HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-24, Page 10YICC `SIC. V�/i�rarr°d�s Chocolates The Forkdipt Kind A new Talcum, and one of the most de- lightful we have ever handled. Put up in a handsome new style tin. It is a Powder of more than the usual quality and ie for the particular woman or man, It has a delicate perfume and antiseptic qualities that leave the skin cool and soft, Try it, PRICE asc A TIN. We have recently added Willard's Chocolates, which although have only beep made a short time in Can- ada, have in . that time attained a reputation for being the best and freshest to he had. Pretty packages The Elite Assortment. The Tango Tho Tiffany The Peacemaker The Bungalow They are leaders, Also the New Style Ten Cent Packages, They are a new and distinctive line of at- tractive packages and besides con• tain high grade Chocolates. TRY THEM. WATER GLASS EGG:PRESERVER, tee PER TIN The Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. fatal gebn g .e1 s FALL moving is at hand. THE bog market keeps lively, How is your sub, to THE POST ? SUMMER beat some of the days ot the past week. EAST Huron Fall Fair Thursday and Friday, October 1 and 2. ADJOURNED Voters' List Court will be held Tuesday of next week. G. A. DEADMAN, the Bee King, ship- ped a car of prime honey to the West last week. JUDGE HOLT held Division Court here Wednesday of last week. Docket was not heavy. ANOTHER car of cavalry horses was shipped from here to Ottawa Last week by local buyers, making five since the war started. ANNOUNCEMENT.—On and after Oct, 1, the Family Theatre will start its show promptly at 8 p. in, Come early and get home early. MONDAY afternoon a couple of rinks of our Bowlers motored to Blyth and bad a good time on their bowling green. Brussels won by a few shots, AN interesting letter on a visit to Valcartier Camp may be read on page 4 of this issue from the pen of J. T. Wood, of Brussels, who witnessed the military review there. PosT NUPTIALS: Friday afternoon and evening of this week Mrs, B. S. Scott will hold her post nuptial recep- tion at the home, North Leatherdale Terrace, Turnberry street. POULTRY,—Robt. Thomson is pre- pared to receive any quantity of live poultry on Monday of each week. This is an easy way to get rid of them compared with having to dress them, ADVERTISING PAYs.—Richard Roe sold a fine calf to Wm. McNair by one week's advt. in Tice POST and John Lowe found a strayed animal by an advertisement in last issue. The right kind of advertising pays and shows that the people read THE POST. LAST week the house and lot on Mill street, owned by John Coates, of Cran- brook, was sold to R. E. Coates, a son, of Seaforth. The latter is offering the property for sale the advt. appearing this week. It would make a very com- fortable home. Tao. Currie is the present tenant. Naw Boors.—About $100 has been expended in new books by Brussels PublicLibrary Board which are now on the shelves. Mark out a course of read- ing for the coming long evenings and take advantage of the fine Library at your disposal, See list of new books in another column. • RIPE RASPBaRRIEs, — Last Friday afternoon Miss Brothers took her de- Ppartment on a ant in Brussels Public 5 artm ramble in the bush ol,a.. atureSkudy trip. 0. w"'.,.,,. discovery made by the ptls was the locating of a patch of ripe second growth raspberries that were not there when the classes left the woods. No EXTRA SEssrox,—At a meeting of the Warden's Committee, held at Cliu- ton last Friday, it was decided not to call a special meeting of the County Council to deal with a contribution to the Patriotic Fund but to consider the question at the December session. Wonder how much it cost Huron Co, for the Committee to meet to decide ? Possibly from $25 to $35. Mas. KEYS sold her house on Turn - berry street to las. H. Fulton. of Walton locality, at $x,000. The pur- chaser gets possession next month. He has rented his farm for a term of years and will take a rest from farming so as to give his daughters a chance to get a good schooling. Mrs. Keys will not re- move from town but will likely buy a smaller house if she finds one to suit. FALL FAIR CoxcsRTs,—Thursday and Friday evenings of next week Concerts will be held in Brussels Skating Rink under the auspices of East Huron Fall Fair. The programs will be put on by the London Concert Company who will present a varied and interesting pro- gram. They have soloists. magician, cartoonist, Highland piping and danc- ing and a comedian, who will no doubt give a good account of themselves. Plan of reserved coats at Fox's drug store. Clinton Kiltie Band will play Friday evening at the rink, PENCIL DRAWING AT BRUSSELS FAIR, — The Women's Instiute of Brussels offer g prizes of 75c, goo, and 25e for the best drawing of n native birds on cards, re x 23 inches, to pupils of East Huron Public Schools 8 to r2 years of age. Similar prizes are also offered to pupils from x3 to 15 years old. Cards to be Sett to Secretary not later then the fore- noon of Oct. I as judging is done on afternoon of that day, There is no entrance fee but work must be certified to by teachers. The birds are t --Crow, owl, swallow, robin, oriole, jenny Wren, canary, sparrow, woodpecker, thrush and kingfisher. Boys and girls should get busy and Also get after the penmanship and mounted weed and seed competitions, Get a Prize list for further partla tiaes, EAST Huaon Fall Fair Thursday and Friday of next week, Oct. I & 2, Take it in. THIS would be a great year for the apple evaporating factories if a market could be assured, Coon hunting expeditions are on the program these nights. There's plenty of hunting all right. RURAL Telephone Committee met in Brussels last Monday and put through considerable business. A coax roast was on the program of the Continuation Department of Brussels School last Monday evening at which a good time Was enjoyed. THERE was a large attendance at the Auction Sale of John Grainger Wed- nesday afternoon. Prices ruled high, F. S. Scott was the Auctioneer, o— TEAM of working horses for sale. L. HOLLINOER, James street, Brussels. 50 STOORERS, steers and heifers, mostly 2 years old, for sale. Apply to Samuel Walker, NH Lot 29 Con, 7, Morrie. Phone 189, COMFORTABLE house and lot for sale on Milt atreet, Brussels. Well, stable, fruit trees &m., on premises. Possession on Nov, let. For further particular() apply to S. Car- ter, Brussels or R. E. Coatea, Seaforth. Sum of money found in Brussels last week. Owner can have came by proving property and paying for this advt. Enquire at Tan Pose. MEN and women wanted everywhere to work in their own home $20weekly for few hours work. Supplies furnished free. Ex- perience unnecessary, The Co•Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. POULTRY WANTED.—I am prepared to buy all kinds of live poultry, delivered on Monday of each week for the rest of the season. For prices call at office, Brussels, or phone 55. ROBE., TnoMeON. 1 /EAvr draft Gelding rising 4 years and 2 heifer eaivee 5 and 8 months old for Bale. R. HENDERSoN, Brussels. Goon brick house on William street for sale together with good stable and driving shed. Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc. For futher particulars apply to GEORGE TnoxsoN, Brussels. A OARD.—We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of live standard 5c boxes of Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents. Quality guaranteed. Jae. Ballantyne, Geo. Thomson and W. J. McCracken, —0— MARRIED.—Wednesday of last week Miss Sarah Dudley, of Brussels, was united in marriage to Mr. Horsepoole, of Toronto. A portion of the honey- moon was spent with relatives here. We wish the newly wedded many prosperous years. FINE BIRDS.—Last week Alf. Baeker disposed of 27 Barred Rock cockerels to H. Keith Revell, of Chatham, and 7 of the same breed to M. L. Robertson, of Goderich. Mr. Baeker has a great flock in his poultry yards numbering 500 Barred Rocks and 1600 White Leg - horns, 2100 in all. The pullets of the latter breed commenced laying:.P., ( months old. A good record...-' FALL MILLINERY.—'�' u re 0 Was a good s„e ladies of Brussels and va,... locality at the Millinery displays of Miss Inman and Miss Ross last week. Both ladies presented a beautiful range of millinery goods which were duly in- spected, many of them tried on and not a few disposed of. If you have not seen the new styles yet call at the above mentioned stores and see what the latest fashions are, The millinery is well worth seeing. SECURE a Library Concert Course ticket. 5 first-class Concerts have been arranged for and the season reserved seat ticket is left at the same figure as Was charged for 4 last year, viz, $1.50 There is not a (weak number in the quintette and will afford the lovers of high class vocal and instrumental music and artistic literary selections, a stolen - did opportunity of hearing concerts by talent that could not be brought to Brussels except by advance arrange- ments with a Lyecum Bureau such as bas been entered into. Directors F. S. Scott and A. C, Dames were deputised by the Board to once more take charge of the sale of the, season tickets, So watch out for them. Dates ot concerts may be found elsewhere in this resile, MRS. ADAM DOUGLAS PASSES AWAY.— Following a lingering illness Jane Reynolds, widow of the late Adam Douglas, formerly of Grey township, passed away Sunday afternoon at the family residence 33 Church street, Stratford, aged 77 years, She was the daughter of late Squire Reynolds, of Elora, A family of seven survive. William, of California ; James, of Burks Falls; Harry and Frank, of Alberta ; Robert, of Saskatchewan ; Mrs. AGdcrson and Miss Aina of Strat- ford, James *as the only 5011 able to attend the fuaerai, arriving Stinday at noon, Mr. Anderson and Jamesac- companied the remains to Elora Tues- day morning where interment took place. For a number of years the family made their home on the 15th con, of Grey township after which MIS. Douglas and daughters lived in Brus- sels prior to taking up residence in Stretford 7 years ago. Deceased was a faithful memberr of the Presbyterian church and had a wide circle of old Meade who Will sympathise with the bereaved. Mrs. Douglas was a fine woman. His husband predeceased her by many years, A short Service was held at the home Tuesday morning, The Metropolitan Capital Paid up - - rd1,000,000.00 neeervo Pend - - - • 1,250,000.00 Undivided Profits - - - - 182,547'81 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any - of the parties in whose names the account,is opened, 51.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F, H. GILROY, MANAGER A new front has been put in the sboe shop of W. Oakley, Turnberry street, H. R. Eil'ott had the work in charge. POULTRY SHIPMENT.— The SImooe Poultry Co. will load a car of poultry at Brussels next week. Read their advt. for particulars. PLAN of reserved seats for the Fall Fair Concerts in the rink Thursday and Friday evenings of next week, will open at the N'ox drug store Friday afternoon of this week. Pick out your seats early. BRUSSELS W. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon of this week at the home of ivil•s. George Beaker at 3 o'clock. 'Topic will be ' Systematic and proportionate Giving.” STORE OPENED.— Saturday of last week I. C. Richards & Co, opened up a fine stock of Boots & Shoes in the Richards block. They will also handle rubber goods, trunks, club hags, etc. As Mr, Richards has been dealing with the public for many years he requires no introduction. He will not do any- thing in the harness line. W. H. Maunders, of Montana, is here on a holiday visit joining his wife and daughters who are visitors at the home of Mrs. Maunders' father, Chas. Richie, Brussels. Mr. Maunders was a former Morrisite and still owns loo acres in that township. He is largely interested in sheep ranching in the West and bas done well, we are pleased to state. FINED $30 AND Cosi,,—It i5 said five persons were brought before T Leckie J P., last Saturday on inform- ation of inspector Johnston, of Clinton, and assessed Sao each and costs for being the worse of liquor. Another contingent is yet to be dealt with, The fine is $4o for a second offence and for the third 3 months imprisonment with. out option of a fine, hence it becomes rather expensive to violate the law. PUBLIC LIBRARY CONCERT COURSE.— Following is a list of the talent and dates arranged for in connection with the Public Library Concert Course for this season :— Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers. Friday, Oct. 9• Ithaca Conservatory Concert Co. Monday, Nov. 16. Entertainer Plumsteal, Friday, Dec. 18. Strollers Male Quartette Wednesday, Tan, 20. Adams Concert Co„ Monday, March 22. This make 5 First Class Entertainments during the coming season that are sure to please and well worthy of cordial sup- port. Clip out this item so as to keep tab on the dates. VILLAGE COUNCIL.— Last Monday evening, at the Literary meeting of the Epworth League, the Nomination of a Municipal Council was on the program. Chester Armstrong was chosen Clegg and the following nominatieug duly made 1—Reeve. n' A. Pryne and F. H. Gilroy :.•Iduuncillors, Mrs. Parker, Misss-5nriev, Miss Hingston, W. T. Me- eracken, Roy McKay Ernest Plum, Fred. Wood and Lloyd Jackson. Can- didates were called upon to state their views and there was no end to the varie- ty, t latitude and longitude, itude whilesocial- arc' moral, educational, commercial 1 and in- dustrial theories were like the sands of the sea. Among specific promised im- provements were :—A paved front street, waterworks and standpipe, new Town Hall, Electric railway, increased power from mill dam, formation of parks, fountains, flowers, resting places, curfew bell, equable assessment, fran- chise for women, tax on bachelors, &c„ &c., &c. The candidates did well and the -speeches were full of fun with much good sense interjected. Election takes place CM Monday, Oct, ieth. F. H. Gilroy sang "The British Battle song" in good style, company joining in the chorus. TEMPERATURE was said to be 85 in the shade last Monday. DoN'T forget to see the moving pictures on Fair Day at Family Theatre, Change every hour. Price only 800. Doors open at 4 p. M. MAKE your entries early for the Fall Fair. It will be to your advantage and will help out Secretary Black in the big rush on Thursday and Friday of next week. LAST week James Burgess cut the grass on Victoria Park with his mow- ing machine. He secured quite a quantity of bay from this fine plot. Park will be ready for use next season and should be in good shape. FINED $Ino AND Cos'rs.—At Exeter, Wm. Gillespie, a drayman, was fined too and costs by Magistrate W. D. Saunders for selling liquor without a license. The Inspector for South Her. 00, John Torrauce, prosecuted. INSURANCE AGENT'S FEEL— By an amendment to the Ontario Insurance Act passed at the session of 1914 every insurance agent must pay a fee of $3 before the 3oth of Sept. in each year. The penalty for not paving the Fee is a fine of not less than $2o nor more than $200. Rev. John Ross, D. D., of Toronto, was a welcome caller on numerous old friends in Brussels last Saturday after- noon while en route to Winghain where be gave Temperance addresses On Sun- day, The reverend gentleman is enjoy- ing good health as is his fami,y. Rev. Mr. Ross was a popular pastor of Mel- ville church for many years sod has a warm spot in his heal t for the town. Church Chines Every Monday at 8 p. in. for 05 minutes a service of intercession Oil be- half of the Empire is held at St. John's church. Maitland Presbyterial Young People's Union will meet on Thursday Sept, 24t11 at Wingham, commencing at 2 30 p, m. A good program is on the docket. The Presbyter -al will be addressed in the evening by Revs Dr, Gilray, Toronto, and W. R. McIntosh, London. A number have gone from- Brussels. The General Conference of the Methodist church of Canada opened in the city ot Ottawa Wednesday morning of this week, It is held every four years, is composed of ministers and lay men and constitutes the legislative body of the church. A large number of lin - portant issues will come before it. The annual Harvest Festival services of St. John's church will be held next Sunday. Sept. 27th. Servlrgg•-at •iz "a. m. and •7, p. ..Speeial addresses— speciel..-nmu8rc:"-Those who can are ask- �_.to bring fruit, vegetables, grain and flowers to decorate the church and to leave them in the church basement. The decorations will be placed Dp 0u Friday and Saturday. All who can are asked to assist. A special Thank• offering is asked for. The A. Y. P. A. of St, John's church h held their first meetingo o Monday Y evening for the election of officers for the season as follows :—Palrou Rector : Hon. President Mrs H. lames ; Presi- dent, Miss Myrtle Wilson , vice -Presi- dent, Mrs. W. W. Harris ; Secretary, Miss Ina Bryans ; Treasurer, Charles Pope ; Corresponding Sen., Miss 0 McMurray ; Organist, Miss Cora Al- coek ; Conveners of Committees are :— Religious and Lookout Committee, Mrs. W. W. Harris ; Missionary Com- mittee, Mrs. H. Demes ; Social, Geo. Manning ; Church Flower Committee, Kate Msnniug.' Executive meets Thursday evening at the home of Miss Myrtle Wilson to draw up program for Winter. 14,go OFFIC4 7 TORONTO BRUSSELS SECURITY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. 837 J. F. Rowland, P3 BRANCH, Min Manager. vuossoloommatuessoi IIMBERIER coA very seasonable discourse was preached in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning by the pastor, from the text, "The harvest is past, the Sum- mer is ended and I am not saved." The application was close. Next Sunday will be Rally Day in Melville church at both morning and evening services. The subject for the morning will be "Others" and for the eveoing, "The Conservative and Liber- al forces of our young people." As this day is specially set apart by the Presby- terian church far its young people it is urged that all the voung people of Mel ville avail themselves of these services. At the preparatory service to Melville church communion last Friday after- noon, Rev. J L. McCulloch gave a very appropriate discourse on "The wedding garment." Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Mann, the pastor, preached a fine ser- mon, on "rhe vision of the cross." A large number partook of the commun- ion, Evening service was withdrawn on account of union Temperance meet- ing in the Methodist church. Rally Day will be observed by the Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday afternoon at 2 3o o'clock. "Seedtime and Harvest" will be the topic of the service used, which will consist of musi- cal numbers by choir, school, classes and solos, responsive readings, recita- tions, address by Rev. Mr. Mann, &e. Invita'ion cards have been sent out and a large representation of the families in oouneetion with the church expected at the school. The morning subject will be "Slavers by the Staff" and in the evening the pastor will preach on "Catch my Pal" special to young people. Last Sabbath evening a crowded audience greeted J. W. Bengough, of Toronto, at the union Temperance ra'1y in the Methodist church. The speaker dealt with bis subject in a very trenchent and convincing manner and presented phases of it not always referred to Mr. Bengough is a ready speaker and makes everything very realistic Rev Mr. Menu and Rev. Mr. Wren assisted in the service. In addition to a good anthem by the choir Miss Carrie Hingston sang a fine solo with violin accom- paniment. Mr. Bengough visited Brussels on a former occasion when he gave one of bis popular cartoon lectures for which he is so widely known, .t.+++++++++++++++ i„t,d++I'4*++++++++++M++++++++4++**+++ Line Poultry Wanted I We will Load a Car at the Brussels Depot I 1 Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 29th 4. AND :i 4Wednesday forenoon, Sept. 30th 1' 4. Paying the Following Cash Prices : 0,, 4 Hens ... ... 9c Ducks ... ... _.Ioc 4' Chickens ... ... 1 l Geese ... Ioc .t Old Roosters ... 6c + lid\\\\\\\\ 1+: Bring in your Poultry and take advantage of High Prices In view of the visit of the Bishop of the Diocese next November to perform the Apostolic rite of Confirmation a Class is being formed for those who In. tend to • present themselves for Con- firmation meets Wednesdays at 8 p. '0, in St, John's vestry. All are welcome to attend the plass which will not hind them to present themselves for Con- firmation. BORN BAEEa.—In Grey township, on September 20th, 1914, to Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Baker, a eon, (Vance Mervyn,) HASIILTON.—In Bluevale, on September 1551, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, a son, MARRIED CopLtN50N—PIERCE,—At the Methodist Par- sonage, Brussels, on Set, 28rd, 1914, by Col - Mason, of RullettMto vnshiMr. p toMissRosie A. Pierce, of Morrie township: MONA88— MONAI1.— In the Presbyterian manse, Bruoedeld Ont., on September 22nd, 1914, by Rev, Hall Wooda, Mr. Wil- liam McNair, of Grey township, to Mrs. Flora McNair, formerly of Greytownahip. DIED DouGLAs.—In Stratford, an September 20th, 1914, Jane Reynolds, widow of the late Adam Douglas, of Grey township, in her 77th year. Hreror.—At Arcola, Sask., on Sept. Iltb, 1914, John Hislop, formerly of Grey township, aged 48 years. AUCTION SALES MONDAY, SEPT. 28. Farmstook, ample. moats,. &o., Lot 22, Oen. 1, Grey township, No reserve as owner has rented his farm. Sale at 1 p.m, T. R. Bennett, Prop. MONDAY, OMBER Sm.—Farmine Moments, etc Lot 11, Oen. 17, Greystowntock�shlp, Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. JAs, H. FULTON, Prn . F. S. Scott. Auc. W RDNESDAY, 00202ER Yen. -834 Lot 69, Oon, 8, Morris. Farm stock Sale unreserved at1 p. m, Thos, Pierce, Prop., F. 8. Scott, Atm, SATURDAY, 00T. IOTR: Farm stock, Lot 2, Con 9, Grey township, Sate ab 2 p an. Win. Armstrong, Prop. 2', 8. Scott, Aum, The People's Column FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm, being 8 34 Lot 15, 4111 Con. Morris, House, barn, orohard, etc le offered for wale. For further particulars apply to THE POST. g Penslar Lhie MilaaliMaseallialaNalasmarisiossaailiallo WHAT IT 1S. 'J'he name Paualae which appears invest letters 011 every package is the name ap- plied to a line of Remedies Igor several years rilanuftictimecl in the U; S. and recently introdneed ihito Canada by The' Penensnhttr Chcmiutbl 00„ of Walkerville, Ont, The line is et very extensive one including a very .excel- lent line of preparations behind which in every case we give our personal guarantee of entire satisfaction or your money refunded. We feel erne that in introducing the above line to our Customers we do so with the full esa0ran0e that they will not be disu1'p"intvd with the re- sults. REMEMBER THE NAME PENSLA R STRAYED on the premises of the under• dersigned, Lot 22, Con. 16, Grey township 10 days ago, a red steer, rising 2 yeara old. Owner Is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. ROST, MoTAGGART, Phone 295. Brussels, R. R. —AT— fox's Drug Store The Penslar Store BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hoge Hay E1 00 10 40 $1 40 1 00 10 1 00 28 '24 24 24 8 90 8 50 10 00 11 00 Potatoes per bps 40 60 Wool washed 20 20 Wool unwashed 12 18 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOPS, IM - 'MI PLUMENTs, &O.—F, S. Scott, auctioneer, has received n,str•amtions from the under- signed to sell by public: auction at Lotll, Con. 17, Grey Township, on Mondey, O0t.601, 1514, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property: —I heavy draft mare 7 years old by Bursar, 1 heavy draft mato 2 years old by Ring's Fashion, 1 rOadetar colt rising 2 years, 8 mows supposed to be In calf, 1 farrow cow, 2 ateera rising 8 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 6 heifer() rising 2 years, 8 Spring calves, 1 Massey -Harris binder, 1. aped drill, 1 Frost & Wood mower, 1 Aienoriniok cultivator, 1 Deer- ing diem, 1 Massey -Harris horse -rake, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 walking plow, 1 gang plow, 1 wagon, 1. pair el elghs, 1 hay reek, 1 top buggy, 1 set team harness, 1 fanning mill, about 70 Mena, a number of email articles too numer- ous to mention Sale without reserve as the ll proprietor u sl of ss co flan under'tca h over ailment 9 months credit on' fni•nielling ap- proved joint notes, 5 per cent o8 for melt on Credit amounts. JAS. H. ULTO , AUCTION SALE OF FARM ST008.-12. S. Scott, auationeer,.has received 1nstrue- tiona.from the undersigned to soil by public auction at Lot 5, Con. 9. Gray, on Saturday Oat. 10th, at 2 o'clock, the following valuable property :—t gelding 4yeare old sired by Bur- sar, 1 gelding 8 yenta old sired by Lothian Type, 1 gelding 2 years old sired by Lothian Type, 1 cow with calf 8 months old et foot, 2 farrow cows, 5 suers and 5 heifers 700 to 800 lbs. in weight, 0 yearling steers. 0 yearling helfers,10 eaIves, 2 brood sows, 12 pigs 4 weeks old, 10 pigs 6 weeks old. 7 pigs 0 weeks old, 10 pigs months old, b pigs 8 months old, 80 pigs from 75 to 150 lbs. be weight, 4 ewes, 1 ewe lamb. Sale unreserved KS proprietor 1s dia- Poaing of allstook except DairyMerd. Terms: 0 months credit given on fern shin approved Mint notes. Wper M. ARMSTRONG, ff Pr cash. ••s••••••e.s••0.s•.••••.•••••••••.s••e..•••e••00.0O••.••0.0.e•e•••00000•••0.000 a •Brussels Daylight Store G. N. Holsten• ,.. . r.. , 1 l , , , , , , n n '1 ,'1 ,s •urle•nrOphM,'U,lli of i PIdVAtI V! ii .. 5 �i . e':Y.'!d'ldV,'Inu'h14,l4,'V,VI'V, 4,'IIlV,W,so41%Is4dydVAVdh, Ol ® q'".'4,..rd'6'V�'fli'a,Vlr'IIPhPi, 11 �n V, V lir til IU h1 tl L! t'0 0 W t!'VI U t L 1 I 1 e s,•" • • • •• 0 • • e • • • • e 80 a es e • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 New Coats FOR , Ladles iss?- a Chidre:n. WE want you to see our new Stocks of Fall and Winter Cloth VV Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children. They are, without. doubt, the very best we have ever shown. We have them in Heavy, Medium and Light weights, all the Newest Cloths. The best styles in ROGERS and McKINNON Men -tailored. Rogers Garments—None Better in Canada. McKinnon's make—The Gal'- ments of Merit. Call and see them ; make comparison ; we will not insist on selling, Our prices are the lowest—qualities consider- ed—and we know they will sellon their merits, Call and see them : • a 0 Highest prices for Produce, ' 1. I1. McLaren 4, INM.'r--A,.. r • 4.P. S. ---The New pall Boots are iln Stock. • •0110ll•.108118/.M01•110N/X416611•r1111i/11•wri 015000••A••••eMM•86060i0•80.4 i*••••e••••• e•i Oh e 40 81 3 IO G 81 d 7 53 • e • co e O • 19 82 s e 0 m • e 0 e tb e 4h 2 OD • *..!!'++++++.+++++++,+++++++++++++++++,++++++++++++++++++++ 9