The Brussels Post, 1914-10-22, Page 7Fashion Flints . e,.3.ogzra is^+los'La Fads and Fancies. Dyed laces are to be used. Beaded shell pins for the hair are new, All the new suits have longer coats. One piece frocks are mostly of serge. The (hourglass figure is to be the fashion. The all 'black hat of velvet; is still 1 Darker shades are •noticed in. the fall millinery. Brown velvet is as smart as black for street capes. The small hat is worn with the bisque costume. Coat shapes range from the short to the redingote. The new tunics are net nor iihall three yards wide. The oriental note in dress has al- most disappeared. Occasionally we see a hat with the mushroom trim. The silk jacket and short, loose coat are in. good fashion, Frocks of net arranged in plaits or ruffle's are favoribee. The old fashioned chenille em- broidery has come back. Both light and dark toned fitch furs will be fashionable. The Japane:st neck and The stand away eollars are still good: 7.'he feather trimmed hat is the fashionable hat, this season. • A new idea is the combination of black ,satin and Plaid serge. ONE MILLION WEEN. Would Stretch Out 750 Miles Four Abreast. A million men! What does that mean? How many aro a million men 7 Can we grasp what an army of a million men—and e of them now iiinthefield are actually ie 5 This army, marching four abreast, would make a closed -up column soan:e 750 miles long, that would reach from Toronto to Winnipeg ars the crow fries, from New York to Windeor via Toronto, or from Chi- cago to Smith's Falls. The million 'are mobilized. They are all in one big damp—low much ground 7 A regiment of infantry witch ,all its animals an•cl wagons needs nivnete•en acres; a earal y regiment mush have sixty acres; an artillery regiment forty-eight acres. A division needs 640 acres, or 1a square mile, for ell its infantry, artillery, and other troops. Our caan:p for a million men, then, would occupy fifty square miles:. And low to feed this vast array .of men and .animals 7 Tho full day's ration for 'a main in the field 1v-eiuw 4,4 pouaJs and costs .about thirty •cants, including every- thing. item,—$300,000 a day for food for one million 'soldiers. This is juste little hatter of $9,000,000 a month! This food would weigh 4,- 400,000 pounds—just the food for one day—or 2,200 tons. One box ear's oapacilty is 1,800 cubic feet. This will carry 9,172 rations—food for one day for 9,172 men. So, for once million mon, all waiting Impatiently for. their 'grub, it would take 109 freight oars every -jay to: bring along their rations— five ationfive trains of twenty-one cams each. Anel this, mind, only for twenty- four hours I RflEUMATZC. MISERY -- 0$11 Only Be Oured Through the Blood—Minim its of Bo Use In no disease • does the blood be came thein so rapidly arsin rheums bran. Not only does it becomethin but it is loaded with itnpurntlea.•-- rheumatie poisons. TVhthout the proper treatment these poisons in - el' MSC , n-creasC, ti1:e inflamed joints swell and the patient •becomes a orippie. There are a number of methods of treating rheumatism, most of them aiming to keep down the rheumatic poisons until nature can build rip the blood sufficiently to overcome them. But unfavorable conditions of cold or dampness may give the disease the advantage, and a, re- lapse or rest,ew•ed attack follows, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People build up the blood and 'ena- ble it to cast out the thematic poisons with the natural seeoretione of the body. Thousands have tried this treatment with the most bene- cull results. That every sufferer who does notary Dr. Williams' Pink Palls is neglecting the most helpful means d recovery is shown by the. following statement: Mrs. Fimelino Smith, Sit. Jerome, Que., says: I was attacked with what the doctors said was inflaman:altory rheumatism. The joints of my hands, feet and limbs were badly swollen, and I suffered ,the most excruciating pain. ical tre!atment tl ot'trouble becamedso bad that I. could not go about. My appetite began to fail me, and I w:as'growi'n'g physically -weak. A neighbor who had been benefitted by Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills advised me to 'try them, and I decided to do so. In the coau,se of a few weeks I noted. some improvement, and my appe- tite began to return. Then the swelling in my joints began to clic- appear, and it was nob long until I was perfectly cured, and I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Williams' Pink Piles are sold by all.dealers in medicine or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' I4edicrne Co., Brockville, Onth. PUNISHMENT OF COWARDICE. �JAL.O(lIZU,.'i`Q fI.11)Iu�l,,..; Nem , York SIM lilhterly . n11114 Work or Zeppelins, If Oen Shernutn were alive, he would • have to •apalogize to hell, says 'ilio New York Sun. He Was 14uai1 to that amiable region. Tho war 'of Waltham was but en hitoccnt, harmless killing game. bt . )tae grown to that aerial triumph of German eultu e over Antwerp T4> murder wantonly and futile- ly, to slay or mangle Little children .and young motllers'an their bed's, to salute time Rod Cr ES flag with .a bomb, to slaughter end -terrorize non-combatants, random destruc- tion with no military results, will no permanent reeul+t except to sicken and .'anger all civilized man- kind—this is war as pa acus' d on a city from Zeppelin airships. Every nation which still believes that something tf humanity should be maintained in the usages of war- faare should raise its voice against this •archde•ed of pitiless savagery ; against the repetition of •suoh sense- less and unforgivable blind maSete- cre. Meant Death or Everlasting Dis- grace. in German Almy. Punishment for cowardice in the German army tut the time .of the Thirty Years' Wap was so severe as to be ferocious. In the year 1642 the Swedish General Toasteiusson stormed Leipzig. A force under the command of. the Ground Duke Leopold' gave ham' battle before the gates of the city, brat during the engagement the Madlonieohe regi- ment became suddenly panic- stricken, and fled. Punishment'itmmediately, followed. When the regiment had ,again as- sembled, six other regiments sur- rounded urrounded at, and tried it by court- martial in the open field. The ves elect 'was *hunts--t$re eel:0nel'rad the captains should die by the sworde and that every tenth man among t non-coanmissioned officers and men should be 'hanged. The steam verdict w'as carried out to the letter, except that at the re- quest of Leopold the mien ware shot instead of hanged; Col. George Mnddonischle was beheaded, after to had sought in vain for a pardon. The survivor's were consigned to quarters with other commands, and the regiment never re:gamned its name or former., prestige. Iin those days, there was no alternative but to be breve. Cowardice meant either dearth or "everlasting dis- grace. F VON MOLT1tE WAS WRONG. Did Not Think British Infantry Would Display Prowess. Moltke, the great German gen- eral, made this statement and put. it in writing : "I do not Mink the British :infantry "wdibl be able to maintain their traditional suprem- acy over Oonitanental tamps nosy that all armies •are armed witli'long- range rifles. There will no longer be the opportunity for them to dis- play their well'known prowess in hated -to -hand fighting," Commenting en this The London Telegraph says : Every good Ger- man trusted 1%%olltke'+s words, and yet, as far as we can judge from the meagre reports of battles, thhe great Moltke was for once wrong in his calculations. His statement seems to have been biased on a false pre- mise of what 'ennead the British in- fantryman's superiority 100 years ago. It was not the actual bayonet changes, but ,the decisive effect of his superior rifle fire before those charges were delivered which made them so s'uoeesaful, The British soldiers were far better shots than the French, and could deliver 'three volleys to the French soldiers' two, Our arany to -day is merely carry- iafg-on these traditions. Our men We far better shots than the Ger- mans. Every single wounded sol - diet inlentiorus the roarti nness ofthe tun and' our 'men Gorman aho >u s', have a far bigger 'target to elm et, a,s Ilha Germans come on in close formation, heedless of loss of life On the highway leading to success very 'few lkeep to the right. Baron 'Wilhelm Von Schoen, Of the German Embassy, at Wash- ington, who has got "in Dutch" with the American Government by predicting a war between the UIlited States and Japan. With CUT ICUPA SOAP Because of its extreme purity, Paddy Ahead, A. Yankee was boasting of Ameri- can Honesty. "Why," he said, "1 once lost a purse in the States, and twelve 'months later it was found by a lady, identified, and returned to me without a oent out. of it." ; "Whet of that?" said Paddy, "I :went to the market town one day, and Stool -ed in a certain place ,for it few sn;nultes, and when 1 left 1 Sound that 'ten pounds which I lead in the morning was gone. A year 1. latter 'I returned to 'tlhe place and I was given ten guineas." The Yan- kee looked stupefied, "You see,,, continued Paddy, "I lodged the. money in the bank at five per Cent," 3tUSSJAN j FORESTS. They Are Being Destroyed at a Ra- pid Rate. We are disposed to 'think of Rus- sia as a land of limitless forests, but even Russia has a -serious for- e•stry problem. For deoades, ac- cording to a writer in (the Petrograd Novo- Vremya, Russia took no no- tice of the destruction of her for- ests. 'like rating chess, the nobility, sold barge parts of their wooded properties leather than sellfarm delicate emollient properties and land. They disposed of their for - cat' 11'117fon teams, so sma1.1 that refreshing fragrance. Assisted the brokers madefrom three hun- by Cuticura Ointment it is dred to one thousand per cent. on equally effective in the treat- their capital. In the end, the de- ment of heat rashes, itchings, - fereot>atian of the country assumed irritations and chafings. Samples Free by Mall such threatening proportions that the government introduced a forest oan•servatbon law. "But . . . the destruction. of she forests even now Cutloura Boon and (nutrient sold throughouttae goes on at full speed The forests world. Llberas"Cade ra,"Dont.X,f ree, tl v .tw which guard the very passibility of nookof coca . Addreoe"Cutloura,' Dont. , oe . . man's existence in the North, are his experiences asserts that the dirigible airship has not proved a success. It is .at the mercy of any squadron of aeroplanes, and he does not believe it has any military future. BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED FOR YEARS When a mother uses only one medicine as long axis there are little ones in the home it certainly bears grand testimony to the value of that particular remedy. Thousands of mothers -use nothing else but Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs. M. LeBlanc, Meana am - cook West, N.B., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets .for my little ones for the pact ten years and know .of nothing to equal them during teething time or for colic, constipation .and indigestion. All Mixt neighbors who have used them think- ,itis ttI do." The Tablets are sold by sn;(+,di ne dealers or by mail not,; 25 cents a beg from The Dr. Breakfasts of "Other Days" ran something like this :— Ham, bacon or sausage; fried potatoes; doughnuts and coffee .prepared by overworked mothers. Today's and Y Tomorrow's Breakfasts run about like this: Post 99•QQcc T�®a ies —with cream or fruits; a poached egg or two; crisp toast; and a cu of Postum toast, P —a royal starter for'any day' Quick, easy to $erv`e, ap- petizingy and— "Mother" nd-- " " has it easier! Mother h '—Sold by Grocers. Caaaaflan Postufn Cereal Co., Ltd„ Windsor Ont. Stellar Distances. An English writer has amused himself in figs ring on. the price of a journey to the nearest star. As- suming that it would be possible to travel at a speed of five hundred miles an hour, and that the fare would be es low as herr :cents a hun- dred mines, he figures that the tra- veller would have to pay $5,500,000 for his ticket, and that he would reach his destination in 5,839,440 yearns. He says nothing about the cost of metals land sleeping quar- ters. If the traveller, however, could take passage on ray of light, he could meike his journey in four and one-qu'asrter years. At that ra- pid rate, he could reach the moon in a 'second and a quarter, the sun in eight minutes, and Neptune in four Williams' Medicine C0:,-$rl'S,°.g "11 �, Ont. AVIATOR KIND OF BAT'1LES. Allies' Victories Due to Army of the Air. "The aviator' is king of modern battles," : with pardonable pride as- serts an aviator who has taken part in aerial reconnoiaances-in Alsace, in Belgium, and more recently in. the battles of the Marne and the Aisne. He is now enjoying a few clays' rest in Paris. 'Thanks, to the aviator," he says, "we have 'won our victories, and it will 'be thanks to him that in a few days we will the able to hunt the Germans out of France. Inmy opinion, sufficient has not been said of the important part aviation has played in 'this war. It is true that at first we were a bib taken by sur- prise. The Germans had marvel- lously organized their aerial army in silence. They have more avia- tors than we expected, and have ex- cellent Draft. Consequently they were able at: the start, to count on splendid scouting service. They were over our positions at night, and at dawn their artillery showed by deadly work how careful and accurate had been the reconnais- sances. "Then we put into action our ad- mirable army of, the air. It was not long before it rendered excep- tional -service to the headquarters staff, 11 played a decisive role' in the 'battle of the Marne. At the present moment it is a° precious auxiliary—one might almost say in- dispensable adjunct to the victor - loos march of our troops. "I have 'been instructed to make reconnaissances on many occasions, both In the east and the north. In spite of the intense fire of ' the enemy I have been able to report the situation of the German troops, nett their movements, estimate numbers and'importance, and rheas1•mp I am convinced that I have been able to be of great service. of "When the war is over, one the finest pages in history will tell of the role of the aviator.'° All of the above applies to the years. A Smart Boy. A teacher was examining at. class of small boys in arithmeble. Ad- dressing a particularly smart boy she asked—" Adan five go into one "" "Yes," came the answeret once." O'Yon stupid boy," she said, "how do you make that outl" Please, mum," he said, "I put five toes in- to one stocking this morning 1" Very traitti�inLW i; Lame Bark Strengthened Stiffness Taken Right Out rapidly 'disappearing. Firewood is as necessary to Russia as the sea is to the English or the mountains to Switzerland. One :may regret. the dtiseppearance.of (timber, but in a large degree timber can be replaced by brick, iron, or other building ma- terials; but in the Noirth„ fuel, in the Dorm of firewood, cannot be re- placed." Was Relieved In an Hour, and Cured 1 Over Night. A lame back? Quite unnecessary. All you have to do is to rub on Nervi - line. It's simply a wander for back- ache—relieves after one rubbing. "No- thing possibly could cure an aching back faster than Nerviline," writes Mr's. Arthur Kober, of Lower Chel- sea, N.S. "I caught' cold and was so prostrated with pain I could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at home, and r had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand liniment, At once the pain departed. The lameness was rapidly reduced and in an hour I was able'. to be about my housework. I was rubbed again just before retiring, and awoke as usual in the morning without a 'sign of my back trouble." There is no sort of muscular pain that Nerviline won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by it for 'rheuma- tism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago. It sinks to the core of the pain—right through muscle, tissue and nerve—It penetrates where no oily, greasy lini- ment can go and invariably cures quickly. If you have an ache or a pain anywhere—use Nerviline-it will cure you. Family size bottle, very large 50c; trial size 250. at all dealers. Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Names of the pasties are Corns and Toes—both very unhappy till the trouble WAS remedied by Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor Any: corn goes: out ofbasiness in 24 hours if "Putnam's is applied—try it, 250. art all dealers. 3. — Needs Patching. Poor Mexico 1 I have no doubt Your seat of war Is most worn out.. INFORRATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs, Pigeon, Pigeon 3t Davis, Patent Solioators, Montreal, report 'that 105 Canadian Patents were is- sued for the week ending September22nd, 1914, 71 of which were granted to Americans, 21 to Canadian's, 7 to residents of Great Britain and Col- ones, and 5,{10 residents of Foreign Countries. Food Stipp In War Time Rumors are in circulation that we aro unable to supply orders owing to the war de- mand. . This statement is filllingkouriordd etalt Wusual Insist on getting CLARK'S you ask for W.�Iarli, I.Imlte.,1 MONTREAL, Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.,—At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton/a Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood —cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should Use these pills regularly because good health pays. and it's good, vigorous health' that domes to all who 0110 Dr, Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. Know When to Quit. There in nothing like knowing when you have earell'eCrrg-et "You are charged, sald the magistrate, "with talking back to an officer. Have yon anything to say"N your honor," re- plied a.word, y plied the culprit. "Oi've said too much 'already."' Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. „.,. aeroplane, The airman who gives Little Jackie—"How' soon etre you and my sister going to be mar - vied 7" Ecstatic Lover—"She has not nosed the happy day ye't, but I hope :she does nob believe -1n long engagements, Little Jackie`- "She doesn',t, I know, 'oanse a1''i her engagements have 'been short!" "Your wife no longer sings or plays the piano, how's that" "(She ltasn'•t the time, We've two children, Well. 1weBl rAffter• all, children are a blessing!" Dr. Morse'a • Indian Root Pills are fust the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated —when their kidneys arc out of order —when over -indulgence in some favorite food gives them ieedigestion —Dr. Morse's Indian hoot Piga will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable,ur ltheyneithersicken, weakefi or gripe, tike harsh purgatives. Guard your Children's health by kiways keeping a bolc:of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pillsin the house, Theyn•1 Seep the Children Well BD, K •m The Nice Distinction. Effie (finishing her devotions) . And please bless father and other and all of us, ' ad give us ev ISSUE' 12--'14, reams eon creta. erythinggood;Land bless all our riends, and give them what's good or thein. R. 5r. DAWSON, Tracey Colborne Street, Toronto. TF TOO WANT TO BUY ...lit eisa-ri• 1. Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy I? write 1 teIt W. Tawstn, Bram11 pton, or 2 8. W, DAWSON. CoIi,or a St., Toronto., NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN' IN nil' Park Crl ounty. Price only :$4 /100)t Termeas oral. Terme 3 liberal. Wilson Publishing Com" Pony, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS, UP•TOMINUTE WAIT BOOK and Combine "rl Christmas Gifts are SURE • MOuEY.MAICL•RhS. handsome Samples Free; Best Terms. o111)El3 NOW;, Postage cents. Nichols Com" auy Limid,Publiher, Toronto A Sensible Zeliercliant Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903. ltinard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Strs,—Your. traveller i, here to -day and we are getting a large quantity of Your MINARD'S LINIMENT. Wo find ; it rho best Liniment on the market making no exception. We have been in business 13 years and have 'handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours;. that sells itself; the others have to bo. Pu to got aid of. W. A. 3IAGERMAN. FEMALE HELP WANTED. T ADIES TO DO PLAIN AND L1GIIT 1J Sewing at . home, whole or spare' time; good pay; work sent any distance; elanIges prepaid. Send stamp for P lura. National Manufacturhrg Companay, Montreal. FOR SALE. PHOTO WAR BUTTONS,10 CENTS BAOh Prepaid. The Xing; Sir John French, Gen. Tolfre Admiral Jellicoe. and. Souvenir of Valcartier Camp. Good Agents Bank. Building, M 19. ontreal' 407 .. An Unfair Attack. When foreign 'year vessels first went into Chinese waters, it was found that the Chinese had built forts facing ,the direction in which the 'attack was expected to come, and had left 'their rear exposed. When the English first appeared before the island of Hongkong, they found a formidable fortress frown- ing froma, the locks end garrisoned by several thousand Ohinese sol- diers, The English commander be- gan to look round for the best place of attack. While the Chinese were sleeping, the English circled the is- land, and at dawn suddenly cone upon 'tale Chinese from the relay. The Orientals were 'thrown into wild consternation, and one officer, who eoudd speak some .English, ram out, waving his 'arm's. pouted, "No b'long propel. I" he a "No can conte this 'side ; must oomue other side, Must go' back, come ploper Some mien wlo olaim to be look- ing for work should have their eyes examined. Minard's Liniment Cures. Oandrult. The Way It Looks. "I've been ,sizing up conditions 4n criminal circles," began the young man With the notebook, "and . I've reached one conclusion." "That it's a pretty bad wsrid "of ""Not only that, but the size the gilt determines the size of the gtia'b." A man who can dispose of his troubles for a consideration is a genius. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta Whoever looks for friend with- out imperfections will never find vi hat he seeks. We love ourselves with all our faults, be they few or many, sawn or great, and we ought to love our 'friends in like manner. MISCELLANEOUS.. I AN'CER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO.. internal and external, oared -with- out pain by our home treatment. Write Co.before too late. Dr. Reitman 'Medical ATE -T.. OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS yse SxfofMontreal Write Information [BOILERS w and Secondhand, for heating mee.oW TANKS pAN Sh OKEACKS. I.SONIRoiM renKsI.ORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders. ryN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU YOU — - ••ane'•, for Red, weak, Watery { Try Murlae �tt�.�,ar + iso emattlug�' Eye, and Granular\ rltS ii5 of the Eyo i Suet Eye 0e.nMrr write for 7dye0.6 bymallai'ree. Eiurlao Eye Remedy ao., mit Many a brewer fights, shy of his own beer. So does many an under- taker. Mtnard's Linlment senates NauralSla. Would' you toy that an architect rises in duis,,piofeasion joust 'because he plans castles in the air 7 "Henry, you look very pale. W'hat's the trouble?" "I was stung to the quick by an adder this after- noon." "How did it happen?" "'Why, I dropped'in at the bank, and the bookkeeper told me my ac- count was overdrawn." REMEMBER 1 The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child ,eats. 'Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood!. Zan- Buk'ispurelyherbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box al All Dnagglsls and Stores. Your Your last Caeca! Canada's Troops off to the war. Just before embarking 21 magni- ficent copyright. views -were 'taken, including two large panoramic cards and handsome Souvenir booklet. Yours for 35c. past -paid. Trade supplied. Agents wanted. T.14. DAVIES 525 St, Paul St. - Montreal. Conspilon and nchitis For the past throe years COPS - LAND'S 0U1tE FOR CONSUMPTION has been steadily tirinning- cen- ffdence by its splendid record of re- sults. 'Consumptives in all stages of this -dread disease have been re- storedto the full vigor of life by the use of this medicine, Hundreds timoniale, on of t Sees, testily sults obtained even , , , doctors ?rave given up all e o recovery. Are You a Sufferer? If so clopeland's Cure for Consump- tion and Bronchitis will benefit .you. Sold By All Druggists or a trial bottle will be sent Are-' mid on receipt of theregular pries, $1,00. • COPELAND MEDICINE - COM PANT, EDICINE•COMPANY, Limited Toronto, ' - Ont. Government Protectiori of the Maple Syrup Industry ilroeans better prices for the Farmer Farmers! Wake up to your golden opportunity, Get busy with your-' Grovel iSill liGenttenuinve Syrup n largely increased numbers. Install your Evaporator before the cold weather sets and during sure of handsome •p for ireo booklet concerning our "Champion" llvapo>•ater. . THE 0RIMM MFC. CO. LIMITED 68 Wellington St.,. Montreal, One. k t011fi e ii��QQ�� FREE' OMD � AWAYGIVEN $200.00 �� ,. s •ti ,.: ,.,.- rola,, tn:741'd'dW 1 ,N' ', Aa,G : w Yt .i J,rN19iw i ----- UPML A'r1uW44Y'REsR ' NREOOA OPAHE I ROYREIi Celt rod uvulae v inn s. SUA o urns etnen'RRIUTgi nmtladl2 teavil1 17,15, It lattoea '•t 11a mat. tttyrant*rt 'n 4a,o. aneo' ogiro y1 TRH 0 0 005 0 ncos 0,1 sr xun esova l ot. o . 1 an11f10 111h♦or ilia 00.11 0 00 au cnnn, 1 05,, okke nu . 05010, e,a. a'd 81,I0g 511, ahatan 1 n To 15001reo tadkin' i d„ Rv llu' gum of( Sao ll,ind,ed nonan. 51l rho D n imbn,5t55 sum ror r]ilrti)0l 1,$.T ,wtdtpr yhe loo,'ot rclnv. Ad11ll1 To iiia renes neatens thn,uirdlo1C¢Ctn6 t ,,,,1 y rourMlnrea 5511,1tar rhosum ddc[''rrtv°gt0;1 ,,irktould01 51 u�44ysid bi5090,,111, 0inp'uu0nYOc*0 t 1pll5,16004+1.``R1, iy,,Orae ,op, 651c111.001, 5 5101, tadcL 0 ,0nl17756tleuo, 500015 ourpanangt55,164ullw conlek:an50,t5 lli ttlret , 6 twi red h." 'o to dlekl d, fegu, (5(01, p0, > ,enl,5e'd t0 65�16 tIkn fro oa(on5, p ,oYldc 55 5,v60 tum 1ls 0I'm l to aquallg dHydad (ds 111 C0,5 0 0 ,, 0,,ldttyg i� theccom"(51961 16 hetes 960nt,,,?WIIIIN wo Alsi lona'0.1115 iovearIspOleOx'. ti000,io 55106' 1VANT rCL'n7 OIr 40t1n 1 00, V I,o i, {nt onte a, otlo, a cans seamy+ iof oaP c6i+7, NO7: OOLAY,'. oat an shin Ilk° n con lata yrs , n'Rlrli A'�o;ucn,,c�.tre,e,bnx\ntivtn°ofsY'tHitco., nen. 61,.:.u0lrfaRA[_gOfc,