The Brussels Post, 1914-7-9, Page 8�t
ims Deveiope+
Bring us your Holiday
Kodak films
to he developed and printed, Our finish-
ing department will get the most from
every exposure, and we will gladly assist
you to still better future results,
We are equipped to turn out the work
protuptly and satisfaction is assured,
The charges are moderate.
Brownie Cameras $2 up [Woks $10 up
Taal Stirs aftentr
RASPBERRIES will be ready next week.
RURAL Telephone Board met Monday
of this week.
NExr Monday will be the Orange
Sae the local news on page 5 of this
issue. It's real live stock.
AUTOMOBILES are about as plentiful
these days as grasshoppers in a meadow.
REv. R. E, PAGE has purchased the
auto owned by D. Ewan and will soon
manage it like an old band.
THE new arrangement of supplying
the water for street watering purposes
is working fine at Pope & Son's machine
THE cement work at A. E. Hersey's
new shop was finished on Tuesday and
the wood working gang will hustle the
completion of the building.
A rushing business has been carried
on by Herbert Lowry in the stock of
goods he purchased from Nesbitt
Hamilton, of Atwood. He is in the
Smith block,
Childrens Aid Society, was in town this
week looking up the case of a homeless
youth of ix or 22, Summers, who is
said to bail from Lnckuow locality.
BOUGHT A CAR.- Last week I. C.
Richards purchased a Ford car from J.
H. Galbraith, the local agent and he
} and Mrs. Richards will no doubt take a
i large share of pleasure out of it. Mr.
Richards sold his pony.
DID NOT ENROLL. Mr, Moon, of
Huron Co., recently paid the minimum
fine viz Ras.00 and costs for violating
the Stallion Enrollment Act by neglect.
ing to enroll his stallion. Several
others will meet a like fate if they
further neglect this matter.
BEN Hua -The Entertainment given
on. Monday evening by Mrs. McGnire's
S. S. Class was a splendid success.
Different numbers by the boys were
well rendered, and the views of "Ben
Hur" were splendid and so clear. The
evening netted more than $Io for the
Building Fund.
advertised in last week's Pose was re-
stored to the owner. Miss Mitchell
sold the bay on her property with one
notice and Geo. Baker, of Cranbrook,
found customers for a number of young
pigs with last week's advt. If you
have any wants or wish to sell try THE
day Mrs. Richards, mother to our
townsman, I. C. Richards, died at her
home in Bayfield of old age, She was
in her 92nd year had been a wonder-
fully smart old lady. She spent the
past Winter in Brussels. Funeral took
place in Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ards attending. Mrs. Richards received
the best possible care from her daugh-
ter, Miss Richards who lived with her.
MA'ra.tmou L. -As will be seen by
other notice in this issue Miss Eva
Cantelon, of Brussels, was united in
marriage in Wesley Church, Wiunipeg,
on June 7th, to H. A, Gorrell, of Ox-
bow, Saskatchewan, Rev. Mr, Mc.
Culloch performed the ceremony. Dr,
and Mrs. Gorrell, of Oxbow were the
attendants. Bride wore a very becom-
ing costume of white brocaded satin,
Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell will make their
home at Oxbow, where they commence
married llfe with the good wishes of
many people in Brussels and locality.
Pxc-Nxc,- As July rat proved un-
favorable for the Women's Institute
Picnic it was postponed to a day later,
Miss Dickson's school joining with
the Institute, there was a large and
'telly crowd assembled in the Davidson
rove. There were sports for all. The
children had their races ; young
girls their baseball: the young men
football white the swings were pstroniz•
ed by both old and young, A. Hislop
in his address said that the Institute
was a power for good in the coni-
munifyin bringing people together and
keeping neighbors in touch with each
other. A plentiful and appetizing lunch
was served by the ladies. Collection
amounting to $8 45 was taken, money
to be used in furthering the good work
of the Institute.
TRIAL ON JULY 9.-A further ad-
journment ofthe conspiracy charge
against Dr. A. H, Macklin, Conserva.
tive eamdidete for Centre Huron in the
recent eleetion,'and Rev. Jos. Elliott, a
{ supporter, was granted by Magistrate
i1elley at Goderich last Friday. The
adjournment became necessary owing
1 to the absence, In Toronto, of Crown
Attorney Seeger, where he was attend.
e eonlerrtn of
the degree of
Doe or of Divinity on his son Rev,
Allan Seager, in Trinity :College.
Thursday, July 9, at 2 p. fn+, Was fixed
for the bearing, and it is understood
thet no further postponement will take
place. 'The Witnesses fol the Crown
were all in attendance and ready 10 give
their evidence, but no objection to the
ti{bttrnlnellt was madeby counsel tot'
ether side,
Pommel Division Court was held
Weduesday of this week before Judge
EAST Huaort Fall Fair will be held
Thursday and Friday, October I & 2
Mark the date down and prepare an ex-
Howlcx Mutual Fire Insurance
Directors met in Wroxeter Tuesday of
this Week and put through a large
quota of business.
A number of Brusselites are attend-
ing the Listowel horse races. F. S.
Scott was one of the judges and Alt,
Baeker a timekeeper,
ELDERLY person wanted as housekeeper,
MRs. W. WIL2ort,
WANTED. -Young calves, Apply to Tan
GOLD brooch lost in Brussels. The owner
will be greatly indebted if it is left at Tan
LONG Gold Brooch lost in Brussels on June
28th. Pinder kindly leave at Tse POST.
LADIBs' Ring, set with Topes, found inBrus-
gels on Sunday. Owner may have it at THE
Pore by paying for this advt.
RBWARD will be paid for the prompt return
of a small slip leaf Ledger. bound in Morocco.
Lost on gravel road North of Brussels. Pind-
er kindly leave at Tan 5055.
Goon muff button loot in Brueaels, Finder
will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tea POST,
Goon brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Bxeellent repairAll conveniences, bath, etc.
For father particulars apply to GaoRaE
THOMSON, Brussels.
Don. STRAYED. -Yellow and black Collie dog
being blind of an eye and has a short tail,
strayed from tate premises of the undersigned.
Answers to the name of "Burly." Any infor-
mation leading to his recovery will be grate-
fully received. J. 5, RAF/BEAU, 17th Con.
Grey, Phone 485, or Taos. 8, MILLBR, 5511
Line, Morris.
Lrvs PotiLTRY WANTED -We are prepared
to buy live poultry to be delivered on Monday
and Zuesdity of each week. Por prices call at
office or phone 108. R. TBOMSoN, Brussels.
A OARD.-We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of five standard 50 boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Quality guaranteed, Jas. Ballantyne, Geo.
Thomson and W. J. McCracken.
BRUSSELS Tennis players won at
Listowel on Wednesday in the Free
Press cup series. Friday afternoon
Mount Forest racquet wielders will be
CIILOSIs,- Rev. T. H. Dyke, Field
Secretary of Muskoka Free Hospital,
will give a free illustrated Lecture of
7o lantern views in the Town Hall,
Brussels, Wednesday eveuiug, July
29th at 8 p. nh. Remember the date and
do not fail to hear this Lecture. Every-
body invited.
monthly meeting of Brussels Women's
Institute will be held in the audience
room of the Public Library on Friday,
'July Xyth, at 2.3o p. m. Subject, "The
preparation of vegetables for the table,"
will be introduced by Mrs. A, Stracbau.
There will also be a discussion on
"Current events" by the members.
Meeting will be interesting so attend
and enjoy it.
had the misfortune to meet with a
serious accident on Wednesday fore-
noon. He was about hitching up the
team and one horse was following the
other to the rig when the first animal
kicked at its companion. Mr. Mc -
Allem received the full force in the
breast, in the neighborhood of the
heart, breaking several ribs and doing
ocher damage. We hope the injured
man will baye a speedy recovery. He
is a partner with G. Kreuter in the im-
plement line and now is a busy season.
Last Monday afternoon Archer, son of
W. A, and MrS. Grewar, had a close
call. He had gone to the G. T. R. de.
pot with T. Ritchie on the dray slid
had jumped or fallen off at'the rear.
When the team backed up the heavy
rig against the platform to load freight
Archer was caught and received a bad
scalp wound. The lad was hurried to
his home and two doctors called to dress
the wound under chloroform. We hope
he will soon be as lively as ever. He
was very fortunate in getting off as well
as he did under the circumstances.
nesday evening our Foot Bali team
went to Listowel to play the return
match in the second roved of the In•
terthlediate series, The former game
was a tie at Brussels, no goals being
scored, hence the importance of winning
Wednesday's game. Strange to say
after a very strenuous struggle, time
was called without a goal although there
were some close calls and our lads bad
a good share of the play but could not
get the sphere between the flags al-
though to minutes additional was played.
e and home games
the tie hour a
I o break
have been arranged the meta at Listo-
Wel to take place Friday evening of this
week and: the closing game at Brussels
Wednesday Of next' week, The games
to be played will be hot. ene5 as so
much depends on them and no doubt
great crowds will witness them, We
believe our fads eau win the rent tbi,
CGettie will chant,
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid -up -
Reoorvo.Fund -
Undivided Profits -
joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
Lis'rowsr. vs. Brussels Wednesday
evening of next week, Take it in.
CRANnROOK locality ha l a big share
of the Division Court business on Wed-
nesday of this week.
THE brickwork on Melville new
church is being rushed along by a
lively band of bricklayers and begins to
assume shape now.
DONT forget the Foot Bell match in
Brussels Wednesday evening of next
week, 15th inst., Listowel will be here
and it will be a game for you:• life.
THE first mowing of the new grass on
Victoria Parlf was done by N. Mc-
Cauley Tuesday. Seeding has done
well and Park will be better than ever.
Use of it has been mucic missed this
150 REPORT YET.- In response t0
Inauy enquiries THE PosT begs leave to
state that the report of Entrance pupils
has not come to hand yet. There is
room for a trifle more energy in this
matter we would judge.
Wyman Sperling has accepted a
position as Mail Clerk on the G. T.. R.
His present ruu is Palmerston to Har-
risburg, with headquarters at the form-
er. We wish him success and as he is a
good reliable young man he should fill
the bill all right,
Toox MACHINE EAST. -This week R.
E, Cardiff went to Jarvis where he t• ill
make his headquarters with his ditching
machine. In a visit previous he was
assured there was , any quantify of
drainage work to be done hence his
going there for the season. Mrs.
Cardiff and family accompanied- him
and will spend a while there, Mr.
Cardiff is a good worker and may be
depended upon to do first-class work.
PRESENTATIONS.- The Casket, of
Autigonish, N. S , of June 25th, gives
the following account of presentations
made to D. and Mrs. Stewart, on the.
eve of their removal to Woodstock,
New Brunswick, Mrs. Stewart being a
daughter of Jno. Broadfoot of this
locality and well known to ntauy read-
ers •of THE POST: -At the home of
Mrs. Aubrey Kirk, last Thursday night,
a number of the members of St. James'
church congregation enjoyed a pleasing
social, the chief function of which was
the presentation of several addresses,
to Daniel Stewart, leader of the
church choir for many years, and to
Mrs. Stewart, both of whorl are leaving
Antigonish to reside at Woodstock,
New Brunswick. The address to Mr.
Stewart recalled the debt due him by
the congregation for the long years of
faithful and valuable services. It was
accompanied by a purse of $8o and that
to Mrs. Stewart by a gold pin. Mr,
Stewart leaves Antigonish to morrow,
to take over the hardware business of
H, E. Burtt at Woodstock, a large and
well conducted store. His departure
from Antigonish is widely regretted by
all classes of citizens, particularly by his
late employer, D. K. Kirk, in whose Ser-
vice he has spent the past 26 years. To
mark his regard for his employee, Mr.
Kirk has presented him with a costly
gold watch, chain and locket. On the
back of the watch is engraved, "For
faithful services for 26 years -1888--
194." With this latter presentation is
the written expression of Mr. Kirk's
regret at the loss he is sustaining and of
his high regard for his late clerk. We
feel we voice the sentiments of the
whole community in saying. Antigonish
loses a good, upright and worthy
citizen by Mr. Stewart's removal.
Church Chimes
People We Talk About
Miss Bella Dark is home from Lon
don for a holiday.
Miss T. MoFadzean spent Sunday
with Listowel friends.
Mrs. E. C. Lowry is a visitor at the
home of iter son in Wroxeter.
Miss Beatrice Harris is home fol her
vacation from Stratford Collegiate.
Burchill was' home from a short
visit returning last Monday to the East.
Councillor Muldoon took a shipment
of cattle to Toronto market last Satur-
Miss-Cleta Dunford; of Clinton, was
here for a short visit during the past.
Mrs. J. Jermyn has just returned from
a month's visit with her daughters In
A. T. Lowry Is considerably better
and we hope the progress will be
rhos. Leatherdale, artist, of Toronto,
is here on a visit with his brother, R.
R. R. Burton, ledger peeper in the
Standard Bank, is away to Allendale
for his vacation.
Robt. Thomson is still off duty but
we hope he will soon be restored to his
old time good health.
Reeve Leckie was at Goderich this
week attending to his duties as member
of the Criminal Board 0t Addit.
Miss Mary Forbes, of Winnipeg. is
here on a holiday with relatives and old
friends. She was a former resident.
Hilton and' Mrs. Hunter, of Wing -
ham, were in town over Sunday visit.
ing Mrs. A. Hunter, Thomas street.
Miss McGregor is •back to her posi-
tion in G. N. MoLaren's store after an
enjoyable holiday in Sault Ste, Marie.
Mrs, Jno: Downing is spending a few
weeks with friends in her old town,'
Goderich, and enjoying Lake Huron
Miss Amy Brett, is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton, . Mill
street. The visitor is teaching school at
Mrs. George Backer is holidaying at
Blyth, Zurich, Stratford and other'
points for acouple of weeks. We wish
her a pleasant time.
Miss Kate Smith has arrived home
from an enjoyable trip with relatives
and old friends in the West. She
thinks it is a great country.
Robt. Henderson and Miss Belle at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. George Hab-
kirk, of McKillop township. Deceased
lady was an aunt to the former.
Misses Mary and Evelyn Kelso. of
Brandon. Mao., are the guests of Miss
Ross, Princess street, town. .The
visitors are cousins of Miss Ross.
At a special meeting of the con•
gregatlon of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
church, Ottawa, Rev, W, T. Berridge,
recently elected Moderator of the
Presbyterian General Assembly, was
unanimously granted a year's leave of
absence in order that he may give time
to the duties of his new office.
Rev. Mr. Thompson, of M onkton.
will conduct the regular services
in the Methodist church next Sabbath,
at xi a. m. and? p m. He is a good
preacher and travelled many a year be-
fore asking for super'annuatiou. Miss
Fairy Robb, of St, Catharines, will sing
R SOi O.
Next Sabbath morning the members
of Brussels L. O. L. and visiting broth -
ren will attend service in St. john's
church at iI a. m., when Rev. Mr.
Page will. preach. The brethren are
asked to assemble at the Orange Hall at
to 3o o'clock so as to march in a body
to the church.
BIBLE Scenes, A union meeting of
all interested in the Upper Canada
Bible Society will beheld in the Metho-
dist church, Brussels, on the evening of
Wednesday, July 24th, at 8 o'clock,
The agent of the Society on this oe-
cassion will be W, D Clark, who will
give as illustrated address on "Africa."
Silver. collection in aid of the Bible
Society. There should, be a good rally
05 Brussels and iocoli;y always gives
hearty support to this worthy ca0se.
Among the appointments made by
tine stationing board of Methodist
deaconesses are tine following -Miss
Bessie Irwin, daughter of A. J Irwin,
of Clinton,at theOld Brewery
iMontreal, becomes et field worker ii
Ontario . Miss Clara H, Renton,
daughter of S. anti Mrs. Raulon, of
Stratford, goes from Norfolk street
church, Guelph, t0 besuperintendent at
Hamilton ; Miss Sadie M. Whitworth,
formerly of St. Malys, ie reappointed to
Central church, Calgary, These ars.poltitntettts takeeltsdt Sept tat.
Roger Deadman arrived home
Thursday evening of last week. He
stood the journey well and many friends
hope he will continue to improve.
Misses Viola and Rosalind Benoit,
of Montreal, are here fora holidayvisit
at St John's Rectory with Rev. and
Mrs. Page. The young ladies are
sisters to the hostess.
Mrs. R. M. Sinclair and baby have
gone to Dresden with the former's
mother .for a holiday in the hope of
recruiting her health, which has not
been good for the past few months,
F. H. and Mrs, Giiroy and son are
away for a couple of weeks, to Fruit.
land, Ontario. They left last Friday,
making the trip by motor. Mr. Mc•
Farlane is supplying in Mr. Gilroy's
Misses Tuck are here from Tor-
onto on a visit with their aunt,
Mrs. D. Robb 'The young laidios are
slaughters of the late Robert 'Puck; a
former well known resident of this
Miss Mina Hunter, of Stratford,
and Miss Clara Hunter, of Brussels,
were visitors with relatives and friends
at Kincardine and Dungannon. The
former returned to her position in
Stratford Saturday afternoon,
Mrs. Carson, of Gienboro, Manitoba,
who has been on a visit for several
weeks at her father's. Tno. Budd's,
leaves for Owen Sound on Friday to
visit her husband's people before re-
turning to her Western home.
Miss Ens M. E. Tewitt, of Blyth, has
successfully passed her Junior piano
Examination at Toronto Conservatory of
Music. Miss Jewitt is a pupil of Mrs.
Addie Wright, Brussels, and is a
grand daughter of Wm. and Mrs.
lewitq of town. We extend con-
Rev. Mr. 'Thompson, of Monktou,
who preached in the Methodist church,
Brussels, la t Sabbath,' so acceptable,
enjoyed an old thne chat with W. and
Mrs. Jewitt and family, Mill Street; 45
years ago the reverend gentleman was
the junior pastor on theBluevale
oirettit'and became acquaintewith the
lewitt family at Browntown, at that
time, and the old friendship was never
Miss Gertrude Ross is home frons the
West for a vacation. She was a passen-
ger q N-
u the P. R, steamer, A.S
ere C
aboia,.tlfat rail on it rock in a fog. •TIte
pussetrger5.were taken off safely by the
sister ship, Alberta. The Assinaboia
suffered considerabie injury by the Ad-
cideut and is now in dry dock for re-
pairs, Mies Ross must be a Jonah as
site "he a big snow blockade when she.
went Welt, She dont seem to be
wbrrylhg 611)511111 tbottg1t
tw,pt OFFJC4,
AVINGS deposited in this bank
y-) draw the highest current rate of
interest. Withdrawals of part or the
whole amount may be made when-
ever desired without delay.
J. F. Rowland, 123 r Iftl
Miss Anne Wilkinaon, of Toronto, is Morris, balance on •Prairie ectad,
visiting with Miss Carrie McCracken, $30.71 ; A. Porterfield, refit of road
Albe1 t street, 1 allowance, Con. 9, $2.00 ; George
Miss S'ella Stubbs arrived this week Irwin, commutation Statute Labor
from Colgary and will speed a few tax, $10,00 ; W. Dow, repairing .cul-
weeks . vacation With relatives end vert sideift • 30 and $1 Oon. 11,
l t I line
J $22.60 ; S. Mcl3urney, repairing mil -
Mrs Siiverthorn, and Miss Flora verb aide line, $0 and 31, Con. 9, 00 c ;
Atttvoud, of Toronto, are visitors with S, McBurney, repairing culvert, side
H. and Mrs. Attwood, of Turnberry line 30 and 81, Con. 9, $21.70 ; Andtew
street Brussels. Shiels, shovelling gravel, $1.26 ; M.
Miss Mabel Dunford and Will. McBurney, shovelling gravel, $2.35 ;
Moffatt, of Clinton, visited for a few R. Shiels, gravel, $12.93: P. King
days last week• with the fortner's aunt, gravel, $3.20 ;• S. Iticl3urney, gravel,
Mrs. A. Lamont, $7.00 ; J. S. Kerr, gravel, 70 cents,
J. Leslie Kerr, of Clinton, was a visit- ,'Win.. Pundon, gravel, $4.00 ;• Wm.
for in .town last Friday. He motored Salter, gravel, 40 cents. Next tneet-
over with Harry Bartliff, who came for lug of Council, Monday afternoon
Mrs. Bartliff and children, July20th. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk.
Mrs. R. Leatherdale hes been serious-
ly ill during the past week with her old
trouble but , is somewhat improved.
We hope she will soon be o. k.
Miss Hazel Jackson, of Graveuhurst,
Muskoka, arrived last Monday and 15 a
welcome holiday visitor with her
cousins: the ' Misses Downing, Flora
Mrs. Geo. Robb and Miss Fairy, of
St. Catharines, are renewing old friend-
ships in Brussels and vicinity. Miss
Robb passed het primary examination
recently in vocal music before the
Col'ege of Music. She wrote at
The Orangemen -of Belgrave will at-
tend service in .Trinity church, Bel -
grave, Sunday, July 12th at 2.30 p. tn.
Rev. 111r. Farr will be the preacher.
Cil of East 'Wawanooh met on -Mine
22nd as per adjournment, members all,
,present. Minutes of last meeting
react and approved of motion of
Donne. Currie end 'Stonehouse Com-
municatiou from Fred. Hayden ask-
ing Council to have South Branch of
Hallaban Drain cleaned our• as soon ars
possible: 'Connciticrua Buchanan.. inId
Stonehouse were instructed to attend
to this matter. The following etc -
collets we -ie paid,: -John Campbell,
ditching on East boundary; $L75 ; J.
Vttneeiup, repairing culvert at Nest-'
field church, $6.00 ; James Di?w, put-
ting in culvert, Cons. 8 and 9,• $8.75 ;
W.M. T. Currie, rent of crusbee and.
cutting hill, Con. 21, $35,40 ; Twp. of
• Canadian News
Henry Glassford Hopkirk, for several
year inspector of Postoffices in Stratford
district, died in Toronto last week. Mr.
Hopkirk was known to many people and
was generally respected. He entered
the postoffice department as secretory 10
Sir Alexander Campbell, Postmaster -
general in the. MacDonald Government,
and remained in it until his superan-
nuation by the Laurier Government,
When Stratford was made the centre of
a post office district' he wag made in-
spector, and upon the amalgamation of
Ole London and Stratford districts,
went to Loudon. He was a member of
St. Andrew's Church. The funeral
took place on 'Thursday to Kingston.
the family home.
BBIRNae-ALDSWO+emu.-At the hone of the
bride's parents, Goderich Township June
24th, 1014, by Rev. Geo. E. Rose, Township,
pastor of Knox ohuroh, Goderielt, 111r.
Leslie Henry Beirnes. of Brussele. to Miss
Pearl, daughter of kir. and Mrs, Lewis
Aldewortli, of Goderich Township.
GoanELL-OANTSLON,-In Wesley Methodist
Olttlroh Winnippeg, on June 7th, by Rev.
'Mr, Inobultough, kir, H. A. Gorrell, of Ox-
bow, Seek., to Miss Eva Cantelon, of Brno -
eels, Ont.
GARTON-RUTLBDOB-At Melville manse,
Brussels, on July 1st, 1914, Mr. Edward
Garton, of Whitechurch, to Miss Hstlda
Rutledge, 4th line, Morris township,
MQDONALD-OAt1Pntltb-At the Monte of the
bride, Mullett township, on sone 24t11,1014,
by Rev. Mr. Reid. of Londeeboro, Mr. Inc.
0. McDonald, or Walton, to Mies Gertrude
Jean, eldest daughter of Mr. and Dire.
Hugh Campbell, of Hallett.
000moos00000000 ass s®soosiD 5 cel
i Paris Green 00
I'fire keep one quality only, in
e• 1115best. lfveey package
absolutely guaranteed, 38c4)
0 per 111 el
S 0
bei For the Onteant Bushes,G
e Rose Bushes, &c, Good te
0 fresh stoclr, 40c lb, s
Hammocks P
e One of the warm weather 0
Comfm•te 4Ve have Lhew e
® $1.60 10 $6,00.
®Invalid's fine 014 Port
e Medicated, Particularly flue e
e for building tip a run down e
system. $1.00 per bottle at
o 0
O p
i .
eaaasseese maaaasa waseeess
alantaa,-At Cavalier, Not•th Dakota, on Jute
28th, 1014, to Mr, and Mrs, 5551 Bseker, e
GANDIBR -In Clinton, on .fund 16111, 191.4, to
Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Randier, a son.
BAnaTR,-In Wroxeter, on July 2nd, to Mr.
.and Mrs. James Harris (formerly of As•
quit*, Sasic 1 twin sons.
Emily -ln tIlorrie township on July 8013,1914,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Rally. a son.
RaAunau.-in Ethel, on June 5011, to Mr, and
• Mrs. John Kreuter, a. son.
Wni'Pr10LD,-In Grey township, on juld, yy 8rd,
1014,10 Mr, and Mrs,- Geo. WW
con., a 0011,
Knr,LTNOTON -In Morris township on July
551,, 1014, Elizabeth Parnell, relict of the
late John Kellington, aged 84 years, 9
months and 24 days.
Montan-1n Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 60th,
1014, George Mardis, aged 06 years.
al 00 90 1140
0o 00
60 0
,. 17 18
20 20
7 85 7 85
15 00 16 00
Potatoes 00 00
Wool washed 20 50
Wool unwashed 10 18
Sow Strayed
Strayed from the promises of the undersign-
ed, Lot 19, Con. 6, Grey, on or about July 411,,
a Yorkshire Sow. Any information leading to
her r000vary will be thankfully reoeived.
W. M. HUTCHINSON, Phone 410
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received, up to July 16th, for
the construction of a sewer on Turnberry
street South, Brussels. Plans and speotlion-
tMons may be seen at the Clerk's office. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Village Mork.
1' riseseeseseeseeseesseeeoe005030•eeee®ee•SSS•000SS0SCS •0eeoessesetteetreeeseeeeees a
Brussels Daylight Store G. N. hictaren
® n n •I 'I '1 ' r ,1 ,,l el.o nll'e,•11f111'I,tl,'1'ILS,dI r 41'adld 1,... 1. 44Th1d11'614d1111t,'Ir Wrld'I.,IlIIAIdIIi llelllll'Ia'1 N„4,1'h'll'lli lu''u'1 ro
® 4dip'1!'b^I. �L'�Il4dlldlb'1u'hlyrll illi IdlldtdlU'IV'11r1'arV, L L L V N L L 1 1 1 Ile rd
- See our Stock ;' f
® ,i,.1.+4.•:•+•,o.l.,;•.1.d,ti• 1. b-/-- .H."1-:-.4-•1,++d••II +;1. l-1 i-1-:-. Fo'••i3•+1..5.{,@,.i• S-•i,++t ++++4'+++++4-+++6.3.64-i••H-6.1•++ t3
® Boots,Shoes ..and S.Iippers
•b•t•+r-X•-i•+•i •13.1•+4••6-+l •c'i••i'•WA•i'4-3.4'++•0• 3'••1•+Oro1-34'1v1••1'-i'•i••l+'l'•6••t++++'++++++++++++++++6++++++++.•1•
We are now ready with a complete stock of Summer Boots, Shoes and
Slippers, in Leather and Canvas, for Ladies, Misses and Children. Slip-
pers. in r, 2, 3 and 4 straps, leather and canvas. Comfortable Shoes and
Slippers for the warm weather. Good values and big stocks of Men's
Boots in Heavy and Light weights.
Cali and See them. Prices the Lowest. ® •
O+64.64,4•0+6+, e4403'O'I '0+ 4+0 040+04•+•+0+,.P•''0+0+03.0+4.4.61+0+Od- WG
t sDresses
Job 1.
S O•s,+#4,04•+014'04'0'4'•+O+0+41404.o+0+`40+0+0+0+0444.0+444)+e41/o,d•6+0.1'0+0+4.0+10'1+ e/
e 10 dozen La dies' and Misses Wash "Dresses for ages 16, f8 and 20—all o
v sizes 34 tp 42—made up of Ginghams and Muslins. Reg. $2 to'$2.5o
i Special your choice for $1.49
® Fv
Assortment -.of Straw Hats •
to i
, , 0
® Bays and Men's Straw Bats, also Linen and crash Hats far Children. s
a Big assortment at Lowest"Prices.• W
0p •
Iiig'hest prices for Produce.
We ate ready awith large .stock of Wash Goods—Prints,Gnig hams and
Crepe Cloths. Best Qualities,, Best Patterns, Best Prices.
ur f
P. §.—Owing to the failure � Brush & Co. we are
Corsets at Actual Wholesale Prises,
ed►�I+Ie _ sirW i •i
,titlydisiMeiirietleMliflsel�ee sililNsifidliiilrlliWl�l�r�i a iN s esMstruMtlessliirMlseliNs•see
M c La re n
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clearingall lines of S. & C. 6