HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-9-3, Page 5t$USINESS CARDS, JNO. SUTIIERLANO & SONS LIMITED WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER oP MARRIAGE LICENSES NOB Id Like Post Office, Ethel, 80.4 its,AL AND CONVEYANCING pilOUDP00T, HAYS & KILLORAN 11Alitt1.8'1ER8SOLIOITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, RTC. W. Plana?„dr, It 0. li 0. SAYS J. L. 1LILLOnAN WDI, PiteutwoOP JIt, Oalae0-'1'6000 formerlyo0onpied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Common, ONs'Aaro, T I M SINCLAIR V B r a, 'solicitor Ounveyakieer, Notary Yoblia &o, tJIDoe Stowurl's Block 1 door North 01 Central Hotel Ronaktor for the iltetrenoborn saes AUCTIONEERS, 14- B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • e.sn, will sell for better n)9oae, 1,f 001(1er men, in lees tune and lees charges than any other Auctioneer in East Unroll or 1(8 won't obarge anything, Later and order, ono always 0e srrange0 at the, nl11.•e or h, rx .r,al enpilaation, • 1) 1�. F, L OV E Funeral Director r VV i r p-� t Y 11 and Embalmer I Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night r r clay, Phone 228. ETHEL, ONT. A NEW TERM gOpens Sept. 1st in the popular 11 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Y This School enjoys 0 great reputation )Ir' for giving first-class instruction in Ba+h1889 and Shorthand su6jr,ts, It is no wonder our grndunta8 1010117 e get gond positions. This is the Col - loge For you to attend. To -day, .Y not tomorrow, write ror 001. Catalogue Cor. Young and + W. J. ELLIOTT, Charles Sts. 1 Principal. i SEtao ie.li Piss GL21YF.it9X2A oArAL$Y�tCat ! a1P,O^ai gRlAVAtr.1,0,` ie'a 9Xv s. --a- YAwie 0 fall Term from Sept. ist Li 1� Y i 0 /ice CENTRAL D/ v, tt STRATFORD, ONT......• a The1 , , ,7 lost Oo, ane eb School in the d a dvince. Oar tleu env s r u n thorough •h o and practical while i sm uoewlwrtors e f�a 6ettei than you will lhto e'irtvhnre. o� r3 er tlo larr a for ou, o.ndOra rates a e St ee reasonable ad, Write do. our free mita- r• ronoe whet, for our free ants- logos and see what the cm, do for you. q� D.A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Sr karma ya414:41'SMgYay. 77R37tR,7)'Arr.2AviIRSQY.d xarb•2v.AGn4...,m;4,rA.4.4,,.»Ae,. L, Enter 7 sn g Listowel Bu Colleiloess 1 Any time AND 'y� (�� Grow with us. ptr',f For particulars address - EDWIN G. MATTHEWS. Prin. . y r PArai Rla`4,tt'Aa3P,PaaV,sv>'PAca tirfaP TEIE Best Brains REAREIMENBMBABORREIREIEREMBIEEMI in Canaan have partial p1 ted in the pre- P61911oln of opt splendid House Study Courses in thinking, EaonmeMa Higher A arumt, ng, Commercial Art, Show Card Writing, ph1(tO Sy. or il - i m Short epwtn Shorthand and 'Bookkeeping Select the work 1 hien tionlars. interests on and write us Por pi, i•tlaaln,•s. Adel cgs THE SHAW COORESPONOENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Yonge St., Toronto LLE. E. . AT HOME Thousands of ntD6ltlous 7011051)00- p18 are fest preparin • in their 01111 11Omes to Occupy, luotativo positions as flenogl'nplter1,, llgoltkeepm's, telegrn• 11 LOG civilervants in Pact every. :inhere Of netl'vitiee, #'on Ines finish et eo lege if vett so WWI. Positions krone.nn nod. 1$,Itet• college any day. Indi- vlcIt(l.instrtrOtlOn• Expert teaohors; Thirty years' experience. Largest trainers in Canada, Seven eolleees, Speoinl comae for teoohere. Affiliated with Oonuheroinl Edison• for"sA8loOintion of Canada. 'Summer School at famous Spottier Business Gel. lege, London, . , . Wiu iiern Business College 9 9 GE6,±50±100N, CP W., Mouse, President, Pel a t:el, _ '- rtrltWlrrr Business Oards JAS. ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. 8U000'1801• to M, H, Moore. Office at Atder- swt (1,00, livery 81,1(610, 11rusxels. Telephtone No. k0, DR. T. T. M'RAE l2oohelor of Medlaino, University of Toronto ; ,Lioontiote and Graduate of the College of Phy 8leisnx and burgeons, Ont. Post•Landuate Chicago Bre, Iter, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, ill. Ex•Honae Burgeon 10 St, Mich- nel'sHospltal, Toronto, Office over 1•,11. Smith's Drug Store. Tele• phone 001111000011 with Uran110ok at all hours OR. F- T, BRYANS 13aeholur of 01 e110ine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur - goons, Outarto ; ex -Senior Hoose surgeon ei Western Hospital, Toronto. .Offices of late Dr. A. MaKeyes. Smith Block, Brussels, ltursl phone 40. ALEX. O. M'KELVEY M.B.. M. C. P, 8 S. O. 198 Moor street Hest, 'Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical nsnkn'tent In Har, .Nose 11111 7 h1.0111nutt d8- rtrnt New Genera) , i 1 „H' Toronto ,- Post Grad km 1,OHyI 1, S(101,1 RrhoOl, Bos- ton : late �Hlent uF Ye & fixe Infirmary , %t%co Clinical ns ixinut k) Nose and Threat drink nt massGen.stos pinl 1 ln1,R Hausa Surgeon. General Hospital. -» In Brit -viols by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physic(lu, and Surgeon ", Phut Graduate 00111.061' London (Eng.), New York 1111± Chicago Hon• pitnl8. Speotal sttontion to disease of eye, ear,. hose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. G. H ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental For. groes01 Ontario slid Graduate University of Toronto 1)'ooslty of Dentistry, Office In Isard Block, Wingham Phone 299, Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDL.AW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary. College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Oplit1101• otology, Mo0ormlek Medical College, Chicago, 111,, is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over 0rewar's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and SRtordayy of every week. Office hours Ito 0 p. m. Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1219. T, R. BENNETT Will give bettor satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only (Merge what is reasonable. Sales oonduoted anywhere In Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Write or 'p .kens 2B'oaeter. Rural Ram g#.e>ms 'l'itns is September. Cougar. meeting last Monday even- ing. Tug POST Telephones are Nos. 30 and 32, TORONTO Globe hos discontinued its illustrated supplement for the present. THEREc AS a total eclipse e 1,v s pse of 1,h sun early on Wednesday morning, Aug. 25th. ABOUT 65 of the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes or the province Have Cadet Corps. The - movement seems to be spreading. J. A. Pu'rr,ANO, proprietor of the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, is offer- ing his property for sale. He wishes to retire tram business. EAST Huron Fall Fair Oct. 1 & 2. Read the list of Attractions, Special prizes, etc , on page 4 of this issue. Get atter some of them. Ir you are a loyal Brussels man make it a rule to speak' well of your town. Without you there will be grumblers and grunters enough. You may be quite sure of that. Tits squirrels will be well supplied with food this Winter, The beech trees are literally loaded with outs this year and small boys and squirrels will feel chirpy this corning Autumn. HAIIKIRK-GRAaTAM.- A quiet home marriage was solemnized at the home of Mrs, Duncan Graham, Campbell street, Lucknow, August 19th when her daughter, Miss Margaret, became the bride of William Habeirk, of Kin- cardine, formerly of Peeswater. Rev. F, A McLennan officiated. There were present only near relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. llabkirk will make their home in Kin. °arctine. Miss Graham, t•'ho is 0 train- ed nurse, is well and favorably known iu Luckuow and vicinity, and she takes with her to her new borne the best I1 wishes of manr Y friends. enc sMr.H n abk k was a former resident of Brussels I ereistowel Standard sites 1 1. i Wo.aI S Bailey end E. Barkley, of Brussels called 011 friends its town last week. While here Messrs. Wood and Bailey, who are couneoted with the Brussels Woollen Mills, vi.1ted the Perfect Knit Mills, and were very favorably impressed with the excellent goods that are being made there, Shako Handsith. Asthma a wfall dl�3('a is . 11 , A 1 t al 1 is IL51 171 L, y 6 Bul, worse 1f possible when Pnrabl"ed tuNinety!hl is Relieved (picker by On ori 1102011111ban anything else- ctued so thoroughly by Catarrb- 11nnte"- that it doesn't rebut). Ott hush i10,1Lling vaporis breathed right Into the lungs, destroying the rause of Asthma and succeeds 111 the most chronic eases. Try it. Two sizes 25c and $1.00 a all sealers, t "'11' CAI. DERAILED,- Wednesday W duesday as Conductor McMickeu Was bringing his train to Stratford from Durham, lea it there at 1. o a cattle car which V sg. 5 n was being pinched along the siding at Gowanstowu by the shippers, slid down the gradeand streak the third coach of his train. 1'he fot`pe of the 00111 108 de. railed the cattle ear, and it Was found necessary to bring the auxiliary from Palmerston to replace it. Veru little damage was done. LEFT ARM 11R0REN.- While working Monday on Biuning's new store on Main street, Listowel, 'Phomas Ansley was seriouslyured when the scaffol inj d 011 Whiell Iia was Mending' gave Way, causing lejurles; which necessitated his confinement to bed for a few days, HIE present condition is favorable how - t he 1(0 be ,,bort again ever and p ) � -;1101tly, The fall resulted iu his left arm being broken at the wrist and his collar bona being dislooatedf He also sttsteiitnd minor bruises, The Department of JustioeI et Tor- onto is sending oat notices to the constables throughout the province that no one under the age of f8 years is permitted to drive er operate an automobile nod only those to whom the MAI kers are issued. Also that all autos must head in on the right side of the street, with one rear light and cute out- side light showing when standing, Bausszi,s Ought to have A Brass Band, _ More "ginger" in business life. -� Sorne blocks of permanent roadway, Stores closed at 10 o'clock Saturday night Large attendance at School. Big increase in Public Library read- ers. An active Hockey Club next Winter. a5 per cent more people attend church. �0 WOMEN SAVEDFROM 0 OPERATIONS N 0S GEORGE Goun DECEASED.- The death occurred at the General Hospital, Tor. onto, Tuesday, August 18th after an attack of appendicitis, of George Good, of the firm of Good Bros., and a well- known citizen. He was a member of the Toronto Board of Trade, the Irish Protestant 1 1 t 3enev lent o Society,elder a er of Boner Pres terlau r • by church and chairman of he Board of Managers, t Born in Tempo, County 01 Fermanagh, Ireland; in 1847, George Goo I mune to Canada in 1866 and started iu business in Toronto in Yonge street just below Queen with Itis brother, the late lames Good. He was in business in Bradford and Brussels and later iu Seaforth for 15 years, where he sat in the Town Council for several terms. He returned to Toronto in 1895 and had been in the grocery business for 45 years and will be very much mlesed in that trade in which he was so widely known. A wife and 4 children survive him, the latter being Mrs, D. L. Sill, of St, Clarens avenue ; George A. Good, St. Clarene avenue •i s M s E. Good and James D. Good. The funeral was held from the family residetce, 155 Mar- guerotta street, on Friday at 2 p. :n. Old friends tender sympathy to Mrs. Good and family, When You Eat too Fast You have indigestion, perhaps cramps orin any ease the system is overloaded with matter that should be eliminated, Breath gets bad, eyes look dull, headaches are frequent. N'Vhy not cleanse and purify the whole system, why not strengthen the stomach, enrich the blood and assist your overtaxed digestive organs ? Easily done with Dr. lla,11ilten's Pills ; their action is most gratifying. In every casts they give the aft 1 exacts :resistance e srsttL ice the ailing organs ons require. You'll feel sit and fine, eat with a relish, sleep like iL top, have a 011111 color, and restful sleep i1' you regulate yonl system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25o per box at all dealers. • Perth County John. A. Bistro's), sou of Judge Bar- ron, Stratford, has been translated to the British navy through the kindly 1nfluetIce of the Duke nf Uor uuuht and ousts shortly front Mnutreat. ()Inlet Barron was on the Niobe for some tittle. Four games have failed to decide the senior: championship of the W, F. A. London and Strattotrct battled at Stratford Tuesday night to a tie at 1 to 1 and as the teams had tied in Loudon the series is still endecidec, The llorueslers had the better of the second Half but the defence tactics of the viei10110 were superb and time and again prevented sculllg. Miller scored early in the gonna for Strat- ford and Milliken for London. The ' 1 tette ,l a second chalf t sscc 1.138. Cheers and testes mingled in the immense throng at Stratford station on 11, recent afternoon to bid farewell to 25 British reservists. The Britishers tveee escorted by the 281h Perth volunteer contiltgeut, who expect en - trebling o'ders ally hoar aunv. The City. Council, iu session Tuesday afternoon, pledged the city's support 110rfng the absence of the reservists to their• dependent families 111 ad- dition to a civic insurance scheme de- cided on Monday night. A patt•iotic coilcertTuesday boosted the Daugh- ters or the Empire hospital 'ship fend, IT KILLED RIM.- A sad eflaie oe.- curred at the Dominion e1)Pe,0 and butter factory, );Imo., Harold Leslie, it little fellow a1'ew months over two years tit' age, son of B. h, and Mrs, Howes, got into the testing room of thu factory while his mother wits confined to her lied through illness and rot L test 1 OnLai1 1 1 L 1,11H 0 lit a (, 1 g gentility of enlpheric staid. 110 drank about: half of it, When found he was crying; unto 17u119. Ile vomited a quantity tyhirl1 burned u hole in the Ihnlienm on lire fl:no'. After suffer - log intense agony for about 24 hoots the 111110 fellow nestled 11uYty, The funeral took place to the Elmo. Centre cemetery. jwe e. Want Nowto A• . GOOD SALESMAN I •• t•ot' evel'y town and district ii e where we are not represented. f e• Fruits are bringing high prices s • and Nat'eery stock is in detuend, "•. . 0 • i4fA1i`18 BIG MONEY NOW by Y tatting an agency. BEST TIME fl for canvassing is - during the a •Srunmerlllollths. Experience •' 9 1101: steoess:try, e p a • , Gree equipment, • • Exolnsive Territory. e 6 Highest Dom tnissioits paid. s • e Wrjte for full particulars. • O _ • t as & Wellington • • 1,r ronthnl Nurooriee 4 Tdronto: Ontario M $y Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegen table Compound—Their Own Stories HereTold. Edmonton, Alberta, Can.--” I think it is no more than right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me. When I wrote to you some time ago I was a very sick woman suffering from female al troubles I had organic inflam- mation am- mation could d n r. ld not stand oralk w any distance. At last I was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. A friend advised LydiaE. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, d feel like a new woman. T most heartily recommend your medicine to all women who suffer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, and think they are fine. I will never be without the medicine in the house." -Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, 903 Col- umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. The Other Case. Beatrice, Neb.-"Just after mymar- riage my left side began to pain me and the pain got so severe at times that I suffered terriblywith it. I visited three doctors and each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an op- eration. I heard of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1(d was g doing for others and I used several bot- tles of it with the result that I haven't been bothered with my side since then. I am in good health andl have two little girls. "-Mrs. R. B. CH1LD, Beatrice,Neb. Owing to the war conditions in Europe the Maxwell Works, St. Marys, have reduced the men's time to 1,e. days•t and three 1,01 week a d also tem- porarily rsdured the number of heads employed. The horse Shoe quarry has also reduced ire help clown to a minimum. 'The cement works will run steadily until the United States puts an embargo on coal. Richard- son & Company's dairy utensils and other factories are still running full force. Building operations are still very brisk despite the war excitement. Mothers, Here it is 1 A friend and comforter, an un- ceasing1i, aid in every hoose for the hundred and Otte ailments that do L tern up. Nerviline is trio valuable to be without. If something eaten causes- trouble, if its cramps, in- digestion or headache, Nerviline cures. For cold nn the chest, aching limbs or lame back rub on Nerviline and get ease at once. As a family safeguard nothing is known to excel Nerviline. Get the large 25c bottle from your dealer. Huron County. Wroxeter rate of taxation for 1914 is 28 mills on the dollar. Thos. W. Penhall, Exeter, is to be congratulated on obtaining honors in Mathematics and Physics in his re- cent examination for honor matricula- tio 11. The services of Miss Bissett, of Godeeieh have been received by Blyth School Board to fill the vacancy Caused by resignation of Miss Mc- Nabb. '1'. J. Berry, Hensel', who had pm, chased a ticket for his 4011i trip to the Old Country to purchase horses, has been prevented froth going, owing to the war. James R. Oast, formerly of Blyth, has returned home from a trip to Germany where he had gone, two rnfn,t15 ago, in an endeavor to dis- pose of stook in an oil company in which lie is interested at Oalgaey, Alberta. As soon as the cement floor is put 1 fl cellar 118a11 down in the Town Hall cel 0 13 a Lhe Reeve Intend making a bee to s 1 g early the lc'rk up from Its present location 111 the Joynt building and placing it in position an that it can be built in with masonry. • • 11Yi .. Ad. rn<oi••i.'Y• IncreaedJ O •• i•n St 4, •• • Stock • • • • . Having purchased the et0ck 2 • of B. F. Otter end combined • •' • •t• with mine can give you : ) t g 011 A S abetter choice than over in Harness Maker's Supplies • Trunks, Valises, 4' • Hand Bags, &c. • • Sperial i3argains in Light and • • Heavy Harness, Fly Nets, •• • Whips,•&e. • ♦• Careful and Prompt Attention • 41 given to all Repairs. • Se goodsand get prices before • •buyingelsewhere, •e • 11' i s • S sects . • G� C. MANNER ru • • Phone No. S /x • '. leas , ar 1 same Ivit G t s old ttllttber I 4••••••••••••••••••••••••• There will be no change in the per- sout cl n ) the o l ', I f t 1 staff #ode c f 11 hG nl- leglale. The 1111111 of the 88id regimen hay heel) engaged to furllieh anutsta for 0110 day et London Air. Several baths b7 Stephen and a l (10nse in Stanley wets otrucic by lightning' 11,(0111' 1,11"1 destroyed, 1,. B. H, Cork, Fo•dwicb, has returned from lois Western ITV, Me had a very pleasant visit and ie niueli im- proved in health. Master Lloyd Hey, son of 1.uo, and Alts. Bey, Jr. Zurich, had the tuts- furl11110 2000uLly of falling off a load while they trete hauling nets from 1he Held. lie was dt'iviug the team and in some way weir dragged fora- m, tit and befule Ute honest could be stopped the wagon et heels ran over Hien bruising hiin badly, Rosy Chocks for Pale Girls Don't be debarred from strength and spirit, don't give iu to illness and despair. Ferrozone supplies tone and vigot through which all functions of w outaulY life are maintained d and. to W ,1,• fied.•o1, F nNew Richmond, t RC1 on d Que.comes the followingstate meat from Ales Isidore Boisso,ieault. "I take deet pleasure in testifying to the powerful influence of Ferrozone. For years my daughter has been pale and siolcly-showed signs of ad- vanced atllaeinia. Her lilts got s0 white and her cheeks s0 devoid of colt»• I feared consumption. I Can certify-Ferrozone made an excellent core, and to -day my daughters's health is the best," 50e per box at all dealers. GRAND LODGE I. It 0. F. The business session of the I. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge opened at the I. 0. 0. F. Temple August 13111, at Tc rontc with Grand Master Cnupland presid- ing. The report of the Grand Master shows that nine new lodges were in- stituted during the year, making 401 lodges (0(000 fu the 'un•isdi tion with h e � vt a membership of 58,679. During the year 1918 the sum of $172,619.72 was paid out in relief. The report of the home board shows there are thirteen male inmates and eight children in the Home, The. cost of the new addition at the Home was $21,477.20. A motion by Representative Black- eby and Past Gland Master Evanson, that the Grand Lodgeappropriate ro t � P rinse P $1,000 to assist in fitting out the hos- pital as pital ship now being arii''anged for by the women of Canada for service in the war, was unttntmotisly and en- thusiastically adopted, the finance committee approving of same and their report being adopted. The Oommittee on laws of subor- dinates reported that they had ap- proved of eighty-five sets of new by- laws from different lodges. Reference was made to the fact that itis compul- sory for lodges to have a contingent fund. The Rebekah Degree reported that fifteeu new lodges had been added this year ; there was an increase of 080 in rnembeeship, making the pres- ent membership resentmembership 10,417. The 0. F. R. A. Committee report- ed a membership in the association of 28,512 ; an increase in the reserve fund during the year 0f $155.292, Snaking 1,L reserve ou July 1st of $1,842,848. It wasal 1 1 i7 so a i lou ced that the assess- ment of ally member in the relief tak- ing pat t in the war would not be in- creased. The recognition of the association by the Grand Lodge was continued. Past Grand Sire Campbell was ao(1- tinued as historiographer and $500 was set apart for expenses in connec- tion with the securing 0f data for the history of the order. The election of. officers resulted as follows :-Grand Master, D. M. Mc- Ityre, of Toronto; Deputy Grand Master, L. B. Cooper, of Belleville ; Grand Seevelary, W. J . McOormack, Torot(to ; Grand Representative, F, S. Evanson, of Prescott ; Grand Ward- en, S. 0. Partes, Toronto ; Auditor, Henry Clark, or Elora ; Trustees of Home Boned, P. 8. Evanson, of Pres- cott and R. R. Brett, of Essex. The Oonunittee on appeals r'eferr'ed the appeal of the General Relief Board of Calgary, Alberta, against Chesterville Lodge, to the incoming Grand Master. The Committee on Interprovincial relations was reappointed to continue their wol'Ir. 8, A. Pn ile ladle P.G M.resigned its GlandEt,eptesentalive I.1( Soverign Grand Lodge and ,lances Oliver, P. G. M., was elected in his stead, In the drill competition for the Patriarchs A'iilitant, .Canton Frontier Oities No. 2, of Windsor, won first prize. The Committee on Districts platted the new lodges in districts as follows: -Massey isSudbury, No, 45 Osgoorle in Kelnpwille, No, 89 , Fairview, in Toronto No, 19 13 • Ionic: in Toronto, n No, 19 A. ; Sioux Lookout, in Lake of the Woods, No. 49 Sunnyside in Toronto, No. 19 0 Greenwood, in Toronto, No, 10 A ; Hamilton, in Hamilton, No. 9 ; Mohawk in Brant, No. 10. The conlrnittee redistributed Toronto districts,malting six new districts. Renfrew district was divid- ed and per request into Lanal'k and Renfrew districts. Luckuow was tr eferted from Win hL r1( to Bet i e tlistrict; Maxville, Russel and Van - leek lodes 'IVere teansferled from Kempvillle to Ottawa district. Stratford was chosen as the place of meeting for (10x1 year, The amendment to the constitution of subordinates fixing the minimum fee for initiation and degrees at $15, for cities from 50,000 to 100,000 was laid over till next year. A tleW clause 90 A, re sick benefits was adopted as follows t --"Every tnernber tin the sick list shall furnish' to the Loilge a medical certificate as to his physical condition at least every three meal's, otherwise Iris illness shall be considered terminated and benefits shall cease." e ie �i to .o T11, 1 ea entail es v the S v mien Grand Lodge 09000 111sh'tretetl 10 support an amendment to the eot- stit.ution to reduce 1.118 age I1mlt Tor adulissiou to the order to eighteen year's. A resolution Wltsltdopted that when MIRACUOUS CURE Of ASTMMA Suffered Terribly for 15 Years Until Hi Tried "Frult.a-tives" D. A. WHITE, Ens. 2I WALLAC$' AVE., TORONTO, Dec. 22nd. 19x3. "Having been a great sufferer from Asthma for a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to sit up at night for weeks at a time) I began the use of "Fruit -a -flues". These wonderful tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and through the continued use of same, I am no longer distressed with that terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to "Fruit-a-tives" which are worth their weight in gold to anyone suffering as I did. I would heartily recommend them to all sufferers from Asthma, which I believe is caused or aggravated by Indigestion". D. A• WHITE For Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any tronblecausedbyx e cessi e v nervous» ess due to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion or Constipation, take 'Fruit -a -Byes" goc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 230. At all dealers or from Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. a decision is rendered by the Grand Master in which a lodge is affected, the Grand Secretary shall without dr - lay, certifyi fy to saute and so notify the lodges affected. ' The following officers were installed for the ensuing year :-G. M., D. M. McIntyre, Toronto ; •. G. AI., L. B. Cooper, Belleville ; G. W. S.. 0. Parks Toronto.; G. Sec„ William Brooks ; G. Treasurer, W. J. McOorinack ; G. Rep., F. S. Evanson, Prescott ; G. Marshall, W. E, Dowling. Ottawa ; G. Oorductor, H. G. Graham, Rainy Rivet'; G. Chaplain, Rev, N. R. D. Sinclair, Cochrane ; Or. Guardian, A. G. Bruce, Galt '• G. Herald,Jas. Mc- Donald,Tara • G. Messen W. er , S . DI1 n,St. Catharines. - The following officers were nominat- ed for Grand Wartden for next year : -0, H. Mann, Hamilton ; Gen. Her- miston, Tot'lrto; Joseph VP. 810P - eon,; E. H• Gregory, Walker. vine ; R, IH. Janes, Oshawa 1 31, G. Robertson, 132rr'ie W. J. Ilnmilton. Fort L W illiaru ; 0, J. Parker, Brant, ford W. 1'1. Moss, DuncilLs; G 0, Campbell,Nisgal11. I.iails; George Geddes Si, Thomas ; A. B. I11111±l; Bridgebin g ; George I,, Zeigler, 1`al• tnirll A 1', Lawson, Ottawa ; A. Abraham, Straforcl ; A. G. Oarscad den, Toronto. ; G. .4. Beatty, Konot'a, Thorne In the Flesh EYell worse isthe agony of corns, Why suffer -cure is waiting in every drug store in the form of Putnatn's Corn Extractor which relieves at once, cures thoroughly and without pain. For good results use only Putnaril's." +++++++++++++++1,++++.1,4i't'1* 4. • .p' 4. New I n ar ss e Shop ,i, 4ueen's Hotel Block, � Brussels •1• �- -.p-. •F Having purchased a new stock '1• of all lines pertaining to the her- t '1' nese making business I am pre- .J. v pared to supply the needs of the public'in the best style. Call in and inspect stock. Our prices + e right. M are g •t• k 4. REPAIRS -17 4. Will make a specialty of Re- + pairs and guarantee satisfaction- + to every customer. •e A share of the patronage ask- '3efforts will i• • ed for and mybest t a d• be to please you. p 4, Wm. Wilson 4. .i,.l•:.¢•:t•'II'.}•i••II•++•tq••i'.I••y.'i'q•'d••b'1•`F `i - Brick and Tile Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Cole & Dougherty YARDS HENFRYN •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •0•••••••••••••••.•••••••• • • • • • • • •• • • • wish• to announce to • • the Public that 1 am •• putting in a fine new • Stock of GROCERIES, •• • DRY GOODS, BOOTS & •• • SHOES, ETC., and am• prepared to give all cus- tomers satisfaction to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • e • • • •• 0 • • 0 0 • • • • A 1 s New Stock at Cranbrook 0 • the best of my ability.• • 0 • McDonald's Old Stand • [ITC,• CRANBROOK • • •••••••• e•••.0...••••••1•.•..'••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••.•••.•.•• •4.0•0••••••••••••••••114•41 • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • . • • • • • e • • 0 • • • • r • ro O 1- • .' estern Fai r Fa:irl2 LONDON, CANADA Ontario's PopularExhibition September lith to 19th '14 INCREASED PRIZE LIST MagnificentPeogrammo of Attractions. TWO. Speed Events Daily, New Fireworks EverNight. Every gtG DOME AND SEE ' The 'Domninion Experimental Farm Exhibit and Tile Canadian Royal Dragoons.. The Oon. T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway, Musk by the. ,best available Rands. Reduced Railway Rates commencing Sept. lith 8 ecill p � Excursion Days, Sept, 15th, 10th, lfitlt. All tickets good bill September 21st, ALL lerosmA'r)CN PROM mit $EOnE7`Anv W. J. REID, President A, WI, HUNT, S11crlittery • • 4,•••4t••41,t•40••••••••••••40•41 i••+/•••• ••••it •••