HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-10-22, Page 5l!'S!tQ I:ARU8+,
or vFA1aIti.AGI1; IlIUI Ni i
norm Is Ihr pop 414000, I141e1, 10.4
"• AL
M tilNt)IIALIi-
isa.rrl•rel bolleiror Oenreyan00o,
N d„ry "abbe, ,1,0, 1)0100-5 tewarl's 111001,
1 .m Nor .5 "4 15,040al Hotel
h' Itoit n• to, the Metropolitan (lank.
4 r'ea will sell for better prices, to
in lase 4+010 x0') I HMI 051415/1
441 Any WAIN. Auctioneer in East Huron or
oeerga anything. Dates and orders
4100414:184 at this office or by
PI ,p elioation,
Gkf,fi�ND `a(rSi$W OV44 10411Avror
Gotha. Sow= GOING Houma
Mall 7:07 a 20 Express 10:56 n m
Express 11:25 a m Mail 1;59 p m
Express 2:66 p m Express 8:62 p m
a49.1inalr 4iCIVIC _.
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:52 a n1 I Express 11;10 n m
Express......., 1:22 p m I Express 8:45 p m
Going East - 7:05 0.2n. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:10 and 9:58 p.m.
All trains going East 0000001 with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora end T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN,L000l Agent.
i>' .rSy.O..Ov A, Cr67.l;S ...,..
"Thoroughness” i1 the Hies-noEO of
��tt 1548Tostitution.Oar
graduates succeed bemuse they have
reoeivnd correct preparation.
onioys a National Reputation for altp- ..
el• ui )lEduct:-I,,e4o end Shorthand. Edur
tion, All Business Schools aro not
alike. Nothing lase than the best
should satisfy YOU and nothing 'lase
thn,iIvhn the best. training w
g g
by IIS. Catalogue free. Enter
any time.
Uh.rYoa uSgt914 s WJ. ELLOcTa
r i,- ,,ta'4[•2fiPRv i9 -,:v. A.'a'i<rit,,,, SA`4F1a,..'%n2�4
0 P
1klIe a `111441)11) wir11 n oontin Octal ropnta• 6
1 Atom ion' 4)44141 404145 wo'k end .for ISH
i0i 0110.0ene pf its graduates. 0 aohool with 6.
superio' 4;orioles and Instructors, We C
give individual attention in OomPm0r: ?6
cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy De
1)L° partments. Why attend elsewhere Q
when titers is room here 7 You may
enter at any time.: Write for our large
free entalogue. YYY
0.D. A. MoLACHLAN, Principal
i ccs rev nal. s3v 'seAv v6t' urns
;; .vwl.no:e5P2m,v &v.tnavOWAV''.9
Li t
$ `o U Icollege t1
Any time
Grow with us.
Nur particulars address -
ddreae-EDWIN'O, MATTHEWS, Prin.
w�iav� a't0,rn>Plma`�iY 4°at _
Best Brains
h, Colada have participated In the pre-
paration nratlon of our splendid Home Study
Courses 1l- Banking, Economies, Higher
A000nnting Commercial .Art, Show
Card Writing, Photography, 'Journal-
ism, .Shunt Story Writing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping; Select the worse
Which interests
It ms s n t ,.A11you ou old write ns
for p articulare Address
301-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto
Thons,wda of nmbilions young pee,
pie are fast pvoparing to their own
homes to o0oupy lucrative positions ns
etenO r1) h n'
g U e e, vanbo m's telegra-
civil servants, in Plica ees',
sphere of activities. You may finish et'
college if you. so wish.- ,P110ltion0. guar•
• anteecl, Enter college any doyy. Indi-
vidnai instruction. Expert ,teachers.
Thirty years'experience. Largest
°'trainers 11)
Se oh o11oe.
Speolnl course for tenohere.' o g a
Affiliated with Commercial Ednon-
tor's Association of Canada,. Stnrnnor
School at famous Spotton Business Col-
lege, London.
Wingham Business
3140, Sre340,, W. T. Mons,
President, Prhnoipal.
ne.o.e...--+-.,,»�,._- r i'silaSs' eesseSsetteseseea,•r,.n+?.,!rrr,,•.+1--,� ,.i�
Busineg3 Cards j Smvk Bola' rutting is DOW on the
�,.,..-• _
--- - ....,_._ -- program of the Aileen factory,
JAS ANDERSON. PorsTicas -A meeting of Couserv4. i
tives Int' the t l W
11 it r
1 n of F et � � HE `V0.
l b a d �S
West Hurolr will he 1held in Wiugham
Town Hall en Fraley
ldtrtes r f next
week. Addresses are expected from
Hon. Mr, Meigban, Edward Lewis, hi,'
P„ J, Bowman, M. 1'„ A. H. Musgrove
M, P, P. and others, 'rile uestiou of ads Well By Lydia E.Pink-
the now riding of North H1130n, otgant
44000eaa01 to M. 13. Moore. Chloe at Ander.
400 4 00. Livery atulli0, Brussels. ♦014piron0
Nu, 29,
f7R, 7', 7', M'RAE
135011010/' of Mediein5, University of Toronto ;
Idoentrate and Graduate of the Oollogoof Pky
incises and surgeons, Ono, • Posi-L.'raduate
01nengo Rye, Bar, Nose and Throat 7iospitni,
0111114r:2, Ili, IDx•8ouee Surgeon to St. Mich.
5et's lies WW1.'Eoronto,
eines over 11',R, S10151110 Drug Store, Tele-
phone oonneetion with Ur,mbrook et all hours.
Baohulor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate' of College of Physlolan4 and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex•Senior- House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. 04boes of hate Dr,
A. McEevey, Smith Block, Brussels.
Rural phone 45,
M.B., M,C.F.&S. O.
190 Bloor street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinionl assistant in Ear, Nose and Throat de.
partment New C.41•001•11,1 Hospital, Toronto
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos-
ton ; late Senior Resident Surgeon Mass. Eye
& Ear Infir,nnry ; late Olintoal assistant in
Nose and Throat department Mass. Gen. HOW
p41441 ; late House Surgeon Toronto General
ospital. r -••+•Iii Brussels by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
London (Eng,), New York and Chiango Hos-
pitals. Speolal attention to disease 0f eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur -
goons of Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In iaard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollege. Day and night oalls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical Oellege, Mileage,
I11., Is prepared to test apes and fit glasses at
her olloeover Grower's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday. and Saturday of every
week, Offioe hours 1 to 6 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1210.
Barristers, 8oncitor&ce, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates,
W. Pao O7o w K. J. r 440.23
v o ,P O . , 8r,ro
was. Paouoroom J1), '
tool Nan tens
DONT miss hearing Cyril Hayes, the
talented London Elrcuti nba, who wil
present the Literary program at the
Methodist church, Brussels, on the
evening of 'T'hursday, 29th inst. He is
splendidlylendidlv recommeud
ed. Fowl su
will precede the program. See the bills.
HOT FOWL SUPPER. -Io connection
with the Fowl supper that is to be held
in the Methodist church, Brussels,
Thursday eveniug 29511 inst„ a choice
program of a recital character will be
given by Cyril Hayes, of London. He
is a most realistic interpreter of litera-
ture. '"rhe story of Joseph" will be in
his list and other numbers expected are
"A few bars in the key of G.," "The
first settler's story,""The final ball
game." "Boots at the Holly 'tree inn,"
&c. He is worth coining )Hiles to hear.
A choice program of music will also be
rendered. Mark down the date and be
sure ani get there, Oct. 29.
FALL FAIR NOTES.- Treasurer Black
was busy last Friday passing out the
cheques for the Fall Fair prizes. -Miss
Margaret Am.ent took Frank Smith's
special for collection of Amateur
photography and Mrs. Alex. Y11441 won
Walker &. Black's rocking chair for
prize winner of most 1st and end prizes
in Domestic manufacturies and Dairy
products. -There
were newel]
y 1600
entries in the competition this year at
the Fair, -Receipts from the Concerts
were 2z .-The Oat Field Crop
petition calls tor 1$75.00. -Surplus from
Fair will be applied on purchase of
Society bulls last Spring.
WILL YOU BE THERE i- You will be
wise to keep the date of Nov. 16th for
the concert to be given by the Ithaca
Symphony Quartette. under the
auspices of the Public Library, Brus-
sels. The Quartette is a concert
organization of unusual merit, On ac-
count of the great variety included in
the program, it appeals to the entire
entertainment -going. public. The
Symphony Quartette has not only ar-
ranged programs composed of the
purest and best literature and music,
but will so present them that everyone
0:cr understand, enjoy and appreciate;
.'them programs that entertain, but at the
sante time instruct c s
t an 1 inspire in short
purposeful programs.
BEILAMY—PENILAND.—A pretty mal'.
.sage was solemnized at the home of
S. I. and Mrs. Pentland, Ashfield, at II
o'clock a. m. on the 7th inst , when
their eldest daughter, Annie E. D„ was
united in marriage to C. A. H, Bel -
lam editor and proprietor of the Dun-
Y' P P t
gannon News. Rev, J. E. Hunter, of
the Methodist church, officiated. The
bride, who looked extremely pretty in a
dress of pailette silk, was given away by
her father, and Miss Amelia. Bellamy, a
sister of the groom played the wedding
march. During the ceremony the bridal
couple stood under an arch of ever
greens and maple leaves. After
luncheon, which was enjoyed' by about
25. guests, all tear relations of the bride
aud groom, the Youag sou
le left
motor for Goderich, where they took
the 4.50 train to a number of points
South. Atndug the gifts to the bride
was a pretty cabinet of silver,the gift
of the groom, ' Relations from a distance
who attended were :--• Mrs. D. G.
Beikel, of Hamilton, aunt of the bride i
W. C. Stone, of 'Mitchell uncle of the
groom ; Miss Bellamy and 1.1. F, Bragg,
of St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs. Bellamy
have returned fromheir hone mo
t ou
and will make their h
s ma r oma.
In D tau•
gaunou. We extend best wishes to the
young couple abd wish them a happy
sellnainegigniaguarzezaagagenglaineneen i wedded life,
ration, candidate, eta„ will likely be
COMET.- Presuming our readers
would like to have a view of the very
pretty comet discovered by Delavan, we
give the following data to Lind it.
Nearly every one knows the two stars in
the eod of the bowl of the big clipper
that point to the North star. It a nue is
drawn in the opposite direction or
downward, the horizon from these two
stars the comet will readily be found at
8 p. In. just a little farther from the
lower star than the two stars are apart.
It is readily visible to the unaided eye,
end can well be seen in an ordinary field
glass. 'rhe best time to observe it in
the morning sky from 2 10 4 o'clock, the
two stars in the dipper still serving for
the guide. It was one hundred and
forty million miles from the earth on
Oct. 3rd. On Oct. 26th it will be near-
est the sun, about one hundred million
When Women Suffer
Look ()Mt for weakness or disease.
See if there is not n sidearhe, head-
ache, restlesauese and the "blues,"
These symptoms indicate that you
need the gentle resistance of Ar.
Hamilton's Pills. They are worneri's
greatest relief, prevent, functional de-
rangements, 'renew the life of the
blond, purify and clean the system'
throughout. No tonic so potent, no
results so marked as follow the use of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25o per
box at all dealers.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was observed lest Sunday,
A number of young people attended
the fowl sapper at Ethel and report a
gond time.
8. and Mrs. Douglas and family are
pr sparing to move to a farm which he
has rented below Listowel.
Mr. Murray and Mr. Gregg, of
Pinkerton, visited hast week. ab the
home of Thomas Oumtninge.
Elu'1 Elliott, teacher, was at his
hone in Gnderieh for Thanksgiving
and Miss Nichol was at home in
Mitchell for Thanksgiving.
Anniversary seevices was held in
St, Andrew's church here the fleet
Sunda.Y io Novembert vem ter
when Rev. r.
Mann, of Brussels, wiv
e IDTll preach morn-
ing and evening.
Thomas Wilson, foreman of 135191-
nes8 System Ltd., 'I'oronto, and his
bride, formerly of King's Mose, Oar -
money, A•eland, were spending their
honeymoon with Wert, and Mrs.
Joshua Johnston was home for the
h h,tt
Our cheesernaker, 4V: 'Morse, has
he engaged for another year,
llegli McCrae, Duelled', 84408 here
For Few days with friends in the
and Mrs. Orates and family went
to Wiaiton and spent the holiday
with friends.
J, R. Code and Mrs. Or'ttne spent the
holiday with their sister, i5h's. Turner,
of 041050n.
Mrs. Wiison, London, W418 it guest
at the home of her nephew. Rev. J.
0. Mooi ehonse. •
J. Aoki'', taller, Palmerston, spent
Sunday at the home of !tie -father-in-
law, R. Stator'.
Mr. and Mrs. Sutton purpose spend -
g the Winter in Toronto, with their
daughter, Jennie.
Rev. Mr. Barker,of Seaforth, spent
a fete hon'
1a on Thanksgiving Day
with his old friend, Rev. 0, J. Moore-
Another Great Discovery
A well known gentleman in Black
Bay, Ont., John Cowan, has discover-
ed an absolute specific for Rheu-
matism, and writes : "I spas affected
with Sciatica and ehi•onic rheumatism
which I contracted years ago. The
disease had a great hold in my blood,
and it was hard to make any inn
pression on it. Reading of Ferrozone
I was convinced of its merit and it's
certainly the hest I have ever tried.
Wily 1t just drove away the Rheu-
matism. Even stiffened old sufferers
will experience quick results. The
reason is that Ferrozone frets through
the blood 15014 thereby destroys the
cause of the disease. Price 500 per
box ab all dealers.
7110 Fall Dish let meeting of the
Goderich Distl'ict will be held in
Wesleyy the1th
on Tuesday of this
lite fi~rltie 13an,1 to full uniform
paid the Hoose of Refuge a visit and
entei rained the inmates for an hour
1)r so ora recent Sunday.
The elevator was struck by ligh.
nilib r during n recent storm but with
. the exception e tion n tewri rr
f i off some
shingles no damage was done. '
S. 8 Cooper received his insurance
on Ms hale and eouterits which was
dern4tged by fine a month oe so ago.
$475 from the 13and•in-!laud on the
building and $76 en oen1euts from the
M ercllant s,
A meeting for the purpose of
04gaitizinng it Junior'Patriotic League
was held in St. Paul's Sunday Schooi.
60 members. were enrolled and elected
the following otilcers :- President,
Leis Holmes ; 75,ettstn•er, Mary
Olikiley ; Sewetary, Dorothy Ratton-
, J. Greenetvas be 'Toronto for ii
couple of days and took advantage ;of
it to ctrll none the premier, Hon, Mr.
Hearst. There aegnttintance dates
hark many ye45rs to that period when
Me. Greene was pastor of the church
at. Tara, and the members of .tire
teary f it
I , t stn lyses n ru d r
n his must
Y 1,
active workers. Ptelniet' Hearst was
then but a boy but even then gave.
premise of the distinction to wltiell he
has since attained,
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Philadelphia, Ps. -"I had a severe'
case of nervous prostration, with paipi
talion of the heart,
constipation, head-
aches, dizziness,
noise in my ears,
timid, nervous, rest -
lees feelings and
"S read in the pa-
per where a young
woman had been
cured of the same
troubles by taking
Lydia' E. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound so I threw away
the medicines the doctor left me and be-
gan taking the Compound. Before I
had taken half a bottle I was able to sit
up and in a short time I was able to do
all my work. Your medicine has proved
itself able to do all you say it will and I
have recommended it in everyhousehold
I have visited. "-Mrs. MARY JOHNSTON,
210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Another Bad Case.
Ephrata, Pa. -"About a year ago I
was down with nervous prostration. I .
was pale and weak and would have hys-
teria spells, sick headaches and a bad
pain under my shoulder -blade. I was
under the care of different doctors but
did not improve. I was so weak I could
hardly stand long enough to do mydishes,
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has made me well and happy and
I have begun to gain in weight and my
face looks healthy now." -Mrs. 3, W.
HORNBERGER, R. No. S, Ephratre-Pa.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkhnnt Medicine Co. (coed.
dentist) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
Little Miss Marion Thompson, the
winsome and only daughter of De.
and Mrs. Thompson, has been very
ill for some days past and on Tues-
day evening .of last week doctors
operated reproving the appendix. The
little maiden is doing as' well as can
he expeoted and the many friends of
the lamily hope her recovery may be
rapid and complete.
The Deaf Made To Hear
Deafness because usually due to
Catarrh; is quite curable. In a
thousand cases this is proved ab-
solutely true. Success invariably at-
tends the use of Oatarrhozone which
has cured catarrhal deafness of
twenty-five years standing. Peeetrat-
in through tic c u the passages of the ear'
the soothing vapor' of Oatarrhozone
relieves the inflammation, destroys
the seeds of Catarrh and thereby al-
lows nittm•e to re -assist herself. Try
Catarrhozone yourself, 25c and $1.00
sizes sold by all dealers.
Mrs. Thos. Huckstep left Monday to
spend the Winter at St Louis, Mo.
Mrs. Jas. McCracken, Victoria St.,
has returned from a six weeks' visit
with her daughter, Mrs. E. Bond, at
Detroi t.
A. It; Ford, of the Press Gallery,
Ottawa, spent Thanksgiving Day at
his home, Victoria St. Methodist
David Prouse brought some giant
potatoes to the office of the Star one
of them weighed e ghed 2lbs. -10 oz., and the
others followed 'close up.
Ernest Pridham • hag received the
handsome silver r offered a cup offs ed by Kin-
cardine for the matched race between
hirnself and a local sprinter.
The building of cement walks on St,
Patrick street and Elgin Ave., has
been delayed through the non -arrival
of tt 014.0 -load of cement which seems
to have been lost on the way.
The officers who begin Centre Huron
Sunday School Association are as
follows President, John M. Wilson,
Seaforth ; Vice President, W. Lyons,
Londesboro ; Sec..Treas.. A. T.
Cooper, Clinton ; Supt. of Elementary
Grades Div., Miss Edith Wiggins,
Goderich ; Supt. of Secondary Grades,
0. H. Holland, Clinton Supt. Adult
Dept., W. 0. Robertson, Auburn ;
Supt, Teaohet' Training Dept., A. M.
I i -
Chun a of I
$ 4,
g. .1.
- •
+A VI NG putchased the '3
Dairy Delivery, Milk Busi-
ness of Wm. A.rrr3Btrong I g.
't' ares prepared to give the best +
possible satisfaction to the pat. •
eons, ,p
Milk supply will be secured .4
from 4411, Armstrong's herd and 4-
4, in the bottling we will clarify, 1..
e. pasturizo and sterilize the out- +
put so as to attain the highest
sanitary condition. 4'
Will guarantee Milk to teat 3i '1'
° fat and cream
/ 26%. .aq..
*- Prices will oo4tii ue as former- •il
ly-6c for Suniosior delivery and 4.
T. 7c in Winter, Croatia 30e,
Askin the nbrona e
g of`. the
`i• public,
W. W. Harris °
Shamrock �r
m came.
Brussels i►
. Rohe! lsnn, Goderich i Sept. liofilb
Del,t„ Mies 0. Johnston, Carlow)
' C3tllil \lissiouaey Dept„ Mist) D,
Belinee, Hinnies vine ; Supt. 'Tern-
In .nice' Dept, J. 13, Reid, Seaforth.
t. rr a
I i
a acid the NseeesF Farrow
were oalled to Clarke, Ont„ last week
owing to the Illness of Mrs, Farrow,
who became indisposed while visiting
relative's there. She died there, her
remains' being brought -to Goderich
for burial.
TU,RNBERRY ()onerous --Minutes of
Council 'meeting held in Bluevale,
Monday, Oct. 5t11(' Members all pres-
ent. Minutes of last regular. meeting
Were read and adopted on motion of
Messrs, Rutherford and Adair. Fol.
lowing aCeounts were passed and
cheques issued :Clerk of Div. Coui t,
balance of coat Barber ve Turnberry,
116.03 ; F. F. Wright, culvert, Grey
(teams, $ .101B my Meekley, gravel
$1.20 ; Geo. Underwood, repairing
bridge, . 50e; John Burgess, use of
Hall; Court of Revision, $5,00 ; P.
Powell, Revision of Voters' List, 1914,
$35,90. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, sec-
onded by Mr. McBurney, that Council
adjonen to meet in Bluevale. Monday,
Nov. 9th, at 10 a, in.
P. PowiLL, Olerk.
Elms Council met for general town-
ship u business last Saturday,
Jubilee Singers will give a concert
in the Music Hall on November 231d,
under the auspices of the Presbyter.
Ian. chtlt'eh.
Joseph Montgomery, of Elms, was
driving home from lililverton follow=
ad by P. Stockly in a democrat. An
automobile scared the latter's team,
upsetting the rig and throwing 461r.
Stockly out. The ftightened team
clashed on and straddled the buggy in
which 1111. Montgomery sat, almost
demolishing it. Mr. Montgomery was
badly benised. The tongue of the rig
struck him in the side and fractured
one or two of his ribs. He suffered
several-cut8 on the head and a bad cut
on the knee and, was pretty well
shaken up,
The W. A, M. A. of Trinity church,
packed a bale for missionary purposes
valued at $44,50.
Geo. Faulkner and Geo. Lawrence,
of Toronto, motored up and spent
Thanksgiving at J, Henneberg's.
Mrs. Benson, formerly of New
•Westminster, B. C., bas leased Miss
Eva. Mahood's house and will spend
the Winter here.
John Croft, of the Boundary says
all the potatoes be could get in a
bushel measure was 58 and these tip-
ped the scales at 02 pounds.
Mrs, E. Lester spent Thanksgiving
in Torouto with her sister, Mrs. In -
ton, whose husband, Lieut. and
Quartermaster. Utton, has gone to
the; front with the Canadian conting-
Miss B. Davidson and Miss Price
have been around collecting money
for the Upper Canada Bible Society
and have met with good success,
John Walker, of Roxboro, received
a telegrarn on Wednesday evening of
last week telling him of the death of
Ids son, John, in Ashcroft, B. 0.
The deceased was a' brother of Mrs.
IV. J. Hart, of Seaforth.
J. J. Irvine, is in receipt of two
potatoes sent by mail, which grew on
the farm of J. McPherson, near Mel -
fort, Sask. The two weigh a trifle
over 4 pounds and it took upwards of
50 cents in postage to send them.
Mrs. B. Rothwell and Mise Mary
Rothwell left for Brantford where
the will reside for a'trine.
Neil Hay, of the 5541 Company
Royal Canadian Engineers, Kingston,
spent the holidays with his parents in
Clinton High School football club
will play against Listowel High
School team for the Rough Oup on
Saturday, Oct. 2411 at U t. 1 .
2 o'clock in the
rink ppark.
At the recent meeting of the
Wallace Council De. Harry Living-
stone, of Listowel, was appointed
medloal health officer for Wallace
succeeding the'late Dr. Thompson,
Many will regret to learn that Mise
Gladys Jones, the talented soloist
and choir leader of the Methodist,
Pharch, is about lto leave Listowel
having accepted the position of soloist
of St. Paul's Methodist church,
Toron to.
Notwithstanding the unpleasant
weather of Friday afternoon the High
School had their annual field day and
it proved to be a very pleasing and
successful event. 'There was a good.
attendance of citizens present and all
enl o ed'tl various 1a tr us contests.
Dave ,
MulcahyYone of Listowel's
popular men„ who is to be wedded
this month to- Mies Iiildegard Miller
ofWWellesley, was honored at a meet-
ing of young men in the armories
when he was monde the recipient of
two McKinley chairs, a mantel clock
and silver cake dish. Beverley Bam-
ford presided and the address was
read by Gea.. Harron,
FIRE. -Fire, supposed to be of an
incendiary nature, completely des-
troyed the cooperage' shop of Pfeffer
Bros„ Friday morning. The fire was
discovered about 4.40 and the brigade.
was speedily on the scene. However,
the flames, had got too far a start and
the frame building and contents were
soon in ruins. Two Cars; of material
together with 500 made-upde-uP barrels
were also consumed. There Was a-
bout $2,000 insurance, but this will
not cover the loss. The general feel-
ing here is that the buildingwas set
on fire deliberately,
The r
.tonna) meeting i
r t gof e the L stowei
Poultry Association was held in the
Council ()limber and was well at-
tended, Following are the officers
elected : Pees„ 1V, I]vane ; vice•
Pees., W. Wakeford ; See,.Treas„ T,
Male ; Managing 0 o,nmi
rte R
niechlag is drcl, W, Cowan, R. Richards;
A. Inkley ; Sept.,'R. Goddard ;
Special Committee, A, Inkley, W. A,
Ridable, N, R. Batxtford, S. Alberts,
W. Gowan, -IH. Gee; Auditors, O, V.
Blatchford, ii, Kallman. 7.he Asso.
cialiou will 'bold tt Poultry Ex-
hibition this year and have selected
December 15, 10 and 11 as the dates,
Itis ilitended to bold the exhibition
in the drill hall.
Harold Bradnook's Shetland pony
died very suddenly from indigestion.
T. I3, and Mrs. MoLaugllltn have re -
Welted from a 'visit to friends in
Mr. Beemer and family, of We 0. P,
R„ arrived home after spending a
couple of weeks' holidays with friends
at Shelburne and other pointe.
Ata special meeting of the 'town-
ship Council held in Gerrie on Tues-
day, Oct. 13141, it was decided to ask
every ratepayer of the Township to
contribute liberally towards a gift to
the Empire, consisting of otos, pota-
toes and apples.
Never 811t Your Boots
That doesn't cure the corn. Just
apply the old standby, Putnam's
Corn Extractor. It acts like magic.
Kills the pain, cures the corn, does it
without burn or scar. (let the best -
its "Putnam's,"
J. Lockhart, Sarula, renewed old
friendships in town.
Miss Dell Gillespie, of Guelph, was
home for the holiday.
J. Scott, son of Scott, of Roxboro'
returned to Peace River District last
week after spending the Summer at
his home.
A Citizens' Rifle Club has been
organized and is meeting with most
encouraging support. Upwords of 100
members have already joined.
Annual meeting of the Seaforth
Curling Club was held in the Carnegie
Library Hall. .Owing to the absence
of the President the chair was oc-
cupied by Dr. McKay. Financial re-
port showed the club to be in splendid
condition and the prospects for a
successful season are very promising.
Following officers were elected :-
No Friends
Like The
Fr o m
441. sad right along so old age
Cbamberiain's Tablets are woman's
best friend -feed the nerves, aid
digestion„ stop headaches, keep the
blood rich and assure good health
generally. Try them. tic.bottle
Druggists and Dealers or by mail, 8
Cbube,kls ■.iidae Co., Toads
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
day. Phone 228.
• •
fall Housecleaning
John Lunn
u n
Painting Paperhanging
Graining Decorating
Good Workmanship with Moderate Prices
Old Suites and Cupboards made
to look like new.
If you desire suggestions of color
schemes for Painting or Paperhanging
call up 'phone 41x.
John Lunn,
Thomas Street, Brussels.
Patron, W. Bethune President, De,.
MacKay ; Vice.Preeident, W. Ament;
Secretary Treasurer, O. Stewart,
Executive Committee, A, Wileon, (1,
A, Sills, R. 8, Hays, 0, Nell'3'
Beattie ; Skills, J, Beattie, Jeft,ray,
W. D. Bright, A, Wilson, W.
Ament, R, S. flays, W. E. Kerslake,
G. A, Sills, W, Bethune, Dr. Burrows,
R. 311. Bright and W. McDougall. A .
.donation of $10 was made to the Sea -
forth 13rauoli of the Red Cross Society,
Miss Hazel Bennett spent a holiday
with her sisters in Toronto.
P, and Mrs. McTaggart, " Exeter,
visited their sons, Geo, E. and Dr,
Robb. Stewart, of the Royal Bank
staff, Toronto, spent the holiday with
his parents, Jno. and Mrs. Stewart.
The McLean Mission Band of St,
Andrew's church, met Saturday at 3
p. te. and was addressed by Mr's.
(Rev.) Lundy, of Walton.
Anniversary services will be held in
St. Andrew's church Sunday, Novem-
bet 8th. Rev, Samuel McLean, St.
Marys will be the preacher.
Lorne Serimegeour has purchased
from N. doming, the brick residence
and 3) acres of land on King street
and will get possession this month.
Mrs. Catharine Oantelon passed a-
way at her home on Princess street,
Clinton, on Tuesday morning 6th
inst., after an illness of some months
aged 48 years, The deceased was a
daughter of the late Dennis Currie,'
of Goderich township, and was a
native of that township. For some
years she resided at Holmesville but
for the past few years had been a
resident of Clinton. She is survived
by one son Romer, who was most
attentiye to his .pother during her
last illness also by 2 brothers and 6
sisters : P. W. Currie of Goderich,
Arthur Cut rie of Goderich township ;
Mrs. James Russell, of Morris town-
ship • Mts. Elliott and Misses Jennie
and Bertha Currie. of Holmesville.
The funeral took place Thursday
afternoon from her late residence.
Mrs. Russell attended the funeral
Benne:yrs are a great crop this Fall.
LIGHT frosts are pinching vegetation.
How is your subscription to THE
Posy 7 A goodly number have been
squaring off back subs. and renewing
for rgi5,
: Engagement Rings
Wedding •Rings •
•• jGiveher•
a Diamond s••
• \ \\`�
: Fine White Diamonds, e
mounted with Platinum i
Tips, 14k Rings, at very v
• close .prices4.•
$10.00 $15 001 -•
• 25.00 25.001
• and upwards, according to size •
• and quality, A nice assortment •
• ofmountings'instock. i
• ♦•
14„. •
• 7
• •fine Jewelry !
• We can supply anything you
• want in the finest Jewel -.-'-ane
• at very reasonable b
lona e prices.
The first opportunityou have
• we will be pleased to have you =,
• visit this store. We will bake •
pleasure in showing you any- •
Zthing of interest to you in the ♦411
stock which is being replenished •
• almost daily with the newest •
goods on the market. •
J. Ra- Wendt
Jeweler and Engraver
oil Wroxeter
••••N••••••••••••••• N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
30 Days'Redaced PitCcs
• s
f R •
• ••
• •
• New and Second-hand Buggies •
• Light One-horse Wagons•
e g ••
• New Farm Wagon•s
Must be
f r Cutters, Call and see ••
First-class ] S ,1 -an h d Buggles as good ' •
lest 1
as new atwonderful
n w Bargains.
Must bes
�... 'N*Nw:ti****4 ..400• iN__•_•_•_•t