The Brussels Post, 1914-7-9, Page 54
.•'a1.-19„ 5 CADS.
7e,�nn,. 7�y} �pLIMITED
V &W
" itOUDI'Oo'I', neltS & KILLOI AN
W. PR000roo' , Ii, 0,
a. L, limoLMRAN
Oaloes—Tbaae formerly 000upled by Messrs
Uumerou & Eon,
00000000, ONTARIO.
R C. Hers
• Barrister, Ballot tor, Oouveyanoer,
Notary Pobile, &o, Oifoe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
So1(o itor for the Metropolitan Bank,
e non, will sell for better prices, to
butter men in less time and less °barges
than any other Auotfoneer in Bast Huron or
be won't ohergo anything. Dates and orders
eau always u° arranged at this 01000 or by
l, ,oaI upplioatton,
For beautiful
booklets showing the
luxury of the large
Allan Liners, apply
agents, or write
u8 direot. ra
55KKing St.W..Toronto,
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
a -,p. xar.GrarpviY4 W .W6WaVol6...l ei
TP et expect High rade Employ-
m la -
S G p y
„�aaii�� i g
_t Pent you moat make High that
Preparation. One School that is
/ well-known throughout Canada for „'
Bstrictly superior training is the �°,
R Graduates of this 8ohool readily ob.. E�h
tato employment beonus° there are ti
thousands of openings In this city
las every year end we are called upon to
LIR more than we can.
Enter any time. Open all year. xi
Catalogue sent on request.
Cor. Young and 1 W. .1. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Ste. J
'ornatse:aystii4sifiPistaretat:¢a4Aalefil 2a -4 J
Become n epeolenst in Business, it
offers more opportuni.les than any
r• other 08111,1g. To reap the full mens•
urs of success yeti must have the best 9.
possible training. This is Ontario's
Best Business School. We give fn- Fd
dividual nttenbloo. You may enter our rC
iQ classes et any time. Three Depart19
mente, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write at once for our
rrr�S freeontnloguIe.
C. A. MCLACHLAN,Principal.
Y�14!s32 �,AVus'd�..b�>�x�.dtayA�,b�Zikval'-.0�.
eB p
Any time
- Grow with us.,
For pnrticnlnre address—
ddressEDWIN. C. MATT
Y r
F^A�PFLgVR^r�,i:�i Erl�64A� �� ,mA?=”'
Best Brains
in Canada have portldpntod 1n the pre•
pnraticn or our splendid Home Study
Coerces in Banking, Roe:1001100 Higher
AnonmIIIIIg. Oenmercinl Art, Show
Card Writliut,: Photography, Journal-
ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping. Select the work
which most interests yoil and write us
for. particulars. Address
391-T Yong° 8t„ Toronto
C ■®so �r � q E )tern
Thousands Of nmblt(ons younL poo
010 are feat preparingg in their own
homes to oceu»y 11 aatiVO pooltiens as
atenographere, booldcotpots, telegra-
phers, civil 0010801, in Not every
sphere of aotivftiee. Y011 11107 ililisli 01
college if ytinso Wish. 1'ositione guar.
enteral, sinter college any day. Lndi-
vndual instruction. Expert teachers,
years,experience, Largest
trainersin Canada. etolloges.8808ln1 oeir00 tor teachers.
Afdltated with Commercial Edaon-
tor's Association of Canada, 1ulume'
So1180at famous Spotton Btts(1 099 Col.
lege, 1,ondtlk Bushiess
.College. Wiughtm OItr9e•
Gsoe, .arae
rtuaj a ,
Business Cards
Sueocssot• tom. H. Moore,. Oiiloo at Andel -
sat Bros, Livery stable, Brussels, Telephone
No. 89,
Boohetor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
L10eutlete and Graduate of the College of Phy
sloians and Surgeons, Obt, ' Poet.graduate
t.Wcago 3870, )Bar, Nose aitd 'Throat Hospital,
Uhleago, 111, 1CwEottee hurgoorn to ;fit, Mich-
ael'e 310 pitn1, Toronto,
01400 over D', R. Smith's Drug Store, . Tele•
phone connection with Craibroote at all hours.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of-Phyoioinne and Sur-
geone Ontario exheliolCensea
e areen
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offio Dr,
A. MclfoeySmith Block, Brussels.
Rural phone 49,
M.B., M.C.P.,e S. O.
108 Bloat. street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinical assistant in Ear, Nese and Throat de-
partment New General Hospital, Toronto
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bog.
ton ; hate Senior Resident Surgeon M,,ee, Eye
& Ear Infirmary • .late Clinical ae$IOIAnt 10
Nose and Tbront deportment Mass. Gen. Hoe.
ppitnl ; late House Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital. 8.'In Brussels by appointment.
Phyelo(nn and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, oar,
nose and throat, Eyestested for glossas.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur•
geone of Ontario and Graduate University 0P
Toronto Fnoulty of Dentistry.
Office in heard Block, Wingham
Phone 240. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction,. Plato work and
Bridge Weik a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Office
opposite Oollege. Day and night calls. Office oPPoelte
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, MgcCorm(ok Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to teat eyes and at glasses at
her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Offioe hours 1 to 0 p, m. Forenoons
by appointment. Phone 1210.
Will give better satisfaction to both boyar and
seller than any other Auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable. Sales oonduoted
nnywltere in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales n
Write or 'phone 28 Wroxeter.
Goma Souwo GO1Na NORTH
Mn11 7:07 it in Express 10:55 a r]1
Express 11:25 a m Mail 1:50 p 311
Express 2:55 n in Express 8:52 p in
C."-i,r�egmay rad lle1
C G'
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:52 a mExpress 11:10 e m
Express 1:22 p m I Express 8:45 p m
Going Mist - 7:05, and 8:55. nn.
Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p. m,
All trains going Bast aonneot with O. P. R, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G.B. stations.
0E0. ALLAN, LooalrAgelt.
.cal Bettis Pam
ScaooL Board Friday evening of this
BRUSSELS Voters List is in the
printers' hands.
'rite POST gives the - news. Do you
ever lend a hand with a newsy item 7
Teepees Rs are asked -e
d fat• the
structiou of the server on Tufnberry
street South, Brussels, See edvt. for
A Heg ams of
Foot Ballwas playact la ecl at
Wingham on Dominion Day between
Brussels and the home
team It was
not very Scientific
QUITE a number from this locality
took in the Garden Party at Duff's
church, Walton, last week. They say
it was like a Fall Pair.
NEW regulations under the Dairy
Industry Act
will come into force nce on
September 1st next. They are design-
ed to prevent the false marking and
sale of batter and cheese.
IN tiro Bowling coutest at Seaforth
last week D. C. Ross and A. R. Currie
won the Consolation in doubles. The
award was to carving set, There were
marryHolm i1
i t attendance and the
tournament was a success:
Tuts paper is auxiotts each week to
issue a spicy and interesting local
page. If each of . our subscribers will
hand .us in one news item- what a
newsy paper we could issue. Try it
for a few weeks and mark the result.
Rev. E. G. PowELL preached his
farewell sermon in Mathg
Street church
Exeter, Sunday evening tune 28th to a
Targe congregation, The Caven church
closed for the occasion, Mr. Powell'
and family moved last week to Clinton
to reside to take up his duties as Tem.
perauce Secretary for Huron Co.
1(INCAan1Nr Reporter said last week
-It is reported that the annual uoion•
Sunday School piouic from Clinton,
Wiugham and Brussels will not conte to
Kincardine thisear owing to the re -
fusel of the G. yT. R. to grant them
cheap rates. It is said this big ex-
cursion will go to Goderich, Can the
Boardf )lade not do something to
o g
keep this annual fair in our midst?
Make a move.
BRusstp,n 11(AT HARRI8TON.-TIhe-fht'st
game in the Northern group of the
Western Ontario Tennis League was
played et Brussels on Dominion Day
betWeeu Herristoe and the. )tome team,
resulting in favor or the latter. Score r
-Singles-- Stuart Fox, Brussels beat
S. A. Duke, Harriston 6-1, 6— 1 ;
Vernon Ros„ Brussels beat Montgomery
Ila'ristou 6-2 6-3 ; A, 0, McDermott
Brussels beat Seudmore f'Iarriston 6-3
6--x, Doubles -Stuart Vox and R. M.
Sinclair Brussels beat Dr. McDougeld:
anti 11, A. Doke I•lnrrlstoll 6-4 7--5.
McDermott A. G nt tt such Garry rrv Pox
31nssols teat Montgomeryomer
v a11c1 Scud=
afore Harristou 6,-e ss -,s. - A tasty
Tennis tea was served bit tiie it Wti of
1'Jtugglat yell,
sPSUORELE90 T1s, -Brussels and Listowel ii
P. A. Intermediates and
14(1 to a TWO NERVOUS
scoreless tie here Friday night In a " OUS
1 championship game, It was the, first
meeting of the teams in 5 borne -and -
home game series -soil a large crowd
witnessed the ploy. Both teams gave a
fine exhibition of soccer and there is
little to choose between thein, Referee
Chemise Hollins, of, London, gave entire
saiisfaction, The return game was
played in Listowel last Wednesday
night, 1`beteams :
13russefa, Lletowol
Anderson Goal Amon
W. MoDoneld - - Melville
Jnaksma- Roos
Abbott )7 (( Roelcor
11.Andereon }Halves{ Herron
Walker ) l! Waddell
Geddes - ! McLaughlin
f3hm•rie Covell
8tereaso1, Forward , - Molly
Holland l Y ole
Referee -0, Holli 1s,1)Y London, 1
Prominent Manufacturer Speaks,
11) Vankleok Hill, Out., no nue fs
better known than Gen. 5, 1Vetsou,
When he sage "Catarrhezoue 1s i4 Peal
cute," depend upon it being so. "My
wife" he writes "was subject to bad
attaches or thumb irritation and
bronchitis. Arany remedies were
tried but few proved at all useful.
Oatarrhozoae was different, It seem-
ed to get right at the sore spots and
brought relief quickly. Wo have
found Cala'C'hozone an absolute cure
for bronchitis and catarrh." Nothing
cilrea more quickly so get it today,
two sizes. 25o ancl $1.00 at all dealers.
W rn,gham
A score of people who were stand-
ing on a temporary platform watch-
ing the balloon ascension Wednesday
afternoon were badly up when
the structure suddenly collapsed.
The platform went down before any-
one had a chance to jump, and those
standing on it fell about 8 feet, Mrs.
Allan I'tafak, of \Vingham, and Miss
Anna Mole, of Auburn, were the most
seripusly injured, the fnl•nler being
badly shaken up and suffering greatly
from shriek. Mise Ibiole had her back
htirt. 111ru1y others on the platform
were badly bruised.
' Ever Have Cramps 7
Kind of tierto
fierce be tied a in a loot
at midnight with cramps. Keep
Nerviline bandy. Ten drops quiets
aranps instantly, TJsed occasionally
Nerviline prevents this trouble en-
tirely. From Stratford,' Ont,, Wm.
Dee writes : "Nothing I know of
will give such quick relief to cramps,
colic or pain in the stomach as Nervi.
line. If you feel squeamish or sick,
just ten drops of Nerviline in water
1111(1 you're well next minute." Think
of the protection land comfort in a
25o bottle of Nerviline, and get it to-
A large number from here attended
the races in Palmerston er
n L stens on Dominion
Day. John ,Watson was one of the
Miss Ada Matthews, who recently
graduated from the Listowel Business
College, left Toronto to accept a
peel Lien in 00batit as stenographer at
,'780 per year.
P y
Miss Qneenie Jackson, Listowel,
and Miss Anuio Spence, pupils of
Miss Nixon were successful -in passing
their examinations in connection with
the Toronto Onnservatory of Music,
the former securing junior examin-
ation and the latter elementtu'y.
W. A. Tom, President and manager
of the W. A, Tom Oou9truotiou corn
party, Colliugwood, 111113 P. 0. Paliu,
Secretary of the company, are in
WWII snaking arrangemeuls to com-
mence the construction of the Listo-
wel drill hall. Mr. Tour will. com-
mence work at once, anti is anxious to
employ all the local labor and
mechanics he ca1. Ile is willing to
sub -let some of llze work, if he can se-
cure satisfactory figures 'and will do
all in his power to rush the work to
h set '- m I
1' a r]1 ar na mite box opening
n g
of the Livingstone Mission Baud was
field at the home L1 ail f 1
u o Mrs. James
Cleland. An interesting pwglatn
was given by the members including
recitations by Roy Shearer, Melville
Alexander and Stuart Gray ; a
dialogue by fourteen young ladies
representing the foreigners in Canada
and a Mission Band Rainbow by six
little h'ls. After the g. e L t program 1'e-
freshments were served on the lawn
and a most delightful time was had.
There were 100 persons. present.
—1 rem time immemorial it has been
customary to celebrate Lhe anni-
versary of the important events that
have taken place in Lhe history of the
past. 50 years ill 111e life ul' n Sou-'
gregation may not be a -great event,
still it is a very interesting time to
those who have been connected there-
with. For the past 50 years the
people of Walton have had tad tt o
1 1 v
Presbyterian congregations -Presby-
terian church 90 Canada, and the
United Presbyterial) church of North
America. These two congregations
have worshipped harmoniOPsly, side
by side, until Oct. 31st 1010, when
they agreed to unite, and like a calm
peaceful river are 'flowing on in the
greatest cordiality, known by the
flame of Duff's church, Walton. Dur-
'iug the phut weeks we have been
celebrating nue Jubilee, Ou Sabbath
141311 nit.. we had
4 t out communion when
all the old members lb(.rs within reach
were 1)10(10(1 to be present with tis 011
that It was 11 very itnpres-
siveservice conducted by the pastor,
Rev, R. A. Luucly, having the largest
number of communicants present
than at any time in the history of the
°segreggation. On the following
, L atllltov. Mr,Laird,
9+ bblate Professor
of Queen's, Due othe throng 90011 of.
our church, avas with as and gave
us uplifting, inlpressivo sermons,
lemming 1 t1(t1 e- 011311 :o largo L V 1 a 1) con -
gregations. 11(109day evening follow-
ing a social meeting was holt, the
pastor Ire the chair, After, de1otorlal
exercises, 0110 of the pioneer members
%Vas ,018111(1 10(80) to give 't4 brief
of Lho eon 'e ttiion following
1119 Ol t
• g g
beinga short sketch :--t1etwren
and 0 years ago the people began Lo
settle 160000tld the district its known
b$r the nitrite of Walton( btib ali
Made Well' By Lydia. E. Pink-
ham's /egetable Compound.
Philadelphia, Pa. -"I had a severe
Amon ease of nervous prostration, with palpi-
1,I f1 i tation of the heart,
constipation, head-
aches, dizziness,
noise in my ears,
est -1timid, nervous, rest-
. less feelings and
11 sleeplessness.
I "I read in the pa-
1 per where a young
woman had been
cured of the same
troubles by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound so I threw away
the medicines the doctor left me and be-
gan taking the Compound. Before I
had taken half a bottle I was able to sit
up and in a short time I was able to do
all my work. Your medicine has proved
itself able to do all you say it will and I
have recommended it in everyhousehold
I have visited. "-Mrs.MARYJOHNSTON,
210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Another Bad Case.
Ephrata, Pa. -"About a year ago I
was down with nervous prostration. I
was pale and weak and would have bye -
toric spells, sick headaches and a bad
pain under my shoulder -blade. I was
under the care of different doctors but
did not improve. I was so weak I- could
hardly Stand long enough to do myydishes.
"Lydia P' -
D. tnhham's Vegetable Com-
pound has made me well and happy and
I have begun to gain in weight and my
face looks healthy now." -Mrs. J. W.
IIORNBERGER, R. No. 8, Ephrata, Pa.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (coml.
tlential) Lynn, Mass. Your letterwill
bo opened, road and answered by a
woman and held in strict confldeece,
time without a name.. They were a
mixed population, hailing from
Scotland, England and Ireland, and
all the best of friends, striving and
struggling and helping each other to
make a living and a home out of the
great forest. The great majority of
the people were from the highlands of
From the lone shieling of 111e misty
Mountains divide us, and a waste of
Yet the blood is strong, the heart is
And we in dreams behold the
Pair the broad meads, those broary
woods are grand,
But we are exiles from our Father
;the thought of the Fatherland
and the remembrance of the Sabbath
bell reverberating among the green
hills calling the people away to the
House of prayer. Those -things acted
as a stitent us for us to do something
along that line for ourselves, and
with one accord the few families
built eL little church, and 50 years ago
the Presbytery of Minn ordained
Rev. Jno. Ferguson to the pastorate
of the united charges of Brussels,
Otaubroolc and Walton. The field
was large, but no better man could
bo found to lay the foundation of the
Gospel church true and strong. For
12 years he ministered to the Walton
people and parted from them with
the good wishes of all. Succeeding
him were Reverends Messes McNaugh-
tot Bailee
ty ne Forrest, least,
MaNnb and
pastor, astol Rev. ev Ah Lundy.
All these have done noble work in
building 1
g p front a small beginning
to what is now a prosperous congre-
gation. We remember (i11e honored
names of those who kindly led the
service of praise in the early years
viz, ,Tames Fulton, William McAl-
lister, William Ootitis and Donald
Ross sometimes with a choir and
often without one. For the past 15
year's the congregation has been lead
by a strong choir, with Hiss Annie
Ferguson as organist. The Ladies'
Aid has done grand work during
the past 25 years, having raised
thousands of dollars for help in many
ways. The chief asset is a large
flourishing Sunday School, From a
small beginning we have great reason
.,. .
• e
• Machine Shop •
• Brussels•
,Desire -to thank the people of va
Brussels 1111)13 (11560106 ft' bhe '1V(LY •
• they have encouraged therm by •
• sendirfg in their work. We a hope •
i they w111 continuo the same.
All kinds of repairs will be °s
o• promptly attended to on fat'm p
• implements, threshing. outfits, •
•tubing, patching and all kinds
of bales, repairs. 'Years of .ex- y
Z porience on this class of work o
• enable them to give best•of sat- •
p Cultivator and plowshares o
Z g101thd. •
• Lawn inotvers sharpened and 0
• Asob.
• •
O '
• t Lonlobile repairs. •
Y Fah 'Prlae Guaranteed. e
D on't 90 afraid -.Send all your ••
c arra along.
I os POPE N g
4••r•• ••••w•••••••••••••
to thank God for the proeperity to
Dir, Fergesorl had the hotter of begirt -
:ling the good wont in Ow small framewhich) we have attained. The lite wHoLE
clnue'h ,u,(1our preselil piu+t'or bas
had the honor of leading tis in the
b ii'
u 111 ng, of the new aboral. On the
platform were Rev, 111x, Ballantyne
and :Rev. Ale. McNair, former pastors,
also Revels, Messrs, Page, Rion and
;Mann, from Brussels ; McCulloch , rl
Cranbroolc ; Carswell, W111011'01) ; t'EruItaa.tines Keeps Young And Old
and Edmuu119, Walton, 12(1011 or in S leadld Health
I hent gave inspiring,Jubilee addresses. • p
During, the evening the rhoii, who
have lately installed a beautiful 0 0 w
organ, gave- 5. 2ew till 11Ohl& selectsnns,
3209', Mt. Metedlnrh, 011111brouk,
and Al 1'. Dailey, o1' Owee Sound,
favored u'e with 91,111)9111)19 Miss 1llirr•(1-
011, Id Aloneiisif, gave 11 recitation,
all of which were well received, An
interesting evening Was fraught lo a
close by the eungregation gathering
around the two former pnstois, 132r,
Ballantyne and 11rt•. AlcNab and Mrs
MONab and greeted them by a Warm
slake of the ha1d,
Resign From The worry Club.
Life is 0 rush, but we ean't all get
there together. In consequence, WO
worry-Oan't help it because ner105
are weals, vitality is burnt up and
there's no stayilrg power left. Cut
out the worry part, end build up.
Let Ferrozone help vim, I1's a most
strengthening nutritive tonic. frills
the blond with iron, supplies building
material for worn out organs, gener-
ates 1110 Bort of vitality that makes
you want to do things. No Medicine
more helpful for men, referrer] and
children who neer) strength and stay-
ing power. Try Ferrozone, 50c per
box at all dealers.
A wedding of interest 10 many f11
Trowbridge, Loolc y
dia In 0!r]Stdi
ir,Arizona, on Wednesday, June 171(1
when Miss Jennie Robinson, formerly
of Trowbridge, became the bride of
Franklin 3, Berry, tui esteemed citi-
zen of that place. The bride is a
sister of Mire. George Aflame, Trow-
bridge, also 11Its. J. D. Philip, of
Listowel. Air, and Mrs. Berry will take
up their residence in Chandler and to
th e n friends extend the kind wishes
of the many local friends of the bride.
DECEASED,— Sincere sorrow has
been caused in this community
through the death of Mrs. (1Rev,)
Moorehouse from heart failure follow-
ing an operation at Victoria Hospital
London. The death is particularly
sad for the deceased leaves a family
of three small children, two boys and
a girl, the oldest being but 7 years.
Mrs. Moorehouse was a (laughter of
3. E. and Mrs, Boomer, London, and
the funeral was held on Friday from
their residence and was attended by
C. Cosens and Ed. IIalpenny, of Trow-
bridge. Rev. Air. McKelvie, Ethel,
took the service for Rev. AIr. Moore -
house on Sunday morning and Rohm t
McKay, Ethel, in the evening.
BANK.—Rev. W. H Cooper and wife,
of Milverton,
have completed np their
four-year tem in Milverton, the
former as pastor of the Milverton and
Millbank Methodist churches. They
have been remembered with cordial,
appreciative addresses and presenta-
tions from the people. The 1MJiilbank
congregation presented Mrs. Cooper
with a cameo ring and gold bar pin
and the rev. gentleman with a gold
headed cane. The address was signed
on behalf of the Epworth Leagne by
R. B. Hamilton for the Sunday
School -S W. Coulter for the Con-
gregation- D. 3. Nicklin, Robert
Afagwnod, W. F. Rutherford, Reid
Allingham, John Batwings, W. D.
Langford, and T. Orookshanks, The
A'li si naeSocietyd
s r] y and Ladies' Aid
Milverton presented Rev. Mr.
Cooper with a handsome clock, the
aconrt all '1
address being signedled:
by Mrs. Thos, Riley and Mrs. David
00101119. The same organizations
also remembered Airs. Cooper with a
cut glass dish and address signed by
the same two ladies complimenting
)ler upon being g a worthy helpmeet to
her husband. Rev. Mr. Cooper has
superannuated for a year owing to
poor health and'has gone to London
to reside in the meantime.He was a
former Methodist pastor here.
L. L. McFatil has left for Seattle
and other coast cities..
Jas, and Mrs. Beattie are spending
a couple of weeks in Niagara and
Bradford, Penn.
Rev. A. W. Barker and Jno, Button
were attending the International Ep-
-worth League Convention In Buffalo
last week.
Miss Neelin, superintendent of the
Forges Hospital, ss spending the
holidays '
tvrlllher parents, F. G. and
Mrs. Neelinti,
Miss Mabel Govenloclr, who has
been teaching Domestic Science in the
Windsor Oollegiate, has been offered a
much bettor position in New West-
minster, 13. C., and will 1159,1100 her
new duties after the holidays.
A baseball league has been organiz-
ed between the different wards in
town, and seine interesting' games
will be pulled off this Summer. The
Turf Club leas generously laid out a
diamond on their grounds, and
Geo. .4. Sills has donated a handsome
silver cup for competition, At a
meeting held in the public library the
following refiners wets elected for the
season : President, M. Broderick ;
Secretary -treasurer, John Beattie
Managers, NOT 01 ward, J. T•Ihichley ;
South ward, Joe Sills;, East ward,
Jack Broderick ; ofietal umpires,
113. Broderick and Geo, A. Sills.
BOWLING. -•The 2008 annual tourn-
ament, of the Seaforth Lawn 13nwlieg
Club was held on Wednesday and
Thursday, and ryas One of the most
successful and enjoyable in the
history of the club. idle touruanent
oonsieted of doubles and singles only,
there being 40 entries for the doubles
and 82 entries in the singles. The'
s were ; p:ubie
s I'tr
event, Dowding aridGran 13 (01inton),
first•, prize ; Alorsou and (3lorntse,
(Seafort)), seoand-prloo, Second
el+ent, Iibsa eta Onttle (13rttasels),
.1. W. HAMMOND Eso.
SCOTLAND, ONT., Aug. 25th. 13
"Fruit-a-tives" are the only :11
manufactured, to my way of think. g.
They work completely, no grip lg
whatever, and one is plenty fora •.y
ordinary person at a dose. My to .e
was a Martyr to Constipation. We tri
everything 011 the calendar without
satisfaction, and spent large sums of
money until we happened on "Fruit-
a-tives". I cannot say too much in
their favor,
We haveusedthem in thefamilyfor
about two years and we would not use
anything else as long as we can get
Their action is mild, and no distress
at all. I have recommended them to
many other people, and our whole
family uses them",
Those wbo havebeen cured by "Fruit-
a-tives" are proud and happy to tell a
sick or ailing friend about these won-
derful tablets made from fruit juices.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
byFruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
first prize ; McDonnel and Mair
(13ensall), second prize. Singles -
first event, Jas. E. Willis (Seaforth),
first prize; William Ament (Sea -
forth), second prize. Second event,
J. M. Best (Seaforth), first prize ;
.T: Taylor (Clinton), second prize.
Third event -W. G. Willis (Seaforth),
first prize ; Jno, McTavish (Seaforth),
second prize.
Murdie, who was taken suddenly ill
while sol•utimeeriug ata polling booth
in Seaforth on Juste 29th, died at his
home next evening. He
v had com-
menced his duties in his usual health,
but during the afternoon complained
of a pain in his side, which rapidly i
grew worse. A Dr. being hastily
summoned pronounced him critically
An M. D. called in consultation
and a t• h'
v1) t to done to relieve his
y g
suffering which was caused by acute
peritonitis. He seemed easier in the
morning, but grew worse during the
afternoon, his death taking place
shortly after 7. He was about 65
years of age, and had lived in Sea -
forth for the past 12 years formerly
farthing 3 miles from town. A.
Liberal and a prominent member of
the First Presbyterian church, being
treasurer for a number of years. He
was also a prominent member of the
Bowling Club and took an active
part in charitable work.
Fred, Brown has traded his proper-
ty111 the village man'
e For Herb. Forman's
frm on the 8111 con, Possession will
be given this month.
3910. Quipp, who received the con-
tract tLCt fi 1 crushing stone and placing
itcutbe toad between Atwood and
Newry, has started the work
Ilei John Little, North Morning-
ornington, preached in the Presbyterian
ewA w w�.•
rseral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended ty o night or
day. Phone 228.
o e
church, Sunday, at 1I o'clock and 111
the Methodist church in the evening,.
The marriage of Aries Annie Scott, .
I daughter of Wm and Dire. Scott, of
llama, to 'A. Day (son, of Cobalt, took.
place at Oobalt 1 n Wednesday, June
lith. M'r, n rd 'Mrs, Davidson will
make their h erne In Ghat town.
A question Often Asked.
Why so noisy people feel worse
after taking pills than before it
Trouble is that drastic pills are used.
No remedial action is,obtained, the
bowels are irritated and dreadful
constipation follows. In rising Dr.
Hamilton's Pills you are scarcely
conscious of having taken medicine.
Although very mild, Dr, Hamilton's
Pills do regulate the bowels, stimuls
ate'normat action of the glands, and
create neither nausea, griping or
violent action. Positively guaranteed
for biliousness, indigestion, stomach,
liver and kidney i11s, For a safe
family pill •rely on Dr. Hamilton's,
25c per box at all dealers.
Perth County
Listowel Orangemen intend cele.
beating the anniversary of the Boyne
at St. Marys on July 13th next.
John Gowan, brother of ex -Reeve -
Gowan, of Blanshard, is visiting the
old borne after many years in the
Western cities of Fort William, Por-
tage la Prairie and Edmonton.
The new St. Marys Collegiate Insti-
tute gymnasium' is rapidly assuming
shape. The framework now stands
upon the cement block foundation.
and seen the walla of white brick
will be in place.
St. Marys is to have a second
cement company, arrangements ha.v-
frig at last been completed. Operas
tions will be commenced at once so
that the plant may be completed in
time for next year's business,
George Jardine, 182 William street
Stratford received
a broken coilar-
bone and several bruises when he was
hit and run over by Pounder Bros.,
automobile. The injured man was
coming out of the Stratford chair
fa.aory when the accident happened.
The ca` was a Ford.
Ja hr] Yunclt, who had the contract
of 1
atavation for the new r
bus ding Milverton, )net with a painful
accident while quitting work on
Monday evening, He was pulling the
last lr ad out of the pit before un-
hitching and instead of being c 1 top
walked along side. He stepped on a -
tin can which caused his foot to slide
over in f cont of one of the wheels with
the result that it passed along the
side of his foot bruising it so badly as
to burst it. Nothing daunted, how-
ever, Mr. Yundt is proceeding with
the work as usual though handicap-
ped in his movements.
Each Tuesday until October 27th, Inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return - 535.00
Edmonton and Return - 43,00
From Toronto, nod Stations West and
North of Toronto. Proportionate farce
from Stations East of Toronto. '
Return. Limit two months.
Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets
from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write
M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry.; Toronto.
11. L. JACKSON, Agent BRUS 12.L S
Tile Ceflvery
Those who wish to liur•'
chase Tile ;ground Brus-
sels are r e to
., u s d to sen
order to Henfryn P. 0, or
Phone 355. Upon receipt
of enou:;h orders we wili.
send a _ar load to. Brus'
sels station.
Cole & 4.rougherty
15 •
0 uggies
• b
B ����fP''fes
)eat, 00611160606.5 0•11110000.0••OLm
0 ate more mi -to -date than all previous years, Everybody is made
welcome to examine our Shilw Rooms and purchase aElsean Betsey,
011 You will get first-class satisfaction as well as encouraging h mi
a - Wood 'Work done i11 all its Wenches.
Buggies re -painted and 13 g
gY Tops
• look as good as new at t•easo 111ble pikes.
HE SE ASON is now at
hand for the 'sale of
Buggies and all intend-
ing purchasers will do well
and save money by calling at
We take no back seat and
are always on the lead for an
up-to-date Muggy. - Our Bug-
gies have stood the test of all
competitors for CloseL'.1 80
years, which should be a.
guarantee in itself., One
Styles and Material this yam,
lie -lined 11ted and Covered
A .
Ewan's i FactoyP