HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-7-23, Page 7s1 itgetelesateietaartaelegaelfralesaesaiteeteels Young Folks A. (Wen, Er'ientliship. There was once a poor little kit- ten which was running along at road looking for a waaw place to sleep, and most. of all for Sometthing to Pah. She was dreadfully tired, cold and hungry. Nobody seemed to want little kitten, for she had gone politely "up to several houses asking as nicely as she knew how for some dinner, and each time had been greeted with "&art I" and driven away. Once some 'boys chased her untiLehe was all tired out, and had to climb up into a tree to get away from them. When they went home she came down backward, and she went into a big barn to bide. The barn was Daisy's home, and was full of sweet smelling hay, which the kitten thought would be lovely to sleep on if silo could find a corner here no one would find her. So she crept carefully, and found a nice place right away. She was sleeping so. soundly :she didn't even know it was morning till she heard the gneerest,noise beside •her. My 1 wasn't she seared ab first, for there wes big black home'sse' s head right over her "Good morning, puss," said Daisy again, for that was the noise that woke her up. And there she was in Daisy's manger, - "Good morning," said the kitten. "I'm much obliged for this nice warm bed, but I do wish I could find some breakfast." "Breakfast is it'1" said Daisy.. "Just go over to my grain box and you'll find plenty of mice that eat my oats. I just wish you ,would catch a few." • The kitten didn't wait to ]sear any more, but away she ran, and a tlthing only little though she wast n she had soon caught several mice, and only stopped because she really couldn't eat any more. Then she went back to thank Daisy, and so they got acquainted, and soon be- came the hest of friends. • You see they helped each other. The kitten caught the mice that ate up Daisy's oats, and Daisy let the kitten use her manger .for a bed. Soon Daisy's mistress found out about the queer friendship and took the. kitten into the house to live, and she grew up a;lovely cal;. Bub though the kitten likes her mistress and plays her friskiest games and purrs her prettiestsongs for her she loves her old friend Daisy best, and the two are nearly always together, except when Daisy is 'taking her mistress for a drive. LIBERAL WITH HIS WEALTH Generous Frenchman Attaches No Strings to His Bequests, Beall Zaharoff, who recently gave $100,000 to organize a worthy French representation. at the Ilympic games as in Berlin, is one of the most remark- able personalities in Paris. Born of a French father and a Greek mother, he has always had the greatest veneration for the Hellenic race. Some years ago he had -occa- sion to seek information at the Greek legation in Berlin. He foetid the otR- • ccs small and inconvenient, quite un- worthy o£ the country to which he owed his mother, and being a man of prompt decisions, he at once asked the Greelc Government to permit him to provide suitable premises and in- stallations for all the Greek legations in Europe. During the last war, as a mark of respect and affection for Isis mothers' country, he paid _$200,000 a month to the Greek war chest as long as the conflict lasted. It is to him that the Sorbonne owes RS chair of aeronautics. One day he presented himself at the Sorbonne and told the janitor that he desired to found a ohafr of aeronautics, to whom should be address himself? That offi- cial thought he was a lunatic, and offered little encouragement, However, by persisting, NI, Zeller - off Anaily got to see M. Liard, the rector, who listened to him with as- tonishment and incredulity. He re- marked that the cost would be very great, IIow much? Bit by bit the millionaire dragged from him a num- bar of figures. Added up they amount- ed mounted to $140,000, Was that all? Without adding a word, M. Zaharoff pulled out a cheque book, wrote a Cheque for the amount stated, handed it with a bow to the rector and quietly withdrew. 2t HEAVY TOLL OF LIVES. Nearly 00,000 Lives Lost at Sea During a1Mi anennntitett. LtrduT UinTIMIateenniaLo AOTIVITIIS OF WOMEN' • Past Twenty Years, • The merchant shipping bill, which is the British pari: of an international movement to standard ship construe, tion end management with a view to. lessening the perils of the sea, has passed its second reading in Parlia- ment, Fourteen maritime nations agrood on the needed reforms 111 con- Ooreneo here last whiter, those to be cerried out during the present year. There is no opposition le .either House •to the bill, although some question ,pias: �;'lisecl as to the w0({reless condi- tions by E4i1)0wnals) 'Filo s,ald they should itecelivI asi iirahoe' of ail treat - meet from the wireless companies be- fore equipping the Mealier vessels. 14 Ir. John Burns, in moving the Sec- ond rodding, said that within the past twenty mire, 4,700 vessels, totalling ,obt1,00d tons, have been lost at •Bos, with the drowning of 18,474 pastime - lifers and Crew, Vrem his Point of view, no man aver marries a, ii<';pa ten smarter than himself. J, Tawe, eee-re iljtnRim I�f seeeam 411-1iTiTilj,N"fyy' New York Ilan 400,020 illiterate wo men, Bolton, England, now has ati police woman, Egypt has a woman's educational union, Copenhagen has a domestic ser. vents' union. Warren practiced medicine in France an early as 1800, Over 400 women are studying medi- cine in Germany, London women are now wearing smoking suits of startling designs. Norway will be the scene of the next International Council of Women, Great Britain has over 500 women medical students, while France has only 800. Female shirimalcers in Elbetif, France, receive from 1Isa to 31 cents an hour, American women buy over $11,000,- 000 worth of French gowns and mil- linery each year. Fifty-five per cent. of all women earning wages in Canada are paid houseworkers. It Is claimed that Queen Elizabeth was the first English woman to wear fill( stockings. The average wage of the 800,000 working women in New York is $6.54 per week. In Russia and Sweden the universi- ties are open to women an equal terms with men. In a recent election held in Berke- ley, Cal., the women outvoted the men by two to one. Princess Ludwig of Lowenstein - Wertheim, is the inventor of a swing- ing cot for the prevention of seasick- ness. In Amiens, France, there aro 1,000 women tailors who turn out ready- made suits for twenty cents each. The fine complexion of Bermudian women is attributed to their eating plentifully of onions. A constitutional amendment which has just passed the lower house of the Danish parliament gives women the right to vote. Under the new scale of salaries in Germany the maximum pay for women primary school teachers is $714 a year, and the minimum is $357. Airs. John Astor spends 'Ave hours every day in designing dresses and is conceded to be the greatest artist in dressing London has ever known. Of the 200,000 persons employed in modern industry in China, one-third are women and children, who are paid about fire cents a day for twelve hours' work. In Europe fourteen of the leading nations have entirely prohibited the work of women between certain per- iods at night by international treaty. Restagr'ant managers abroad aro de- ploring the fact that the consumption of champagne is decreasing because so many women drink no wine at all either at lunch or dinner. Norway has a factory in which wo- men are employed as workers in the manufacture of electrical and tele- phone apparatus for which they are paid at the rate of from $2.14 to $2.75 per week. Miss Frances Duncan, inventor of the toy called. Gardoncraft for child- ren, has a large workshop in New York, where she employs hundreds of girls to fill the orders which some from all parts of the United States. Miss Marjorie V. Inimlau, the second Chinese-American woman in the Unit- ed States to practice dentistry, has been graduated from the college of physicians and surgery in San Fran- cisco. She will practice her profes- Sion in Shanghai. Man -Eating Rabbit. Ile had held forth for so long on the subject of his adventures that the entire smoking room was. dis- tinctly bored. Finally he reached India.-.. "It was there that I first saw a man-eating tiger," he announced boastfully. "Po411 1 that's nothing," said a mild -looking little anon, edging to- ward the door. "l once saw a man eating rabbit." And he 'sauntered gracefully ort. Keep Cool and Comfortable Don't spend so much of your time cooking during hot weather, and your fam- ily will be healthier without the heavy cooked foods. . Give them lid's 0L To.,* sties They're light and easily digested and yet nourishing mild satisfying. No bother rgpatld i --lust pouf from the package and add cream and sugar — or they're mighty good with fresh berries or .fruit: . "The Memory Lingers" GlanaIian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.. Windsor, Ont, A. Inspector Beytes, Of the R.N.W,M.P., who left Re- gina on June Ind for the Arctic regions, to investigate thn murder of two Americans by Esquimaux. HOT WEATHER AILMENTS A medicinethat will keep child- ren well is a' great boon to every mother. This is just what Baby's Own Tablets do. An occasional dose keeps the little stomach and bowels right and prevents . sick- ness. During the hot summer months stomach troubles speedily turn to fatal diarrhoea or cholera infantum and if Baby's Own Tab- lets are not at !land the chilcl 'may die within a few hours. \Vise mo- thers always keep the Tablets in the house and give 'their children an occasional dose to clear out the stomach and bowels and keep them well. Don "t wait till baby is ill— the delay may cost a precious life. Get the Tablets now and you may feel reasonably safe. Every mo- ther who uses the Tablets praises them and that is the best evidence that there is no other medicine for children so good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Co,, Brockville, Ont. TIIE HALF -WATT LAMP. Likely to Work Revolutions in Artificial Lighting. "Nerviline" Cares Cramps Ends Misery Instantly NO REMEDY, $0 SPEEDY on EFFIA real cramp cure? Yes, a real one --in a twinkling tuts cramp 15 a (lead one, and the last squirm is over, once You get a stiff dose of Norvilina an the inside. This isn't mere talk --it's a solid, truthful fact, No other remedy --not a single one—will euro cramps so quickly and brainlessly as Nerviline, It flits the spot in a jiffy and saves.a hemi. "Laapsoft Saturseryday night my stomach felt like an infernal machine; writes T. P. Granger from Hartford. "I was awakened from a sound sleep and found myself suffering the worst kind of. torture. I was so doubled up I could hardly cross my room. I had titled Nerviline before for the same thing and took a real good dose, Once I felt the warm, soothing sensation of Nerviline in my stomach T knew I was all right. It finished the cramps— just one single lase." Siekness at night is rendered a nightmare of the past if Nerviline is handy, It may bo earache, toothache or cramps. Nerviline in every case will cure. at once and save calling the doctor. Nerviline is a family physi- cian in itself. The large 50e. family site bottle, of course, is most econo- mical. Small trial size costs a guar - ter. All dealers sell Nerviline. The so-called half -watt lamp, re- cently pat on the market, seems likely to work a revolution in arti- ficial Lighting, says the New York Evening Post. It is, it will be, re- membered, an incandescent electric bulb containing a closely -wound spiral of tungsten, which glows in an atmosphere of nitrogen or other inert gas. The bulb, instead of being far below atmospheric pres- sure, as is the ordinary incandes- cent bulb, remains at about atmos- pheric pressure. no remarkable efficiency of this lamp is the thing that vendors its gradual perfecting at the Schenectady laboratories of the General Electric Company a feat of sueli great importance. When the. plain ;tungsten filament lamp superseded the old carbon fil- ament device a few years ago, it was hailed as marking a new epoch in eleetr'ia lighting: Tho carbon filament consumed three to four wants per candle power, the tung- sten filament from 1 to 1%, The half -watt lamp is twine as efficient as the ordinary tungsten filament lamp. Its intrinsic brilliancy is about eight times es great. It is expected that it can be used to re - pities the arc light in many places with an actual saving of expense, flue to rho decreased cost of main- tenance. The new lamp has one disadvan- tage in that a largo filament is necessary to prevent a too rapid loss of heat, it haying been found that with a small filament. the rapid heat loss actually pet -bleed the efficiency despite the higher temperature al the tungsten. It is for this reason, apparently, that the filaments el the high -.temperature half -watt lainps are made in the form of a cio ely- Watbnd helix, and that lamps of 000 candle-power and upward are 'the only ones oil the -,market, Girl Believes it, Too. Suitor—Your daughter's little hands weie never made to work. Iter mother—So I discovered long ago. A. Bit of a Dint. Iio1'eleigh (at 11,111 p.m,) --,When t was ahoy I used to ring door -bells and then run away. Th e Girl (yawn ing)-•-And now you ring them and stay. 0 ' I NOTES 1�'O - OF SCIENCE CE I Iceland soon is to have its first rail- way, a line 60 miles long. Fifty thousand combinations are pos- sible with a new combination padlock. • An entirely new and apparently rice oil field has been discovered in Bur- mah, Tongs for removing fruit seeds, sharpened to aid their worlc, have been patented. A revolving plow has been patented in which a gasoline motor drives the cutting wheel. The Chinese have practiced a form of vaccination against smallpox since ancient times. Nearly 1,000 varieties of rice have been identified in the Philippines by government scientists. For campers there has been invent- ed a gridiron with supports at each end to hold it over a fire. The harbor of Havre is being deep- ened to accommodate the largest pas- senger steamers at all tides. Old nail holes and cracks in wood can be filled sueesssfully with a paste made of sawdust and glue. The first electric locomotives ever used on an English railroad soon will be imported from Germany. Elementary instruotion is obligatory in France for children of both sexes between the ages of six and thirteen. The United States, Germany and Prance, in the order named, are the world's greatest consumers of coffee. As a sanitary measure a clip has been patented for holding Olean pieces of paper on the rim of a drinking cup. Although most of the cities in Japan have good sidewalks • modern street paving is practically unknown in the empire. A Frenchman has succeeded in ex. tracting a fiber useful in textiles 'and cordage from the water hyacinth of Indo-China. Thirty men have been carried safe- ly in a 30 -foot lifeboat of a new type, which, if overturned in water, will right itself. The 'French navy has built an arti- ficial island of concrete at Toulon for testing torpedoes and as an ammuni- tion magazine. . An umbrella with ^the handle so joiver the nted headsat the of theenter personsusingsd tohas been patented. For'eontinuing in service tea or cof- fee pots with broken spouts a com- bination rubber and porcelain spout has been invented. Danish explorers, backed by a mil- lionaire of that country, will try to reach the North Pole, taking two years for the trip. Bombay will erect road mirrors at dangerous street intersections to warn trafifo of vehicles approaching from around camera. Work has been begun on four street- car lines in Jerusalem and electric light and a modern water -supply sys- tem will be installed. Government experts are investigat- ing Sweden's alum shale deposits in the hope of obtaining an illuminating oil, sulphur and other products, According to a Perla surgeon, ra- dium emanations aro valuable after operations to destroy stray diseased cells that the knife may have missed. The Chilian government has built a chain of seven wireless stations along its coast and will put them -at the die posal of the commercial world. An English builder plans to steength- en ships by attaching the bulkheads to v the outer plates by flaflnges so shaped that the rivest run in semicircles. A woman is the patentee of a double elothospin'to hold two garments at the same time, either of which can be re- leased without disturbing the other. A French engineer's coiled spring formed front a steel tube apparently responds more quickly than one Horde LD. 4 ISSUI, 20-'14, tNO Alt.OFFERED FORTUNE. OYEE MRCS FACE liandsand Arms, Burning and Pain- ful. Suffered Day and Night from Itching, Cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, St. Veronittue, Quo.—"My little girt got ringworm all over 'llo lard, hands, and arms. I was given a sort of white ointment and like a phial of water to wash with, After eight days of this treatment the ringworms instead of heal- ing became dark red and were spreading, then were burning and painful. The child suffered day and night from the great itching. I was very disturbed. "One evening I found a sample of Cult - ems Soap and Ointment that 1 had re - Quested the year before. Sof commenced a wash with the auralpiece of Cuticura Soap, then applying the Cuticura Ointment and at end of three days the child was suf- fering less. Then we wrote to some friends in nlontreat to get some Cuticura Soap and Ointment fur us. After fifteen days' treat- ment the ringworms were crusted over and whitish, then on the twenty-fifth day they were all dry and cured." .(Signed) Mrs. Marie Louise Btou, S1!oy 20, 1013. When you buy a Deo toilet soap think of the advantages Cuticura Soap possesses over the most expensive toilet soap ever made. Iitrdtlition to bean absolutely pu re and re- freshingly fragrant, it is delicately yet effec- tively medicated, giving you two soaps fa one, a toilet and a skin soap at ono. price. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are . sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post -card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. Broker Believed Sight by Telephone . Would Mean MUlions. Before the eyes of a leading London sloe k broker there appeared for a few brief moments visions of fortune, fame' and honor, Ire 'was sitting in his of - Ace when the telephone bell fang, Saye the London Mali. "Hello," he answered. "Oil, this Is Mr. plank, is it not? !Why do you smoke you]' cigars through a holder?" In some astonishment the broker put his cigar down. I "No, not do not put it down, and 10 I you do, find an ash tray for it" This was so uncanny he shifted his chair slightly from the instrument. "1)o not move away," continued the voice, "and do not tug so impatiently 1 at your mustache." Down went his hand. "Who o11 earth are you?" shouted the broker, "and flow do you know what I am doing with my cigar and band? You talk as if you could see me." An amazing reply came. "I can see you. There you are, twitching your tie straight. As a mat- ter of fact I hare Invented an Metre- ' meet which enables you to see over a telephone wire, and I am tanking to you because I cannot manes the idea myself and want you to float it on half shares." The possibilities of the scheme were immense, The broker, for an instant, saw himself dealing in vast orders for government departments, He saw big orders for the foreign rights. It was one of the miracles of modern science. , The capitalist would make a fortune 1 and—then -- h n h a lanced out of the win- a C g sow across the street. Beaming down at him from a win - sow overlooking his office was a row Iof grinning faces, among which he re- {cognized two or three fellow members .of the house.. Hastily he slammed down the re- ceiver. The rosy visions faded away and he sadly drew back out of sight. 1. from a bar of the metal of the same! size. To remind business -men of engage- ments, a clock has been invented which at set times opens drawers in which memoranda have been placed and rings a bell. Electrical machinery enables the newest trans-Atlantic liner to lower its largest lifeboat filled with passen- gers et's from the highest deck to the ^I water in 10 seconds. To encourage the hemp industry, the I government of New Zealand has offer -1 ed a substantial cash bonus for im- proved methods of extracting the fiber and utilizing the by-products. In a new type of coal stave air is drawn into pipes at the sides, heated and expelled from the top, either into the surrounding room or into pipes to be conveyed to other rooms. Government scientists in the Philip- pines are investigating the properties of an oil-bearing nut which grows pro- lifically and from which the natives extracted an illuminant before the in- troduction of kerosene. • •. Willie Replied. "I haven't any doctor at all !" re- marked the boy with calm dignity. "Then do you ever take any medi- cine ?" was the next question. "Oh, don't I?" Willie replied. Father's a dentist, mother's a homeopath, my eldest sister's joined the ambu- lance class, grandma goes mad over every new medicine, and uncle's a vet. Yes," ho added, with a far- away look in his eyes, "and they all practice on me." No Alimony — Just a Separation Peaceful, Quiet separation, no damage done, everybody balmy again -that's the situation when you divorce your corns tvitll Putnam's Corn Extractor. Acts. like magic-dan't use any but "Putnam's•"-- it's the hest 55c., at all dealers. k How to lllake a Bargain. Possible Boarder—I enjoyed my dinner very much, and if it was a fair sample of your meals I should like to come to terms. Farmer ---First of all, mister, was that a fair sample of your appe- tite 1 SIMMER TetrzzsT EATSS$ TO TEIEI PA00Px0 COAST. Vitt Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round-trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seat- tle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Bann; 'Yellowstone Park, ate., during July. August .and September, Excellent train service. ]?or rates, Illus- trated folders, time tables and full Particulars, Taaaddress Bennett, GnelAgent46 vonge StreeTo- rontu Ontario. Minister (to whom Johnny has imparted the important and cheer- ful information that his father had got a set of false teeth) indulgently —And ivhat'will he do with the old set? Johnny ---Oh I suppose they'll cut 'am down and hake ole wear 'ern. NOES OWN MINIUM WILL I ao 94Th Ity 1mine Ere Remedy tor Red W•ak t1 hats and 11110000,ted. Eyeads; Ito St' s e k. ^ i11 -t L,(1 0e111htt write for Boole of 11 ive 'oynu,il..tel, Marine Nye Remedy 0o.,t hi.age. "Why don't you get rid oft that mule?" "'Well, stili,'' answered Erastus Pinkley, "I !sates to give in. If I was to trade dab mule off he'd regard it as a personal 'vie - tory. Iio's been tryin' foh' de las' six weeks to get rid o' 010 "— Washington Star. Sdinard's Liniment aant'ee Distemper,. "Idave you a match?" asked the chronic bore, who had dropped into the busy man's aloe for a chat,. "My cigar has gone out," '"It, seems to have the advantage of you," remarked fila busy inrin. Yew's that?", queried the cllronk' bora: "It knnws what it ought to de, replied the busy 151.015; 55.11' aril's Liniment 4J'lies Diphtheria, & .i ova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.—When inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite n Itirg to tank of her peculiarly unfortu 1 e ease. "I was always 'blue' and dopse'sed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was 40 disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. 14amilton's Pills. "I telt better at once. 11rery day I improved. In six weelcc I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. )3y cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease, Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. A11 dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 0 Only one class of women want husbands=those who have none. Minarets Liniment Cures target in Cows. Discussing The Doctrine. In "Stories from Bench and Bar" Mr. Englebach tolls of a judge and a barrister who were discussing the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul of men into animals. "Now," said the judge; "suppose you and I were turned into t horse and an ass, which would you pre- fer to be ?" "The ass, to be sure," replied the lawyer. 'why, ?" querried the judge. ' "because,,, was the reply, "I have heard of an ass being a judge, but of a horse never." There are several kinds of unde- sirable trusts, but trusting to Intik is the limit. Highest grade beaus kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, levered with delicious aatices. They have no equal. , V altiv15 100 54 -LE. N. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. 11, T Fruit, WANT' Grain or ON Ifarnl, write tr. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90, Colborne St., 'Toronto. It. W. YDAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NEWSPAPERS POE SALE. • ei 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN ON Ur York County. Stationery and Beek Business in connection. Price. only 14,000. Terms liberal, 'Wilson Publish,. lag Comtany, in Wast Adelaide Street, Toronto. MxScELLaxesioU$. IANC1f{ •110531014'bLUMPS 1:ET0., , internal' and external, curol with- out h- est rain by our home treatment. Write us before too Sate. Dr.Denman Medical Co.. Limited. Callingwocd,O11 It .111 Depends. Gibbs ---"I believe in early rising, don't you 7" Dibbs -"Well, there's no abstract excellence in earlylis- • ing; it alI tl;hinds. on what you do after you 11 . It would bo better for the n•orld if some people never gut ftp." IYaby. v.8. Min, rl'a Liniment ('r Limited. 11.t!, men. Leet Ate.tuot DIY h r.e was ' initny ,at 1t eleven nlrr,• by a br.rbeti woe f+'• e 'Th et ni i. s rut c uall .ti f 1,1 auul t. , at 1 tt ,ugh I tn,i 0001 I rd: of , 1 '' n' net 11-.I o., t ..tabtial rr ult. It 1.,-.t a. 4,t1 -r .w :fel One to 111041lDS LINI1 -1 and 10 0111 w.el,s' time etel-v t' wa.: healed and the hair Lae grown over ,',.11 one in fine consul.+u, The Ln, at, is certainly woudurt'ul in inn .1011N It. IlOLDBN. Witness. Perry neer. Just to Stare Them. He—What are you going to give Kitty and Jack for a wedding pres- ent? She—Oh, I guess I'll send Kitty the bunch of letters Jack wrote me when we were engaged. LE:lard's Liniment Cures colds, Etc. That's Funny. - Little Willie was left alone with . sister's beau. '"Mr. Cliumpley," he presently said, "what is a popin- jay' 1" Sister's beau wrinkled his fol ht'ad. "Wh-why a popinjay is a—a vain bird." "Are you a vain bird ills. Chumpley ?" "Certainly not." "That's funny. lila said you was a popinjay, and pa said there was no doubt about your bein' ib jay, an' sister said there was "small hopes of your popin', an' now you say you ain't a bird at all. That's funny 1" You will find relief in Zam-i uic"1 It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zatlh Elul(, means cure. Why not prove this ? du Dr,DTatabot'. and Stoma.- • Eaa "HL,L SUMMER. sos, Yew Norte Trade Dealer will be pleased to send' you a catty of this eatalneuo, it is a veduithle book,listin • Canada:0 bast. 111 numerous linos el ;node 1E, money, saving lirdern, 00k, tit catalogue --get it today, Yon cannot 10,g; lit buying fi`niu your llome Trade Dealer he et>volutaiy guatatttors every a.rtick; listed. Thei'o is u Home Trade Deader Near You.