The Brussels Post, 1914-11-12, Page 1VOL. 43 NO, '20
;+%;C S1 1.S. ONTARIO.'THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1914 - • W, H. KERR, Froj» etor
New Advertisements
Fowl -Tit n Pose,
Strnysa-Choi Cronsllold,
Noy post cards-Jas./Pox
Now subso,Ipitons-WeeldySun,
Potatoes wsnted-W. T McCracken,
t n
ank ,
New iniac,dptlons-Youta's(7omcanton,
9istrict ietvs
Mrs. D. B. Macdonald, Delaware
avenue, Toronto, ali000ice the en-
gagement of her younger daughter,
Anti Barclay, Lo De. R. L. Hartry of
Wiartenie. Oct eaten, second son of
William and Mrs. Barbey, SettPorth.
Donald and bits. Lamont, Graven -
Most, Ont„ announce the engage-
ment of their• daughter, Margaret, to
Jaynes Isbister, of Onaway; A'lichigait,
son of Wm, and Mrs. Isbister; Wing -
ham, Ont„ the rnat'riage to take place
late in November.
MATRII'IoNIAL. - Tuesday of last
weak Gerry Willis, son of Vie, H. and
Mrs, Willie, of this town, was married
to Miss Elsie Jane Hetherington, of
Toronto. Oeremony was performed
in the Dunn Avenue Methodist cherub
by Rev, Mr. Hull. The good wishes
of a large circle of friends are accorded
Mr. and Mrs. Willie for a happy wed-
ded life.
OretteeNa3,-Friday night abnut 60 of
the Wingham curlers meta n the Chien -
hienell Chamber with Ald. F. L. Bhikley,
in the chair, elaay questions of buss•
nese were brought up in regard to tro•
phies and prizes for bonsplels whioh
will be put on, Ateangentents will be
made with Mr. Stephenson, prnprletot
of the skating rink, for this Winter.
Outside curlers stated they would be
willing to play with the boys any
time, as they always got satisfaction
from their trip. Following officers
were elected :-Hon.-President, Wm.
Holmes ; President, F. L. Binkley ;
Vice-Presidenl, Jas. McKie ; Secre-
tary, A, Orawford ; Treasurer, M. A.
Porter. Oanint beep for arrangements
for rinks and bnnspiels cnrnptises.
Messrs. Knechtel, Holmes and McKie.
meeting of the officers of the Wing -
ham General Hospital the matter of
enlarging the present premises was
brought up by De. J. P. Kennedy,
and alien and it was decided to go
ahead with the work in the Spring.
A large number of cases have been
corning in from the country and these,
in addition to those from town, tax
the present acoonlmodation to capa-
city. Officers for the year were
elected as follows : Honorary Peesi-'
dent, A...11.- Mn rgrnve+ Nf. L;..,. P. ;
President, Richard Clegg ; vice-
President•, J. A. SJeLean ; Secretary,
le, Vaulsinne ; Tete:ewer, Nlayor Dt•.
Irwin ; 11n•er'tnth., 11 Clegg, J. A. Mr,
Lean, I.L. Vetietnn", Dr Irwin, Dr..1,
P. Kennedy, Dr, B. C. Redmond, T.
C. King, C. P.Slnith, Ti, B. Elliott t
Auditors,,!. W. McKibben and A..11.
Bl uevale
SPLENDID Suoc2es- One of the
most artistic eoter•tai intents ever
given in Bluevale vas the Patriotic
Concert under the 'auspices of the
Women's Institute in the Methodist
church'1'Iinaredaynight. The church
was very attractively decorated with
'Union Jacks and pennants on the
walls, lines of pennants crossed above
the anditorium and suspended front
the chandeliers and brass 'bowls filled
with foliage and flags at each side of
the rostrum,' while the chnie alcove,
draped in front with bruiting and
maple leaves, had pennants,` national
flags and the mato of the. Women's'
ItistituLe, "For Heine and. Country,"
as a eaekgrennd, making a Vely
pretty setting for the evening's pro-
. gram. Fourvoting ladies, Mrs. W.
J. Masters, Miss Vietta Out tie, Miss
Lila Gray and Mise Mary Diamond
acted as ushers in the very becoming
cnstutue of Red Cross mimes. W. J.
King was chairman and added great-
ly to the`pleacit•e of the evening by
the way he `maintained the patriotic
spirit of the occasion. The program
which was in two parts with an inter-
mission, wart patriotic in nearly every
number opening -with a chorus, "Rule
Britannia," "The Red, White and
Blue" and "0 ! Canada," by the cnin-
binetd choirs of the chinches.. The
addresses of the evening wete by Rev.
D.. B. lhompaoi and Rev. Crawford'
Tate, who spoke nn "Home and
Country" and "The Wal'" respective -
Clubbing list
Txta Posr has made arrangements
to club with the fnllowiti ager and
will be sent to any (except pawns
t the
United Stales 00 cents extra) at, the
followingBUbscrd:peions prices :-
Poste and Mail and Empire......,..$160
" London Advertiser.. , ,, 1 60
'c . London Free Press . . 1 85
Family herald and Star 1.85
Montreal Wituese ....... 1 85
d.'artnee's Ativoottte ...+. r 2 85
" . Northern Messeog et' 1 40
Toronto Staire,,,.,...,. 2
Posy and T $ 86
Toronto News 2 85
" it
Toronto Globe3 '76
n Joto Lo Mail-mmpire8 75
Toronto World.......,8 50
" Advertise. 3' 75
oatil at the office: or remit the
amount by P. 0. Order, Express Ot'•
der or RegisteredLetbet addteesing
Brttseels, Cott
ly. i'IaIti duels by Atlases J'liCall'
and Speneeand by Mistici \lesser' ,till
King, a piano soli by 311ys I+llliei
Call 9n1ti. by IssIfl Agnes H A,t'•soy, obi ilia Diamondalai
an tl
Eva a Dnil tur4 P.ll King I ru 1 n
t(, ri i -a
and reel Lathlike by Miss 31aiy I)u11'.
It Shaw and Hugh Stouailoi, n•ert'
naming the numbers on the steeled•.
programs while the solo by Mies Rae
Moses if .lame -town, and the pilula
solo by Mises Kitchen, of Wroxeter,
wets nitwit •rippeeciatPCI cot' lribtilinns,
A. violin selection "Ies a Loirg Way
to Tipperary" was played by Misses
Diamond, Spence. and Hhtek at the
close of which the chorus was sung by
the iuntlietite. Owing to elle wet
weather and other events en the
same evening the rattendanne was not
as large as would have been other-
wise the case but the concert, was very
successfully curried one by the ladies
in charge and' the ,proceeds, with
practically fie expenses to provide for
were over $50.00,
Oran brook
Last Sabbath afternoon Communion
was observed 111 the Methodist church
here, the pastor officiating.
Owing to anniversary services being
held at Ethel and the pastor absent at
Listowel supplying for Rev. Mr.
Nicol', the usual service held in Knox
chugcb al. 11 a, m, will be withdrawn
next Sabbath.
Anniversary services will be con-
ducted in Knox clnu•ch on Sunday,
December 8th, .morning and evening.
Mnndey evening following a fowl
snpper twill be held in the Long Hall,
under the direction of the Ladies Aid,
followed ey a choice progrant In the
chnt'oh. Watch nut for further par.
Genitive on the bilis,
Alex, and Mrs: MoRercher, of Bowe
ick, entertained a number of friends:
to a iutteical evening, Monday of this
Rev. Mr. McPherson, who recently
returned from a three mnrltln Visit in
Scotland, is the guest of hie daughter,
Mrs. (Rev.) T. M. Wesley.
Colin McNaughton, of the Royal
Bank, Glencoe, is spending 3 weeks'l
vacation with itis parents, Jno. and
Mrs. MnNaughton, of Turuherry.
The Young People's meeting of the
Preebytei ism church, was conducted
on Sunday evening by D. McTavish
assisted by Aldred Wettrrin . The
topic weer, "Ruts and how to ltteep one
of them."
The annual meel:ing of the Upper
Canada Bible SocieLy wee held in the
Methodist church on Suiilav evening.
Theta was a large attendance. A
splendid address was given by Rev..
R. S. Laekland: •
Audtew Simpson bed wo'l front his
nephew, Wallace Simpson,' who went
with the 1+t Oont.ingent to the front.
He is'gitnner on No: 1 battery, R. 0.
le. artillery. We hope lie will come
through unscathed.
The annual meeting of Victoria
Hall was held 'Thursday evening and
the following Trustees were appoint,.
ed:- Rebel( Ste lichen, A. Pollock,
0. Forrest, D. and W. McDonald. 11
itis proved a great convenience to Lite
conuutttit y. •
FARM SOLD,- The 100 acre farm.
known as the Jno. White place, Lets
been sold by Samuel l3urk the owner,
to James Bat lan LI lie, of. Wroxeter,
for $3,800. He gets posseseien on
March lit 1015 1 he farm is on the
2nd Con., of Gl ey. We went Me.
13allaol'yne success in hid+purchase.
Sawoor, REPo1er.-lt'oll'owiltg is 1 he
Report of S..8. No, 10, eluta'ts, Ex-
ianlined in• Spell„ Arnie, , 13ygiene,
Geog.y Nature Study (mauled
test.) Tidal 450. Sr, IV.- Mary
Hitler 400, jr. IV.- Addison Fraser
874, Hazel Robb 810, ) arvey Robert-
son 306, Sr. III.-Rettia !Purvey 416.
Christie Forrest 888, Elva Ramsay 375.
Jr. III.-Verne.1nitn etoi 276. Exam.`
is Spell.. A:elle, Read., NaLut•e Study
Total 800 Sr. Ii. -Sperling Johnston
253, Nlitrgaret Miller 240 Jr. II.-
Gerl':ie Rob:nestle 275, Janet Miller 261,
Gordon Moffatt I52. Exam. iu Spell.,
Arith., Read. and Clomp. 'Total 82iPt. 3I.- Mhbel Johnston 322, Jessie
Messer 311, Louise Fraser 304, Lalli a
Johnston 207, Margaret McDougall
288, Harry Robb - 274, Greta Eck ;Mee
258, Duncan-iileDougall 2444 Geeeee
Carter 74. Pt. L -Florence. .chiller,
Willie Peacoalt, Canreront Millet,..
Campbell Robertson, Olarente ,lnlm-
stop, Stanley Moffatt, B. NlosEs4
Walton -
The Hallowe'en so called w
jokes ere
no wises titanthose G 1 6e tlf i'eV1e119' eN fN,
p v
A Gardiner is expected home ` n
n the
first Excursion East. He has had a
fairly, good year itt the Weeb,
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.- The t'eguiar
Monthly meeting of the Wnritan's
Institute will be held itt the brieement:
of the Methodist ohm ch on Wediies-
day, 18th inst. All the women of the
community will be welcome and
should come and hear the report from
the LondonConvention whichy
do venlic t will 1 e
given that day. Topic "What money
cilium Moe by Mite Joe Bennett will
also be given.
WEEDING - A quiet wedding was.
solemnized on Wednesday, November
40 at the home of Harry aid Mrs,
Taman, when their elder daughter,
Violeet.a Pearl, became the wife of
William John Oat'ter, younger sill of
Jti,nres Carter, of Walton, Rev. George
Jewitt officiating,, The bride entered
the pane' leaning on the arm of her
father, to the Amineof t.ho 'wedding
march played by Miss Pearl Gidley.
Master. George C7h u'chill, of Toronto,
cousin of the bride, anted as ring
bearer, Althongh Just immediate
reiativee were present, the bride was
tine recipient" of many :beautiful and
costly presents. After the sumptuous
liepast'SVIue partaken of and an hour
In Connection with
Fans i B y Theatre
1st Five Millar Bold Piece
2nd - Pair if Men's Hartt Shoes
Any size and design given by E.
0. Duntbrd, local agent.
3rd - Ladiee' Venity Case
Onntnining Mirror, Coin and Card
Wee, Puff Box. etc.
4th - Year's Subscription to Brussels Past
or 3 months to Globe or' Mail 84
Conditions of contest may be seen in
W. A. Cerewar's stare window'
This is no lottery but it genuine arLic-
le. Unteetcloses Dec, 28. -Prizes
given away Xrmae night,
epetie socially Alt and ,Mee, Carter left
in the event rig for their hptee East of
Welkin where a reception was await-
inky thetu,
Litt Sunday Interning the regular
Quer' et ly Communion was held in
the Methodist church here, Rev, Mr.
Barker, of Seafcnth, ooncluctiug the
eserviee and preaching a fine sermon..
Mr. Young supplied at Seaforth. At
the Official Board on Monday Jas. H.
Fulton, who had removed to Brussels,
reeigned from the Stewardship, after
1110 year teems: L-Jugh Fulton was
appointed in his stead.
Mrs. John Grieve was at Brantford
visiting her daughter.
A, NlcEwen, 1st line, bad spine very
successful bees last week hauling borne
the been he bought from Mr. Cole.
Where has been a great beechnut
veep tide season amid some folk have
gathered there by the -half bushel. ,
Miss Mary. Dark was bane flora
Gntvanstnwu Motile 7, where she is
leaching school, for Saint and.
Noble Sehnnrlr, .of .AJonceief.-and
W ellancl Kreuter, " nl Oralibl ook,
visiLed et Max well' Abran's on Sym-
el es. W. B. Fergnsnn is attending
the Peovincinl Convention of the
Women's Institute at 'Toronto this
Mrs. S. 0. Near, of. Toronto, was
renewing old friendships in this tome
ship. She was 1'rir'tneely Miss Emma
7erinyii, of Marie.
A number of Liberals will ego to
Bly t h next. Tuesday afternoon to hear
Biu•rister Pardee,., M. P., of Sarnia,
Nuhn speaks in Indust ey Hall.
In repro e of el S. No, 8, Motels,
teat week's Pose .lrimes Duncan,
who heeded the Jim. Si'd class, shrnhld
have been credited with 186 nravks in-
Messrs. Shurrie and Sharpe, 5th
line, Just nrle of their tears hnises'
Nem cut attach of indigestion. Tire
team tvhs a good one Another horse
hits been bought.
When yin have a newsy item tele-
phone it to't'HE POST. By the way
lO yenta will.. Fertlr'r THE -"POST to the
end of December 1914, and if you are
unt receiving it. regularly now would
be.a good Lime to have it sent to your
L+all hrugting tenant) having arrived
inriis farmers hope the huntsmen'
will exercise•due' cave with guns and
h elide iu connection with the Renck
epee tee p1 etnises, The helmets are
still the owners although sometimes
the sports do notttppiteently think so.
The acre•of land 00 the South•East
notelet. of Alex 'MeLenchlites fine
fat tet, which was sold many years
ago and npnn which 100505 were
built, has been purchased by Mr. Me-
feritehli0, thereby restoring the hill
100 tact es. The buildings were remov-
ed before e he gut it.
ScuooL 1thPOIiT.-Followitrg is the
report of S. S. No. 6 Morris fir the.
months of Septerchet and October,
'Homes 76% Prase 80%, Sr. IV.-
1}zttmined in 15 1111 ,' Spell., Gram„
Writ Art, Gang., Lit., Read. and
Daily W. -Ge tie Bone 77, Mary
ll 06r5'n I 73, ' Sr. T1L-
Examined 1n ...eine Harold Sellers. 70.
Jr.' IL- llxentined ie same Mina
Wilkinson 70. Nnrrntttt Shaw 69, So.
IL- IlOamined In Arith., Geog„
Spell., Lang., Wei t., Art, ,Lit., Read„
rend Daily Wok Cecil73onp 72, lfaul
Sellers 66, Lillian Sellers 64, Jimmie
Hogg 50. 13 . I, -Exam feel in Ati,th.,`
8pnll„ Lang„ AriLh, Lit., Read. and
Daily Work, Prank Si' lets 783, Sant
Baro 00, Pr, Good 1110,y Barr.
BeleeettCTI Centre, Teacher.
DIED AT PIetLADE(trtlTA.-+•Tact Sat-
urday, Mr's. John ieie, tan :oft, rurd
highly esteemed resident of the 2nd
lino,' 1loetle township, died at the
home),f bee son, 1)r, Roe, Philitdelph-
ia,1ged 77 years, 0 months and 7 days,
She had gide to visit bee sons a
month or so a in the hope itt
riot t,tl p
p10 11111 het'"tvhich had not
been very robust fti'r the past year'.
The t'emaine were brought hone and
the etnteral Wok photo Wednesday
fietetoon to. Witt/eh:ern from which
point the body Meas taken back to
Philadelphia for burial, the
service being concluetee by 1'_Rev, bin.
Robinson, deceased's pastor, Ml'.
Roe, two eons anci'"4 daughters, (two
of wham, Mire, D. leeeOutoheon and y
A meeting of the Liberate of the
new Riding of Ninth H r
ni at Int
{affixation pit pmts will be held in
Industry Hall, Blyth on Tuesday...
November 17th, at 1 p. m. In addi-
tion to business ronihne Barrister F.
F. Pardee, el, P., of Sarnia, who is a
Jlrsieclass speaker,will be preeent Mid
address the meeting: All Liberals
will be welcome and are urged to at-
tend as it will ha an important, gather-
ing ntvieg to the changes in the boun-
daries. W. 11. Robel'teon is the act-
ing PeesidetLaud M. Blank, Secretary.
Miss Martha, are residents of Morris
township) survive and will be deep-
ly sympatltised With in their bereave-
ment. Mrs. Roe was a fine wornan,
genial, iidestrious, hospitable, neigh•
ito.rly and kindly, het' memory will be
long revered. Site died as she lived
with a confident hope in the risen
Miss Ethel Carter, of Westfield, is a
visitor the home of R. 3, Hoover,
9th Con,
Borne wild geese have been hovering
about the river amid fields, resting in
their' flight.
When the Upper Canada Bible
Society Collectors call upon you cheer
them up by neat subscription,
Mrs. Charles Daglieeh, of Strstfurd,
is visiting her slater, Mrs. W, J,
Cardiff and other relatives and friends,
,ilii little bird whispers a retiree Lhat
severts1 weddings are being planned
for in Mitch Lhis towpehlp will be In.
The Auction Sale of cattle at L.
McNeil's Wednesday afternoon of
last week was a sucoess good figures
being attained. Fe S. Scott, of Brus-
sels, was the auctioneer.
SC5 OOL CONCERT -On the evening
of Friday, December llth a fine con -
curt will be given in Lhe school house
of S. S. No. known as Shine's, Miss
Jessie Menzies is Lhe teacher and this
fart will be proof positive of the good
things to be found in the program.
Make a mite of the date and get there
without fall. December 11th, re-
One day last week the Reuther
Bros,, disposed of 21 head of cattle to
J. E. Ilnrst, de'eve. of Milverton, for
whi'h they received. the tidy sum of
$2 080. 8 cents wtas the price pet
pound and the fine bunch was loaded
t1. Ethel station. It pays to keep the
'good kind. • The boys are good farm-
ers and' are doing Well.
ere re sorry" stn 'hear- 'that ire old'
and'.well known resident of the 611i
Con., in the person of John Bishop
has beet, confined to bed for the past
2 weeks. He is in his 83rd year and
flame to Gi ey township over 80 years
ago. Me. Bishop is about the only
old resident left. We wish him itu-
Aid of Union Methodist church, 110
Oen., purpose Bolding a Mystery
Evening on Friday, Nov. 27th when
supper will be served from 6 to 8 p.
ea., followed by a choice program by
home and outside talent. Admission
fee 25 cents, Take note of the day as
this will be one event of the season
everybody should attend. Mrs. T. E.
Whitfield ie the President and Mrs.
They Hastings the Secretary.
Sogooe, REPORT. -The following is
the standing of pupils in S. S. No. 5,
Grey, for November, Names in order
of merit. Examined in Spelling,
A,i'ith„ Writing and Literature; Jr.
1V. -J. Armstrong, G. McDonald,
81'.IIL-TVI. Lindsay, L. Weed. Jr,
III -A.Blemner, 14L Olttrke, 0: Mc
Donald, Sr. 11.-5. Betimes, R.
Benliett. Jr. IhH. Beirnes, E.
Mills, Q. Eveleigb, 1VI. Ward, 1.Brem-
nor, G. Oantpbell, I. Oanipbell, M.
Ward, L. Thomson, W. Ward, N.
Campbell, A. Hudson. Primer, -R'
Mills, F. ]3ieniner, E. Ward, 0,
Clarke. J. 11. TuoMsoer, Teacher.
SAD Ne'tvs,- Last weep the sed
news was received by R. J. Hoover,
90 Con„ of the demise of his sister
Mary, who passed away at Otunrose,
Albetl•a, en Tuesday. She was the
wife. of Thos. Fowler, to whom she
was married 24 years ago. Het }Jus-
tified and two sons survive to hold in
loving remembrance a- teen wife anti
loving mother. Deceased was born
EMIL \Vtuvagoeh and went West
WOG') fuer husband 15 years age, She
visited with relatives in Ontario dat-
ing the past year and was then en-
joyinggood health. This is the first
break ill a family of 10 rbildren.
Nits. Fowler Was in her filet year.
She was a fide type of Christian worn -
1 tin will ai5ood whose tet 1 1 ireretial
regretted, Particulars as to ause of
death are not yet to band.
Maim AWAY, --'the death messen-
ger, whose hand is never still, has a-
gain,been busy in our ,midst. This
Bine ie called away one of our most
highly respected" young men in the
person of Matthew John Stewart,
youngest eon of Alex, and Mrs,
Stewart, 16th Oen. Grey. While in
the West, a few yettes ago, he un-,
fortunately stepped in a badger hole
injutlttg.the cords of his leg which
formed in a lutrrp arid it becoming
painted he came home to have ib re-
tnnved,,tbitiah was dome tutee months
ego in Guelph hospital. At first
operatiol, seemed seccessftl and lie
ryas able to come' home to his father's
htie, Complications
satin however
and despite the best medical skill
and faithful nursing, after suffering
iil'tettse pain borne With patience and
Christian fottitude, he eta ctirnbecl.
leaving to mourn his loss his widow,
Sophia oldest dao0ter of the, late
lames tend Mre, Houston of this
locality, his aged parents, a brother,
Alexander, in Vancouver, who was
linable Ln come bottle. (He was here a
ear ago) two slaters (Mrs, Cottle
Steis6 14th Con„ and Aliso Maggie, at
borne.) Dectiesed was a kind and
faithful hueband, ser and brother.
fie died of he far v
,i mon hothe +1r
which l wee
born. N)r.
Stewart lived
1 u e un-
I i
til the last few years which he spent
in the West. He was 0 coneisLant
member or the Presbyterian church,
Testifying to the last day of his life to
his faith in Jesus Christ and his
desire to do the will of Goc1. Almost
his last words were "Jesus, Jesus,"
which were so often on his lips
through all his Buffeting. The sub-
ject of this notice was an industrous,
good living young man who was held
univernal respect and will be ion r
remembered by old arid young. His
death was the first break in bis
father's and mother's family.
Funeral on Wednesday afternoon,
RAI vice being conducted by Rev. J. L.
McCulloch. Court Woodbine, Cana.
dian Order of Foresters, Oranhrook,
of which deceased was a honored
member took part in the ceremony at
the grave side in Brussels -cemetery,
Old friends aid neighbors extend
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
ogres in their greatec»'row'
Tuesday the following persons host
Ethel Methodist circuit attended the
N'lissiomery District Convention at
\Virgham :-- Rev. I. . McKelvey,
Miss Lizzie Bryane, J. K. Baker, Jno,
Pearson and R. Carr, They report
good results in prospect.
W oMEN'E INSTITUTE.- The regular
meeting of the Women's Institute
will "be held in Diltvorth's Ball Thine -
day 10th of November at 2 80 o'clock,
Topic '.4, square deal for our boys
and gide" to be led by Mrs. 1i. Dob.
son and Mrs. M, Ferguson, A good
attendance is hoped for'.
The Christian Endeavor Society
entertained the members of the Hp -
worth League last Friday evening rn
the Township Hall. A fine time was
enjoyed, Rev. J. L. McOulloch oc-
cupying the chair. A musical and
literary program was well rendered
and a contest entitled a "Flower
Romance" made lots of fun. The
Leaguers were royally looked after.
Mrs. Armstrong, who was operated
on for appendicitis a few weeks ago,
at the home of A. and Mrs. AlcKee
here, was able to be removed to her
home, near Molesworth, on Wednes-
day afternoon of this week. We hope
she will continue to iutptove. She
was four weeks at Mrs. NicKee's COW -
IN.. to make them a visit and taking
Keep the anniversary services in
the Presbyterian church next Sab-
bath morning and evening in mind.
Rave, Sir, Nicol, B. D. of 'Listowel
who is a fine preacher, will occupy the
pulpit. Special music will be render-
ed by the church choir who will be
assisted by Miss Tessie Halliday. An
offering will be taken ae both see -
vices to be 'applied to Chinch im-
provement; Fund.
Am .Son . •rern BxLIMANS.- By.
patronizing the Patriotic Entertain-
ment, to be Meld in the Township
Hall, Ethel, Monday evening of next
week' you will be contributing to a
most worthy cause well deserving of
everybody's help.' An 'interesting
program' will be presented in which
short addresses will be given by
Reeds. Messrs. Boyle, Bell and MC-
Kelvey; a recitation' by Rev. Mr.
Nicol ; and musical selections by
Belgtave Quartette,Mrs. S. 0. Wil -
so'., Miss Halliday, D. Strachan wird
others. Tickets only 25 ceitts. Give
it to lift.
Perth County
The 7th annual exhibition of the
New I•Iamburg Pouliry and Pet Stock
Association was held in the Skating
Rink Wednesday and Thursday, Nov.
llth and 12th.
The Commit of Stratford Board of
Trade, are making arrangements for
their annual meeting. Either Sir
George Foster or Premier Hearst are
expected for the occasion.
St. Paul's church, Stratford, has
suffered heavily by the war. No less
than 18 active worker's are . now in
training 5 from the choir and 4 Sun-
day Scheel teachers. while more than
20.others who were nominal adherents
are. also enlisted:.
Pref. le. H, Clark, of the Universi-
ty of Chicago, will be the star attrao-
tion ab the annual convention of the
Strall'tn'd and Pertly teachers, Strat-
ford, en Nov. 190 and 2015, the ses-
sions to be held at the Collegiate In-
Capt. W, D. Perry,; of Mitchell who
assisted in organizing "G" Oompaily
of the Twenty -Eighth Re imeab has
been appointed ea teiti of "D" Con-
pany of the Eighteenth Battalion.
1 Y g
He Is now at headquarters in London,.
and expeots to have this men in good
shape shortly. He was a member of
the Forty -Eighth Highlanders for 10
A dozen employees of the Thames
Quarry Company St, ;Marys, had a
close call frotn being meshed to death
when 2 tons of stone and the heavy
derrick by which it was being lifted
fell. A " new foundation had been
placed around the hoisting derrick,
and as the load wee' being raised the
foundation moved, causing the whole
outfit to crash down into the quarry:
Speedy jtintps alone saved the tiled be.
A call had been extended to Rev.
George Morley, of Scotland, Ontario,
to become pastor.of rile Oongregatioti-
ell ohnech, Stratford. Rev, Mr, Mor-
ley preached here a few weeks ago
and made a god impression. In the
eVelhtof his anceitance Mr, Mnrle
will asstune oliarg e . fest tee aeon ae
t i
posstble' Rev. �hllip D.'Heeding,
Who recently resigned the pastorate
of theloetal ehnrch, will itis undete
stood, shortly return to Ohio to 08 -
surae charge oe a flourishing church
in the vicinity of Columbus,
9,444efellefei'•t'l feleigel'd'kd••F°I'+•ft:,h++
+ Cream
Brussels Factory pur-
poses running all Winter
and will pay
• 29c per lb. of
• Butter Fat
for all Cream delivered at
the Factory on Wednes-
+ day or Thursday for bal-
• ance of November.
+ Tell your neighbor.
Phones 38 and 22.
We Wo Harris
Shamrock Creamery
.14++ ++++i••Q'i•d•+++M•'r'h'ed•+r i•d++Y"M•f•44'
Sung g Europe
Sing a song of Europe,
Highly civilized,
Font -and -twenty nations
Wholly hypnotized.
When the battle's open
The bullets start to sing,
Isn't that a silly way
To act for any king ?
The kings are In the background
Issuing commands.
The queens are ii the parlor
Per etiquette's demands.
The bankers in the counting -house
Are busy multiplying.
The common people at the front
Are doing all the dying.
(From Wednesday's Daily)
The battle -en' Went Flatidere, and
for miles Lo the South in French
territory, continues with unabated
fury. From day to day there is ate
payee tlylittle ohauge in the general
sit.uat.ien bet each day of Lhe fighting
has Meant a rearrangement of force
at certain places, which in the end
must he of vast importance, when the
two opposing forces come 10 grips in
the final struggle.
The advantage is claimed by, both
the Germans and the Allies and itis
possible that both. believe that they
have made gains at the points where
gains are bound to count in the end.
Meanwhile, there has been un-
questionably to very great loss in
killed, wounded and prisoners,
King George has sent to Field
Marshall Sir John French his coir
gratnletions on "the plucit, spirit and
endurarnceshown by the British
ti naps against vastly superior farces,"
arts expresses confidence in Lha final
The official information from Berlin
declares that the Western campaign
is snaking satisfactory, bub slow pro-
rogress ; that 500 of the French colored
and English prisoners have been taken
in the vicinity of Ypres ; that further
South the German troops have re-
pulsed strong counter attacks by. the
British and are advancing and that in
the Argonne region favorable pro-
gress is being made.
The situation in the Eastern arena
is somewhat uncertain owing to the
conflicting reports. Froin Petrograd
itis stated that the Austrian evacu-
ation of positions to the Southeast of
Lemberg, in Galicia, and in Buirowina.
continues and with respect to the
latter territory that with the ex-
ception of a garrison no Austrian
troops are left there.
On the other lbend'a Berlin dispatch
by way of London says that official
remote from Vienna announce the
evacuation of the greater portion of
Bukowina by the Russians who are
being pursued by the Austrians;
Petrograd official reports also claim
g P
markedP rogress in East Prussia
where the Germans are said to have
been driven back.
Professor Pates, the British Govern -
men es
overn-meat's representative with the'
Russian (teeny," without giving details,
or the results of Hee engagements,
"Tice theatre of the receet oper-
ations (iu - Ruuesiate Poland) is of
urtrelal importance. Here Anstrin,
mei Germany join hands and serious
reverses would compel Lbem either
toretreat on divergent lines or be ex-
pose one or the other of their
lthe lass of the cruiser
Emdenen under
$recfthe Ansttaiian crruiser
in the Iridian Ocelot and the bottiing
tp of the Koenigsberg are incidents
which have rejoiced the:Beitish pubiio
as both these German warships have
been exceedingly active int menaoing
British itun'chane vessels,
e.dw+ices from South Africa report
the further rnuding-.019 of rebels mit
far from Pretoria, where an additional
1211 then have been killed or wounded.
l'ot' the first time since 1100 there
has been an execution in elle Tower rot'
London, Gael Hans 'Cody, a Gorman
who lived fora time in the United
States, being shot to death,
Church Chimes
The North Beton Sunday Scbool -
Bat Native met last Tem daY afternoon
in the Baptist church Wire/teen,
01 the evening of Sundry, 2211d list ,
the Bishop of ilurou willconduct ser-
vice i:. Sr Jolli1's clturcb, Brussels and
administer the rite of Confirmation to a
class who lta: been in traihiug by Rev.'
R. E, Puge, the rector. -
The Bible Society collectors will ca:1
uu the people is this community before
the close of November. This District
always Inas done well end we bespeak a
cuutinueueeof the same gener.sity ns
the Society is doing a splendid work in
the world. Give the collectors a cordial
Tuesday aftetuooe a meeting of the.
pastor's and prominent laymen of the -
Methodist church in Winghani District
was held in Wingh m to discuss int -
portant phases of the Missionary ques-
tion. The war has unsettled and inter-
fered with the foreign Mtssiuuary eel
of all elation's and this meeting die.
cussed ways and :nestle .of encouraging
the home folk to evert greeter zeal end
generosity in standintt I y the cense in
these perilous days. Rev. Mr. Manning
one of the Missionary Secretaries was
present. The outlook here is hopeful
interest has 1), en manifested in the
series of Evangelistic services that ate
in progress in the Methodist church,
Toe pastor is in cuarge- He speaks
this (Tbursdtty)evening othe subject
"'Tile Eternal .viii nr,"n and Friday
night on tine theme, 'Nut tar from the
Kingdom," A praise Set vice for til
minutes prt•ceelee the regular npenlug,
Topics for next week annotneed are t-'
Bttndey morning "Me a Chrielan 7'r
Evening, 'Phe impel ennoble trio^'
N'fondat, "Walking with God." Tues-
day, "The soul's -passion for God."
Wednesday, "God's double dwelling-
wellingplace," Tour. day, "What bill lthink
about in the next world ?" Friday.
"The quest'on we all must answer."
Mee'ings open at 7,45 and close shortly
atter q o'clock. -'1'he services are help-
ful, encouraging and inspiring and ere
bearing fruit.
Canadian News
James Rowens, charged with treason -
was committed for trial at the Assizes
A 4o anile gale, accompanied by a : 1
blinding snowstorm, raged all -day over
Lake Superior on 'Tuesday.
A rancher of Cochrane, Alta , George
Creightou, has donated a carload of
horses to the British government.
Almost 40 puismtets have keen re-
leased by the Department of Justice to
allow them to enlist for overseas service.
Rev.' A, J Morley, Librarian and
Secretary of Assumption College.
Sandwich, died suddenly following an
Three men were lust when the schoon-
er Jacqueline WAS wrecked on the rocks
below Seven Islands iu the Gulf of Ste
Hon, Dr. Behind, ex -Postmaster -
General for Canada writes to friends on
the side that he was in Antwerp at the
time of its capitulation.
A big flow of gas has been struck at
Edmonton's mumeipal gas well at Vik-
ing, giving out more than nine, million
feet in ttvetirf-four boars,
The body of Toseph Gieesome-of Brace -
bridge, missing since Oct, 03, was found
in the bush with his ride in Itis hand
and a bullet hole in his forehead.
Lieut. le, M. Stephens. K N Direct-
or of Gunnery at Canadian naval head-
quarters has been appointed Chief of
Staff, with rack of Commander in the
Royal Canadian Navy
:Rev. H. D. Moyer, of k'etrolea, has
accepted a call to the pastorate .of
Hyatt Avenue Methodist churchutnt of
Londoc, succeeding Res. J 1•a. J. Milt -
yard, who goes to Listowel.
Thomas 01861 iv, general manager of `
the Massey -Harris Company, annoiiiices
that tee company's works all :over
Outcrio will be open by December est
employingall heeds for tour . to five
per week,
The Legislature of Alberta has pieced
a special yearly -tax of 6 cents
per acre on vacant farm land within the
Province. The object is to compel
absent land owners to improve their
lands andalso' to bring the Province
some money.
Toseph Beauchamp tied. Israel Bourret
were sentenced to life 'imprisonment ,
and Arthur Foucault to one year AS an
accomplice in conn etiort with the
shooting of Constables Bovrdon and
Guyon, the formereno•tally, by a gang
vE baudits at. Montreal,
The Massey -Harris Company an-
nounces that on December• t the works
at Toronto, Brantford alta Woocistocic
Will openen on aA contract for z,on
wn nus for tiro 3rftisGovernment,h
and four or five clays a week the eni-
ployeerwlll be kept busy. The Wood-
stock shops have just completed a C1011 -
tract for wagons for the Canadian
Government and these solessecl the
British war office that an order for
e,oco have been given,,
Several, persens Were injured in the
sethe rear tial f
p f. 0 the floor of
the Methodist church at Shiloh, near.
Port Hope while special services were
being held to mark - the is openingof
,the edifice. whioh had -bee» .closd a
mouth for repairs. A large oongrega
Hon bad itssembled for tine occasion.
Those hurt were : blaster: 'Vhite',in-
terual injuries ; Albert Campbell, . back
hurt ; Miss .Elva White, leg broken ;
Mics Stalker, leg broken ; Miss N. R.
Smith, elm. Amos McMulleir aid Mrs.
Bullied, be accideut happened just
after the congregation, had assembled
on Sttniley, With the people went
down chairs, seats, and two staves With
fres bttrnin In each, Albert Caine.
bell, one of the inured bed been un-
able tp='gain admitlaiott to the church
owie' to the size of the tougre T` n
�' Y( lza to ,
and he seated himself Tn. the beseu'leht.
He was crushed to 'tlte: floor ender the
debris, and when found had a heavy
beam across his back.