HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-24, Page 4aye r ussels vest F ITH (iF HAIR i •4.'"'' ''`>. 4•.•t..40h .•+.+...�•. t.4f.•.f..f•..•+04...,.1.•4•a,•p: * I•ih31t.SO1 y, SEPTEMBER a4.1§14' Parisian Sage Makes Thin I • 4. Lifeless Hair Soft and I }:a, tlobps' ars apt 1b Make chow- . Abundant ' e dhow of sortie plabel; that are not Chow Beautiful hair, thick, soft, fluffy, ••• before they finish up at South Afrlee, lustrous, and free front dandruff, Is • one of woman's greatest charms, yet + OxzroEn:Couuty Council make a rant eo many have streaked, thin and life. + g lees (lair and think there is no remedy, • to the Patriotic Fund of $20,000, a + • • •+ • + • g .contribution but generousu a large 1g wealthy County. WALLACEBURG sugar factory has voted etro,000 to the Patriotic Fund which puts a sweet taste into the mouth of the Treasurer of the fund, no doubt. TORONTO Globe says "Some of th., patriotic women of Canada are learning to shoot and others are making catsup. Both are worth while. The catsup will be needed first," ExrxxslvE- use is being . made of motor vehicles in the war manipulations in Europe but when it comes to the final tussle old Dobbin, as a cavalry adjunct does the business, Many a noble steed goes to the boneyard as a result. DESPITE the war and the bad weather for several days of Toronto Fair the big Show had a surplus of over $5oco. There is no nastier dose to swallow by a Board of Fair Directors than a deficit but tate Industrial made the grade for 5914. WONDER 1f some of the people who were so ready to talk will be as ready to testify at the trial in Napauee of Dr. Robinson, who is charged with the murder of Blanche Yorke ? It is quite remarkable how wise some folk are until they are put in the box and asked to swear to their story. THE peach crop iu Kent and Essex Counties is a great one this season. One man in Kent has x,000 trees all producing; another has 3,000 and yet another, Jas. McGuigan, with 3a acres under orchard, has declined $800 per acre for his peaches. It is not much wonder that land prices soar in that locality. IT is stated on good authority that IC -Hon. J. S. Heudrie, of Hamilton, Minister without portfolio in the Whitney Administration, will be Ontario's next Lieutenant Governor as successor to Sir John Gibson, who has filled in the past 6 years with credit and ability. Mr. Hendrie takes quite an interest in military affairs and holds the rank of Colonel. THE "Liar Factory," operated in connection with the war news in Europe is doing a rushing business, despite the censor, Some of the reporters have a --big time contradicting the stories they forwarded the day before. Excitement may be kept at fever heat by sensational yarns but it makes the reading public dubious of the: true story. Halms who are born during the Eu ropes)) war stand a chance of being scarred" for life by some silly parents in the names given them. Kitchener, ; Tellico., etc„ might do but attaching some of the unpronouncable French, German, Austrian or Russian names to a poor little defenceless baby is a \cowardly act and there would not be :noels--,WhIld8r. if the kiddie put up a vigorous kick. No small meed of praise Is due the Women's Institutes for the splendid way they have taken hold of the 'Patriotic Fund plus their good work in the host of supplies that were sent. This labor of love has been heartily en- dorsed by many who are not members of the organization which was much appreciated by the ladies of the In- stitute, Many hands make light work hence the accomplishment of so much in the short time. SraAEINu of war gifts we notice apanese tea merchants have been donating large consignments of tea to the Russian, English, Freneh and Belgian armies. It will not likely be ' erved at any pink teas in the meantime t enough should be saved for use at tea, party to be held in Berlin before long. The 'Germans rather took "irsr the forelk,by—doing 3,000, o pounds on board the steamship City Winchester last August. i 7NTARIO O Agricultural ' College at Guelph opened last week for the Pall term, with 455 students enrolled, This chnnl has done and is doing good work. T,I>e4'c-waver was a period In Canadian history when scientific farming 'was a Neater necessity. One thing that has favored the O. A. C., is the able staff hat, eras directed the affairs from Dr, 1Crulman down, Outlook is btigbt and ra rets will be r g more marked, we trust, Nan the years go by and the farming see the nectatlity of being Pretty bail' is largely a matter of care. Frequent applications tattoos of Parisian Sage well rubbed into the scalp le all that is needed it acts like magic Try it tonight you will really be sur prised with the result. Not only will the hair become soft, fluffy, radiant with life and really doubly beautiful, but all dandruff disappears, faking hair' and itching scalp cease—your head feels fine. All druggists sell tt large bottle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents. Get it from Jas. Fox, he will refund the money if you are not satisfied. HORSEMEN are much elated over the fact that at the races in Detroit Frank Bogash jr. won the free-for-all, pacing one heat in 1.59+. The purse was $2.5oo and there were 5 entries. That's doing a mile at a pretty good "hickory" and will be a mark that few equines will either duplicate or exceed. KING GEORGE has signed the much talked of }tome Rule bill and an Act that Inas been a thorn in the flesh of Old Country politics for the past 28 years and that has caused almost civil war becomes law. Before the great European titanic struggle it faded into a stibiect that could be relegated l0 the background Premier Asquith said "Any coercion of Ulster was absolutely unthinkable and so far as I and my colleagues are concerned this is a thing we shall never countenance or con- sider." Some say Home Rule is not yet settled but the probabilities are it is nearer settled than some folk think. BLDEVALE IN BYGONE DAYS Among the letters received in connection with the recent reunion of the Bluevale, School were several of epeeist interest to present and former residents of this locality. In the course of n communication from Ot- tawa, Mrs. Mary Bailey furnished the follow- ing interesting notes on old sohool dnye:— MRS. MARY BAILEY. "If II could only talk to you in person I might tell you some of the happeninge of those old school days. I did not go long in the school that is now being used. Mrs. Duncan's house was the one Iattended. That is wheregMaggle FowSwann s nose. the otWhst needle nter through Cha There must heve been 20 grownup girls and boys and some who wished they were. Mr. Farrow had his hands full, Dave Rutten and Jim- Welmsley were pretty wild lade. We younger ones were afraid of .them. All the guard hour waa spent in dancing, with one on dom said anyth hing only coming. 11e said she thought skipping was better exercise than dancing. On Sundays the Presbytertane and Congregationalists worshipped in the school and Sunday School was held there. ,fudge Hutchinson, Samuel Hutchinson, Dr, John BotohinMrs, Archibald, d, Montho did real, o Geo Oyyal�and many others, who were clever, got their training there, I remember so well the morn - tug Dunoan King brought Jack and George to school. The room that 1s used now, I think, if 11 is the oldest part was built by a Mr. Quay. The last pert was built by Duncan etewart, I think. Rev. Mr, Young, Bret Presbyterian minister, was also the first inspector. I can- not remember the next. Thos. Farrow was the only one I went to. I think perhaps Mat- thew Hutchinson was the nextHe .did not preach long, perhaps a year. Then, another came, I cannot remember bis name and per- haps John Thynne was next, but I am not sure, I remember when Tbynne taught, Jack Pugh said when he got to be a man he meant to lick him. No doubt he waa severe with some of the soholare. Barbara Thynne helped a while, eo did Mrs. Nathaniel Johnston, Then there he worked oIremenibereone Arbor faithfully Slemmon was teaching, there was an extra cleaning -up, They planted shade trees and gave_then,' each a name of atone great man— Wellingtonand soon. Some of the trees are still growing. I can remember in Mr. Far - row's daya when Mr. Pugh must have been living in a hotel (Johnston's stand) we carried water from the springbehind the mill. Mrs. Pugh had such beautiful flowers and some times a few marigolds and SWeet William were taken. Then a complaint would be laid before the teacher r'eeulting in a change of water -carriers the next day. You know eometimea a lesson could be missed while the water was being carried. In the old school the Methodists and Presbyterians held their union Sabbath Sobool, Itwas also used for a singing school on Winter nights, What battles have been fought in that old school. Ask Pete King f he minds the dayhe licked Arnold HartleyP Doming down tThomaou'a days Ican remember the boys saying they a''.+.eed' ed a thump on the head from Thomso 'a tiff finger, more than any other punishment, At that time there waa a bunch of boys down lie line. Caemore'a, L'angley's, McKay's, Roberteon'e and a McLaren. Two or three of hem would et out of eohool and stay per - ]taps ]calf an hour to mise some lesson. One ay McLaren was out so long, he heard Thom - on coming and knew It WAS for him so he ook his fist and struck his noses( hard as to matte it bleed. Of oonrso, that fixed things or that time. One thing that must not be et in oonneotion with the old school, Is Idaneao"MartFarrow" the horse, with his elver mane end tall. Was there a boy or girl who went to that sohool did not have a ride on art 0 Be was part of the school as much as he rest, I only wish I eonld give,yos aome in - aviation worth while, What I have written as fust been put down as it came to me if I ere talking to some person about these old aye many things would conte back to ine that I cannot think of now. MR, FARROW WRITES Thos. Farrow, ex -M. P. and afterwards Postmaster at Brussels,in sending hie regrets atbeing unable to attend the Reunion, wrote; —t I taught the first eahool at Bit evale.. in the leer 1851, I thinly it was the first miens] in the ownshipp,� I know there was no school at that time in Wingham for I had a scholar attend- ing my eahool from there, I could Whitt that my health had permitted to have beenresent for several reasons. I began teaching i'n 1852. My salary then was 812 per month and. I got my board along with each of the acholare—ono weethen, for taught�every Saturday. ��e aThenrli fist i holi- day we had was every Saturday afternoon, then after that we got every Saturday. The holiday in the Stimmer was only two weeks, I taught the Bluevalo school many years for 8288.00 a year,. The school was crept in the first Presbyterian church erected in Btnevale, It afterwarda became the residence of Robt, Duncan, Then the new !wheel was built by Mr. Quay I think. It Was reckoned' to be a grand building at that time and it must have ' been snbstantlal to have lasted 0o tong. Since then a number of tonaliors have taught. Many, both teachers and scholars leave panned AWAY, I have been trying to think how ninny are living who went to 1ny school, John Ring is one and Thos. Stewart and hie brother, Williaun, than whop I know of noels others, But mymem0ry VMS me. I hope you will have a good time: and enldyy_oyuurselves very muoh and may our good Heavenly Father bless you ail." Tours very truly, 5, Jt'AhnOw, MR, BRUOE Inspector E. W. Brne2, Toronto, sent the foiIgi oeg interesting ]atter;-"I wish to •h • • O ••t• • + • + • • • •• + + + + • •s •• • • • • • • • •• • ••+ + • + • o +•+•44+•4.0+4,444..+•+•+•••• Richards & eo. The MONARCH Shoe for Gents Combines the Three Duali- ties desired in a Shoe Comfort Appearance Durability We have them on different Lasts and Widths. "CLEO" is the name of the High Quality Shoe for Ladies' Fine Dress Wear. They are beauties. Will be pleased to show them. We have them in Kid, Patent Leather, Vica Kid and Box Calf. See our Trunks and Suit Cases For Good Value they are Unsurpassed. Phone No.. 47x • •••• +• + • • d• • • • + • d• • • • • • + • • • • • + • + • + • + + • •+ • chards & Co.• RICHARDS BLOCK, BRUSSELS thunk you most heartily for your kind invite Mon to the reunion of the ex-teaohers an many variede and d pl asant reoolleotionehay tale dear old school. I spent the daye of m childhood there, the only public school I eve attended. There were formed allmy earltes aesoclations and although many long year have passed Wilco then, my beet friends ar among those of my youth, It was in this of 1011001I reaelved my; elementary educe Oat e 'doh, blanks to my old teachers, was wet grounded and thorough. It was moreover my privilege to teach 2% years in this school yearn :of pleasant recollections and hope memories. While visiting the old homestea Oda Summer in July I spent the greater par of one ]Horning in the old school- I sot it three plans, dist, where the plain, hard bene used to be,.n which I -sat while learning in A, B 0'11 and how to make figures and writ numbers. Then I eat where my ori box des used to he during my last sclool days an lastly, 5 sat in the teacher's throne. M memory went bask to any old teachers, Thos Farrow., who taught ole .A B O's, Mntthe Hutchinson, William Wilson ,;;John Thynne, A taxer barrow and William Duff. I though about all my' old olassmatea, among that were John and George King, Charles Haider son, William Fowler, James Johnston, Joeep Pugh, John Robertson, Daniel Dunnage, Jos Thompson and Mary Black, Ann Jane Dan can,Barbsra Thyme, Emma Johnston, Ell Maxwell, Amelia Beaman, Sarah Ellen Ross Dozens of others in the lower (lasses came t my recollection, many of whom left dude the time I was preparing for a teacher's oe1 tifioate, I remembered too, other young one who were in the senior cl eases when I return ed as teacher. There are three olaoees I oalle to mind particularly, first, "The farmer' (lase,' I formed from the big, husky lads wb 051110 in the Winter. These helped me to kee order though 1 waa not much more than a bo myself. It was all business with these bigge lade. Anyone nlolin ed to mischief generally . got off on a suspended sentence for the first offenuebut any repetition meant at the fire recess, a shaking up which WAS not soon for gotten, Among these farmer boys were. Jenkins, Maxwell, Anderson, Fowler,.Boeman Wahnalev? H e ndereon R onertson ' McKinney Warder,King, Cle horn and $tatop. Then I had a s pre paringfor teachers which It t e was a joyo dt, miler Dower, my old.ie Da or, said thrones the best cissa inhtIpeotoat, these were, nStewart, Albert Ncwton, Jean Black,,mary Ann aMargaret toStuart. Marywa,, and Adelaide Johnston, Thethird lie, e was the brainiest (lees I ever taught— among Farrow among won wenameRac,.James John Messer, Robert Black,Robert Brune, Robert McKinney, Themes Smith, Thome Bing, James Stewart, Jamee. Messer, ate Robertson, Agnes Roee, Tillie Ross, Metttle Maxwell, Ann Jane Fowler cannAdelot de Farrow and others Whose area f cannot reoall for the r in yet. There aro abet many others younger in years, whom I- re- member dletlnotly, But. One pupil I must not overlook, ho was I suppose, my greabest favorite (for every teaehor has his favorites/ and thea wae Peter King, Peter's intentions laugh was always an inspiration to me- .1 might write much more in this strain. Haeo elfin meminlsee javablt"—It is with pleasure we remember these thlage of long ago. • Ido wish 100011 be present at your reunion, Not. to be so is a keen disappointment but with the reopening of the schools, so many recent. 01300500 In princlpslo, so. many new school bciidinge and additions it is nocessa'y for mo to remain in the city, However, I. wish you all a happy reunion end a pleasant time with merry reminieoonoee. Iain thankful that tete old school has had euoh n glorious and pros - porcine Pest and I truet that the new soboo). mhy have se equally glorious and prosperous future. With warmest wishes to all present and a handaltnko all round, I remain yours verysincerely," ' E Y, ,W,Baum Doctors Change Their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by internal dosing. They saw this ruin- ecl the stomach and changed to the (zonated air cure, better known as 1tCatarrhozone." This treatment is sure to cure. It goes to the source of the disease ; it destroys the eansee that maintain catarrh and even in the worst cases permanent cure is guaran- teed, Failure with Catarrhozone is impossible, Antiapetic, healing and far-reaching, eta bound to cure every time, Endorsed by mote than twenty thousand physicians in America alone and sold in 2& and $1,00 sizes by all dealers, + 41 • .r 9 h ANY DYSPEPTIC .CAN GET .WELL By Taking 11 Fruit -a -fives Says Capt. Swan Life is very miserable to those who suiTer with Indiggestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach and Biliousness This letter from Captain Swan (one of the hest known slippers on the Great Lakes) tells bow to get quick 'relief from Stomach 'Trouble. PORT lltrltwEr,L, Oxef , May 8th, 0913. "A man has a poor chance of Beteg and enjoying life when he cannot eat, That was what was wrong with me. Loss of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. I have had trouble with these diseases for years, I lost a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. Por the last couple of years, I have taken "Fruit. a -tires" and have been so pleased with the results that I have recommended them on many occasions to friends and acquaintances, I am sure that "Fruit - a -elves" have helped nae greatly. By following the diet rules and taking "bruit-n-tives"accordingto directions, any person with Dyspepsia will get benefit", H. SWAN "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at 505. a box 6 for $2,5o, or trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Kirktou Indies also took a hand in the good work, serving supper for the holidayers and thereby cleating over 1120 above all expenses for the Red Cross Fond. The L'sbor Day Com- mittee netted some $40 after paying all expenses. DISTRICT FALL FAIRS Brussels Oct, 1-2 Blyth Sept. 29-30 Dungannon.... Oct, —2 Embro ......Oct. I Fordwich Oct, 8 Galt..............................Oct. 1-2 Harriston. Sept. 24-25 liilverton. Sept. 24-25 Pa,lineretort Sept. 29-30 Ripley Sept. 29-30' Seaforth Sept. 24-25 Teeswaler Oot. 7-8 Woodstock Oct. 6-8 Wiugliam ................Sept, 24-25 with strong Cathartics— Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective in regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk—one tablet going to bed means a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 25c. a bottle. Druggists and dealers or by mail. Chamiserlain Medicine Co. Toronto 4 L. 1 RELIABILITY IR A WATCH is the result of superior ma- terials, combin- ed with pains- taking care in putting them together. Knowing that every. REGINA WATCH is as good as it can be made, we have no hesitation in endorsing the universal guarantee which goes with everyone of them. For sale by Blake, Walton rickandTe Brick and all sizes of Tile 'are now to be had at the �1 Cole Do u hart YARDS HENFRYN bnigh ell Oi1,120110' Band has been engaged to furnish roman) al (ilratfiu'tl Fall Pan', ''Dick" 111nt1, of Ill itrhell, tree aw+tiiied six prizes tit the Imndon Pair for fancy pigeoise. Heifer Strayed Strayed front the premiers or the uldoralgn' ed, Lot 0, (!00,0, Grey, 011 or a hoot Sept. let, yiro1.11itghefer, rod n1 calor with et few moots of white. Any infernal tine leading to her ro- oovOry will hs ilu"ddnlimotet tetv1(1, MILTON WE, Plume I NfU 11tme,.n tl0 l Binax(�sP,O Notice Notion l0 hereby given that n Court will 1:a held, persona to The Ontario Vet ors' lists Act, by Elis -Honour the Judge of the County (Mart of theCountyof limon, at the Court H ones Bali, "Myth, on Ole Fl ret day of Qotober, 1014, at() o'clock. 1,, the forenoon, to 1111)),' tend del ermine own p)e iota of oi'l'ers laid (milestone in tbo Voters' Mgt of the 51unionaility of the Tewnahlp of Morrie re 1014, Dated at Bluevah t be 11 h day 01 Sept, 11114, A nI1OEWMN, • Clerk of Morris, Portable Engine for Sale One 14 h, P, etenol engine ingood suitable for filling silos, for sale. Apply to J. 11 WHEATLEY, 12 1t. No 1, illy111, or phone 2810 Blyth, 11-4 The People's Ootumn FARM PR OSALE.—The 100 mare farm, 'knownaa the Hugh Stewart property, Lot 0, Con. 10, Grey townehip, Huron Cho„ is offered for Rale. 95110rel 011'8,'9 and 5acres of bosh It is o good farm lied 111 a fine local - 2%1111108 flea Walton and 5/111150 from Brnaeela Aa farm line not been 0old It will be rented Icor further particulars as to price, twine, &5 , apply to ALEN. BUCHANAN or F, S. Souse, 6ruseelo. 8-11 STORES OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— No. 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels Statloo G, T. R. Forparticulars apply to J. Lacxuo, Bruaaola, Notice to Creditors In the ,'natter of the estate of Louis 'Boller, late of the'Towhtshlp of Grey in the County of Il mon, f_,rmer, de- ceased. Notice Is hereby given purnuant to Seo. 15, Chap. 20, of. the State tee of Ontario, I, George V, that all pereon0 having any clams against the said bouts Seller, 55110 died on or about the Thirtieth day or August 1914 aro required on or before the 15th day of October, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the under- elgned, Agent for Charles Bleekort, M0nitton P. 0., en t Daniel Nimble,Br,0ada P.O., the Executor's of the said deeeamed, their Christian and surnamss, add relates and deacriptial's, the fulla moltnt of their aloi1t1s, the al atemelt of their accounts and the nature of the security 1f any held by them. And further take notice thatafter ouch last niontioeed date the said Exeoutore will clanneddamongrthetporpoise eentitled sthereeto having regardonly to the clink of whioh they theft then have had notice and the mid Executors willnot be imide for the said neeets or any part thereof to any partial of whose Maim they shall not then have received notice. IP 4.80011`, Agent for Executors Brussels P. 0. Dated this 14th day of Sept., A. D 1014. Notice to Creditors In the 01111e: of the tenet. r,t I .111111 a 010 rage an1, 100001 toe'luwu0Ltpof Grey, in the County of Union, widow, deceased. ('lli`'Iip 128, 1of the Statutes oP Ontario I O•See nrge v, tent 111p+rxonsh 11015 any cfnhns 0gntn-t tin' re id l ut el In al&rage,u t, who dl ed on or about t the`•ir1001,111 day of August, 191 .1. are squired on or be10 '' 1 e a 15111 day of Oo l ohen', 1914. to seed by poet P' epoidor deliver 1" the undersigned, A gent for Thomas T. McBee and Alexander Strerhot, Bromide P 0., the Ego, etas of the said deceased, their Christine. surnames, addresses and descriptions, the fell amount of their alaimo, the statement or their ncoeunts, nod the 0 to (t r the security' (if any) held by Them And further tnl, notice 11 ,,t after Such last mentioned dal elh said 10 ,eo tors will pro- ceed to distribute the a. ) .11 (110 Oald'de,'sa)' el 0311005 tbe 50)" a Pnt1 Inn thereto, h,Vl,- regard only to the en into. or 1. Lich they elm 11 then have hod nom , and .1 ,- +,aid Extant tap will not be liable fn .the e. -t assets or atty part thereof to any pe en of a h•tee olein, they shall not then have reaeived n tit 0, 12.8 11' S. ACOTT, T, Agent for Iixerntoro, Bruit. els P. 0, Dated this 141)1 day of September, 1014. salsoosossosigaioniesaamiass Position for fall and Winter We have a sonny] buslnese Prettied l ion for n reliable, Georgette 811111aut5 for thisdistriot to sell fruit tr..es, -011111 fruits, flowering eh, abs, lie. Pay weekly, outfit Ree, exoluaiv, tenet o•y. Over 600 acres of fruit and ornamental Mock under cultivation- We sell through. our sales - en directto the aonsunier and guar- antee delivery or fresh, high 5',do tree 0 agencies i1tt 1 a, f t a are vos,U1 g jhy reason of the sender, I' N0 give an 'lie 05volumeyear. Writnrra into, S1Tstnit ed 55 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. P. s, :Handtonle rata logne nn request eitherto applionn 1 or those wishing Nursery storlq eleffilleeSSEIBBIEENDEMRWARIEMEISEffilagellei 9t'1eel.aOP3.f3eo-..3sneacks•es•/3 ® C9 Q iC • VJvhtNow• ca A GOC SALESMAN. • For every town and district • where we are not eeproseuted, • Feuds are .bringing high prices +' a and Nursery stock is in demand, • • MAKE Bea MONEY NOW by si • BEST 1 • TIME ▪ takingan a>•euc' 3 6 3 , 11yS.L'1IM77 • for canvassing is during the m • &Milner nlnus. lhExperience H p not feecdsnry. ig s + • Free equipment,. ta a • • Exclusive i'erfitory.' highest Oommiseions paid, 0 Write for full particulars, O s Stone & Welliogtou POnthin Nurnerioa t0 Tos'onto Ontario d a ISSS•SNUNNsef.s•sssrssf o