HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-11-5, Page 8Tooth Biri.sshes A uew lot received ;in Nssorted shapes and handles—at 15c each, They are good value, Other ToothBrushes are lo, 25 and 35e each, Clean Teeth To keep your teeth clean use— RexaIlTooth Paste Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder or Euthymol Tooth Pante Any one of these preparations will whiten and beautify your teeth, and at the same time, retard decay and give the mouth a nice sense of cleanliness. They come ata yc, Your Films We are most careful in the develop- ment of films left with us and you can feel aure of getting the best results. Although our policy is not "How Cheap" but "How Good," you will find our prices most reasonable. And by the way, right vow is the i very best time to have prints made for Christmas Calendars, Snap Shot Al. i bums, &c. The 0.4a Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. runt aebm ttirts NovzMBxR. FINK moonlight nights, EGGS keep a good price. ADDITIONAL booal and district news on inside pages, BRUSSEL%, School Board will meet Friday evening of next week. FOURTH Division Court will be held next Wednesday in the Town Hall. to CENTS will secure THE POST to the close of 1954 to any address in Canada. AUTOMOBILES are not s0 numerous these days although quite a number are still on the move. 'PHs mild, bright weather of this sea- son not only lengthens the Summer but shortens the Winter. FRIDAY afternoon the awards won by the pupils on Field Day were presented to the winners at the school. SPECIAL bargains are being offered at the Maitland studio. No nicer present for Christmas presentations than good photos. Read the advt. DEGRRE MESSING — Thursday even- ingof this week at 7.3o o'clock, a De- gree meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Brussels. All candidates for end or 3rd Degrees are asked to attend. Lunch will be served at the close. SHEns BY AUCTION.—The remaining horse sheds at West side of Melville church will be offered for sale by public auction Saturday next, at 4 p. m. Terms made known at sale. F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer. Two DRAYS NOW.— George Hender- son, who bought out Tindall Ritcbie commenced work on Monday in the draying business. He will also look after the street watering in the Summer season. P. Milligan has also put a dray on hence the work should be well looked after. Mr. Milligan ran the business prior to Mr Ritchie, selling to him. INJURED IN ACCIDENT.—N. B. Gerrv; proprietor of the hardware store at eo8 West Frederick street, West Fort William, is a patient in the McKellar hospital as a result of an automobile ac- cident which occurred shortly before 4 o o'clock Thursday afternoon of last week on Kingsway road. Mr. Gerry and Arthur Mahon were driving along the road fa the latter's car when it sud- denly swerved and plunged into the ditch at the side of the road. Mr. Gerry was thrown out and sustained a compound Erecters of his rlgbt arm be. low the elbow and several painfal bruises, Mr. Mahon although shaken up was not injured. The automobile was wrecked. The injured man is a former Brusselite, a brother to N. F, Gerry, of town. We hope be will soon be o. k. Mrs. Gerry is a sister to S. T. Plum, of Brussels. HAD Goon TIME.—The Social held by Melville church Young People's Society last Friday evening was an en- joyable one. Games constituted the program for the first hour. Rev. Mr. Mann, as chairman, called for the fol- lowing numbers which were well rendered :— Solo, Miss Kate Ament ; duet, Bobs and Miss Marjorie Campbell ; song, Stuart Grant; solo, Dougald Strachan ; reading, Jno. Henderson ; solo, Mrs. S. C. Wilson. A spelling match provoked a large interest. Drug. gist Fox and Jno. Henderson were captains, 15 on a side, and the words were taken from the School Speller and given out by the Chairman. • After a well contested bout Mr. Fox's side won out with a majority of 3 of their original number. Proceeds of the self denial far October, plus contributions received that evening totalled $t4o.00 with some expected additions. The spelling match tatted to the remembrance of some bygone days when it was a favorite item on many a program and served a good purpose. FROM GRAND PRAIRIE.— Monday of this week Jas. A, Moore and son, Alex. arrived in town from Winnipeg for a holiday visit of a few months, Mrs. Moore and daughter, Mamie, are ex- petted itt a few days. The first mention- ed is a son of the late D, B. Moore, William street Brussels, Mr, Moore left Morris township nearly 5 years ago for Greed Prairie to the Peace River country, Alberta, and is now owner of 800 acres of land there.In going into that distant -country, Soo miles from Edmonton, the trip had to bemade by prairie schooners bat a new railroad is working its way which will change con. 1itiofs very materially, The . Moore family left Grand Prairie in lune. They drove 220 miles to Grouard taking a steamer -forloo miles that runs on Lesser Slave Lake and Slave river, to Smith where they got on board the rail- way and after 13o mules landed in Ed - Manton, From there they made for Winnipeg where they have relatives and old friends, When the railway is eon- leted to Grand Prairie the distance from Edmonton will be reduced to 325 utiles as route will be mora direct. . Mr, Mobro is well pleased with Ilia ex- THURSDAY of this week the first Monthly Fair of this season will be held in Brussels. Next Fair will come on Thursday. December 3rd. THE ladies of the Duncan Ferguson Co's department, Stratford, by means of a sale of home made cooking and candy on the market Saturday morning raised the sum of Situ tor the Belgian Relief Fund. AN old fashioned quilting bee was on at the school room of the Methodist church a couple of afternoons this week by the Willing Workers and 8 quilts are the result. There were 25 ladies in attendance. The goods go for Missionary purposes. - ---o--- $85.00 will buy a flue farrow cow. G. A.DEADMAN. 11 pigs, a weeks old for sale, ready to sake away'. Apply to JNo. ROBB, Lot 28, Con. 8. Morris. Phone 185. SMALL purse lost on Gravel road South last Saturday. In addition to the money there wen a return ticket, Walton to Blyth. Will the findersgreatly Broblige the loser by leaving it at SUGAR DEAR, HONBY oaEAP.—For a number of yearn a party has been shipping me his best honey. This year it is not quite as good as us- naland I will Hell for less. It 7n good ripe honey but darker. Will sell at 21,00 fora 10 lb. pail or 82-15. tin for $8.00. What we pro- duced onreelves isnot up to the mark either so. Will sell for less also :-85o for 101b. pail or 88 15. tin for $6.00. Why not ane more honey when it is so cheap and sugar so dear ? G. A, MIAMIAN opolitanBank Tie Metr Which will be Amalgamated on Nov. 14th with $ The Bank of Nova Scotia THE BANK will thenhave a Paid-up Capital ,of $6,600,000, and a Reserve Fund of $11,760,000, and Branches throughont Canada and in the principal cities of the United States as well tis in New- foundland and the West Indies. The greatly increased resources and wide dietributiou of Branches will enable us to offer unexcelled facilities in every department of Banking. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GiLROY, MANAGER THE POST 50 the end of 5955 for $r.00 in advance. Now is a good time to start. - Miss Maggie McNabb. who has been in the West for some man hs, arrived home during the past geek. She en- joyed her stay, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE CONVENTION.— Among the delegates at the Conveution at Loudon this week from Huron Co, are the following :-East Huron.—Mrs.- S. S. Cole, Ethel; Mrs. J. 1. McGavin, R. R. No. 2, Walton ; Mrs, Geo. Hearn, R R. No. I, Seaforth. South Huron.— Mrs T. Amos, Exeter ; Mrs. A. Hast. ings, Exeter ; Mrs. M. Fritz, Miss K. K. Campbell, bliss A. Hess, Zurich. West Huron.—Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, Goderich ; Mrs. G. M, Elliott,. Goderich ; Mrs. Robt. McKenzie, Dungannon; Mrs. J. H. Pentland, Nile ; Mrs. Ed. C. Munroe, Clinton ; Mrs. Duncan Laidlaw, Blyth. Word was received here of the de- mise of Wm, Habkirk, of Goderich on Thursday of last week. He was a son of Mrs. loseph Habkirk, who formerly resided in Brussels, uow of the West. A wife and 6 children survive. The funeral took place Suuday afternoon, Deceased was a cousin of Robt. Hender- son of Brussels. He was a resident of the Co. town for a enod many years and bad a large circle of friends. Mrs. ilabkirk was a Miss McNevin, of Dun. Bannon. Jno. Habkirlc, of Fort Frances, and Joseph. of Fort William were in attendance at the funeral. Deceased was not i11 at all but while changing his clothes Thursday evening dropped over and died almost instantly. HALLOWEEN SOCIAL.—Friday evening of last week the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's church held a most interestiug and enjoyable social evening with about 7o young people present. Vocal and, nutubers POTATOEe wanted. Call on or 'phone D. C. Rom, Brussels. TEAM of working horses for sale. L. HOLLINGER, James street, Brussels. GOOD brick house on William street for Bale together with good stable end. driving shed. Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, eta. For father particulars apply to GROUPS! TR0M5ON, Brussels, ---0-- A water spaniel, au old favorite in the Plum borne, went to dogdom this week, by the chloroform route, owing to an incurable ailment in one eye, THE Anglican Young People's Asso ciationof St, John's church Brussels, will bold a Box Social on November 27th, at Frank McCutcheou's 6th line Morris. Boxes will be auctioned— Come. THE sale of the butcher business of of toa Mr. Graham, cerin Joseph Q StratEorti, is off owing to a dispute. M r, Graham, who had moved to town, re- turned to the Classic city ou Wednes- day. - - '1HE police are asked to be on the look -out for a dark brown horse, with euro seat buggy and goldine harness, stolen from Geo, Gramm, New Ham burg, on Oct. loth. $5o reward is off - ed, THE Southerly plate glass window in A. Straehan's store front was smashed Wednesday morning by the Bulletin board at Jas. Fox's drug store striking it as it whirled about -by the strong wind. AFFLECK—SHARPE,—The marriage of Miss Julia E. Sharpe, daughter of Jas. Sharpe and the late Mrs, Sharpe, Brussels, to A. Archibald Affleck, of Port Hope, took place on October 31st at Bloor Street Baptist Church, Tor- onto, Rev, W. A. Cameron officiating. The bride wore a tailored suit of navy blue French cheviot and black velvet toque. Mr. and Mrs. Affleck will re. side in Port Hope, where the former is a teacher on the Collegiate - staff. A kitchen shower was ten. dered Miss Sharpe on Friday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will. Lowry, London. Old friends in Brussels wish the happy twain a long, happy and useful life, NEXT SATURDAY AFTERNOON,- While it is necessary that the flower of Canada's manhood should go to the front tohelp defend our Empire it is equally necessary that Canada's women at home should make supplies for our men on the firing line and for our sick and wouuded soldiers in the hospitals, To get the necessary funds to carry on this line of work Brussels Women's Institute and friends have held on the last two consecutive Saturday afternoons home- made cookery sales 'in the Carnegie Library, Next Saturday, Nov. 7111 at 3 p, m. in the same place, another sale will be held and all ladies interested in this good work are asked to bring any- thing they have a talent for making in this line, This will close the sales for Rea Cross work at present as the bale is to be sent to Red Cross headquarters very soon. Something will be clone in the near future for the relief of the Belgian refugees, who through no fault of their own have been driven from their beloved country but further notice of this will given in Tat Post'. Bros. sets Women's Institute and friends wish to theta all the ladies who so generously gave donations of cooking for this work and ask them to kindly bring whet they can next Saturday afternoon, Would the ladies who are doing knitting or sewing at home for the Red Cross Society please bring the ilnished articles with theft to the Library on Saturday, The goods will be on display in the show window of Mrs. Jane Thompson lrerienee and thinks the future of that store on Friday and Saturday of this ivorthi2fld is asioMO. week, instrumental were rendered, A contest was on in the winning out of the various games, the total marks being 5oo. Sides were chosen by Rev. Mr. Page and Chas Pope, Mr. Page's side winning out with over 40o marks, Mr. Page gave a short address on the pres- ent conditions of the war. The judging of the Hallowe'en pumpkins caste next and out of the number shown Miss Vivian Harris's took the prize, Refresh- ments were served after which the sing- ing of the National Anthem- brought the program to a close. Councillor Jno. Habkirk, of Fort Frances, spent a day in town this week which was no small pleasure to mane' old friends. He had come to Goderich to attend his brother Will's funeral and called here on his way home. It is 6 ears sinceMr, Habkirk left Brussels. . y He likes his new town and thinks It is IT This is Mr. Habkirk's and year at the Council Board and if we might be permitted to make a suggestion we think be would grace the Reeve's chair, Mr. Habkirk reported his mother and sisters well, His brother Joe had come, East too on the same sad errand but had to return at once owing to the uufortus nate accident to N. B. Gerry, of Fort William, iu whose employ he is. MATRIMONIAL —The home of George and Mrs. Bauer, Indianapolis, Ind„ was thescene of a pretty wedding Thursday night, Oct. 13th, when their daughter; Miss Katharine - Elizabeth Bauer, was married to Carleton Clarke Aliin, second son of Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Alfie, of Clinton, the members of the family and a few intimate frieotls being present for the ceremony. Mrs. Hiram J. Raffeus- perger, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor and Arthur E. Allin, of Toronto. a brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. • Edward RaffenIper- ger, a nephew of the bride. in a white suit, carried the ring in a basket, of flowers. The Misses Yuba and Franc its, violinist and harpist, friends of m da ab M ed Br fr by en Sir bi r ch ch EI M M 13 L M ab 5a m ci M A D at g c d m tr s s H g p ti a any happy, prosperous years, Fowl SUPPER.—The weather Thnrs y of last week was wet and disagree - le and most unpropitious for a Tea acting but toward evening it improv - so that by supper time the ladies of ussels Methodist church had the well eighted tables filled again and again a compauy who appeared to heartily joy the excellent bill of fare presented ch as fowl, ham, potatoes, salads, ckles, celery and the regular supply of ead, buns, biscuits, - cakes, pies, eese, &c., &c, he tables were eu arge of Mrs Herb, Manning and Mrs. stun Cardiff ; Mrs. J. `1'. Wood and rs. Geo. Edwards ; Mas, - W. H. Kerr- iss Amanda McCracken ; Mrs. Geo. arklay and Mrs. Alf. Baeker ; Mrs. I3, . Jackson and Mrs, R. Anderson ; and rs. Lowry and Mrs. Skelton, who were ly assisted by a.galaxy of maidens who w that everybody was well looked iter, Before the regale piegram com- enced piano selection; were played by isses Stella Gerry, Nile Fox, Bertha rtnstrongand May Wilkinson: Rev. . Wren, pastor, took the chair shortly ter 8 and a literary and musical pro ram was rendered that would be difft ult to surpass. Cyril. Hates, of Lon - on, was introduced as the reader of the vening. Although a stranger he soon ads himself at home and his numbers ere presented in a nstaner that proved he many gond things, sa.d of him were ire. His first selection was "'Pile tory of loseph," a Biblical rendition of he sale of Jnaeph in the-Midianites e followed with "A few bar:; in the ev of G. "Boots at the Holly Tree nn" and "The old folk at the photo allery." These with repeated epee: es roved most eatertainiug and the Targe udience would have listened with leasure to a half dozen more, Mr. ayes has a melodious voice, an asy natural manner, well timed gestures lid is well worth hearing. Musical umbers were iuterspersed as follows :— Violin and piano duet, H. L. Jackson nd Miss Alta Pryne ; solo and encore y F. H. Gilroy ; quartette and encore y Misses Hingston and Pryne and. Messrs Prvne and Jackson. Misses Pryne and Bailey were the accompanistsEvery selection was good Mrs. How on, who teas to have smile,was unable o be present owing t0 the illness of her on. Financial proceeds were shoo, $96.00, which was veru satisfactory fuer so rainy a day. Proceedings were brought to a close. by the National Anthem. The Epworili League was so well satisfied with Mr . Hayes' program hey closed arrangement 'fpr his return early in the new year:limner_ Heir pines. Willi the bride played the "Libestraume" by Liszt ; Serenade, Drigo ; • "O Thou Sweet Evening Star," Wagner, followed by the March frotn "Loheugrio" as the bridal party entered. They were met by Rev. Joshua Stanfield, who perform- the serious illness_ of her sister, Mrs. J. ed the ceremony. :There Was an altar Leckie. of white lattice and oak leaves, with P. Scott, W. M. Sinclair and M. palms, and a large cluster of white Black were in Wingham on Tuesday et- Chrysanthemums in the center. 'fall tending a meeting of the Liberal. Executive, Miss Nettie Brown has bought a Millinery business on Dundas street, 'Toronto, and is doing. well. We wish ported lace over white satin, made en her success. ' train ; her veil was bordered with duo h- Mrs. (Dr,) W. L. Holmes and Miss ease lace and the ISP was erebeiltshed Dorothy, arrived borne last week from with orange blossoms. Her bequeL was an eateuded and enjoyable visit' to the of white roses and lillies of the valley. Pacific Coast, Mrs, Raff arefens erg er wore a gown of Leonard, the little son of Ben. and lavender crepe de chine, with an over. Mrs, Walker, who wan so seriopsly i11, is gown of white lace and shecarried making improvement and we le pe he pink Killarney roses. The ceremony will soon be convalescent, and congratulations were followed by P. Burchill is home from. the East the wedding supper, The table in the and will canvas this section of country dining room held a large basket of pink now. He is with the Trench Co. in the chrysanthemums. Bride is a well . sale and piecing of lightning rods. known violinist and one of the leading Mrs, Jgseph Harris, of Petrolia, is members of the Matinee Musicale, She here on a vikit with her sister, Mrs P, has played at many recitals and concerts, Watson, Queen street. The visitor was not only in the city but in various' places a former Morrisite, being a daughter of in the State and in Florida, where she the late Adatn Scott; 4th lite. has spent her Winters, Mr. and Mrs. We are sorry to hear that Ad. Hing- Altin have gone on a wedding trip Ston, of Wingham. soil of Mrs. R. T. South and they will be at home atter Hiogston, of Brussels, has been ill ill November is at 338 West 31st street, health for several weeks. We hope he. The bride's travelling gown was a purple will soon regain Itis customery vigor, suit with a black het. Among, the Harry ahtl Mrs Bartliff, Miss Idle guests were Rev, and Mrs, 5, J.' A11in, Bartliff and J, Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, Clinton, Arthur E. acrd Mts. Allin, all of CHntou, and fernier Brusselites of 'Toronto and Way . Attie, were in town last Sunday evening for a of Chicago. The groom who bolds a few hours visiting relatives. Mrs. lucrative position in Inclianapolls, Was Bartliff was forn)erlyMiss Vine Cardiff, a former resident of Brttesels and old of Princess street, They were a wel. friends^ here wish bin and his bride come quintette. -People We Talk About Mrs. Wm. McCall is visiting at Wm McCall's, 9th line, Morris, Miss A Duueansou was visiting Mrs. Will. Baeker,'rurnberrystreet, Win. Wilton's health is not aa good es it has been but we hope he will soon re- gain it. Mrs. Jno. Kreuter and baby, of Ethel, was a visitor at the home of her brother A. Laont, Mrsm. Alex Smith, of town, was holidaying at Blyth and -Clinton during, the past week, Mrs. S. Carter has been laid aside by au attack of tonsilitis. We trust she will soon be restored. - Charlie Richards is home from Ham- ilton Lor a holiday during a slacking off of business in the clty. Athol McQuarrte left for Victoria Harbor Friday of last week. Many good wishesaccompauy him. Fre I. and Mrs. Longfoot and child• ren, of Stratford, spent the week end. with Geo, and Mrs, Edwards, of town, - Frauk Gerry was holidaying at Han. over for a few clays' with W. H. and MrS. 0terkliuger. The latter is a sista' Mrs. (Dr.) Coyne, of Ridgetown, is back to Brussels on account of :.na..,,,rok++r'WM. ,,�w�+�rf�o-wsoww--e+�w,w..mwm •a»'W. rw,.,.�ew,f. +w,w.�ku,+lrwa, y PE 4SLAR N=WS r THE Es18 aSHSD ®@ • • MJensiar Beef Iran & Vine • A splendid tonic for inn- g doivtt eonditinus u1' the sys- y 1': •tato. b Bronchial loungers p Pot' the relief ni' itll Brun- e •(tidal irritation, hoarseness, o • &c. 1l1 and 25e pet' ilex. s • 0 I laxative Cold Breakers i A s, m •® Just the thing to breakup a • • Oold, ® BeguI x 20-e per Op. 'e m •A .:liotolale costed tablet, in et • 10 & 25c busy':' This is a w • mild hut very efficient lttxn- d five, • • • Our personal guarantee - acooute 41 • prudes malar tradetrticle natno bearing 111 Z • • r • • • tl9 , �9 a • DRUG STORE.- • ••• The Penslar Store OF CANADA 14,0p OFFicz, TORONTO BRUSSELS BRANCH, J.F. Rowland, CI Intl Manager. CAVINGS deposited in this bank dray the highest current rate of interest Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may Y be made when- ever desired without delay. •s5 Rev, John Cobourn, of Toronto, was DIED M1111.a vit.itor in town duringDB the past week, OALIOK,—At Whitnwnter, M. on October He gave an address at the . orange 15th, 1914, Samuel Onldbiok, formerly of y g' an Lodge Inst Monday eveuin He ex- Morried28days. township, aged 76 years, 5 months pacts to visit Brussels again shortly, DoN014. aN,—In McMillen, on lOctober 28th Au interestiug engagement cabled 1014. Mary A. MoMinnn, beloved wife oil from England ispthat of Miss AmyJohnDonaldeon,aged6.1years formerly of Brussels. Margaret Horsey and Captain Wormald, $ABK1RK. TnGoderJohonOotober20th, 1914, Miss horsey, who is the daughter of the - William Rabkit-k,aged 98yeere, late Dr. Edward. Horsey. at one time MOVevets, In Morrie township, on Novem- bar 2nd, 1914, Jean Evelyn, infant daughter member of Parliament for North Grev, of Milton and Mrs. MoVottie, aged 2 has been abroad for some years with her months and 8 days, mother and sister. Before Dr. Horsey's death the family lived for some time in Toronto, Miss Horsey is a grand- daughter of Dr. P, MacDonald. ex M. P., for East Huron and now Postmaster in London. BORN DAYrneoN.—In Grey township, on October 28, 1014, to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Davidson, a daughter—Mary Elisabeth. FRIBNDEHIP.—In Teeswater, on Oot, 15th, 1014, to Mr, and Mrs. Thee. Friendship, a daugh- ter. FRANKLIN.—At $t. George, Ont., on October 10th. 1914, to Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Frank- lin, a daughter, Edna Lyall HARTLEY In Vanleek Hill, on October 20th, 1614, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, former- ly of Wroxeter, a daughter. SANnStts: In Grey township on October 28th, 1914, to Mr, and Mre. D. ganders, a son— Thomas Elgin. MARRIED Airs'nts0K—SHARPE.—In Bloor Street : ` ptist church. Toronto, on Oot ober. 81st, 191 by Rev. W. A. Cameron, Mr A. Archibald Adleck, of Port Hope Collegiate, to Mies Julia E. Sharpe (nurse) daughter of Mr, James Sharpe, Brussels. GUEST—NwANL.—In Medicine Hat, on October 16111, 1914, Mine Annabel, daughter of Rev. Francis and Mrs. Swann, formerly of Bluevsle to Wilbur E. Guest M. D., 0011 or the late Henry Guest, of Goderich and Wire Guest, of Winnipeg. MOCUTO1EON—Ora111.—At St. Johns church Rectory, Brussels, on November 4th, by Rev. 10, E, Page, Dr. Wm T.. McCnteheon, of Phitndelphia• to Miss Ella Myrtle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clark, Morris township. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter" Eggs Sage Env Potatoes per bus Wool washed . Wool unwashed it 448 1 00 22 20 8 75 11 00 96 12 $1 98 1 7800 28 1200 50 10 Hound Lost Lost on Thanksgiving Day a black and white. hound. .Hca n slight soar on right side, Was 1555 seen in Ethel. Any information leading to Itis reeovory will be snit ably rewarded, STANLEY HA 6IILTON, 10-2 R. R. No. 4 Atwood P. 0. Notice to Creditors In the nuttier of the estate of Catherine Wilson, laic of the Village of Bros - AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOOK, sets, in the Coun'y of Huron, A aooms, YEG5TABLEe, Ae-'1'hoe, Brown, wtooty, deceased. Auetionoar, hue been inatrueted by the under' Notice le hereby given signed 10 sail by Public Auction, at hot 80,. C011. 8, McKillop, (cue nolo West of Winthrop) on Tuesday, November 10th, 1014, tit 1 p..m , the following property: -1 mare 9 mare old good driving. mare end worker quiet to drive, 1 mare 0 year old good driver and not afraid of a oar, 1 pair of matched colts sucking, 1 marc 2 year old, 1 ooltgot by young Moubm's, 80 head of year old cattle meetly steers, 20 good breeding ewes and ewe lambs, 1 good year old ram, 1 mare rising 4 yeare old, 1 sucking colt got by young Monbare, 1 work- inc mare 10 years old, 1 working mare 12 yearn old, 1 working horse yenta old, 2steers rising years old, 1 halter rising,8yenre old, 1 heifer rising. 1 year old. 1 steer rising I year old, 1 fat cow, quantity of mmmgolde, in pit, quantity of turnips in field, 800 bushels potatoee. Terms: —10 months credit on approved joint notes, 6 gents on the $ allowed off for cash. Sale un- reserved as barn wee burned and shortage of feed is reaeott, ' HUGH ROSS, Proprietors. WILSON Sl'TNDER000K,. pursuant to 'doe. 655, ()hap. 20. of the Stntntee of Ontario, I George V, that all person having ally claims ecainet the said 051110 )00 Wnesn, who died on or about the Twee ty-ninth day of April, 1014, are required on or before the. 101 day of December, 1914, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, Agent for Al. E lame», Bru05, is P. O., the Exeontrix of the said deeonsed their Christlan and. surnames, addressee turd des- criptions, the fullamount of their olefins, the etatement of their actounte, and the nature of the ereurity (if 501711101d by th0111. And furl her take notice that after smelt lest mentiom'd data the said Exeoutrlx will pro- coed to distribute the assets of the said deceas- ed among the nettles en ti, led thereto, having regard only to the chime of which she shall then have had notice and the said Executrix will not be liable for the said meets or any part thereof to may noraou of whose claim she shell 10ott then have received n0o1Te, A gent for Executrix, Brussels F'.0. Dated Ibis .1011 day of November, 1614. =NM, e esoeoe0'i090 C••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••O••O•••B••0seseomme®ec000es••••• • • i v iii E Vi® 0 • • t] • o i ! ; nmli )Uiu'ii;i 0 !HIfi Winter I I Illi ill fill •i res o ' Illu ayitt- s iilllll- ! -ttit��ttl SJ ,. 1/ CS q' (ivy '1�' .i 4,Pc!'"3. - S. �:r. f3 F^. eNf iil,< -' i ..... � .n.l i , .�i OVIIIC 5�' IITS I ".��tyf:6�� � Sh� � -I, ri • 4 w Oi e o d 'w i* ..t ri g a r "I f t., [;3 uryi*e ' r t I o. t U R stock of Fall and �`� - , 5 e •1 15 Overcoats - Ove , 'rater •a• r 1 W ( •k:. s„ I HOW complete and ,;y�.��,,�ii'.s, • ,\t,,.tis c . =Y -see dirt 4�.r':-:`►11,,"5„.0 x�.te%. is ar ,rFt we would like you to • � � � .sir,• ® Y:' , , rfi "r i verylatest models in PRO o i..., • CRESS BRAND. candlesticks on either side were set in the same flowers. As the service was read, the musicians played "0 Promise Me." The bride wore a gown of im- 0 0 • At $10.00 - Men's line dark grey Meltuns, medium weight, wool srrgt' lining, silk facings on lapels, all SiZPs. Special at $10 00 At $10.00 men's heavy black Melton Over - coal s hi Senii-tilling mn,l (lheelet, field styles, wit eillt velvet collars, wool serge lluiug,,;all sizes. "Progress Brand" Speoial, $10.00 ® Msu's heavy woof tweed Dieters, clouhle and sin- • ale breasted styles, with and without back straps, 'Progress Brand," heavy wool serge linings, a very ® serviceable cont, with converttthle cellars, all sizi'9. ® SpNri ti at $10 00 • At $14.00 - w • Men'e I length clef h soots in grey and brown to colorings, form fitting with bell bottom,, the very 11) latest styles, all sizes in "Progress Brand, Special 101 $14.00' •• • At $10.00 • • Me 's heavy black cloth overcoats with curl cloth • lining,1ue collate sizes 40, 42; and 44 only.. S Special tit $10,00 Y O • • • • s At 15.000 17.00 & $20,00 Men's extra heavy instars, all the hest styles, in "Progtess Brand," some beautiful cloths, to- choose from. THE BEST,, SEE THEM. 9 81 Eso 2! 0 • 2' At $12.00 Men's heavy beaver cloth overcoats with heavy plush liningrind qualify of unroll musrnot collar,'; all sizes. g, Special at $i, .00 ei 0 At $15.00 Men's floe Kersey and Melton cloth overcoats, good quality of curl cloth lining, tnbber interlining in body and aieeves, Nb. I, Marmot Shan' l collars, also Persian P11.45 collars, all sizes, - Very special at $15.00 • • 9 • 0 0 0 es0 At $20.00 3 Men's fine Kersey ololh'anil line broad cloth over- coats, rubber interlining,+with pinch and Inc curl cloth linings, No. 1 Gertnan Otter collar; this is a splendid coat and will give the hest of satisfaction. All sizes, ' Special at $20.00 tt • 0 O O w ao se r 9 B'O s atnd Youths' Overcoats We also: have a splendid stook. of Boys' and. 2 Youths' Overcoats—right in styles and right in price. Call and see theta. . Gy Best stock of if.adies. Furs we've ever shown Ipi ...p ./'�...y y� Myr ®. u_UU Stock Of Granby Rubber, A11 8Ikoe foF katliesy MOH, GIYIe 8y .1 - A 7 Boys and Children _ • ren 4v I tl, for Produce, t tce� MCt lIl hes t _ pG,. as 0 La 0 • eeeee•eeeeeee•a•sellaeeeeeesee••0e•o•eeee•e•11e ee•eei11•••e11eNe••••t•ts•eeee55e••eMfp l'. �r 9 df` i]