HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-17, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS," AO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSVHAVVCR QVNAPO Omni/ma, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee le the Post Utilise, Ethel, 80.4 LEDAL AND CONVEYANCING. pit017DF00T, HAYS & IiILLOBAN B ARKIN-MRS, 8OLlol'rOR8, NOTARIES PCBLIO, MTU, W, Pao0n0oQT, E. O. R 0. Heys J. L. KILLORAN WM.PROUDPOOTJR, Ofoea—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, °°Deafen, ONTARIO, VVM, SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, Oouveyanoer, Notary Public, ko. Ofhoe—Stowart's HMak 1 door Not hi of Central' Hotel. Selioitoe for the Metropolitan hunk. AUCTIONEERS. .01 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • sea, will sell for better prides, to bettor men, in less time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or uo won't &large anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at tots office or by •.rs mai application, W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day. Phone 223. ETHEI., ONT, S,bru7j,.cuYav,SY,Arts'.C`W;yt\�W.1tiuY.AviSvbFuY.0v,7Yi first, loot and a l the time is ®i Efficiency the ohlel eentnre oe the gcourses of instruction in the foninue "7 ELLIOTT 4 TORONTO, ONT. Yes, our graduates succeed. They have 0tt tont habit. Why IS it tint many ;And -74 ants from other Busineae Coll.gesomne ,. here to finish courses and get positions? g Rmuember the first Word,'•Effirlency." Write fur catalogue. Ntudante admit• .,.1 ted at any time. 4 Cor. Young -and t W. J. ELLIOTT, r6 Charles Ste. t Principal. Ci a S .-•ie drAVAa` its• d9/Wit.AOto.4 V r'ma rd2rdi /f:a� fa ret 76a"rico`rgarittAlaMit Vali fir YL' o CENTRAL TFORD ONT. aTRA , 0 A ire School with n continental and t IsaShl w p A grade work and for the Mon for high 6 a e a school with "0of its endo etes. encoeao P g givsuperior individual idual tte tion in ora we give iSdividnnl a fnd tine in Uommoe- De- part encs, lntnd end Teletang elsewhere ere �Y Cher, Why attend ly when there is re. rite 7 Your may 0, orator at Any time. Write for our large ,, \ free catalogue D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. 11 ..,,.. S „,„.. a.,a s , Enter J Listowel LuBusisiegeiness? �. Any time t AND Grow with us. ,. For particulars address— EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Prin. THE Best Brains in Canada have partioipnted in the pre• paration of our splendid Home Study Courses in Banking, Ecmtonliee, Higher Aoc onntinqq Commercial a 1 Ar t Show how . Card Wr 'triFF, Photography, hY, Art, ism, BooStory Writing, Shorthand and and Bokns the work whish most Interts you and write 11 0 for pntaioulare Address THE 'SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Yong° St., Toronto COLLEGE AT HOME li e0• ThousandsP ambitious on fast o young O pie are Pnet srenrin in their own homes to occupy Inoratifve poeitiohe 0s stenographers, boeldteepers, telegrar pliers, civil servants in fent every You ma finish at s llego f you so '1 jt u college 4e you so - with. Position.; gnnr- anteed, ]hater collage any day, Indi- vidual instruutlon. Eitport tencbora, Thirty years' experience. Lerg4Ot trainers in Canada. Seqen colleges. Special course for tenehere. Afftlleted with Cohiuerepinl Educe. torts Association 'of Oapnda. Slimmer Willem atlaminta $ xotton Business C 01- Ie o tondo . Wingham Quslness Cglloge 000.00002xoN, W. Z. AMU, President. principal, Business Cards JAS ANDEMSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. sum eesor to M. H. Moore. Moo at. Ander• eat orea,.l.tvery stable, Brusoeie. Tolephune No. 28. DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto l Lioentinto and Graduate of the College of Phy. sIpiano ani Surgeons, Ont, Poat•66�raduate Uit, go Eyu, Eur, Nooe and Throat loco ita1, Chicago, Ill, Ex -Sanaa Surgeon to Fit. Mich. eel's Hoopitel,Toronto, OlBoe over F, B. entitles Drug Store, Tele- phone commotion with Cranbr0ok at a11 hears, DR. F, T. BRYANS Boohelor of Medicine, University of:Toronto 9 Licentiate of College of •Phyololane and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Rentor House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Meat of late Dr, A. MoHevey, Smith Blook, Brusoeie. Rural phone 46, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M. B.. M. C. P. dt S. 0. 198 Bloor street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical assistant in Eur, Nose and Thrnat de- partment New General Hospital, Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical School, Boa - ton ; Into Senior Resident Mitr5eon Mass. Eye ea Boy Infitvnary ; late Clinical assistant in Nose and Throat department Masa. Gan. Hos• pitsl; late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospital .tom"In Brussels by appointment, DR. M, FERGUSON ETHEL.. ONT. Physician Ind Surgeon :Post Graduate continua London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention todiseaee of eye, ear, nese 0011 throat. Eyes tested for glaseee.. G. H ROSS, D D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur• geona of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. - ORi°o In !surd Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box, 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDLAW Honor . graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. 011100 opposite Flour MBI, Ethel. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Opphthal. urology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, I11., is prepared to test eyes and flt glasses at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 1 to 8 p, m, Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and Beller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what le reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Write or 'phone 23 roxeEer. Total C.etvs Pro LIGHT frosts. DAYS rapidly shorten, READ the advts. and save money. BREAD has been advanced from 5 to 6 cents per loaf by the local dealers. BRUSSELS Fall Fair October I & 2 Concerts both eveulngs in the rink. WHAT about the revival of Brussels Rifle Club ? There are numerous good shots in this locality. Rev. S. J. Allis, of Clinton, formerly has been elected Hon of Brussels, President othe Model School Literary Society at Clinton. George Buchauan, B. A„ will pur- sue a special course of study at Toronto carr His ambitionshould UniversitV Y the rational ladder. h topof educational him tot e —East TEACHERS' CONVENTION Eas t 'reacher's ASsoeiatiou will meet in Brussels ou Thursday and Friday, Oct, Stir and 9th. All sensions will be open to the public, and Trustees and education ot all others interested In the the young are cordially invited to at- tend. WOMEN'S IN.Trru-rc. — Brussels Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Public. Library on Friday, Sept, 18th, at 2 3o p. tn. Rev. Mr. Wren will introduce .the sub. ject t—"A square deal for our boys and girls." The Roll will be called and each member is expected 'to answer by quoting her favorite Scripture text. There will also be a sale of home' made cooking and the Institute would like to see every lady in town and vicinity at- tend and bring an offering for the talent expend. table. The money will be well ed, CHANGED TO SECOND DAY OF FALL FAIR — Tile special prizes offered by A. C. Dames for . cattle judging by boys, .as outlined iu East Huron Fall Fair Prize List and on page 4 of this week's issue of THE POST, wilt take p:ace on the Fair ground, Brussels, a.m. of r Friday,the. at tI second day of the Fair, instead of Thursday as announced. This affords a splendid opeeriunity to boys to try their hand and as there are 7 prizes, and no eutr'nce fee, there are good chances to win. Read what the con- ditious me, Stomach Medicine 1e Uaeleea Impossible to erre catarrh in the math Send d s a the stn nose byo i g t hozone the hetihn vu o1 of Ottta t g p and at once ac- complish good. Any case of catarrh is curable,—all that's necessary is to inhale Oatarrhozone—You stop hawk- ing, nostrils are cleared, throat is healed - and freed of phlegm ; every vestige of the trouble is 'forever driven from the system. Il' yon want perinanent cure for catarrh, throat trouble or bronchitis, Otttarrhozote is a standby. Two sizes,. 25c and $1,00 at all dealers. GoT SCORCHED,—Early Monday morn` iug of last week Seaforth firemen were galled to the residence of W, A. Crich. It seems that Mrs, Crich, while filling the tank of Iter gasoline stove placed it . coal range which INDS o the kitchen ng hotter than she thought, the beat of the. explode range causing the gasoline to p setting the interior of the kitchen on fire; The firemen were promptly on the blaze but baud and extinguished not until the woodwork of the kitchen was considerably burned, Fortunately Mrs, Crich escaped serious injuries. Her heir and her hands were slightly singed in her efforts to subdue the one of the nag is aures. The reside handsomest in town and it is fortunate that the injury done i so slight, Mr and Mrs Crich were former residents Of Brussels, The old friends of. the latter eougrattilate her on her escape from what might easily have resulted seriously. 41sT Haven Fall FairThhrsday and Friday, Coroner 1 and 2. 'fila PosT telephone, err,' Neo 31 told D �' FF P D 3g. Every butlY with a phone 0e1ld us an Hein, We wont 01 by 'Puetday evening if passible. Deicer; MED0Ooa MEDT.—The regular meeting of the Huron Medical Aesoeia- lion was held. in the Council Chamber, Goderich, on Wednesday afternoon of last week and was well attended, with a program of papers and discussion which proved most interesting to all, The following doctors were present :—Pres„ Dr, Burrows, Seaforth ; Secy„ Dr. McKay, Seaforth ; Dr. Quackenbush, Exeter ; Dr, Campbell, Dr. McKinnon, Zurich ; Dr, McCriinmou, Kincardiue Dr, Stewar., Belgrave ; Dr, GUM], Dr. Thompson, Clinton ; Dr. Weir, Auburn Dr, Kennedy, Wingham ; Drs, 'J'aylor, Whitely, Hunter, Emmerson, Mackin, Gallow, Goderich. The papers read were ty Drs. Hunter, Whitely .. and Macklin, of Goderich. Dr. Quacken- bush, Exeter and Dr. Guun, Clinton. A resolution was adopted that the members of the Association will treat free of charge the families of every private soldier in this county who is now in service. Health For Run -Down Women From the experience of Mrs. Jno Peruke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Feerozote. "At times I was run down in flesh, lost strength, my appetite failed, my color was pallid,. weary and 0astdnwit, it seethed I couldn't catch np. Ferrozote started a new kind of life in my blood, built me up, vitalized and strengthened wy nerves, turd fimtlly cured my heart and stomach pains;' Fert•ozone is tt rebuilder that has special virwe in female aliments. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes ; try Ferrozone. HAD A GOOD TIME,— Mr. Tremaine, nephew of Mrs. loo. Long, returned to Detroit Monday after spending three weeks in his native land. He and his to chauffeur, Mr. Bennett motored Toronto where they visited the former's sister, Mrs, D. Hume. Atter spending they came a week in the Queen city h y back to Brussels, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hume, Miss Tietze, of Detroit, and Will Long, of the'Bank of Nova Scotia staff. The latter came to speud his holidays under the parental root. While here, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Long and Miss Winnifred, they motored to Seafortb, Mitchell. Listowel, Atwood, Goderich, Kincar- dine and Port Elgin. Will, Long accompanied Mr. 'Premaine as far as London ou his return to Toronto the rest of the party having returned to their respective homes a few days previous, Mr. Tremaine is one of those whole souled Americans who be- lieves io giving everyone within his reach a first-class time iu his car. CUTTING DOWN THE - GRANTS. — J. Leckie Wilson, Superintendent of Fairs and Exhibitions for the Province of Ontario, has written to Secretary Black, of East Huron Agricultural Society, as follows :—Owing to the out- break of war and the general, fivaneial conditions resulting therefrom, I am instructed to advise you that the Government will be unable 'to furnish Expert judges for the Fall Fairs this year, and will also be unable to pay more than 5o per cent. of the regular grants next year, This decision bas after careful i arrived at t been reluctantly consideration, and I would suggest that von advise your Directors at once -So' that they may make whatever ar- rangements may be necessary under the will agree that the stances. You circumstances. t; unprecedented iu the ' one an re 't at{on is situation P history of the Province and calls for sacrifices on: the part of all, and your co-operation in working out changed conditions to the best advantage will be greatly appreciated. , KNOCRBD DOWN BY CAR,— The Strat. ford Herald of last Friday speaks of Mrs. W. H. Kerr's nephew as follows :-- Archie — Archie Kay, sou of Postmaster A M. Kay, whsle standing on the Bank of Montreal corner, across from the Post Office or Thursday afternoon was hit by an automobile driven by George McLagan, and kuockod down. Mr. McLagan was going West on Ontario street at a good rate of speed when he tried to turn on to Downie sweet, The speed of his car was too great, however and he ran up on the sidewalk. Mr. Kay was fac- ing the other way and did not see the car leap toward him. It struck him about the knees throwing him almost to the C. B. C. entrance, Mr. Mc - Lagan picked him up and couveved him to his home on Church street where he isxonfined today with his injuries. He was badly shaken up'and bruised but expects to be out again in a few days. DISTRICT. MEETING.— There was a fine attendance of reverend gentlemen and laymen at the financial meeting of the Stratford District of the Methodist church In Mitchell on Tuesday Septem- ber 1st, The session was held in the Mitchell Methodist church. Rev, W. L'. Millson, of Stratford presided and the Secretary, Rev, Dr, Husser, of t to . The a o d took the minutes. p Atwood i n t for the different t funds of 1 r o pant io t were received and the the church w e allotments made to the different circuits directly after. the devotional exercises. A district missionary ex- change Wes arranged for on the third Sunday in November and Educational Day was fixed for the second Sunday in February, I915. Reeds.. W. E. Millson and Dr. Manning and H. J. Near awl T. 1, Mason, of Stratford, comprise a committee to arrange for a spiritual conference in. Stratford some fall Housecleaning Lunn JQ►i'It� Painting Paperhanging Graining Decora$ing Good Workmanship with Moderate Priem Old Suites and OupbOarda madd look1 o oW. to. ik n If you desire suggestions of color schemes for Pahl ting or Papeehatigiug call up 'phone 41x, John Lunn, Thomas Street, Bruesels, lady was for year's a member' of the 1 Presbyterian ellut'eiL 4 daughters : and 8 Mils ate left to nmt'urit the loss Of it l..vl IT • and 'affeeliobthte, tnol'ber, vis :—.1i 'twee Vanity, Tillie, Lillie and E�/ 1, 1 Mt 11 "., $ugoltlen, all of Toruuto yTH IN � lr llioii,•rie T?stetson, 1,Vhitechutch t Ptetl, Ptilerson, Orillia; John Prater Foi' Years, Restored To Health Ve - by Lydia E. Pinkham's etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ - ng ns such lettere as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grafi- tude for restored health: Glanford Station, Ont.—"I have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and never found any medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking Ir/trr'. `til your medicine. I al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. " — Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Cheeterviile, Ont, — " I heard your medicines highly praised, and ayear ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. " My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. "I cannot ser too much for Lydia E. Y Y Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and I recommend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." —Mrs. STE• PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. time in November. A special feature of the meeting was the luncheon served bythe Ladies' Aid of the Mitchell Methodist church. It was much en- joyed by the delegates and ministers. LAWN TENNIS LADIES' COMPETITION.— Prelimivary Round— Eva Bryans defeated V. Bowman by de- fault. B. Henderson def'd L. Sinclair 6-3 6-4 I. Strachan ' S. Gerry 6 3 6 0 F. Buchanan " N. Fox by default G. Deadman " B. Kerr 6-o 6 o E. Carr " L. Ament 6 2 6.3 1st Round— Mrs. C. Backer " B. Bryans 6-2 6.3 V. Walker " R. Hunter 6 1 6.o R. Sinclair E. Bryans default 5. Strachan " B. Henderson - 6-2 i-6 6-4 F. Buchanan " G. Deadman default 1. Cunningham " E. Carr 6 16 3 ' P. Baeker " G. Herr 6-o 6 M. tones " Mrs. Galbraith by default 2nd Round— Mrs. C. Beek Walker default Backer " V. LStae Strachan " R. Sinclair 6-1 6-2 F.Buchanan J. Cunningham ham 663 P. Baeker " M. Jones by default 3rd Round— I. Strachan " Mrs. Baeker 6-2 6-I F. Buchanan " P. Baeker 6-o 6-t Final Round— F. Buchanan 1, Strachan 4 6 7564 Bluevale DEATH of MRS. FRANK PATER80N. —News of the death in Toronto on Thursday morning 3rd inst., of Fanny E. Ross, relict of the late Frank Paterson, came as. a curprise to many old friends here. Mrs.• Paterson had been in poor health for some time, but of late had been irnproving. The death of her daughter-in-law at Whitechurch carne with such sud- tlenese that the shock was more than she could. withstand. Mrs. Paterson was in het filet year and in early girl- hood came to Bluevale with her parents and was there married to her late husband, who passed away in April, 1913. Over 40 years was spent in Bluevale and a number of years she was a highly esteemed resident of Win t ter.tour yeave agoo lastt. Spring the family moved to Toronto and litter to Whitechurch. After the death of Mr. Paterson, the family returned to Toronto. The deceased son iu l4ritish Columbia. The re. tnetiug were brought to Wingham on Friday evening and the funeral, which was largely attended took place from the residence of her brother-in-law, Walter Paterson, Diagonal 'street on Saturday after- noon to the Wingbath cemetery. The services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev, D. Petrie and the pallbearets were Wm. Holmes, John McOool, John Gillespie, Andrew Fox, Joseph Nixon and Wm. S. King. ..,.....................•... • • 1 • • . Incrcased IDurOtock-•••• • • 3 • Having purchased the stock • of 13. F. Carr and combined Z .0 it with mine I can give you • a hotter choice than ever in Z Harness Maker's Supplies • • Trunks.'. Valises, O• Hand Bags, deo. Speedo' Bargains in Light and 2 P g ;4 • Heavy H a1•nessips,� ELC.Y 'Nate ` . • Wh •. Careful and Prompt Attention 2 • ghlon to all gopaira 40 ISoo goods and get prices before Z i buying elsewhere. • i .♦ �Brussels r MAS NEHS • Ga e • • Phone No. 37x •• • 1 earn° as Mr. Carr's old number N•♦•••••••••••••••••••••• Fordwich MPS. Fraser, of Brussels, visited Mrs. Wnt. McLeod last week. Harold Johnston left for Belleville where he will attend Albert College. Abe Buschart left for Breslau to visit hie brother, who is seriously ill. Ab. Johnston has purchased John Strong's 100 acre farm, Lot, 27, 10th Don. Idles Ruby Watters left for Wind- sor where she will attend High School. At the Listowel races Mel. John- ston's roan pacer won let money itl a field of four. Jas. Tait, late of the Bank of Hamilton, Gorrie, has been appointed manager of the Bank's branch here. Aro You Subject To Stiffneee Pet imps it is in the neck or shoulders. First thing is a good rub with Nerviline. No more speedy remedy can be adopted. When ap- plied to the muscles. Nerviline gives them flexibility and vigor; inflam- mation, soreness and stiffness dis- appear. "Whether in the chest or tit oat nothing can surpass Nerviline" telites 0. B. ' Denton, Lumber Merchant at Oak Bay, N. B. "Rub- bed on at. night, ttouble is gone by morning. I have proved Nerviline a great medicine." Everyone says the same, and Nerviliue always makes good, 25c bottles sold everywhere. Ooderieh Fall Fair will be held next week. Meetings for prayer and inter- cession on behalf of the great war at e held daily liy the local churches from 5 to 5.30 p. m. t - family Rev. Geo. E. Boas and y have returned to the manse after their two mouth's holiday stay in their Summer cottage at Bayfield. The members of the Goderich branch of the Women's Institute pur- pose giving meals at the Agricultural dining hall during Fair days, pro- ceeds to be used for the Relief As- sociation Fund of the town. R. S. Williams, of Toronto, formerly manager of the Bank of Commerce here has the thanks of Saltford Sun- day school for a supply of patriotic buttons to be worn by the children. Blyth Tax rate is 26 mills on the dollar. Mrs. J. B. Taylor and Mrs. Alex. McKellar are visiting the tormet's daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Gray, of Acton West. L. 0. Charlesworth who has been on' atrip throughh the WesternProvinces for the Pest few weeks has returned homy Harvest Thanksgiving Services tvill be held in the Anglican churches in this Parish Sunday, Sept, 27th. Rev. T. G. Wright, of Huron College will be the preacher. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist church, Blyth, will be held Sunday, September 27th. Rev. W. K. Hagar, t , n f North street church, Goderich, will preach. A very interesting event took place in Blodr street Presbyterian church, Toronto, on Tuesday, September 8th, when Miss M. Logan and Henry Laughlin Haines, a former employee of The Standard office, were united in wedlock. A reception was held at the home of the bride, 816 Robert street, imtnediately after the ceremony. Many happy years is the wish of old friends. Wingham Wingham Fall Fair will be held Thursday and Friday, September 24 and 25. Postmaster Griffin has retained the services of Misses Fisher and Cum- mings. Chief Ale was n a instructed to have the Canadian Ensign flying on flag pole on Town Hall during continuance of war. Rev. Dr. Berridge, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presby- terian church in Canada, will tour Western : Ontario this month and early in October in the interests of h tit'man church with Dr, Grant,Chairman the , of the board of finance He will visit Presbytery m Wingham, ni on Maitland Piss Y g Thur eday October lat. REORGANIZING Go S S. Asso- erA'rtoN.-- The Provincial Sunday School Association is desirous of stirring up interest in what used to be a hustling organization in Huron Co. and will hold a meeting of all in- terested in Sabbath 5012001 Work on Monday 21st inst.. in the Baptist church, Wingham. Program will bo as follows :— MORNING Devotional Period. Conference with Ministers, Superintendents and in- to'ested Sunday School Workers Rev. E. W. Halpenny. Appointment of Committee on Organization. AFTERNOON Prayer nod Praise. "The Graded School ill Principle and Practice,"— Rev, E. W. Ha'penny. Questions. "What should the Session Program h 1 bring to the Sunday Se oo , and Hew 0 'Between Sundays Op- pot+tttnities, Rev. A. C. Riley. Offer- ing. The Sunday Sehooi and the Oolnmanity—Rev. E. W. Halpenny, n 01ettce. crural Co f Inf EVENING Praise, "Reasonable 1+'rttits to Ex- pect from the Sunday School"— Rev. A. M. Iloyle. 0lfering. "The Hire- ling and the Shepherd,' --Rev. E. W. Halpenny. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient To those intending purchasing anything in inetnot'ittl art, no bet- ter opportunity is afforded, Prices are sure to advance within the next month owing to the scarcity in labor and the contemplated rise in ocean freight rates and marine insurance.' Leave your order uoW aad insure against any possible advance in price, even if you do not wish to have it erected before next Spring, This will enable me to get my or- ders in under the ptesentschedule. All engraving neatly done and in latest design. Cemetery work promptly attend- ed to. N. B.—Anything in stock at a greatly reduced price in order to facilitate moving expenses. Brussels Granite & Marble Works ALLAN E. HERSEY, Prop. Phone 23 Miss Delia Sperling,' who has been touring in Europe for some time, arrived home on Saturday 6th inst., after a thrilling experience owing to the outbreak of war. An important meeting of the Wingham Temperance Association was held recently. An interesting discussion took place and the report of Rev. E. G. Powell, County Secretary, was presented. Among the incidents reported was the arresting and lining of men found drunk in temperance territory, ttvo such eases being re- ported from Wingham. Men con- victed of being drunk can be com- pelled by law to tell where they, 'ob- tained the liquor. The Association hereby intimates that all drunken mea and violators of the law will be summarily•dealt with. It stands for a clean town and a dry Huron. McKillop One of the oldest and most respect- ed farmers of McKillop township has passed away in the person of James Laurence. His demise took place at hie home on the 6th Con., on Sunday morning, Sept. 6th. Mr. Laurence had been in poo' health for several months, He was in his. 75th year and is survived by his wife and a family of four soils and three daughters. The sons are :—Herbert, in California; V'i'ed. in Vancouver ; Matthew, in Edmonton, and Harold, at home, „The daughters are ;—• Lizzie, ; in Rd. tnonton ; Arial°, 111 Saskatchewan, and. Mee, Lorne Webster, of Mc- Killop, Tho funeral was held Ott Tuesday with interment in Maitland Bank oeptetery. Ethel Ethel will have' a special interest in the war in the East from the fact that Ralph Bartley, brother to Mrs,' Archie McDonald, of this place, has enlisted with the 16th Light Cavalry, of York ton, Sask., and is now at Valoartier awaiting a move to the front or some place else, We hope be will come safely through, Atwood Rev. W. A. Amos took in the ex- cursion to Valcartier. Atwood Fall Fair will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd. A tug 0f war between Grey and Elmo townships will take place at Elmer Fair. Anniversary services of the Metho- dist church were held Sunday, Rev. G. MductedcHinlethem. , B. D., of Lucknow, 0001- Jas. Duncan. of the 12th con., has purchased the house and lot now oc- cupied by R. Freeman and owned by L. Pelton, of Main street. On Sunday and Monday, Sept. 20 and 21st. Anniversary sermons will be preached in the Baptist church. by. Rev. Dougal Brown, of Springford, at 8 and 7 o'clock. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of G. 0. and Mrs. Adams on Aug. 27, when his family, their wives and husbands, together with Lorne and Mrs. Hunter, only daugh- ter of the late John Adams, assembled and after enjoying the bounties of a well filled table, repaired to the par- lor, rad Mrs. Adams were presented M. asented with a handsome couch and kindly address. e Listowel Listowel High School openedwith a complete staff of teachers and the largest attendance in years, the en- rolment totalling 164 as compared with 140 on the opening day last year. H. E. Bovis, former principal of the High School, who recently resigned the Danville Bobcat has been made principal of the high school at Thor- old at a salary of $1,600. Though the weather was cold the skies laden and there was a mean. drizzle in the morning, the Listowel Fallon Mondayof last week can Fair quite safely be termed a success, the entry list being up to the usual stan- dard and the patronage especially good under the conditions. At a meeting of the ladies of Listo- weI in the public library it was decid- ed to form a local branch ' of the Women's Patriotic League. Organ- ization was readily effected and the officers elected were :— President, Miss Clayton, B. A. ; Vice -President, Mr's. R. T. Kidd ; Treasurer, Mrs. F. Ellis ; Secretary, Miss Kidd ; Execu- tive Committee, Mrs. Rothwell, Mrs. A. H. Nichol, Mrs. F. W. Hay, Mrs, Tabberner, Mrs. J. J. Foster and the officers. - •e•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • e • •• • • • ON •• • • All kinds of Rigs •o ♦ Gond-hand Bu New and Se ggles •• Light One-horse Wagons • New Farm Wagons •• • • Must be sold to make room for Cutters. CaII and see • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • •• • e First-class • Second-hand Buggies as good• • •as new at wonderful Bargains. Must be sold. • • • • • s •e • Cama a She . �w an D. P • 9 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 Days' Reduced Prices •••••••••••♦••♦•••••••••••....• ♦••••••000••0♦0••••04'! • NewCraubrook• • • • ockat • • ♦ • • e • • • • • •0 0 •• 0 • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • . • • ♦ • ♦ • • • • • • • • O • 0 i 1 wish to announce to the Public that 1 am putting in a fine new Stockof GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC., and am all cus- tomers prepared to give p p satisfaction to the best. ,of jl„y ability. ASStand McDonald's Old GRAN BROOK 1. •44.40414••4..4.•M•••44•1"♦.••••11•414•••••N•.••4.40.4 •