HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-24, Page 5fall Housecleaning
John Lunn
Painting , Paperhanging
Draining Decorating
Good Workmanship With Moderate Prices
Old Suites and Cupboards made
do look like now.
If you desire suggestions of color
scheme for Painting or Paperhanging
call up 'phone 41x,
John Lunn,
Thomas Street, Brussels.
, istri,ci Dews
The Git4's Athletic Association of
r •T ' ii
the High Schnol was e i ai z ed ,
On SundayChore passed to his re-
ward one of Wirightum's highly
esteemed citizens in the per8OI of
JohnLongheed in his 82nd year.
The Women's Institute and friends
sent two boxes to our soldiers con-
taining shirts, socks, collars, belts,
pillows, handkerchiefe, etc. The
contents were worth $100. -
Services were held in the Methodist
oburoh Sunday in commotion with
Rally Day of the Sunday School.
In the morning the pastor, Rev, J.
W. Hibbert preached and in the even-
ing Rev. G. W. Ha'penny, of Toronto,
Provincial Sunday School Secretary,
took the service,
Jaynes Melvin attended the Walker-
' ton Fair.
Misses Jennie Cosens, Pearl Thoinp-
son, Lizzie McCallum and John and
William Morse attended the London
Fair last week. •
The burning of the log -house op.
posite the residence of Charles Cosens
caused a little excitement in the
village Wednesday night of last week.
'Undoubtedly the place was set on fire.
Anniversary ot the Methodist`
e utrch will be held on Sunday,
Potober 3, The special pr anllc.^..•.;9iill-
" be` Rev. AA:"0:'"'Tiffill `o'f Dresden, a
' former well beloved pastor. A 'con-
cert wilt be held the Monday follow-
ing' •
The proceeds of the Patriotic Con-
cert and donations amounted well
over $100.00.
Rev. J. D. Edgar, of Guelph, is
visit£ng his brothers, Hugh and Robt.
of 2nd Con.
Misses Myrtle and Hazel Spence
were successful in passing their
Elementary Art Course which they
recently tried in Toronto.
Dr. H. C. Workman• went to Port
Colborne last week where on Wed-
' nesday he was united in marriage to
Miss Reeb, of that plane.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will serve a hot supper in the
basement of their church on the even-
ing of the Fordwich Fall Fair, Oct.
Wm. Lane ishaving a new rest.
denoe emoted on Caledonia terrace.
Rev. J. Br Fotheringham has ar-
rived back in Goderich after a trip to
the Old Land which he had not visit-
ed during the past 9 years.
Three of the Goderich men,' mem-
bers of the contingent which left here
as volunteers for active service have
been sent back from Valcartier as
medically unfit.
The drug business on the North side
of the square, conducted for the past
7 years by F. J. Rutland, has been
purchased by 0. L Coultis, Phm, B.,
of Toronto.
A large box kite owned by H. S.
Kemp has been the centre of attrac-
tion for many, both up town and at
the agricultural park. With about
2000 feet of lino out it fries at a con-
siderable height' and may be seen at•,a.
good distance.
Reorganizing meeting of the Listo-
wel High School football club was
held at the school. •
Ross Hermiston, 'Phni. B., has re-
. turned home from Battleford and
will -likely spend the Winter here,
Melvin, eon -of Joseph and Mrs,,
Nurse, town line East,' receiveda
fractured elbow by falling out of a
buggy that he was playing in.
William Morley, ' of Palmerston,
suffered a dislocated' shoulder when
the car which he was driving turned
turtle near Gowanstown, throwing
himself and the other three occupants
into the ditch. • Be was the only one
'Wm. and Mrs. Washburn and
family left on Sept. 241h for Falkland,
Bt O., where they will commence
farming. .Mr. Washburn bas been a
valued member of the band and the
Methodist orchestra and will be much.
missed in musical circles.
While playing tennis on the tennis
, clubte court at the tont park Miss
Mabel Gunther had the misfortune to
injure her knee. She was taken to
the home of A. St. George and Mrs.
Hawkins, where she was given medi-
cal attention.
Listowel lost one of its leading
physicians and citizens : on Sunday
morning Sept,. 18th, when Lorenzo
William 'Thompson, M. D., passed
away at the fatuity residence, Joker -
man street, after about 0 weeks
serious illnees. The deceased had
been suffering' from diabetes ,and
heart failure for some time and on
August 1st was stricken with pneu-
monia. From that time he had been
confined to his bed, and although be
received the best medical Care and
attention possible he made little
progress towards recovery. During
the past week or ten days he ha
been guoWing weaker and weaker un-
til about ii,00 a. M. Sunday when he
paseed peacefully away, Tbe late
Dr. Thompson was 10(•11 In llawkes-
ville on October lith, 1853. Arbor
leaving Bigg11 Scl'lool he attended
Trinity Oolloge, Toronto, graduated
MI M. D, in 1885. For abort time lie
practised at his profession 111 Bendel, -
land afterwards removing to Listo-
wel where lis enjoyed a large praetioe
until the time of Ilia death. On lithe
let, 1802, lie' urarrled Miss Jeanette
Bali, Three daughters and one son
were born to De. and Mrs. Thompson
namely, Misses Hazel, Gladys and
Blanohe, and Master Lorenzo, who
I with the bereaved widow are left to
momin the loss of a lovingItusbanU
and father.
1:livisiolt Courtwas held on Monday.
John Denholtn is at present engag-
ed baling b0y,and shipped a ear load
to Toronto last week.
Wm, Moore & Son have disposed of
their hardware business to L. Wil-
liams, of Belgrave. ' -
Joseph SWihers aeceived it'nt•cl of
his eppninttneut as Clerk of 1201
Divisinu Court, in su1eession to
Thomas Code, u resigned.
Miss NcTa6gartr of Calgary, 'Vas
the guest of her !brothers,. Dr. 0110
Geo, McTaggart. Bile lett, for Tor
onto where she will enter the General
Hospital as a nurse.
Some person 01' persons caused con•
Mae n
' ei'tbleannoyance at the h rate f
sal ,
Alex Hamm, t0 the. North ()I' the
town on a recent evening by tlontt
ing stones at the house one stone
passing through the window causing
considerable commotion among the
John Charles, St.11101ys, halt 1011110
shipmelits of turnips to 1lileankoe
and Alabama,
Mayors Butcher, of St. Marys,. at-
tended the Colwentioir of Mayors of
Outar vtt trepan 1 Tor.
i r) utiot tt I1tA1 *dulled at .ot•
Miss Evelyn E, Dolntage, 13. A., St.
Malys, was one of the seven success-
fol candidates for the Art Specialist
exalninet]on. .
Mrs. A. P, Bltenett, ,who underwent
an operwbion at 50, Joseph's Hospital
London, is repotted to be making a
tt good recovery.
A. Batter, proprietor of the hotel Monk,
ton which r r uch, has been dismantled
Nor the past year and a half has de-
cided to reopen it.
Aamployeee of the Cement Company
are giving, 0 day'spay to the St.
Mary's Patelotic Fund. This genet, -
cos eontilbuliou will mean the snug
stem of $418.00.
Tile rector of St. James' church, Sb..
Marys, is steadily but slowly recover-
ing 100111 his attack of bronchial
pnemmnuia, but it is hoped he will be
able to be about u1 11 few' days.
• 'rhe nnl'nrtnnato:terident wliirh be-
fell 1Vi1IleGrtlbAaiLb, at Listowel Full
Fide r
eu l.ot'newl a ularrcd the leitsure
rl p
of the day. '1'h0 Ind wits tiding like
1'a1 her's' burse befoi a the races uom-
rno ni ed and was thrown from . (be'
horse, striking a5101(1et a wire fence.
He was badly cut under the tjaw, a
lntge artery being severed. i 110 00-
'nrl but
t unal0 hal bled ver freely, t t
medical aid wasenc su ,tri road
nt a ,d at e ❑ t
and the wound was dressed. 11e is
now getting along as well as can be
Why Chest Colds aro Dangerous
Huron County. They lead to pleurisy and VC'. Follow the advice of W. B.
Hensall tax tate for 1914 is 18 mills.
Auburn Brass Band has been engag-
ed to furnish music for the Dungan-
non Fall Fair. •
Milton Kilpatrick, Crewe, threshed
12 acres of wheat tvhich netted him
about 825 bushels,
John Spackrnan, one of the oldest
lifelong residents of Exeter, passed
away in his 82nd year.
John Hawkshaw, of Exeter, Is able
to take a walk down town after an
illness of several months
Exeter Civic holiday Tuesday 'of
last week.. People went to London
Fair accompanied by their band.
A. Patriobio Concert under the aus-
eeo••ree4r".-I1logabbath School was'
geld Friday evening, p[eirk'bare-lit .
The Canadian Order of Foresters
donated $10.00 and the Independent
Order of Oddfellows $25.00 to the Exe-
ter branch of the Patriotic League.
Work on Hensall Town Hall has
been considerably hindered owing to
the non -arrival of several car loads of
material shipped from British Colum-
bia weeks aggo,
Capt. W. J. Beaman and Lieut: J.
G. Stanbury held their first drill of
the local company in the skating rink
on Thursday evening last. There,
were 32 in line.
The water tank, well, gasoline en-
gine and piping have cost Hensall
about $800, yet since it was brought
into use for street watering a saving
has been effected of $110. ,
The lady physicians in Huron
County are;-blrs. Macklin, •Gode-
rich ; Dr. Mary McDonnell, Hensel] ;
Dr. Sarah Govenlock, Seaforth, and
Dr. M. 0. Calder, Wingham.
Joseph Sturgeon, a half bread was
al rested of Olandeboye, charged with
taking a horse froin the Jantes Street
Ohurch shed, Exeter. The horse be-
longed to Win, Eseery. Sturgeon
was sent bo Goderich to stand his
Fowles of Powle's Corners, Ont., who
says: "I used to be subject to at-
tacks and although.I used most every-
thing nothing relieved quickly till T
discovered Nerviline. I have used ib
for pleurisy and sore chest and found
11 just the proper thing. For Lum-.
bago or Neuralgia it's quick as lightn-
ing. I cheerfully recommend Weevi-
line," Strongest, cleanest, most pain
destroying liniment on earth Is Naevi-
•line, 251 bottles sold everywhere.
The culture of tobacco in 7ruioh'
district dates back 40 years although
no great commercial value has been
attached to -at. Nearly every farther
of the French settlement grows ib to
some extent usually enough for home'
• Probably the largest stick of maple
timber that was ever seen in Gode.
rich was delivered by Wm. Hill &
Son, of Benrniller. It was. 50 feet'
long, 25 inches square and weighed 10
tons, and will be used as an anchor in
connection with the dredge owned by
Wm, Marlton.
Perth County^
Misses Jessie C. Corry, Atwood, and
Mrytle B. Hiles are attending Normal
at Stratford.
Mrs. John- Maloney, Granton, wet
so unfortunate as to break her leg
above the knee,
• St, Marys Anglican church, Dublin,
gave $132.50 towards providing use-
ful articles for the Red Cross Society.
E. L. Rice, St. Marys, paid a visit
last week to Valcartier Oamp where
his eon Lincoln is encamped with the
Queen's Own Rifles of Toronto.
Farmers in the Maple Leaf section
of South Basthope .are complaining
thab some of the boys and young
men' of that district are making a
general nuisance of themselves by
peeping in windows,
Neal Belwood, employed in the
Globe -Wernicke factory, Stratford,
had the misfortune of having his first
linger of the left hand caught in the
rotary -cut machine and haying it
severely lacerated.
The Women of Listowel and vicini-
ty have,seut to the Red Cross Toronto
Branch 201 feather pillows, 298 pillow
cases, 81 pair pajamas, 31 handker-
chiefs, 2 caps and a cash donation of
$125 has also been sent for Red Chose
Stratford Fraternal' Association has
re -organized for the 'Winter season
with the foilotving able slate of offi-
cers :-President, Jae. Smith ; Vice -
President, T. Peck ; Finaecial-Secre-
tary, W. Morrie; Recording•Secretary:
W. Mitchell ; Treasurer, A, Meech tel,
Little Mary Morrison, daughter of
Angus Morrison, Stratford, while
playing with little Miss Emmie An
dereon1 a. neighbor's daughter, fell on
the cement sidewalk near her ]tome
and sneteined a fracture of one of her
legs. Tlie break was above the ttee.
At the Listowel Fete Robert Mc -
Mane, of Milverton,. was sucoeesfoi'in
carrying Off the red ribbon for his
carriage beton and alert first for gentle
man's' turnout.' 'Thos, Attridge car -
tied off the red ribbon for hie two-
yeae-old roadster and second fbr his
three-year'-1od roadster,•
New Books at Brussels
Public Library
Following is-alrettifisese boles that
have beau placed on the shelves of
Public Library in Brussels :-
1022 End of the Rainbow ••• .•..Keith
1028 --010 Rose and Silver...........Reed
1024 You never know your Luak.Barr
1025 Merchantof Venice
1026;Prince of,Granstark.McOutcheon
1027 Martha by the Day.......Lippman
1028 Making over of Martha
1029 Something Afar Gray
1080 Valley of the Moon ....London
1031 Two in the Wilderness,- .....
1082 Allan Water...McCall
1033 f his House.... .....
1034' Twenty-fourth of June ............•
1035 h Brigade ......Parrish
1036 rd Erskine
1087 Beach
1038 iillinns...McCuteheon
1039 . the Defence Masson
1040 a West .Hocking
1041 Eagle .. Dell
1042 in Egypt . ..•.....
1048 Cayce of Lympus. Waller
1044 g 4 Oumberland. Fox
Aliadne of
Substance o
Shea of Iris
Eye of Doe
Iron trail
Brswster's N
Witness for
Spirit of th
Way 0f an
It happened
AKni Knight
Jam Gkrl .Stereo
1040 Henry of Navarre, Ohio..... Hall
1047 Prairie Fires .... Swann
1048 Broken Halo..... ..:Barclay
1049 Eyes of the Work H s Wright
1050 The Victim ..... ...Dixon
1.051 Man of the .Desert ...... ...HillLutx
1052 Rocks of Valpre Dell
1053 A People's Man.. Oppenheim
1054 New Road Neil Munro
1056 The Heart's Oonntry ..Verse
1057. A Certain Rich Man White
i 1058 Barnabetta Martin
1059 Woman's Law Thompson
1000 Sweetapple Oove Schaick
1061 Di Llewellyn ....... . Stanley
1062 After Rouse • Rinehart
1063 Matthew Ferguson ..Blake
1064 The }Precipice .,Peat tie
1065 The Bridge Somers
1066 New Dawn Lent
1067 Oall of the East Fraser
1088 Home .............
1069 Quick Action ..... .., -Chambers
1070 Misadventures of Joseph,. ..,Bell
455 Roughing it in the Bush,...MOody
466 Argentina Fraser
457 Out; Canadian Ileeitage
375 Reeolleotioes of Sixty Yeats-. ....
870 Short History of, Canada..,.Bryoe
495 Wild Auimele at Horne Seaton
490 Practical Cinernatogr•aphy
497 Insect Pests .... ..... .........
158 Religion and Oriels Begbie
159 Life and the way through
Water Babies ,.••.• --Kingsley
Don Quixote De La Macho
Pollyanna... .•.. Porter'
With Wellington in Spain.. Brereton
T.lelen and the Find -Out 01110 ..
Faith Palmer Woolley
Golden Road . ,......Montgomery
Alma's Junior' Year Breitenbach.
Sbiigganappi ,... Tohnson
Lefty (if the Bush .... .........Standish
" . Big League t,
" Blue Stoelnng i�
Training Cantp "
Brick King Backstop."....... ".
Third Shiite Quirk
Boy Scents on Lost Trail ......Burgess
Rambler Club --
Not th Nest Mounted.. .Shepherd
Foot Ball Team "
Gatttit Grey Wolfe ., Dillian Wallace
Peter Cottontail Burgess
Rodger Paulding Ensign Beaeh
Jane Stewart's Chum Rem}ek
18oltwood of lda1e ,., ., Patten
The College Xiebol;,,,.........,Patten
EASTHURON FALL FAIR Y. nOoos kuowolleiur Mtaflutterrt iteigv means
yyot1 +e not as tve11 as vett sli0uld be,
It's an evidence of hnpaix'ed nerve and
' uluseam. power, To obtain core, by
lrerrozone 1 it lutea 81)001al action 011
th0 heart 0s seem in rho cast of Thos,
Grover of Cole Harbor, N. S. who
says : "if I exerted, myself it would
bring palpltittdnn. To carry may
heavy weight or go quickly upstairs
completely knocked the out. When
hu rsd f & Friday a hod attacks came on I lived in fear of
L ® { A � d y audclsn' death. Fet•rozene gave my
heart the very assist 4100 it needed,
and now I am quite well." For heart
or nerve's it's hard to excel Ferrozone,
500 per box at 011 dealers.
Auburn Braes d gathered in
their hall to do honer to heir depart-
ing member, Albert Shackleton, who
leaves for Guelph to take a'00urs0 in
manual training,h' t
t i Waal by pfesentint, in
wil}Lit beautiful st•t of geld cuff links,
Elitnville Council C. O: C. F. at-
tended church in a body on Sunday
utnriling, Sept. 20, when o sermon
was preached In the interest of the
Older,er, to ..sari
bythe aef i Rev, Ba 1 t.
. p
' 1 id o Sick 0h r'
Collection ir a f b Ildrns
Clinton Kiltie Band will Furnish Music
Speeding Contests
1st - 2.30 Class
'Prot ot Pace. Hobbles allowed.
Mile Heats, 2 in 3 820 812 88
2nd - 2.40 Trot
Mile heats, 2 in 3 820 812 88
3rd - 2.30 Race
Trot or Pace Hobbles barred
Mile heats 2 in 3 820 812 88
BOYS' RAGE, under 14 years, 100 yards
BOYS' RAGE, under 10 years, 60 yards 50 . 2
GIRL'S RA OE, under 15 years, 100 yards 75 50 25
GIRL'S RAGE, under 10 years, 50 yai.ds 50 25 25 25
BEST FANCY DRILL by School Pupils. Not lees then 12 nor more
than 24 pet sous in each. lst, 55.00 ; 2nd, $8.00 ; 3rd 52.00. Pupils
and Teachers admitted free to Fair.
POTATORACEON HORSEBACK -Three potatoes for each competitor
will be placed. 100 yards from starting point. Competitors stand by
horse, mount, ride to first potato, dismount and pick up potato, re-
mount and ride bask to starting point, dismount and put potato in
pail -repeating the operation for each potato, 1s1, 51.50 ; 2nd,
$1.00 ; 8rd, 50c, No entrance fee.
50 25 25
25 26
Special Prizes
OWEN SOUND 33.OSINESS COLLEGE, -For the best speciman of
writing by any boy or gill'attending Public School in the Townships
, of Gley and Mortis a sterling Silver Medal and Case will be given by
the Northern Business College, Owen Sound. Students who passed
the Entrance in June 1914 may compete. The matter to be written
on foolscap and to consist of the capital letters and small letters and
two verses of "The Maple Leaf," No student can compete for this
at more than one Fair.
DOWNING BROS., dealers in Boots and Shoes, Brussels, offer a fine
pair of Empress Shoes, valued at 83.00, for the heaviest dozen of hen
eggs exhibited by a farmer's wife or daughter.
W. H. KERR, will give Talo Poem for a year for the best two loaves of
Home made bread ; and THE POST for a year for the best 8 pounds of
batter, both articles to become his property.
A. 0. DAMES offers a special prize of $10 to Boys 16 years or under for
judging cattle, to be distributed as follows: First prize, $8.00; 2nd,
$2,00 ; and 5 following prizes $1.00 each. Judgments to be made by
points and reasons for arriving at their judgments given in writing.
Decisions as to winners to be decided by an expert. Contest. takes
plebe Friday at 11 a. nt,
THE STANDARD BANK offers $10' for the best Roadster, horse or
mare, hitched to,a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer or farmer's
son, who must be a resident on the farm. Style and speed to„be tak-
en into consideration. let, $5 ; 21,d, $8 ; 3rd, $2.
TBE METROPOLITAN BANE will give three prizes, viz :-lst, $8.00 ;
2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00, for the three best collections of Winter Apples,
five of each named.
J. LEOKIE, Brussels, offers $9.00 for the best 30 pounds of tub butter,
and $3.50 for the best 10 pounds Table Butter, the butter to become
the property of the Donator.
F. R. SMITH, offers a 52,00 Soap Shot Album fon the best collection of
21 snap shots printed on velox paper, Must bethe work of the ex-
WILTON & GILLESPIE offer a Nickel Tea Kettle, value $2,25 for best
2 Loaves of Brown Bread,
GERRY & WALEER offer a Silver Berry or Cake Dish value $3:00, for
best collection of band painted china,' (3 pieces. •
MRS. JANE '.l`130NSON offers a gold tricnrned Parasol foe best collec-
tion of preserved fruits.
D. 0. ROSS offers Silk dress goods, worth $5.00 for best 101 lb. prints of
Batter wrapped with his wrapping.paper, also a $5 Sweater Coat for'
best 2 mile bycicle race, open to all.
A. STRAOHAN effete $2.00 cash for best collection Gladiolus, Dahlias.
and Asters.
WALEIIIR & BLACK offer a $5.00 Rocking Chair to lady receiving the
largest number of 1st mid 21,d prizes for Domestic and Dairy products.
W. F. STR.ITTON offers an 18 k gold fancy clock, valued at 55,00 for
the best patriotic chorus from pupils of ally School Section compet-
ing or not competing in ,Drill.
G,. Nr MoLARBN offerer', Felt Bat worth $150 for best 1 year old Filly
or Gelding, Roadster Oloss.
31. L. JAOKSON, jeweler, offers. a Out Giese Be •1•y Bowl, valued et
$4.60 tor the best 10 pounds Table Butter. Batterto become his
property. -
INI'EENATIONAL STOOK FOOD CO„ Toronto,: have donated the
follotving goods as sppei:ial prizes, through their local dealer, Alfted
Backer. :-25 lbs. of Stock food valued at 53.75 for best roadster irate'
'^ with 1914 colt et foot ; $1.00 package of let°rational Paull ry -rood
,for best collection of Ponliry by cue Exhibilm. Birds to be the
property of Exhibitor ; 26 pound bag of Internttlionat "Grow fast"
calf meal for the best calf raised on any calf food ; 0912 of Inter-
dational Louse Killer for hest white Bitcl in Show ; Oars of Int er-
i0tional,Louse Killer for best Barred Rock Cockerel.
London Concert Company
wiltII supply the Prbgram fbr
2 Sig Concerts in the Skating Rink
Talent consists of two Comedians, a Cartoonist; a
Magician and Highland Piper and, Dancer.,
p-I.ait of Seat* at POW' bra mtor•
At your . home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure -ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
ar how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Bo not wait - fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single or Double
and return to
88 Caledonia St.
Dept. A Strat'Ford, Ont.
le prepared to supply the best
goods in 'Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, snob as Piping, Wats
Or Bowls for stook, &e.
t dsd o, Pumps promptly
Give rile a call,
g, iIAYMAIVN, Cranbrook
• .
s •
e• o
• •
•h ;;
: ,� •
d. -a 1a"y
® �d4, •
o SAY either Elgin,Re-
gina, Waltham or ,'
• Hampden `o
s• and we will show youto us, as
z good Watches as ever a t
t man owned, •
We bank upon any of these
•• makes pleasing ten out of to
• ten of our Customers -and •
they do it.
For Why ?•
• Because they embody all t '
that is meant by a perfect •
•• . •
How much do you Z
• have to Pay ?
t From 5,00 to $26.00 -just ac-
tcording to grade. All sizes •
and styles of -oases. Will t
you permit us to show you. •
J. R. Wendt I
Jeweler and Engraver
-'l// -l-L
l01 1' iVFRS-11.1 4R<,
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915, and
guaranteed against any reduction during that time.
Touring Car - 8590
Runabout - 540
Town Car . - 840
In the: Dominion of Canada
FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum
efficiency inour factory produotion,and the minhnumcosh in
oar purchasing and sales department IF we can reach en output
of 90,000 oars between the above dates.
AND should we reach this production we agree to
pay, as the buyer's share, from 540 to $90 per nor bon or about
August 1,1916) to every retell buyer who purchases a new Ford
car between August 1, 1914, and August 1,1916, - -
For further particulars regarding these low prices and prollt•
sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branoh or Dealer,
J. H. GALURAIT11, Agent, Brussels
Ford Motor Company
of Canada Limited y
Ford, Ontario