HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-8-13, Page 1Ia .it ii VOL. 43 NrO. 7 BRUSSELS; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, I914 New Advertisements Box rent—ll', S. Scott, Now stook—A, betteh, Notioe—A. McDonald, Brooch round—Tnn Pon, S entaoles found—Tun Perm, • Lime for sale—Brown. Parke. Rubber rug fonnd—A. Buchanan. Listowel Business College—B, G. Matthews, , i riot ..e.tus . Jamestown Wm. King visited D. and Mrs, McCallum, Bullets, over Sunday. Miss Mary Smith was a visitor with Mies Beth Miller. Robb, Scott spent Sunday with friends on Con. 1 Grey. Wrn. 'Willis lost a valuable 4 year old horse from a kick received a week previous. Master Harry McCutcheon, of Morris, visited hie cousins, Gordon and Aldine Holt. Robt. Simpson will teach a school at Little Britain the coming year. He "has secured his 1st and should make a good teacher. Miss Beatrice Harris, of Brussels, has been engaged as teacher for S. S. No, 4 for the ensuing year. Mee. 13. Payn has been et Blyth the past week owing to the illness of her daughter, Mise Gertie, who was down with the measles, We are glad to say she is recovering. Wauxbt's INS'P'ITiJri9,—The regular meeting of the Jamestown Women's Institute will be held in Victoria Hall, on Thursday afternoon, 27th inst. Topics will be "Moral and physical alarm of fault finding" introduced by Mrs. T. R. Bennett, "How the girls may help the Institute" by Ferns Eckmier.. Wroxeter • NEwsx NopBs.—Miss 3, Black ao- oompanierl Miss L, Martin on her return to her home in Exeter on Sun- day:—Geo. Mclntosh, of Stratford, was a visitor at the home of John Davidson lust week.— Mrs, 0. 0. Stewart and children, of Toronto are visiting the forrner's brother, David and Abe Sanderson, of Howick.—B, and Mis. Whitmore and M. and Mrs. Lemon, of flarriston, spent Sunday with R, and Mrs, Black.—Mrs. Fred. 0000000000►000000000000000300e0000000004000000000000m0 4 0 O • i 4 e e 4 • • New 0 Stock at Cranbrook 4 • e I wish t•o announce to e. 0 0 the Public that I am 0 0 putting in a fine new 0 *• Stock ofGROCERIES, 0 0 DRY GOODS, BOOTS && • o 0 SHOES, ETC., and amst 0o 0prepared to give all cus- •0o 4. 0• tomers satisfaction to e 4. 0 the best of my ability. 0 000 • ® s O A. • iVlc�onald s �Id 9tal�d [[ITCH, CRAI�lBROObC c v , 0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000 0 Davey and children have returned from a three weeks' vacation spent at Grand Valley and Shelburne.— Gor- don Morrison, of Tilsonburg, is holi- daying at his home here,.-- Miss Mina Douglas left on Friday to spend two weeks at Hamilton and Galt,— James Moffatt, of Goclerich, is visiting under the parental roof,—Mise Jennie .Allan is the guest of relatives at South- arnpton.—MI's, J. Messer and daugh- ter and Mrs. W. McLaughlin and daughter, of Winnipeg, left for their homes on Wednesday after spending five weeks at the home of Mrs, Jas. Ritchie,—O, and Mrs, Wade, of Ford- wich, spent Sunday with friends in the village.—L. Buckingham, of the Bank of Hamilton, is holidaying at his home in Ripley.—Frank Sander- son, of Toronto, is spending a week with his wife and daughter here.— Ray Carr was a visitor in Brussels on Sunday,— Miss Sophie Robinson is visiting with friends in Wingham.— Mrs. M. McLennan is the guest of relatives in Seaforth.— Donald Pope and family spent Sunday with Wing- ham relatives,—Rev, Mr. Soudamore, of Harriston, will occupy the pulpit in the Episcopal church on Sunday after- noon, Rev. Mr. Roberts being away on his vacation.—Miss Etta Smith is spending two weeks in Toronto. Oranbrook Tse LV i E. Calder, of Toronto,is the guest of Mee. J.Forrest. Miss Bessie Alderson, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof, Mies Mabel McNichol, of Woodstock, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mies L. Chambers, of Ethel, Sun- dayed at the home of Mrs. G. Sperling. Mrs. A. A, Naylor and children, of Seaforth, are visitors at the home of O. Seel, Geo. and Mrs. Dan. Huethor and her two daughters attended the 01d Boys' Re -union at Stratford. Mrs. E. H. Kaiser and daughter, Ora, of Stratford, and W. L. Keeling, of Cargill, are visitors at the home of A. Helm. A new stock of goods is being open- ed up in the McDonald store, an- nouncement of which is made in THE Poem this week. Sunday School Excursion to Kin- cardine Thursday of this week. Train leaves Ethel at '7.40 a. m. and Brussels at 7.50, giving a long day at the lakeside. Il'INB SBRvfcis.—Last Sabbath the re -opening services of the Methodist church were v era held and were ag canine success. The pastor' preached flue sermons in the afternoon and evening to large and attentive audiences from "Life's mystery" and "How a man cleaned up a town," The musical numbers by the choir and Messrs. Pequeguat and Lightfoot were most 4. 0 000000+00 00oq.p,, a°4F4.÷4.04-7..1.+4.+++++++++++ 4.4,,•••••••••••• "1' WE WAT YOU TOKOW 'F ,i, 's• •' •r •r -P 'l' 4' •.'r M .1. 4' 'l' dt 'i• 4• ,p A •�F. h. '1 -F 4. -b et' + + '9, 4, 'l' OM+1l +4. N** Listowel Bsiness College Re -opens for the Fall Term an Tuesday, September 1st We are proud of the success of our graduates during the past year and theyare proud p of the L. B. C. Prospects are brighter and better than ever for the coming year. Several new Students are now registered. You should be among the number. Let LIS. tell you a _ . bout -our graduates and their successes and give you fullarticul p ars as to how you can qualify as they have done. Address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS; Principal incipal LISTOWEL .r ONTARIO + + + O 4, + + 4' 4. e• 4.++++++. 4. 4. fiN + 'N d'•N + 'F'i:'N pleasingly rencteced and the 50th anniversary will be long remembered, Monday evening the rain rather altered the program but tables web ladened were set in the sired and after all had been wen supplied an adjournment teas made to the church. The pastor occupied the chair and added ninnh to the interest of the audience by his geniality and timely hints. Program was a very enjoy- able one throughout and consisted of the following :--Hymn, All Hall the power of Jesus name ; prayer ; anthem by choir_; solo, Albert Peg. uegnat ; reading, F. H. Gilroy ; duet, Messrs, Pequegnat and Lightfoot ; address, Rev, J. E. Mutter, of Dun- gannon ; duet, Misses Pryne and Eingeton ; solo, F. H. Gilroy ,• solo, Me. Lightfoot; duet, Messrs. Light- foot and Pequegnat ; solo, Albert Pequegnat; "-God Save the King," Proceeds of Sunday and Monday totalled $75,00, The interior im- provements to the church were of such a character that the appearance is both pleasing and satisfactory. The congregation is to be compli- mented in their' successful efforts. Everybody did web who took part in the re -opening exercises and the talent Monday evening was warmly thanked, especially the Stratford friends. Oranbrook ladies always at- tend to the cookery department in first-class manner and this was no ex- ception. The congregation has genuine pluck and success is wished them by all concerned. Walton A new front has been put in the harness shop. Last Sabbath morning the regular Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church, Rev, Mr. Barker, of Seaforth, preached and adminis- tered the sacrament, The Official Board met Monday afternoon when finances were reported in gnod shape. Salary of pastor was put at $800, same'as last year. Egerton Roe was chosen lay delegate to District meet- ing. After a long service of over 30 years as steward Jno. Dundee asked to be relieved and Mr. Leeming was appointed in his place. Bluevale 00 Mt0,iss Alice Paul is visiting at Tor - Paul nit Jewitt shipped a carload of hogs on Wednesday. Jas. and Mrs. e. Master s spent Sunda with relatives at Belgrave. y Miss Louie Wilburn, Wingham, is home for a short vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Shaw spent Sunday with relatives at Wallaceburg. Mrs. Reid, of Wingham spent a few days last week with Mts. Bruce. On account of the war the farmers are laying in a good supply of flour. Geo. Greenway started out with his threshing outfit Monday morning. Mrs, F. McCracken, of Brussels, was a visitor in the village this week. Wm Patton,Toronto, is atr P esent visiting relatives in and around the village Mrs Thornton, Detroit, isat pres- ent visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Sellers. Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. H. A. Mc- Call and Mies Lillian McCall took in the excursion to Detroit on Satur- day, 1 for Lake Huron on Thursday's Excursion this week. Special train leaves Bluevale at 8 o'clock and Kin- cardine at 7 p. m. on the home trip. Jos. Smith has sold out his farm stock, etc to Mt Hobble, aWingham. of We understand 1Vir. and Mrs. Smith will reside in Luoknow. ' We are sorry to lose Mr. Smith and family but our loss will be Lucknow's gain. Quite a lot of damage was done alongthe railwaytracks during the dryhot weather last gg week. About half a mile of snow fence was burned also the shanty at Brussels gravel pit. The fentte and grass alongside of John McOracken's barn got on fire one day and but for the timely arrival of help his barn and other buildings 1 would have been destroyed. OBITVARY The late Thos. John- ston, was born at Bluevale 48 years ago. Practically all his life was spent in Huron county. He had resided in Goderich for the last 9 years during which time he was proprietor of the Colborne House on Hamilton street. About a year ago the deceased was stricken with it severe attack of pneumonia - which rc,h he never fully ull Y recovered andh c hifinally w fih t l resulted ed in his death. Mr. Johnston was a Conservative in politics and in religion a Presbyterian. He leaves to 10000n his loss a widow and 3 young daugh. tens. He is also survived by 3 broth. ers and 2 sisters :—Jarnes Johnston, of Chicago, and John and Harry John. sten of Saskatoon, Sask. ; Mrs. Benet, of .Toronto, and Mrs. B. J. Saults, of Goderich. Harty Stowe and Mrs. A. 0. King, both of Toronto are half-brother and half-sister to tate deceased. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Maitland oeme- teity. Rev. James Hamilton con- ducted the service. The large at- tendance and 1;180 beautiful floral tributes wore evidences of the high respect in which the deceased was held by a large circle of friends. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of the cotnmttnity in their loss. OLD Bove' itE-UN.toN,— Old Boys and Girls and ex•teachees of Bluevale School nye regtueeted to keep in mind the date of Saturday, Sept. 51.h, when an Old Boys' re -union is to be held on the school grounds in honer of tire' old school. The celebration will tante place in the afternoon, and will take the form of a picnic with music, ad- dresses, atitletic conteets, and other attractions, • The old school is being replaced by a more models) building and •the event; trill celebrate the nets building as Well as the paseing away of the old structure whish has been familiar for be essay yea1'sr This event will recall memories of their childhood to the numerous old pupils of the village who represent their birthplace with credit in many parts of Oanada. As many es possible are requested to come and revive the happy memories of the past with one another on September 611, A Re- ception Committee will be on hand to welcome the visitors. Further parti- culars may be obtained by addressing Robert Black, Chairman, or Mies 0, M. Messer, Secretary, Grey Quite an acreage of Fall wheat wil be put in this Fall. Mrs. Jas, Cardiff is visiting with friends at Stratford. Will. Hoover will attend. Stratford Normal School this Fall. The Trustees of S. S. No. 10 are ask- ing for a teacher. See advt. in thie issue. J. M. Knight is having a cement silo built this week. He is an up-to- date farmer. Geo. Ramsay, of Walton, was visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. 3.. D. McNair, 14th con„ last week. Quite a,numbet' are going to Kin- cardine Thursday of this week on the annual Excursion, Voters' List Court will be held on Friday 21st inst., in Ethel at 10 a. m, A number of appeals pp are entered. Miss BellaeT M a art of Brandon, arrived home the other day to eee her mother who is seriously ill with fever, Misses Beatrice and 011a Armstrong were holidaying In Stratford last week as was Harold Armstrong. They had a good time. Harvey Hoover has been engaged to teach school on the 14th Con, of McKillop. He commences his duties next month and should make a good teacher, Wm. Brewer, the veteran thresher, 7th Con„ has invested in a new Strat- ford threshing machine. He should know the business after hie appren- ticeship. Mrs. D. McTaggare, 16th con., has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for the past two weeks but her friends hope a change for the better will soon ensue. A fine addition has been made to Menzies Bros, barn, Ilth Con. It was raised NVednesday of last week when a large company assembled to aid in the work. Wm. Zeigler, 14th col„ who has been ill with typhoid fever for the past three weeks, is somewhat better and his many riends hope he will soon be o. k. Morris The Army -worm hasn't reached us as yet. Weare glad to see G. B. Tnrvey, 211d line, is able to be around again. Mrs. J. Thynne, 8rd line, is able to be around again we are pleased to learn. The threshing machine is at work in this townshipnshi P and results appear to be assuring. Quite a number of Morrisitee were at Seaforth last week attending the Celebration. Miss Cora Armstrong, 5th line, visited ]ter cousin, Miss Maggie. Hanna, a few days. James Bowman, M. P. P. goes to Ottawa next week to attend the special session of Parliament. Mr's, James Thyne, 3rd line, who underwent a serious operation at her home recently is doing as well as her friends could expect, Misses Jennie and Grace Robb and Miss fes Ireland are holidaying for a few weeks in Kincardine. We wish the girls a jolly time in the lakeside town, Kenneth McKenzie, of Toronto, a former resident of the 4th line, is renewing old friendships in this township. Time deals a kind]y with him. Mrs. G. B. Tnrvey, of the and line, arrived borne Sunday evening from Wingham hospital much improved. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Y Wtn and Loire. it in w Ic eon and Miss May, 4th line, wenttoon Detroit the Odd Fellows' Excursion last Satur- day. Miss May will continue her stay with relatives. Mrs, W. A. Shaw, Miss Beatrice and Douglas, of Vancouver, 13, 0., and Miss Ruth Johnston, a niece of Mrs. Shaw's from the same city, are welcome visitors with Joseph and Mrs. Shaw, of the Bed lisle, To KINOARDI special NE.—The a cal Dx- curslon train running to Kincardine on Thursday of this week will leave Brussels at 7.50 a. m., Bluevale at 8 o'clock and Wingham at 8.10, Return fare from Brussels will be $1.25 and 65 cents 1 Bluevale, 51.05 and 550 ; and Wingham A short time ago GebrWa Brewer,, who makes hie home at m. Wilk- inson's, 4th lino (Mee. Wilkinson being a daughter) had a slight stroke effecting his right side and interfering somewhat with his locomotion, Mr. Brewer is In his 86111 year and is one of the old residents of this locality. Belgrave Mrs, Allison has recovered from her recent illness. The whooping cough is going the rounds of the Village and vicinity, Rev. Mr. Boyle will occupy hisown pulpit in Knox church nextSnnday, What is the matter with Belgrave having a Civic Holiday and 1lavieg a day's sport? Mrs. Wni, Wray spent last week with her daughter, Sirs, Win. Bryant, whose la home to of the Morrie and Mullett Boundary, David Sproat and niece, Miss Belle Sproat, spent ]net week in Seaforth renewing old friendehips at the Old Boys' and Girls" reunion. Wm. Nethery, hos purchased the lin t o an t s d lot on Main street from Mies Owens and +111 make their home A new verandah is under con- struction on the North and 'West frontage of the manse, which will add mach to the comfort of the occupants. Owing to illness Itev, Me. Young, of Clifford, was unable to take his work here last Sunday in Knox church, Rev, Mr, Campbell, who is visiting his home near Clifford, took the ser- vice instead, Mise Annie Geddes, daughter of Robert Geddes, has been engaged to teach in the vicinity of Grand Valley, ata salary of 5600 per annum. We wish her success as elle has been a bright student, The Woman's Institute will meet in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, next Tuesday Aug. 18th at 2.30. A good program will be given also a demon- stration on "Boning a chicken." All will be welcome, Messrs, Rogerson, from Wheeling, Virginia and Jamestown, N. Y„ are renewing old friendships in this. locality. They were former residents of Morris township and Blyth, remov- ing to Uncle Sam's land 30 years ago. The Annual Report of Belgrave Methodist circuit for the past year has been issued. 5800 was raised for minister's salary ; $182.89 for Mis- sions ; and 5106.1for Educational and connexional purposes, making a total of 81089. Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick is the pastor and John Beecroft, Re- cording ding Steward. There are three appointments on the circuit viz'— Belgrave, Brick church and Sunshine. Monorieff Mrs. Jae. Fulton, of Brussels, visited with her son, James, on the old farm for two weeks. J. and Mrs. Eastwood and family, of Hamilton, ate spending their vacation at Joseph McKay's, Mrs, James Fulton spent a few days in Seaforth last week attending the Old Boys' reunion held in that town. Mrs. Jas. 0. McKay has arrived home from Hamilton where she bas spent the past two months under the parental roof. Miss Belle McTaggart has arrived home after a visit of over a year with her brother John W., of Brandon, Man. Miss McTaggart's mother is quite ill at present with typhoid fever but we hope for a speedy re- covery. Ethel Last Sabbath evening Rev. T. W. Cosens,of Londe ncoca 3 e , d the pulpit of the Methodist church here. He and the pastor exchanged work. The Voters' List Court for the municipality of Grey will be held in the Tc.wnehip Hall, here on Friday August 21st at 10 a. m., before Judge Doy. 14lisaleMyrtle Pawson, daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Pawson, of Brussels, and Robt. and Mrs. Ritchie and child- ren, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Ed. and Mrs. Fletcher, Thursday of this week is the date of the annual Sunday School Excur- shin to Kincardine- Special train leaves Ethel at '730 and tickets are 51.45 and 75c. Train calls at Hen - ft yn at 7.35. Return fare is $1.50 and '750. EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION.— The programs are out for Wingham District Epworth League Convention which will be held in the Methodist church, Ethel, on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. E. A, Hammond, of Wingham, is the President and 11I. J. Slemmon, Secretary -Treasurer. Program marks nut a day web filled with good things, , Rev. Mr. Bartlett, General al Seerst r y of Young People's work, of Toronto, will deliver addresses in addition to the people of the District. There will be three sessions. Reserve the date if you are interested in this depart- ment ofork w Here is the pro- gram :— e0aNlNe SESSION 0.00— 0.80 --Song and Prayer Service. Ernest Bverdngham, Pine River 0.80— 0.50—President's address, B. A. Hammond 9.50-10,00—Report of See, 3keasurer, IDG. J, Mammon 10,00-10,05—Music, 1 ,0 —11 —'Pit 0 6 .05 Leag ue Servioe ' (1) Preparing for it. Norman Harding, Horde (2) Inviting to it, T. W. Ansley, Wingham (8) Leading it, Miss Pearl Hiles, Kincardine (4) The Singing, e¢. W. A. Walden, Fordlvieh (5) The Prayer Sevier, Rev, Mr, Stride, Berrie (0) Consecration Service, Rev. A. J, Langford, Kincardine 11,05-11.30—Discussion, to nab—MN—now make n na a thehtiati C an Citizen. ship Dept. Intotestin and Inatrnotive. BensonInteresting lakahank i n h Wig am 11,80—A.45—bisouasion led by • Rev. H. F Ball, Bervle John (lathers Gerrie IV, J, McCracken, Brussels 11,45-11,50—Appointment of Nominating and Resolution Committees. 11.50-12,00—Music and Offering. APrn10100N SESSION 1,80-2,00—Social half•hour in charge of Miss.'. Harrington Mise Ohamticrsy Res. L A. IDIaIColve 2,00-2.18—Devotional Exercises. Rev, Mr, Penrose, Whiteohurah 2.15-2,40—What is your League Accomplishing P' 2 -minors Verbal Report from a Delegate from each League, 8.45—E.50—IDlitslC, .60-8,20—junior League Work. 80rs, A, J. Langford, District nullo038005e President 8,20--8,80—Disoession led by Mise L, Loathordale Brussels 8,80-4.00—Diseuesion and appointment, of a new Missionary, Bev, D. Wren 4,00=4.05—Mneto and Ufreri Missionary President 4.05-5;05-110and Table Conference, Rev, S.'C, Bartlett' Caen. Secretary 5,05--5,15 11opert of Nominating committee, • 5.15-5,80-0eneral )M111e85. EVE8105 SESSION 7,80 --Song Service. Ray, I. A. MalCelvey Introduction of Officers Sleet. Music by United Choir, Address, Rev, s, J. loridgotto, Luoknow Music and Offeria Adrlttnarortsar, ''Century P"I0ow shall we fade the next Clothe Rxeroises, Rev, S. T. Bartlett Edward Rato, aided 24, son of Sena. ter Valentine Rate, of New Hamburg, tit file iillltge Iihnt'k1y, Wae.dl'owned at Grand Bend, on Snit. W. H. KERR, Projrietor day, Aug. 2nd, when he was seized with clamps while in swimming. The body was recovered in a few miutee and although physicians work- ed for over 2 hours, their efforts were fruitless. One of Rate's friends, who was swimming beside him and tried to rescue him, nearly lost hie life also, as when he attempted to save Rutz, the drowning youth grabbed him so tightly that he was exhausted before he could free himself- His father, mother, and sister are at present in the West. MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires greatfully to acknowledge the follow- ing contributions received in Brussels by the Field Secretary of the Nation- al Sanitarium Association :— Oolleotion at meeting Jas, Bowman, M. P J. T. Wood Wm. M. Martin F. H. Gilroy G. N. McLaren N. F. Gerry R. 0, Deadman W. M. Sinclair 1 00 R. Leatherdale 1 'b0. R. A,nd a Mrs. Pry ne 100 J. F. Row land 1 00 P. Scott1 00 Backer Bros ............. .... ........ 1 00 Walter Breckenridge 1 00 F. R. Smith 100 ' J. L. Downing 1 00 RM Sinclair.....,.... ,• 1 00 M. Black , 100 James Fox......... ..... .... 1 00 Dr. T. T. McRae 1 00 W. P. Fraser 1 00 Jno. Hewitt 1 00 F, • • Scott .... 1 00 J. H. Galbraith 1 00 Robt. Barr,..... ...... ..... ............ 1 00' Jno. Ferguson 1 00 A friend . 1 00 Dr. 3, A. McNaughton 2 0(3 Dr. F. T. Bryans .... 1 00 R. S. Hamilton 1 00 G. C. Manners ......... 1 00 W. G. Neal (Walton) 1 00 Jas. Williamson (Walton)1 00 Mrs. J. Thompson 50 J. T. Nicholson 50 Miss Maude 0. Bryans 50 J. T. Ross Rev, D. Wren 60 0. Pope Mies A. B. Ross Miss E. Inman $5 00 5 00 , 2 00 2 00 2 00 60 25 25 R. DUNBAR, $58.80 Secretary -Treasurer. JUNIOR MATRIC The following List issued by the Department of Education contains the names of the candid ateaw o hwere w successful i n whole or in part on the pass junior matriculation examin- ation in Huron County. Normal entrance candidates who were also candidates for matriculation have. been considered in the results. In Group I are given the names of all candidates who have obtained complete matriculation by passing on the twelve required examination. payers. In Group II are given the names of those who have passed on at least nine of the papers required for com- plete matriculation, and have ave o b rained the minimum required on the whole examination. They have there- fore failed in not more than three papers. In Group III are given the names of all those candidates who have fail- ed to obtain the minimum required on the whole examivation, but who have obtained 40 per cent on each of at least Dight papers, with an average of 60 per cent on the same. Such candidates have been awarded partial matriculation and in order to com- plete their matriculation tuculation mixeC ob- tain at one examination 40 per cent on each of the remaining papers with an average of 60 per cent on the same, HURON Group h—R. A. Bradford, M, Cowan, M, F. Carling, K. S. Gowan, G. Deadman, W. A. Dancey, J. M. Garvey, 0. M. Gilkinson, M. A. Gilkinson, R. 0. Hays, J. E. Hese, . M. IC. Johnston, N. U. Jones, E. James, T. Kidd,M. , D Kennedy, A. M Yr . Landeborou h A. g W.Morgan,A H MaoKercher, E R Manning, W M. Nelson, E. Pollock, G. B. Quacken- bush, R. W. Ryan, J. 0. Strang, J. Taylor, N. Truemner, R, B. Walker. Group II.—G. G. MacEwan. Group III.—J. L. Allan, R. Biseett,' R. S. Carman, P. F. Doyle, L• R. Garvey, M. Gunn, S. G. Henry, E. F. Lowry, W. M. McNaughton, M. R. Ross, R. E. Southcott, L. Stewart, W. G, Stewart, J. H, Smillie, S. Smillie, W. H. Walker. John Cottle, of Farquhar, grew hwo tine specimens of ripe tomatoes, The two weighed one pound and a half. The third was of a large yellow varie t3'The cost of street watering at Hen- sail up to the time the supply has been taken from the street hydrant was $134. This covers May, June and part of July. Godfried Ivadigsr, Dashwood, had the misfortune to hurt his foot while putting his machine in the bath. He has since had to have the aid of a stick toa et around, g r On Sunda 1 t her y as the death took planaat at h home on Victoria street, . 131ST stet:', of Hannah Reddy, relict of the late David Oobblediok, et the age of 07 years and b months. Mre. Cobble - dick had been i11 for several menthe and during the last few weeks serious. ly so, although at tubae somewhat bobon,