HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-10-29, Page 8Sir"01,S•Sier Fs.* More Gold A GOOD OFFER On Friday and Saturday of this week we will put on a genuine ;Bargain and there will bee good chance for you to get an Aquarium of Gold Fish FREE, This time the globes are mite' larger than before and with a soc purchase of Rexall goad we will give FREE on Friday and Saturday and while they last - 1 GOLD FISH GLOBE WITH 2 GOLD FISH Toeother with Instruction Sheet, Pebbles, &a. • You make no mistake when you purchase Rexall Goods, . Here is a list of some of the seasonable preparations we are offering— Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, Rexall Corn Cure, Rexall Liver Pills. Rexall Stomach and hives Pills. Rexall Foot Bath Tablets. Rexall Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder, Rexall Talcum Powder --Different odors. All ase Preparations. EXTRA GOLD FISH—We will alss have on baud. extra Gold Fish lit 'ion, 15c and 25e each. Also Castles and Floating Ornaments for the Globes, Come and secure a nice ornament for your home, You will be pleased with the Gold Fish. The elart,e,Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, font Ban Items Com, nights. SQUAW Winter—now for Indian Sum- mer. NOVEMBER will be ushered in next Sunday. THE Maitland river is increasing in volume. ITHACA Conservatory Quartette in Brussels Town Hall, Monday, 16th inst., under auspices of the Public Library. y. THURSDAY of next week will be the first Monthly Horse Fair for this season. Keep tab on the dates. List may be clipped from page 4 of this issue. NOTICES are being made out for persons in arrears to THE Posr. If you're behind save us the trouble of sending notice by prompt payment. SEVERAL Brusselites attended the Conservative meeting at Wingham last Friday, for the purpose of re -organiz- ation of the new riding of North Huron for the Commons. SEAFORT1 Expositor of last week says :—Rev. D. Wren, of Brussels, was in town on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Wren is a Tuckersmith old boy, who is doing credit to his native township. THE Jersey heifer advertised by G. A. Deadman was sold to Wm. Taylor, 9th Con., of Morris. Mr. Deadman says THE PosT is a good advertising medium. He should know as it is over 38 years since he began advertising in it. WATCH out for the Hallowe'en joker Saturday evening of this week. The said Hallowe'en joker had also better watch out as special Constables will he on duty and the door of the "cooler" unlocked ready for lodgers for the night. MONSTER APPLES.— Last Friday 5 apples of the Alexander type grown on the farm of George Johnston, ist line, Morris township, were brought to THE PosT. The largest measured 14i inches, circumference all being about this size and the quintette weighed 4 pounds. They were examined and ad- mired by many and will not be easily beaten. RURAL TELEPHONE NOTICE Com. mencing on Monday the Winter Time table in connection with the Rural tele- phone service will come into vogue, Hours will be. to I . 7 3o a. m o 3o p. in. Only emergency calls will be expected at other hours. Will subscribers kindly take notice of this change and govern themselves accordingly, HOME MADE BAKING.—Brussels Wom- en's Institute and friends purpose hav- ing another sale of home made cookery on Saturday, Oct. srst, at 3 o'clock in the Public Library. Bread, buns, cake, pies, cookies anti biscuits, donated by all ladies who are willing to help, will be thankfully received and will be sold and the proceeds used to buy material which will be made into supplies for the Red Cross Society. GENEROUS RESPONSE.—The appeal for help to the sufferers by the war met with a heavy response Thursday of last week when a car was loaded here. Messrs. Butland, of Goderich and Mc- Pherson, of Wingham, were in charge and gave careful attention to their work. People came from all points of the compass with their contributions and overflowing measure appeared to be the ideal. RECRUITING FOR 2ND CONTINGENT.— The central recruiting station for this county has been established at Clinton where Lt. Col. Wilson is receiving young men wishing to enlist with the special Canadian service Battalion that is being mobolized at London within the next few days. It is likely that the Battalion will remain in training there for some months before departure to England. Huron has only asked for 5o men and over half this number has already been accepted. Pay for a private is $I.Io per day from the time be enlists with an extra allowance of 750 per day for board till billeted at London, Recruiting station will close as soon as the required number has been accepted. No CAUSE Fol ALARM- During the past week THE POST has been interro- gated by telephone and otherwise in, reference to the bugbear in reference to the observation tower, a description of which may be read on page 4 of this issue, The best and most convincing proof that it is no ' German spy erection nor a depotfor airships, or base for motrating machine gnus, etc" is the fact that Mr. Griffith, the official in charge, draws his pay from the Depart- ment of the Interior of . the Dominion Government of Canada by government cheque, We hope this will be satist'tetory proof and that people Who have been afraid to go to sleep will be able to enjoy comfortable rest. We heard there was talkof a movement in the North to wreck the tower. Unless tate perpetrators desire to spend a while in Goderich Jail any such project bad better be dropped. There ate dozens of similar towers in the country but the War has given rise to the scare some Iteople hat's, worked up, we suppose. BRUSSELS Council will meet Monday evening of next week. THURSDAY of next week will be tbe 5th of November known as Guy Fawkes' DFIRss snow flurry of this season came Monday afternoon. After so much fine weather of late it was not nice to 'take. NEXT Monday evening a Degree meeting will be held in Brussels Orange Lodge room. All interested are asked to attend. THREE cases of canned fruit were for- warded by the Epworth League last week to the Deaconess Home, Toronto as their annual gift to aid those in need. HEAR Cyril Hays, the London, elocu- tionist, in the Methodist church Brussels Thursday evening of this week. Pro- gram follows the Fowl Supper from 6 to 8 o'clock. —0— $85.00 will buy a flee farrow cow.DminMAx. Holism blanket found. Enquire of CONSTABLE OLIVER. Tam party who took the rain coat out of a buggy at the Qneen's Hotel shed, Wednes- day night, October 21st, is asked to return it at once and save trouble as they are known. WILL the person who took a rug and whip from a buggy in the central Hotel stable last Sunday please leave them at Tan Pon and save further trouble, SUGAR DEAR, HONEY OHEAP.—For a number of years a party has been chipping me his best honey. Thiel year it is not quite as good as 110 - nal and I will sell for less. It Is good ripe honey but darker. Will sell at 81.00 for a 10 Ib. pallor 68 -lb. tin for $5.00. What we pro- duced ourselves is not up to the mark either so will sell for less also :-86o for 10 Ib. pall or 08 ib. tin for 80,00. Why not use more honey when it is so cheap and sugar so dear 7 G. A, DEAL/SAN, PosAsoas wanted. Gall on or 'phone D. 0. Ross, Brussels. MAims of Mangolds for sale, either by bus. or load. Russia. ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey. TOR SALE. -11 pigs 6 weeks old and 3 steers rising 2 years. Apply to F. BALFOta, Lot 86, Oen. 1, Grey. BRsOx FOR SALE,—About 1600 Milton Pressed Brick and 2500 Hentryn Red Brick for sale. Apply at Melville Church, Brussels. Fon SALE. A good goat robe ; large oat box and straw nutter. Articles may be seen at premises of undersigned, John street, Brea - sets. MRS, E. Onroa. TEAM of working horses for sale. L. HOLLINGER, James street, Erusssls. Goon brink house on William street for sale together with good stable and driving shed. Bxeellent repair All conveniences, bath, eta. For father particulars apply to GEORGE TM:neoti, Brussels. 0— HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL.—Friday evening of this week the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's church will hold their regular monthly social. Good program and refreshments. Prize given to the one who takes the best dressed Hallowe'en umcandle burning. kinwith P ni g. Yourxs should refrain from destruc- tion of property or interference with the. rights of other folk on Hallowe'en night, If they land in the "coop" and appear before the Reeve Monday morn- ing no one will be to blame except themselves. People interfered with are asked to secure the names of the cul- prits. RECALLED TO LIFE,—Thursday even- ing a lecture under the auspices of the Children's Aid Society of Huron Co ., was given in the Methodist church, a large audience assembling. Rev. Mr. Page presided, Rev. Mr. Mann offered the opening prayer and Rev. Mr. Wren pronounced the Benediction. CountySecretary Elliott, of Goderich, spoke a few minutes relating interest- ing incidents in his work of saving boys and girls. The lecturer was C. M. Bezzo, of Berlin, a former Huronian, who occupied about xi hours in telling the story of Chas. Dickens' 'Tale of two cities" and gave evidence of a retentive memory and close application in preparation as he rehearsed the won- derful story, full of tragedy and change with.many a lesson impressed by the well told tale, Mr. Bezzo received the close attention of the audience. During the evening musical numbers of a pleas. ing character were well rendered. Misses Hingston and Pryne sang a duet. Eimer McKay, Lawson and Byron Wright and Stewart Grant a quartette and Mrs. S. C. Wilson and Mrs. A. D. Grant, a duet. Miss Bailey and Mrs Wright were the accompanists. A vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer and the vocalists and organists. Collection totalled $12,3o. The National Anthem and Benediction brought the gathering to a close. To those Who may not be acquainted with the foot we add that a Branch of the Children's Aid exists in Brussels, the officers being: -President, Jas. Pox ; Vice -Presidents, the resident clergy ; Secretary, W. H. Kerr and Treasurer, F, H. Gilroy. Donations or membership fees are always welcome in this great andgood cause—the redemp• tion of childhood, Co, Secretary Elliott is an alert and indefatigable worker in the interests of the boys and girls of Huron County and is always on dill when his services are required. His postoffice address Is Goderich, Every- body should lend a hand to this worthy cause whose province 1s very broad and its mission by legal enactment wide enough to cover almost alt phases of child life end'protecticu, 1 aa'siraswrollay. The Metropolitan Bank Which will be Amalgamated on Nov: 14th with The Bank of Nova Scotia THE BANK will then have h Paid-up Capital of $0,500,000, and a Reserve Fund of $11,750,000, and Branches throughout (bonnie and in the principal cities of the United States as well as in New- foendlaud and the 'West Indies. The greatly inet'etesed resources and wide distribution of Branches will enable us to offer unexcelled facilities in every department of Banking. YQUll AOOOUNT SOLIOITEO. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER G. N. MCLAREN is showing a dandy stock of Fall and Winter coats, Granby lubber's &c. If :you want bargains call. On page 5 may be read the advertise- ment or Gunn's Creamery, Walkerton, They ore asking for supplies of cream for Winter dairying. THE grass on Victoria Park received its last mowing for 1904. N. McCauley and outfit did the work. Park should be in good shape for next year. It looks in fine furm now and has a splen• did coating of grass. EXECUTIVE WILL MEET.— Tuesday afternoon of next week the Liberal Executives of the old East and West ridings of Huron will convene in the Foresters' Hall, Wingham, at r o'clock to plan fur the organization of the new North Riding of Huron 'Co. DERR HUNTERS. --This . week a party of deer hunters left for Mowat, Parry Sound District for a couple of weeks hunting. Io the party are :—A. F. Emhury, the veteran of Morris town- ship ; Walter S, Scott, Brussels ; Bert and Mrs. Allan ; Jno. Melville and B. Harrington, of • Londesboro' locality. Game will require to keep out of sight if they have any dreams of long life while the local huntsmen are on their track. Misslon BAND THANK OFFERING;— The Little Stars Mission Band of Mel• villa church purpose holding their annual Thank -offering service on Tues- day evening, 'November 3rd, in the Public Library audience room, at 7,30 o'clock. 75 lantern views illustrating Dr. McKay's work in Formosa will be shown, accompanied by a lecture. Cordial invitation is extended and a liberal offering (loped for. Miss Lizzie Ross is the energetic Superintendent of the Band. HAVE You A TELEPHONE 7—Persons in either Brussels or the district covered by the Brussels, Grey and Morris Rural system, who intend putting in 'phones should make early application to the Board so that poles could be got in and wire strung before the ground freezes up and cold weather sets in. To be without a telephone now, with so splen- did a system in vogue, is to miss one of the best modern conveniences at a very small cost. Get a 'phone and enjoy the service. MATRIMONIAL.— Interest centres round this item from the fact that the groom is a half brother to Rev. Harold Avison, of Guelph, who was a former teacher in this locality :— The marriage took place on Saturday of Miss Edith Beatty, M. D., who recently was Superintendent of Grace Hospital, and R. B. Liddy, M. A., B. D„ son of Rev. T. I. Liddy, of Hespeler. The cere- mony was conducted by the father of the groom, assisted by Rev. T. L. Kerruish, at the home of George and Mrs. Beatty, in Fergus. Miss Mabel Beatty, sister of the bride was brides- maid,:and the Rev. F. G. Farrill, M. A„ B. D., assisted the groom. Mr, and Mrs Liddy will take up their residence in Toronto. SILVER JUEILEE.—The Epworth Lea- gue jubilee was celebrated last Sunday and Monday in the Methodist church here. Two sermons big with the past goodness of God and bright with the promises for the future were preached by the pastor, Mouday evening the Commemorative program was rendered when in song and story and Scripture responsive reading the 25th anniversary was royally celebrated. The historical and prospective was given by Fred. Wood, Roy McKay, Mrs, Parker, W. J. McCracken, Chester ,tlrmstong, Dr, Hamilton and Wilfrid Lott. Rev. D. Wren presided. Jubilee was a decided success and this influential body of young people in Canadian Methodism is a contingent that will do much for the future of the church, THE KIND of LETTERS THAT CHEER YOU UP.—Monday of this week THE POST received a letter from a former Brusselite, who served his apprentice ship with R. Leatherdale—James B. Wilkinson—who is a son of the late James Wilkinson, cue of the pioneers of Morris township and who died at his home in Belgrave, where he had located when he sold his farm, Mr. Wilkinson has a large and growing Furniture and Undertaking business in Esoanabtr, Michigan and his prosperity is a matter of real ibterest to his old time friends, THE Posr in the nymber, The letter says :—DEAR Slit I—Just to Shpiy you that I have not lost interest iu the old town, I am enclosing my cheque for $5.00 and ask you to continue my sub- scription' to THE BRUSSELS PosT. (This pays Mr, Wilkinson up to September, 1917,) It is over 26 years since I left Canada but through the columns of THE Posy I have kept familiar with the names and location of many of the peo- ple, yet when I visit my old home there are only a few faces whom I recognize. We have just moved into our new home, on the old location, you will rettiember the address, 612 Elmore st,, to which send THE Pos'1•, as we intend this shall be our home until the Higher Power snake other pians for us, I aro enclos• ing you a photo of the place which we think is a very pleasant location, It overcooks the Bay and I can sit on the porch or lie in bed and watch the big freighters come and go with their great cargoes of tnet•ehandise. We are having beatitiful weather and all of the Morris people here are quite well, Business is rather quiet at present but We look for a great revival whet geld people get threngh warring, 'Yours Very truly, grit, Ia, Wtt.giasdtt, ADDITIONAL local news on page 5. Dont read it though. SOCIAL EVENING --As a conclusion to the self-cleuiai month of the Yonng People of Melville church a social even- ing will be held Friday of this week, program opening at 8 o'clock in the audience room of the Public Library. Musical numbers rendered and a spel- ling match will also be on the program. Members of the congregation invited, WILL Go 'r0 VICTORIA HARBOR.—Next week Athol McQuarrie, who is a gradu- ate of THE POST, will leave for Victoria Harbor, a stirring village located on the Georgian Bay, where he will revive the newspaper of that place, to be known as the New Era, the plant of which he has purchased, He has had considerable experience in Ontario and the West in both the Editorial and mechanical de- partments and if hard work, staying with the job, a level Bead, competent ability and gentlemanly conduct will help him along he should succeed first. class. The people of Victoria Harbor and locality will find Mr. McQuarrie well worthy of their highest confidence and in him one who will work for the best interests of tbe social and moral reform Rud general advancement of the community. He is the youngest son of I), and Mrs. McQuarrie, of Brussels People We Talk About W. F. and Mrs. Htretton combined business and pleasure in a ir,p to Toron- to. Miss Mae McMorrsn, of Lucknow, was the guest of Miss Vine Bowman for the week eud, Robt. Thomson made a business trip to New York in cunueetion with the poultry business. S. and Mrs Carter and Miss Myrtle motored to Owen Satinet and made a short visit with relatives. The young son of Ben. and Mrs. Walker has been quite ill during the week but we hope he will soon be better, THE Posr is sorry to hear that Ed, ward Pollard, mail courier, is on the sick list but we hope he will soon be convalescent. Rev, Mr. Lackland, of Wroxeter, called on old time friends while return- ing from anniversary services at Wal- ton last Monday. Mrs. J, T. Ross bas been confined to her bed for the past two weeks but we trust she trill soon be able to get about as lively as is her custom. Harry and Mrs. Kirby and daughter have removed to Stratford, where Mr Kirby is engaged in life insurance busi- ness. We wish them Pro peril . This week W. A. and Mrs. Matthews of Colpoy's Bay, are here for a holiday of a few days. Mrs. Matthews is a daughter of Mrs. (Rev.) T. L, Kerr, of town. Mrs, Tohn Ritchie has been visiting with her parents, Thomas and Mrs, Bone. Mr. Bone continues to make improvement old friends will be glad to know, W. Little, telephone lineman, who got Such a shake-up by a fall from a pole, has been off duty since but is regaining his old time activity and will soon he all right we hope, Daniel Denman arrived home from a six months stay at Czar, Alberta, last Monday. He sold his stallion and may not return to the West. He thinks Ontario is still the cap sheaf. Sunday of last week a son was born at the home of M. and Mrs. Y011ick, Mill street and fast week an official visit was made by a Toronto Rabbi in con- nection with the performance of the Jewish rite. C, D. Bowser, of the inspection staff of the Batik of Nova Scotia, was here this week making an official call before the amalgamation of the Metropolitan Bank with the Bank of Nova Soctia on November 14th. A motor party consisting of Misses Vine Bowman, Hazel Lowry, Stella Gerry, Beatrice Harris, of town, and Miss McMorran, of Luaknow, visited Seafortb. The first mentioned was the capable chauffeur. Jno, and Miss Davidson have moved from the rrth Coo„ of Grey township, to the property on Turnberry st., purchased from Mrs, Griffith, We welcome them as residents who will no doubt find themselves touch at home on account of being acquainted with so merry Brusselites. Tames and Miss Shurrie and Welter and Mrs Sharpe have moved to the homestead recently purchased from Jno, Grainger, where -we hope they may en- joy many prosperous years. The property is advantageously located and the new proprietors are carrying out a number of improvements, Last week Geo; and Mrs. Henderson anti children moved from McKillop to Brussels. Theyy will live in the Robb terrace. Mr. 'Henderson, bought the dray and watering cart from Tindall Ritchie and will attend to business in the drayage line after Mov, 1. t. We bid them welcome to town and wish them success. Thursday Of last week Ronald Mc- Naughton, of Princess street, an old and well known resident of this locality,. celebrated his Seth birthday in the en joyment of a fair measure of health. A number of friends called and expressed congratulations. Mr. MnNadgittou's brother Robert (Dr, McNatighfon'S father) attained to the royal old age of 94 years and John, another brother, Was its his gist year when lilt died, - y, ESTABLISHED 1813 OF CANADA �E,p•� OFF/C�a TORONTO - THE business man who has 1 customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere 'will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. BRUSSELS BRANCH, J. F. Rowland, El IJ -!'l Manager. Miss Richards, who is a resident of Bat field, purposes making her home for the coming Winter with her brother, I. C. Richards,. at "Tallahassee," Brus- sels. She is no stranger to our citizens having spent several Winters here when her mother was living. Ohurch Chimes Next Sunday Rev, A. J. Manu will conduct auniversary services at Moles- worth. Rev, Mr. Bell will preach at Brussels. Service was held in the R. C. church Last Sunday, conducted by Rev. Fr. Fallon. It is being held every second Sabbath now. Monthly Missionary program and offeriug in the Methodist Sabbath School next Sabbath afternoon. In- teresting service promised. Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Mann spoke encouraging words at the morning ser- vice on "The Bible," bis text being "Search the Scriptures." The evening sermon was based on "The warning note of Christ's preaching." Quarterly Communion will be ob- served next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church. Fellowship service at to a. m„ the topic for this meeting being "The quest of life," to be taken by tite pastor. Subject of evening set vice will be "Food for thought." Melville church Young People's Society made a shipment of 66 bushels of apples, 47 bushels of potatoes and a large qusutity of vegetables, 120 pounds of honey was also included. Toronto was the destination and the Presbyter- ian church there will look after its prop- er distribution. This is a practical way to do missionary service. ' SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES.— Commencing with next Sabbath special Ev.ingelistic services will be commenced in the Methodist church and will be held nightly, excepting Saturday, open- ing at •7 45 o'clock with n short praise service, The snbj-cls to to dealt with by the p,s ul f.,r the final week will be as follows :—Muoldar—"The Shepherd's lead'ng"; '1'n sdny—•''I'' a valley of the sha'ow"; Wednesdtrt— "Comfort through rod and staff" ; Thursday— 'The Banquet"; Friday— -"Thou anointest Inv heed with oil " Every- body will be welcome. Meetings will be held in the Lecture room of the church. NORTH HURON CONSERVATIVES At a convention held Friday after- noon in the Town Hall, Wingham to organize the new riding of North Huron for the Commons, a large number were present, with the following gentle- men on the platform :—The Hon. Arthur Meighen, Portage la Prairie ; Dudley Homes. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. ; Honorary member Wm. Oamp- bell, oderich ; J. Rowtnan, M. P., East Huron ; R. McLean, Goderich. Mr, Birmingham, of Toronto, alt or- ganizer, in his speech laid out plans for the organization of the riding. Peter Scott was chosen President of the riding and as chairman gave a few words of address at the opening of the meeting. D. Holmes, of Wiugllam, was nomi- nated treasurer, Wm. Campbell, President of the Goderich Associa- tion was nominated Honorary -Presi- dent. Other officers are :—First; Vice - President, M. Lockhart, of Auburn ; 211d Vice -President, M. Dane, of How - ick ; 8rd Vice -President, Dt'. Arm- strong, of Gorrie ; Secretary for the new riding, H. J. cEwen, Goderich. Chairman of the different munici- palities were elected as follows :— Ashfield, James Alton; Colborne, A. Goldthorp ; West Wawanosh, R. Medd ; East Wawanosh, J. E, Ellis ; Turnberry, Robert Musgrove ; How - ick, John Dane ; Wroxeter, Dr. T. P. Jackson ; Brussels, Alf. Backer ; Blyth, J. Carter ; Goderich, 0. A. Reid ;1Wiugham, Dr. Redmond ; Grey, George' Addie. While Me. Scott was speaking be was handed a wire from Mr. Oantelon, Warden, stating he could not be pres- ent as he had just finished shipping 80 car loads of provision from the county to the suffering Belgians. Mr. Musgrove, M. P. P., gave a short address as did Mr, Bowman, M. P. Hon. Mr. Meighen also gave & short address, speaking largely of the new grain blockade and how it was over- come by the Borden government; also upon the naval act and the re- vision of the Bank Act and banking system and the situation of the Cana- dian Northern Railway. 40044000000.06•00440•44.44 PENSLAR NEW S e• • 4.Penslar Beef Iron & Wive 4 A splendid bouio for run- • • down conditions of the syn- • • • tem, • Bronchial loiengers p For the relict` 01 all Bron- A • tibial irritation, hoarsen104,0 e &c. • IU rind 20c per box. laxative Cold Breakers• i Just the thing to break up a e cold. ' 25c per plcge. o Regular .:. i • 6 A chocolate coated tablet in e 10 & 25c boars Thiel is a. e • rnikL but very efficient laxa- • e Live. 4/ • Out' personal guarantee aconin- e e pilules every article bearing The e • Panslar trade name.• A •:FOXs 0 ' e e DRUG STORE { e The Penslar Store a • IP ,anon}Aaagoc14,44..e... **** BORN YOTn.T08.—In Brussels. on Ontobsr 18th, 1914, to 015. and Mrs. M. Yollick, a eon, Hssenoe.—In Morris, on October 14th, 1014, to Mr. and Mrs, Wat. Reffron, a eon. • MARRIED MOGILL— w1LLTARBON: Ab the Slane„ Wroxeter, mi October 28th, 1014, by Rev. T. M. Wesley, B. A., BUSS Cora May Ramon, on, of East Wawanosh, to Mr, John skeet, of Morris, NicaoL—Mtoata. At the residence of the bride's another, on October 21st, 1014, by Rev. A. ht. Boyle, of Belgrave, Sir, Robert Lorne Nichol to Miss Margaret, daughter of Mrs, Wm. Michle, ail of Morris township. S00TT—OuNN7NG RAM, At the horns of the bride, on Ootobor 28th, 1014. by Rev: Mr. Boyle, asateted by Rav, Mr. Far soon, Nor- val, Mr, Snas Scott to Miss Lizzie Onn- ningham, both of East Wawanosh town- ship, DIED MARee.—At Bellingham, Washington State. on Oct, 7111, 1014, Oslharine Page, beloved wife of Fred, Marsh, aged 82 years. AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, NOV, 4Tn, Ottt hand of young cattle, horses and implements, at Lot 17 Con. 14, Grey. Sale ab 1 p, in. L. S1oNei1, Prop. ; P. S. Beobt, Ana. BRUSSELS MARKET 'Mont 4100 4108 Pons 100 110 Barley 66 80 Butter 22 28 Eggs 20 20 Hayti 11 0000 11 00 Potatoes per bus 46 60 Wool washed..,20 20 Wool unwashe18 18 LOUSE AND LOT for sale on John street, 11 a Brussels. Comfortable house, gRoof stable, well, cellar, cistern, fruit trees, 66o. ; f acre in lot. For further particulars as to price, &c., apply to A. BONERS 17-tf or F. S. Scott, Brussels. • ••••••••••••••O••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••i ••®••••••••e•••••••®®®D••8 El •• Brussels Daylight Store G. Nr McLaren • • r,rhrhr6ry14/1111e'y,aWWVil,e'tirlri iii Ili Iii W48'WWr�h"6e4,'4i keehmogo.i 41r„'i„".11.14 "e'iU4,r4,14, Ibhu'h %. 0.010404,,,,,q,,,4.4,00,14",100,0104,10),,,,tp4'4,,,, 4. 4•'li y611y'W4i,,6'4illi ii," 0 e Ol •• Special Purchase of• CO o •e • t a e e 4'' a Ye. •Fur r1n�m ro. ............w.�,..01........' - 0 t9 • • t" 111 •• Perfect Fitting Best Styles Exceptionally Low Prices • •• 1 • o • At $12.00 At 10.00 • e :s•s Woo en's Black Cheviot Olgth eocivu ; large Men's Fur Collared Coats ; 4 Dols', Beaver • fur Collar and Revere ; 1leavy quilted gym• Oloth with Rat Dollars ; Quilted Lining ; a • • g d Bargitit, • • • in"s; all sizes$ tot. • Extra Special 12 00 • • • • • • e 8 • • s • • • Y • • 0 • • • • 2' • • • 2 • • • w e e • • • At $15.00 Women's Black Beaver Cloth Covers ; large Fur Cohere of Opposum Sable ; heavy quilt- ed Linings ; Rubber interlined; sizes 34 to 42 Extra Special 15 00 At $17.00 Women's Fine Ketaey Oluth Ouvers ; large Western Sable Dollar and Revers; quilted Linings ; Rubber interlined ; sizes 84 to 42 Extra Special 17 00 At Cg9.99, Women's Choice Kersey Cloth Oovere • large Oollar and Revers; of Western Sable; Robber interlined ; plush and 'quilted. lining 1 a splendid serviceable Coat Extra Special 20 00 Only .1000 At$12.00 • Men's Heavy Beavot.' Cloth Coats' with large Marmot Dollars, shawl shape ; body and sleeves Rubber interlined anti Plush lining Special at 12 00 At $15.00 Men's fins Beayer• Olot11 Shell t Rubber inter- lined in body and sleeves ; ohuiee Shawl col- lar of 1111a•Inot ; heavy Curl Cloth lining ; all sizes 37 to 44, Special at 15 00 At $.20.00 Men's fine .Melton and Beaver Clothhells,• Plush lining l- body Rubber interlined ; extra tu choice GernisObter Collar andReveee ; all sizes 87 to 44. • Special at 20 00 Granby Rubbers We have a complete stock of Granby Rubbers in all sizes and shapes for Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls and Children. Highest prices for Produce. N. McLaren 0 • • 0 • a • • 0 tie • • • e W • 0 w • • • s a to • i50 09 to 0 • • hl W • • • 0s e • w • rtwlrw•i ./Mfi600110M1101111•rrwA0/611011000/NArNNA/.114•••••••••••••N••••tll•eYtlst•E