HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-10-29, Page 5ruSII28Z CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS �/ 7ty}�o�y��g g�//p �pLIMITED o5'GV AY/EARAI ((?Er WM, SPENOE (OONVJI;YANOER AND 18STJER of MAM1LA.GE LIOEINS.Eti nom in the Post Office, Ethel. 50.4 fdIAL AND f:I1NVEYAI1H I11R. %%T M SINCIIAIR- Barri.tor, Solicitor, Conveyancer, rotary Public, kc. Onloo-S towart's ilook 1 door Nor tit 01 Central Hotel. xolioltnr l�+r Lbo Metropolitan Ranh. ALJC1'iONEERS. j,' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - nae, will eel] for better prices, 00 better anon, in loos time and less ohurgoe than any other Anotioneer In East Ramo or na won't charge auythlug. Dates anis orders can nlwayt "o arranged at this ohne or by c •s nal application, t>'',f&ONVA, T tl'EA".i BOIA MIT BRUSSELS Liman Scorn Guise Ntn ra Mail 7:07 n In Express 10:55 a to Express 11 :25 n in Mail 1:59 p ni Express 2:550 In Express 8:52 p m WALTON To Toronto *o Godertch Express 7:52 a to I Express 11:19 a m Exproao 1:22 p nt Express 8:45 p m WROXETER Going Rant - 7:05 a, in. and 5:40•p. m. Going Weat - 12:19 and 9:58 p. In. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owan Sound, Elora and T G. B. Ntattons. GEO. ALLAN, Looal A gent. W,Y>?'�ti19j suYAv+v'dv,1v..Av`S?'i ��.l,rAib'cGyb'caYdvD% bi,� "Thoroughness" (s•the Koy-note of this Insonation. Our t- or graduate succeed because they have Y' reeelved corroct preparation, TORONTO, ONT. 50 nnjnyo a National Reputation for sup- ` errfor IMF:Mose and Shorthand nue- Hon. All Business Schools aro not 1 alike. Nothing leas than the best -y should satisfy YOU and nothing ION bthan giving the best training will a"tisfy US. Cntnloguo free. Enter C any time. Cor.Youngnod W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sta. Principal. %�PAfli s:a•'4.t:'i,4�a'4ta,`a[;>a'S + ORSIteeIrd33Ea' «tD • CENTRAL io £TRATFARD. ONT. 19 In a Sohool with n continental repulo- A tion for high grade wofic. and for the su nonan of its •ruduntas n.achool with § 6 ' s t erla• t` ursos and instructors. We t u p jJ�� � giveindividual ntten i n fn. Uommer A Mel, Shortland andtTelegraphy De- ir it 61 nutmeats Why attend elsewhere when these Is room here 5 You may4 ng enter at any time, Write for our ltlrge Y 8 free catalogue. l D. A. MOLAOH LAN, Principal, 1 bVlsv .vra 6plItav.AIPt2M.4tnr. AvM�4 r a� Enter Listowel colla est Any n time AND Grow with us. For particulars address- EDWIN Q. MATTHEWB, Prin. � 4A,sfli ,RiO,tm,441tPsIDi Y ami ERi4®'4m'Pti^a 12Er seNiessesolsamessamemenesemmenee THE Best Brains in Canada have par•bielpnted hi the pre. nitration or our sple,idid Hume Study 000M•80115 Banking, Economics, Higher Accennthl8g, Commercial Art, 'dhow Card Writing, Photography,Journal- ism, Short Story •Wrlthlg, Shorthnnd n 'elect the work and Bookkeeping. S r g• • s u l old rite us for. Ad 1 lv t y far: pal•tit.ttleu e. Address TOE SIR CQRNESPONQENCE SCHOOL $fit -'j Vongc St., Torgnto COLLEGE AT HOME T1a5Usauds of ninbIEtau0 young Imo. ale orefast preparing in. their own homes to eooupy luorethra Peal Wu 95 stenographers, bookkeepers, folegra pliers, civil servants in feet every sphere of aotiVibles, You may finish at college If you so wish. Poaltlans goat 'intend, En tor college any day. Inds - 1 victual instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty yams'. oxperionao+ Largest tri nada. o von collo ea. trainers in Canada. S v g ni down for B eel c t n p s AssoeSa tooth f crinin ia. l Edson• for+e Assoatnton of Onunda. Suirmer . School at famous Spotton Business Col - leg, e London, • Winhamos9 Rumness College 9 �� GEO.SroTTON W. T, moose. P roaldieSt. Pr1 ne1 ea1 Mare, t$tl9ines73 bards ‘IAS ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, sucotH00510 liet 11, genre. Office a,t Andup- son 11755. (Avery stable, Bru000la, .Telephone No. 29, OR, T. T. Nl'RAE Itaeo or inil e University of Terencence • a toa and pa of the College Pay' 8(51h5 0nal surgeons. Ord. Poetgrodiate tilamlgrEre.Ear, Nudr and Throat Hoapltal. Ohioagu,111 IDx•Ronne Surgeon to 80. Mich - eel's Hospital, 'Toronto, a a over F. R, wDrug St ora Tele- phone (ion with CrunbrookUall hours. OR. T. BRYANS Batchelor of Modlolue, University of Toronto ; Lloontlnte of Oollege of Physicians and Sur- geons, urgeons, Ontario ; ux•Senior House Surgeon of Wodtorn Hospital, Toronto, Offices of tato Dr. A 5jellovey, Smith (310011, Brussels. Rural phone 45, ALEX. 0, M'KELVEY M.B., M,C.P.&S. O. 108 Bloor 011 eet East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical llselotant hl Ent, Nose 115(5 'iOiroolda- par5i*Ien New (ie,101411 Boopltul. Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical So11ool, Boa - Mn I late Senior Resident Surgeon Moos. Bye C Mar infirmary 1 late clinical assistant an Nose and Throat department Muse, Gen. HOW WW1 ; late Hoose Surgeon Toronto General Hoapltal iIo Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSCIN ETHEL. ONT. Phydioiml and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago HOW pitals. Special attention todioease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes tested for glasses. G. H ROSS, D.D.S.", L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- gaona of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office is Isard Block, Wingham Phone 299. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction,. Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night oaks. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, Mo0ormiok Medtoal College, Chicago, I(1., is prepared to teat eyes and fit glasses at her olliee over Grower's Restaurant, Bruosele, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 1 to 0 p. m. Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. PNOUOFOOT, NILLONAN 9t PNOUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH. ONT. Private rands to loan at lowest rates. W. PaoUOMOO!r, B. 0. J. 7, KI I'.LO1AN WM. PaOnDF000 JR. gurat ReWs Items HALLOWE'EN, Saturday; October 31. WORLDS 'rem:ieaance Sunday will be observed Nov. 8th, REV, F. E. MALOTT, St. Marys (las received a unanimous ca)) to Orillia Methodist church. COLIN MCARTHUR, of Brussels, Duncan, Blyth t visited his brother, a during the past week. MR AND MRS MCI{ELLAR and little daughter, of Teeswater spent the week- eud with friends in Brussels, HORSE Fates,- The 1st Monthly Horse Fair for this season in Brussels will be held on Thursday, Nov. 5th. Local and outside buyers will be on hand, 'Take it in, SOME necessary repairs have been ant work at the mill made to the cam v dam, The water has been very low this Fall rendering it necessary to keep Ole steam power going at the mill, By the way the worst is being pushed along on the new Melville church it should be ready for opening early iu the new year. Plans are being discussed for this most interesting ceremony, Sabbath November 8th will be Worlds' Temperance Sunday and will be observ- ed in churches au,d Sunday Sohoots throughout Christendom. It will give the Temperance question a great "lift." W. C. '1'. U. -The regular meeting of the W. 0, 'P. U. will be held ou Friday afteruoon, Oct, 3oth, at 3 o'clock iu the Public v Librar audience room. Topic to be discussed 'Ant Narcotics" Rev. W T. Cluff, of Stratford, a former highly esteemed rector of St. John's church, Brussels, ' has been chosen Rural Dean of Stratford Dean- ery. He will competently' fill the office and inspire the laborers in the Master's vineyard. DoN's miss hesriug Cyril Hayes, the talented London Elocuti+,nist, who will present the Literary program at the Methodist church, Brussels, on the evening of .Thursday, 1910 host. He is apleudldly recommended. Fowl supper will precede the program. See the bilis, REV. A. B. 1'A1NEY, of Atnheretburg, moved to Simcoe where be succeeds to the pastorate made vacant by the death, of Canon Hicks. At smoker held in lit his honor he was the PublicLibrarys 1 1 presentedby e a n mbar of the town N ba. -loess men with a leather cogrpanton. and a prase of gold. He is succeeded by Rev, F, A. Wright, Brantford. ( amid' 1T IN 141NO.- A musleal treat that ,will be worth looking forward to is promised the people of Brussels. on Monday, November troth, when the Symphony Quartette of the Ithaca (N. Y.) Censer -victory of Music Will give Moe of their splendid concerts here. A sample program of the selections they offer 'makes one long for the time to come to hear them. They come under the auspices of the Public Library. CLIM111NG '('Ha. EDUCATIONAL LADDER.. -TRU POST is pleased to note that 1. T. Curtis, formerly of this locality, who is assistant Mathematical' teacher in Ottawa Collegiate, with 35o students under his'Leitionnt and teaching' 45 lessons a week, sp nweekst Summer School of Queen's University, Kingston, He worked so well he headed class in senior English and settlor Latin and passed in Junior French. Mr, Curtis w ' taking * his B, A. course while teaching and has note only 5 .sub• jeot to write on to complete his sslf+im- posed task,We cougraduate him on Uta aucces and wish s isl hit] the best gin The eutlomau referred to is U I g. g a brother to Mrs. lames 'Elliott, Alexander street, Brussels. Mr. Curtis is very enthusiastic over' Queen's Sum- mer School. TJ'.4GW,eC"il'FwuatY+gNcRY'.t,•.W4MVTAwN'aM.7 eR::,u'P,N�n'•a+:s.+m,+simrwYM.,i •n`eni„xrven.�..•.nn1,a,+wiFm.. �•.r,w• ..�I,wm George i3nellnuao, 13. A. is attending PorUniversity taking to special i` Commercial Course. We wish him thexTEEN 1. highest success, l'RRp1075'1t0(2 ',ATE FALL.-- London's ainalettr weather forecasters are almost a nhity in predicting a late Fell: They claim that the present Mild weather Will last until Chrlstmas, 'Their pre- Clictioua are based on a variety of 1 hifalhble" reasons, but their eou- 1 clusions are the same. BEcnuss of the kindness of Gleuooe people who assisted her whets she gave birth to a baby on a train in that lows, Mrs. John Harding, who with her baby 1s at Victoria Hospital, Loudon, has named the boy Jolla Glencoe Hard- ing. She was eu route from Stratford to Potltiae, Mich , when the boy was born. Her husband recently secured a position in Pontile, MATH Standard Says :--An auto load of young men from Brussels got left here Sunday night, It seems that the owner of the car got tired waiting for them so struck for Brussels, the young fellows, arriving on the scene shortly al ter wet do but were too late, After doing considerable telephoning at a very late hour to uo avail, they had to get the liveryman here to drive them Inane, Fox the first time iu the history of the Methodist church in Canada, some ritual will be embodied in the new hymn book for the church. The General.Cuuferenee has decided ou this, The ritual will include the Lord's pray. er the Ten commandments. the apostles' creed the questions and the answers of the reception service and the general confession , of service of the Lord's Stopper, HOT FOWL SUPPER. -In connection with the Fowl supper that is to be held in the Methodist church, Brussels, Thursday evening zgth inst., a choice program of a recital character will be given by Cyril Hayes, of London. He is a most realistic interpreter of litera- ture. "'rhe story of Joseph" will be in his list and other numbers expected are ''A few bars in the key of G.," '"rhe first settler's story," iPPhe final ball game." "Boots at the Dolly 'rree len," &c. He to worth coaling miles to hear. A choice program of music will also be rendered, Mark clown the date and be sure and get there. PRESENTATION By CHoIR MEMBERS, - Thursday oveuing the members of the North street Methodist Choir Goderlch, were entertained at the home of C. and Mrs, Moore, Gloucester terrace, A most enjoyable evening was spent by all. A noticeable feature of the even- ing's pleasures was the presentation of a cut -glass cream and sugar set to Mrs. 12. Marshall, of Battle Creek, sister of the hostess, who with Mr. Mershall, is visiting her parents in town. As Miss Stella Speirao she had rendered valu- able service in the choir as leading contralto and the choir look advantage of her preseuce at this gathering to ex- press their appreciation of her help, Before breaking up all joined in hearty praise of the hospitality of Mr. aid Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Marshall was a former Brusselite, WILL YOU BE THERE ?- You will be wise to keep the date of Nov, 16'h for the concert to be given by the Ithaca Symphony Quartette, under the auspices of the Public Library, Brus- sels. The Quartette is a oncert orgauizatiou of unusual merit. On ac- count of the great variety included in the .progra111, 1t appeals to the entire eotertsinment•going public. The Symphony Quartette has not onlyar- ranged Q ranged programs composed of the and best li er e purest a t obit and music but will so present them that everyone can understand, enjoy and appreciate them programs that entertain, but at the same time instruct and inspire short n5 1 'u Sl O P purposeful programs. Easy To Retain Health tllust 4wpnrtan t of all is proper at - tent inn to the bowels, Avoid consti- pation it's Lhe health -killer of today. flash •griping medicine is rninous- bewale of it. Best results follow a truly vegetable 1emedy like Dr. Hamilton 0 Pills' of Mandrake and Butternut which not only relieve costiveness in one night but cures the cause of the trouble and prevents its retro 11. Ne distress or inconvenience t c attends the use of D s t. IInmiltou's Pills which al world famous for their. mildness an of d efft encu. Sold every- where, ver.Y-avhece, 25c per box, Atwood R, M. and Mee. Ballantyne, of Saskatoon, arrived in town .and will spend the Winter here. Counnil will meet ath to Agri- cultural hall, Atwood, Saturday, Nov. 1411tat10a.in. DnnegO anniversary aei+vires will be held Sunday, Nov. tat, when Rev. S Amlerson, of London, will preach. 'C'nesdny evening following fowl supper will be sowed and an excellent pro- guun given. fxon,-Ab the home 05 Rev. and Ms'v. Al al sl s1I, Bing street, Atwood, on 'Wednesday, Oct. 140), Margaret 1 11'q Donaldson, aged 8 ..,tel month and ,2 1 L tt S. days. • u+ 1;1 was1 4 1 t tit held [» Friday Y Y one; anon to the linnet t t tnetety. lingit and Mrs. Porter's little dangh- ter 13ill'gtm'Pt. was taken ill and her case became SO Ofil Lieal that she was removed to the General Hospital at Sri atl'tn'tl Monday of last week whore all' underwent' a successful operation, 00I 1.1155 WErnarma,-A most enjoy- able celebration Look plane Tuesday ev811711g of last week at tite home of .1 no, 51, and Mrs. Hamilton in hone' of then' golden wedding anniversary, In 1854 Il r. llaanilton Pante from Peebles Soolland, with his parents and settled on Lot (1 Con, 8 Elmo, and ten years later was married to Miss Ella ibb, of Downie, by Rev. Thomas McPherson, Presbyterian clergyman, or St rat foil). Mrs. Dungan, of Stoat - ford, x0(1'7 of (1140.. Marathon, was foe bridesnulid and she MIS present at the celebration and Thos,. Hamilton, brothel' of the groom but now deoeas- ed, was the groomsman. 7 children were horn to them who are all living. Mos John Ol n1tC1 r1t nISt. CIn c,Minn, , Thomas, 0f Rockville • Miss Jeof Hamilton, of Ames, Iowa ; John, of 811 Con, of .11ma 4 Mrs. 4V, J, 1.lurnter, +rr trnnLo•.Has)'( of Atvend and of Toronto ll, t 1 j Miss IMMO. All were present except tate Hest 8. The following sisters and brothers of Mrs, Hamilton were also present a Mrs,' Duman, Mrs, Proudfoet, Mrs. Hoskin, Mies SRL VERY I K Tells How She Was Made Well by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Neyv Orleans, La. -"I take pleasure in writing these lines to express my grati- tude to you. I am only 10 years old and work in a tobacco factory. I have been a very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully s i n c e taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and am now looking find and feeling a thousand times better." -Miss AMELIA JAQUILLARD; 3061 Te- houpitoulas St., Now Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa. - "My mother was alarmed because I was troubled with suppression and had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pimples on my face, my complexion was sallow, my sleep was disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them. "-Miss EsTELLA MAGUIRE, 110 Thwing St., St. Clair, Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let- ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. 11 you want special advice write to Lydia 1;.Piukham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Blass. Your letter will bo opened, road and answered by a woluau and held in. strict confidence. Maggie Gibb, all of Stratford ; Mrs. Atehixou, stirs. 1117. J, 141510p, R. Gibb, G. Gibb, S. King, all of Downie ; Mts. George Hamilton, , of Elute. Two sisters of lOL•. Hamilton with their husbands attended, Mrs. J. Graham and stirs, S. Pelton, both of Atwood. 011ier guests were J. A. and Mrs. Tnrnbnll anti Miss Evelyn, Mrs. Duncan, of Brussels, W. J. Hislop, Mrs. John Hamilton and daughter, Thos. and Mrs. Dickson, of Atwood, Rev, Dr. Hnaser and others.. An excellent wedding dinner was served, after whish many high tributes were Haid to the ttgad couple. The' follow- ing gave addresses 5-1. A. Turnbull, W. 7. Hislop, Thos. Dickson and Rev., Dr. Hnsser. Duringthe eveningthe infant children of Nesbit and Mrs. Hamilton were baptized. Grey Potatoes area great crop, Tax Collectors Bishop and Turnbull will soon pay the electors their annual visit. Noticeable improvements havebeen made at James Parr's premises where the well near the house has been fitted np with a new pump, wind- mill and pipe connections to bgLh house and stables. It will be a matter of great convenience to the family. P. Ament, Brussels, had the contract. Blyth Miss Emnla Mason arrived home *01)114 kin extended visit with friends in Itianitoba. The many friends of N. A. Taylor will regret to learn that he has been confined to his home through illness. lliaa Janet Hood was in Guelph at- tending Lhe wedding of her niece, Emery. Mise Liner She will also visit her ist[er, Mrs. 13tic 1 Paris s 1 Lte of Thos. and M15. Shortreed, of Alder- shot B 0., who have just returned from e 6 months wedding trip to the Old Country, are guests of Dr. and Mrs Allison Mr, Shortreed is a cousin of the doctor. The following officers were elected in connection with the Red Cross organization l -President, Mrs. A. E, Hard istYI vice President lin. Curtis ; Secretary; Airs. P. Gardiner ; Treasurer, Mrs. I. H. Brown, Ad- ditional members of the Executive, Mrs. 0. H. Beese and Mrs. E. E. Robinson, Purchased • + + Heanfryn t 0 4- St4.ore The undersigned wishes to y notify elle public that lie has purchased the store and mem- :I: ices of James Jackson, Henfryn. 1. New stock is being added in 3++ +1+ Hardware, Dry Goods, Grocer- + les, Confectionery, Boots and Feeds Shoes,. Meats, Flour and lead, ,1, Fco,. + g P m Highest rices paid for farm÷ Produce. + + Soliciting a sharp of your t trade and promising fair dealing rd ld closest prices. AIeL Russell ++++++++.14++++++++44+44++41 Chas. Roadhouse, whd tincierwel)t a critical operation in Fergus Hospital is progressing nicely and hopes to be anis to leave the hospital within a couple of weeks, The 8rd Silver Medal contest under auspices of 531yyt(t Wonsan', 'Christian Temperance Uuiou will be held in the lecture room of the Methodist (shut 711, Friday evening, 80th hist„ at8 o'clock, 7 contestants between the age of 12 and 16 years, will recite for Provincial W. 0, T. U. Silver Medal, IS Your Cold Bettor T No, it's at; Load as ever. Noticing seems to help. Why not use the up- to-date specific "Uatarrhozone" which. drives out cokl in one day. Inhale Oat alrhozone and _you will be relieved in two minutes. Continue the treat- ment and cure le assured. Healing, germ destroying and pleasant, noth- ing for colds, throat trouble and Catania compares with Oatar'rhozone+ Sold everywhere, 25c and $1.00, Moncrieff Knox church, Moncrieff has raised and, forwarded $67.20 for the work of the .Red Cross, Mts. William Patterson has re- covered from the fever and is con- valescing fine. Last Sunday was Oommuinion Sunday here. Preparatory service on Saturday at 2.80. The farmers here are all pleased with this fine Fall. It has been coal- venientfor threshing, silo filling, etc. The Knights of Honor will hold a benefit Concert for the Patriotic fund in Knox -chinch, Moncrieff, on 1Sriday evening Nov, 6th. Wingham George Bryce, of Turnberry, visit- ed friends in Palmerston and London this week. Despondent through ill -health, William Totten, 30 years of age, of Glenannan, committed suicide Mon- day afternoon of last week by shoot- ing himself through the heart with a shot gun. Remarks about the war made at a threshing at which some Germans were present, caused a fight in which it lot of dishes were broken at the table. It was some little time before the threshing could be resumed as a result of the disturbance. John R. Mcllwain, the little son of Fireman John Mollwain, died at his home Monday after an illness extend- ing over only three days. Besides his parents he leaves a twin brother and one sister. The funeral was held to Winghaul cemetery on Tuesday. Wingham will observe the second Sunday in November as "Go -to -church Sunday," and plans are under way for making the attendance at the various churches on that day a record - breaker. Arrangements are being made to take the aged and infirm and othets who would find it difficult to go, Is Your Trouble Indig cation? Then probably you know the evils of distention, ferineutaLion and ir- ritation that accompany digestive troubles, Next important is 'to know how promptly Nerviline cures. Quick as wink it relieves bloating and feel- ing of fullness, puts the entire diges- tive apparatus in perfect order, makes you feel fit and fine all over. For in- ternal p nternalP stn Nerviline surpasses everyr Y knownremedy. Keep1t 1n the housee always, it's a source of comfort in the hour of emergency. Large bottles rot 25c at all dealers. East Wawanosh OBITUARY. -George 0. Naylor, who passed away on October Srd, was born at Fisher's Mills, Waterloo county, on January 2181, 1848. 'When he was about 18 years old, the family moved up to East Wawanosh and settled on a farm. Out of a large family only four survive :- Mrs, Finlay Anderson, East Wawanosh ; Mrs, Duncan Anderson, Preston ; Sidney and John Naylor, Elgin, Manitoba. In 1869 he married Miss Elizabeth Taylor, of West Wawanosh, end theylived m, various farms in Past and West Wawanosh, until 28 years age when deceased bought. the McCoy farm, Oon. 8,here he lived up till his death. where illness lasted 8 months and was borne with great patience and fortitude. In polities Mr, Naylor was a Liberal and a Methodist in religion. His honesty of purpose and never failing courtesy ' made him respected bran all who knew n cal to Wingham him. The funeral ceme- e tery on Tuesday afternoon, October 6th, was largely attended. Service was conducted by Rev. Mr: Conway of Auburn. Those left to mourn his loss and cherish the tender memories of a husband's and father's love are his widow, 5 sons and 2 daughters Dave, Coulter, Manitoba ; George, William and Milton, ]last Wawa - nosh ; Alfred A., Seaford) ; Mrs. Won..Lou heed and Mrs. Stephen g P Wood, col Elgin, LI Manitoba, All were home for the funeral except t Dave. The pallbeatets were the Pour sons who were home. Seaforth Mrs, John Payne has returned from Toronto, where she spent the Sum- mer, Adam and Mrs. Dodds have returned from a month's visit with friends iu the West, Mies Florence MacDonald, ,of Mount Clemens, Mich., is home for a few weeps, The clothing factory is running full blast, and still short of hands in the trouser department. Mrs, Gordon O'Leary, of Port As'thlrr, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Lewis McDonald, John street. Two finks of bowlers took adVant- age of the fine weather and went to Zttrieh to play a friendly game, Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, of Grand Forks North Dakota, 166 visiting her mother, Mrs, lhonas McQuade, of McKillop, and will stay until after her mother gets moved t0 town. SEAFORTH PIONEER, DEAD,- John Beattie, one of the Pp ioneers of Sea - fort, died Wednesday night at hie nt 1' street, after an home on G 1e 1oh s illness of 21 months at the age of 82 vote, He was one, of the earliest 1 settlers to this vioillit '0 the North• west part of the LGWn beingbuilt nn the Beattie homestead. e was a staunch Liberal, and a pc'ominet mem- her of the Methodist church and for a great many years was Magistrate and Clerk of the Division Court. Ile leaves a large family and one brothel'. 111* wife died some yeltrs ago. The funeral look place Friday ...to the 2itlandbank cemetery. cry. The Original Corn Cure No substitute has ever been devised that gives he gamic, t c painlesslesulta oP Putnam's Corn Extractor, For fifty y0ell8 its success has bee( Un- equalled. For safety and thorough mire 418e "Putnatn's" only, I Change of I + Business + + + H A V I N G purchased the + 4.f7 Dairy Delivery Milk Busi- cess of Wm. Armstrong I .1. + am prepared to give the best + possible satisfaction to the pat- rons. + Milk supply will be secured 4. ,t from 147r. Armstrong's herd and +. q, in the bottling we will clarify, + pusturize and sterilize the out- put so as to attain the highest .1+ sanitary condition, +p. Wil1guarantee milk to test .31. 8i1% fat and cream 2(3%, + Prices will continue as former - 1 ly-6c for Summer delivery and .q. 7e in Winter. Cream 805. 4. Asking the patronage of the g, public. i. W. W. Harris • • ++4p + 2 4.+ Shamrock creamery .1. 4 Brussels -p +I+ ++1+ Fall Housecleaning John Lunn Painting Paperhanging Graining Decorating Good Workmanship with Moderate Prices Old Suites and Cupboards mado to look like new. If you desire suggestions of color schemes for Painting or Paperhanging call up'phone 41x. John Lunn, Thomas Street, Brussels. Orairbrook Miss Allis: Switzer took 14 prizes in fancy work oclt.of 16 causes sl41f^ deal Pair, also 14 prizes out of 16 en- tries at Wilkesport Fir, Mrs. T, IL Piggott (nee Mass Switzer) was award- ed 14 prizes in fancy work out of" 16 sanies at 13rlgden Fair and 111 ruse out of 21) entries tit Wilkespul•t trait'. l • •n .- s r. i ` ®.J ..A... • W )) ov Funeral Director dand Embalmer Orders promptly and care - U11 y attended. to night or aY Phone one 228+ ETHEL, ONT. ••♦••••♦•4040♦•♦♦••♦• ** •Engagement Rings • Wedding Rings o • r • • ♦ • Give h4. a Diamond i s • \\\\\\\\\\�! Fine White Diamonds, 2 e mounted with Platinum i ♦ Tips, 14k Rings, at very 2 • o • close prices •°s +4.410 $10.00 $15.00' : 25.00 25.00 •• and upwards, aocceding to size and quality. A nice assortment • • • of mountings in stock. 4. • • • - 4.• • • • • fine Jewelry • 4r • We can supply anything you e v want in the finest Jewelry and v • at very reasonable prices. 4. A The first opportunity you have • we will be pleased to have you • • visit this store. We will take • • pleasure in showing you any- i • thing of interest to you in the • • stock which is being replenished • almost daily with the newest • goods on the market. • • • J. R. Wendt •••• • • Jeweler and Engraver 0 Wroxeter • • •41,•a•♦®4.•••••••••••••••••• 80SSS•66••08841•666668S0S168 50¢00•04 wom5oaDw.•aomam*eaar •• �t •Cream • • • • • Wanted_ • • Farmers having Cream to sell during the Fall and Winter months can get best results by shipping to • • • • • •• Gunn's Creamery,. Walkerton Highest prices paid for Butter Fat. Two shipping cans supplied free. • = Express paid on all shipments. Each can carefully weighed and tested and state- : men t of each shipment returned with empty can, a Semi-monthly payments, Write for cans and full pparticulars to GUNN'S CREAMERY, Walkerton. • • • • • • • • • e • C • • O s • • ft 48 • • • • • • • • to L tdRltcreogo01•':sev1,t.a44na*naeneeer••t•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••♦•♦♦••♦••••••••••••••♦ •♦••4.•••••+•0+0••0•404'4444 m • •e [30 R• Da s edaced Prices• • • • ON • ® All kinds of Rig, I. • • New and Second-hand Buggies • Light One-horse Wagons d New Farm Wagons ••• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S. 4 4 • • Must he sold to make room for Cutters. Call and •see • • • First-class Second -band Buggies asgood • Buggies b as new at wonderful Bargains. Must be sold. • • • i'. ♦ D.Carriaijesh0 • ♦ � eoNs+�:►s.�+stets+•�esaNz'►;►wa►t►�eae�•++►s�'+►�st'l ,