HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-17, Page 8Grab Bag sale
Friday and Saturday
of this week we Will have in our
window a number of Grab Bags.
The bags all contain a 25c pkge, of
Sexall Tooth •Paste
t'other d it
and in addition goods, s, tot e
articles, &c., the value of the bags
being around 5oc, and in some cases
even more than that.
On Friday and Saturday Only
Your choice for 25c
Make a grab and secure
a Bargain.
Wi l i art's
The Forkdipt Kind
We have receetly added Willard's
Chocolates, which although have.
only been made a short time in Can-
ada, have In that time attained a
reputation for being the best and
freshest to he had, Prettypackages
The Elite Assortment
The Tango. The Tiffany
The Peacemaker Tho Bungalow
They are leaders. Also the New
Style Ten Cent Packages They
are a new and distinctive line of at-
tractive packages and besides -con-
tain high grade Chocolates,
The � G®C Store+
Fll R. S M 1 1 H
Bort Sem ,4t.ea s
CHoIcE weather.
LocAL news on page 5.
MILLINERY Openings this week.
THANKSGIVING Pay Monday, October
A number from this locality are at-
tending the Western Fair at London
this week.
SEVERAL persons from town attended
the funeral of "Dod" Ardell at Gerrie
on Wednesday afternoon,
Miss INMAN's Millinery announce-
ment may be read in this issue. Open-
ings are Friday and Saturday of this
TURNEERRY street main sewer is well
nigh completed and the Iatterals from
the cellars come next. The many cross-
ings over the street will be quite a job.
AN old fashioned congregational Tea
Meetiug will be held in the Methodist
church, the date of which will probably
be Friday evening, October 3oth.
Particulars later.
PosT NUPTIALS.— Friday afternoon
and evening of next week Mrs. B. S.
Scott will hold her post nuptial recep-
tion at the horse, North Leatherdale
} terrace, Turnberry street.
Society of Melville church will serve
dinner from Ir to r o'clock and supper
from 4.30 to 7.30 in the Town Hall on
} Friday, Oct. 2nd—Fall Fair Day.
BIG PUFF BALL. Jack Warwick ai d
some other lads while on a mushroom
hunt found a mammoth puff ball that
weighed r5 pounds and measured 54+1
inches in circumference. It was what
might be called a whopper.
BEEN REAL 1LL.— During the past
week Mrs. Eugenia Oakley, Queen
street, has been dangerously ill from
hemorrhages of the head. Some im-
provement is noticeable for the past few
days and we hope she may soon be
speedily restored to her accustomed
good health.
day Miss Mary McNaughton, Princess
street, had the misfortune to break her
collar bone. The accident will lay her
i'- up for a time but she is such good stuff
"we expect she will soon recover from
the damage done. The latter is the
wish offriends. old
THE slaters are at work on Melville
church roof and will soon have this im-
-portant department of the work com-
pleted, A few more days will finish up
the brick laying
and then Contractor
Hunter will have clear sailing for tbe
inside work. It is going to be a fine
edifice and a credit to there n atioa
the town and the Contractors. g g
RESULT WAS A TIE.—Last Saturday
Wingham Foot Ball team came to
Brussels and played the return match
with our boys. Game was called at
to . M. and was well contested
hroughout resulting in a tie, I-1.
Attendance was not large and the
project of fattening up the Patriotic
Fund was disappointing to those who
hoped for snore cordial support.
the Toronto Star and News have issued
notices announcing that their subscrip-
tion rate onteide of Toronto will be
raised after October 1st from $I.50 to
$2.00. By clubbing with THE POST
these papers can at present be had for $1.35 per year. Parties wishing either
of these dailies should place their sub-
scription before the raise in the rate
comes into effect.
Tindall Ritchie, who has looked after
the drsying business in Brussels in good
style, has sold out to George Hender-
son, of McKillop township. who takes
possession on October tat when the
purchaser will move to town with his
family. We are not aware of Mr.
Ritchie's intentions but we hope be will
not get'far away. He retains the heavy
draft gray team.
Institutes of Ontario have decided to
hold three conventions this Fall instead
of one only as previously, Many will
rememberhow large and enthusiastic
have been the recent Provincial con-
ventions in Toronto and it is hoped this
year to have quite as successful a one in
Toronto end two others as well :—one
in Ottawa on October 28 aid 29 ; one in
London on November 4 and and the
Toronto meeting on November 17, 18
and le,
p _ "Don" ARDELL DEAD,— On Wednes-
day of last week George Ardell, known
familiarly as "Dod," paid Nature's debt
at Moosejaw, aged 34 years, Be was
a son of inc. and Mrs, Ardell; Gerrie
and resided in Brussels for a number of
years working for I. C, Richards as
harness maker, Deceased had been in
pear health for some time. He is sur-
vived by his wife and children, The
funeral took place at Gorrie on Wednes•
day of this week under the auspices of
the 0. 0, F. Order. The bereaved
Will be deeply sympathised with in their
sorrow. Mrs. Oliver Querin, of Berrie,
and Joe Ardell, of Carman, Man.,
foriherly of Brneselse. Ore brother and
dieter Of deceased,
THE POST subscription list continues
to grow.
THE grass on Victoria Park is well
ready for another cutting.
Miss MARY E Ross will not hold a
format Miliinety Opening this season
but her stock is an display any day after
Thursday of this week. Read the advt,
SOMEB.DY is throwing out haste
paper and other refuse from their hush
nese places and this rubbish is finding
its way to Main street. In addition to -
the untidyness it is a danger to horses.
If it were burned there would be au
end to it.
LIEUT. SLOAN was here Tuesday
evening tied put a class of r8 through
their facings io things military, An
acquaintance with a drill such as is
given will be no detriment to a youth.
There should be twice as many ready to
acquire the rudiments,
— O—
POULTnr WANcEn.-I am prepared to boy
all kinds of live poultry, delivered on Monday
of each week for the rest of the Beason. For
prices call at office, Brussels, or phone 66.
10051, THOMSON.
1 HEAVY draft Gelding rising4 ears and 2
heifer calves 5 and 8 months od for Bale,
R. Haxneasos, Brussels.
SAT pin with gold top lost in Brussebl on
Thursday night of last week. Finder kindly
leave at Tau Poem.
STEER mar, 4 months old, for sale. R1OH.
Rom, John street, Brussels.
Busrnixosand and gravel for cement for
sale. JAS. PARISI, 7th line Morrie,
Brnsaels P. 0.
RUnaaa coat found. Owner may have mime
by proving property and paying for this not-
ice. THEPoem, Brussels.
GOOD brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc.
For father particulars apply to GEORGE
Taostsox, Bruseela.
A OARD.-We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of five standard 50 boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Quality guaranteed. Jas. Ballantyne, Geo.
Thomson and W. J. McCracken.
0' --
TUESDAY afternoon a couple of rinks
of Brussels bowlers motored to Wroxe-
ter and had an enjoyable game The
visitors woo quite handily.
3.3o INSTEAD OF 2 30.— The Women's
Institute, which meets Friday afternoon
of this week, will hold its session at 3 3o
o'clock instead of 2 3o owing to Mel,
viae church preparatory service at 2.30
Rev. Mr. Wren will address the ladies.
en's Institute and friends received an
acknowledgment last a.st
week from head-
quarters of the Red Cross Society for
the $25.00 contribution which they sent.
As the bale of supplies ppl es ryas not complete
when the list was published last week
the following articles were sent in addi-
tion :— shirts, s, ro handkerchiefs, 6
pillows and 3 flannelette sheets.
Go'r DIPLOMA.— Among the success-
ful candidates who wrote on the ex-
amination of the Embalmers' Asso-
i t i n
c o o of Ontarioe r
w a ep leas d e '
to see
the name of Benjamin G. Walker.
This entitles him to his Government
certificate and also a Diploma from the
Association of Embalmers. We eon•
gratulate Ben. oe his success.
evening the program at the Epworth
League in the Methodist church school
room, will consist of a miniature
Nomination of a village Council.
Speeches will be made by the candidates
proposed and other items of interest
will be associated. At a later date the
Election will be held. This is a very
practical line of work for the young
NEW COURIER,— Peter Milligan has
disposed of his Rural mall contract, on
the 3rd and 4th lines of Morris township
to Zsch. McCallum, of town, who is
now in charge. There are 3 years yet
to run before contract needs renewal.
Mr, Milligan has purchased a team and
will follow up teaming, etc., we under-
stand, The people of Morris will find
Mr. McCallum a very agreeable man to
deal with.
HELD —Warden Cantelon has been urg-
ed to call a special session of Huron Co.
Council to consider the question of
Huron making a grant to the Patriotic
Fund and the various Reeves have been
consulted by letter as to the advisability
of calling the Council together, Tax
Pose thinks a special session should not
be held for the following undeniable
reasons --Regular meeting will be held
about si months hence and there is no
immediate emergency ; County rale is
already climbing high enough without
incurring $35o expense for per diem
and mtieage unnecessary expense.
Huronites have already responded nobly
to the petriotiobells and If a County
grant is needed later there will be ample
time to deal with it at the regular De.
eember session. A good many people
in Huron Co., especially at tax paying
time feel that the practice of a larger
measure of economy would show better
statesmanship in Co, Council affairs
in attempting to reduce the Co, rate
that grows skyward with too much
regularity to prove pleasant to the
average ratepayer. Let us loyally do.
our duty but at the same time follow
business principles,
The Me-troo1itan Bain
Capital PAM up
Reserve Pund -
Undivided Profits
182,247,61 ,
-Obit Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
Church Chivvies
Harveat Thanksgiving services will
be held in St. John's church on Sunday
Sept with.
A meeting of St. John's church A.
Y. P. A. will be held on Monday even-
ing of next week at 8 o'clock in the
basetpeut, for the purpose of re•organ•
icing and making plans for another
year's term.
Next Sabbath evening a union ser-
vice will be held in the Methodist
church wheu J W, Bengough, of Tor-
onto, will address the audience. He
comes in connection with the Temper -
aim Field Day in Huron County.
Rev. Rural Dean Doherty, of Hensall,
who preached in St. John's church last
Sunday both morning and evening.
gave two very Impressive discourses.
In the moruiug he gave a very interest-
ing account of the present European
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be dispensed in Melville church next
Sunday at a a. In. Preparatory ser-
vices a ill be conducted on Friday after.
noon of this week at 2.30 by Rev. Mr
McCullough of Cranbrook. 'there will
be 110 service in Melville church next
Sunday evening on account of the
union service in the Methodist church
when J. W. Bengough. the Dominion
Alliance representative, will speak at
7 o'clock.
People We Talk About
Russell Zimmer, of Toronto, is holi-
daying in town.
Miss Ida Fulton visited with friends
in Guelph last week.
Reeve Leckie has been temporarily
laid aside this week by a lame knee.
Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Page and
Eustache, were visitors in London this
C.otin McArthur has arrived borne
from an extended trip to Scotland and
Miss Ethel Churchill, of Blnevale,
was a visitor with Miss- Minnie Ed-
wards, town. -
Fred. Burchill was in town for a few
days during the past week. He return-
ed to the East to prosecute his work as
salesman for lightning rods,
Mrs. Angus Shaw has not been as
well as usual this week but is improving
we are glad to say and has a nurse in
addition to relatives caring for her.
Jno. Gardiner was at Blnevale, for
the Old Boys' reunion. He went to
that village nearly 6o years ago. Mr.
Gardiner enjoyed the day very much.
Mrs, Jno. Simmons and Mrs. S.
Crawford, accompanied by Mrs. Mat
tire, of Port Huron, are visiting rela-
tives and friends at Hensall and Exeter,
Miss A. B. Ross and Mrs. Geo.
Muldoon are doing
duty as ledges of
Ladies' Work at Luckiow this week and
willAtwood next week. They
go to Y
fill the bill all right.
Miss Nellie Campbell, who was in
England for the past 3 months, arrived
home po
for a short visit with her p areuts
A. and Mrs. Campbell, Mill street, last
week. She had a most enjoyable time,
Contractor Brown, who received so
serious a shaking from a fall at
Melville church„ some weeks ago, is able
to move about slowly. One of his
limbs gives him considerable trouble
Thursday of last week Alex. and
Mrs. Strachan passed the 25th an-
niversary of their marriage and were
congratulated on reaching this import.
ant milestone under such favorable
Mrs. Alex. Bryans, Queen street, is.,
home after a stay of 7 weeks in Toronto. i
Her sister, Miss Ada. Gallaher, who
underwent an operation two weeks ago,
is making favorable progress we are
pleased to state.
Mrs. Alex. Anderson is visiting at
Mrs, T. Ennis has been under the
doctor's care this week.
Miss Kitchen, of Wroxeter, teas a
visitor with Miss Eve ISryens.
Mrs. Greensides, p1 Atwoc..d, was
visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Wilton,
Flora street.
Miss Mildred Hamilton, of Trow-
bridge, is a visitor with Miss Ruth
D. and Mrs. Heist, of Brussels, and
Wm. Heist, their son of Atayn.'d, were
away to Grindstone, Micti , lora visit to
Henry Heist and family. The host is
another son of D. and M s. Heist, of
Jno. and Mrs. Walker, of Seaforth,
and Miss Mary, of Regina t+ere calling
on relatives and friends hi Brussels and
locality on Monday. Miss Walker re-
turned to her position in the West on
Wednesday of this week. Sandy Walk
er was also here,
John Cunningham arrived home last
week from a trip of a month to the
West. He visited a number of the cities
and other parts of the country and re-
ports quiet titres and very poor crops lu
some places. Mr. Cunull,gbanl met
many o'd friends while away. He en-
joyed his visit.
-Brussels Council
The Council met last Monday even-
ing, all the members present and
Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting lead and
By -Law No. 4, 1914 was read three
times and passed levying the ad-
ditional amp of $285.00 on the Fieh-
leigh street drain to meet the short-
age on this work over the Engineer's
estimate last year.
Following acconnts were present-
ed :—
Anderson Bros., streets........ $ 8 50
3. T. Wood, Fire Dept. 8 75
R. Henderson, coal 20 75
Jno. Ewen, roads 1 00
N. McCauley, " 24 0U
T. Ritchie, " .... 8 10
R. Oliver, salary 40 00
F. S. Scott, insurance 40 00
Wilton & Gillespie, Turnberry
sewer, tile.......... 578 08
THE POST, account 18 75
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded by
Geo. Muldoon that above accounts be
paid. Carried.
A communication was received
from T. McLean stating 874.74 ex-
pense was incurred on Turnberry
street sewer by caving in owing to
non -arrival of tile in time. Council
supplied the tile which was long in
delivery by G. T. R. It was moved
byGeo. Muldoon,seconded bySno.
Hewitt that the amount asked be
paid. Carried.
Considerable tune was spent in
the appointment discussing h a tocol of In-
apeotor osewer bub nothing arrived
at. Robs. Oliver has been doing the
work but could not attend to it and
look after numerous other duties.
A g
large delegation waited on the
Council and Revde. Messrs Wren and
Mann were the spokesmen. They
asked the support of Council in put-
ting into force the Liquor License
law, particularly the rtrnendnieTit
authorizing the arrest of drunken
men and compelling them to tell
where they get drink ; the cutting off
of the pool r0nm license or else in-
creasing the annual fee ; and the
planing of a good license on the sale rf
Cigarettes. Reeve Leckie expressed
sympathy with the requests and stat-
ed law would be -look into and questions
considered. After an informal dis-
cussion delegation withdrew and
Council dei ro.
O u c n � s ed.
r•44iP+9i'+'F'F'i6-'1.9' t b'4 14 d 3"t E l4++4411144++++++++++++++++++
4 Fall Millinery
WE take pleasure in announcing that on FRI-
x8th and 19th, we will show a complete stock of the
season's Newest and most Artistic Millinery,
We extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies . of
T. Brussels and vicinity to visit our Show Room on
• above dates.
Our prices are right and we guarantee to please
444444+ 4. 4.. + i 4 p4444 4 2 1 +4.444.,
vox) OFF/ct,
THE business man who has
customers in various parts
of Canada or elsewhere will
find the services of this bank of
invaluable assistance in collect-
ing drafts, etc.
J. F. kowland, ®®® Manager.
Miss Della Hatt'is has been ill but
we hope she will soon be convalescent,
Will, McLeod and son Stanley,
were visitors with Jno. and Mrs.
Harris, 17th con, Grey.
The little daughter of Jas, and Nis.
Williamson has been on the aids list
but we trust she will speedily be all
James Humphries, who was home
to visit' his mother, who was ill, has
returned to the West. His home is
at Herbert, Sack. -
We are pleased to report that Mrs,
W. H. Humphries is making fair
progress in regaining her health and
we hope this may continue.
During the past week Rev. R. S.
Lackhtnd, of Wroxeter, was a visitor
Isere. He preached the Sabbath prev-
ious and was heartily received by hie
former parishioners.
We ,are informed that J. H. Ful-
ton has purchased tthouse and lot is
Brussels and will move there, having
leased hie farm near here for a term
of years. Bi'nsseliles will find them
worthy of their esteem.
OOP/CERT.—Wednesday evening of
next week the .Women's Instil.ute
will hold a Patriotic entertainment in
tise A. 0, U. W. Hall. Tea will be
served and a good program presented.
Admission a silver collection, what-
ever the people are disposed to give
to aid the Red Cross Fund. All will
be welcome.
Wednesday evening of last week
there was a Patriotic nilly in the A.
0. U. W. 'Hall which turned out
quite successfully. After a tasty
supper Rev. Mr. Page took the chair
and after a few appropriate remarks
introduced the following speakers :—
Banister ;Rea, of Edmonton ; Rev.
Mr. Young and Rev: Mr. Lackland,
of 'Wroxeter. The addresses were
intereatiug, instructive and breathed
Heifer Strayed -
Strayed from the premises of the undersign.
et, Lot 6, Oon. 5, Grey, on or abort Sept.1st, a
yearling heifer, red in color with a few spots
of white. Any information leading to her re•
eove-y will be thankfully received.
Phone 228 Brussels P. 0.
out a spirit of loyalty to the Mother-
land, Tile financial proceeds totalled
about $50.00 which was forwarded to
proper authorities as a gift from the
folk of this locality,
Notice to Creditors
In the platter of the estate .of Louis
I oller, late of the Township of Grey
in the County of Huron, farrier (le
Notice 1s hereby given pursuant to See, 55,
Chap, 26, of the Statutes of Ontario, 7, George
V, that all persona having any claims agahret
the said Louie Holter, who died On or about
the Thirtieth day of August 1014, are required
on or before the 15th day of October, 1914. to
send by post prepaid or deliver to the under.
signed, Agent for Oherles Bteokert, Monkton
P. 0., and Daniel Neabte, Bruaeels P. O., the
Executors of the said deceased, their Christian
and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the
full amount of their etatme, the statement of
their accounts and the nature of the security
if any held by them.
And further take notice that after such hast
mentioned date the said Exeouto's will
proceed to distribute the ameba of the said de-
ceased among the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have had notice and the said
Executors will not be liable for the said asseta
or any part thereof to any penmen of whose
claim they shall not then have received notice,
Agent for Executors, Broasols P. 0.
Dated tide Toth day of Sept., A. D 1914.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Isabella
Me'1'agsart, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Notice le hereby given pursuant to See. 56,
Chap. 26, of the Statutes of Ontario, I George
V, that all persona having any claims against
thesatdIsabella McTaggart, who died on or
about the Sixteenth day of August, 1914, are
required on or before the 15th day of October,
1014. to Bend by post prepaid or deliver to the
undersigned Agent for Thomas T. MoRan and
Alexander SJrechan, Brussels'''. 0:, the Exec-
utors of the said deceased, their Christian and
surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full
amount of their claims, the statement of their
aeee0nta, and the nature of 111e eeourity (if
any) held by them.
And further take notion that after Poch last
mentioned date the said Executors will pro.
Beed to distribute the assets of the said deceas-
ed among the parties enti,led thereto, having
regard onlyto the claims of which they sha
then have had notice and the enid Executors
will not be liable for the said assets or any
port thereof to any person of whose claim they
shall not
then have received00Tice,
F. Agent for Executors, Brussels P. 0.
Dated this 14th day of September, 1514.
T 14
lister ale e
WHAT IT 18. The dame Penalise
which appears In red letters on'
every pltcicage is the name ail -
plied to a. line of nom cities for several
years manufactured in the U, 8. and -
recently introduced into Canada by
7,lie Penousulttr Obetnicltt Oo., of
Z The line is tt ver
r t Ott, 1
elf vll 1
V' 1 e 1 Y
extensive one including a very .exc/eL-
letltline or preptu'nlions behind which
in every Calle the give one pel5Othal
guarantee. of entire satisfaction of
your money refunded.
We feel sure that in introducing
the above line to our customers we cru
so with the full aasuranoe that they
will not be disappointed with the re-
fox's Drug Store
The Penslar Store
DIONNI60N—In Walton, on September 16th.,
1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennison, a
HAMILTPN.-In Atwood, on September 7th,
1914, to Mr, end Bars. Nesbitt Hamilton, a
PAUTAN.-11) Wroxeter, on Sept- 12113, 1914, to
Mr. and Mrs Geo Pe DIST, a Hon.
AnDELL.-At Moosoiew, on September Otlr,
1014. Joseph Arde 1, t,,rmerly of Brussels.
aged 84 years.
PATmtoaaoN-Tn Toronto, on Sept. 8rd, 1014,
Fanny ID Russ, relict of the late Frank
Paterson, formerly of Wingham, in her
Met year.
STtiii..Ne,N: In Morrie township, of Sep-
tember 11th, 0014, William Stephenson,
aged 50 years, 1 week and 2 days`
Ann'rn —In they township. on September
14th, 1014, Jane Weir, beloved wife of Wm.
Smith, aged 87 years, 5 months and 27 days.
WIiuNEeDAY, NRPTRMnatt 2snn.-trerni stock
implements and Household Furniture, N;g
Lot 29, Con. 6, Morris,- ad5ehring Brussels.
Sate unreserved, at 1.p. m, 3140. GRAINGER,
Prop. 3'. 8. Soett,AI0.
Wheat 4100 *100
Oatsa1 00 1 ]0
Barley 60 50
Butter 24 25
24 24
Hogs 10 00. 11 00
Potatoes per bus 0 40 00
Wool washed. ' 20 20
Wont, unwashed. la la
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists
Act, by Ris Honour the Judge of the County,
Court of the County of Huron, at the Court
Rouse Hall, Bly ill, on the First day of October,
1014, ate o'clock to the forenoon, to hear and
determine complaints of errors and omissions
in the 'Patera, List of the Munloipality of the
Township of Morris for 1014.
Dated at Blnevale the 14th flay of Sept. 1014,
A. b1A0EWEN,
Clerk of Morris.
Brussels Daylight Store G. SL McLaren
bowl, all"hnh 11.91 10,Miehmoliel,011.40,11.1011Ptr,01,• 011:404rih hey.4ali 1Whei .10.1we01,1'w11Wlielle 01,1,1041'1011011,111011 f11,,liekot9phah9li lleht.14r10LNi11PIli I11110w1111't,01,/01J'404,,4,'1,0 0
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• _ i
•, '.. " ...A.III NOB
iFE uy j"a tr;... •
\L 1. j 0
•i� •• a
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• J O
• •
E want you to see our new Stocks of Fall and Winter. Cloth
VV Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children. They are, without
doubt, the very best we have ever shown. We have themo
in Heavy, Medium and Light weights, all. the Newest Cloths. The
best styles in ROGERS' and MKINNON Men -tailored. Rogers tg
sGarments --None Better in Canada. McK.innon's make -1_11e Garr 0
meats of Merit: Call and see them ; make comparison ; we'will S
asentammowsw imam.not insist on selling, Our prices are the lowest—dualities consider m
ed—and know they will sell on their merits. Call and see them,
• tlo
• to
a• � IVicL15a5ren
Highest prices for Produce.
P. S.—The New Fall Boots are in Stock.