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The Brussels Post, 1914-11-5, Page 4
tl , of be brussels s oo+4®.H f+ii�o*.+N..®®oo•s4mao4.44a,�oo444a4®�. NEA�fiH� HAIL--N� M�I�� �.a4 i (.rek It was good nt•tYu 1 . I h t li 14,•na or (aiulnn Umt Ila Ii •he,iy i'inaul Ce. enniruenrrd nn m,,,,day anti POW #HURSUAY, NUVEMIiER i. 19x9 II NaNU;I ®Richards & Cos • )ons 8 tl Le eel etc, I •• Bart Led oi She l tufdtwl, has I • i , several potato, - n Mab e t igli eve] 2 bxa good feature about the war is no • 0 pounds each, orae 24 ins i is end aim Use Parisian Sage • • of them weigh,! I0j' pounds• Country can get Into it now with more • • New Cash Shoe S'tot"e • unpronounceable a tit n tit t • names a those a - It's entirely needless to have ut1- i • • ready on the'scene I sightly, matted, thin or faded hair. • • 0 • • • ♦ e • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • . ALacarA Legislature is `' in session. One, feature of interest is 8 great petition along the lines of the Prohibi tion of the liquor traffic. THE Salvation Army ever on the alert for adding interest to their services have improvised words of a hymn to the patriotic song "Tipperary." 'rue ratepayers of Amherstburg are bitting the high places this year by a tax rate 0f34 3/10 mills on the dollar. A rate of that kind may well be called a tax. Poox old Turkey ! A strong fight may he put up for a time but by the time its over Mr. Turk will likely bid goodbye to Europe. Nobody would do much weeping over his exit. 500 German prisoners were recently sent to Tipperary. Guess they found out that "It's a long way to Tipperary" but they will be well treated by their new hostsandperhaps will not be sorry to be out of reach of the bullets of the allies. FOLLOWING item will show the people of Huron County that there is coin to be had in intensive as well as extensive farming t-•"Leamingtou'Ooion Associa- tion bas shipped 145 cars of onions this season with s8 more cars to follow." This is golug some for one locality. COL. SAM. Hnawss, Minister of Militia for this Dominion has been pro - }noted to the office of Mayor -General. While his ideas are somewhat extrava- gant, he is quite a rustler when work is to be done. The Hon. gentleman is a relative of Mrs. James. Duncan, of $russets. SOME of the South African rebels may wish they had kept in out of "de wet" after Commander Botha showers his hail storm on them. Almost any- body can find trouble enough without hunting much after it. The fellow who attempts to put the boots to you when be thinks your hands are tied is the mean- est kind of a snide. A WEALTHY South Australian farmer bolds 78,000 acres, He probably is a sheep rancher and Brazes the most of it. An authority on farming says Better farming would be done in Canada if the farms were only half the size. to acres is counted sufficient in some countries. The quality of the work and property sometime counts better than the quanti- ty of the land. Two ladies, prominent in Sarnia society, went to Detroit and made a number of purchases, Returning they neglected to do the necessarry account. ing at Sarnia tunnel and consequently Y were asked by the Customs officer to band over the toll required when folk go to Uncle Sam. for their supplies. The ladies thought the officer was a "mean old thing." SOME more changes promised in con- nection with the Dominion Cabinet be- fore Parliament meets. Senate vacan- cies will also likely be filled. Rumor says Lewis,present s Bartister Le the M. P. for West Huron, may be one of the favorites so as to take him out of the way. Guess Bro. Lewis would not mind being captured in that manner. He would make it dizzy for the old gentlemen if be is as ready at proposing hills as be was in the Commons. VIRGINIA, one of the States of the Union, bas moved into the "dry" belt as far as traffickiug in spirituous liquors is concerned. The good work continues to grow and our American cousins now Stave to States who think they can get along without John Barlycorn's aid, They are :—Maine, Kansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and West Virginia. The world moves, PEOPLE are slow to part with old forms as is instanced by a kick against the removal of the stage line that rens i between Kincardine and Port Elgin. Unless stage can retain mail contract it will not be continued. The coming of the rural snail delivery gave the bump to many a useful stage route that was a real service to the people, If the public are determined to land all the new methods and inventions they necessarily have to bid good-bye to the old, al- though they may do so with a tear in their eye, Middleton Humphrey, St. Helena, has finished picking his apples. He had something over 150 barrele. The Orange Lodge in Godeiich held an Oyster supper to mark the annivers eery of Gunpowder Plot NOV, 5th, A little care taken is all that le needed • •• • • • ••• • to make it thick, soft, prefectly healthy and free frotn dandruff. Use Parisian Sage—it supplies hair needs and is absolutely harmless. It quickly stops itching head and falling hair and is one of the hest tonnes to invigorate the scalp end make the hair grow long and beautiful, Get a bottle of Parisian Sage to -day t from Jae, Fox or at any drug ounte . It costs about 50 cents, Rub it into the scalp. all dandruff disappears— your head feels fine—the hair is pret- ty and perfectly healthy. LITTLE CHUNK OF TRUTH Don't waste your coin on posters, man The rain will wash them from the fence. But in the papers put your ads— They'll bring you in returns im- • menee. For papers are all read at home ; Your ads will get attention there, While no one reads a poster, man While seated in any easy chair. Speaking Of Names Ontario can never equal the names that are appearing dally in the war despatches, telling of military move gents in Austria and Russia, There are a few names, however, that do not slide as smoothly around the tongue as a supply of maple syrup. The town ships seem to have a monopoly on the mouthful names, Here are a few that might be just as punting to a Russian AS Pryemysl is to a Canadian ; Onondaga, Brant County. Albermarle, Bruce. Garafraxa, Wellington. Melanchton, Dufferio. Ojbway, Essex Hinchinbrooke, Frontenac. Esquesing, Dalton. Elzevir. 'lyendivaga, Hastings. Cataraqui, Frontenac. Wawanosb, Huron. Adolphustown, Lennox, Assignack. Tebkummah• Manitoulin. Matchedash. Nottawasaga. Possoronto, Simcoe. Osnabruck, Stormont, Paiipoonge, Thunder Bay. The otherp rovinces could add to the list. BritishColumbia could furnish a good list with its Chilliwack, Saanicb, Cowichan, Ymir or Simillkameen. It's probably all in getting used to the names. Marvel's at Krupp's Works An account of a recent visit to Krupp's works at Essen appears in the "World's Work" for October. Among the other marvels described is the famous steam hammer "Fritz," the giant of the one hundred and sixty steam hammers at work in the establish- ment. "Fritz" was constructed in 1866 by Alfred Krupp. Krupp's com- petitors regarded his invention to set up the giant hammer, which possesses a falling weight of fifty tons. as a sign of incipient madness. Undeterred, Krupp continued and today after '•Fritz" has been at work for fifty years, it is as useful as ever. Breaking nuts without injuring their kernels is a popular method of demonstrating the marvellous delicacy of its adjustment. In the armour -plate department we see huge hydraulicpresses, of which there are no fewer than eighty.one in the works, and under which steel blocks are pressed and squeezed until compeiled to assume the desired shape, no matter how large they may be. A huge crucible steel block, weighing eighty tons is placed under a 5,000 ton re after being press a coaxed handled, and formed for half an hour it emerges in the shape of the gigantic shaft of an ocean steamship too feet long. By the aid of a special mechani- cal apparatus ; the shaft is bored, the kernel being extracted In one piece. The firm has its own waterworks makes its own gas, and generates its own electricity. The gasworks sup. I more a for the factory -town than nisused annually in Munich, namely 25.000,000 cubic metros, and yet the 40,000 gas jets distributed all over the establishment do not suf- fice for illuminating purposes and elec tricity in the shape of 3,000 lamps and 3o,00c incandescent lights have been pressed into service. Over 400 steam boilers generate steam for the 8,000 different machines. More than 6Oo miles of cable and wire and over 800 telephone stations are required to facili• tate communication throughout the works. Blyth Mrs. (Rev.) Fear, of Teeswater, was a visitor at the Parsonage. James R. Cott has been confined to his home during the past week, Buff. ering from rheumatism. Mies Janet Steinhoff has returned home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Johnston, in Bain -Meal, Matt. A oar of bobbin wood Was shipped from the sawmill here via C. P. R, rail and boat 10 Manchester, England. Trinity Sunday'School le putting 60 watt Tungsten lights in the church to replace the old 16 candle power in use for years, Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew's church on Sunday No- vember 8th, Rev, Samuel McLean, St. Marys, will be the preacher, The operation of threshing at the flax mill has been completed and all the straw thoroughly rotted and with. the exception of 5 acres placed in the bane ready for eoutohit)g, Men's First Quality Long Rub- to 5 0 ber Boots, red or black soles for°� Boys' Rubber Boots for - - 2.50 Boons, Shoes and Rubbers • Richards & eo. for all sizes of feet, even the little tots, and all sold at the Low Prices our Cash. System en- ables us to sell theni'at. • • •••*•. • • 4••440 • e•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••N••••• Phone 47 x The following officers were elected by the local Conservatives :—Presi- dent. Joseph Oarter ; Secretary, A. W. Robinson ; Treasurer, Jno. Mains ; Ohairman No. 1 Division, S. Stothers ; Chairman No. 2 Division, J. Potter. Fordwich Geo. and Mrs. McKee, Toronto, visited friends and relatives here. Mrs. John McKnight has rented her 100 acre farm 2nd Con., to Jae. Denny, of the Boundary. Sunday afternoon Bd. Morris fell from a beeohnut tree, a distance of 80 feet and has been in a very critical condition. Rev. Mr. Walden spent a week at his old home in Granton where he al- so assisted the pastor there in special services, Mrs. Geo. Warren, Cochrane, is spending some time with ber mother and sister here. She was accompanied home by little Nellie Galbraith, who has spent the past 3 months in Cochrane. Summary of Patriotid contribntious for Fordwich and Gerrie 1—Fordwich —oats, 270 sacks ; potatoes, 250 bar- rels ; apples, 30 barrels. Gotrie—oats, 140 sack ; apples and potatoes, 150 barrels. Men Rule By Force, Women By Charm And yet because they live less strenuously, women neglect the early evidences of failing vigor. The wise woman will not permit her charms to be robbed by ill -health. When she feels appetite failing,nerves getting on edge, color faing, she takes Fetrozoue. How it sharpens the appetite 1 How quickly rich blood is available to restore color to the cheeks buoyancy to the step. Better try Ferrozone. You'll feel like a new being, with new vigor and ability to confront life's difficulties. You are sure to bless the day you commenced Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 60c boxes. Lis---�-- towel George Fritz has the contract for bricking the front of the brewery. The young women 'of the Methodist church will hold a bazaar on Friday. November 27th. Mise Ada Matthews has taken a position as operator with the Bell Telephone Company. Mrs, R. S. Pelton and daughter, Miss Mildred, of Iroquois, are the guests of A. E. and Mrs. Pelton, Mayor Olimie left on Tuesday of last week on a business trip to Ed- monton. He expects to be away about a mouth. Rev. Dr. and Mrs, Barber are home from their tout on the continent. Rev. Mr. Phelps, . who was supply- ing will attend Victoria University Toronto, The Banner gives this slam to some Wingham visitors :—A quintet of "drunks" including a well known business roan of Wingham, celebrated in Listowel on Friday afternoon. They strayed up and clown Main street and made an exhibition of themselves, Listowel citizens shouldn't be forced to put• up with this. Properly they should have been totalled and placed out of sight. PREACHER.— At a meet- ing A. of the quarterly official board of the Methodist church, it was decided to extend a unanimous invitation to Rev, J. Edwin blillyafd, of the Hyatt Avenue Methodist church, Loucitm, to succeed Rev, Dr, Barber; on the ex- piration of the latter's term in June next. The invitation was forwarded to Mr. blillyard on Wednesday and it is expected will meet with his ac- ceptance. Rev. Dr. Bather returned Thursday from a six montita' .stay abroad his work here being ably look- ed after by Rev, A. L. Phelps, B, A„ son of Rev. Leonard Phelps, of of Peterboro. Word was received by Mayor Olimie from D'Arcy Scott, chairman of the Dominion board of railway commissioners announcing that ae a result of their recent sitting; in Listo- wel they have concluded to order the desired interswiteliing between the G. T. It, and C. P. R. roads when the proposed factory of Libby, McNeil k Libby people was built the town being required to meet one-third of the cost. Although this Was not all that was desired it is fully as favorable a verdict as was anticipated and int- mediately on receipt Of the ihfortna' tion Mayor 1713mie wired the Libby people of Chicago and advised them ooncetning the order of the com- mission adding that the town was now prepared to complete its agree- ment. The Libby people have ap. propriated $100,000 to cover the cost of erecting a plant in Listowel. The chief demand being that of inter - Witching facilities. Huron County. It is proposed shortly to take a religious census of Goderich. Bervie Oranggmen have made quite an improvement on their hall. Wroxeter L. 0. L. No. 2511 held a supper on the evening of November 6th. Concert was given by the Presby- terians of Belmore oil the occasion of the opening of the new church sheds. Holmesville Brotherhood of the Methodist church have decided to hold their annual Banquet on Nov, 22nd. John Gray, who has been In Ireland for the past 8 menthe has returned and paid a visit to some of his old Kipped friends. Pine River postofflce which has been in operation for the past 80 years waslolosed on Monday. Rural mail is taking its place. The St. Augustine branch of the Women's Institute has dntwled 535 lo the Red Oross food. This is their second contribution. There died on Wednesday, Oct, 21, at the Evangelical priesnuage, Col- borne, Faith Pompeiuy Ropple, in- fant daughter of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ropple. Miss Margaret Harkness, Tees - water, had the misfortune to fall out of a tree while picking apples and sustained some severe internal injur- ies. John Boyle, Collector . for West Wawanosh tendered his resignation which was accepted and from several applications received Geo. Rutledge was appointed. The girls of the McGregor !Mission Circle met at the home of MIs. Milne Rennie, Hensall, organist of Carmel church and presented Baby Rennie with nice silver spoons. G. S. Howard, p1 incipal of Zurich school" is; laid up'Iwith a sprained ankle the result of a fall from a tree while picking apples. It will lay him off duty for a few weeks. Eldon R• Siddall, B. 0. L., Luck - now, who, in the early Summer, ar- rived home from Oxford, England, left for Winnipeg where he will enter upon the practice of law. Ashfield Oounoil discussed the question of raising a patriotie fund, and decided to have the matter brought up in January, when a cash donation of 1000 will be considered. Anniversary services were held in Hackett's church on Sunday, Oct. 25. Morning and evening services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Toronto and in the afternoon Rev. Mr. McKinley, of Lucknow, preached. An Assoelation known as the 'Dun- gannon Athletic Association has been organized, object physical ttainiug and moral uplift of the young men of the vicinity. Old Methodist church is being fitted up into a sort of gymnasium. Farmers around Exeter are to be congratulated on their worth help tendered tothe contribution yo the Patriotic Fund, 8 carloads of apples, potatoes and oats having been ship- ped from Centralia, Exeter and Hens. all. Exeter leads the county with 4 carloads. About 30 young people surprised Russell and Hazen Zeller, Zurich. An address was lead by Clayton Hoffman expressing re ret at their from to 4'n and each was presented with a handsome tie -pin. The evening was pleasantly spent and all enjoyed themselves, Madeline, the little daughter of W. and Mrs, Dearing, 2nd Don. of Steph- en, had the tnisfortune to break her thigh bone. Madeline is about 214 years old and was playing on the bottom step of the front verandah when a mattress which had been fold- ed and placed on the verandah fell over 00 her causing the fracture of the hip bone. A few pleasant hours were spent at the home of E. Hess ar., who has tak- en an active part in the Sunday School work of St, Peter's Lutheran church Zurich, for over 47 years; al- most without interruption. He hus interested himself in junior work for a natnber of years. On account of impaired hearing Mr. Hess was oblig- ed to stop the work which was SO pleasant to him. One of those happy events which make two hearts beat as one took place at the Evangelical parsonage, Colborne, ori Oct. 2801, when Miss Sadie Gauley, formerly of Ashfield, was united in marriage to John William Youngblut, a prosperous farmer of Auburn vicinity. Also at the same hour and at the sante place another marriage was solemnized, the principals being Miss Chiislella Youngbint and Gordon Russell Spell of Belgrave, Rev. Mr, Bachelor, Benmiller, tyinglthe knots. Mr. and Mee, Snell left on the 4 o'clock train for Buffalo and other points, A petition "es e2 euhlted 111 'Peas - water Ir. aerate Litt s but itl'lig Alt' the 4' fur 11, ' '('p 1 1 t i l,'te tl Optien at the 114'51 lin"iit/pnl 1.1001 1011. Perth County A eolleel lilt foe the I'ni, jilts Fund was taken up at CI nrnnrl y amounting to about $180 Potatoes are selling et 111Itchell at 50e per bag, with the supply greater than the dentate]. The pupils of St. Marys Collegiate Institute have formed Ibele literary society for the Fall term, The men of St, Marys Methodist congregation are organizing a u1t'u's leagueto-meet Sunday ttfternooil, W. E. Spearin's new residence on 4111 line, Blausha d, is completed and presents a fine appearance. I1 is classed as one of the best houses on the 41,11 lice, An aeroplane was seen by three Mitchell citizens. It was directly South of the town, and at least 80 miles away. It was travelling at rapid speed. The official test of Stratford's new incinerator demonstrated, as did the previous rest a month ago, the capability of the plant to consume garbage of all kinds. Police Magistrate Lawrie, St. Marys sent an Indian lister to jail for 30 days for being drunk. Four Strut. ford youths were fined $5 and costs each for being disorderly during a visit to St. Marys. Ladies' Aid Society, of the Metho- dist church, Mitchell, will give an old time concert in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Nov, 10th.- The proceeds will be donated to the Patriotic Relief Society. Gibson Linton, Hibbert, is the proud holder of the best wheat recrn'd in the county, and possibly in many counties. He has threshed 0 acres of Fall wheat which yielded 45 bushels to the acre, a total of 270 bushels, A quiet wedding took place on Cot. 27, when Miss Mary Rook, Stratford became the bride of Wm, Eizerman, of Mitchell. Ceremony' took place at 8.80 in the afternoon at the home of Rev. air. Malinsky, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church. Mr. and MIs. Merman will reside lit Mitchell. Friends of Rev. John Kenner, formerly of Mitchell, will regret to learn that while attending the General Methodist Cottferenoe at Ottrtwe, he took seriously ill and was confined to his led for several days. His daugh- ter, MT's. Bell, nursing hint through acid he is now at his home in London much improved but gains strength slowly. A very serious accident 'oeenrred to Master James PI'etswell in Elms,. He (vn5 riding nu a titeshiug outfit which 182(5 enterintt the faun of James Gray, and Oon., when he in some un- known manner slipped to the ground. The wheel of the separator passed over part of his head, Learing the setilp off. Many stitches Were .l'egnir- ed to flx the Ind's head and although badly bruised, he will recover. PERTH 00 WANTS CANADA TEM- PERANCE ACT.— Friday, Oct, 23r'd, Rev. 3 011 Little, organizer for Perth County Temperance Alliuuce, filed with Sheriff Magwond a petition for the submission of the Canada Tem. perance Act in the County, exclusive of Stratford. The petition is signed by more than 3,200 ratepayers, while the legally necessary number is 2,080. The usual ten days for public scrutiny will be allowed before further action with the petition, Nearly ever yon e has ripping, tearing headaches at times. Disordered stom- ach -sluggish liver does it. Cheer up I here's the real relief -Ch amb'erlai n's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They put the stomach and bowels right. All druggists, 25c., or by mail from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto CHi&MB Rt'AINts OWES HER LIFE TO "FRUIT -A -TINES" Trouble Cured Both Stomach C ed and Headaches PAL,MERSTON, ONT., JUNE 20th, 5913. "I really believe that I owe my life to "bruit-a-tives". Ever since child - Ito el, 1 listve been under the care of 1•itysicians and have been paying u.n•t r 5 I ills. I was so sick and worn out that people on the street often asked me if I thought I could get along without help. The saute old Stomach Trouble and distressing headaches nearly drove me wild, S.,tnetlnte ago, I got a box of "Frnit- a-tives" and the Srst box did me good, My husband was delighted and advi- sed a coutinuation of their use. Today, I ant feeling fine, and a physician meeting Inc on the street, n appearance and u t sed my improved asked the reason. I replied, "I am tolo'grruit-a-tives". He said, "well, if Fruit-a-tives are making you look so well, go ahead and take them. They are doing more for you than I can". Mas. B. S. WILLIAMS. "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at 500. a box. 6 for $2,50, trial size 2504 or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Mitchell has had an outbreak of measles and over 100 houses have been quarantined. Negotiations were closed with the Colonial Piano Player Company, Limited, to establish a factory in Stratford. Wm: Bannon, of Logan, was charg- ed with assaulting Joseph Quinn, of the same township. After attending a meeting at Bornholm In aid of the Belgium Relief Fund, they got into a controversy, when Bannon eat tick Quin, giving hint a bad black eye, and discoloring one of his cheeks from a bite, After being separated, plain- tiff walked away and some minutes later was followed by defendant who struck 111121 a severe blow in the face, which floured Lira. Four witnesses gave evidence testifying to the as- sault, while Quinn but claimed that he had provocation for doing so, The Magistrate commented on the rase and imposed a fine of 810 with 87 43 costs. The People's Column WARM FOR SALE. -The 100 acre farm, being 5 5g Lot 15, 4th Con, Morris, Hoose, barn, oroherd, eto is offered for sale. For further particulars apply to THE Pose, H0115E AND LOT for Bale on John street, Brussel... Comfortable house, good stable, well, cellar, cistern, fruit trees, Jto. ; acre in lot. For further particulars as to price, Be., apply to A. SOMERS 17-tf or F. S. Scott, Brussel.. PARK LOT FOR SALE, -The underatgred offers his Park Lot Turnberry street, North, Brussels, for sale. There are 6 sores, upon whi ch is a. house mid bern and a splendid well Most of lot is seeded clown, Ifoe furth- er particulars as to price, terms. oto. apply to JNO. SMITH, Brussels, Boar for Service The undersigned will keep for eervico out Lot 18 Oen, 10, Grey, a thoro'-bred Tem worth hog, eligible for registration Terms $100to he paid at time of service with privilege of re. turning if necessary. LLOYD PORTER, 10.4 Proprietor. Brick and Tile Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Cole& Douherty YARDS HENFRYN AiiIM P00? SAL.i(-Thu IMmt. a farm, known the HugHtwatt property, , L"I ' n 214 t1 1town-hip Berrie 2 o„ 111td f,• .2114411511CI 14 cad 6leria o21bah It a gond 1/12122 ,1 11 211 11111• loon!• 1y 111111444frown Walton red 6 , II' (rum lt'eoanl�x Ax farm los mit been mord a will he looted. Nur flirt Lor tt)1lr't leu Inn. um to prieta tering, 51,aiply to A1.1afi B0Tc)fiANAN nr lr. H. Hee'T, Brussels 8•tt As HAYMANN is prepau +tl to supply ll the best goods 111 Windmills, Iron and t i Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such Its Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, Rao, Sepal es to Punt pe promptly attended to, (live me a earl. pr IIAYMANN, Cranbrook MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held in Brussels its follows THURSDAY, NOV. 6111, 1914 DEC. 8rd, 1914 JAN. 7111, 1916 St FEB. 4th, 1915 MAR. 4th, 1015 APR. 1st, 1915 Leading Lees! and Outside Buyers will be Present. A Position for Fall and Winter we have a soiled bum2uese proposition fora reliable, energetic salesman for title district to sell fruit trees. small frnitx, !towering shrubs, etc. Pay weekly, outfit free, excltedve territory. Over 600 acres f1 of fruit and orne mental stock under cultivation. We sell through our Nola -- men dtreet to the consumer end guar. nntee delivery of fresh, 121.11 grade trees. Oar agencies are. valuable by reason of the Service we give mid the volume of business done. Established 65 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont, P. 8,-Handeolne catalogue an request either to applicant or those wishing ig Nursery stock, Fi sisesiensemassaa 461 B0a1••®gina n6rfanWetelCC2e,4 ® 5 r ae t o .y ® q g. cot ® A GOOD SALESMAN 0 e A • Fur every (1,1811 rind district ® where we etre not represented, • o Fruits are bringing high prices j • and Nursery:tnck le ill demand. L • MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by s taking an agency. BEST TIMI; • for canvassing is dm illg the 0 • Summer months. Experience a • not necessary. 6 • 9 B O Free equipment. e a • Exclusive Territory. 0 a• Highest Oonrluissions paid. e01 e 4 m \\trite for full particulars. e e Stone & Wellington • Foothill Nurseries © Toronto Oniarlo 1110066880000.800.900000906111018 RUYTUR( Cu red At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap. patently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rap-, turebecomes strangulated when yuu can be cured ? Clo not wait -' i'lll in coupon 11 p Age Time Rttla........ Single or Doable Name ..............•...,... ••,••••••• so Address"... . ... ....... and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia et. Dept, A ' Stratf'ord, Ont onmeasomminumleriaiftmann • ,vxd . 'Tai 'Nlt'F1t',41 r,• L cn Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that tithe, Touring Car - $590' Runabout - - - 540'. Town Car . - 840 In tho Dominion of Canada FURTHER we will be able to nhl.atin the mttxitmun etiloleney in our fetters, prodeotion, and the minimum coat in our purchasing 5118 sales department IF we can reach an output of 80,000 oars between the above dates, AND should we t'et1011 11115 pl ltd tuition we agree to pov ,.es thebuyer's share, from $10 to $00 per en9 (m) or abent August 1, 1010). toevery retell buyer who 1;urchasee 8 new Ford oar between August 1, 1014, and August 1,1910. For further partieulararegarding these low prioes and -profit. sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. J. H. GALBRAITH, Agent, Brussels Ford Motor Company of Canada Llmitod. Ford, Ontario ... _,- . ... _._.. _. _.. ..111 AiiIM P00? SAL.i(-Thu IMmt. a farm, known the HugHtwatt property, , L"I ' n 214 t1 1town-hip Berrie 2 o„ 111td f,• .2114411511CI 14 cad 6leria o21bah It a gond 1/12122 ,1 11 211 11111• loon!• 1y 111111444frown Walton red 6 , II' (rum lt'eoanl�x Ax farm los mit been mord a will he looted. Nur flirt Lor tt)1lr't leu Inn. um to prieta tering, 51,aiply to A1.1afi B0Tc)fiANAN nr lr. H. Hee'T, Brussels 8•tt As HAYMANN is prepau +tl to supply ll the best goods 111 Windmills, Iron and t i Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such Its Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, Rao, Sepal es to Punt pe promptly attended to, (live me a earl. pr IIAYMANN, Cranbrook MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be held in Brussels its follows THURSDAY, NOV. 6111, 1914 DEC. 8rd, 1914 JAN. 7111, 1916 St FEB. 4th, 1915 MAR. 4th, 1015 APR. 1st, 1915 Leading Lees! and Outside Buyers will be Present. A Position for Fall and Winter we have a soiled bum2uese proposition fora reliable, energetic salesman for title district to sell fruit trees. small frnitx, !towering shrubs, etc. Pay weekly, outfit free, excltedve territory. Over 600 acres f1 of fruit and orne mental stock under cultivation. We sell through our Nola -- men dtreet to the consumer end guar. nntee delivery of fresh, 121.11 grade trees. Oar agencies are. valuable by reason of the Service we give mid the volume of business done. Established 65 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto, Ont, P. 8,-Handeolne catalogue an request either to applicant or those wishing ig Nursery stock, Fi sisesiensemassaa 461 B0a1••®gina n6rfanWetelCC2e,4 ® 5 r ae t o .y ® q g. cot ® A GOOD SALESMAN 0 e A • Fur every (1,1811 rind district ® where we etre not represented, • o Fruits are bringing high prices j • and Nursery:tnck le ill demand. L • MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by s taking an agency. BEST TIMI; • for canvassing is dm illg the 0 • Summer months. Experience a • not necessary. 6 • 9 B O Free equipment. e a • Exclusive Territory. 0 a• Highest Oonrluissions paid. e01 e 4 m \\trite for full particulars. e e Stone & Wellington • Foothill Nurseries © Toronto Oniarlo 1110066880000.800.900000906111018 RUYTUR( Cu red At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap. patently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rap-, turebecomes strangulated when yuu can be cured ? Clo not wait -' i'lll in coupon 11 p Age Time Rttla........ Single or Doable Name ..............•...,... ••,••••••• so Address"... . ... ....... and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia et. Dept, A ' Stratf'ord, Ont onmeasomminumleriaiftmann