HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-11-12, Page 5kr► ti -r ii BUSINESS CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INS MAW'S WM.P S ENC6 CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES 11100 ht the Peal Illilce, Ethel. 80.4 ktiiAL AND CONVEYANCING, 1ST M BINULAIR- . Bnrriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Nutary Public, dee, *aloe -Stewart's Stook , '(0010(41111(41(4(401 Hotel Solioitnr for the Metropolitan Sauk, AUCTIONEERS. Lit S. SCOTT AB AN AUOTION• . ears, will eon) for better prices, to batter men, In lees time and lees °bargee than any ether Auctioneer in East Huron er he won't °barge anything. Dates mud orders eau always „0 „rruuged at this olio° or by •1„ re ,sal " i° t p I a ioa. P %`',fe'agxy Ente..ar Nazzerar BRUSSELS Go1Na Sooelt ,Golan NORTH Mall 7:57-a m I Express 10:65 a Ill Express 11:25 a 111. Mail 1;58 p 111 llzprese 2:55 Dm Express 8:62 p In Qiv.A,r't'sA!?A.IBM I acx,re WALTON (To- Toronto To Goderich Express 7:52 a InEress 11;18-a n( Express 1:22 p m IxpExpress 8:45 p m WROXETER Going Enat - 7:05 a.:n. and 8:40 p. m. Going West - 12:19 and 9:68 p. m. All trains going East oonneot with 0. P, R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stntlons, GEC, ALLAN', Local Agent, rr✓ bl� A�Avc?'A'rdt'.ttvflYll+'lY4vlsyJvA+'...�� _"..leE 1 1e e e -11000'01 11 th f 1€ y boron hness IV �r 1I th 19I1 tltltt 011•. �lll' 81"C graduate succeed because they have 1 reoeiged correct preparation. �'i-L.... iOTT /i/ �r TORONTO,OON_T4�c enjoys a Notional Reputation for sup- 8 erior kleetneso and Sliorthnnd Educe - tion, All Business Schools aro not palikoi 'Nondne loss thus tin beat Zit si tivfy YOU i nd nothing L'es '1 than giving the boat training will satisfy US. Catalogue fres, linter any Ehn0. Cor, Young and i W. J. ELLIOTT, 1•' Chance Sts. f Principal: le&.4aoa+i7;90kryiaakrsw,�' a67=7 4 rrr4 rseaYRiA' 7Rt+a .situ` 1R: a's ..i... Yoe, i CENTRAL E STRATFORD. ONT, ;j Ix School with a continental repute• 4 \ tion for 1(101 grade wok and for the 73 smear* of its gradwitee. a sobool with Z' superior (loursp 09 and Instructors. We ., give individual attention in Oonlmer- 1'd otnl, Shorthand end Telegraphy De- r� pm:talents Why attend elsewhere when risco isroom here 7 You may time, enter at any time, Write for our large free catalogue. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. 'G3Y %sweat' par sps vias vasssanealt pay pay .... - 4,,_.,........,.......„ ENROL NOW q\ at the 0 LISTOWEL BU5INESS COLLEGE t, ., ).borough Courses taught by Competent `l'eauhels. Se ge For ptirtiptr,are a4drese '>r 4OWIN 0. MATTHEW$, bietowoh Ont THE Best Brains in Canada have participated in the pre- perabion of our splendid -Home Stndy Courses in Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting, .Ooumleroltl Art, Show Card Writing, Photography, ,Tnin'nal- Ise R 1, Book Story . Select Se work d and Bookkeeping. Select, the work which most int0lw. 4a nn write , x ren d w to i s for particulars. Address THE SNOW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL g01 -T Vohge St., Toronto 111101001111011110111111111111111111110011110001111111111061 COLLEGE AT HOME Thousand sat ambition nun Imo- ' 1110inra Pnat preparing in young 115111 ostoo stenogriiinico r r lou ative esitimte a. pY p sphere ohvll servants, x in foot ever( sphere of yotiv(tfas, .on may finish at college if you 1' wish. Positions 410 4. Irnr- od. Entedoo(4, N vert Indi- vidual yy ihstrnctlexperience, 40 1w100, tS4argot Thirty cure 0k a1 n Y a r e ev Larges. Spetraicial l)1 Canada. Savers colleges. SpoAnl sated for Ooohoer Affiliated with f Oanadh, l Summer toricAssocfatioll of Cnttnfln Stunner lee, at tmnoiie Spotton Basilian Col. lege, London. Win9 baro lie Business College GEO.8r0TT4N, W. T, Moen., President. Pr nnpal., Business Carets dA$ ANDERSON.week De 'lean 'Voyles, of to VgTERINARY SURGEON, , j'1'uic Puss' an old walking ~tisk pre. NuurooPot' to M. H. Moore, Oltlou at Ander• seined to his fel her, the late R ,berg No, 5( e' Livery etahlu, L34l1ee°Is, 'L'9lepllune j 'rel tor, of 5112 North gravel rued, by Albin McQueen, who lived at James. town The cane witch is maple grave on the ti bunk of t ke i Iu r h u 1 near Cndtlhclt and a', out 1 w u by the late 1 hos MSQtieen 7o years ago A vine lied en- twined the saph0g and so tight that a welt defined groove follows the stick from top to bottom. Mr. McQueen wus the first Editor of the Huron Signal establ.shing it about 677 years ago. He owned several farms in Grey township it Inntesl0we locality. Tilos. McQueen was the father of Allan McQueen above nlentiuued. The cane is in good state of preservation *till highly prized by Mr. Taylor. 1N1'1'r3D To ACTON,- 1rev. H. W. Aviion, M. A , 13. D., now of Paisley Merllorhal churn( C9nelph, has been invited to Aclno for the next Con - fa: enue lean. The Acton Free Press ant's ;-"Jtev. Mr. Avian') is one of the Most ; pnpn)ctr and suaces8Pnl young men of the Methodist ministry. De i91t gradn'tto in arts and theology of Victoria Delete sky and entered the Inioistl7 ten years ago. Ile iv a most acne hell ;wencher, I P1LC11 rl' zealous %wnl'1C el I 1 andgreatly beloved by his congre- gation.. The young peopls are especially altnu Led by his peesnnttlity and methods of work. At Paisley Mamm'iltl chord) hn hr10 had n most successful ministry and is Held in highest esteem Lln'nughoul the city. In Mrs. Avisnn he has an experienced and very acceptable coworker. Ales, Ayisou was eegardetl as an invaluable helper to the pastor in hoe home (church at Galt during her gh'Ihnod days." Rev. Mr. Avisml is well Icemen in Brussels as he'tltnght in 8. S No. 8 Grey township and made himself veep usePnt in the Melhealst church, 0hoie, and Sabbath School bets, ar s Houses to rent al's tit a premium in �(ffM�� iJfi ft/I lfjpp BI'p9sels, tl ii 9 0 Vrt Y Nr%'aL•rY IN WAl•KfNO :AIMS - Thia � � �t.. - w'', showed e DR, T f r MR AE Bachelor 01 Ated oinr University r. i 51144 Iff Toronto oro 0 Y 5(015(10 ((0 and Grnaunm If tbi, linnet, of Pht• aleimid sae alt, nh 0111 L Nrlaucuwlte U)ilo go Eye, Lrar, Ivo•° and thrwu Hoxppltit1, Ohieego, LIL ltx•Lluuxe surgeon to St, Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto. Office over IA. R. Smith's Drug Stork Tele. phone connection with Ornituruok at all hours. OR F T. BRYANS Bachelor. at 01alloIne, Cniva:Cityof'oronto; Licentiate of Uullego of Physlalene and sur- geons, Ontario I eX•Se11l(14' 11,11151' Sureeue of Western Nous( to 1, Toronto. ()Steen or late Dr. A. statuses. swat Blue!, Srusee10. .31141111/110110 95. ALEX. 0, M'KELVEY M.B., M.O.P.01S. 0. 108 Bloo' street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical 1198104(41(1 In Ear, Nose and Throe} de. Pertinent New Geoei'al Hospital, Toronto ; Post Grad nate Harvard Modtonl School, Bos- ton • hate Senior Resident Surgeon Mass, Eye Eur infirmary • lace Clinical se,.lvtant in Nose end Throat demi rIntent Mass Gen. How pitnl ; late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospltel. 1.. In Brussels by appointment, DR. M. FERGUSON • ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Post Gradento courses LondonEn•. t t ). New York and oe of eye, Hos- pitals. throat. attention t disease of eye, ser, nose and throat, Eyes tested for glossae. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office in Ward Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work. and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege• Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour M111, Ethel. MAUDE O. ARYANS OPHTHAI-MOLOG1ST Personal drednnto Department of O ththa[• otology, 51,0*m- oh 5edfonl College, Chicago, [11., le prepared to test tieses end n t 1(ae oe at her officio over rownisataur' BieveIv ' on Thursday, Friday anSaturday of rweek. Office hours to 8 p. m. Forenoons by appointment, phone 12111, PR000FOOT, RILLCRAN & PR000FOOT Barristers Solicitors, C , Notarioe Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Naniiilon Street, GODEBIOH. ONT, Private funds to )gal; Int lowest rates. PRouopOW, }t, C. ,T. L. EIta.0IsAN 1V n: Ple000F00T .TR grail ti eb3s Items Spate young men sow wheat and raise corn anct some others sow wild oats and raise Cain, The Epworth Leagues of the Wing - ham District will support Dr Darbe pp y, missionary at Bella Bella; B, C. Tux "Zeppliu neck" is the latest malady to make its appearance• in old London. There's too much 'louking up' over there evidently. Is this war continues much longer Englishmen will be getting their jaws out of joint trying to master those un- pronounceable geographical names. The next Provincial Sabbath School convention will be held in Massey Hall, Toronto. and will be a' monster gather - in to celebrate the scull anniversary of the Provincial Association. Rev. Dr. R. W. Knowles for the past 3 years pastor of Grace Methodist church. St. Thomas, has 'received anti accepted a call to the Methodist church at Petrolia in June next at the expiry tion of the present person's term, Rev, Mr. Kuowles supplied the Methodist church pulpit in Brussels for a mouth a number of years ago. Bu'rrzo.-Though it is not generally known, the Dominion Parliament passed an Act last Spring prohibiting the sale of butter in packages or wrap- ped in parchment paper that have .not the wards "Creamery" or . "Dairy" printed on each individual package, This means that all such butter sold on the market or in stores must state plainly to which class it belongs. Butter iu rolls, crocks• and tubs do not require branding. 'rhe Act carne into force on the tot of September. 'Tits minimum flue is $io and the maximum $50. Goon WORK -Ever alive t0, Its op portunities and realizing its responsibili• ties, the Bible Society decided on a free distribution of copies of the Scriptures am mg the troops of the Nations now at war, to be carried out in cooperation with the various Red Cross organiza- tions in the countries involved In hos- tilities and through the authorities having charge of camps for aliens and prisoners. It also aims at providing every one of our soldiers leaving for the front with. a Bible or 'Testament. As-' regards the wants of the Cau dian con e d a g tingent, 35,000 copies of a specially bound new Testament were sent to Quebec for their use, Do0ALosoN•-Very sudden and un- expected was the call to Mrs, John D0ualdson, tvho p,lssed awes at the family home, Sanford, on Wednesday, October 25121, She had attended the evening perviae in North Street church, the previous Sunday nod was taken ill on Monday afternoou, dying on Wednes- day morning. Her maiden name was Mary McMillan, daughter of Ole late Laughlin McMillan, of McKillop town. She and her now bereft hush u ship. S a d had resided in Saltford about a year, going from 13 entford, though Mr. Donaldson was a Goderich citizen z . 4 oma years ago. 'rile deceased who WAS 54 ears of age, was en earnest Christian ember of the Preeb woman and a m - y terian church She is survived by one brother and three sisters -john, of cr 50 0,' Mrs. Chas. Ru. V'aucouv , Russel Mid Miss Catherine, of, Kellettville, Pa ; and Mrs, M. 13, Habkirk, of Me• Killop 'rhe funeral took place on Friday to (loiborue cemetery, Rev, Geo. E. Ross offs stirs ciand Ole pallbearers g were i -Robert Symonds. Sam. Bisset, Wm. Model and George Fowler. Mrs, Donaldson s werec n and her husband resi- dents of Brussels for a number of years end ntahy old friends heard of Mrs, Doualctsou's detnise with regret and sympathises with the husband, Many Old on Wok Get their feet wet, patch cold m' eremite, noel give mother)) an anxious tante, IVItl1 the flI05 gh1Ver115 eneeye rill) the little our,: chest. with Nervi, line gargle the 1lima, and give ten drops ht lint water at bed -time. Next 9 n• n t plug all is well. No null, no time lust at school). if Nerviliue isn't in yew. haute get it there tit once, Deal- ersell ilarge s 1 1 't 1 25r, bottles. Grey 50150041 RinPORT -hollowing isthe report of S. 8. No. 1 for the month eF October. -Sr. TV.- Examined in Reading, Gnoininar, Geography, Spelling, en(lduct Itod.daily work :- Oswald Heeling -way 95, ;Slay Arm- strong 72, Mershon Lowe '72, Mervin M111*1r OS, 1hu1 Arutvtrni,g 53, Whit- field 1 -toe 52, Sr. T1L-Examined hn Read •, Spell„ Lit„ Ommp., conduct 'toil daily work -Willie Engel 75, Willie Miller 72 Jr. I1L- Jessie Miller 92, Russel Grant, 78, George Oakley 56, Willie ['eerie 43 Sr. II.- 13 t ' ettrcun lltnuugwuy 02, Robot Singel f• • 78 Ernest Cochrane 67. ye, . IL -Chariot Onkley 85, Nol•mnrlr HMn0o1'vlel r 80,Maruet Altn k e ' MPtil72. Sr. Prim Ai11old aleNai r, Excel lens, Lena Miller, gond Jr. Driller -Roy Askin and Elva, Hemingway, excellent ; Ida Cochrane, good. Juserp M. 1VIE.lz):ncs, Teacher.' • Molesworth Huhnol repel t of U. S. S. No. 10 Howlett and Gley foe the months of September and October. Ari 111., Spell , H het., Geog., and Grum. Sr'. 1.17.-1.4. Armstrong 40, J. DlOKercher 28 ,1,', 1V: --A.. Armstrong- 73, M, Robertson 00, D. Doig 52, V. Bow- man 51. Jr. III.- Aritit ll I ., Spell., Geog., Hyg.,.Lit. 13. Petrirlc 72, R. Grainger 67; G. 1211cDonaid 62, H. Bowmen 54. Jr. IL- Al hth„ Spell„ Gang..Oowp. E. Brown 94, M. 13i,em111189, M. Doig 78, II. Grainger 58, A.. 7lpliercher82, A. Ilislop 29, i), lihslnp 28 Pt. If. -A. 13rown 80, 1V. Doig 60, 17 Thomson a1. Pt. f, -14r• (3vaiuser 65. Pelmet -J. Armstrong, 0. Grainger, A, Doig. Average at- teudl11ee 21.25. • .. V. Fi llN1t Emu's% Teacher. It Actually Destroys the Cause 't'int's why eatery!) is iuvarhably cured by inhaling 'c0atarehozoue: 'rhe healing vapor spreads to every' part of 1.he bt cathing ul gams. Germs infecting 'the beetles of the nose, throat and Rungs ole killed, Nothing le left to cause inflammation. Spots that are sne0 are bel,lecl. Disohluge is cleared :may and galarrll becomes some t Iii,,s of the past. Use "eauu'eh- ozone" and your recovery • is Rittman- et ittma )- fel 41. Two sizes, 25u and, $1.00 at all dealers. Blyth SVllbetl Spalfnld Woe nn a week's holiday stip. visiting his aunt at 4111Lc 1 1 , , • ktut 11 ststt,rs at London. 1 n. Junin Weymouth is engaged 111 mese, t doing seine cementer serih fol, John Holton Int the Lnndeslfo•o Plum' Mills, - Mrs Eq Ind, who has been in Tor- onto foe some limo with her little girl, who h as ht g , en veil, sick has re, turned hone) a ith 1111', \lethodist Sunday 81111001 Inland holding their Oln'islmas Tee and bintrrtaitimeut hn 1tIdnLrs, Hall Tuesday (p(.mas, I)eo, 22. A meeting of thhe.Lhbr*'als fo the new' riding of Nort)1 1.lth'o1 ;will 11s hold in IndustryhCmll Myth, u Tuesday, Nov, 171), at I p. fiyfor the 111' vise or (11• ctrl'• i I ni r and nominating 1 1 6 t b of >1 rer i ch s. It, expected x t d Ihett 1, L. t Pardee. a cult, ,11 L .will addre l)1 , x S L c meet, 1 S 1 l)1. 811 C'EI, MEDAL , 1 I,1) 1L CON'rEeT.-- 7`he mostaueeesslul S,Ive1 Medal. Contest held by the W. 0, 1'. U. took place in the Methodist ehnt(11 on Friday evening 0111, 30th. There was a large 1011 ehtlaftce mid he competition wee keen, especially between Iona Stothet e, who was awarded ,the medal and Fern Johnston, the judges taking g considerable timo to decide on the victor. Besides the two l ahed, he following also took part 1-- Susie raw cctt, Lillian Rng corm, HAM Hill and netts CeaWfoao Vera Oraw- for'd was also entered but 0011111 not sohopete All account of sickness. OF MOLE AGE Mrt;.DoucetteT 1 els of her DLii tressing Symptoms During bele}' tippet) on the child while lying Change of Life and How-aceie(len6 happenedtmornin The c(n'penters have finished build- ing lite (levy plat5oruls at he G. T. R. stplhno. "•+ - I''. 1, and Mrs. Oraw1'uul, of Milver- lite, fernier residents of Lislownl, hay„ t he sympathy of rile NIMBIunity in the death nn Sunday evening of then' baby boy, Lionel, aged 19 w loll li Death wee the re u t e t of it, a t s 1 atL1 a ittdi t ih(factl(li � t 11, t rig .Yat el" 1, She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can,--(`Three years ago I was suffering badly with what the doctors called Change of Life. I was so bad that I had to stay in hed. Some friends told me to takeLydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the first. It Is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend 'L'. You don't know how thankful and grateful l am Igiveyou permission to publish what your good medicine has done forme." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot 0ashes,headaches,back- aches,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by Intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak• erred nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis, If you went special advice write to Lydia T inkham Medic.Co.+ P inn. (coil. C dentin)) tlynn, itlasa. Your letter wil be opened, rend and answered by a woman, and held i strict confidence. Judges were Dr. Stewart and J. Tay- lor, of ilelgr•we, end Dr. Allison, Myth. Besides ,the contest a good program was given as follows I- Ineti'Bimetal duet, Prue, Herb. Mc- Elroy and Mrs. I. Ilrowu ; vocal solo, Grant La.011dy; Scotch songs, Mrs. W. Jackson ; vocal deet, blies Gladys Cott and Dans. McElroy ; Instrumental duet, -Misses Petu'I (liley and Eua Jewitt ; vocal sole, Mildred Brown ; mouth organ selection, Fred Jackson, Good Corn Sheller For 25c G A marvel of efficacy and prompt- ness, a remedy that does cure curve and wells. Its naive is Putnam's Corn T;xh•uctu'. Contains no acids, later ) tin sit iF s,,givesla l sgsiytiePacLinn. Insist on "Putnam's" only. It's the best. Listowel W. 13. Peppier, grocer, disposed of his business to Peter Dippel, of Listo- wel. J. 0. Hay and F. W. Hay were- in Toronto attending the Newel of the late Rev. J. H. Oliver. Fred. Tetyloi', kunwn,the world over as the hockey cyclone from Listowel, hoe signed to play with the Vancouver hockey team during the coming sea- son. Contributions of $33 came from the Lewotahl Olub, representing the pro, seeds front a dance mina s th o of t u e cost the hall and a few incidentals for the Belgian Fund. A number of applications have been received by the Secretary of the School Beard for the positions of utncleris toad science teachers of the High School to fill the vacanoies which w ill be caused by the expected depar- tere shortly 01 bliss Dutton and Mr. nigh. Harry Rcn9, and Melvin Robb, valued member's of Liotovel's 1914 Fent hall team, played a star game for the University of Toronto et Kings - ten when the fotmer teat* defeated Queen's by a shore of 1.0 and thus end- ed the intercollegiate championship. The Methodists of Listowel will be interested to know that Rev. J. Edwin J. Millyard, pastor of the Hyatt avenue Methodist church, Lnndot, hits accepted the invitation of the board of the Methodist church, Listowel, to become their pastor at the expiration of. the tern) of Rev. Dr. 13arber in June next. ++++++++ 4++++++++++++++++ � + I . Purchased q. 4. • Henfryn Store 4 ll) Lt .• i>< • 1 s u r leis l,ned wishes to .. notify the public that he has 4 plll'cllased the store and press- + loos of tattles Jackson, Hoary!). New stock is being added in Hardware, Dry Gonda, Grocer= I, les, Confectionery, 'LBoots and " 1 Is Sines Dieule Flom u' , 1 r and Iced '4, 14(40. 4. Highest pcicespaid for Farm + Produce, Soliciting a share of your 1: 1140(20101111 promising fair dealing + and, closest prices. • Alex, Bussell �4• . 4.44+++++44+++++++++4.+ Moncrieff • Norman Harvey is visiting with leletives at Walton for a few weeks. Mrs. James Belli() visited her tnli11(01', near &treacle dining the pest week Harry 'rem. has returned from the West and will spend the Whiter with Itis parents, Carpenters are busy working of David McPherson's house. It will be a comfortable residence when finished, Gerrie During the thunder storm oil Sun- day Nov. 1st Jos. Sauders"n had 5 head or cattle killed. 151e. Lewis has rented MI". Walker's block and opened an implement eluent euo-pr 1 unn. The Quarterly Official Board of the MothadisL chinch was entertained at the Parsonage by Rev. and Mrs. Rivet's. Trowbridge A baby girl has arrived at the home of It. and Mrs. Juin-term. Miss Ida: Collins Npent a few days with Mrs. E, Matthews, of Listowel, John Omens, of Rainy River. is spending a few days at his parental home. Sacramental service was held in Ilse Methodist (church last Sunday at 10.80, In the eveu'ng ft 3v. Mr, Moore - house preached on Temperance. Rev, C, J. Moorehonse and family have returned home after spending a few daps with ft tends In London. Mr, Diuureho,se $iso visited Ills brother, Rev, 4, A. Mnn;'ahouse1 of Forest, Fordwich An open air rink may be started here this Winter. Anniversary services were con- ducted in Trinity c h rch last n a t Sabbath by Rev. Mr. Farr, of Blyth. Jhhn Steurnoll has moved to the oid Arlington Hotel where he will continue the butcher business. Sunday, Nov. 15514, will he Mission- ary Day on the Fordwich circuit, Rev. W. G. Connolly, B. A, a mis- sionary from Japan, will have charge of the services. Anniversary services were held in the Methodist• church, Newbridge, Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Lennon, of Clifford, preached. A Freewill offering was taken at each service. Atwood Dir. Dewar, of Elma accompaniedaee d by his daughter,left for Ottawa and Pembroke where they will spend a week or two visiting friends. Mrs. Allan Barr, of Etna, met with anaccident that 'night have resulted mole seriously, She had just made ready to go to Milverton and in de- scending the stair het' heel caught on the second step, precipitating her to the bottom of the Stair. She suffered a number of bruises about the face and shoulders, but fortunately no bones were broken. The annual meeting of the mem- bers of Maple Leaf Beef Ring was held Friday .evening, October 30th, et the residence of 1Vru. G. Inglis. There was a large turnout of the members which shows the great in- terest taken in the ring. Meeting was called to order • by President (Riedeho occupied the chair. w p Secretary ad, re - minutes of last annual meetingaft.er•which officers welt) re- elected as follows l -President, F. J. Out tis s Treasurer, Wm. Vipond ; Secretary. Robt. J. Farrell ; Inspec- tors, A. Baker, W. Inglis ; Butcher, Wm. G. Inglis. Total number of animals killed during season 22, ag- gregating 12,058 pounds or an average of 575 potinde,:reckoned et 10c a lb. !leans an expenditure of $1,265.80 for 22 weeks or $57 51 a week. After the business . was'" concluded, a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Inglis. A vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Inglis for their hospitality brought a Very successful meeting to a close. A Cordial Invttatlon to Disease This is an apt desm'iptiou of consti- pation. It's an: unnatural condition to begin with, and it's more, because it brings about blood deterioration, interferes with digestion. renders you susceptible to infectious diseases and causes anaemia. Nob so. much a' purgative ars a natural stimulant to the bowels is what you need. You get it in Dr. Hamilton's it hie Ham of e P la w l h increase liver activity, restore the bowels to pet feet action and positively cure constipation and its attendant evils. Insist o1 having only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut 25e per box at all dealers. Clinton T. Jackson, jr. has placed $250 in the bank to the credit of the resident clergymen for local relief purposes, receipts from two concerts. The Bowlers met in the Jackson factory where they made an address and presentation to John Watt who left town last week and who has been the successful caretaker for the past year. Win. Jackson read the address and Dr, Shat made a presen- tation v t P intion of a suit cane and a set of brushes. A Carling Chub has beet) organized with the following officers :-Presi- dent, 0. D. Dowding ; Vice -Pres., Dr. Shaw ; Secretary, W. Jackson ; As- sistant Sec., W, Wiseman ; '.Treasur- er, H. 111. Paul ; Rink Committe, Dr. Ball ; W, Grant, G, Roberton ; Mann.. gingCommittee, L' 1 Dr, 0 e C. P. Ibl all, J. Toler, J. Nedigar, ` 7. Iiry. dun l.hee otirders elected for the cumin year for Goderich District Epworth League are 1 -Pres., Rev, R. J, Mc- Oot'tnick, B. A.3 1st viee.Pi'ea., O. ltz, )J,obertson i And vioe•Prea„ Harvey • 4• • • • •F + • 4' ▪ DRESS GOODS t FLANNELETTE SHIRTINGS •1 Everybody Cate at Leitch's "��'" Cra-obrook • ✓fnd look over our Fine New Stock of t GLOVES UNDERWEAR HOSIERY 'I' • • • •a• + • •1• • • • :4•41.+4,4.444•414.•344'♦'F•4••443••34 d•••F•,+r••t••4.44.••i'••!4+41,4.•+••F•'Fe COTTONADES SWEATER COATS CHINTZ OVERALLS & SMOCKS CRETONNES MEN'S SHIRTS + WRAFPERETTES FINE SHIRTS BOOTS & SHOES HORSE BLANKETS GRAIN BAGS ChoiceFresh r Groceries ash G e yes and Meat ALWAYS ON HAND. f Treleaven ; Sri vice -Pres. , Miss O. Elliott ; 4th vice -Pres., Rev. F. J. Rutherford ; Junior League Superin- teedeatt•, 6Ilss Marinn Irwin ; Secre- tary -Treasurer, bliss Robinson ; rept*. se0tetive to Conference, Rev. . W. Conway, - Goderich Colborne Rifle Association intend starting Fail iactic5 on Saturday, November 1400 Many of the merchtults of the square complain that they are almost smothered In their slcree acme days by the slunk* from the horning leaves lurked of? the Court House park, At a meeting of the Goderich ministerial association, it Was decided to hold a simultaneous communion service on the first Sunday in Decem- ber, at the close of the morning aer- vice. All ministers will address their congregations - that morning on one subject, The preceding week will be observed as a week of special prayer. Seaforth Mrs. Adam Dodds received word of the death of hersistet• in Edmonton. 0, T. R. has decided to have a watchman at the level crossing on Main St. and has appointed J. Finch to the position. Miss Angelo Ryan, who is attending the Stratford Normal School, is now in the hospital there where she has undergone an n r g pe ato1: for appendi- citis. J. Stiles, Accountant for the Canada' Furniture Company' for -3 years, has been moved to Waterloo where he will assume the position of Manager for the same film. Alex. Davidson received the con- gratulations of his many friends Saturday, Oct. 3185, that )being his birthday. Mr. Davhclson is now in his 84th year and is hale and hearty. Rifle Club met in the Armories on Monday and Tuesday evenings last week and received musket instruction from Lt. Col. Wilson, J. A. Nilson, J, F. Ross and 0. P. Sills. A number have joined the Club. At the regular meeting of Romeo Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Stratford, it was decided to fit out the differ eat degrees ie new regalia. This will cost in the neighborhood of $500. fall Housecleaning John Lunn Painting Paperhanging • Graining Decorating Good Workmanship with Moderate Prices Old Suitor and Cupboards made to look like new. If you desire suggestions of color schemes for Painting or Paperhanging call up 'phone 41x. John Lunn, Thomas Street, Brussels. An epidemic of mtaslea has spread through Logan township. A number ofp rows people as well as children g have been indisposed. The hone -made' cooking sale held by St. Marys Collegiate girls .in the Town Hall, on Saturday, was a great success. There %vele live different booths all with pretty Hallowe'en decorations. The proceeds which amounted to $41.80 are to be given to the Belgian Aid Fund. i>v. H. LOVE k Funeral Director and Embalmer I Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day. 8 Phone 228. P ETHEL, ONT. 0 ••••S••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• Engagement Rings • Wedding Rings i e T • ®• •• ; ci • ve her •• • a - Diamond S e Fine White Diamonds; mounted with Platinum • • Tips, 3141< Rings, at very • close prices • • .$10.00 $15.00 ' 25.00 25.00 w and upwards, accot ding' to size • and quality. A nice assortment O♦ of mountings inrstock. • • • • • • • • • We can supply anything you • want in the finest Jewelry and • at very reasonable prices. • The first opportunity yon have • we will be pleased to have you • visit this store. We will take A pleasure in showing you any- thing of i,,(1e1'eot 1.0 701* in the • stock which is being replenished i almost daily with the newest ♦ goods on the market, • fine Jewelry •J1, Ra Wendt e Jeweler and Engraver ' Wroxeter • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • •• • • • • • • • - • • • • • •• •• ••• • • ••• • t ••••••••••••••••••••••••enotaseene•matweoaseeoameoar • • • • • •a • • • • am 4... S • • • • • Wanted_• , • o Farmers having Cream to sell during the Fall and Winter months can getbest results by shipping to • 0 • • • Gunn W �Ik 5 Greamery,ert• 0n • I -IL 119 ri • g st prices paid for Butter Fat. •••• Two o shiPping cans supplied P lied free. Express paid on all shipments, • E' h 'iC cal] carefull veal Ilei and tested and state- s° Y b1 Ment of each shipment returned with empty can. • • Semi-monthly payments, Write for r c ans and full Particulars to GN'CREAMERY, Walkerton, • ••!••••SS000•••••000000••• ••••••••••••Ni•NSiii1••MSS