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The Brussels Post, 1914-8-20, Page 8
HoUday Comfort if you want to get the Fullest Enjoyment out of your Holiday be sure and take with you— Rexail Foot Powder Ween your feet ache try it and find what relief it gives for tired, sore feet. Mentholine Balm One of the moat useful all-round preparations ever made, Especially recommended for sunburn. mosqui- to bites, &c. Large jar 250. Harrrtony Glycerine Soap These dusty days one may find it bard to keep clean, Harmony Gly- cerine Soap is a great cleanser. 2 large cakes 250, Violet Office Talcum A can of `talcum is a necessity There is none better than Violet Dulee. A good Powder in a daiuty tin, 250. Good Stationery One of the pastimes when away, very °Hee, is looking forward to the matt. Answer our letters ou some of our up 'o date stationery or cor- respoudence cards. A Good Story is good entertainment. We keep all the leading Magazines, special week- ly papers, &c. Rexali NiceEastman Films take supply A new preparation, Takes the odor Don't forgot to t a a 5 pp y of out of perspiration and will prevent Films with you for your Camera the disagreeable smell, even after You will certainly want to take some taking bard exercise. Price 25c. pictures. The Store DRUGGIST F. R. S!VHTH AND STATIONER. Axl helve t.enns LOCAL news on page 5. LABOR Day Sept, 7th. GREAT run on flour and sugar, TORONTO Fair opens Aug. 290. MILLINERY openings come next. HARVEST is well nigh over for 1914. ScaooLsre-open Tuesday, Sept. 1st. SEE the war msp on page 3 of this issue. EARLY apples are a drug on the market. WOlt[EN's Institute Thursday afternoon of this week, THE numerous showers have delayed the harvest. PUBLIC and High School resume work on Tuesday Sept. est. REGULAR hours will be resumed at the Public Library on September 1st. MoeTHLY Horse Fairs will be resum- ed on the est Thursday in November. ARE you in arrears for subscription to THE POST? If so please pay up at an early date. GET a Prize List for East Huron Fall Fair from Secretary Black. Dates are Oct. I & 2. Goon progress is being made on the Turnberry street sewer. barring an oc- casional cave in. BY the help of the road machine Turnberry street was scraped last week and the mud hauled off. IT is reported that Alex. Roe has purchased the house and lot on Flora. street owned by Wm. Gordon, now of Niagara Falls. He will get possession shortly. INVITATIONS have been issued for a Ball in the Town Hall, Brussels, on i Thursday, nth inst., by the Seldom Home Club. Cortese Orchestra, Lon- don, will supply the music. POSTPONED once more was the Tennis game between Mount Forest and Brus- sels which was to have been played on Tuesday morning at Listowel. A date is set a week hence. Rain prevented the match on the past two occasions arrangedfor. BRUSSELS VOTERS' LIST COURT.— Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, at g a, m. a Voters' List Court will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, to deal with 2924 list. Alt interested should govern themselves accordingly. There are a number of appeals. DAUGHTER DIED.— We are sorry to hear that Mildred, the 4 year old daugh- ter of W. F. and Mrs. Scott, of Ottawa, died last Saturday. She bad been away with a camping party and is supposed to have suffered from a sun stroke, The little lassie was brought a .o the hospital but shortly after succumbed. Mr. Scott's many old friends here sympathise with the family in the loss of Mildred. GonxRlcH Star is kind enough to say —Saturday Aug. rst, Bro. Kerr, of THE BRUSSELS POST completed 34 years of bis publication of that newsy weekly, He bas certainly maintained a good paper iu a necessarily limited field and he deserves the success and satisfaction heacknowledges in his modest reference to the anniversary. If we mistake not, brother, you are the second oldest publisher in this County, Bro. McLean, of the Huron Expositor, being the Dean of the County Press. ADDED ANOTHER CONCERT TO THE SERIES.—Last Friday M. S. Hain, representative of the Ithaca Con- servatory, of Ithaca, N. Y„ met the members of Brussels Library Board and arranged to add the Ithaca Conservatory Concert Co. to the list of Entertain- ments previously announced, making 5 in all, The date for the latter will be November 15. Talent represented consists of Miss Jane Frost, Cellist Miss Jessie Adkinsou, reader and pianist; Miss Charlotte Anthony, pianist and whistler ; and Edwin Frost, violinist. The Company is very highly recommended. - - KILLEU.—Henry McBean, formerly of ,London, but until recently of Detroit, leas killed at Galt Tuesday of last week by a cave.ln at Caldwell's sand pit, He had been staying along with bis wife and son at Mr. Horton's, Stone road, since the previous Thursday, Along with Alfred Horton be went to the sand pit to get a load of gravel for a silo When suddenly the bank gave way, completely burying him. He was dug out as so015 as possible, butonly lived a minute or two, He is survived by three brothers and two sisters, three in De- troit, one in Chicago and the other in Glencoe. He was in business in Galt about ten years ago, keeping a grocery_ Store in the Hume Block. Be was brottgllt up in London, his people own - hag the Inverness grocery. He bad been in business in Detroit proviotts to ggoing to Galt, The °orator was not! fled but decided that 00 inquest was unnecessary, Deceased was a son,in- law to IVA'S, Robert Kerr, of 81055819, tVha attended the Nilseal, - THE Pear will holiday next week. BRUSSELS bowlers did not go to Clin- ton Thursday of last week on account of rain. WALTER LOWRY's residence, Princess street, is being brightened up by a new coat of paint. ELECTRIC light has been placed in the Methodist church new horse shed, James street. HAVE you liad any part in our clean- ing up campaign of back subscriptions to THE PosT READ G. N. McLaren's advt, relating to new Fall coats. They are dandies and sold at low prices. W. C. T, U.—Regular monthly meet- ing of the W. C. T. U. will be held at !sire. A. McGuire's Friday afternoon, Aug. a5tlh, at 3 o'clock. The subject will be "Medical Temperance Work." —0— MOTOR veil found. Ask at Tan Posm. LADIES' belt found. Enquire at Tem POST. PLu5a rug found on the South gravel road. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice at THD Posm Pablishing House. Ston Curtain of top buggy found. Owner may have it by paying for this notice and proving property. ALBERT CROoEe, 4th Line Morrie, Phone 124. PAIR of spectacles found. Owner may have them by proving property and paying for this notice. Tan Posy. Box RERT.—Parties whohadboxes in Brue- sele Postoffice in 1918 and now on Rural Routes who did not nay the box rent, are asked to pay for time used. F. S, SCOTT. RURBRR rug found in Grey township. Own- er may have it by calling at Lot 8. Con. 17, Grey, proving property and paying for this notice. ALRx. BuOHANAN. Phone 876. PLEASE SBtTLR.—A11 persons indebted to- me for meat accounts are asked to call and settle before Sept.lsi as business has changed hands, JOHN CURRIE. Goon brick house on William street for sale together with good stable and driving shed. Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc. For father particulars apply to GDo5GE TaoMsoi, Brussels. A 0.6.11D.—We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of five standard Se boxes of Silver Tip .Silent matches for twenty vents. Quality guaranteed. Jas. Ballantyne, Geo. Thomson and W. J. Meoracken, 0 D. C. Ross and J G. Jones expect to try their hand in the Scotch doubles at Toronto during the Fair week. MRs, (REV.) PAUL was called to Orangeville to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gordon, her sister-in-law. She had been in poor health for some time. Her husband pre -deceased her. STRATFORD Beacon says :—On Aug. r Editor W. H. Kerr, of THE BRUSSELS POST completed 34 years of publication of that newsy weekly, He is one of the oldest publishers in Huron County and his weekly budget is certainly a credit to biro. WHAT WILL BRUSSELS DO ?.— Many places are contributing to the Patriotic Fund toward the .Hospital ship or other- wise, the sums ranging from $to.00 to er,coo. Several Bresselites are ready to aid any plan that might be set on foot in town to promote the same object. A Garden Party or Concert on Labor Day has been suggested so that all could assist in this patriotic and worthy object. What do you say ? Will you lend a hand PRESENTATION.—Before Fred, Gilpin left the Ford Company's employ at Chicago to take charge of the Sales De- partment at Mn vaukee, he was called into the salesroom and in the presence of the 30o employees of the branch, was presented with a diamond stick pin, set iu onyx and platinum. while three dozen roses went to Mrs. Gilpin. lrlr. Keith made a short speech express- ing regret at Dr. Gilpin's removal and wishing him the best of success. An appropriate reply toss made by the recipient. On the presentation card were written names of the employees. Mr. and Mrs. Gilpin go to Milwaukee at once, He is the only son of J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin, of town, and has done well. WILLOW PLATE ENTERTAINMENT.— The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church held an entertain- ment Tuesday evening of last week that Wag a decided success,' First came a guessing contest in which lists were supplied and the answers were written down. It was designated an "Artful Gallery,". Next came the program, with Rev. D. Wren, pastor in the chair, consisting of the following numbers :— Duet, Misses Hingston and Pryne ; song, Wesley Stark, Toronto ; humorous readiug, B. F, Carr ; solo, Miss Gerry, Fort William ; Male quartette. A, H. Betsey, R. A, Pryne, S. Wheeler and 11. L. Jackson ; solo, F. H. Gilroy ; duet, Miss Downing and R. A. Pryne ; solo, Mrs. Howson, All did well and the program was enjoyed, Lunch followed and eaali person was presented with a Willow plate (up to loo and they will get them later) Mrs. A, J. Lowry read the story of the Willow plate as illustrated' an the plate, Th,e fioaneial proceeds totalled over $20.0o wizen will be applied to the fettle of tile Mlssiona ary Sobiety. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid up Rceorvc Fund Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 182,54.7,01 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint (Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose names the account is opened. $0,00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER WHo's going to handle the apple crop this season ? SCHOOL Board did not meet last. Fri- day evening. THE Knitting factory resumes work next Monday after a few weeks holidays A Pew bowlers will likely attend Goderich Bowling Tournament next week. DOUGLAS CURRIE won the boys' foot race at Seaforth sports. He is fleet footed for a lad carrying so much avoir- dupois. A coNTrxGENT of Indians was in town on Wednesday. They beloug to a flax pulling gang who bad finished up their contract. MRs. WM. McCALL has leased the residence of Mrs. Thomas Haycroft, who is now in Port Arthur and will move to it at once, The house is locat- ed on John street. A NUMBER of town foot ball sports motored to Stratford Tuesday and wit- nessed the game between London and Stratford in the senior series of W. F. A. It was a tie I to t. Another game will be necessary. DIED 2te THE WEST,— Wednesday of last week Wilfrid, second son of John and Mrs, Currie of Maidstone, Seek., and nephew of Robert Currie of Morris, died after Rn illness of over a years. He was in his 15th year and was a fine boy. Funeral took place Friday. The bereaved will share in the sympathy of many old friends here, BUTTER GOES UP IN PRICE.—The Shamrock Creamery, Brussels, has refus- ed 25 cents per pound for butter now on band. W. W. Harris, propietor, is ready to pay 26i cents for butter fat. for balance of August. As' to prices after will depend somewhat ou tine war. Mr, Harris purposes to run the creamery all Winter if the necessary cream is forth- coming. Winter dairying is on the in- crease and appears to go well where the people heartily support it. Church Chimes Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Wren will speak on "The present war crisis." Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., is expected to resume his labors next Sabbath after several weeks vacation. Mr. Ferris preached two interesting sermons to Melville congregation last Sunday. He is a student at Knox College. The new Melville church is progress- ing favorably and the structure will soon be ready for the roof. It is going to be an imposing looking edifice when completed. Rev, D. C. MacGregor. of Toronto, will preach to Melville congregation on Sabbath, August 3oth and on Monday evening, 3251, will give an address to the young people of the congregation at a Social gathering in the Town Hall. At a meeting of the Quarterly Board of the First Methodist church St. Thomas it was decided to extend a call to Rev. (Dr.) L, F. Barber, of Listowel, to be the pastor, succeeding the Rev. (Dr.) Dougall in June 1915, the latter having accepted an invitation to be pastor of the Askin Street church, London. The pastor delivered, two strong ser mons in the Methodist church last Sab bath. Evening subject "Digging wells in clay places" was specially stimu- lating and practical. The male quer. tette sang a choice selection at the morning service and Miss Hingston contributed a solo in the evening in good voice, People We Talk About W. 13. Sperling was home frons Palm erston over Sunday. Geo, Keys, of Toronto, Wits' in town during the past week Miss Esther Pollard is home after a holiday with Morris friends, M. Coates is here from the West on a visit to his mother and sister, Miss Irla Bailey is off for a holiday with old friends at Hamilton. Miss E. Buttery spent Sunday with her Friend, Miss M. Robinson, Mrs. Art. Carter, of Goderich, is visiting Mrs S. Carter of town. Miss Lin. Colvin is at Toronto attend• ing the Fall millinery openings. Miss Clete Danford, of Clinton, is visiting with relatives in Brussels, Miss Mary Kerr, of Belgrave, is a visitor at the hone of Ed. Pollard. Mrs. Mattice, of Detroit, is visiting her mother and sisters in this locality. Mrs. Goodwin, of Chesley, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Kyle. A. G. McDermott, teller in the Standard Bank. 15 away for his holidays, Jno. Pelton, of Detroit. a former resident, was a visitor in town on Mon- day. Lloyd Jackson is enjoying a few holt• days at Kincardine with his uncle and aunt, Mrs, George Seeker is home from an extended visit with friends at Various points, Alex. and Mrs. McLennan, of See - forth, renewed old friendships in town last Sunday. Miss Gertrude Deadman is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Mud, in Toronto, Miss Kate Kieltardson, of St. Marys, has been visiting Misses Georgia and Beth Kerr, Mtn. Brine Scott is s visitor at P. Seott's, geode street, Brine was here. for few days, - Mise Ida Currie. of Goderich, is visiting Miss Hazel Lowry. Mrs. Ben. Edwards has beau on the sick listduring the past week. James Platt, of Tottenham, was visit. ing hie brother, N. Flatt, of town. Barrister Sinclair and J. H. Cameron spent a feW days in Toronto this week. Miss Minnie Walker, of Loudon, is the guest of Miss Ella Inman for a few days. Misses Isabel Strachan and Verne Walker were visitors at Listowel last week. - Miss Hazel Lowry and Miss Beatrice Harris spent a few days with Atwood friends. Miss Irene Barkley went to Toronto Tuesday to attend the Fall Millinery openings. Mrs. Will. Fear and daughters, Cora and Ella are visiting Mrs. Geo, Jackson, Mill street. Dr, George Ross, of Wingham, was in town on Wednesday. It was their Civic holiday. Mrs. Hayes, of Luc]cuow, bee been the guest of Mrs. S. T, Plum and other friends in town, Will. Hayoroft was home from Hamil- ton for a short visit. He has spent the past 5 years in that city. Alex, and Mrs, Smith, John street, are visiting relatives and old friends in Hullett township this week. Miss Mary Ross went to the Queen city Thursurday to take in the Millinery opeuinee and purchase goods. Miss Daisy Wiisou, who was home for a short vecatiou, is attending the Millinery Show rooms in 'Toronto. c If. and Mrs. Churchill, of McGaw, aw were here over Sunday, visiting at the home of George and Mrs. Edwards. Miss Annie Hamilton, of Shakes peare. is spending a few weeks with Miss Myrtle Wilson and other friends E and Mrs. Parker and James and George Grimoldby, all of Owen Sound, were mere ou a short visit with relatives Miss Pipe and Miss May Skelton, of Brussels, and Miss Ethel Scott, B. A , of Cobourg, are holidaying at Klocar- cline. Mrs. It, Leatherdale's health bas not been very good for the past couple of weeks but we hope she will soon be better. Miss Ella Inman goes to Toronto Saturday for a week or two to attend the Millinery Openings and purchase Fall Goods. Mrs. A. L Stewart and Miss Jean, of Detroit, were visitors at the hone of Alex. Stewart, Queen street, during the pest week. Rev. R Pearson, B. A„ of Calgary, was a caller on friends in town for a short time this week. He is enjoying prime health. Roger Deadman is able to get clown town and is regaining his health very nicely. Many old friends wish hirn complete restoration. Mrs. F. S. Scott and Miss Stella re- turned with Mrs. Semis and son to Claremont last Friday where they will make a visit. Miss Georgia Kerr, was at Toronto, last week accompanying her cousin that far as she returned to her position in Cornell University. T. and Mrs. Beattie, of Varna, Mrs. Hills, of Detroit, and Miss Jamieson, of St. Marys, were visitors at Jno. Sim mous', ueen street, Mrs. Harry Galbraith, of Vancouver, B. C., was a visitor with relatives here and at Wroxeter. She is a sister-in-law of J. H. Galbraith, Brussels. Barrister and Mrs. Buchner, Jno. Mitchell and Mrs. Joe Ballantyne, motored from Loudon and spent Sun- day with A. and Mrs. Strachan. Miss Kate Hewitson, of Clteeley, has been visiting at F. S. and P. Scott's. She is a niece and attended solhuol here. Miss Hewitson is now eugagcd at teach• in Miss Irethe Sheriff, who taught on Brussels staff during the pent year, has been engaged to teach in Lucknow school where she formerly was. We wish her success. J. Leslie and Mrs, Kerr, of Clintoe, were in town for the week .end, The latter extended her stay. Mrs. George Brown, of Toronto, Mrs. Kerr's mother accompanied them. Mrs, John McIntosh and son, Ken- neth, of Stratford, were visitors wilb Brussels relatives and old friends last week. Mrs. Mac. is a daughter of Mrs, Thuell, Alexander street, town, Last Monday Miss Gertrude Ross left on the return trip to Prince Albert, Sask , where she is teaching school, She went via Port McNichol. Miss Luella Ross accompanied her sister as far as Toronto, Mrs. Fred, Pelton, of Port Huron, Mich„ called on old friends in Brussels, She is a claughter Ot .the late Mrs. S. Pearson and a termer resident of town. Mrs. Pelton noticed a number .of im• provemebts in Brussels. Mrs. Ino. McFadden, of 'Tuscola, Sask„ is here 011 a holiday with old friends. She will also visit in Toronto and Sault Ste Marie on the return trill. She wse formerly Miss Edith Eastman and made her home with her aunt, the late Mrs. Thee. Kelly, of Brussels, Mrs J. 14. Cameron and nurse Mc- Arthur, arrived back from 'l'hessaloe, Algoma, whither they batt gone with Mrs, J, Leckie, We are glad to report that eohsiderable progress has bees made in lb improvement in health by the latter. The change is 'evidently. helping tier, E THE 5T ESTABLISHED 1873 tkep lD OFF', TORONTO BRUSSELS BRANCH, SAVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. 135 J. F. Rowland, r3 Cl In Manager. John Adams spent the week end at the home of Wm. Roblueon, Queen street. Miss Sophia Sparliug, of Toronto, is spending her vacnhon with relatives and friends in Brussels. - Mrs. Win. Pryne and Mrs. H, L, Jackson were visiting Goderich friends during the past week, Mrs. Allan McLeau and son, of Sea - forth, were visitors with P. and Mrs, Scott. The ladies are sisters, Gordon McDonald had two ribs broken by his fall in Seaforth and had to have them strapped up, Miss Myrtle Kennedy, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs. W. H. McCracken for a few week. Miss Stella Stubbs returns to Calgary this week so as to be home to resume her position as school teacher. Huron County. A new stable has been erected at Auburn manse. Exeter tax rate is 29 mills on the dollar, Ladles of Hxsbet have collected $100 for the hospital ship, Mrs. R, Hoy, Blyth, is suffering from it severe attach of typhoid fever. J. W. Ortwein, Helsel!, threshed over 100 bushels of wheat from three acres. It is stated that Thos. Oode, Blyth, will shortly resign as Division Court Clerk. ]Editor Sanders, Exeter, has been confined to the house for a few days owing to illness. . Will. Oantitle, who is a military college graduate, has formed a squad- ron of cavalry at St. Joseph. Blyth Agricultural Society arrang- ed to have Clinton Braes Baud for S how days, Sept. 20 and 30. Samuel Morton, 0th Cancessinn of East 1Vawanosh, is erecting a new baro 40 x 60 feet with straw shed 24 x 30. A heavy electrical storm passed over Exetet last Tuesday night. William Sanders, Srd Con., Stephen had his barn and contents completely destroyed by fire having been struck by lightning. The barn contained seven acres of tall wheat and this season's hay crop, also eleven pigs and two calves. Flax pulling is the order of the day and three Contingents of Indians are pulling flax in the vicinity of Blyth, Sandy Bawden, formerly of Huron, has been elected President of the North Ed mon ton Liberal Association, Owing to the electric storms last Sabbath the lights were ant in James Street church, Exeter, during the evening. DIED QURRra; At Maidstone, Bask, on Aug. 12th, 1914, Wilfrid, son of John Currie, aged 14 years and 0 months. M0'I'5eesu m.—In Grey - township, on August 16111, 1814, Isabella Mannls, relict of the late Dougald McTaggart, in her 71st year. SOOTT.—In Ottawa, on August16th, 1914, Mildred daughter of W. F. and Mrs. Scott, in her 4111 year, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 00 00 50 00 Oats 42 48 Peas - 100 100 Barley 60 6B Eggster 21 22 E Hoes 8 0000 000 0 1900 120 10 18 Hay Potatoes Wool washed Wool unwashed STRAYED.—About the first of August, a white sow, weighing 000 0r 400 lbs., stray- ed from the farm of J. Gramm. He would be grateful for knowledge of its where abouts. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of George McKay, late of the Township of Grey. Farmer deceased. Nalco is hereby given pursuant to the Re. vieed Statutes of Ontario, 1014, Chap. 121 that all persons having claims against the Estate 01 the said George OteKay, who died on or about the 27th day of Tune, 1014 are required to send to ns or either of es at Meikton P, 0. Ant., on or bof01 a the 16th day of Feptember, 1014, their. names and addresses and full par- ticulars of their claims in writing under oath and the nature of thesecuritiesif any held by them. And that after the saidday we will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anm,g the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which we shall then have received notice and we will sot be liable for said assets or any pert thereof to tiny persons of whose claim we shall not then have receiv- ed notice. Exeon6ors ArRxANniat1M00AY.AtwoodP 0. { DUNCAN MO1AY,R. R -2 Brussels. Dated this 121111 day of August, 1014. 00000®00001©f100e0000>0 000WOti9 Fors Store s lime Fruit Juice • .t°nre Jstiuitiea Lime Juice crushed and 101058011m the freelt Limes, Males a a delicious and reftcsbing 0 drink. Large size bottle 35e, 9 se Pare Sea Salt e eWorn the Alhtntic -- very 0 invigorating. 10c per pkge. 00 t2 • • 00 el • 0) e 00 Oh 0 fa 0 g 0 Pennants i • • • Tartaric and Citric Acids fiS For preparing Lenton and v4 Orange Drinks — always 0 fresh. Go and 10c per oz. re- a spectively. 53 • • Always something new. 260 • and 50o at 0 DRUG STORE 0000000009009090019004111101110G 190000000E Teacher Wanted Normal trained tenohar for S. S. No, 10, Grey township, Buren County, duties to nom. mance Sept. lot 1014, salary $nob. .Apply stat- ing experience and qualifications to IS/LAO LAKE, Soo,-Treas. Brussels, Ont. R. R. No, 8, Notice Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Vetere' Lists Ant, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, et the Connell Chamber, Brussels, on the 2nd day of Septem- ber,1914, at 0 o'olook a. in., to hear and doter. minecotnp!ninth of errors and omissions 15 the Vetere' List of the Municipality of the Village of Brussels for 1014. Dated the 10611 day of August 1014, ' P. 0, SCOTT, Clerk of Brussels. Notice to Creditors It. the matter of the estate of Arthur B. Smith, late of the 'Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. Province of Ontario, farmer, de- 05515ed. Notioe is hereby given pursuant to See. 56, Chap. 20, of the Stats tea of Ontario, I, George V, that alt persons having any claims against the said Arthur B. Smith who diedonorabout the Eleventh day of June 1914, are required on before the 18th day of September, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersiggn- ed Adinintstratrix, Ethel P. 0, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full amount of then' claims, the ata tenon t of their remounts andthe nature of the security iF any held by thein. And farther take notice that after each last mentioned data the said Adnnnistretrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de. ceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the Waling of which she shall then have had notice and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said . asset8 or any part thereof to nay person of whedoseantics, claim she shall not then have receiv-. Dated this 18111 day of August, A. D. 1014. ANNIE SMITH, Administratrix. is00000000@053096)300000000053000®53090390303©OOD0000 03000053530000000000e0004i0e0000000000000 Brussels Daylight Store Ga N. McLaren o e• 1„,,,,,,,4i^III11W'It'li.,,.1„'t01,,,,, 4i 4i II'lli Is4„'h"t'4i't 14 "'.lillu,,,olo t'ryi too gni O,i, ,. , "h'W'W5a'IJ'10 a14J'h"1011.Il,'1101a'trl,Al,11101 ' 4%.4JV,'4111, 11.I1i Ili ILII, h.hi 1101„.1,01, leslillil„'. r0 tT t3 53 0 O i 0 a 0 0 0 e 0 08 O e e O 0 48 0A e 0 e 0 e ® �'',y','� _ ea o0 e •e e di 50 rf 0 a m e e e e 0 w 8 1 A NE want you to see our new Stocks of Fall and Winter Cloth e '0 0 0• Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children. Theyare, without 2 a doubt, the very best we have ever shown. We have tient • o • in Heavy, Medium and Light weights, all the Newest Cloths. The e best styles in ROGERS and McKINNON Men -tailored. Rogers • w Garments—None Better in Canada. McKinnon's'nlake—The Gar- o ee :.mss.® .®- 9 ments of Merit. Call and see them ; hake comparison ; we will e09 ® not insist on selling. Our prices a re the lowest—qualities consider- 0 •o ed—and we know• the will sell on their merits. Call and see thein eY 49 A 9 e eo Hl hest prices for Produce, e l g G. I'i-. IYI re e 0 • 0 New ats FOR L Er.dies Misses Chd r op e 0 a to P. S.—The New Pall Boots acre in Stock. to A Z esiiiesi(Iseiesiiiiryliisillsiiiisiiesiiliiisi etsiiiiisiesiiiNeeees reisesiiilisies 0'