HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-10-1, Page 8bucca
cum Willard's
The Forkdipt Kind
A new Talcum, and one of the most de-
lightful we have ever handled, Put up
in a handsome new style tin. It is a
Powder of more than the usual quality
and ie for the particular woman or man.
It has [(delicate perfume and antiseptic
qualities that leave the skin cool and
soft. Trp it.
We have recently added Willard's
Chocolates, which although have
only been made a short time inCan-
ada, have in that time attained a
reputation for being the best and
freshest to he had. Pretty packages
The Elite Assortment
The Tango The Tiffany
The Peacemaker The Bungalow
They are leaders, Also the New
Style Ten Cent Packages. They
are a stew and distinctive line of at.
tractive packages and besides con-
tain high grade Chocolates.
y store
Prat Naas t,eirts
LOCAL news on page 5.
COVPLEof October weddings.
HURRAH for East Huron Fair.
How is your subscription to THE POST?
Commit. meeting next Monday even-
inBEECHNUT bunting is on the program.
Crop is abundant.
ScHooL Board will meet Friday even-
ing of next week.
BRUSSELS market will lead the van
for poultry this season.
WATCH out for bargains in the adver-
tisements -and thereby save money•
HALF-holidry at tbe school Friday
afternoon on account of Brussels Fall
HAVE your reserved seats for the Fall
Fair Concert? Plan of rink at Fox's
Drug store.
READ Rev. Irl Hicks' weather pre-
dictions for October weather to be
found in this issue,
THERE is likely to be a Fall livening
up campaign put on by Western Star
Lodge, I. 0. O. F. Brussels.
A?PLEB are a drug on the market ow-
ing to the commercial tie-up in outside
markets. Crop is a good one.
GET your seats for the Fall Fair Con-
certs. Plan of rink at Fox's drug store.
Good programs Thursday and Friday
THE PosT to the close of 1905 to any
subscriber in Canada for the small sum
of $I.00, in advance 5o cents a year ad-
ditional to send it to the United States
to provideforpostage.
ATTEND the Fall Fair Concerts Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of this week
in the Skating Rink and enjoy the
varied and entertaining programs by the
London Concert Company.
TUESDAY the Simcoe Produce Com-
pany shipped a car of Poultry from
Brussels G. T. R. They have a special
poultry car. All sorts of' feathered
kind were purchased excepting turkeys,
even to pigeons.
THE Kiltie Band of Clinton will
furnish the musical program for our
Fall Fair Friday
oft tbis week. They
to arrive about xo a. m, by the
Elliott motor bus. The Band play good
music and look quite trappy in their
FRACTURED Lacs. -We are Sorry to
state that Thos. Bone, an old and well
known resident of this locality, fell on
the stairway of his home, North Turo-
berry street, Wednesday of last week
his teas
one of h s limbs between
thekneeand thigh. While a broken
leg is a very serious matter at any time
the fact that Mr. Bone is about 8o years
of age makes it all the more serious.
We hope he will make a good recovery.
FINE Home.- Last week Jno. and
Miss Ewan took possession of their fine
new home, corner of Market and James,
streets, Brussels. It is a cosy place,
brick veneered with slate roof, verandah
fine basement, with furnace, bath room,
cistern, electric light, eta We hope
many very pleasant years may be en-
joyed in their very comfortable and
modern quarters. The contractors did
a good job all through. When the lawn
is completed next season Mr. Ewan
will have a very tidy property.
flextime for Brussels Fair, Don'
miss it. -
A number of Brusselites attended
Blyth Fall Fair on Wednesday. '
BELL Telephone repair gang has been
busy in this locality daring the week,
THE borne of Thompson Snider, Mill
street is improved by a dress of paint.
SECOND growth raspberries were
picked in Jno. Lott's garden last week.
SOME sneak thieving is being done in
numerous gardens in town. It's a
sheeny job.
EARLY organization of the Hockey
team should be arranged for looking
toward the coming Winter.
THE evening dailies are eagerly pick-
ed up on the arrival of the night express
to secure the latest war news.
THE other day Walter S. Scott shot a
crane that measured 54 inches from tip
to tip. Walter is quite a shot.
NEw orders received at the Excelsior
Knitting factory of 1. T. Wood. We
hope they may be quadrupled this Fall
THE Pope machine shop has been
very busy. They do good work on
short notice which are two features of
merit and of satisfaction. 1f you have
a job in their line call on them.
-- 0-
Da. A.D. MOKSLVEY, Toronto, Ear, Nose
and Throat specialist, Toronto, will be at Dr.
Bryan'' office on Monday, Oct. 6th for consul-
Goon witch cow for sale. Apply to Join
HUNTER, John street, Brussels.
STRING Of amethyst colored beads lost,
property of Miss Maggie Hall, Morrie. Will
ander kindly leave them at Las. Ross' grocery,
TEAM of working horses for sale.
L. HOLLINGER, James street, Brussels.
50 8T00E5Re, steers and heifers, mostly 2
years old, for sale. Apply to Samuel Walker,
N% Lot 29 Con, 7, Morns. Phone 188.
COMFORTABLE house and lot for sale on
Mill street, Brussels. Well, stable, fruit
trees, &e., on premises. Possession on Nov.
1st, For further particulars apply to S. Gar-
ter, Brussels or R. E. Coates, Seaforth.
SUM of money found in Brussels last week.
Owner can have same by proving property
and paying for this advt. Enquire at Tan
POULTRY WANTED. -I am prepared to buy
all kinds of live poultry, delivered on Monday
of each week for the rest of the semen. For
prices call at office, Brussels, or phone 86.
1 HEAVY draft Gelding rising 4 years and 2
heifer calves 6 and 8 months old for Bale.
R. HENnaaeoN, Brussels.
GOOD brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and dri4hng shed.
Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc.
For futher partioulara apply to GEORGE
TaousoN, Brneeele.
A CARD. -We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of live standard 5e boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Quality guaranteed. Jae. Ballantyne, Geo,
Thomson and W. J. McCracken.
A. C. Dames was at Blyth Fall Fair
Wednesday performing service as Judge
of cattle. He's an old handle the live
stock business.
THE Skating rink has been got in
readiness for the Fall Fair Concerts
Thursday and Friday of this week.
London Concert Co. put on the pro-
CONCERTS Thursday and Friday even-
ing of this week in the Skating Rink
under the auspices of the Fair, These
Concerts are very popular and attract
large audiences, hence the securing of
the Rink. It is seated for the occasion.
Twa'PosT would like to see 5o young
men and boys join Lieut. Sloan's com-
pany in the weekly drill. Many good
lessons can be learned by the youth
that would profit them, such as erect
carriage, prompt obedience, and proper
behaviour, It would also add interest
to the military reports of the present
war by acquaintance with military
tetras, etc. Some of the onlookers at
the drills might adopt a plan of better
order than Some observe, Jno. Hender-
son was drill instructor Last week and
did well.
v1LLE.- The transfer this week trom
the parish of Brussels and Wiugham to
Walkerviile, Essex Co., of Rev. Fr.I
Blair came as guile a surprise, tinged
with deep regret not only to the con-
gregations immediately interested but
the public generally, Nearly 4 years
ago the rev, gentleman was appointed
here and has faithfully and consistently
discharged bis onerous duties with a
zeal that precluded failure. Rev. Fr.
Blair takes his new and important post
es successor to a priest who went to the
front with the Canadian contingent.
Walkerville is a- stirring and growing
town and it is a well deserved eorapb-
Meet the church authorities have paid
the new incumbent, Last Sunday Rev.
Fr. Blair took the concluding service at
St. Basil's church here. Rev. Fr.
Fallon, of Tilbury, a college chum of
Fr. Blair, will be the new priest for
Wingham and Brussels. The two
gentlemen are expected to be present at
the R. C, church here this (Thursday)
evening. Rev. Fr, Blair etudes with
him the good wishes of the community
to his flew borne, Walkerviile is to be
eengratelated. - Rev. Fr. Fallon will
teceive -a hearty welcome by Ills flew
A big job' in stave cutting has been
finished at the Ament Factory and at-
tention is now given to beading turn-
ing, Messrs. Ament have a big stock.
James Cooper, of Serforth, a former
Brusselite, has been assisting in the
HORSE FAIRS. -The monthly Horse
Fairs that have been carried on so sue•
eessfully in Brussels for many a year
will be resumed this season the dates
being as follows :-
Thursday, November 5th
Thursday, December 3rd
Thursday, January 7th
Thursday, February 4th
Thursday, March 4th
Thursday, April 1st
The best local and outside buvers will
attend these Fairs which Should go
with as good a swing as ever.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up •
Reserve Fund -
Undlvldod Profits -
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be •deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties' in whose, names the account is opened.
THE interior of Jas. Fox's drug store nnfinlsbed business ; God . Save the
has been brightened up by a new dress King.
of paint.
THANKSGIVING Day comes on Mon-
day, Octocber 12th and will be a goner,
al holiday, -
LAu1Es' Aid of Melville church will
serve dinner and supper in the Town
Hall on the second day of the Fall Fair,
Friday cif this week,
THie week .ttiss Annie Ross was judge
of Ladies' Work and Miss Rilia Hunter
of Fine Arts at Blvth Fair.
THE front of George Thomson's store
was improved by the brush of the paint-
er. Fred. McCracken's staff did the
TUESDAY of this week the house and
lot belonging to Mrs. Griffith, Win-
nipeg, on Turnberryl street. Brussels,
was sold to John Davidson, of Grey
township, at $4Oo cash. Mr. and Miss
Davidson will move to it shortly having
sold the farm nth con. Grey.
The familiar face of M. 11. Moore,
V S , recently of town, was noticed in a
photo group in the Listowel Banner
last week of the Board of Managers of
Knox church in that town. He was
one of the best "lookers" in the
"bunch." His father, Henry Moore,
has a place with a company of Elders of
the same church.
TH1s week will see tbe completion of
the brick work of the new Melville
church by Messrs. Park & Brown. The
slaters are also making good progress
and will soon finish their job which was
no small one. Both gangs have done
their work in good style. The carpen-
tering;is now being pushed by Contrac-
tor Hunter.
tinuation School re -organized their
Literary Society for the coming term
last Friday, as follows :- Hon. Presi-
dent. Rev. D. Wren, M. A., President,
Harold Work ; vice President, Will.
Harris ; Secretary, Harold Currie ;
Editor, Fred. Wood ; Editress, Laura
Ament. A short program was given
consisting of 2 choruses, 3 readings and
brief impromptu speeches from Officers
elected Literary meeting will be held
every second Friday al ternoon from 3
to 4 Visitors will be made welcome.
The Society has been successfully run
for the past three seasons and@bids fair
to be as vigorous as ever. A Field Day
is being planned but the date is not yet
decided upon, Principal Scott is quite
an enthusiast over the pupils having a
good time both in and out of the school.
Erom Po tage la Pra rtie
s : After
16th sa
dated September y
an illness extending over several months
Mrs. Alex. McIntosh, one of Portage
district's oldest and most liiebly res-
pected citizens, passed away last even-
ing. Mrs. •McIntosh was taken to
Rochester about a year ago for treat-
ment and was operated on but it seems
that she was beyond human aid for
she had been ailing ever since and died
last night at the age of 54 years. Mr.
and Mrs. McIntoshWest ntosh came W s
t from
Brussels, Ont•, in the year 18S1 and
settled in the East Prospect district
North of the city, where they were en-
gage.. in farming until about eight
years ago when Mr. McIntosh retired
and settled in Portage. Mrs. McIntosh
is survived by four sisters ; Mrs. Bran-
don, of Douglas; Mrs. Johnson, of
Detroit, Michigan : and Mrs. Blair and
Mrs. Moffatt of the Portage ; also two
brothers, William Hall, of Carrot River,
and J. Hall, of Exeter, Ont, Her im-
mediate family surviving are her
husband and four sons and one daugh-
ter, Mrs. H. D. McKay.
One day recently THE POST scribe took
a jaunt down Queen street to Robt,
Thomson's Poultry and Fruit Farm,
He has an ideal spot for the business in
his 24 acres with orchard, good range,
plenty of shade, etc. He has an up to.
date poultry house roo feet long by 20
feet wide, 6 colony houses, incubator
and brooder departments and his birds
are doing well. In his stock are too
mammoth Pekin docks for breeding
purposes and 5oo hens, divided among
three breeds :- Rose combed, Rhode
Island Reds, Barred Rocks and White
Wyandotte8 all from prize stock. The
pullets hatched last Spring are laying
now. The proptietor has set out
hundreds of fruit trees, the bulk of
which are doing well and ih a few
years will have a great fruit as well as
poultry farm. Everything is kept
clean and tasty about -the ,-piemises and
prospects are geed far 'permanent WC -
cess. Mr, Thomson has killed the sur- 13, A. ;'rhe effect of the European Em-
pius cockerels of hie flock and sold brogue upon our Educational outlook
them. We wish him sttceess ib hisand ideals, B. S, Scott; Question'
enterprise,. 1 drawer ; Reports of Committees and
EAST HURON Teachers' Convention
will bold its sessions in town on Thurs-
day and Friday of next week, Oct. 8
and q, Special interest will centre in
the fine program, Thursday evening in
the expected presence of Gordon Craig,
of London, who is an artist in the pres-
People We Talk About
Dr. Geo. Ross was in town on
Bob Leckie returned to Stratford
last Saturday,
A. T. Lowry arrived home from Lon-
don on Tuesday.
Miss Gaynor was visiting her sister,
Mrs. Barron, of Blyth.
Mrs. J. T. Weed was a visitor at
Elmira during the past week,
Miss Stella Gerry was visiting Miss,
Mary Milne, of Blyth this week.
John Anderson, of Palmerston, is a
visitor with his niece, M,s. Geo. Colvin.
Mrs, A. Thompson, of Brussels, spent
the past week visiting Lucknow friends,
George Robb, of St: Catharines, is in
town this week. He cant miss the Fall
Ernest Lott left last week for Brant-
ford school after spending his vacation
Mrs. C. S. McDonald and son. Doug-
las, of Brampton, are visiting at the
Mrs. Gilroy and Master Barrington
arrived home from Montreal Tuesday of
this week.
S. Borehsm has taken a position in a
hardware store in Atwood and has
taken his wife there to live.
j Mrs. R. T. Hingston is home from
Ian enjoyable visit with relatives at
Cleveland, Ohio, for a few weeks.
Mrs. J. Qnerin has not been very
well of late but we hope she will be
speedily restored to her former good
Will. and Mrs. Lo vry and daughter,
of London, are holidaying for a few
days in town with relatives and old
friends. it
Mrs, Eugenia Oakley, Queen street,
who was so poorly is improving we are
pleased to state and hope she may be
speedily restored.
Mrs. Fred. Wilson, of Toronto, was
a visitor with Miss M. B. Wilson and
Miss Te Inman, at "Hawthorne Place."
The ladies are sisters in-law.
j Mrs. McMillan and daughter, Mrs.
f'Hingston and babe, of Outlook, Sask„
and Mrs Boreham, of Hamiota, Man.,
visited in Atwood last Friday.
H. and Mrs North, late of Grand
Forks, North Dakota, are guests with
J F. and Mrs, Rowland, of town. The
visitors are uncle and aunt to Mrs.
I. W. Kingswood,
traveller of Lon-
don, was in town on Wednesday push-
ing bu'sin'ess. His good wife was
formerly Miss Sharpe of this locality.
daughter of las. Sharpe, of Brussels.
Walter Lowry went to Guelph to see
his mother, who was visiting there anti
had not been well. She underwent au
operation M, nday and is making
favorable progress we are pleased to
4 H. F. Burke, who has been teller in
;the Metropolitan Beek here, has been
`succeeded by H. A. Ballard, of Toronto,
who is now in charge of the cash. We
welcome him to town and also wish Mr
Burke success in the years to come.
Will. Strachan, Jack and Charlie
Leckie left Tuesday for the University
'reroute and Bob: Warwick returned to
the school of Practical Science, Queen
city, on the same day. We wish the
boys a year marked wi'h great success
A Winnipeg paper speaks of a former
Brussels old boy as follows :- Garfield
Vaustone, of Toronto, and ex.mayor of
Wingham, is paving a ahor• visit to his
aunt, Mrs S K. Lucas, 165 Kennedy
street. Mr. Vanstone was the youngest
mayor in Ontario in 1913.
Church Chimes
The 49th annual Provincial Sabbath
entation of Shakeeperian plays and who Suhool Convention will be of special
has already;Elven an evening iu Bras• interest to pastors and S S, Superin
tendants, It will be held in London
sets to the pleasure and profit of all who on Oct. 27.30.
heard him The Convention program Brussels Epworth League will observe'
will be as follows :- the Canadian Silver Jubilee of the
THURSDAY 10 A, M. . Society on October z5th and 26th. Au
Opening exercises ; reading minutes ; interesting program is in course of
appointing Committees ; Geography by preparation for the occasion.
observation, Geo. H. Tefferson ; Physi- 'rhe A. Y. P, A. of St. John's church
cal and Military Training in schools, A. opened their Winter session last Sun -
L. Posliff. t 3o p. m.- Address of day evening with Miss M. Wilson in
welcome, Reeve Leckie ; Teachers' charge. Next Sunday evening's topic,
Agricultural Conference, Miss Jennie "Place of young people in the work of
Grant, Miss Ida Frain ; reading, J. M. the church" by Mrs. W. W. Harris,
McCutcheon, B. A. ; The Rural Pro- Maitland Presbytery will meet in the
hlem, Miss Cora Messer ; Participles Presbyterian church on 'Phursday of
and Gerunds with class, Miss McPhee, this week in Wingham. Rev. Mr,
son ; Junior class work with class, Miss Mann attended. Rev. Dr. Berridge,
Buchanan. Moderator of the General Assembly eiicl
THURSDAY EVENING Rev. Dr. Grant, of the Board of Fi
Hance, are expected to address the
Rev. lames Kennedy, a superannu-
ated minister of the Methodist church,
died at Kingsville on Monday after a
short illness, Rev, Mr Kennedy was
Well known throughout the London
Conference, and had,held many prom-
inent pastorates. His last .station
Financial statement and election of waS at Pelee Island, He was 6o years
officers ; President's address, J. G. of age.
Shillinglaw ; drawing, Mise Myttle Harvest Festival services at St. John's
Spence ; Heredity in plants and ani- church last Sunday were well attended,
mals, H. E. Ricker, M. A. ; Canadian The rector preached at both services.
poetry, Dr. J. M. Field. 2,30,- The anthem "Put on thy strength" was
Arithmetic in publio schools, Andrew sung by the choir, and a sole by C.
Scott ; Literature, T. M. McCutcheon, Pope, Morning's sermon was based on
Matt, 20-34 and in the evening on
Luke i248 The church was most
beautifully decorated, thanks to the
labors Of some of the church members,
14:ego 0po1cz ,
J. F. Rowland, 15 Ell Manager.
SAVINGS deposited in this bank
draw the highest current rate of
interest Withdrawals of part or the
whole amount may be made when-
ever denied without delay.
At Lha Endeavor meeting last Sunday
evening, Alex. D Grant gave a practi-
cal 'address on "Hints to young people,"
Rev. R. lohnston McCormick, M. A.,
of Holmesville, will occupy the Metho.
dist church pulpit next Sabbath even-
ing and evening Rev. Mr, Wren will
conduct anniversary services at Holmes-
THANK -OFFERING.- Wednesday even-
ing of next week Melville church
Woman's Missionary Society will hold
itsannualThank-offering service. Mrs.
(Rev ) Hamilton, of Goderlcb, will give
the address. -
Goas To LoxnoN CHAxoa.-Rev. D.
C. McG"•cgor, associated with Rev. Dr.
Shearer in the social and moral reform
work of the Presbyterian church in
Canada, goes to St. Andrew's church,
London, as pastor, on October 1.
Melville Guild of Christian Endeavor,
is aiming at raising $too for the Build-
ing Fund. The young people of the
congregation are asked to make Octo-
bar a self-denial mouth, then at the end
of the month a social evening will be
held wbeu the Thank -offerings will be
brought in. There will also be a
Scotch Concert given on St. Andrew's
night, November 3oth.
Rally Day exercises took the place of
the usual Sabbath morning's service in
connection with Melville church.
"Others" was the title of the service
used. consisting of hymns, Scriptural
selections, recitations, messages, &c.
Rev. Mr. Mann gaveane ppropriate ad-
dress. In the evening, the pastor spoke
on "Salt" and "Light" as illustrative of
the desired position and possession of
the Christian church.
Last Sunday was Rally Day at the
Methodist church. The pastor spoke
in the morning on "Staying by the
stuff" and in the evening on "Catch my
pal" bah timely discourses. In the
afternoon the service of "Seedtime and
Harvest" was presented. Recitations
were given by Roy McKay, May Skel.
ton, Miss Winnie Long and Fred.
Hillsou ; musical selections from Misses
Ida and Ella Rands ; Mrs. Parker's and
Mrs. Rand's classes ; R A. Prime's
class, Primary class. the choir and
school, Rev. Mr. Mann, of Melville
church, gave a well planned blackboard
address on "The soil, the seed and the
sower." There was a good attendance
and session was enjoyable
DoxoAN.-In Morris township on September
20th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. township,
a daughter.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8RD.- 90 head good
young cattle. Royal Hotel, Ethel. Sale at 2
p, o. A. L. MODONALD, Prop. F, S. Scott,
MONDAY, OCTOBER 6Tii. Fa,'m stock, iin-
niements, eto Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey township,
Sale unreserved at 1 p. m, , JAS. H. FULTON,
Prop. F. S. Scott, Atm
MONDAY, OCTOBER, STN. -Farm, farm Block,
&c., 8+,y Lots 28 and 27, Con, 1, Morris town-
ship. Bale unreserved at 1 p. m. Amax. MO-
EwaN, Prop., P. Purvis. Ana.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6110.-00 head of calves,
yearlings and 2 year olds, 84 Lot 1, Con. 6,
Morris. Sale at 2 p, m, A. 0. Dames, Prop.
Jae. Taylor, Atte.
WEDNESDAY, OoToBsa 7T11.-534 Lot 80,
Con, 8, Morris. Farm stook, Sale unreserved
at1 P. m, Mos, Pierce, Prop., F. S. Scott,
BATURDAY, 001. 10Tti.-Farm stook, Lot 2,
Con 9, Grey township, Sale et 2 p. in, Wm.
Armstrong, Prop, F. S. Scott, Atte.
Wheat 9100 $l 00
Pens 1 00 1 10
Barley 80 00
Butter 24 26
Eggs 26 25
Hoge 86 85
Hav 181 00 11 00
Potatoes per bus 80 70
Wool washed 20 20
Wool unwashed 18. 18
The People's Column
PARK LOT FOR SALE, -The undersigned
offers his Park Lot Turnberry street,
North, Brussels, for sale. There are 5 acres,
upon which is a house and barn and a splendid
well Moat of lot's seeded down. For furth-
er particulars as to price, terms, etc. apply to
JNO. SMITH, Brussels.
Dog Strayed
Collie Dog, Tallow in Dolor, strayed from the
premises of the undersigned, 8th line Morris,
on or about Sept, 27th. Any information lend-
ing to his recovery will be thankfully received,
Phone1718 Blv th P. O.
FARM FOR SALE. -The 100 aere tm•in,
known as the Hugh Stewart prs jerty
Lab 8, Con. i6, Grey townohlp, Hnroti
offered for eels. 90 scree alenrrd and.5 sorsa
of bush. Itis a good furor nos n a $ne local-
ity ; 254 miles from Walton and 0 miles from
Brueeels. As farm has not been sold it will be
rented. For further partionlars a0 to prise,
forms, &a., apply to ALAS. BUCHANAN or
F. S. 800TT, Bruesele. alt
G.weaatitt 9.rr•!�s• +wait �1
Hot Icrapi
j England's guarantee of 1301. 6
• w
gtu'a nenbtalit.y was not Re 0
much a scrap of paper as a 4
• bond or honey covering 70 e9
• years, The guarantee on our m
s'Tessler Remedies" I.
® is notjust a scrap of paper 4
but a bond of honor protect- •
• ing our onetomel'q. We •
place our personal guarantee ,;p
• behind eve) y package we ••
esell. ®,
For sale only • o
0 0
O -AT- O
0 •
•• ` -t; •
• X 5
The Penslar Store
=oe.o.t.+4..., .f.+ -,.x•••••0••0••
FARM FOR SALE. -The 100 acre farm, being
S -l4 Lot 16, 4th Con. Morris, House, barn,
orchard, ate is offered for sale. For further
particulars apply to Tan POST.
&o. -John Purvis, Auctioneer, has re-
ceived inetruetlone from the undersigned
proprietor to sell by public 'notion at S. Halt
Lots 27 & 28, Con. 1, Morris on Monday, Oct.
6th at 1 o'clock, the following valuable pro-
perty'-1 matched pair of Mascot geldings 4
and 6years old, 1 brood Dare 8 yearn old, 1
Drumburlie filly colt, 1 Mascot gelding 1 year
old,1 horse 10 yeare old, 6 cows supposed to be
in calf, 1 newly calved cow, 1 jersey grade
heifer ht cell, 4 polled Angus grade steers 2
years old. 4 polled Angus grade heifers 2 years
old 2 polled Angus grade steers 1 year old, 2
eller. Angus grade heifers 1 year old, 4 calves,
1 Tamworth sow duo to farrow, 2 Yorkshire
sown due to farrow, 2 Yorkshire BOWS with
litters at foot, 0 store pigs 2 months old 1 re-
corded belted Hampshire hoar, 7 Oxford down
lambs sired by imported ram, 4 recorded Ox-
ford down ewes, 1 road buggy, 1 Noxon need
drill, 1 Perrin riding plow, 1 twin plow, 1
wagon. The sale will be without reserve se
barn .and stables have been burned. The
farm, conainting of 200 acres will be offered
for sale, also a silo fell of Dorn. Terme:-All
sums of 95.00 and under wish; over that
amount $ months credit 01,011 on furnishing
approved joint notes. 6 per cent per annum
off for cath. on credit amounts. Terms ..for
farm may be made known on day of sale or
upon sppIloatiOn to A, MAOEWEN, Prop.
AII10. 800tt,, auction0aFAhag received in'
trueliona from the undersigned 10 sell by
hubliu enation at 8. Half Lot 00, Oon.8, Morris
'ownhip, en Wednesday, Oct. 751., et 1 0"
1 ohhek, the following valuable property: -
1 heavy draft mare? years 014 ea ed in
foal, 1 heavy draft mart 5 years old snppoeed
in foal, 1 heavy draft Mare 5 years old, 1
registered heavy draft Mare 2 years old,'
1 heavy draft ii115 1 year old, 6 steers rising 2
year', 8 heifers rising 2rare, 1 Durham bull
calf 9 months old, eligflttfor gterin R,1
Darien bull colt 6 months old,, eligible for
re •haiering, 10 hogs from 100 to 160 lbs., 7 hogs
S months cid, 11 hogs 254 mouths old, 101togs
7week'old,0hogs6 weeks old. Sale Witi ho
without reserve Terme: All some of $20 r0
and ander oash ; over that amount 12 months
credit given on fcridohing approved joint
notes. 0 per cent of for Dash on credit a-
mounts, THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor,
1•6•1MVXMIEWI •00,111=111•1•111111,
An excellent Musical and Literary
entertainment will be given in the
Town Hall, W. Gordon Craig will pre-
sent Shakespeare's wonderful charac-
ter "Macbeth' J, M. McCutcheon, S.
A. will give an address and a choice
musical program will be rendered.
••e®s••ea••e•••vas•s•see•e0•••e•••••••••••xl•••••em•a Beata®•m®®®®ase+®®®•®•eeee•o• e
•Brussels BaYIlg h. Store G. N. Mclaren
•„,..„nb•W'„.,„..1.,„,„'t,'i,N,,„,.,,,Vfla'Ib'ie'i„VVW,,,„„.,,,.,fi,l,..„,.„.„,.„,„..,.„,,Ir$q,na's,.,„•e,1„,„„„,J,,„„„„,eldi„„„„„,5,1'6NdWs,„„.,,,,„„,,t,ti It, 1•,Lalli„„,,•4'h,„„,,,, „„„„ t,',
• is a
Special Purchase o••
. Fur
Trimmed e.tts,„
Perfect Fitting Best Styles Exceptionally Low Prices W
0 0
• e
o At $12.00 At $10.00 e
aWomen's Black Cheviot Cloth covers ; large Men's Fut' Collared Uoats ; 4 only, Beaver 8
Ful. Collar and Revers ; heavy quilted Lin- Cloth wiUt I3at Dollars ; Quilted Lining ; n w
• ings ; all sizes 34 to 42. Bargain.
•• Extra Special 12 00 Only 1 0 00 p®
Y ter
• At $15.00 At $12.00
•W•omen's Black Beaver Clotli Oovers ; large Men's Heavy Beaver Cloth Gnats with Jorge•
Pm Collars ofOpposunt Sable ; heavy quilt- Marmot Dollars, Shawl shape ; bully and ev
S ed Linings ; Rubber interlined; sues 3 to 42 sleeves Rubber interlined and Plush lining •
ittExtra Special 15 00 Special at "12 00
® At $15.00
• At $17.00Men's fine Beaver Cloth Sllel; : Rubber inter- ea
• Women's Fine Betsey Cloth Covers ; large lined in bad a
Western Sable Collar and Revers ; glintedY and sleeves ; eh+•,.:e Shawl col-
* Linins ; Rubber interlined ; sizes 34 to 42• lar of WartnoL' ; heavy Carl Co h lining ;all
e g sizes 37 to 44. e
Extra Special 17 00 Special at 15 00
• O (8
At $20.00 At $20.00•
Women's Choice Kelsey Oloth Covers; large Men's fine Melton and Beevor Cloth Shells ; 9®a
Oollar and Revers of Western Sable; Rubber Plush lining ; body Rubber interlined ;extra
• interlined ; plush and quilted lining: a choice German Utter Collar and Rovers ; all t9
• splendid serviceable Coat sizes 97 to 44, tp
Extra Special 20 00 Special at 20 00 2
2 •
tiq g
f r r ce
Ht :hest rices o -"Ddu
•GL1i re •
• tie
2 ee•Nibe •es••••s0•seas•••SSf■sSSeS■•■$Atte•■$$r•$$eseeseessi esseosessee•••t2
Granby Rubbers
We have a complete stock of Granby Rubbers in all sizes and shapes for Ladies, Men "' Boys, Girlsand Children. 2