HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-8-6, Page 5Any time rryyy TTHEWB Prin. EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, BUSINESS CARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND 86 SONS LIMITED Grimm eJ,JY`arr 1me LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. puuOUDFOOT, EATS & KILLORAN pAi1t1ISTNRB', SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIO, ETU, W. PnommyooT, K. 0. 11 0. Rare J. L. $ILLODAN W. PROM/FOOT JR. Ofaaea—Those formerly 000uplod by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GODRRIOn, 0NTARIo, v`•/ M. SINCLAIR— V Y a Barrister, Soliolter, Oouveyaneer, Notary Public, &a, OIIIce—S tewarl's Blook l door North o l Cuu trap Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, AUCTIONEERS. Ps. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• i ana, will sell for better prices, tt better men, in less time and 1060 charges 111011 any other Anotioneer In East Huron or be won't obarge anything, Dates and Orden can always he arranged at this ohioe or bh •.. re ,nal application, ALLAN LINE, ROYAL NAIL For beautiful booklets showing the luxury of the large Allan Liners, apply agents, or write Ue direct. HE o LWERP0014 GLASGOW a' 1 ONDON-HAVRE /1L9y I ng St.W. Toronto. W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. fW'A� rDrA�rAvtfv�,aar erase �%btcnvc��bvm,S.`�' ' ' A NEW TERM gOpens Sept, 1st in tho popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. r rl This School enjoys a great reputation 4 P.t*C for giving first-class instruction J in BOsiness and Shorthand subjects. t It 1s no wonder our graduates readily get good positions. This is the Col- r �loge for you to attend. To -day, J not toanorrow, write for Our Catalogue Cor. Young matt W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste. S Principal. a fall Term fromgSept. 1st IJTussal ETRATFQRD., ONT., , - ' t� �The host Commercial School in the fy Province. Our courses are thorough and prao tical while our instructors are better than you willfind elsewhere. 'C J Wedomore for our students than oth- er Reboots do. Our rates aro reasonnblo. Write for our free 66,; c¢tn- t7 E Logue and see what we can do for you. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. �rprcv,'1ti'`urtv111,'Orsvdva��w;uv,4�,Aczub�Y+lr�aria`r� Enter i usiness Listowel.g AND Grow with us. 'For particulars addrese— Business Garda Punic School Board Friday evening of next week. JAS. ANDERSON,GET a Fail Fair prize List from M. Black, Secretary, if you have not al. VETERINARY SURGEON, 1 ready received one, $uuaoseor to ZvI• B. Moore, gtllOo at Ander- ' Tal brick work is progressing well at sou tiro%, Livery arable, Brussels, 1'oleaholle Melville church and the walls will be No, 28, DR. T. T. IN, RAE Bnoholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the Oollogeof Phy stoning and Surgeons, Ont. Postg�raduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, I11. 111x.480050 surgeon to 81. Mich. oars Hospital, Toronto, Office over F. R. Smith's Drug 54000, Tele- phone oonusotion with Oranbrook at all flours. DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medloine, University of Toronto ;. Lloanttate of Oolloge of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex•Senior House Surgeon of Western Elospitnl, Toronto. 01)1505 of let0 Dr. A. Molieve Smith Blot*, Brpasels, Rural phone 95, ALEX. 0, M'KELVEY, M.B., M.C.P.&S. C, 198 Blear street East, Toronto Diseases Ear, Noso and Throat 01191061 assistant in ]tar, Noes and .Throat de- partment New General Hospital, Toronto ; Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bos- ton ' lets Senior Resident Surgeon Mass, Eye a& Ear Infirmary . hate Clinical assistant in Nese and Throat department Mass. Gen. Hos. alHlate House Surgeon Toronto ospitRO l.am'Is Buels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Phyeioi¢n and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), Now York and Meese Hos• pitais. Special attention to of ee, nose and 11440011. Eyes testeddisease for glasses. ear, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate or Royal. Oollege of Dental ear- keenoof Ontnrio and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In Isard Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty ready for the plates this week, DRY weather and shortage of grass has been cutting down the cream and milk supplies at the various factories, Moncrieff Miss Beth McNaught, of °annuli- nock, spent a few clays with her flit 111, Miss A. Dunlop. 9,1 1814 Dora McLellan, of Stratford, is spending her vacation with heir 7on0in, Miss Annie McLean. Robert, Neil and Donald McTag- gart motored to ]3olliwell on Satur- day July 25th in R. Richmond's car. They returned on Sunday. George McTaggart and his sister, Mrs, A. McNabb, went to Bothwell to attend their cousin's fuuetal. They arrived house Monday night of last lveelt. Rev. R. A. and 5110, Lundy left on a well earned vacation to Mr, Lundy'a old home. The services for the next two Sabbaths will be taken by Rev. Mr. McLean, Whitby, who is holi- daying in 81oKillop at present. He preached last Sunday also. The Weleell'S Missionary Society of Knox church held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 5111 at 2 p. In. The Bible Reading was given by Mrs, M. Har- rison. a palter mi "D'Iivsionary Sup- port" by Mrs. Wm. Fulton and a paper on "Women's Work for Mis- sions" by Mrs. Geo. MoTaggaret. Why Burn Your Toes? Stop using Arid Corn Salves, use Pututun's Painless Extractor ; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. OR. WARDLAW Use only "Putnam's"-250 at all deal - Honor graddnyyuate Of the Ontario. Veterinary er's. CColl ge. Day and night calls, Office opposite Flou MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST l. oology, Mereonal 84Cor1910k Medica Collcguate Department e, Chicago, 111., 10 prepared to teat eyes and 10 glasses et her office over Grower's Reataurnnt, Bruasels, on Thuredny, Friday and Saturday of every week. (Mee hours 1 to 0 p, m. Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and nailer than any other Auctioneer and only ttharge what is reasonable, Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook sales n specialty. Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter. allislissummasselissisiairmsemlibwz THE Best Brains in Canada have participated. In the pre- ndid Dome Study paration 80n i130nhing,�l1oono tos,idigher Aoaonntifg, °elemental Art, Show Card Writing, Photography Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the Torte which meet interests you and write us Per particulars. Addre0s THE SHIM CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yonge St., Toronto GMEMMIEFFIMICUMNIMPOISIOrmaamessnasmezono eitimmeseressammerssamessomensiiiina COLLEGE AT HOME Thouadnds of ambitious young poo• ppie are fast preparing, in thotr.own hematite 00010$' 1110, 14640 positionsas stetingraphn09, bookkoopors, telegra- phers, chit servantsin rout every Sphere of 1(4111411404, Yoo may finish. et 5011oge 1f volt eo wish, P551410118 g»ar• emacs. Eater eolloge 141177»di- vidnttt iuserltetion. Export teachers, Thirty years' experience. Lar'gSOSt trainers ih Canada. Seven notltgS Spocoarse fentouchers. Mi with aro ial ana• tar'SA0450iatiol ot Onnacdn. Summer Scheel at rnlnons Spotton Nattiest, col. logo, tontine. Wln Nam Business Collee g 0160r S'rO ro5kt0 W. a, Moira Principal. gij y ll patent, Pelee 25e rot all dealerer QtligegV rrefLtd1'Ai lea?tATrar BRUSSELS G01Ne SOUTH G01N0 NORTH M»il 7:07 a mExpress 10:15 n m Express 11:25» m I Mall 1:52 p m Express 2:55 n 1n Express 8:52 p m CSz maaremo ?aW1PW WALTON 1 To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:52 a m s Express ,.,,.....11;10 a m Expreae 1:22 p m Express 8:42 p m WROXETER Going Best - 7:05 n, In. and 8:40 p. M. Going West - 12:12 and 9:58p. m. All train going Eastconnect with 0.P. R. at Orangeville forrO Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, Tzxxi Reba l'ttm Atmore. DAYS are shortening. HONEY 15 a short crop. A good Fall's business is probable. A Pew weddings are on the program. Clvlc Holiday Thursday of next week. A number of our townsfolk were visitors at Seaforth this week at their Old Boys' reunion, Do YOU WISH A WILLOW PLATE ?— Tuesday evening, August x,th, the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will hold a Willo.v Plate Entertainment in the Methodist church school room. A good program of music, story, recitations, refresh. metes, etc„ will be presented. You will miss it If you do not attend. A Calgary subscriber renewing for THE POST says A nice thing in the sentence "'Lets Posy is always wel come"—From Thessalon comes this opinion ;— "THE Pos'r is some paper and like Gooderham's Best it improves with age." We dont know much about Gooderham's Best hence will have to take our old friend's opinion. HAVE YOU HAD .— Green .apple pie yet ? Appendicitis? Any experience in amateur photo- graphy ? A notion to seek musical profs. ciency ? THE POST setit to the absentee? EXCURSION TO KINCARDINE.— The annual Sunday School Excursion to Kincardine will be run by special train, Thursday of next week. Train will leave Brussels at 7.50 a, m, and return. ing train will start from Kincardine 'at 7 p. tn. Return tickets Adults $1.25, children 65 cents. Make up a party and visit the lakeside on that day. 'LITE PosT WOULD LIKE TO see — A Field Day for Brussels School. Every 13russelito boom the Fell Fair. Cigarette smoking by youths dis- continued. Good prices for all kinds of grain. 13russels Old Boys' Reunion in 1e15. Subl,cnibers practice common sauce i11 using the telephone. A11 the sick people convalescent. System Requires Frequent Oloansing Not only outside but inside as well,, y410r body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes loaded with Waet05 that clog up tii0 wheels of health. Much bettor 10 act in time, Use De. Hamilton's Pill's ;' they strengthen and regulate the bowels, assist digcation, enrich the blood and thereby fortify the nerves and lay the foundation of lasting good 11811th. • Dr, Hamilton's Pills bring vim and vitality 'so mucin sought for today they infuse it feeling of freehttess and spir'ktin those 0110 have been ailing for .years. Really no nredlbino so Fordwich W. H. and Mrs. Downey, of Windsor, are visiting Mr's, W. Walters and other relatives. The new station agent, D. Ken- nedy, who comes from Carley, Mue- knka, arrived here accompanied by his. wife and family and they are now getting settled in their new home. 1141 s. Well. Britton, accompanied by her two daughters arrived from the Old Oountry, and joined her husband, who has been here for some time. The family are residing in the resi- dence formerly occupied by Thos. StWbflrrnlg, e playing ball in the Show grounds H. McGuire, who was reliev- ing at the station here, had the mis- fortune to trip and received a badly cut and braised chin by coming in contact with a brbleen• nail which was - protruding from a board. Blyth 51iss Hood spent a week with Gode- rich friends. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fear, of 'Tees - water, were guests at the home of James Beatty. Roy Denham, who has been toach- ing school at Newtonville, is home for the holidays, S. H. and Mrs. Gidley left on a visit to their son, Harvey at M.on- telth, New Ontario. 0. V. Jewitt, 13. A., Mathematical master of Chatham Collegiate is visit- ing with his parents here. Miss Emma Mason left on a visit to her nephew at 5114uiton, 8fan. and other points in that Province. Patience Scott and Annie Mains were successful in passing their Junior Normal Examinations. Congratu- lations are due them particularly Patience Scott who is only 18 years of age. The brick work on George E. Mc- Taggart's new residence on Dinsley street is well under way. The foundation for the Misses Little's dwelling on King street is now ready to reeeiv0 the brick. Listowel Oheist church oougregation ran an excursion to Milverton on Monday. J. P. Walters left for Owen Sound where he has. purchased a large gent's furnishing stock which lie purposes to dispose of at once. The Listowel East Branch Women's Institute p111pose0 giving a casserole as a special prize for the best working- man's supper at the Listowel Fall F11 11'. i3111ning Bees., have purchased the building now occupied by J. 13.Mc- Dnnald and as soon as the interior is renovated will remove their "Fait" to that building. MGs. Thomas Shearer, of 4111 Con. Elena, had the misfortune, while calling on Mrs. Geo. Locbead, to walk off the verandah and break iter hip. The accident was caused by a fainting spell. While participating in a practice genre of football at the Rink park Will. Baker, son of John Baker, engineer for the Karst Morris Piano Oo. tripped over another player when running and in the fall broke his fight ann. Au interesting feature of the after- noon's proceedings at the Women's Institute 14144 the awarding of the prizes in connection with the cookie matting competition. 'file judges were Ails. Dick, Aire. W. Twamley and Mrs, Cock well. 1st prize WAS wan by Mrs, Ed. Shearer and 2nd by Mrs. T. Sproule. • Cranbrook A. Itayinaiin was in London last week. Mrs.. Alex. McNabb attended the ftlneral of her cousin, -Mr. Taylor at Bothwell. Mesdames Oaixferon and Sletnrnon, of London, were visiting Mrs. R. K. McDonald, last week. FI'ank and 51re, Pabst, of Buffalo, were visitors with the letter's mother, Mrs. John Gorsalitz, Me. McLean, of Hanover, preaelted last Sunday in the Presbyterian chinch,and will be bete next Sabbath also. 3. Reymann, F. Jehnder and 'Colons 1411d Miss Marie Rayinau111 told friend motored front Detroit and spout it feW da t in the "Piet." WOMAN WEAK The annual outing of the adult members -of St. George's choir, an- I ' cornpanied by the Rev. J, 13, and Ml's. ' Fothsringham, was held at Bayflekl p� r, on. Monday of last week, Two . band D U , 1 aguiie andi kf nut 1 thnvoyled 1110 I� �ER�o s I Finds Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Creston, Towa.—" I suffered with fe- male troubles from the time I came into womanhood until I Ir '- gA had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. I would have pains if I overworked or lifted anything heavy, and I would be so weak and ner- vous and in so much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told me what your medicine had done for her and I tried it. It made me strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby boy. ' I am very glad that I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it. "—Mrs.A. B. BOSCAhoP, 504 E. Howard Street, Creston, Iowa. Tons of Boots and herbs are used annually in the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for female ills For forty years this famous root and herb medicine has been pre-eminently successful in controlling the diseases of women. Merit alone could have stood this test of time. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Oompoundwill help you,writo to LydiaE.Pinkllam MedicineCo. (oonffdentfal) Lynn,l4lasa.,forad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Harry Smalldon has returned to his home from Prattville, Mich. RE -OPENING SERVICES.— The 1•e - opening services of the Methodist church will be held on Sun clay and Monday August 9111 and 101 h. This event will celebrate the 50tH au- niversary of the church and de looked forward to with much :interest. Rev. Mr. Wren, the pastor, will preach afternoon and evening. A Garden Party will be held at the church on Monday evening following to which everybody is heartily invited to at- tend. There will be a Brass Band in attendance. Supper served from 6 to 8 p. m. Belgrave EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL.— Minutes of Council meeting held on July 20th. Members all present. Minutes of last regular and special. meetings, read and confirmed.. Communication from J. W. Bone received, requesting the Council to have a proper culvert put in to re- place the one now in use at the end of his lane opposite Lot 85, Con. 8. Action in this matter deferred for the present. Treasurer's half yearly statement to Jane 80 showing a balance on hand at date of $541.92, received and filed. Buchanan—Stone- house—That the Clerk write the Township Engineer, asking the advisability of constructing a catch - basin on the Toll drain on Con. road opposite Lot . 40, Con. 8. Messrs. Taylor and Brandon 'waited on the Council asking for a donation in aid of the Blyth and Wingham Fall Fairs respectively. On motion of Irwin and Buchanan the sunt of $8.00 was granted to each of these Societies. After passing a number of accounts Council adjourned to meet Monday afternoon, Au ust 17th. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. sappy pini c ars o e p 01401411 grounds, where a most delightful afternoon and evening was spent, Once again the quarterly return of convictions by magistrates as publish- ed by the County Attorney, shows a great falling off in bueinees rte com- pared with "tile good old braes," � The schedule for the quarter ending Nay 81 chows but 7 cases in all, 0 of which were It charge of trespass made at Wingham, and the other tt rase of theft. The fines in all aggregate 1n the neighborhood of $12. Thomas (Jarney, formerly of Ash- field Township but latterly in the employ of 'William Bermingham on the breakwater don111171 tvais bound drowned in the harbor here 'J'hurs- day afternoon of last week. De- ceased had been 111ia0tng since Satur- day night, but having been paid off on the coueLruiaion Lvork, nothing serious was thought of hie departure from the contractor's camp uulil his hat 041481011111i floating on the North side oi' the harbor 'Thursday morn- ing. Fear of an accident induced some work mot to grapple in that vicinity, with the result that the body of Carney 33(50 foutnl close by. He was a slydpping young man of exceptional build and scteuglb, and holy lie met his death is somewhat of a.ulysteiy, unless walking along the wharf in the (lankness he stumbled and fell. No one seems to have seen the'iluforLunate man at that time of night. Goderich Ned Huron Reg't. Band has been engaged for a day at the Western Fair, London. Saturday next, August 8th, the members of Oourt Goderich, C. 0. Foresters, will have a Garden Party and picnic in $arbor Park. Members of the Women's Institute held their annual picnic in the orchard on Mrs. J. T. Salkeld's farm, and a very pleasant time was spent. John Bedford assumed the manage- ment of the Bedford Hotel and will continue it as a first class house with- out license, and E. R. Swarts will a- gain aasslinle. 111e management of the British Exchange. Judge Doyle heard the evidence and argument ent 111 the appeal by 111e hotel men of Goderich against their assess- ment for the pteseut year owing to the coming in farce of the Canada Temperance Act. Chas. Garrnw ap- peared for the town, and J. L. Iifh loran for the appellants. Assess- ments reduced as follows :— Ocean House $ 2000 to $ I000 Colborne Hotel.' 4500 to 2000 Union Hotel . 3500 to 2000 Smelts House...........2500 to 1500 The assessments of he Bedford at 810- 000 and British Exchange at $8000 are confirmed. Assessment on East street Garage, owned by F. Davis, reduced from $1800 to $1200. Businese tax on all hotels to cease. OPP FOR. BERMUDA.— Thursday morning of last week ,the party of young ladies who won out in the "trip to New York and Bermuda" contest which was conducted by the Signal some weeks ago left via G. T. R. for their mull) coveted trip. _They were as follows :— Misses Martie Warrerler, Lottie MoOroath and Mattie Belcher, of. town ; Miss 'Betsy McAllister, of St, Anguetine ; Miss Pea.i1 Mt:Kenzie, of Dungannon: and Miss. Elea M. Oke, of Bcnmiller. They will he limier .the care of Mr, and Mrs. 131adwin anti Mrs, P. Mc- Fal'latle, who is aocotnpanied by Ilett little hheoe, Wingham Brock Brandon, of Hanovet, spent part of his holidays at his parental home in town. Rolm. and Mrs. Mclndoo, of Fresno, California are visiting with old friends in Wingham, being the guests of W. H. and Mrs, Oruickshank. At the nomination meeting held on Monday evening of last week to fill the vacancy in the Council caused by the resignation of H. B. Elliott, L. F. Hinkley was nominated by W. J. Greer and J. A. McLean and elected by acclamation. After an illness extending over several 61109118, Mrs. Bridle -sister of Mrs. J. E. Bradwin, of this town, died at her home in Paris on Sunday evening July 28th. Mr, and Mrs, Bradwin attended the funeral at Paris. on Tuesday. Dr. M. C. Calder, who has been touring the West and visiting the Mayo Olinic in Rochester and Post graduate Medical Schools in Chicago, will retnru house and resume practice Wednesday, August 5th. DEATH OP MRS. JOSEPH VANSTONE. —There passed away in Kincardine on Tnesday of last week a well-known and highly esteemed former resident of Wingham and Kincardine in the person of Margaret Semple, Lelict of the late Joseph Vanstone. The' de- ceased lady was in her 77111 year and had resided fox many years in Kin- cardine, where her husband was en- gaged in business. Upwards 20 years ago the family moved to Wing - ham, bNrs. Vanotone was held in very high esteem by a large circle of friends. The remains were brought to Wingham and the funeral which was private took place Thursday afternoon from the residence of her son, R. Vanstone, Barrister, Minnie street to Wingham cemetery. Greatest Femalestrengthener on Earth Thousands of women are wan, pallid, rundown and dispirited. What they need is this nourishing tonic• Ferrozone. Soon they regain 111o0e laughing eyes, bright spu'its and rosy cheeks. Ferrozone does this and more as Mrs L. F. Adrian - son of Whitney Pier, 0. B., testifies'. "My daughter was very much run down and had considerable troubles at times. Often I was at a loss to know what to do, I was advised to give her Ferrozone and I did so. Ferrozone cleared up all the trouble, made my daughter healthy and well. Ferrozmle gives good appetite, - regu• bates, strengthens. I consider it a medicine every woman should use regularly if she wants to feel her best." Rebuild with Ferrozone, it is the King of all cures. Price 500 per box at all dealers. EXAMINATION RESULTS The results from the Department of Education for the upper school en- trance examinations for entrance to the faculty of education, and entrance to normal schools were anuoitneed Wednesday of last week. The departmental report mentions that the appeal examiners have al- ready re -read the papers of each can- didate whose marks would in former years have justified an appeal. Where such a candidate has still fail- ed, the statement of Werke will be stamped as re -read and no further ap- peal will be allowed. In all other cases of failure appeals will not be refused if made before September 1, and accompanied by a fee of $2. Successful candidates who desire to attend the coming session of either Faculty of Education .must make ap- plication to the Dean of the Faculty at the University concerned, from whore may be obtained the forme of application and ail other necessary information. The session of the Faculty opens of October 1, when all candidates must be present. Appli- cants are required to be ab least 10 years of age before October 1. ENTRANCE TO NORMAL HURON M Adams, 3' L A11an, L Artllculy 0 J Allen, SIT Beacon, R P Bis•. sett, It E Boyle, R A Bradford (bol. (Ins , IA A Brown; 0 P Brown, 3 urrie A Otuber and nbell L M O , a JC' 14114 Clarke K S Cowan, l 0 Cur- rie 51 F Carling, 0 B dole, 0 L G Ocpp, May Cowan, G Deadman (honors), W A Daneey (honors) P' I Drennan, P F Doyle, I Elliott, M L Elliott, 111 Govenloch, J NI . Garvey (honors) L R Garvey, 0 M Gilkln• son (honors) A. A Gllklilsotl, AFAMILY FOR N YEARS MAY Used "fruit -a -tines" With The Best of Results. GEORGE MCKAY Ess. KIPPEN, ONT., June 17th. 1913. "I have been using "Fruit -a -rives" as a family remedy for many years. They are the beat medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit-a-tives" do me the most good—they never gripe and their action is pleasant, "I have used them for Indigestion and Constipation with thebestresults, and I heartily recommend them to anyone similarly afflicted. Thesetroubles have leftme complete- ly and Igive "Fruit-a-tives" full credit for all this. A nicer pill a man cannot take." GEORGE McKAY. The enormous demand for "Fruit -as tires" is steadily increasing, due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in all cases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumatism, Chronic, Headaches, and Neuralgia, and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. bOc a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c. Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Hoover, S G Henry, A E Hoare (honors) R 0 Hayes, F 1 Hess, J 131 Hess (honors) 111 K Johnston, N U Jones (honors) J '1` Jarott, T 141 Jordan, le James (honors) F Kalb- fleisch, T M Kempton, T Kidd, 81 E R:ennedy, E F Lowry, V B Lobb, A 111 Lansborough, G I McQuarrie, M M McGowan, W M McNaughton, R M Manning, A W Morgan, M P Morgan, G G Ma,Rwau, 0 0 Martin. it P Murphy, C R Miller (honors) A H MacKercher (honors) W J Munro, W NI Nelson, 0 M .O'Brien; P 1 Potter, E Pollock, T V Patter- son, G A Plunkett, G B Quacken- bush, F A Roe (honors) N R Rob - 11(0011 (honors) M E 3 Ryan, R W Ryan, M R Ross, L M Sperling, s Smillie, R E Southcott, L Stewart, N L Smith, R Stonehouse. J Taylor, P M Taylor, N Ts'uemner, W H Walker, R 13 Walker, A V Willis, R H Wood, A Woods, D Watson, H Wellwood, L E Wilkinson, M M Young. ENTRANCE TO FACULTY OP EDUCATION The examination passed le indicated aftere ach name :— MURON A Archibald, Pt. I ; W P Bu- chanan, Pt, I ; L+' 0 Beacom, Pt. I (honors); D H Blatohford, Pt. It ; E M Clark. Pt. II ; A F Colvin, Pt. lI ; W 141 Connell, Pt. II ; G Y Oruik- shank, Pt. II ; 0 M Clark, Pt. Il ; G Case, Pt. II ; It E Dewar, Pt. I ; T 13 Durnin, Pt. II ; R A Dundas, Pt. E D Ferguson, Pt. II ; M NI Fisher, Pt. II ; S Geiger, Pt, I ; J 8 Govenlock, Pt. I ; N. Griffith, Pt. I ; N Garrett, Pt. 4 ; I P Piano, Pb. II E S Gray, Pt. I, (honors) ; P W Hoag, Pt. I ; F L Hutchinson, Pt. I (honors) ; 13 3 Howe, Pt. II 1 L .0 Harvey, Pt, i (Melon) ;' M 0 Irwin, Pt. II ; T 133 Joints, Pi, ;AKin , Pt, IT (honors) H li MacKay, Pt. 3 McClinton, Pt. II (bottom) ; 3 A McBurney, Pt, LI (honors) ; N Me- .Lague, Pt. II ; 'V J McLaughlin, Pt. I;GMuir, Pt. 1;P Muir, Pt. I; W McGregor, Pt. 1 (honors); H Middle. ton, Pt, I (honors) ; N 141 Nicholls, Pt. 1; 13 81 Nagle, Pt, II ; W D Phillips, Pt. J ; A G Rintoul, Pt. Il ;. 141 P Ritchie, P4 II ; F A R008, Pt. 1], (honors) K B Reid, Pt. I ; 0 1: Stewart, Pt, 1 (honors) ; W G Strong, Pt. lI ; E M Sanderson, Pt. I ; A E Shaw, Pt, II ; R McD Simpson, Pt. 1 ; 0 E 13101hers, Pt. S, •Pt. 11 ; F A Smith, Pt. I (honors) ; C E Toll, Pt. I ; H 0 Turner, Pt. I, Pt, II ; 141 I Torn, Pt. 4 (honors) ; J H Watt, Pt, II (honors) .1 E Windsor, Pt.' I; A L Work, Pt. I, Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures ' Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goode in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo 10 Bands 400 Musicians Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO W 1—/, LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer 1 Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or day. Phone 228. ETHEL, ONT. s Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." "RETURN TRIP EAST." 812.00 TO WINNIPEG 818.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES August 11th—Prom ail etatlone' Kingston, 8hnrbot Lake Renfrew and west to Heads oro Sault ate, Malo, Ont. to all pointe 1n Manitoba. August 14th—Prom all ,1071000 east of I(Ingeton, 8hnrbot Lnko and R000400, in the Previews of, 0010rlo and QOeb00, to alt pofnta In TtamLoba. Aueu.41 18th—From all 91001000 Itfnneton, 8hnrbot Lake, Renfrew and west to Asada and Sault Ste. Marin, Ont., to all 90401010 Manitoba 0011 to ecrltu0 pointe n Basket- ahownn and Alberta. August 21.t—Prom all stations cast of Ftngeton, 8hnrbot Lake and Rnntrew, to the Pr0vin000 of -. Ontario and 00abeo, to all volute 10 Manitoba and. to (0rtaln palate In Slakat- ob0wan and Alberta. ' r.0 full 5544(4uiers regaling tr0n0p0rtOtl0n meter Wlnalpeg, 0(0.,0110 04444,04 O.P.R. Agent, or wdte— E. F. L. STURDEE, Ass(. D.P.A. M. C. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronts. H. L JACKSON, Agent, Brussels Aft ae•oo•0000ee••Ymo••40••••••e eee••••••••••+C•s••+•••• 0 0 ie0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 i A w 40 O O 4s 4 0 s a d 0 estern Fair! Ontario's PopLrlarExhibition September 11th to 19th '14 INCREASED PRIZE LIST $1.1 .Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Pewits Daily,, New Virewcrks Every Night, E AND D SEE N The Doninio4 Experimental Farm Exhibit and The,Oanadian Royal Dragoons, The Con. T. Kennel Shows will fill the Midway. Music by the hest available Bands. Reduced Railway Rates commencing sent, 11th ,1. Sept.15th, 1617 Mil, All ticltets good 111 Speniad Excursion Days, r September Mel,. ALL INFORMdi'ION PROM ?til( aEORi'rARV W. J. REID, President A, M. 1iiiNT4 S otetaary. ..tr0 6.4.464 tree •• 64460 b4.006.*#1114 44 LONDON, CANADA