HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-10-29, Page 4t 4. 4 � C�l 1°10 � -;� t � � I.f I HAIR NEELIS it is oenttel thin yeas bei bepet3Uer 4th, In all tensor) nit would seem that t e e • oiltl ol. is for anor ' or mild Novem- ber , and ,f an, the sante kind of weather may be looked for thieneti l) eember. THURSDAY, OC'rOf3l+;R 29. 19r4i PAS 15IAN SAGE Kiser theWinterPetr at Guelph ill It Quickly Removee Dandruff Mind. LORD KITCHENER Can ,be trusted to sae the war through h o. k. 1f his requests nod inatructions are complied with. He's a General all 'right, KENT Comity farmeis are up against ravages from bog cbolera and as a re- sult the slaughter of swine goes on apace to prevent the spread of the disease. Huron Co. has much cause for thank- fulness in their freedom from this scourge. Tuts has been a wonderfully delight. fill Autumn for which the people of this Province have great reason to be very grateful. It has afforded an excellent opportunity of getting Fall work done and to the farmer and builder especially it bas been a great boon. THE first Field Day in connection with Brussels Continuation School, held last Friday afternoon, was an unqualified success and it will be gone into another year with vim. Principal Scott as the chief promoter, and who worked so energetically all through is to he con- gratulated as well as all who had any. thing to do with the program TowN BULL'S family from the various colonies is hastening to give the "old man" a lift in the chore he bas on hand just now in France and Belgium. The boys expect to take a trip through Germany before they leave for home and may spend a few weeks at Berlin, the capital. It has been terribly warm over there but it will cool off when they get to the Kaiser's home. Few rich men have beep as generous to public institutions as Mr. Carnegie. Up to December 31st, 1913, be personal- ly or through Carnegie Corporation bas made library donations in Canada ag- gregating w1,838,2r5, including x35 original buildings, five branch buildings and two extensions. He deserves great credit for his munificent gifts and Brus- sels is in the number to say "Thank you." SOUTHu Huron Liberals will hold a Nominating Convention in the Town Hall. Clinton, on Wednesday, Novem- bertlth. This is a newly constructed riding for the Commons and shows a Conservative majority by the figures of the last Election but the Liberals think they have a chance of capturing it, Huron Co, had three ridings, East, West and South but under the new distribution there will be but two viz— North and South. The whole three ridings were won last Election by Government supporters, the members being Messrs. Bowman, Lewis and Merner, respectively. One of the trio will have to drop out. Messrs. Bow- man and Lewis are now both residents of North Huron. Ws are of the opinion that the Government should see that Canadian manufacturers, as far as may be fair and within their ability to boodle them, secure orders for supplies to soldiers now at the front. Canada has not with- held her best and it is nothing but right that she should also share in the neces- sary outfitting, especially when the goods required can be produced here. This is not a question of politics, nor should it be, but a matter of right and our home folk should have some one wide awake to speak for them and repre- sent their interests. A number of large orders are being filled by Canucks but others that we might have had a share in have gone across the lines to our American cousins. WAR in the zoth century is more bar. barous and devilish than it was 5o years ago, Then little was even known of the quiak firing gun, the mine, the submar- ine, the Zeppelin, tbe bomb and many other devices that make sad wrecks of men and property. Never were more diabolical deeds perpetrated on prison- ers and the inhabitants of towns and cities and if thete could be joy in Satan's capital be should be bolding jubilation ceremonies over the success of the inhumanity of man, The coming of cold weather will add to the horror of both the fighting men and the thous- ands of sick and wounded. It is one thing to plan and enter upon a conflict but it becomes a very serious queation When war is declared and men rush at one another like fiends, A day of reck- oning is coming and the Judge of all the earth will do right but in the meantime bloodshed and carnage will have its way and horrors uuknowh to the 15th Cen- tury will be written In the present day history of nations, The Kaiser may be a lunatic on war but he is not alone in the military preparations that have been on the pregnant of Germany for years and whose first chapters{ were put out of joint by the valiant Belgians holding the enemy until the allies Could teach the imbue, Just because your hail' is full of dan• deaf, thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to look pretty, do not de -1 epee. Bea nb' l hale, thick, fluffy, lustrous and absolutely free from dandruff is only a matter of care. Parisian Sage frequently applied will work wonders. Just one appl ica- tion stops itching head, removes n- druff and all exceseive oil. It goes right to the hair roots and filrnishes the nourishment needed—the hair be- comes soft, fluffy, abundant and radi- ant with life. Parisian Sage not only saves the hair but stimulates it to grow long and heavy. Geta 60 cent bottle flow Jas. Fox at once. There le no other "Just as good." SASKATCHEWAN is opening its doors t0 the Belgians and offers them land on very reasonable terms asking them to become residents. The Belgians are a thrifty people and should do well in the West. fax latest proposition in connection with the West Shore railway is to hand it over to the Hydro Commission for operative. Letter appear favorably disposed if the interested municipalities will give certain guarantees. It would be a fortunate move for the people if something could be done whereby some. thing could be done with the badly tangled -up proposition. NOVEMBER WEATHER FORECAST A reactionary storm period is central on the 1st, end and 3rd. The moon is in apogee Red full on the 2nd. The mercury period also will partially affect the elements at this period, The storm diagram indicates, also that the Mars disturbance begins at this period and extends over the entire month. As we enter November a low barometer, with change to warmer weather, cloudiness and rain will be in transit frofn West to East across the country. These tains will turn to suow and sleet on the Western tangents with the rising barometer and change to colder that inevitably follow in the wake of low barometer, wind and rain. A sharp cold wave will follow in the immediate rear of these storms, spreading East- ward over almost the entire country causing frosts tar into tbe South, from abuut the 2nd to the 5th. If the 1 barometer is much below normal in the extreme South at the beginning of this period. watch baronietic reports from the West and Nortb, as a very high barometer in those regions, with ab- normally low barometer in the South, wilt be almost certain evidence that a rapid and intense change W colder for this season wilt spread far into the South and East. A regular storm period is central on the 7th, covering the 5th to the loth. The moon will be at its extreme North declination early in this period, hull. eating the Southerly atm ispberia tides will flow Northward, bringing reaction to rising temperature, falling barumeter and ending in renewed storms of rain, turning to snow. This storm will be at the crisis in the central valleys on and touching the 8th and 91b, being a day or two earlier in the West, end a day or two later in the East, Each section will have, first, warmer, fair weather, with falling barometer ; second, areas of rain, turning to snow, and wind ; third, rising barometer, with colder, clearing weather—all within the limits of the storm period and the interim leading into the storm period next fol- lowing. A reactionary storm period has its central days on the xatb, x3th and 14th. But for the fact that we are now enter- ing well into the Mars period, we certainly 'would have a minimum of storm -producing causes at this and other November periods. On and touching the 13th—upon which date the moon is on the celestial equator—rain, wind and thunder storms will be most natural, followed immediately by rising barometer, winds shifting suddenly to the West and North and change to very moth colder. A regular storm period covers the 17th to the 22nd, having its center on the 09th, The new moon is on the 17111, near perigee on the 16th, and South declination un the 19th, This n the 1 h period will begin promptly o let h, rising temperature, y falling baro- meter and threatening clouds in the Western extremes. These conditions will take up their march Eastwardly by the 13th and igth, and during the loth zest and send they will pass the great central valleys and into the Atlantic coast regions, If a very lots barmeter attends these worms across the country, bigh and dangerous North-easterly gales will come in From the Atlantic ocean to fill tap the inland barometric depression causing danger to shipping along the Coaetr, and winding up with violent northwesterly gales on and about the great lakes, These sections, especially, should watch the indications, and heed storm signals. Renewed high pressure, clearing skies and much colder weather will spread over the country behind these storms, lasting up to the 23rd to 24511. A reactionary storm period is central on the 2451), 25th and 26011, The storms of this period will culminate on and about the 26th, ou which day the moon crosses the celestial equator, working from South to North de olination. All the plusses of a storm period will show at this time—falling barometer, warmer ; cloudiness rain and snow ; rising barometer, clearing and colder— all linked together like railroad coaches, rushing eastwardly over the country. A regular storm period begins on tbe 28th, is central on the Both and nuns threedays in December•. The storms of this period will not be more than developing in Western sections during the lest two or threacleys of the month, The Mars period has worked back until SOUTH HURON LIBERALS A meeting of the Liberals of ,South H neon the riding newly formed forr Dominion e ectm pt/ os s, was held nt Beucefield Tuesday of last week, the object being to organize an As- sociation. There was a good attend- ance, Henry Smith, of Hay, who bird been President for many years of .the. old South Association, was elected President; Alexander Mnetad, of Brncefield, Secretary ; and Dr. Mayer, of Heimall, Treasurer. The Vice - Presidents ate :—Dr. Shaw, of Clin- ton, Mr. Ifiegiand, of Hullett, and 11. Murdie of McKillop. It was decided to call at Oretvention fur the selection of a cued idate at Clinton 011 Wednes- day, November 11111. THE MUCH TALKED OF - TOWERS The Blyth Standard says :—Sunday a number from town were out to the 7th Con. Morris to inspect the obser- vation tower which stands at Peter McCall's farm. As many enquiries have been made• as to the object of these towers, we give the following information :—For scientific purposes the Department of the Interior has erected a number of these towers throughout the Province. The tower in reality consists of two tripods, one inside the other. The inner one is 80 feet high and on the top of it is a small platform on which the ob- server's instruments rest. The outer tripod is 66 feet high is topped by a platform supporting a high candle- power acetylene lamp. .A. little lower down is a platform for the observer. Between the two tripods there is no connection, On the gtound directly under the platform on which the observer's instruments rest is a oement pillar 4 feet under ground and as many above which Is supposed to remain for all time. It will have an inecription placed by the engineer in charge so that. the exact point where the tower stood can easily be ascertailied if desired, after the tower has disappeared. These towers are being erected all over the province at distances of from 20 to 100 miles and ate according to the nature of the ground Froin 35 to 166 feet high. The around required for each tower is 160 feet square which is tented for a period of 10 years. At expiration of that time the tripods go to the owner of the land. The observations are made at night, the observer with his instt•umeuts being located on one Lower and his light keepers nn the 3 or 4 other towers neat esthim. Fordwich Jas. Sanderson made a large ship- ment of apples to the Soo. Miss Oollius holds the record for large potatoes. She has 36 that weigh 46 lbs. While blasting out the old abut- ments at Hamilton's bridge the floor of the new bridge was badly damaged, about 30 feet of it being broken. Jack and Mrs. Payne, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were visitors at Robe Gamble's the latter end of this week. They were accompanied by the latter's sister, Miss Jessie Campbell, of Har- -piston. Gerrie John Watters and family of Orange Hill, are now comfortably settled in their fine new home. Upper Canada Bible Society meet- ing will be held on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church, Rev. 31r. Thompson, of Bluevale, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here Sunday Morning. Mts. (Rev.) Roberts is visiting at her home in London, having gone up to say Good-bye to her sister, who left on Sunday evening for China. Mrs. H. G. Woods and children, Charlie and Dorothy, of Temagami, returned home after spending a month with her parents, J. and Mrs. McGuire. Wm. Musgrove returned to Wood- stock to resume duties in the Epi- leptic Hospital after spending two weeks visiting friends in and around Gor•rie.. 'Regained Nerve and Vital Energy From Walton P. 0., Que., comes the following from &1r, Meier Begin —"If anyone had told ane any remedy could build up my nervous system so well, I would not have believed them. Before using Ferrozone I was run down in nerve and vital enemy, and in very weak health. I didn't get enough sleep at, night, felt 'newly in the day time. Ferrnzone has filled me with elreegy and vim, increased my weight and made a new man of me." Hundreds tell Lhe same strew— Weak and dispirited, everything going wrong, unable to oai,lt sap They took Ferrozone and all 55 115 changed to health and selel.iiy. Price 500 per box at all dealer'. Ooderich Tire police Have received instructions to bring anyone found riding on the sidewalks before the police magis- trate. Grain is coming in from the West faster than it can be shipped out and the elevator is loaded to its frill. capacity. A patriotic concert in aid of the local relief fund will be given in Knox chiu'ch, Godet'ich, on Thursday even- ing, November 551a. Jae. and Mrs. Knox announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Jeanette (Nan) to Erneet Jay Howson, C. A., of Toronto, the marriage to take place early in November. E. N. Lewis, M. P., was away to Ottawa last Week in art endeavor to get snore work at Goderieh harbor, and contracts for Huron county factories. He was accompanied, by Wm. Jackson, Secretary of Clinton Board of Trade, and C. L. Moore 'IVice•Preaidept of C;ocierich Board of Trade, . nen /.../o -1-4,-i00,,orao.i.inlowoke,.e+xKfSb..::K-;:ip'1M± •ia+lvWt Meech Idntiing rill.' wliielt Ilisni'ilt n au • lie 110110 l.z"t1 alt Led and l 4 yenta I N 1 i. sl lit ler a tanned H troops. AIt I t l 4am a hi i anti began to Ile likewise, but Prussia intlnediately fell upcu iter and in 11 weeks she wits 1:1 Ileln',l, Pi ttesilt ill the nrean11in ;septette Pittl.te ttltnf, by pronises ahh'h Wei' iminnediati.!y broken upon , ettelusinn or the a war. It wee at this 1i1111' Ihau Prussia took nor"lal a in e Op 'mut lad r u ta tt n t.1 I II 1 n 1111 NI' Lite i(ltel isoal Nn it ilvoi, elle lird, r, ie I I. t III 1'1'k ,veal . - 11 ell it 1 iting a t. 1g hie pi heptad ,ill the en!. nf' 1370.71 but Ptuaeia was pielittled and ill 6 cereus were lumen) rine: at the gates el' Paris. 11 inns noWeald! ely .atter This that \Villinu+ the 1st was et'otvnet l;uiper ie i1' 1111 Gr, many and £roan Lliat. tittle Gel many has pushed tot ward. Her islet hue beer, that the end justiiles Igo Ili at ie 011t1 elle 110-: ruled her people with au lion band. When Willi:,ill died be wits sueeeetled by Frederick, who married• a daugh- ter of Queer) Victoria and he tel. nuee begat/ inset. up Eegii.h ulethrels it/ Germany, but be came to the throne in a weak condition and died it/ 4 months. His sun, the peesent Kaiser, a young man of 29 years, succeeded to the throne. He also immediately began to rule with a tyrannical spirit. He believes he has been called to the throne by God and that no one has a right to question what, he does. He says under the direction of the Divine power I go my way and those who erose my path I will. crush. Natty books have been written by German military men and in some of them they have outlined Lhe: plans of their campaign and their ideals being the end justifies the means. Great quea- lions are not solved by peace courts and arbitraLien but by blood and iron. Their plane are to conquer the world and these have been carried out AFAILYRFMEDY FOR MAY YEARS "�-If n cult- • Used F a 1lues With The Best of Results. GEORGE MoKAY Ceo. BirrsN, ONT,, June 17th, 1913. "I have been using "Fruit -a -lives" as a family remedy for many years. They are the best medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit -a -fives" do me the most good --they never gripe and their action is pleasant. "I have used them for Indigestion and Constipation with thebestresults, and I heartily recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted. These troubles have leftme complete- ly and I give "Fruit-a-tives"full credit for all this. A nicer pill a man cannot take." GEORGE MCKAY. The enormous demand for "Fruit-a- tives" is steadily increasing, due to the fact that this wonderf ul fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumatism, Chronic, Headaches, and Neuralgia, and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, 60c a box, 6 for 82.50, trial size 25c. Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. The young people of sown have been spending quite a lot of time at Saltford gathering beech Huta during the past two weeks. A quiet wedding took place Tues- day afternoon of Inst week at lite home of Wm. Peondfoot, 1H, P. P., when his niece, Miss Marion Jeanette Dickson, daughter of the late VTIn and Mrs. Dickson, became the wife of George Dixon Oingett, of Seattle, Washington. Rev. Geo. E. Ross per- formed the marriage ceremnt,v. Isaac Salkeld, of Godesicli town- ship,contributed to the Gode'ieh i has Manch of lite Red Cross society the whole of his season's apple crop. The society has made • arrangements to have the apples'pielied and drawn to town. To those snppiyiug bsrrels the price will be 76' cents per barrel and for those who wish them packed and delivered 81 per barrel. The whole of the proceeds will be placed in the Red. Cross fund. Belgrave EAST WAwANOSH COTINOIL.— Oouncil met Oct. 140. Members present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, on motion of Couuail- lors Currie and Buchanan, Buchanan —Currie—That Treasurer be instruct ed to refund pro rata balance of money on hand due the several parties on the Toll drain. Carried, Stone- house—Irwin, Engineer be notified to inspect Yungblut drain if the portion of same now in dispute, is not repaired in the stated tithe. Carried. A number of accounts .were passed. After a discussion on the beet• manner to aid the local patriotic fund by the giving of oats, potatoes and apples from the ratepayers of the munici- pality the Gonne(' adjourned to meet Monday, "Nov. 18t1. REV, DIt. FRASER S. LEcx Datil —Fol- lowing is a eyndpsis of the fine Lec- ture delivered by Rev. Dr. PIMMa)? at the Jubilee of Knox Presbyterian church, Belgrave the subject being "Germany and the' Kaiser" :—Dr. Fraser said he did not purpose giving a humorous address. There had been times when his purpose as a speaker had been to provide amusement fee his hearers, but in such a time as this he believed there was No time for frivolous talk or anything but deep,. serious thought. He then went on to give the histo y of 1he Emperor William and his ancestor's, the ion allot tea Among ng other t1 ieg s he sad the first time the name Holz is clearly written aeioss the pages of history was in the 141:11 century when a young knight stepped down with his brothels front the monntnins fn Switzerlatud andsought hone foe him- self in Gletrnany. William tuns the descendant direct in line from the young knight, but we find it 400 years before a lionozolloren becomes Emperor of Genitally. Daring that time , their scheming and planning was to become head of Prussia and make it the ruling state in Germany. To accomplish this 01151 they sacrificed a great nlluty things. They trade friends with the printteses of(nSber states axed made many prudent mar roges which soon put there at the head of Prussia. All through their history tan distinct strains are found. a strain of genius also a strain of in- sanity. . Many of the ancee1oesof the Kaiser died insane, while many were insane along various lines. Frederick the Great of P1'ussht, while a young loan was used in sucha way ghat he attempted to escap0 to England with e riling office'. Plot was diseovered attd the young officer was beheaded before Frederick who lived .the rest of his life. in constant feat, bill hie father shed. William, the Heat of Ptvssia, was not a greet roan blit he had a peculiar power of picking nut men who were tapable of filling posi- tions Among the chiefs so, selected Was Bismarck, the atateetnan, whoa° aim Was to tnaho Prussia the head powerer in Germany. He fleet moat crush Austria, To help him a gust etnith In Germany invented the first t Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill. are not a new and untried oto grandfathers used them. HaN • century ago, before Confederation. they were on sale in nearly every drys or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized comb thousands of homes for Constipatio.,, Indigestion, Biliousness,Rheumatisa and Kidney and Liver Troubles. Te. day they are just as effective, just so reliable as ever, and nothing bears has yet been devised to • Cure Common Ills Keeps Keeping Poled Time le/ the letter 5Iittottgboutthis motel ever ;edge, if everyone dors not rise to LheY t 1 •ir t1' ill the mailed Hsi of Germany u will tuletUe world and there Will be nn 13rilisU Idulltire bill 0 (Semen 1150 I in its place With m Mall 1Citiser at the head, ht'a wee Is no IIe1Y thought 0 n the part of the Germenl guvulnnenl: but they tulle thought. that 13ritein wntdd enter this tvtu' for a tittle scrap I I lit el lint lit ltdbecause u 0 on this wiper ti u•Was n elFu+tlaue tel the I It tir said 111 11 Preset, l Intl Rewire , ! remeluslter limb every young tuna Who did not have oily nue 111 'Lil'pell should he nt aha, h ont. suppni 0 145 the l+wpire Lafora it le leo taste hull if he were ma 0 Intl l Irl i11011 111,11 Cl1ahle tvind'I ill t holo Ilia al 111111000 1A', lerit,er is it strung ura0 and will 1104 aunt be forgotten to Belgrave, 1 -le Ir t'+ 11.1' rtIITI as of the .1 110115 ', Auction Sales A'NOTION SALE OF PAR Id STOCK, 181- ssLaMIttlea, &O.—P. S aaeit, Aautioneer, has received instructions from the under- signed to sell by Public Auction et Lot 11, Oon. 14. Grey, on Wednesday. November 4511, at t o'clock the following valuable property: 1 two -seer 01d filly to lk 2nd prise at. Brussels Fate 1 .Spring mare colt, 8l head yearling outrule lselfe,'5 mrd steers, 1 young brood york sow, I hay load er nearly new. 1 manure spreader, 1 4 -horse power. 1 crusher and cut. Ong 005 combined, 2 set harrows, 1 riding plow, 1 two -furrow plow, 2 fanning mills, 1 lumber wagon, 2 set bob -sleighs, 1 disc har- row, 1 roller, 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 set lesm harness, 1 root palper and numerous small articles The colts are extra good and the proprietor is giving up farming. n unreserved All saws of $500 and under sash; over that amount 10 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per Dont allowed off for sash. L. MoNSIL, Prop. The People's Column FARM FOR SA 1.E,—The 100 acre farm, being S Lot 15, 455 Con. Morris, Hoose, barn, orchard-,, etc 513 offered for sale. For further particulars apply to Tee POST. • DARK LOT FOR SALE—Tito undersigned offers his Park Lot Turnberry street, North, Brussels, for sale. There are 6 1101'04, upon which lea house and barn and a splendid well Most of lot isseeded clown. For turtle or particulars IS to price, terms. eto• apply to ,TKO, SMITH, Brussels. Boar for Service The undersigned will keep for service on. Lot 182 (Jon. J0, Grey, a thorn' -bred Tamworth hog, eligible for registration Terms $1 00 to be paid at time or service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. LLOYD PORTER, 18.4 proprietor. Boar for Service The undersigned wilt keep for sarviee ell S;4 Lot 21, Con. 7. Morris, a thorn' -bred Yorkshire clog with registered pedigree Terms, $1 CO, to be paid at thne of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. 16-4 JOHN EVANS, Proprietor. Brick and Tile Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the. -Cole & Dougherty For sale by For sale by L. Blake, Walton YARDS HENFRYN You Get Bilious Because Your Liver is Lazy You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its work. Tho bile does not, flow. You become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that"bitter as gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated— turns sick—vomiting, and violent headache.—The best preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's Tablets. They make the liver do its work—strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle —All Dealers and Druggists, or by mail. 1 Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. AFM FO L ShA L Si Alo 1wl0•ox0aw Y1111.1111tul n , . kInrwxa o liege ev t I,101ty, Tee 0 u te. Grey low u uitIRn, 0 o.s 'T •, .d for xi+t15n i ,•a itI nse l'a reg ,f hush 11 iA n faille lied 1rnrine local. nl , 0!6'miles 11Walton and u, I Uot tram routd.. llAami'sLnhurIpporrthfnnalalt5 tyiplrkbe,, F110s,applytlAI,1t.Nur5!s HAYMAN N is prepared to supply the hest geode m 1'v;tie utille, Jion autl `Vooden Pu wpe and Stable Fittings, such its Piping, Wale er Bowls for stook, Rte. Bellaire Lo Pumps promptly attended to, Give me a eel!, A. HAVMANN, Cranbrook MOI THI Y HORSE EMIRS BRUSSELS • Regular Monthly horse Fairs will be held in Brussels its follows : THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1914 1)180. 3rd, 1914 ,t JAN. 7111, 1915 FE13. 411a, 19155 MAR. 4111, 1916 APR. let, 1915 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will he present. A Position for' Fail and Winter We have s sound business proposition lot' it reliable, enereette ot,leanaan for rt hi, tti,triet to. sell lrntt trees, amnia tenets, fluworing , exel s, etc, Pay weekly, ,,0020• free, oxeluslve territory. Over 600 acres of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation- We sell through our anles- men direct to the consumer and gnat • antes delivery of Mesh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give acct the volume of business dune. Established 85 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. P. S.—Aandsone catalogue ce request either to applicant or those wishing Nursery stock, a„atl au 5 oat) aloetiongeg 1S6011111/665661041 rs We ant Now A 0 3 e 0 3 0 A 0000 SALESMAN 0 O e u B For every town and district ® where we etre nut reps esented. eJ ® Feuits are bringing high prices es O and Nursery htsicls is in demand, a a MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by 5 ® taking an agency. BEST TIME n O for canvassing is tinting the a ® Summer moueIts. Experience o +ls ,not uecessa'y, a 0 a Free equipment. e a Exclusive 'Territory. a mHighest. Oontluiestone paid. c a WOW for fullpart irutara. e Stone Et Wellington ca a Foothill Nurseries t a Toronto Ontario 9 O 0 falegilsiENIElleetelteeneeteSIWEESatrnalleailial yc E ured At your home without " pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no platter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait Fill in coupon Age Tittle Rup .. Single or Double ................. •SSSS. Name. Ad.iresa ...... . n ........... and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia St. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. N mama! lr�{s/r i d Cy t ro' is -„.5_5_,.,..114 No 1 0 , Ir \, Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1.915, and guaranteed against any reduction (luring that, Lime. Touring Car . 5590 Runabout 540 1 Town Car , 840 i In the Dominion Of Canada, FURTHER we will be able to obtain Lite inaxirnum e111oienc• in our fnntory production, and the minimum cost in ole• pu•ohaeing and sales department IF the can reach an output of 80,500 0100 between the above dates. AND should we reach this pins] tuition we agree to pay, ns the buyer's share, from $40 to $00 per ,our ton or' about Au uot.1,19151 to every retail buyer who purchases a now Feed carrbetween August 1,1014, and. August 1, 1011, For further particulars regarding these: low prices and profit - altering plat, 080 the neareot Ford 13rsnuh or Dealer, e, H, GALB1tAITH, Agent, llruoaels Ford Motor Com - _ party of Canada Limited Fords Ontario ,9y ... 4 . .. •ate AFM FO L ShA L Si Alo 1wl0•ox0aw Y1111.1111tul n , . kInrwxa o liege ev t I,101ty, Tee 0 u te. Grey low u uitIRn, 0 o.s 'T •, .d for xi+t15n i ,•a itI nse l'a reg ,f hush 11 iA n faille lied 1rnrine local. nl , 0!6'miles 11Walton and u, I Uot tram routd.. llAami'sLnhurIpporrthfnnalalt5 tyiplrkbe,, F110s,applytlAI,1t.Nur5!s HAYMAN N is prepared to supply the hest geode m 1'v;tie utille, Jion autl `Vooden Pu wpe and Stable Fittings, such its Piping, Wale er Bowls for stook, Rte. Bellaire Lo Pumps promptly attended to, Give me a eel!, A. HAVMANN, Cranbrook MOI THI Y HORSE EMIRS BRUSSELS • Regular Monthly horse Fairs will be held in Brussels its follows : THURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1914 1)180. 3rd, 1914 ,t JAN. 7111, 1915 FE13. 411a, 19155 MAR. 4111, 1916 APR. let, 1915 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will he present. A Position for' Fail and Winter We have s sound business proposition lot' it reliable, enereette ot,leanaan for rt hi, tti,triet to. sell lrntt trees, amnia tenets, fluworing , exel s, etc, Pay weekly, ,,0020• free, oxeluslve territory. Over 600 acres of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation- We sell through our anles- men direct to the consumer and gnat • antes delivery of Mesh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give acct the volume of business dune. Established 85 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. P. S.—Aandsone catalogue ce request either to applicant or those wishing Nursery stock, a„atl au 5 oat) aloetiongeg 1S6011111/665661041 rs We ant Now A 0 3 e 0 3 0 A 0000 SALESMAN 0 O e u B For every town and district ® where we etre nut reps esented. eJ ® Feuits are bringing high prices es O and Nursery htsicls is in demand, a a MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by 5 ® taking an agency. BEST TIME n O for canvassing is tinting the a ® Summer moueIts. Experience o +ls ,not uecessa'y, a 0 a Free equipment. e a Exclusive 'Territory. a mHighest. Oontluiestone paid. c a WOW for fullpart irutara. e Stone Et Wellington ca a Foothill Nurseries t a Toronto Ontario 9 O 0 falegilsiENIElleetelteeneeteSIWEESatrnalleailial yc E ured At your home without " pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no platter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait Fill in coupon Age Tittle Rup .. Single or Double ................. •SSSS. Name. Ad.iresa ...... . n ........... and return to J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia St. Dept. A Stratford, Ont.