HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-7-23, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSIAIMVON LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. pLiOUDFOO'I', HAYS & ZILLORAN • 11Altltlestesits, mores Tons, NOTARIES PO13Lle, ISTD, W, Pnoonnoom, K. 0, R 0, Have J. L. KILLA:IAN Omoo»—Those formerly o0oented by Mame Q OnaR3a8, Uameron & Holt, ONTARIO, D4. SINULAIR— Y f o Barrister, Solloilor,-Couveyanoer, Notary Sabno, &o, umoo—Stowarfo Block 1 door North o1 Oeutral Hotel. Solicitor for the hletropoltten Beak, AUCTIONEERS, .f S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- '• eon, will soli for better prices, to bettor man, in less time and lees charm than any otber Auctioneer in Raab Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this ofaos or by m . re 'nal application, LLAN scasszmacominias ro LIVERPOOL" ASG17WL011D0N-HAY Large, comfortable steamers ---every convenience, every luxury. For inform- ation apply agents, or the Allan line 12 ONE ROYAL MAIL STEAMP8 ;TORONTO W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Lina, Brussels. 1 If you expodt High Grade Employ- moat you must make High Grade - Preparation. One School that is VEv7 woil-Known throughout Canada for strictly superior training 1 th p e e ELI OTT i TORONTO, ONT. Y -/ Graduates of this School readily obWI - 1 tain employment because there are t thousands of openings In this oity every year and we are willed npon to fill more that we can, Enter any time. Open all year. 10 Catalogue sent on request, 1,, Cor. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, 0 Alexander Ste. ( Principal. ..10S craw,siRalraringF:a'yt'a'yAVri:a ft`f ,, Fall Term from Sept, 1st CENTRAL D .� Com" '37 0 The best Oommorafnl School in the tr 4 Province. Our courses are thorough 1 and praottoal while our instructors are gbetter than you will find elsewhere. ft We do more for our students than oth- $ =1=1'40: a,or Our re daarrne. i Logue $? and see what w0 0011 do for you. 6, ?t D. A. MoLAOHLAN, Principal. ' 4S?'MI .a aA.Y.A.WAV-41=1=1.....:9 e 1=1... : STRATFQRD ONT, Enter 1 r Listowel 6us]ness0 College VA e4.5 AND t� Grow with us. 41 41 For pnrtioulere address— EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Prin. E. r hiSS gAsa`4�'9sel A^� sva'422aVA+a'4R4a tAM EISINEXIMINESENEINNINNMINNOMMINtirmeig THE est Brains is Canada have pnrtloipe bacilli -the -pre- paration of our splendid Home Study Oo"uposinSault Mg, Economics Higher Accounting, Commercial Art; Show (herd Writfutt, Photography, journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand ,and Booklcaoping. Select the wort, which most interests you and write as forp articularA, Address a e THE ONE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391.7 Yonge St., Toronto EIBSEBSERVIMMISIMPESEIMIECIMGEMIMMUEI COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young pee - plc ars feet preparing In their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stuuogt•np(toro, bookkeepers, telegra. pliers, oivilservants in foot every sphere of.aotivitios, Youmay finish at college if you wish, Positions gum, • Enter . college y day. Indi- vidual instruction, teachers, ifiy yearn' oxforgot, in Oodtt. Seven colleges, course f ttonA fm ithCClnnmole' itIe. soys immolation oftaa. ,olor 4alnnl t famous SpoOtto Bushcoo COI. item, Loudon. Wingham gustsess College One. eromeee, W. T. Monsn. P,roaident, Principal, 1110111111.11111111 Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, lit oo ss Wit Bros. LiveryboLlu Moore, o Telephone No, 29, T, /1/1, RAE Bnohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Meantime and Grsd'une of the College of Phi•-• sioians and Surgeons, Ont, , Posmgl;r•aduute Cllloago Bye, icer, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chfaago, Ill Ex•liouse Surgeon to et, Mich- itel's Hospital, Toronto. Office over le, 11. Smith's Drug Store, Tole - phone connection with Uraubrook at roll ]tours, DR. F. T. BRYANS 13aohelor of Alodielue, University of Toronto ; • I.luontlntoof College of Phyaiciens and Sar•. scions, Ontario ; ex-Settlol' Hoene Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Oatoes of lute Dr, hb:K0vey, Smith i3lnuk, Brnssels. Rural phone J5, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M.B.. M.C,P.&S. O. 103 Blom• street East, Toronto Dieoasos Ear Nose and Throat Clinical assistant in liar, Nose and Throat de. pertinent New General Hospital, 'Toronto ; Poet Graduate Harvard Medical Sohool, Bos- ton ; lata Senior Resident Surgeon Mess, Eye ,11 Env Infirmary • late Clinical essis1ant in Nose and Throat department suras. Gen, Roo, Nihil; late House Surgeon Toronto General Respite]. f.•o'Izi Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon: Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), Now York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Speoiol attention to disease of eye, ear, DOHS and throat. Res tested for •ln s s Byes t s e , G.H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D,S. Graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Sar. aeons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In loard Block, Wingham Phone 249, Poet Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oallege. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, MA DE U C BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, Mo0ormiok Medical College, Chicago, I11., le prepared to teat eyes and At glaeees-et her oalee over Grower's Restaurant, Brunets, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Olfloe hours Ito 8 p. m. E'orenoons by appointment, Phone 1210. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satisfaction to bot r , 6 both a my 9 charge wan to other Ie. Sales and only y r e Ira i reasonable. aha what s 2101 relus conducted g env heroin Ontario. r anywhere Pore bred stook sales n Write or 'phone 28 Wroxeter. f eotiva Femur !€11 W 7 BRUSSELS Goias Souza GOING NORTH Mail 7:07 a m Express 10:50 a m Express 11:26 a in I Mail 1:50 p m Express 2;65 n m Express 8:62 um Civ Pacix.w WALTON r To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:52 a m Express 11:10 a m Express 1:22 p mExpress 8:45 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:00 a. m, and 3:40 p. m. Going West - 12:19 and 9:58p. m, A11 trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GRO. ALLAN, Looal Agent. road Cetus Items A FRENCHMAN bas invented a mach ins that dan be propelled by hot air. What a boon this will be to the poli• ticians who can get about at almost no expense. A NEW Dominion $2 bill was issued Friday in commemoration of the stay of the Dicke and Duchess of Connaught in Canada. It bears their portraits in eith er corner, with the figure "2" in the centre and the word L wo' on each ' c side of it. The bill is of A light olive green. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON 'IOSER- CULOOIS.— Rev, I. H. Dyke, Yield Secretary of Muskoka Free Hospital, will give a free illustrated Lecture of 7o lantern views in the Town Hall, Brussels, Wednesday evening, July 29111 at 8 p. m. Remember the date and do not fail to hear this Lecture. Every- body Y body invited, BIBLE Soc1ETY.—A union meeting of all iuterested in the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in the Metho- dist church, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week, July 24th, at 8 o'clock. The agent of the Society on this 00 - cession will be W. D. Clark, who will give an illustrated address on "Africa." Silver , collection, in aid of the Bible Sociely, 'There should be a good rally as Brussels and locality always gives hearty 'support to this worthy cause. STRATFORD BRAT LISTOW1OL,— When the Listowel forward line and half bark division made a front attack on the V R 1 Stratford goal in the concluding moments of the returning game of the W. F. A. junior semi -finale Fridayand F directed a volley of shots againt it that threatened to reduce 'Stratford's zl to o lead, the magnificent work of goal -tender Ears Dempsey thwarted them, So that it is to this player chiefly to • whom Stratford may at- tribute its victory and the consequent winning of the district. championship. Stretford ]las now t0 meet the Galt Caledonians in the finals, THE FORTUNE 'TELLER, — A Gypsy maiden, strangely -wise, with dusky hair and midnight eyes, my future life un- veiled ; she said• she'd read the lines of fate for many altother trusting spate, and never yet had failed. She was a maid,of.savage charms) great brazen rings were on her entre and she had strings of beads ; with trinkets she was loaded down ; the noisy colors ot her recalled no widows weeds. Site gown t told me I would live to be as rieG AS Andy or Jelin D„ my dreams would all conte true ; I'd Iiave a. palace 0u a hill, and vessels near to do my will, n yacht to sail the blue, Ancl as she told what blessings floc, what great re - weeds Aad gifts were mite, ie iOW and dulcet tones, her nimble fingers, ne'er ton checkered vest, at rest, gAt closer 1 y e eeve11 bodes. She touched act lifted the for my meagre roll, that }moor. itis. guided, heathen sole, but stili her victim UMW i she gave me dreams for half ti day and took me with her to Cathay an the enchanted isles. Har glamor can od ma kofor forget a little while etrif and sweat, the city's bricks and stones she took my toilworn eau' abroad, as she le welcome to my. Wad—I cull hay seven bones. GIVE Tire Pon the names of you visitors, le it Is true the good die young, wll the oldest inhabitant please offer an ex plauaLion ? 40 carers in advance gets Tee Fos 0 u�9' g, � R costly sifts, aniongThe bride was the r'ecipleut of many 'them stein • a p a ' hand u s ' st ) silver tea service, the gift 81' the groom. After dinner the hui'py dunitic mnGored Lu SU•atfoi•d, theca t I EVERYTN�N an Mete train for potion East, On t air return a reception r . was held at the groom's home, when a.. l ` few pleasagtalours were epenl, For Years, Restored To Health Wo cougratulute rho teacher and the L''ntraure Class of nuc Public i I, by Lydia E,Pinkham's Veg. School on the spieildid standing of the class at the recent examination. Ont e to (an, 1st 1915. That's cheaper the borrowing if you have far to go. Wie.ow PLATE ENTERTAINMRST.— 'I'he W. M. S. of the Methodist church Brussels, intend holding a Willow Plate entertainment on the Parsonage lawn on Tuesday, August nth, A good time is expected and everybody will be welcome. As9Es0MKerr APIMA ie.— All the hotel keepers of Goderich tnado appeal a- gainst both their property and business assessments for this year. on the plea that they were going out of business on August 501. This was considered by the Court of Revision of the Towu Council who decided not to interfere and the hotel men have given notice of appeal to the County Judge. n etable C mpqund. of the 10 writing roll passed, 4 taking honors. the highest Mark of any pupil in this district was 648, taken by Ruby Waters, and the next 625 by Oswald Bradley, both pupils n(' Pot0- .wicll Public School, BRUSSELS DEFEATED HARRISTON 'TEAM. In a Northern group game in the Western Onterio Tennis League, Brus- sels defeated Harristou ou the Har- riston courts Friday taking 4 out of 5 events. The score :—Singles --Vernon Ross, Brussels, beat Montgomery, Har- riston, 3-6, 6-3 ; Stuart Fox. Brussels, beat Duke, Bengston, 6-2, 6-4 Scudamore, Harriston, beat C. Leckie, Brussels, 8-6, 8-6, Doubles—Stuart Fox and V. Ross, Brussels, beat Duke and Sendamore, Harriston, 6-2, 6-4; Charlie Leckie and Harry Fox, Brus- sels, heat McDougall and Montgomery, Harriston. 6—r, 6-4. Brussels WAS beaten by Mount Forest. This is their only defeat this season. - RECEIVE Fort ,cEIVE HIGH DED — REEs. The For Scott (Kansas) Tribune, of JuneJ25th says :—A number of the most rominent Masons in the State are in Topeka to. day, attending the provisional session of the Su renis Council c ! A. and A. R P S, which conferred the 33rd degree Inspec- tor General Honorary on a Blase of so this afternoon. Among the number are Dr, Robert John Whitfield, formerly of Brussels locality, end Harry Jacob Bam- berger, ot Fort Scott. The degrees conferred today cannot be petition- ed for and are only given to Scottish Rite Masons for merit., The candidate however must 1 e � a Knight rider i Commas of the a Court of Honor. Following the w g conferring nn of the de rte s a cora limeat- g g p cry dinner will he tendered to Mr, Wallensteiu and the 33rd degree inspec• tors general honorary of the Orient of Kansas, by the co-ordinate bodies of the Rite of the Valley of 'Topeka. Tenacious Form of Systematic Catarrh Not an Das thio to cure and remedy that makes good deserves the credit, -Catarrhozone cured Chas. H. 'Webb of Woodstock, N. B., who writes :—"For a number of years I was troubled with systematic catarrh. It WAS a very tenacious form of the disease and nothing helped. I used Catarthozotie and got relief. To buil, du myc system I used 7.'errozone. P Y This combination can't be beaten. They cured me." Your case may be chronic but Oatarehozone will drive nut catarrh and keep it out. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers, sold ander guarantee of Satisfaction, Goderich On Friday evening of last week the choir of North street 141etltodiet church dined at Hotel Sunset. Mrs. (Rev.) W. K. Mager left for "Rock Cliff Cottage," Franceville, Georgian Bay, via Penetanguishene, where she expects to remain until September. bliss Maggio Bisset, of Saltford, who hits recently completed a course at the Faculty of Education, has secured a position on the staff of Blyth Oon- tinnation school Asher and Mrs. Farrow, Waterloo street, who have been visiting their son -in -how and daughter, R. and hire: Reid, Brooklyn, N. Y., returned home accompanied by Mrs. Reid and daugh- ter Elva. Listowel . T. K. Bricker has a White Orping- ton hen the la e r t cl an eggthe lay t mea- sured 10s by 9 ]aches. Dr. James Moore returned on Mon- day of last week after attending the Canadian Medical Convention at St. Johns, N. B. Messrs. Purcell and Chapman made a record with their ditching machine. While working on the farm of ,Jos. Aitken they dog 349 rods in 29 hours. The Malcolm Furniture factory conitneured operations Again Monday morning or last week Lifter being closed clown for a couple of weeks. The Ilibner Chair factory has closed temporarily. Town Clerk Wm. Bright has com- pleted 1i p Llcd ora record of the vital stA- 0180108 for .the past quarter and has forwarded stone to the registrar general at Toronto. For the past sire months .of the eureent year the bit the totalled 28, the 'deaths 22 and the marriagoa'8, es compared with 2'7 births, 38 details, and 12 marriages' HOMES �'EKERS's ,EXCU1 SIO1V•S TU - MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return, - $35:00 Edmonton and Return - 43,00 From Toronto, and Stations West end Mirth of Toronto, Proportlonnte fared from Stations Eaat of Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN two eta from :Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or writ:• URP1tY 13,1',A . R , oro, M. 0, „C.P y Toronto H, L, JACKSON, Agent BRUSSEL e O Canadian women are continually writ• ing us such letters as the two following, which aro heartfelt expressions of grati- tud,efor restored health; (lienfurd Station, Ont, --"I have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and never found any medicine to compare with it. ±• 'r`.r I had ulcers and fall - •'f ing of womb and l'' 1,.4{ doctors did me no :r good. I suffered r; dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine. I ai- ao recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. " — Mrs. HENRY CLARE, Glanford Station. Ont. Cheoterville, Ont. — " I heard your medicines highly praised, and ayear ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble, "My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear anyone speak. Little specks wo id i float before Iny eyes and I was always'constipated. "I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pioleham' a Vegetable table Co m ou nd and Liver Pills, s, Yor there are no medicines. like them. I have taken them and I recommend them to all women, You may publish this testimonial." — Mrs. STE- PIIEN J. Meter's, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. for the corresponding ondin six months of P g 1918. Whileickin ch • res lir her orch- ard cherries and the limb cm which she was Stand- ing broke and Mre. W. McLaughlin, of Penelope street, was thrown to the ground she anetaived injuries which included a dislocated elbow. Win ha m I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit Saturday, August 8th. John Ritchie was in Niagara Falls attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. John Kerr, of London, was visiting his daughter, tris. E. A. Hammond, Annual Sunday School excursion to Kiheardine has been arranged for Wednesday, August 19th. Alex. Young has sold his hardware business to Ross &Bell, who will take possession about August 1st. 0. N. and Mrs. Griffin and daugh- ters,Misses Estelle and Annie left for two Month's visit to Vancouver, B. 0. Blyth Quite a number from here were in attendance at the Seaforth races. L. 0. Charlesworth left on a trip to the -West. Reeve Dr. Milne has proclaimed Wednesday, July 29th, as Blyth Civic Holiday. A Union Sabbath School Excursion to Goderich will be held on that date. Mise Etta Jewitt is visiting at Mount Brydges and Lambeth and attended the Summer School at - St. Thomas, She is also spending a few days. at Chatham before returning horse. Miss Mildred Toll, Blyth, and Miss Nettie Woodman, Loudesboro, pupils of Miss A. Bell, Londesboro, were successful in obtaining first-class honors in their recent music exam- inations. Wm. and Ml's. Laundy and daugh- ter, of Trenton, Mo,, who have been visiting b the formers i' other Ed, Laund leftt•' y, on a up to the West. They du not expect to return to their home until September. Invaluable for Nursing Mothers With nursing comes an unceasing strain en the mother's vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are ir- ritable through loss of sleep. Anxiety and care break down even the strong- est. Experience teaches that nothing is more helpful than Ferrnzone, What an appetite it beings I No blood -former or nerve tonin more potent, no medicine known ,that so steadily brings back the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It's because Ferrozone nourishes, because It supplies the materials foe rebuilding that it does each permanent per box at all dealers, ant good, 50o Fordwich Ogal McLeod had two fingers of his left hand crushed by a stone rolling on them. Fred, and Mrs. Adams and son, Will, called on friends here while oh their way from Forest to Toronto where they intend to reside. The engagement :is 'announced of Mary (Maye), youngest daughter of the late Wr..Sponee, of 1ZJewbeiclge, and Mrs, Spence, to Rev. Ernest Jacques, of Eastwood, son of the late Sohn Jacques, of Lakelet, and Mrs. Jacques. The marriage will take. place quietly in Trinity oharch, Ford, with, the last of the Month, At the home of 0. W. and Mrs, Reichard, Fordwich, on July 801i, there Was a very pretty Wedding, when Miss Annie L, Stewart, former- ly of Paris, One, was married to Alex. N. Edgar, one of Ilowick's prosper. dos young farmers, by Rev. A. 13, Dobson, of Fordwich, Gordon Edgat• of torrid, acted as best lean, while Miss bleeped I n il, 'lniford tf, Paris g � , did'houotre for the beide, he beide 1 b do wore elnbeoiciered voile over white Motile, her going away suit being of Dttttgo Bobtail With hat to Wretch, Seaforth Great pre aratione are being made for the Old Boys' reunion, 'Pie wet weather rather mixed up the race events last week. U. A. Miller, who succeeded G, F. I-iogers as Principal of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, has tendered his resignation, having accepted to posi- tion 10 the Normal Schou] at. Ottawa, Joe Robinson, of the Dominion Brunk staff at Seaforth, bad to miracu- lous metope from instant death luting a 'recent thunderstorm. Be and to companion had been sleeping at nights for some time in a tent on the lawn of his father, Fred. Rubinson, Egtnovd- ville. Being awakened by the storm Mr. Robinson had just stepped nut of the tent when he was struck by light- ning and ight:ning.anc} rendered unconscious, and it was some considerable time before be could bo brought around. He was confined to bed fora day or two, but later fully recovered, To Improve Irl Temper Relieve the physical Suffering of corns. Quickly done by the reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor. Berra] e of acid —fle ah- ea.Ciog substitutes and insist on "Putnam's" its the one sure and painless cure, Atwood Mttniclpa]"Council of Rime met at the usual place on Saturday. Wm, Donaldson, W. b1, of Listo- wel Lodge A. F. & A, M., WAS at Niagara Falls last week attending Grand Lodge of the Masonic Order. Clerk Lochllead reports that thele were 1(3 births, 4 marriages and 11 deaths registered ed u oder vital 1 Statistics Act_ 03 Y the Township of , Dlmn for the -three l tee moa 1 t1s ending June 30th, 1914. James Hammond, of Atwood, and one of the oldest pioneers of Elute township, celebrated hie 880h birth. day on Monday of Past week. Mr. Hammond is enjoying good health and is able to be out every day. Elrna Cheese & Butter Mfg. Co. Ltd., shipped their make of cheese for the last half of June to the Im- perial Cheese Co., Woodstock. Num. bei of cheese 383. Amount realized $3055.52. You May Be Sick To -Night Without a moment's warning pain springs upon ns. At the outset it is instantly cured by Nerviline. Sur- prising- what fifteen drops of this marvelous medicine will do. . It'd ex- ternal action is no less certain than it's wonderful effect when taken in- ternally. Of course Nerviline is powerful or it couldn't be so pene- trating. But not irritating or caustic. There are other pain remedies, but when you use Nerviline you see the difference. That differ- ence is this,—others relieve, but Nerviline does cure sprains, strains, swellings, earache, toothache, neuralgta, lumbago, in fact all muscu- lar pains. Large bottles 25e at all dealers, Grey Council The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Grey met in the Township Hall Ethel on July14111. All the members re en s t. The minutes of the p previous meeting were read and adopted. The Court of Revision on the assessments in the Barron, Bolton and Winthrop Drain By-laws was opened. As there were no appeals entered an against of the assessments 'n g y h ] either of these By-laws, they were read a third time and finally passed. The Court of Revision was now closed. A requisition was received lrom Geo. MoTag art to have a portion of the McNair Municipal Drain repaired. The Reeve was directed to have any necessary repairs attended to. A requisition was received from Malcolm Fraser to have a portion of the Hall Municipal Drain repaired, P. A. McArthur was instructed to ex- amine the drain and attend to any repairs required. A requisition was received from Alex. Barron to have timber and brushwood retno yed ft'mn v the Olatic Municipal Drain. The Reeve tures in- structed to examine the drain and have the obstructions removed. A requisition was received from Geo, Baker to have a portion of the Baker Municipal Dram repaired. John BroWII was instructed to ex- amine the drain and have the repairs if tiny necessary attended to. The following accounts were pee- sented and ordered to be paid :— Jesse %Vilbee, commuted Statute Labor, $5.00 ; Hugh I3enty commuted Statute Labor, $4.00 ; Lynn Evans, commuted Statute Labor, $5 00 ; John Kirkeolmell, shovelling 34 00 ; John Lowe, shovelling, $525 i John Alex- ander, shovelling, $1,50; John Rea, gravel, $5,20,'Noali Bowman, road work, $5,00 ;.James McCallum, gravel, $8.72; Mrs, H. McKinnon, sheep killed by dogs, 30.88; Thos. R. Bennett, road work, $3,50; Geo. McDonald, road work, moving. gradar, r movie gg stumps,314.50 'D.Collis,enmmatod StatutLabor, $200 , Rbt. itinDoe- alct, gravel and shovelling, $60.00 ; Harvey Dobson, gravel and shovelling 56 50 1 Frenois Duncan, farm bridge, Grant Drain, $20.00; John Barr, farm bridge, Grant D11Lin, $20.00 ; SamuelDaum, gravel, $50.00 ; R. Selling, .ravel 310.56 . t 1 A Meehan, gravel, a t rr nnirilr road 37,00 ;. ;Vin. Kreuter, sanitary inspection and disinfecting, $20,00;. W, P. Bray, gravel, $14,64:1 Jos, ravage, iloor'ing Mitchell bridge, WORLD'S REMEDY "Fruit-a-tivea" Have Proved Their Value In Thousands of Cases WONDERFUL RECORD OF A WONDERFUL CURE _ Only Remedy That Acts On All Three Of The Organs Responsible For The Formation Of Uric Acid In The Blood. Many people do not realize that the Skin is one of the three great elimina- tors of waste matter from the body. As a matter of fact, the Skin rids the system of more Urea (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. When there is Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidneys at all, but be due to faulty Skin Action, or Constipation of the bowels. "Pruit-a-tives" cures weak, sore, aching Kidneys, not only because it strengthens these organs but also be- cause •'Fruit-a-tives" opensthebowels, sweetens the stomach and emu] stimulates a the action of the skin. "Fruit -a -twee" is sold by all dealers at 500. a box, 6 for $e,$o trial size, 250, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price. by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. $3.50 T.Tl>uts un, drain, a Howick bdy., $2. 00 • Cm Scott, drawing r gavel, $Lrtfi • Alf. Meehan, gravel, $15,20 ; D. Meehan, gravel, $0,72 ; Geo. Speiran, gravel, $20.40 ; John Cr'erar, to pay shovellers, $8.00 ; John Lowe, gravel and digging ditch, $29.40 ; Robert Smith, gravel, $6.50 ; John Savage, gravel, $7.04: Wm. Hudson, gravel, $8,40.; John Alexan- der, 3 l'arnt bridges, . Coates Drain, $80.00; R. W. Livingston, serving Drain By-laws and postage, $8.84 ; John Brown, serving Drain By-laws and postage, $3.14 ; R. W. Living- ston, expeuees to Goderich, $3.60 ; John Brown, expenses to Goderich, 32.86 ; A. li. McDonald, expenses to Goderie n } , 32.85 ; S. S. Cole, expenses to Goderich, postage and stationery, $12.05 ; A. J. Carter, gravel, 310.84 ; H, Ounnin harp, commuted Statute Labor, $1.7.00 i John Dark, commuted Statute Labor, $5.00 ; 'Wm. Fraser, running grader anti drawing lumber', $5.25 ; D. "It. Cunningham, 10 Pay shovelleta, 34.00 ;'W. II. Kerr, print- ing Drain By-laws, debentures,ose mitt natives, &c 3138,70 ; Jpohn' Wesley McKay, commuted Statute Labor, $7.50; Ben. Holleebeck, shovelling, $1,50; P. Dougherty, elle, 88.113 1, Vodden, digging ditch,. $1.00 E. Wood, putth%{; in tile cul - Yore 38.00 ; E. T. Brant, .gravel, $4.50. Council now adjourned to meet again on Monday, August 8rd next. A, H. MAOlenee. e, Olerk, WEAMTN OF HAIR Parisian Sago Makes Thin 1.1folcsO. -. Hair Soft and Abundant Beautiful hair, tbicic, soft, fluffy, lustrous, and free from dandruff, is one of woman's greatest charms, yeb so many have streaked, thin and life- less hair and think there is no remedy. Pretty hair is Iargelya matter of care. Frequent applications of Parisian Sage well rubbed into the scalp is all that is needed—it acts . like magic. Try it tonight—you will really be surprised with the result. Not only will the hair become soft, fluffy, radiant with life and really doubly beautiful,t b a d andru$ disci Dare falling hair all anitching scalp cease - your head feels fine. All druggists sell a large bottle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents. Get It from Jae. Fox, he will refund the money if you are not satisfied. •� • W.H.LOVE Funeral e e,l Dir elctor and Embalmer ers promptly and care- fully attended to night or day, Phone 228. 1 ETHEL, ONT. Tile Delivery Those who wish to pur- chase Tile around Brus- sels are requested to send order to Henfryn P. 0. or Phone 855. Upon receipt. of enough orders we will send a car load to Brus- sels station. Cole & it.►ougherty •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• @1 • • • • • e • • • • • • • • •• O • •• •• • INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programme.of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. y New Fireworks Every Night. r • • • • • • • estern FairI LONDON, - CANADA e; Ontario's Popular op ar Exhibition s• September 11th to 13th, '14 0 A • • • • • 3 • • • O• •..v• oe ...+a•••••••••••••0 • ••••••1••••0•••••4•••••••.4. COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Oanadian Royal Dragoons. The Oon, T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway, Music by the best available Bands. Reduced Railway Rates commencing Sept. lith Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15th, 1.Bth, 17111, All tickets good till September 21st, ALL INFORMATION FROM THE SECRETARY W. j. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary i, ••••••••••e••essee••••a•••eeeeee•••••G 7i••eee•e•••e• R: a • ing purchasers Wi e HE SEASON is now at • ® hand for the sale of • • Buggies and all intend- • • • e oBuggies ll do well • • and save money by calling at • e e D. EWAN'S UP-TO-DATE 0 e CARRIAGE FACTORY. w • m Buggies W e •take no back seat and •:' are always on the lead for an • e up-to-dateBuggy. Our Bug- le ttg- •- ®• Buggies gids have stood the test of all competitors for close to 110 o • years, which should be a guarantee in itself. Our • Steles and Material this year • are more up-to-date than all previous peau, Everybody is made •. 0 welcome to examine our Show Rooms and purchase a Ewan Baggy, 44• • You will gel first-class eatisfaotion as well as encouraging home • �, trade, • • Wood Work W •f done in a 11 its bravo es,�' h • e 18 e e • • • Buggies re-paittbed and Buggy Tops 're -lined and Coveted to look as good as 1Yew at reasonable prices. DI (• rl [wan's Carriage tit Fatar • a► •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••lee•w••e••••••••••