HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-8-13, Page 5SLIMNESS CARDS, ,,INO, SUTHEBLAiU tai SONS LIMITED paCgNdli ell • crimpo &mama WM. SPENCE COONVEYANOEi AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES , 'aloe la Ike Poet Office, Ethel. 30.4 MAL AND CONVEYANCING. jit1OUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN B A.ILttls'IJIIBB, W3LHULSOIICTORTC,a, NOTARIES P , J7, W. Pa00DI$000, 8; O. B O. Hers J, L. KILnonAN Wm,Peounroox3R. 011loos—Those formerly occupied by Muoers Uameron ,f:. Holt, ' ii ooaaton, ONu'Anxo. T itt, BINOLAIE V Y • Barrister Solfoltor, Oouvoyancer; Sabah, rubno, Ala. Office—Stewart's Bleck 1 door Earth,o f Oou brat Betel. ' &,Naito, for the Metropolitan 13nnR. •" AUCTIONEERS, L1 B. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- • sen, will sell for -better prices, lc better men, in less time and leas charges Boron or beawon't Enlarge aer nything., in DaEast es end order, can always be arranged al this spice or bs 3..rs,1in' application. 1. W.H.LOVE A Fit: neral Director 41 and Embalmer , 1 • Order's promptly and care- fully attended to night or day, Phone 228, 1 ETHEL, ONT. l . neer. ✓b Atli 1 ximvayo':nvbva* s • 'A NEW TERM 't ,Opens Sept. 1st In the popular ELLIOTT r-,� TORONTO, ONT. This School enjoysa great reputation r for giving first-class instruction in Business and Shorthand subj els. t. N get good positions, This is the Col It is no wonder one graduntoe readily 11 0/,logefor you to attend. To -day, not 10. 000010, write for our O delogue Cor, Young and? W. J. ELLIOTT. Charles Stn, S Principal. s4oi Pa+rAtt40VOarsM.Vai VeA'9tIg te:"Ift islriciste,VAiit-rezW&W-ca-ViortVavslilt OW' •\ 3 Fall "Term from Set' 'ist. i ENTilllL • jf• • y r._ ..'iTiATF4RD,'CNT The bestO,nainifi•cinl -''School•i. tire' thorough.: ' nd.pra t I while 00'a lab uor und•pra pionl,tghilo our tnstruatora are ttor'Llii lr'yeu *141 'rind elsewhere: a ]= tor + tilde Ita� bl II all to ' .n ��cy9Q h� d d CB::VIta a t, Rut . r 3t s. roffebnasimilar e, •Write P Our , es ae-,, renlfonabl'e' ' •writefor one free cabs--. r�{r;:Iogne andlltle whaq,tve cell do, for y9JLr,c , ?ensile D. A. McLAOHLAIlf, Principal Yi 2Y,i)' YS)' �� �v'bY.,v'prr,rd�SvLyt...l -,A. ,!>�el...,0. � a t yawr,A1 dvtvs1WWQl, 4Var g.t ",Enter'. :Susiriess� ; Listowel College" Any t' tint e i AND L t tlt'ow'witfi us., V. Pl For.partinulars address,. ,cg EDWIN G. MATTHSi EWPrin.. e . r 4�'�saV�sa`9�aA'Pf'"7 ata Ata THE Best Brains in ()anode have part(eiOnted in the pre- paration or our splendid Homo Study Economics, Hi her. Anooaen in 1, Commercial Art, R Cardnnr ti, , Photography, y, E, lilol Card writing, PI1oEOBlnphy, Joarnnl- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Selectthe work which01 (t most interests you end write ns for particulars, Address THE. 'SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. 301-7 Tonga 8t., Toronto COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young pee. pie aro fust preparing In thele own 11011105 to occupy lucrative positions as etenographm•s, bookkeepers, telegre pliers, 01 v,1 servants 1, Mob every sphere of activities, You limy finish at tlollage If_von so wish. a asifio I ntadrs• atesl. or college (MY day. vidnttl h11ucion. Expert trackers. Thirty years' experience. Largest tr l in Canada. Seven oolleses. Special 0000,1'o• Atd With Commercial,bor!s Ahsoeintionbf Canada. Summer Se idol at'fninouh; Spotted Business 001- ' Ig U, L411f11i1 ' • tViuJ ham Business College 01110. 01704364, - w+ T, 410000, • I?resideSl, 22riryoipal, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEDIV, Sueoeesor to M. 11. Moore, 011toe at Ander. son Bros, Livery ateble, Brussels, Telephone No, 29, DR, T., T. NI, RAE Baohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont, Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Throat hospital, Chicago,111. .Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mloh- ael's Respite', Toronto, Office over 11. No Smith's Drug Store. Tole, phone connection with Ornnbrookat all hours. DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronbo ; ',Mendota of College of Phyelelaue and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Weetornhoapltel, Toronto. OIlloee of late Dr.. A• ltloKsveY, Smith Block Brussels, Rural phone 46, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY. M.B., M,O.P.&S. O. 190 Blear etreet East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical 800101ant in Ear, Nose and Throatde- partmont Now General Hospital, Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical School ,'BOR. (00 l late senior Resident Surgeon Masa, Bye & Ear Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant..in Nose and Throat department. Mese. Gen, ns. si.te liaise Seaman' t AI hospital. $01181 Brussels by appoinbnon DR. M. FERGUSON • ETHEL., ONT, Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate conr0ee Loudon (Eng.). New York and Chiang° Hos- pitals. Special attention to(Baease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glaseea, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate or Royal College of Dental Sur- geone or Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In leard Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278. Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDLAW P.lonor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite D'lour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST PersonalMgraduate Department of Ophthal- mology, 000rmick Medical College, Ohleago, 1. is prepared to testees and at lasses Ab (l p p g Grower's - eyes Br aaels her office over Gt t o a R t, u on week. OMes Friday And Saturday.mo of noory weak. OHloe hours 1 to 0 p, m. fi'erenoous by appointment; Phone 1210. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stock salese specialty, Write or 'phone IB Wroxeter. GB4X12 27 IV owir BRUSSELS G01N0 80et•a Goias NOR40 Mail 7:07 a m Express 10:66 a In Express 11:26 a m Maul 1:69 p m Express .,...... 2:55 o m Express 8162 p m CaNditiddif A1011010 WALTON ' To'Toronto To Goderloh Express,,....... 7:62 a m I Express 11:19 a m Express 1:22 p n1- Express'..,,.,... 8:46p 111 WROXETER Going Plast - 7:05 a. mould E 40 p. m._ Going West -, 12:19and 0:68 p.m. All trains goingEast ono of with 0. P. R. at 'ainoa e Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G$: BtRt10118. ALLAN, Loons Agent. CEO, L ..�.l .C1 � .,.. tl°�.Ct• � .. s � v Belgrave ADDRESS AND PI0ESENTATION.— 70 ;L•o SUfr' friends and neighbors of the 1t s Brick church cougeegatiion.-met at the house of Tlisha Walker to spend a 'social evening. anti present them with • nlchina set. Add rasa wits as 1'01i0We:— To 1'1r. and Mrs. Elishoa Walker Dear Friends :—As you have decid- ed to' 1 61161 f10IR 0111' 1111(100',- WC, your friends and neighbors have as- seutbled here o)1 this occasion to ex- press L0 you our regret that you are about to leave our neighborhood and also to express to you. in some tangible form out' appreciation of your valued services "as members of the eommutii by. We shall 'miss not.,otly your genial and weloorne• presence in -our social gatherings but also the valued and generous assistance of Ales, Walker as choir leader. But IVO know that you will readily find your place and work iii the 00161rnlinity t(1 which yon intend to remove and that 'our loss will be their gain. We wish you and your family continued blessing and prosperity 11 potty 0010 surround- ings. And now a0 tt slight token of our appreciation we ask you to accept this set of china. Signed on behalf of the community. 'Wilfrid 0. Reid, ' John Beecroft; jitmes Dyer. Mn. Walker in a few suitable remarks s 11r behalf of Mrs, Walker and 1110/0011 thanked thein for their appreciation and kindness, , Blyth The re -shingling of the Methodist chuloh has boon completed.. A number of the shade trees are badly affected with a small grey cater- pillar which is stripping the leaves off the branches. • Wm. Philips has had a new forge built in his blacksmith shop. Ib is his in ten Mon to nlakeother improvements to the building having new window frames placed therein. - Voters' List wte13 first, posted up on July 25t11. List this year is slightly Inge', thee thtat,of 103.3 and contains 180 nannies in Part I, 121 in Part 1,1 and 18 in Part III. a total of 328 with the names of 113 persons' qualified as j n re's, Robb. Slater ieft on tri visit to his daughter at Smith Frills. He expects to remain foe some time in the hope that the change will prove beneficial not been i flick has 0 to his health, LV the best foe some trine. Wank and Mrs. Metcalf and Miss Ella left for Sarnia witete they took passage on the N, N. Co, steamer for Port tLelt,' 1.of, ' their 111110 Medi - chin flat, Albe) tai where the forme): will resume his (11118es as Dominion FruitInslootor. They expect to vet toll to Myth ktl Docetnbol' to spend the Winter have, R. M, McKay was called to Shel- burne on Monday, 27th ult, owing to the illness of his father. He in com- pany with Mrs. McKay left by auto In the afternoon but death had taken place before they arrived. They re- turned home the following Friday, ao- cntul!lllnied by Mt. and Mrs. Bretz and children, tv110 visited here. Airs. Bretz is;a sister of Mr. McKay, Gorrie Jas. Leech is somewhat improved In - health, , Several men have been laid off work at the cement tile works. L. -and Mrs, Ashton were visiting in Buffalo, Stratford and other places. file lawn social held vu the J i'esby- 101111n ch crab litwn, 011 Aug. 1st. tuns a 91100000. St. Stephens Snliday School held a very successful picnic on the banks of the Maitland. The new steel bridge on the I1ub- barn sideroad 1)000 has the cement top on and has been opened for In•alflc. Mrs. Borland and nephew,- Beet Evans, have retili'lled to Tor0111,17 after upending a. couple of months, with the bl isles Jihu egey, 'Pile funeral al the ']tate Meg: John Gathers, ivho died on Saturday Aug. 1st, at her sal -in-law's, W. Spotton, took place to dhe• Corrie cemetery on Monday aflerlmon of last week., The deceased who had resented the good old age of. 79 years, had been poorly, for some time and death was due to a general breakdown of the system. Blood, Pure, Rich, Rod Rosy glow in the fitce, sparkling eyes, vivacious opilits aro ail the out- come of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enriching the blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, By their gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and liver they filter every impurity frons the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the work necessary for the main- tenance of health. To be well, Took well, and feel al- ways at your best, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine for young old Ptd a 250 at al and a i dealers. • Pordwieh )Jev. A. B. Kinder, of Leamington, called on friends in town. John Pittterso , se., 2nd Con., is not having very good health. Mrs. 13. S. Cook and Miss Nora have returned from a trip to Lake Erie. Mrs. Morley Aylesworth came tip from Toronto and joined her husband anis little daughter, who are visiting here. Oboe. Htnlsuld and sister, Ella, of Ethel. were guests at the homes of Jas, Lynn, W. Hainetock and- W. E. Brown. III. A. and Ml's. -Laird and , eon, Robert Acheson, have returned to their home in,Jllrie, Penn., after spend- ing two pend-ing.two weeks' Vacation with the frirrner's mother and bi•other, Nd•th of town. - - Atwood R. A. Thompson, of town, has pur- chased an onto. The Armyworth has done con- aiderab le damageYin this locality, but 1,01.09 rnnci) as was' first reported. • Rev. 'Du and ' Mrs. Masser and family .are:••spencling'a month with relatives at. Duron, Leamington and Windsor... i hodist church anniversaryv The ➢ el service will be held Sept. 13111. • Rev. W. E. '..Hinson, •df- Stratford, will conduct the services. 1 i 1' O lotvrl was sue Eric A CBalt f v cosaful 11, passing bis exatninaticins to Norm al. and -Mise Alrna Wynn, passed on Entrance 10,Faculty of Education. 13y a (Malign in the .elites . of the Biwa Agricultural Society,. all .ex- hibitors of live etoelt must have had animal shbwn, in his -possession 'at least two w.eeks'before the Faii'. ' Polibwing 'are.the •winners in the Field' trop • competition of Elin't Agricultural, Society 1—John Js' .Bal- lauLyne, John S. Oowan, R. J. Cogh. lin, A, Stevenson, Aligns Dickson. A very,pre,tty wedding ,was solem- nized at the homM e of rs. Martha Htkes, ' Fairview Patin" Elinit, at 10 o'olrick WSdi)esday, 'July 22nd, when her daughter, Clara L'. B„ was united to Fred. Millson, of Forget, Sask. In Elmo, on Sunday, July 26th, .Margaret Lamont, relict of the. late George Danbrook passed away aged 79 years, 7 months and 18 days. Funeral took place from the residence of her son-in-law Robt. Burke, Con. 8. alma on Monday, July 2711), to Elmet Centre Cemetery. , ••••$•••e•o• iti c 4 tiw 0:0;v.a000.. •' • • i • • Increased ..•. jOur Stock ••• • •• . 'having purchased the stogk =' • of B. F, Carr and combined • • •' it with mine I can give you • • a better choice than ever in • ': Harness Maker's Supplies x 2 Trunks, Valises, •" Hand Bags, &c. a • T' h and Z S ,conal Bar airs in n t o i gg. 1 Heavy I'arnoss, FIy LveLs, Z s 6Vhip0, ,$c. 4. Careful and Prompt tbentlgp • S A • • Givon to all Ropalwt. - ♦" Se'y goods get pekoes before i n in elsewhere. • boy g e • g • • G1 'CI MANN B5 Brussels i Issas _ ♦• Phone No, 37x 9 • y. salve as 1411', Caro'sold number 3 • 4t1**fibs . ****6 4.441 14414.• WOMAN SUFFERED TENE Y ARS From Female Ills—Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Belleville, N.S., Canada.—"I doctored for ten years for female troubles and did not get well. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. I write now to tell you that I am cured. You son publish my letter as a testimonial." — Mrs. Suvmt1NE BASINS, Belleville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Another Woman Recovers. Auburn, N, Y.—"I suffered from nervousness for ten year's, and had such organic pains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at atime. Different doctors did the best.they could for me until roar' months ago.I began giving Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good health."—Mrs, WILLIAM H. GILL No.15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. The above are only two of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things. Lydia E. Pinkham's- Vegetable Com- pound does for those who suffer from woman's. ills. If you want spe- cial advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (001111. d ntinl L Bn Mass. c ) Y 1 Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a wo- 10811 and 11 el ti in strict cotfidence,' A pretty wedding took place at high noon Aug. let, at the home of the bride's parents Hugh and Mrs. Ander- son,'King street, Atwood, when thein` eldest daughter, Isabella ,A, was united in marriage to James Stanley Buchanan, son of Jas. and Mrs. Buchanan of Elms,. • Rev. W. A. Amos officiated. Pay More and Viet the Bost A cheap flesh burning cornremedy is nevem • satisfactory. The .beetis Putnam's Painless -Corn - Extractor, costa but it quarter, and is guaranteed - to' cure thoroughly. Use only. Putnam's. ' • - -' Clinton There 1s a 'project on foot to start a choral society this Wall r',: Rev. E. Powell occupied the Methoe dist church pulpit at Grand, Bend for: two Sundays.hawaccepted ha acoe Grace Walker s M• - 'ised the.• P P ml oeitt-014r, .•.teache.-of B1oadfoots.. school in Tuekrranii•th:., • B -law No: 9100as. read. three ,times ll th ae"Council-and passed for, the raising -of .1321,589.28 trot. -taxes! this, year and' the rate will beglli} i ,tee Rev. Fr..Ho an has OI o a ed S g p_ .h e a runabout he has had e:.-garage,erect-, ed at the back of the rectory. T, uditorium `of'Ontttcio Street e church is again in the hands •o1i the painters and new carpets are being laid in the aisles; Miss A. M. • Stone, ; .Commercial. Specialistatthe°. 0. I. has resigned' and will join the staff: of the Clinton School of Oommeree.. Rev. 0, L. ;.Langford, who for the, past three years or so has been,iu- curnbent. of :the M ddleton-Holmes- vi1le—Smrunerhillparish,has resign- ed to .take effect: the end,` of next •month..' - . • About 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening of last week the fire bell gave out its warning and alarmed the, citizens, as most of the firemen were still at Seaforth. However when they reached the fire hall it was dis- covered that :Master Lloyd-R'umball, the three.year old son of Ernest and Mrs. Rnnoball was missing. It ap- pears the young lad was seen walking down )o0 ) n the front street about 8 o'clock and disappeared, Abot\t1 8,80 the missing boy was brought into town by E. Blacker, who had found him at Mr, Martin's who resides on the Ham- ilton fal'nr on the Bayfield Road. Outside of his feet being sore from' the long tramp he did not seem to worry much about his walk, Wingham Levi Lott was in Paisley and pur- chased a handsome driving horse. D. Bell has carpenters engaged in remodelling his brick store on Joseph- ine street. A gang of surveyors are working in this vicinity on a proposed radial road between Wingham and Chesney. C. N. Griffin tendered his resig- nation as 'rax Collector and James Stewart was appointed to the posi- tion, Adam Isbister, who is attending Toronto UOiversitq, is holidaying with his parents, Councillor and Mrs, Isbister. John Quh'k, accompanied by Capt. Tom Robson, of London, visited New Ontario. Mr. Quirk visited his son in Haileyhury Miss Easel Brandon was visiting with her brother, N. L. Blandon at St. Marys and • also attending the Old Boy's' Reunion at Stratford. Nicholson, .of Guelph,was 0. S i s , Judging the fieltis of white oats whieh were entered i1) the Standing P19318 Crop Competition conducted by •'1)urnbeeey Ageicu lural Society. Ito„ Ault was a0 follows 1—Goo. P0000k, East Wawanosh ;S. Myelin), 0111ross Rich. Wilton, Turn berry 1 ,i, VV. Fortune, Turnbt'rry,t Robt. Curiiier East Wawanosh t F. Henry, Kinloss 1 . t7, IL L,inklater, S1 tittbePry, Robb. Wemathematicalc 1r , teacher in the Collegiate Institute, Regina, Sask., is at present visiting,, his parents, Robert and Mrs. Weir, Victim ie, street, A1111nal church parade of "B" Oonl- pany, 33rd Regiment, was held Sun- day morning. Company ac0nmpan fed by the Town Band, careen' bled et the park at 10.80 and marched to St, Parrs church, - A, 11. Mnagrove, Id. P, P. received an invitation from Iron, Jae, Duff, Minister of Agricuitur'e, CO accom- pany hire on rt trip to the Experi- mental Paru)-at Monteith-. h1 New Ontario, Mr, Musgrove left for Toronto on Wednesday of hist 000011 10 joie the minister, 'Tuesday, Aligns', 4111 the marriage Look plane at the pal snnage In St, 'lheruns of Miss ,blare Rosel.ta Ham- mond and Wilbert. Well wood, both of this town, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. J. It. Gun(ly, 0. D., a former pastor of 1 he \Viugham Methodist churell, After the wed- ding luncheon the happy pair left for it two weeks' trip to Toronto, the 1,000 Islands and Quebec. On their retina, 111 r. and Airs. Weli.wood will take up lesidenice in their• home on Minnie street. No g.inLnent Can,oure It '!'iota pain between the eSes isn't neuralgia, \luny thint; sn, but it is catarrh, plain a divary catarrh that needs attention right now. Your proper lead is to use 11Oatnt•rhozate," Dncla's recognize it 1.0 0 cure that surpasses all others, ,.Sure, because it does Peach the, 11onble ; safebecause no thugs to take, you .breathe its heal- ing vapor direct to the bptir'se of the. trouble, and cure is guaranteed. Two sizes, 26c and $1.00. Sold everywhere.. Listowel Bert. Lome, 'of Swift Current, Sask.; has taken a position with Zilliax• & Son, A. E. Wakefold has disposed of his milk business to Howard McKenzie and Thomas Tuttle, Rev. and Mrs. H, M. Lang -Ford and Miss Nora are spending a month's vacation in Southampton, Misselan Hawkins, H t wkins of Winnipeg, W1 e is spending her ye/m.0on with pilar parents, A, St. Geo, and Mrs. Hawkins. Bamford Bros, have received the contract to supply all the lumber and do all carpenter work for the Listowel drill hall. Rev, John Little, who recently resigned the pastorate of the North Moruington Presbyterian church. to undertake the important tvo•Ic of organizer for the Canada Temperauge Actin Perth County, moved to Listo- wel last week taking up his residence in the house on Divisionr sC set Wast recently pnrehased by T. L. Hamil- ton for the Roy estate. The 0. P. R. special freight train that leaves, Listowel at 0.80 everyevening, left as usual on Saturday: Aug. 1st in charge of Engineer Ross, When nearing Tralee, the engineer. saw some obstluotion9 on the tracks which. wore speedily removed by the - train crew. The home coming train which arrives here at 8.85 left Lin- wood and came as far as Docking when the engineer noticed a pile of tiles 00 the tracks. The train was brought t0 a stop and the: dee re> moved. Between Dorkingan t d J alee more ties and a crop 'ce .were ' dl -• covered,.,,,''Pirtle wereirelpoved and this' ,affair. -was reported .t :: head-, quarters. Detective,Hnldin o_of the. . t.0,P•, . L9 do g, al,, •was ;despatehet . 40 the scene. Yfiali had e n noticed l�..e Rkttiii behin a pile of near Lin g.. ties wood ;and. the detective traced- this, man to Listowel. One .4 the G. T. -1t, stationemployees had notice e IraPl Y dal man answering . the description, and Detective Holding took the G, T,..11.. train to Palmerston .and succeeded in captnring..his•, mom about a. half a Canadian. National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland' United States and Canada Educational ,Exhibits Goode in Process of Making Athletic Sports Acro -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Scare of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Pear Fireworks International Peace Tattoo to Bands 400 Musicians Atli. 29 1914 Sept.14 Q R O T O OES HER LIFE TO { "FRUIT � � 9I SIV Cured Both Stomach Trouhie and Headaches PAI,M$RSTON, ONT., PINS 20111. 1913. "I really believe that I owe my life to "Fruit-a-tives". Ever since child- hood, I have been under the care of physicians and .have been paying doctor's bills. Iwas so sick and worn out that people on the street often asked me 1f I thought I could get along without help. The same old Stomach Trouble, and distressing Headaches nearly drove me wild. Sometime ago, Z got a box of "Fruit- a-tives" and the first box did me good. My husband was delighted and advi- sed a continuation of their use. Today, I am feeling fine, and a physician meeting me on the street, noticed my improved appearance .and asked the reason. I replied, "I am taking Pruit-a-tives". He said, "Well, if Fruit. -a -lives are making you look so well„ go ahead and take them. They are doing more for you than I can". Mas. H. S. WILLIAM% '' Fruit-a-tives " are sold by all dealers at 5oc. a box. 6 for $2.So, trial size asc. or sent postpaid on receipt of price byBruita-tivesl,lmited, Ottawa; mile from Parklread. The suspect proved to be Frederick Berry, of Owen .Sound, who wee formerly a stevedore in the employ of the C. P. R. at that place. In a confession to the detective he stated that he had been in the employ of the 0. P. R. and was recently laid off wook, he had applied to be reinstated but had been refused. He admitted the crime say. ing that it was done for revenge, .A meeting of the local temperance and moral reform associationa w s held in the Methodist church parlors when Matters concerning .the sub- miesion of the Canada Temperance Actin Perth County were consider- ed. Members 04 Lbstowel's High School board regretted the receipt last week of the resignation of W. J. Morrison, Science master of the school, who purposes accepting a similar position in the Dunnville school at a salary .of $7,500 per year. Goderich ( t e (r i ocl r .l was well r s I epiesented at Seaforth on Civic Holiday, and the big day of Old. Horne Week there. Hiss Mabel Macdonald, of the post - office staff, is away on a two weeks holiday to Winglfam, Brussels and other polhts. The camp •'at Gbd'erloh, and' 'the nianoeuvers'01' the city regiments ar- raitged for' this month have been .officially postponed. Rev, W. K. Hager left for Rock- cliife Cottage, Franceville, Georgian Bay,' via Peiietanguishene. He ex- acts to be away p w y during the remaind- er of -August. Rev. , 7'o e h s Deacon, of'Ridgetown, will haveP charge' of ,,,. 1VI Eagerework '*during his absence. Kincardine 'Review :- P. A.' Mal - Coulson returned Saturday from his trip to British Columbia Mr.: -M. looks as lf'his trip had agreed' with, hili, He reports his brother as im- lerovhl after his recent accident but af the opini(iii that he will always alike a'etifP leg.. lr. The 'Bedford Hetet" robbed ebbed Thursday Yin Ivt ' • The burglars carried the cash legister'out to the back yard acid smashed it open with , an axe. Mr. Bedford said there was $20 in the till. The police were noti- fied bat up to the present have found .Misses Alma Danoy'and Isabel Tom, trained nurses offered their services, The 0111i of the Thirty -Third Regi- meet have volunteered for aetkve service. The Underfelt Bowling Club hoe en,npleted arrangements for • tournament of doubles to be held on August 25 and 20, The officers of Alnnoek Chapter, I, O, D., 13],, met at Dr, Taylor's rest, deuce on Monday afternoon of last weep and presented Miss Chandler, a recent graduate of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital with a case of surgical instruments. Mies Chandler - leaves shortly for New York, to take a post graduate course. Word wan received here that the Government will send special men to guard the harbor and grain elevators here while the war is on. While with a party of friends at 'Port Lambton Rev, M. C. Tait, of Knox Presbyterian church, Wellaceburg, had a narrow escape from drowning in about r0 feel of water. The pastor was in a fishing boat when he lost his balance and fell out. Charles Shane, of Detroit, rescued him and Mr. Taylor, of Wal- faceburg,lent him enough clothes to go home. Farmers Attention r . Do you want a first-class Crop ? -IS' you., do, use HOME- STEAD 'FERTILIZER. Will have 4L car load at Ethel station about August 20th, for Fall wheat. Place your order at once by letter or phone 5018. J. K. Baker, 8-2 AGENT. BriekandTile Brick and all sizes of Tile are now to be had at the Cole & Dougherty YARDS HENFRYN HOMES 1EK.ERiJ'' RS SI XS TC S MANITOBA; ALBERTA' • SASKATCHEWAN ]inch Tuesday. until October 27th Iaclueive. Winnipeg and:Return - $36.00 Edmonton and Return - 43,00 From Toronto, and Stations Weet and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations Salt of Toronto. Return Malt two -months.,:.. Particulars regarding RAIL 00 OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket 'Agents or writ, M. G. MURPHY,D.P•A., C.P. Ric Toronto. no clue. H. L. JACKSON, Agent BRUSSELS Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVE$`FING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." "RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG I $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES Auoentllth—Prom all stationsKingston, Sherbet Lake Renfrew and west to Anitdn and Sault ate. Marie, dot, to all points In Manitoba. Aspen 1401 ---From all elation met of Kingston, Shar0st Lak0 and Renfrew, in the Provinces of Ontario and Raabeo, to all [mints h1 Manitoba. August lath—Prom all station, Kingston, Sherbet Lane, Renfrew and west to Aagda and Sault Ste. Merle, stations, to ad points i1 ManlIoba and to arrt0ln points in Saskat- chewan and Alberto, Anoint 21st—From as stations cast of Kingston, Shorten 11,000,1 Renfrew, 1n the Provinom o1 Ontario and 000010, to all points in Manitoba and to curtain paints 10 Basket. photyne find Alberta. or full particulars regarding transportation wast of Winnipeg, Oto„ eco 0earaet O.P.R. Agent, or write— . Asst D.P.A. M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., 0.P. R., Toronto. H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels•41•• 6.6.2••••••••••••••••••••••• • IWestern air: • • .o LONDON, CANADA i • 3 Ontario's Po_____pular Exhibition o September 11th to 10th, '14 • •• • • • INCREASED PRIZE LIST • a Magnificent Programme of Attractione. Ttvo Speed Events Daily. e A • New Fireworks Every Night, p • COME ANC. SEE 4> The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal • , • e • y The Oon. T. Keened y DragooShowns sWill 1111 the Midway, best a ak Music b theable Bands, a V 1 y es • Reduced Railway Rates commencing Sept. llth b • Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15th, 10th, 17111, All delete geed: till e September` 21st, e • • ALL INFORMATION PROM THE SECRETARY •p. W. J. REID, Prctident A. 1N. HUNT, Secretary iSti, 40eoat 1sail*4r*b*l►*/l*il►i'iU4444,044.44.444,444,4440.414.1%