HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-8-13, Page 4Cht firassels Vast 1
THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, $914 j Use Parisian Sage
H your hair is 'getting thin, losing
its natural color, or has that Matted,
lifeless and scraggy appearance, the
reason is evident-clandruif and fail-
ure to keep the hair roots properly
GRAPES are reported to be a good Parisian Sage applied daily for a
RULE Britannia I
"bank" on Kitchener.
1. crop. The apple orchards will yield
fairly.well also this year.
MExtco and Ireland are lost sight of
in their squabbles in the broader hori-
zon of the Eurooeau conflict.
Tint effects of the War are alreadv
noticeable in various lines itt this. coun-
try although so far removed from the
scenes of battle.
GE'r an exhibit ready rnr East Huron
Fall Fair and get it early. The dates
are October ias 2 See the list of
specials in the Prize list issued last week -
Maxims are now a more interesting
study than usual and the war may
"boost" them. While this may be a
good thing for the producer it is likely
to bribg many a pinch to the consumer.
DOlt1T forget to guard the kiddies in
the hoine. A child of Jason Man-
chest4r's, Essex, bad a close call from
drinkipg water that was on poison fly
paper: It's often too late to be sorry
after the deed is done,
SOMEBODY says the rural schools will
receive another "bunt" this year in the
curtailment of their Government grants.
School Trustees have a problem on their
bands to meet current expenses with-
out asking for largely increased taxes
On the people.
•IttleesvIllst Council has shut of one
ottisanoe ou their streets, vie the express
wagon run by the small boy while part
of him in the rig, and propelled by one
foot. It is a good thing to scare horses
and generally demands right of way
from the pedestrians.
Hoc cholera is decimating many a
herd of swine even if pork is a good
price. so were killed near Mount
Elgin last week as a preventative to the
disease spreading. The law demands
prompt measures wherever the plague
strikes, the Government making good
a share of the loss to the party interest-
IT dost a Windsor butcher $28 so for
selling badmeat, the carcass ot a heifer
killedeby lightning on a farm near by.
The old process of butchering is possi-
bly more satisfactory than the more
speedy form by electricity. There are
few things of more vital importance
' than the care of what we eat and drink.
Pure food has a just claim on all dealers
and the statute deals sharply with those
who ignore it.
A story is going tbe rounds that an
undertaker had been summoned to a
; Detroit hospital to care for a 'patient
who was likely soon to "pass in his
1 checks" from stomach trouble. An
x ray examination revealed a lizard in
' the sick man's internal make.up and
after receipt of a secret tablet prepar-
ation a blue lizard 3 inches long was
expelled. The patient is recovering.
; It was a close call.
To -overcome a lack of knowledge
necessary among city children concern-
ing domesticated animals a plea is made
in New York to have live specimens ex-
hibited in the Zoo, such as a mare and
foal, a cow and calf, ben and chickens,
1 &c, The idea would be educational the
knowledge being acquired by occular
demonstration. There are white ele-
phants in connection with some educe-
' tional departments that might be elim-
Mated so as to make room for something
that would be practical.
week and then occa,stonally is all that
is needed. It removes dandruff with
one application ; almost immediately
stops falling heir and itching head ;
invigorates the scalp and makes
stringy hair soft, abundant and mill -
ant with life. Equally good for men,
women or children -everyone needs
A large bottle of this delightful bale
tonic can be had from Jas. Pox or any
drug counter for 50 cents. You will
lonely like Parisian Sage, There is
no other "just as good" -Try •it now.
FARMERS who used fertilizers on the
crops being harvested say there isa very
noticeable improvement where applied.
Nothing counts just as well as a practi-
cal demonstration. The wideawake
farmer can easily figure out profits when
increased returns are in, the bins,
RIOOETOWN is setting , au example,
worthy of bnitation, in brotherliness.
Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptists and
Disciples have agreed to hold union
services so that pastors may holiday and
still have some one of them at home to
hold the fort and curtail loCal expenses.
If denominations cannot agree on earth
we don't know what will be done bye
and bye if they all get to the same place.
WHILE war is all General Sherman
said it was-la.11- there is nothing that
so quickly stirs the pulse of a nation,
particularly the BritisS people whose
loyalty and patriotism is always deep
and true. The war has called out many
unasked responses from the various
colonies and very probably inside the
next two weeks aontlegeuta will be
making their way to the scene of strife.
"Britons never shall be slaves" is a
manly sentiment but when it broadens
in a demand to give every inert the same
chance the brotherhood is seeu. Great
Britain was slow to take up arms and
used her best endeavors to promote
peace and harmony but when that was
refused the old British lion will assert
himself and in behalf of the weaker
natious will battle for their rights. We'
hope for an early settlement.
Time Differences Between
European Cities and America
In following the war news it is inter-
esting to know the tlnte changes.
Witen it is midnight here, it is in-
. Paris, 5;09 s. . .
- : London, 5:90
• at. Petersburg tot a, rn
Vienna, 6:66 a. m. „ s
• ' , Belgrade, 6:iso assns.
2:o p 'm. .
Henigong. 22:37 ps .
• BRoe 9:50 eifi east.
.,.. Athens, 6;55 a. m.
When Your Pack Fluke'
Of course it's hard to work. Stoop-
ing over hurts, lifting is tedious, and
yon wonder what todo..Ever try
Nerviline Nothing like 11 for weak
or lame .back. It penetrates to the
core of the pain, eases from the first
application, brings cure that defies a
relapse. No liniment is so dean, so
soothing, so certain to kill muscular
rheumatic or sciatic pains. -Your.
dealer sells Nerviline in large 25e
bottles. Why not try it ? .
Turnberry Council
Council met in Bluevale Monday
July 27th 1914. Members all piesent,
Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting
were read and adopted.
Reeve was instructed to see Robt.
Tindall in regard to inconvenience to
him in his mail route at the Oon. 0
Wili oh wari closed.
Moved by. Messrs. Wheeler n4
Adair that By-law No. 9 to provide
funds to meet county rate, Bylaw
No. 10 to provide funds to meet town-
"THatte's money in the soil" is an oft ship rate, By-law No. 11 to provide
repeated truism but rarely does the 11-
funds to meet township grant to
lustration appear as truly practical as on
the farm of D. W. Ball, Con, 9, Raleigh
township Kent Co, He has plowed up
$5.00 gold pieces, ti in all, and is still
on the look.out. Coins bear date of
182o to 1327. Supposition is that in the
'1± loug ago somebody Wiled the money
for safe keeping and that the box had
totted leaviog the money lying loose.
'Something must have happened to the
,i fellow who "planted" the gold or he
5 waved have got back for it.
Boaane of Health are often do-noth-
' ifig orgauizatione unless an epidemic
strikes their municipality, But they are
not all of that stripe as some are active
• and enforce the provisious of the Act
with a vigor that makes people sit up
and take notice. The town of Blenhelin
and the township of Harwich are after
• the slaughter houses, dairies, &c., and
are compelling 5 elean-up BO that eoudi.
dots will be -sanitary. They say the
interior of abme of the plaeeSWsis simply
• filthy atid notices have beet served on
the parties and After A glen date de.
illecittehte will be brought to book with
tin energy that will Merin sotnething.
schools and By-law No. 12 to provide
funds to meet bridge debentures be
read three times and passed. Carried.
Moved by. Messrs. McBurney and
Adair that By-law No. 18 appointing
stVist W118011 Tax 'Collector be read
three times and passed. Carried.
, Council adjournedto meet in Blue -
vale Monday, August 81st, at. 10 a. m,
Huron County.
4** Queen's Note! Block,
Threshing and onion pulling are the
oeder of the day around Kippen.
D. S. Drrington, of West WaWam-
osh gays his corn is over 8i feet tall.
Honey crop aroutid Hensall section
promises to.be a complete failure this
Egmond villa people had their
main stteet oiled so as to keep down
the dust,
Official Board of James street
Methodist church, Exeter, gave Rev.
Mr. McAllister an increase of one
hundred dollars on his salary,
The Young Ladies Class of James
stteet Methodist Sunday School,
Beeter, gave a contribution to the
suffeveas of British Columbia coal
mihe disaster.
St, Peter's convent Goderich, is • be-
ing thoroughly renovated clueing the
vacation period. The basement is
being excavated and new window
fresnea added and other itriprOVettiente
Having poechased a new otock +
of all linespertaining to the har-
ness making business I am pre- 4.
pared to enpply the needs of the +
public in the best style. Call in *
and inspect stook. Our prices 4.
are right.
. Will make a specialty: of Re'
4' pairs and guarantee satisfaction
to every customer.
A. share of the patronage ask-
ed for and my best efforts. will
+ beto please you.
* Wm. Wilson
Miss Beatrice Grant, of Clinton, has
returned from California, much bene-
fitted in health.
Eight years ago Rev. D. W. Collins
became Rector of theTrivitt Memorial
church and his ministry in Exeter has
been crowned with success.
The Dick house, Seaforth assess-
ment was reduced from $4,000 to
$3,000. The appeals froru the hotels
were sustained and the assessments
were 'educed as follows :-Commerci-
al, from 812,500 to $6,000 ; Queen's
from 87,500 to $5,000 and Royal front
$8,500 to $5,000. The business tax on
these hotels was also reduced to 25
per cent for teven months,
Perth County
Wm. Walkinshaw, of Toronto, was
in town last week renewing old
acquaintances. 11 15 85 years since he
left Mitchell,
T. H. rollick, M. A., principal of
Port Perry high school, and Mrs.
rollick, were in St. Marys the past
week. Mr. rollick has been appoint-
ed principal of Athens high school,
The Temperance and Moral Reform
Association met last week at At-
wood and arranged to have the
petitions circulated on behalf of the
Canada Temperance Act. The work
is to be completed within a week.
The outlook is bright for a large vote
its Elma, township.
St, Marys firemen won a prize of
$15 on a coupling contest at Seaforth
on Wednesday of last week.
Joseph Rea Iiite sold his fine farm on
the Base Line, Blisnshitial, I Robt,
Berry, and will emotive to hi, Marys.
The death took plane in Hibbert alt
Thursday evening. of John McVey, 1
aged 48. He had been ill only about a
week from an abscess hi the head and
previous to this he bad always enjoy.
ed the best of health, He was a pros-
perous farmer and tau exclusive bog
Weeder. He leaves 14 wife and three
children to mourn his loss. He was 11
brother-in-law of George Dalton, of
W. II. Walker, 333 Nelson street,
Stratford, has a lstt'ge collection of
curios, and among them is a shell
which waspicked up after the siege of
Paris, during the late reanco.Geinian
war, This emir) is of interest at the
present time. and is on exhibition in
the D. M. Ferguson Co.'s; window.
In the five mile. motor -cycle event
at Stratford Milton Kaufman, of
Cassels, fell from his wheel as lie
mended at the turn too sharply. His
motor then refused to work. Steer -
big it through -the racers to a place of
safety Kaufman was ion ()tier by D.
Henry, also of Cassels. Kaufman's
leg was broken above the ankle. Hss.
was removed at elide to the hospital.
Rev. 0. 0. Porton, who is giving up
the pastorate of St,. James' Episcopal
church, Paris, fernier rector of
Trinity church, Mitchell, to become
assistant rector of Si. Paul's Cathedral
in Detroit. was given a great farewell
by his congregation and friends. He
was presented with a purse of gold
and an address and his wife was given
a very handsome cream set.
Thomas McHugh, Mitchell's oldest
resident, died at his home On Park
street West at,10 a. na. on Wednesday
of last week in his 94th year. De-
ceased' was born in Oounty of Fer-
managh, Ireland, in 1821, and came to
Canada when a young man in 1847,
and settled in Logan township, where
he carried on farming successfully for
a number of years. After leaving the
farm he went to Mitchell and has
been a resident for 30 years. Hie wife.
predeceased him some years ago.
He leaves one daughter who has been
a faithful companion and comforter
to lihn during hie deollning Yaal%
He was much respected by all who
knew him.
What might have pt oval a vela,
serious accident occurred one day on
the Gravel Road, a mile or so South
of Monktnn. John Love, of the 16th
Oon. of Ellyn'was delivering a horse
to a Mitchell buyer, and leading it be-
side the buggy while he and his
daughter. were occupying the rig.
Quite anddenly as they were passing
another rig the home became frighten-
ed and bolted sideways against Mr.
Love's rig, tuening. the whole outfit
and occupants into the ditch.
Fortunately the young lady escaped
unhurt, but her father was b idly
tramped on by the heavy animal, the
mark of the shoe being noticeable on
his back below the, shoulder. Some
two or three ribs were broken.
Grand Trunk Railway System
Uriion Sabbath School
. Thursday, August- 13
1 9 1 4
Special Train, Time and Fares as follows
LEAVE Time Faro, Adults OPiidren
PALMERSTON 7.05 a, m. $1 85 95c
GOWANSTOVVN 7.15 110 85c
LISTOWEL . 7.20 1 65 85c
ATWOOD 7 80 1 55 80c
HENFRYN .... .. .. 7.35 1 50 75c
ETHEL 7.40 1 45 750
BRUSSELS . 7.50 1 25 05e
BLIIEVA.LE • 8.00 1 05 55c
VVINGHAM 810 05 50c
WHITECHURCH „. , 820 75 40c
LITOKNOW 8.30 55 80n
RIPLEY 8.45 40 20c
Arriving at Kincardine at 9.00
Returning will Leave Kincardine at 7 p. m.
Tickets good for the day, except from Palmerston and Gow-
anstown, which are good to eaten following day.
Arrangements are being made for
Tennis, Lawn Bowling, Base Bali
and other Sports at Kincardine
Everybody Should Arrange to Go
and Spend the Day at the Lake
Rea. L . Page, L L Griot Wt 11. Kee,
Satit, 81, a161a61113. B. 3ntai..M111.9111415„ SUP& t4sttt. fa, 3.
Many Listowel citizens ate now
holidaying at the lake,
roue new houses are In the 001.11'60
Or erection in hIllvertuti tide year,
When in Steam th on Wednesday
of last, week, I it, o' Mibtiltill,
had $75 Picked his poeitet,
The Sons of Scotland and the
tleinent. Kittle t3and of St, Illai.ye, Iwo
areasiging for alt exenesifin 40 Sarnia
on A 'must. 20.
Pal meistoti 18 peel at ne says 1-
Sueely there is enough 11111tpi 1111 in a
town like Palmerston to organize and
sopport a band. Tim e are instru-
ments belongitig to the town that nee
doing no good to
The vital elatistice 'if the town of
St. Marys for 1 he 11101i1h of .1 une wore
Bli•ths, 7; marriages 3 ; deaths 4.
Onuses of death, Tuberonlosis,' 1 ; ear -
clone, 1: eancer til sloinneli, I ; drown-
ing 1.
Why Do You Faint?
Sometimes from shock or ft ighl,
but usually becalm . the system is
weakened and depecesed,-it lacks
power to eact tom sudden, strain.
This condition 'demands rebuilding,
demands nourislinieht, which is best,
supplied by Feerozonc. In every
forth' of tiebil 1 ty rerSozone is a speei
It fortifies the digestive and assiniii-
lative power' of . the body, m mantes
the elimbiatinit of waste materials,
builds up tie -u', gives ewer y and
eesistance. • To have doh, red blood,
enduring nerVeS, a strong C(tlisliltt lion
and lasting gond health,use retro -
zone. Sold everywheri
e n 50e boxes
or six for $2 50,
Atwood ....Sept. 22-23
Beussels .Oct. 1-2
Blyth .... . ..... ...,..... . Sept, 29-30
Dungannon Oct. -2
Elmira • Sept. 22-23
Embro •Oot. 1
Exeter : . .... Sept, 21-22
Fordwich . ................. ,„, --Oct. 3
Galt .......... ......... * -.Cot. 1-2
Goderioh Sept. 22-28
Gitelph...,. ...... . Sept, 15-11
Harrison Sept. 24-25
Ingersoll...," ..... ,..„ Sept, 22-28
Kineamilne Sept, 17-18
Kirkton ....... . ..... ..„. ,,,,,,,Sept. 24-15
Listowel . .,.... .. ..... ...„ ...... ...Sept. 7
London (Western Fait).„.Sept. 11-19
Milveeton. Sept. 24 -25
New Hamburg Sept. 17-13
Palmerston . .... ..... ......-Sept, 29-80
Ripley -Sept. 29-30
Stratforcl . Sept. 21-23
Seaforth .... ...... ....... .... Sept. 24-25
St. Messys...... ..... .... .... Sept. 22-28
Tavistock. .... - ........... ....Sept. 21-22
Toronto (Can. National
Aug. 28 -Sept. 12
Teeswater • .. . Oct. 7-8
Wellesley Sept. 15-16
Woodstock . . Oct. 6-8
Wiligharu. SST C. 21-25
Howard Morenz, son of Wm. MOP.
PlIZ. Mitchell, reeelved a broken arm
w bile cyan king an auto,
21 out of 24 pupils from St. Mai ye
Collegiate 111E01.11LO. W110 wrote for
Pill WHIN, to lin. Notaital were Rummies-
rui young man who gave his Monti as
eklbert Graham and Itis home,
Alitchell, %vas lined $20 and costs by
.Nlagistritio (3 Lints, Stream 0, for tw-
ilit; di 1.1tk and reeving conceau,. d
Mrs, 1111111., de/tininess iti IbIstowt.l,
lind as her gaited last lavelc Mrs, A. hl.
I 1 ell, 11 missionary of thiriaway,
Libeeht, who is rei nrillitg to her poet
of duty after an absence of a year n
furlough 1 he grenier portion or whirh
lime site bas: -Tera, at bet home in
Atlanta, Georgia.
o 4
4 •
4 •
1 •
9 o
0 •
4 •
o •
4 •
2 .. • '
• - :
: •
0 a
0 •
. 0
• Alreither Elgin,Re- :
• giba, Waltham or
• . Hampden to us,: #
:and we will show you as
good Watches as ever a :
• . man owned. • •
L Seat, of LIM owel, tinders;
went, an operation in the Stratford'
hospital for appendicitis.
Of 29 'who wrote IS tr Entrance tot
NI ltd
(n1)1 1
1 1.,,ie‘lv4111y1 1/(1( 1
of fildmuttion 11 passed.
The People's Column
FA ARM poRti$/litial-re io? acme term,
, Lot 8, Og14melgy
' offered for NOE. 95 esrtu oleo red and 5 acres
or Ift is a good far end HI it line 10551
1137M;aellir WiTil:.1;p1:117et pVPtirt..Ver5ti s 151 fit!..-
1,1:111740?),....tri,,nr31.)uly,,,,ott,.A LEX. BtlialiAXA14 or
e o'
ea We bank upon any of these 0
• makes pleasing ten out of
. ten of our Oustotners-and 6
A they do it. •
0 0
i For Why ? 1
. Becanse they embody all *
4. i NtvlititItteish.mertnt by it peefect I
• How much do you
• •
• have to Pay ? •
• •
• Froin 5,00 to $25.00 -just
eording to grade. All sires e
and styles of cases. Will 0
es you permit us to show you. 0
• 0
• •
J. R. Wendt
+ ;Jeweler and Engravet, ' :
W 0
0 roxeter .
• •
64;60.0•••••••000.00.0 Seee.4.
Every Regina- Watch ,carries
With it a 'universal guarantee• .
That .inea.n: if Ycitk. purchase
Regina from this store, we
• 'clorse the universal guatantee,
which will be honored by any other
Regina watch agerit anywhere.
Add to this, the manufacturers"
absolute and permanent gitaran-
tee against structural defects and
you will see that you cannot make
• a mistake in purchasing a REGINA
L. BLAKE, Walton
r.,101 -ASS FARM FOR SALE., --:
N.T.112 (%1,71.1.art!4r.r.l offers for side Farm
la firstel:m7 21=41'141olt°11'otislie°,*
good bank barn with. Rawl stabling, frame
11110 end gond shed on stone foundation, 75
acres tttt, under cultivation dud .25 naves fu
good bush, mostly hardwood. Well watered'
B good Wella ; Pumping windmill On barn
two bearing orchard. POP further particulars:
imply to the imaeteignee--P.as BUTANE. ALEX,
linyAris or la. FI 800+P. 1.31WaroIST. 0:
Pigs for Sale
A. number of.young York Pigs, 6 or 0 weeks
old', for safe. Arso'some geed brood ROWE With
young littera,. Apply 10 J1 151. ICNTanTi.'
Phone 5010Orenbrook, • ,
. . ,
Steer Strayed
Steer strayed front Lot 28, C,om 15, Gee'
Township, He is a year old and mostly red In
color with wide borne Any information con-
cerning the beast will be thaelaully r000lv“1:
CARNI FOR SALB.-Thoundersigned offers
Por Weida 100 aore 'farm. being 'Lot 4,
Con 15, Grey.. Perm is all cleared but 2 acres,
and in good state of coltiwitiOIL 1311.01r1OW00
bank barn, cement driving shed ; water mini,'
plied et both bern and house by windmill.,
SO mires underdralned. Two miles from.
Walton.. Fer further partionlers apply fee,
T. W , R. R. No. 2 Brussele, 47•Bie
. .
Ho, 1, Produce warehouse et Brum:ibis"
Station G. T. IL . For particulars apply to .-)‘
T. LECKIE, Brussels. .1
Cumberland Gem (Imp.):
(132181 (150801
Proprietor Walton P. 0. '
Will stand for the improvement of stank
ng the Reason at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop
litallion Enrolment.
The Stallion Enrolment Board*of 'Ontario
certifies that the name, description and pedi-
gree of the Clydesdale, Stallion .'Cumberland
Glue Milli 1, registered in the Canadian
Clydesdale Stud. Boolc IN No. 18979, owned by
John .I: tle(lavin, of Walton, and foaled in
1010. has been enrolled it accordance with
Chapter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George
V, the Enrolment No. being 1387.
'R. W. \Arnim, Secretary. •
PIWUR WHITE. Ch0111111l11,
Toronto, March 81st, 1914.
Loudon's favorite (hop.);
.1118121 1150710
Proprietor Walton P.O. . •
Winstead for the improyein en tliE ,Stook der-)
• Mg the season at his own stable, ,
• Lot 22, O:cm......1383.,001Vi. 91(1liop,
T ..
. .,
Stallion Enrolment.•
• The Stallion EldrOlitlent Beard of Ontario
certifies that the name, cleginiptfett and mll-
gree of the Clydesdale
Favoritino.(Imp.) regiptert,d: itt the,Canadiani.
Clydesdale Stud Sobli ilk 1,0. 118)2 owned by
J: Pre9avin; aVelton, And itottled'in'
1904, Ins been enrolled. ie. accotlihniee
Chapter 87 of the'aiduteri or Ontario, 2 thieree
V, the learblizient•NOCbeing 8881.
Toronto,,Maaoh 81001114, •
is prepared to supply the best
goods in 'Windmills, Iron and,
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Filkingsssuch as Piping, Wats ,.
tar Bowls for stook, &C. s'
10pairs to Pumps promptly a
attended to, '
Give me a call.
A, HAMANN, Cranbrook
At your home, without
pais, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap
patently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait .until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?'
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age, Time Rup ..,
Single or Double
Name .
... 144,1,110
and return to
88 OolotiOnia St,
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.
.T11 li UNi Vr. WO /viz C A li
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1014, 10 August 1, 1915, and
I guaranteed against any reduction clueing that, time.
Touring Car - . - $590
Runabout - - - 540
• Town Car .. - 840
In the Dominion of Canada
FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum
afecioatia In our factory produetion, and the Minimum cost in
moltirooknit,r.81nbgevvideglilmitcyr taimiets IF We win reaoh an output
AND should we moll this pi (Auction we agree to
1105, 011 the huyer's share, from $40 to 280 per car (on or about
August 1, 11116) to every retail buyer who pith:114meg r. new Ford
ear betWoon August 1,101.1, and August 1,11115,
For fitrther partiettlars regarding Omen low prices and profit.
sharing plan, atm tile ueat•est Ford 13ratich or Dealer.
.I. H. (*Arsenals% Agent, Brussels
- .
Ford Motor Company
• of Canada 'Limited
Ford, Ontario
r.,101 -ASS FARM FOR SALE., --:
N.T.112 (%1,71.1.art!4r.r.l offers for side Farm
la firstel:m7 21=41'141olt°11'otislie°,*
good bank barn with. Rawl stabling, frame
11110 end gond shed on stone foundation, 75
acres tttt, under cultivation dud .25 naves fu
good bush, mostly hardwood. Well watered'
B good Wella ; Pumping windmill On barn
two bearing orchard. POP further particulars:
imply to the imaeteignee--P.as BUTANE. ALEX,
linyAris or la. FI 800+P. 1.31WaroIST. 0:
Pigs for Sale
A. number of.young York Pigs, 6 or 0 weeks
old', for safe. Arso'some geed brood ROWE With
young littera,. Apply 10 J1 151. ICNTanTi.'
Phone 5010Orenbrook, • ,
. . ,
Steer Strayed
Steer strayed front Lot 28, C,om 15, Gee'
Township, He is a year old and mostly red In
color with wide borne Any information con-
cerning the beast will be thaelaully r000lv“1:
CARNI FOR SALB.-Thoundersigned offers
Por Weida 100 aore 'farm. being 'Lot 4,
Con 15, Grey.. Perm is all cleared but 2 acres,
and in good state of coltiwitiOIL 1311.01r1OW00
bank barn, cement driving shed ; water mini,'
plied et both bern and house by windmill.,
SO mires underdralned. Two miles from.
Walton.. Fer further partionlers apply fee,
T. W , R. R. No. 2 Brussele, 47•Bie
. .
Ho, 1, Produce warehouse et Brum:ibis"
Station G. T. IL . For particulars apply to .-)‘
T. LECKIE, Brussels. .1
Cumberland Gem (Imp.):
(132181 (150801
Proprietor Walton P. 0. '
Will stand for the improvement of stank
ng the Reason at his own stable,
Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop
litallion Enrolment.
The Stallion Enrolment Board*of 'Ontario
certifies that the name, description and pedi-
gree of the Clydesdale, Stallion .'Cumberland
Glue Milli 1, registered in the Canadian
Clydesdale Stud. Boolc IN No. 18979, owned by
John .I: tle(lavin, of Walton, and foaled in
1010. has been enrolled it accordance with
Chapter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George
V, the Enrolment No. being 1387.
'R. W. \Arnim, Secretary. •
PIWUR WHITE. Ch0111111l11,
Toronto, March 81st, 1914.
Loudon's favorite (hop.);
.1118121 1150710
Proprietor Walton P.O. . •
Winstead for the improyein en tliE ,Stook der-)
• Mg the season at his own stable, ,
• Lot 22, O:cm......1383.,001Vi. 91(1liop,
T ..
. .,
Stallion Enrolment.•
• The Stallion EldrOlitlent Beard of Ontario
certifies that the name, cleginiptfett and mll-
gree of the Clydesdale
Favoritino.(Imp.) regiptert,d: itt the,Canadiani.
Clydesdale Stud Sobli ilk 1,0. 118)2 owned by
J: Pre9avin; aVelton, And itottled'in'
1904, Ins been enrolled. ie. accotlihniee
Chapter 87 of the'aiduteri or Ontario, 2 thieree
V, the learblizient•NOCbeing 8881.
Toronto,,Maaoh 81001114, •
is prepared to supply the best
goods in 'Windmills, Iron and,
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Filkingsssuch as Piping, Wats ,.
tar Bowls for stook, &C. s'
10pairs to Pumps promptly a
attended to, '
Give me a call.
A, HAMANN, Cranbrook
At your home, without
pais, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap
patently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait .until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?'
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age, Time Rup ..,
Single or Double
Name .
... 144,1,110
and return to
88 OolotiOnia St,
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.