HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-24, Page 9Wienenelielfelleiteve
Fashion Hints
Fads and Fancies.
• Fringe is a, modish trimming and
sometimes appears on the bottom
of silk orepe skirts as well as on
sleeves and sash.
A new black velveb hist is un-
trimmed seers for half a dozen rears
of small, brilliant wings, outspread
and fastened flat aleort the brim of
the ,hat.
So far many of the costa Shown
button rather enugly about the
throat. One heavy coat of mixed
black and gray, in a soft, thick
oloth, 'shows a ,wrinkled, snag col
lar of blitok velvet and the fur col-
lars fold close about the neck.
A cape of knitted wool, and at-
tached by snaps to a sleeveless
wool waistcoab is a novelty that ie
atbrecting a good deal of detention
among people who like a light
weight hue warm and compact
wrap for outdoor 'epode. le ought
to be a great favorite in the au-
A cape as a. part of the book or
coat is a. rental thing now. Often,
too, a cape is a pert of the negli-
gee and of 'the biome. One eepe-
eially pretty cape costume of figur-
ed crepe has an attached white sat-
in cape thathangs 'from a frilled
ruff fastened by straps to the
There have been inaaay•!ehowings
of !fur and velvet coves in the last
few weeks and all of them are of
voluminous proportions, The long
fur eo•at is always more interesting
in appearance than the short one.
And the early models, with wide,
flaming skirts often edged with a
contrasting fur, are especially lux-
urious looking. Some of the new
evening elegies are made of velvet
or velours and are out on very gen-
erous lines. One that is a good
model is trimmed with embroidery
of gold threads on ihs collar and
along the lower edge. Another
has eelf-eovexed 'buttons of large
laze, and still others show silver
and peater !buttons.
Stocks of Merchants Who Over-
charge Are Seized.
PuroBlood Om Bost be Obtained
Through Dr, William Pint Me
If people would realize the ±m -
Parttime of keeping the blood rich
and pure there would be less oick-
nem. The blood is the means
through which the nourishment
gained from food reaelies the dif-
ferent parts of the body. If the
blood is impure the nourishment,
that reaches the nerve*, bone and
muscle is tainted with poison and
disease follows, 'Dhe blood is also
the medium by which the body. fighte
off disease, If the blood is thin and
watery this power of resistance to
disease Is weakened. Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills build up the blood. They
increase the 'ability of the body to
resist disease. They strengthen
the nerves, increase the appetite,
cure heada",che, backache, and any
disease caused by thin or impure
If you are suffering and your
blood is thin or impure there is a
large probability that your condi-
tion is caused by the condition of
your blood. You should study your
own case. If you lack ambition,
are short of brea-th after slight ex-
ercise, are pale or sallow' have no
appetite, are not refreshedby sleep,
if you have backache or headache,
rheumatic pains or stomachetrouble,
the treatment with Dr. 'Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People is worth
investigaeing. You can gat these
Pills through any mediciee dealer
or direct by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Are Sure to Follow After the
Present War.
"Holland. of all European coun-
tries is perhaps the only one over-
stocked with food," says a return-
ed traveller. "On the day the King
of England sent his formal declar-
a,tion of war to the Kaiser I was
in B,otterdam. The price of food
went up many times its original
value and money exchange brokers
demanded an exorbitant rate of ex-
change. The foillowing day the
price still soared, but that night
the military took o'harge of things
and there was insteinb reaction.
"Every storekeeper in the coun-
try was served with a 'notice, on
which appeared the amount he
might charge for foodstuffs. These
rates were based on a minimum
rate in force during peace times.
The merchants were required to
paste the ,notices on the outside of
their stores with corresponding
lists of their own prices, which
could be eheaper, but not more ex-
pensive than the rate set lay the
"Tradesmen who violated the
government order had their places
closed up. Their goods were seized
by the soldiers and sold at public
auction in the streets. In the case
of a money exchange man who was
overcharging clients, the military
court martial gave hen one year in
a fortress.
"The result of these rigid rules
Was to reduce the cost of eggs to
one cent each, and vegetables
enough to sup,ply a family of three
could be obtained for two cents.
Meat is also cheaper than ib is in
this country. Holland is maintain-
ing such a strict neutrality that no-
thing is permitted to leave the
The Bank of England.
The scarcity of gold in the ;re-
sent cairns reminds us that once in
its long career the Batik of Eng-
land was compelled to suspend cash
payment—and this Without causing
serious inconvenience. This was
during the great mar with France,
when so much coin had left the
country fot the payment of troops
hibraciet and as Subsidies to allies
that the bask began ete feel the
pinch, At the close of theyear 1796
there were numerous rues on eoen-
try banks which applied to the
Bank of England for help. This
drained the hank's resources so
that, at last it only kept afloat by
paying in aixpenees. The Govern-
ment then stepped in with lin or-
der-iii-oottnell authorizing the notes
Of the bank as a legal tender, and
the sitaation was saved. Paper
money reigned for 22 years, during
which time a golden guinea usually
bought 27a, worth of goods.
• --
Avoid interfering with the snap
lu love. It is not your funerel.
you forget yourself 1
ne--MoWbly ! but I tarn think ot
Myself any old tinie.
The 131Ahop oX London Has Gone to
the Front.
The Bishop of London has obtain-
ed the sanction of his Metropolitan
to go with the London Rifle Brigade
wherebyit tray be called over at
least six weeks. Time was, of
course, when bishops were great
fighting men, end in the wars of the
Middle Ages they often led anmies,
especially in Germany. There have
been some military bishops of Lon-
don in past oleo. Perhaps' the most
distinguished oase was that of
Bishop O•ompton, who had been a
soldier before entering the Ohuroh.
In 1688, when the Revolution came
and the Princess Anne deterrain,ed
to flee from her father's court
Compton, who had been her tutor,
was summoned to guard her in her
flight. A hackney emelt was in
waiting. Two men guarded the
humble vehicle. One of them was
Compton . The coaoh drove instant-
ly to Aldersgate Street where the
town residence of the Bishops of
London then stood.
It wits determined thet Anne
should take refuge with the North-
ern insurgents. Compton wholly
laid aside for the time his :wreck-
tal character, Danger and conflict
had rekindled in him all the military
ardor which he had felt tiverityasight
years before, when he rode in the
Life Guards. He preoeded the
Princess's csrriage in n huff cosh
and jackboots,
with a sword at his
side and pistols in his holsters.
Long before he reaehed Notting-
ham she was eurrounded by a body-
guard of gentlemen who had volun-
teered to escort her. They invited
the Bishop to set as their colonel,
and he consented with an alacrity
which gave great scandal to rigid
Ohurchmen, and did not much raise
his character even in the opinion of
the Whigs.
One probability stands out so
clearly as almost to wear the guise
of a certainby, says the New York
Evening News. It is that this war
is to be followed by immense popu-
lar upheavals. These will take the
form of determined protests
against militarism and also against
autooratic government. The vast
half -articulate masses will no
longer consent to be thought of as
merely food for cannon, whenever
their besotted rulers give the sig-
nal for carnage. And if Russia
were to think of setting up an im-
posing Slavic statue, and bidding
all the world len down before *it,
she would speedily find that its feet
were of clay. The spirit of revolu-
tion is only slumbering in Russia.
It may awaken any clay like a giant
tefreshed. No one is more keenly
aware of this than the Russian rul-
ers; and they cannot fail to dread
the convulsions and reactions that
are sure to be seen among the Rus-
sian people after the war is over.
In this ever-ha,unting fear of revo-
lution in Russia itself there is the
plainest aasneamee that the present
attempt( to affright by the thought
of a Slavic terrorism whelming all
Europe will soon disappear like the
baseless &brie of a vision.
We Are All In the Apprentice Class.
When a simple change of diet
brings back health and happiness
the story is briefly told. A lady
"After being afflicted for years
with nervousness and heart trouble
I received a shock four years ago
that left me in euoh a condition
that my life was despaired
"I got no relief from doctors nor
from the numberless heart and
nerve remedies I tried, because I
didn't know that coffee was daily
putting me back more than the
doctors could put me ahead." (Tea,
also, is harmful, because it contains
the same poisonous drug, caffeine,
found in ooffee.)
• "Finally at the suggestion of a
friend 1 lett off coffee and began the
use of Postuin, and against my ex-
pectations 1 gradually improved in
health until for the past 6 or 8
months I have been entirely free
from nervousness and those terrible
sinking, wealce,ning spells of heart
"My troubles all carne from the
use of coffee, which I had drunk
from childhood, and yet they disap-
peared when I quit coffee and took
up the use of Postum." Name given
by Canadian Postum CO., Windsor,
Many people marvel at the effects
of leaving 'off tea end coffee aed,
drinking Postern, but there is noth-
ing marvelous about it—only com-
mon sease.
Tea and coffee are destroyers,—
Poeta= is a rebuilder. That's the
Look in pkgs. for the famous little
book, "The Road to Wellville,"
Postum comes in two forms :
Regular POSi11111—nimst be well
boiled. 15o and 25o paokageS.
Instant Pestitilt---is a soluble pow -
dee. A fettopeenful dissolves quick-
ly in a Cup of hot water and,. with
°ream and sugar, made a clebolous
beverage Inetantlee 3e and 5Cie tine.
The root pet mip of both kinds is
about the amnia, '
"There's a Reason" for Pastime
Liunbago's Misery Ceases,
Every Aching Nuscle Cored
Not necessary to drug inside!
That awful stiffness that makes you
yelp worse than a kicked 'log will be
cured—cured for a certainty, and
quickly, too, if you just rub on Nervi -
Rub* Nerviline right into the sore
spot, rub lots of it over those tortured
muscles, do this and the pain wilt go.
You see Nerviline is thin, not oily.
Therefore it sinks in, it penetrates
through the tissues, it gets right to
those stiff, sore muscles and irritated
nerves that make you dance with pain.
You'll get almost instant relief from
muscle soreness, stiffness, aching
joints, lameness or rheumatism by
rubbing with Nerviline. It's a sooth-
ing liniment, and doesn't blister,
doesn't burn or even stain the sldn.
It's the most harmless cure in the
world for Lumbago, Back Strain or
Sciatica. It takes away the ache at
once and ends your misery quickly.
Now quit complalning—don't suffer
another day—Nerviline, that good,
soothing old-time liniment will limber
.v.cm _up mighty quick. Gat busy to-
day, the large'family PUP bottle
is the most economical, of course, tie
trial size oosts but 26c. Any dealer
anywhere can supply Nerviline.
His Ancestors Were Peculiar,
Say the Least.
To get at the remarkable charac-
ter of the Kaiser one has to gat be-
yond his fether. The Emperor
Frederick's last words to his son
were: "Learn to enffer without
complaining, for that is the only
thing I teeth you ;" and in his first
address to hie people after coining
to the throne he used these words—
"Not oaring for the splendor of
greet deeds, not striving for glory,
I shall be satisfied if it be one day
said of my rule theta it was benefi-
cial to my people, useful to my
eountry, and a blessing to the Em-
pire." The Kaiser takes after his
grandfather, whose own father was
carried off in a Stake of religious
mania, and his ,brothee, 04 hypo-
choncleiac. William I. was, a firm
believer in the infallibility of MOO -
&rolls, he held all men in contempt
who were neither soldiers nee no-
bles, and he nob only religiously
excluded &rem Court etioh men es
bankers, morels -LAE., lawyers, and
tradespeople, but the Consuls of
other countries. With variations
the present Kaiser seems to have
stepped into his shoes. In turn he
Ilea been comedian
'poet, musician,
sailor, warrior, pastor, phileeopher,
end Biblical commentator. The
miracle of it all is not, so nitwit
that he should regard 'himself as a
minor god—eine perhaps not so
mach minor after all—the that ho
elleuld have succeeded in getting all
his people to take him at his own
valuation, and persuade,c1 them to
beak hint with their own lives end
fortunes in a war that threatens to
put an end to iNc stimewhat oomet-
hike career, It has been openly
stated that ho is Mad, and that ia
how it lookfrom a distance. But
other idols than he have before now
been thrown to the moles and to the
rewseadds--1 tell you • frankly
filteb I shall not he able to pay for
this Milt until next veer. Taller --
All right, Sir. V.—Whien will it be
When a Woman Suffers
With Chronic Badache
There Is Trouble Ahead.
Constantly on their feet, attending
to the wants of a large and exacting
family, women often break down
with nervous exhaustion,
In the stores, factories, and on a
farm are weak, ailing women, dragged
dtownntv,ith. torturing backache . and
dangerous, because due to diseased
kidneys bearing down Pains,
Such suffering Isn't natural, but it's
The dizzineeS, Insomnia, deranged
menses and other symptoms of leeway
complaint can't cure themselves, they
require the assistance of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills which go dlreot to the seat
of the trouble.
To give vitality and power to the
kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and
liver, to free the blood of poisons,
probably there Is no remedy so suc-
cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For
all womanly irregularities their merit
is well known,
Because of their mild, soothing, and
healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's eine are
safe; and are recommended for girls
and women of all ages. 26 cents per
box at all dealers, Refuse any sub-
otitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut.
Aro Building Granite Shrine Near
Cardston, Alberta.
Work on the first Mormon temple
on British sail is now well under
way in Cerdston, Alberta,the Mor-
mon centre for Oanada. Ile struc-
ture will be bl granite from, the
Rooky Mountains of British Colum-
bia. Machinery valued at $10,000
has been installed on the temple
ground, and cutting will be done
there as fast as the rough material
can be delivered. As each stone is
cut and dressed it will be placed in
the wall.
The structure will cost at least
$3e0,000. Thio money will come
mostly from tithing sent to head-
quarters at Utah, and the oo,ntrec-
tors have the assurance of the
church that all money needed will
be fotthooming when asked for.
Bishop Nibley, who has charge of
the business affairs of the Mermen
Church throughout the world, will
have direct central of the work, but
will nob be on the ground. A local
inspeotor and aupeeintendent, of
construction will direct the local
"gheTitiedis. ure.h of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints has no temples
at present outside of the State of
Utah, where the great Salt Lake
Temple stands. The Salt Lake tem-
ple cost $4,000,000, and was forty-
five yeses in building. The other
Utah temples, Manta, St. George,
acrd Logan, cost all told about $3,-
000,000. Material at the tiano they
were 'erected was very costly and
transportation difficult It is stated
by the authorities to -day that as
good building can be done to -day
for about 'one-third of the cost. So
it would seem that the Canadian
temple will compare favorably with
any of the Utah structures outside
,of the Greet Salt Lake temple.
citstrittaxgs IN WAR.
Here Are Some Figures That 'Ma
Well Shock Humanity.
At Waterloo there were only 100,-
000 of the Allies and 70,000 of the
French, and the proportions of
killed and wounded were 20 per
cent. in the case of the former, end
over 30 per cent. in the case of the
latter. These are very high rates
and indicate, like the dosses at the
battle :of Leipzic, in 1813, an ex-
tremely elose andeberrain.ed fight.
The percentages of casualties in the
great battles of the Fnanco-German
War of 1870-1 probably furnish a
closer criterion. At Woerth the
Germans lost 10,642 men in an
army ef 90,000, and the French
8,000 out of 45,000. At Gravelette
20,000, or one out of every ten,
were killed or wounded en the Ger-
men side; while on the side of Ilse
Fiona both the total engaged and
the perce,nbage of killed and wound-
ed were ernaller, But the Greve -
tette standard of 10 per cent. may
be taken as a not extraertgant, esti-
mate of the losses which may be in -
aided on both eider in a single bat-
tle of fireleolaes dinensaons; so
that, if the calculations that are
made of the strength of the rival
envies that are ,gathering fee bee-
tle can be relied upon, the victires,
in kil1e,c1 and wounded, in a single
babble may, on the narrower esei-
mate of the total, strength suggest-
ed, approach 100,000. This is a
thought that may well 'shook hu -
• —sold by Groters, ready? Te -Next yeer.
ED. 4.
Especially on Forehead and Chin.
Ashamed to Go Out. Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Cured In
Month and a Half.
McMillian St., OH City, Ont.—"My faca
was nearly covered with mimeos, eaPeelailY
on nay forehead and Chin. The trouble be-
an with pimples and blackheads and Chore
were times 2 felt; ashamed to go out, They
were little red lumps and then festered and
I squeezed the matter out.
"1 rubbed on different remedies, —
Salve and ---- Cream but they did no
good. Theta 5 saw the advertisement of
entice= Soap and Ointment and sent for a
sample. I got ib and began using them and
In a week's Unita noticed a change. I used
the sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment
and one box of Outicura Ointment from the
drug store svith the Cuticura Soap. In a
month and a half the pimples and black-
heads were gone and I ani completely cured."I
(Signed) Miss Lydia Meliwain, May 23, '13.
A. generation of mothers has found no soap
so well suited for Mammies and purifying the
skin and hair of infants and children as
Cuticula Soap. Its absolute purity and re-
freshing fragrance alone aro enough to
recommend it above ordinary skin soaps.
but there are added to these qualities delicate
yot effective emollient properties, derived
from Cuticula Ointment. which render it
most valuable in overcoming a tendency to
distressing eruptions and promoting a nor-
mal condition of skin and hair health, A
single cake of Cuticura Soap and box
of Outicura Ointment aro often suMcient
when au ciao has failed. Sold by druggists
and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free. with 32-p. Sitio Book.
Address post -card Potter Drug & Chem.
Corp.. Dept D. Boston, I.T. S. A.
manity. As to war on the high
seas between first-class navies of
modern type there is practically no
experience that can be taken as an
absolutely safe guide as to probable
results and losses. We own only
wait end see, in full confidence that
British 'skill and valor will receive,
as in the past, ate due reward in
Tickets on sale daily from Sept. 24th to
Ootober ilth. from Chicago to Salt Lake
City, Ogden, Log Angeles, San Franeigeo,
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Viotoria, Koot
enay District and Canadian Northwest.
Correspondingly low motes from Caned.
Ian pointe. Through Tonsiet sleepers and
free reclining chair CUTE] from Ohleago.
Variable scenic routes. Liberal stop-
overs. For full particulars as to 555961
routes and literature, write or call on
B. If. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge
St., Toronto, Ont.
Was Ile Guilty.
Georgia Latvyer (to colored pris-
oner)—Well, Ras, as you want me
to defend you, have you any money?
Rastus—No; but Pee got a mule
and a eew chickens, and a hog or
lawyer—Those will do very nice-
ly. Now, let's see—what do they
accuse you of stealing?
Itasbue—Oh, a mule and a few
chickens, and a hog or two.
Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon, k Thiele
Montreal, report that 120 Canadian
▪ 4'. were issued for the week
ending elegem ^;::,:e .1.914, 79 of
which were granted to foe ."01tat
18 to' Caracliattis, 12 to residernteen
Great) Britain and 11 to residents
o f Foreign Countries.
Of the Canadians, 7 were resi-
dents oe Ontario, 6 of Quebec', 3 of
British Columbia, and 2 of Mani -
1» the United States for the same
week 760 patents were issued, 15 of
which were granted to Cainedian
Invente rs.
Monarchy Ra 6 Total Field
Force of 820,000.
Attetria-Hungiery, like France., is
divided into army eieme distriets.
There are 16 of these dftriista, Te
first line of the enmy of the dual
monaeohy is wader common VV»
eminent, and le known se the cent -
men army, Austria possesses inde-
pendeutly a Isedwehr and a Lend.
sturin, Mind so does Hungary. In -
eluding the letter organization, the
total field foe of Auetria-Hutigary
is rated at 820,000.
Each of the sixteen army *tarps
districts is supposed to furnish a
complete corps of two divisions to
the oomsnon ereay, with the excep-
tion of one distriot, which has three
divisions. An army corps includes
aboult, 34,000 men and a cavalry di-
vision about 4,000.
Bach corps is constituted as fol-
lows: Two divisions of infantry,
comprising two brigades of eight
baetalions eaeh; one regiment of
field artillery, one pioneer battal-
ion, one bridging company, one ar-
tillery brigade of ten batteries with
six guns eaeh, one regiment of cav-
alry, one rifle battalion.
There are six permanent cavalry
divisions, while eight are organized
in tiane of ever. Suoh a division
consists of two brigades, which in-
clude 24 squadrons, three batteries
of horse artillery and a machine
gun detachment. All artillery
batteries in the Austro-Hungarian
Army consist of four guns each, but
in war times the field and howitzer
batteries are augmented to six guns
Not to the man who has to move about,
but a slight application of "Putnam's"
softens the thickest tissue and cures the
bunion Quiokly. Just as good for warts,
lumps, and callouses 59 Putnam's Pain-
less Corn Extractor. Use no other, 250.
at all dealers.
Happy is the man who can forget
all the mean things he knows about
The key to pleasure is honest
hard work. All diehes taste good
with that sauce.
A wag, the other day denied that
Runyan was the author of "PE-
grisn's Progrees." Being contra
dieted he colatinuecl—"T question •lf
he even conlbributed •to the work ;
for ib is impossible that a bunion
could contribute to any pilgrim's
Minard's Liniment Oa., Limited.
Dear Sirs.—I had 45 'BlootlitIg Tumor on
my face for a long time and tried a num-
ber of remedies without any good resells.
I wee advised to try MIN.AltD'S LINI.
KENT, and after using several bottles it
made complete crib°, and it healed ail
up and disappeared aitog6--
Belleiele Station, Kings fie., N.B.. dept.
17, 19M.
"And you say that Jenkins was
cured of a had ease of ineomnia, by
suggestion,7" "Yes; purely by
suggestion. is wife suggested that
since he could not sleep he might
as well sit up and amuse the baby,
It worked like a, charm"
Mlnard's Liniment for sale everyWilere,
Those Mexicali TOITIIS.
"Hurray!" yelled father. "Hur-
ray, a eolage of titres I"
"What in the world is the mot-
berl" askedanother. "Yost act like
a monkey I"
‘'ree ltieb• discovered a wonderful
thieg I" father replied. "Here's
one town in Mexico with a neme
that is ,prononneed exactly like it
is spelled!"
IS UE isinere's Linitnetit Cures Dendrite'.
hilnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
Grave Digging Corps.
The grimmest corps in any Euro-
pean army is the special corps of
grave -diggers who accompany the
Germany army in the field. They
were !formed for the Franco-Ger-
man war of 1870.
Try NurIne Eye Remedy for Red, Wealt, Waters
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting --
just Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
by wail:Tree. Murine EyeReraedy Chs., Chicago
A man who thinks extremely well
of himself is an egotist; a man who
oan make the world think extreme-
ly well of him is a genius.
Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
At the Picnic.
An eight-year-old ibov went to a
church picnic and, being a favorite
with the ladies, had been liberally
supplied with the good things to
eat. Later in the day one of the
ladies noticed the Iboy sitting near
a •stream with a woe -begone ex-
pression on his face and his hands
'rneesesnd over his stet:mole "Why,
what's ..'nattier, Wilarn?" she
very kindly litreeele "P. eou
had enough to sat1"'1)a%v,
said the boy. "I've had enough.
But 1 feel as though I don't want
all I've got."
Ilighest grade beans kept isliole
and mealy by perfect baking,
retaining their full strength,
Flavored with delicious sauces,.
They have no equal. s
;:,;?$5:v )44 t f3
E. W, DAWSON, Ninety Clol•borria'Streets
JI. Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dell Form
write H. W. Dawson, Branloton. or ell
Colborne $t., Toronto.
sg. W. DAWSON, Colborne St.. Toronto,
Ur York County. stationery and Book
fnilminess in connection. Pecs *MY
4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publielz-
g ComPani. 73 West Adelaide Street.
.L1 On account of the war, this fall will
be probably the best time to. buy YOur
seed potatoes for next year, Write ra.9,
for price list of Varieties. C. Fred
Fawcett Ulmer Saekville,
sewing at home, whole or 41parei,
time; good Par; work sent any dietancoi
charges prepaid. Send ,stamp for
National Manufacturing CoMPailY.
Foies. Correepondence solicited. Reid
Brea. Bothwell. Ont.
Internal and external. cured . with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before ton 1050. Dr. Beilman Medical
Co., trotted. Collinwomnrl,nnt
716 St. James St., - Montreal
Write for informatien
Al dinner .the had a doctor on
either hand, one of whom remark-
ed that they were well served,
since they had a cluck between
them. "Yes," she broke in—her
wit is of that sort that comes in
flashes—"and I ain between two
quaeks." Then. silence followed.
The custom of playing practical
jokes on the newly -wedded pair.
is coming to !be regarded as foolish,
if not actually vulgar. Even the
rice throning has been changed to
showering confetti ur. better still,
flower petals—if anything must be.
Dr,. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
are made according to a formula in
use nearly a century ago among the
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tempts have been made, by physi-
cians and chemists, it has been found
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Pills area household remedy through-
out the world for Constipation and
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Cleanse the Svsstein
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Ramsay's Paints are honest goods—made of honest materials by honest
painstaking methods. Bath finish will honeetly'meet the requirements for which it
is designed, You may be sure when you buy them for your own use that they will •
give you the service YOU know you ought to get.
Courteous eervice from local agent. Write for Interesting paint literature. (5)
A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que.
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For tickets sea ail information holey to noarsgt, OX,R. Aom ot Cimiotio
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