE THE MULES.—Word comes from the West that some persou or persons made a night call at john B. McLauch- lin'a stables, changed shafts from bug- gy for a pole and harnessing a span of Working mules drove off with them. The outfit was worth $500 or Shoo. Efforts may be successful as to the loca- tion of the thief. Mr, McLauehlin was a former resident of this locality and is engaged in Farming near Salt Coats, Sask. We hop.: the impudent intruder p P Will be nabbed anti made pay the penal- ty. PETTY THIEvrNG —Of late complaints have been made of lost rubber coats, rugs, whips and even parcels from buggies in hotel and church sheds. All pilfering is despicable but whoever the perpetrators are they are doing Brussels more harm than all the gain they are making. No meaner thing can be said of a piece than that everythme movable has to be taken outof a rig by the proprietor when he comes to town to make sure of it to go home. We un- derstand a watch has been set at the sheds in the hope of detecting the cul. prits and if they are landed an example will be made on a charge of thieving thatav land them behind the m bars of Goderich j,il. Suspicion points to cer- tain parties and if corroborative proof can be obtained the wheels of Justice will be set in ,notion. A search warrant may be issued in the hope of securing some of the articles taken in the past few weeks. It will be no joke if the guilty parties are apprehended. QUIET WEDDING—At high noon Ob Wednesday of this week a quiet but pretty wedding was on the program at the reeidence of D. and Mrs. Ewan, Market street, whet Rev. A. J. Mann, 13. A, tied the matrimonial knot be- tween Lorne W, D. Eckmier, a well known young` gentlemen in town and Miss Helen E„ youngest daughter of the host aid hostess, Thegood looking bride Was, given away by her father and she wore her travelliug suit of navy bide serge. After• congratulations the party sat down to a tastily prepared luncheon. Wedding was confined to immediate friends owing to Mrs. Ewan's health. M. end Mrs, Eckmier left on the afternoon train fora short tour and On returning will take up residence at` "Sprilibank," King street, the recent home of C. R. Bennett and family, who ere in the West. Many good wishes are tendered til Mr. and Mrs, Eckmier for a Wig, happy, useful and pfosperoue life, THE huntsmen are having their innings, HAVE you reserved your seats for the Concert ? Plan at the Fox Drug store. A, E AND MRS, HERSEY have moved to the Mrs. Howard property, on Turn - berry street. NEXT Monthly Horse Fair Thursday. December 3rd. Mark down the date or clip out the list on page 4 of THE POST. ANOTHER wedding or two said to be on the list before Spring arrives. Brus- sels will supply the contracting parties, THE POST thanks a number of stab. scribers who have squared up during the past week. We are ready now for the next batch, WobIEN'S INSTITUTE,—The nett regn• lar meeting of Brussels Women's Insti- tute will be held in the audience room of the Public Library cn Friday, Nov aotb, at 2.3o o'clock. Provincial Con- vention report of London and Toronto will be given. A good attendance ask- ed for. —0 Comm 0ComLmR dog strayed. Red in color and has a leather °oiler, Information oon5erning him will be thankfully received, ORAS, OROee• PTELD. Brussels, • POTATOse wanted for shipping. W. J. 1tfoORACEEN, Brussels, 'Phone 48, SPEOTAOtEa found. Owner may have same. by proving property and paying for notice. THE Poem. Slut, purse lost on Gravel road South last Saturday. In addition to the money there was a return ticket, Walton to Blyth. Will the finder greatly oblige the loser by leaving it at Tag Posm Brussels. PoTATogs wanted. Callon or 'phone 1), C. Ross, Brussels. TEAst of working horses for sale. L. Ho,LINGse, James street, Brussels. Goon brink house on William street for sale together with good stable and driving shed. Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc. Por futher particulars apply to GEORGE '1 nooses, Brussels. • CREAMERY WILL RUN ALL WINTER.— Mussels Butter Factory will ruu all Winter and for the balance of Novem- ber willpay 29cents:per pound of butter fat P at for all cream at d dative e r the factory on Wednesday or Thursday.. If you desire other particulars call up W. W, Harris,the proprietor. prop alar. His phones are 38 and 22. STRATFORD District Library Institute meeting will be held at Walkerton on Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs. Jessie Kerr, Librarian of Brussels Public Library, will be the delegate from Brussels. Perth, Huron and Brace counties are included in the District. MELVILLE church frame shed. on the West side of the lot was bought by las. Sherrie last Saturday afternoon, at the Auction sale. He will move it to his farm. The church property will be im- proved in appearance by its removal, the large cement providing sheds rayl in the d necessary accommodation now for the horses, REDUCING TRAIN SERVICE. — Rum- or has it that a train each way on the W. G. & B. will be cut off, the it and it,3o arrival being likely to go. It is said the mail train will arrive earlier than at present and the afternoon train going East later. The G. T. R. is con- sidering its own interests t rests more than the public of course. This arrangement may only exist for the Winter. A live, healthy farmers' weekly news- paper is the Weekly Sun of Toronto. It is not owned by any "special in- terest," but takes a fearless and in- dependent stand on all public matters, regardless of politics. It stands for the farming interests, and Is in the thick of the fight. It bas the prestige of an established personality. You should read it—every issue. BRIGHT CAREER ENDED.—The Winni. peg Free Press speaks as follows of a former resident of this locality whose early demise is received with deep re- gret by the many friends of the family in Brussels and surrounding country :— Dr. Graeme Richardson, of Winnipeg," whose demise from septicemia took place November 3rd, at 4,30 in 'the morning in Winnipeg general hospital, was one of our younger city physicians, having opened a practice in the Boyd. block, July 1913 Dr, Richardson was the elder son of N. M. and Mrs. Richard- son and was born in Brussels, Ontario, in the year 1886, Ile received his early education in the public and high schools' of that town later taking up his studies in Manitoba Medical college, graduating from thin Institution in Intl, he became a member of the staff of house surgeons in the general hospital. As a city prac- titioner Dr, Richardson met with a good share of success and wee well and favor- ably known by a large association of friends both in this city and elsewhere. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and will be greatly missed par- ticularly by hie family and fellow asso- ciates. Besides his father and mother one brother. and sinter survive him and these will receive the sleben) sympathy of his many friends, . The funeral took place Friday afternoon from the reei- dence of deceased's uncle, Jas. Creedal!, Bell avenue, ll'ort Rouge, to Elmwood cemetery, Service Wes 0onduoted by Rev, Dr, Wilson, 1 Tbe Metropolitan Bank Which will be Amalgamated on Nov. 14th with The Bank of Nova Scotia THE BANK will then have a Paid-up Capital of $8,600,000, and 0, Reserve Fund of 511,750,000, and Branches .throughodt Canada and in the principal cities of the United States as well as in New- foundland and the West Indies, The greatly, increased resources and wide distribution of Branches will enable us to offer unexcelled facilities In every department of Banking, YOUR AOOOUNT SW -MUTED. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Tam week a rural telephone was in- stalled iu the home of Messrs. Sherrie and Sharpe, the former Grainger home- stead. TUESDAY was a reminder of whet is in store for the people in the matter of weather. Snow, rain and slop spoke of the Fall and Winter. Naw R. C. CEMETERY.— The author- ities of the R. C. church have perches - ed ti acres of land, opposite Brussels cemetery, front Wm. Rands, to be used for burial purposes. Heretofore in- terments were at Seaforth or what was known as "Bushfield," 6th line of Morris township. The new purchase will be fenced and layed out in plots. Rev. Fr. Fallon, the new priest, was one of the prime movers in securiug the property, THINGS HOPED FOR— A lively hustle in business. Early buying for Christman. News about the new postoce. Speedy termination of the war, Skating end Curling at the rink, too new subscribers to THE P051. Big audience Monday at the Concert, Good market for the big potato crop, Gopsiuox Star of last week says c-- James —James Bowman, M. P. for East Huron, was in town on Wedne-day and is com- pany with E. N. Lewis was making enquiries regarding the possibilities of our local factories for handling govern- ment contracts, A team of bustlers such as these two should be able 50 see that Huron factories are not overlooked where they are capable of doing the work. PLAN of reserved seats in the Town Hall for the Symphony Quartette Con- cert next Monday evening is open at Fox's Drug store. Talent comes from the Ithaca Conservator., and will present a well varied program of vocal and instrumental music, readings, &c. Tbey come under the auspices of Brus- sels Public Library. Tickets are within reach of all. Reserved seats 35 cents and general admission 25c. Don't for- get that next Monday evening is the date. If you area lover of good music take in this Concert, READ the advertisements and save money, A lady drove from' Molesworth locality to Brnssels to take advantage of bargains she read of in THE Posr. She got what she came after. It pays to advertise, Any one who thinks people do • not read advertisements can testthe matter withouts cost. THE P ' Oer will insert a columndvt free f e for 2 weeks if the doubter will en p make present e sent of a dollar's worth of goods to every- body verybody who calls with a marked copy of his advt. in THE POST before 11 a. m. Friday morning. Test it at our expense. Why do you exhibit goods at the store front ? HELP THE BEI.GIANs -This week Mrs. 1, T Wood and Miss Margaret Ament made a canvas ot'the town for subscriptions to the Belgian Relief Fund and met with considerable success The money which .was collected will be used for the purchase of material. Friday and Saturday of this week front 2 to 4o'clock the Women's Institute and friends will be at the Library to receive cast off clothing, dried apples, material for new clothing and cash contributions for this same worthy cause which will be made into clothing by 'be women tolk here. New material for sewing will be given out to ladies when they bring in their parcels of castoff clothing if wished. THE RED CROSS BALE.—Tuesday of y this week the following contributions were packed and shipped to Red Cross headquarters, Toronto, by the Brussels Women's Institute and friends; -3 shirts with attached collars, 6 pajamas, 7 pair wristlets, 2 cholera bands, 12 bed shirts, 5 night shirts, 7 scarfs, 29 pair bed socks, 44 rolls of bandages, 31 pairs hand knit socks, 39 mending kits, 4 kimonos. The three sales of home cookery, with some small money con- tributions, amounted to $36.97, Of this amount $27.85 was spent for materi- al purchased for supplies, leaving a balance of $9.02, The promoters wish to very heartily thank the people who have aided in this work so nobly. For the present the Red Cross work will be discontinued by the Institute. STAR RUGavITE —The London Free Press of Nov. 2nd in reporting the cap- turing of the District Rugby Champion- ship by the Western 'Un'versity team gives the photo and following reference to Edie McKay, formerly of Brussels, who is the speedy left end man of the Winners :-13v provoking the features of the game Eddie McKay and Arthur Smith should be rewarded with iroe crosses for their wonderful ground covering ability as the former by his terrific speed, provided Varsity with two touchdowns on fumbles uncorked by Sarnia's back divit,ion, as they failed to gather iu punts by Ross, who did pot resort to the kicking game until Varsity discovered that they had to hurry in the flea period with the score 7 to 6 against thein. The game was decided for Varsity when McCart dropped .e high punt 20 yards from his goal lige, the ball being, smothered by' McKay, Who evaded everybody in his way for his second touchdown 'of the game. ft On easily be seen that McKRy's efforts wore largely responsible for Varsity's cham- pionship, The close scoring during the opening threeperieds prevailed on ac. count eft failure of •Vanity 10 kick the, hall more, ee Was shown In the last quarter WHAT about the Hockey team and Curling Club organization for this sea- son ? THE PosT telephones are Nos. 31 & 32. You know what we mean. Well, see that you comply, A CAR of potatoes was shipped this week to Hatuilton by W. J. Mc- Cracken, grocer. AMENT BRoe, and others who were at Seaforih assisting in handling the head- ing stock there, are back to town, hav- ing completed the job BRussELs is well looked after by milk vendors, no less than 3 deliveries being on the move io addition to a few who have one or two customers. Quality is good too. HELPED by the recent rainfall the Maitland river is attaining its old time proportions and the Pryne mill will profit by it as the water wheels can be set to work la furnishing power. APPRECIATION. --I wish to express my appreciation of the man who on Wed- nesdav afternoon, while driving tied his horse to a fence at bile he drove a straying horse off the railway}' track when train Was corning near Barite eat. A. EDMoNsog, G T. It Engineer, BEET ENTERTAINMENT FOR A LONG tram—From Valpariso, Ind., the fol- lowing referring to the Symphony Quartette appearing in Brussels Town Hall next Monday evening comes ;-- "Pleased to state that Concert given by your people was up to the standard in every respect and was the best entertain- ment we pave had here for a long time." Attend'the concert Rad enjoy the pro- gram. The Co comes under auspices of Brussels Public Library. MusT HAvE THE SIGNATURE.—Nearly every week items of news and commute: cations are received by THE Pose minus the signature of the sender. Much as we would like to use some of the copy we decline to do so owing to the omis- sion. Of course we don't want the name for publication but we do require it as an evidence of good faith. Some people are ready to try to•palm off items not wholly correct hence the name at- tached is our guarantee that the items are o. lc. If you send items without your name and they do not appear you will understand the reason as this is a rule supposed to be rigidly enforced in every newspaper office. We are tawny., glad to receive newsy notes but Bout forget to affix y''ur signature. o r C N.ERT NEXTM[NDAY EVENING — Speaking of the talent of theSymphony Quartette who n Qput on the program ext Nlttnda eveningthe •r. y e followm will ^t. of interest :—Miss: Jessie Adkineon is a dramatic Reader of real ability She is also an accomplished pianist enabling her to give piano-logues of marked in. terest. Miss Charlotte Anthony's Whistling solos are one of the features of the program, In Miss Jennie Frost the Quartette have, a cellist of ability and herusi • i m La numbers willri' , ba a Ved. Edwin Frost, Violinist of the Com- pany, Is au artist who in solos and orchestral selections does his work in a very pleasing .manner Program is well varied and is sure to please all who at tend. Hall open at ,7.30 o'clock. Pro- gram at 8 15. Plan of reserved seats le open at Fox' s Drug Tickets ts 35 and 25 cents, Concert is under the auspices of Brussels Public Library. Arrange to attend next Monday evening. People' We Talk About Earl Anent has gone South for the Winter. BarristerV V anal one, of Wingham, was in town on Wednesday. loo. Currie jr. Is holidaying with relatives and friends in London. Mrs. J.'1. Ross' Is able to be about once more, we are pleased to notice. Mrs, Robert Dark has been visiting , relatives and friends in Wiarton locality. Misses Alfie and Beatrice Curry were visitors with Atwood relatives for a few days, S. and Mrs. Boreham have gone to Ingersoll where they will live for a time, Angus Kerr is back from Yorkton, where he bas been employed during the past season. Mrs: W. H, McCracken, of town, and Mrs. Harris. of Petrolia, were visiting old friends in Wingham this week. THE PosT 10 pleased to say that A. J. Lowry is improved considerably in health and we hope progress will con, tinue. Mrs, A, L. Porteous, of Seafortb, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs Geo Lowry, Princess steeet, Thursday of last week. Mrs. D. B Moore is at Toronto this week as the delegate to the Provincial Convention of the Women's Institute from Brussels Mrs, H. A. Rowland, wife of Alder man Rowland, of Toronto, is here on a visit with J 1j', and Mrs. Rowland, The visitor is a sister-in•law to the host. Jno Grainger was in town this week removing his household effects, to Listo- wel where he and his sisters purpoee re- siding. 'Old friends here Wish them well. , Mrs. Hauhali Ballantyne, who was Homo for the past month, left for the West on Tuesday where she expects to spend the Winter, We wish her an en- joyable stay, Jack and Charlie Leckie, who are at. lending 'reroute University, were Called home Weduesdav of last week owing to Circ precarious condition of their mother. EMEM P,'1 THE ES iAABBLISIIE» ar CANADA � ply OPPic., TORONTO jT is an advantage sometimes to 1 keep a bank account in the names of two persons, 80 that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to furnish par- ticulars.., ass BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, D Err Manager. Chas. Conery, of Guelph, was in town one day last week, Re was a former resident of this locality. G. A. Deadman is attending the Bee- keepers' Convention In Toronto and at- tending to other business matters, Misses Luella and Marion daughters of DeWitt and Mrs. Holmes, of Wing - ham, were in town for the week end visiting. the Downing families. They are a pair of bright lassies. S. T. and Mrs. Pinup and family were visitors over Sunday with Mitchell friends. Jno. Pugh and Spence Hems- worth were also in the party who visited at their respective homes. Mrs McKinnon, of Winnipeg - Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. Thompson, of These salon, Algoma; and Mrs. Young, of Moosoruin, were called to Brussels owing to the serious condition' of their. sister, Mrs. J. Leckie. She has put up a great fight for life but has been very near the Portals on various occasions lately, Much sympathy is expressed for the affiieted tamily. Regina had n 'bueking broeoho" show in aid of the Patriotic Fund. A dastardly a'.temptr was made to wreck tine 'f. H and B train from Waterford to Hamilton. Train with a large number of passengers, was due in Brantford at 7.05 p m. Two miles out of the city at the Matthews Packing Company's switch, the locomotive struck a rail laid directly across the track. The rail was broken by the impact but had i' been laid differently in the frog, a disastrous wreck would have occurred. No clues are available as to the culprits, The train crew and passengers regard their escape as miraculous. The broken rail was brought into the oily and the case was reported to the police, SOUTH HURON LIBERALS Thos, McMillian the Nominee. At the Nominating Convention for the Oonunons in the new riding of South Huron, which was held in Olin- ton'Town Hall on Wednesday after- noon of this week, ex -Reeve 'Toe. McMillan, a well known resident of Mullett township received the Ponrf- nation. His father was member for years for practically the same tiding. Huron County's contribution to the Patriotic Fund, makes a total of 1491 bat rele of apples, 2918 barrels of potatoes, 2977 Backe of oats, six sacks beans, one barrel of flour and barrel of °tab apples making a total of 27 ear loads, These supplies were packed and shipped to Lite Depart- ment of trade and anmmerce at Mon. treat, 1n drat-olaas condition, and added to those of the other comities will make a most welo8me gift to the empire. MARRIED GARTER--TAMAN,— At the residence or the bride's parents, on November 4th, 1014, by Rev, George Jewitt, Mr. Wm, J. Garter, of Walton, to Mies Violetta Pearl, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harry 'lemon, or Blyth. 73I0501I25—EWAN.—In Brussels, on November,Wool unwashed L811D. Ecktnler toatMiee Helen ME„ o neW.B youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hound Lost Ewan, Market hteot, all of Brnsae M WILLIs—HETnmarNGTON.--On November 8rd 04'44' 4.040 IL cal �ievo• a Post C; ! G” ds 6 • °. We have ,Inst received it b m • new Shipment. or Levitt •• • Viety •Pion Post Cards. m • Antnug them ale Wen- A 4' slid views of— • 4) New Presbyterian Church • Nuron Specialty Poultry Form • • • . Field Cay Tug -o' -war . • • Melville Manse and River Scene • • • Public Cahoot •• a. Public library 4, O s 2 FOR 5 Gents • • at 4 • IF o x'S i • DRUG STORE • • The Penslar Store .......4!1.e s as ••••••4404•• DIED FoWLRrt.—At Cam rove, Alberta, on November 8rd, 1914. Nary Hoover, beloved wife of Thoma, Fowler, in her bleb year. Rronsenaos,—In Wlnnlpr--g, on November 2nd, 1014, Dr. demes Graeme Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs N. M1. Richardson, for. in Orly of Bt nasals Motility, in his 201h year. STawenT,—In Grey, on November 911,, 1019; Matthew John Stewart, beloved husband of Sophie Houston and youngest son of Alex. nod Mrs Stewart, 1n his 41st year, Rom— Tn Philadelphia, on November 7th, 1014, Mary A. Roe, beloved wife of John Moo, Morris township, used 77 years, 0 months and 7 days. SRUSEELS MARKET WhOateat.'. #109 41 95 Peas100 110 Bari ey........,r......................... 00 c0. SSeggtser 22 28 20 20 Sacs 1i 00 12 00 Potatoes per bee 40 50 Wool washed 20 20 10 10 1914, at Dunn Avenue Methodist Church,Lost on Thanlragivterr g Dar n binek and white Toronto, by Rev. Hiram Bull, Gerry W111is,sonof Mr, and Mfrs W g• hound. 8nanvlighteenronriRhtPide, Wne Willis, Wingham, Ont., to Miss EIP1eJRne lest seen in Elh.t. Any information leading Hetherington, eldest daughter of the Irate to his recovery will be suitably reworded, Mr, and Mte. John Hetherington, Toronto. STANLEY HA MILTON, 102 R, R Nti. 4 Atwood P, 0. ••e•••00000 e000 a0i&..0:0•••.0•••••••••••••••••i•-•-.- cce—seeecooetl•eWfat,„ 6•eeco.aee•••••• r_11 _NJE• • w• co • • a• IIIb • ® OVERCOATS • �'h J 4 � •• yi b �'t' t}, • x I f n t F y i t ti i s e� Ct • r �t ,t f "1 s • ,t 'ht'.'•is do c},; n"i `.0.. �. •7„tr . • Qe S rank a.� s: ' . t w iCt �" tdx S Vit, : .. . i ..il • e3 UR stock of Fall and Winter Overcoats is now complete and we would like e ou to see the Y t ver latest models in PRO- GRESS BRAND. • • i1J xgne _ ISI yslor� u it '�l • • •• ,ay4dF i'-kr�ei' , ., •`.v .`4";:i s -v • ,xd rL.1 a j R'. • ,� tx st' xs is r' a+ •• �fe* - . 4'_.r,',t�— "'�..rv. ..-.:e7'.. �I I..til�t�'�itsuYTa,.�� ✓d➢F+^.tt� I _ • • At $10.00 • • i®® tca r { ' silk facings o n tapeta, all size s. medium weight, wool serge lining, u g,Men's fine dark 1e Ieltolts ' ►1��I IIII �II .t_ VIII` wQm® Special at 10,00 • • 111111111 in f At ...$10.00 w a w ... w .,..1:SL71 ti `.. �. 0 i • black Melton Over- ;; <'' • Men's heavy tr e' • `4'...d....•942. 1 „^`. • field style s, with h silk velvet collars, wool serge lining, all sizes. in Bemoaning and Chester- - "Progress Brand" Special 510.00 1ocRfyt� :RAND Nr ic . ~r orxs ••• • / p s PROCZS` S BRAND • I= • At $10.00 • Men's heavy Wool tweed "Meters, double and sin- gle breasted styles, with, and without back straps, • Peogrees Brand," heavy wool serge linings, a very • serviceable coat, with convertttble collars, all sizes. • Special at $10,00 • 0 • I t t i l L l "P B Special oo At $20.00 At$14.00 • Men's a length cloth coats in grey and brown colorings, fors fitting with bell bottom, the very tt es s Lyes, a sizes in rogtess rand. at $14. S At $12.00 Mena heavy beaver cloth overcoats with heavy plush lining, good quality of mink marmot Collar', all sizes. • Special at $12.00 At $1.5.00 . Men's fine Kersey and Melton cloth overcoats, good quality Of Dort cloth lining, rubber interlining in body noel sleeves, No, 1 Mitrrnot shawl collars, also Persian Paw collars, all sizes. Very special at $15,00 • • • • 0 Men's fine Kersey cloth and dna broad cloth' Over -g' At $10.00 coats, rubber interlining, with -lush and • cloth linin *s P [toe curl i' Men's heavy black cloth overroata,tvith curl cloth h . No, 1 German Otte collar this is a. • splendid tact and will give the best of stttiaftyrtinn. p • s lining, flu' collar, sizes 40, 42 and 44 only All sizes, S Special at $10,00 Special at $20.Op .• W • e • At 15.00, 17.00 & $20.00 Boys' and Youths' t a'vercoaats • • Men's extra heavy ulstet's, all the best styles, Ili We also have a, Splendid stock 0 • I r of Boys' and 0 • Progress Brand;" nolle beantifnl cloths, to choose Youths' Ovet mats-- eesht in styles and r' 0 • from, THE BEST. SEE THEM. (all and' see titeti,• Y bbl in price. •0 eit • es•uosaoseaviteutientsa Best stock of Ladies Furs we've eve �rroMSP®wn• • E • •• • t o •. - A Full Stock of All atzoa for I•adios, Mon Girls.. • • Gi"aMby Rbb01'S, pore wad Dhilarco 0 e • • • ]lest �t rices rMeL•�.; p,re fo Produce.ra t 01. N.: _ e P 0 1M• 0tli10tlES•eSiidtllfNtldSil•e•NlllltliMell•fit#b•E*t1rN•ihlNio•••i•r•••••t>te••®t1••••tlt4! y