The Brussels Post, 1914-7-9, Page 4it ost10 o VMS. ' pAt, JULY 194 $LA1r the weeds on the rgedside and On:%meant properties, How is your mower and reaper 7 Are they looked over and ready to take into the hay and grain fields 7 EVERY family should send a rep- resentative to one of the big Fairs held in Ontario. Here's the list from which you might make a selection :-Central Canada Fair at Ottawa Sept, xr-19; Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 29 -Sept. 14 ; Western, Loudon, Sept. it -re ; Fat Stock Show, Toronto, Dec, I1-12 ; Winter Fair at Guelph, and not for. getting East Huron Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday, October 1-2. Whoever goes to each, or any, of these Fairs should be deputized to fetch back a report to the other members of the family, thereby all would share in many noticeable features or interesting facts as witnessed by the representative. There's education of a very useful char aster in following such a course. Try it and see. POSSIBLY not much use offering ad- vice to the newly elected Government but they would do well to hearken to the dissent of some strong men in their own party against the policies pursued in the important portfolios held by the Minister, of Education and the Minister of Agriculture. It is semi.officially stated that there will be a shuffle in the Cabinet in the near future and if so the two departments mentioned deserve e who stronger men theoajob than tics have been administerating them for the past fev sessions, This is not a ques- tion of politics but a demand from the electorate at large who have a right to expect clear thinking, progressive ac- tion and practical results in govern- mental management in departments coming close home to so many people: WHAT about the Temperance question now? During the recent Provincial election both parties professed to be ardent supporters and we were wonder- ing if they will stay in that frame of mind now the contest is over. Some journals predict the Government will pass some stringent regulations and i possibly cut off the three fifth clause, while others say the powers that be can snap their fingers iu the face of the Prohibitionists when so large a majority was given for their return. The latter course would be suicidal, •as;a day of reckoning always comes, On the other hand comments have been made that the Opposition should forever banish the plank of "Banish the bar." Crazier advice could not be well given. If' the plea were made as a catcb•penny affair it might be all right to "cut it out" -but when principle is involved we con. sider there can be no backing out. Many a contest has sometimes to be fought in great moral issues and any attempt to woo the liquor traffic after so strenuous a battle would be as futile as it would be obnoxious to true temper- ance men. There must be no retreating from the ground taken up but with the seed sowing done a crop should grow that will prove very beneficial to the weal of the Province, "Banish the Bar" was a daring stand to take and was blacklisted by a large number of Liberals but all the more to the credit hof N. W, Rawell, who bas lived up to phis convictions and shown himself to have the moral standing in facing and fighting for what he believes to be right and in the best interests of On- tario, There were conditions in the :past election that will never be in evi- dence in another and instead of feeling discouraged all who hope for a Province - wide Prshibitory measure should gird up their loins, stand by their guns and be ready for the bugle note "Advance." ' It is not a dying cause but an army with a white banner who will press for aviotory. A great handle was made by the Government regarding Mr. Rowell's 5inoerity but one thing was certain the ,,liquor traffic did not doubt where he € Stood, By way of corroborative proof :we append a letter sent out by a wealthy Toronto firm concerning the matter :- Upon the letterhead of the Cosgrove Brewery Co,, of Toronto, Limited, the following letter dated June 24th, and marked "Confidential," was received by a well-known resident of Halton Co, "Dear Sir: -We would esteem it a great favor by your voting against the • Rowell can didate on Monday next, 2gth `Instant, for the reason that returning him to power would mean practically our fiodoolal ruin, as well as that of all the hotelkeeper5 of the province, with- out one cent of compensation being ' paid by the province or municipality. This election is the most critical one in the history of the trade, and we appeal to you J for your vote and influence, Please, therefore, give this your fro - ,mediate and personal attention, " for P your ,active co-operationmay mean a great deal in tite general result," Yours truly, THE Coseeove BREwRRv Co., Li£nited, Toronto, We know of Conservatives wim )narked their ballot for the Liberal cause, not lleemtse they approved of the general HEALTHY HAIR.f-NLI MODE 1 Nq U NA� RSI" No, 3 Use Parisian Sage 4 It's entirely needless to have un- sightly, matted, thin or faded hale, A little care is all that is needed to utake it thick, soft, pretty, perfectly healthy and free from dandruff. Use Parisian Sage --'-it supplies hair needs and is absolutely harmless. It quickly stops itching head and falling hair, and is one of the best tonics to invigorate the scalp and make the hair grow long and beautiful. Get a bottle of Parisian Sage today from Jas. Fox or at any drug counter. It costs but 50 cents, Rub iG into the scalp -all dandeufl disappears -your head feels tine --the hair is pretty and perfectly healthy. policy, but believed the temperance plank was worthy of the hearty support of all who desired a speedy wiping out of the liquor traffic. POLITICAL CHAT Friday of this week is polling day in Manitoba. A few recounts may make some changes in the figures of Election Day. The course of Rev, Mr. Tolmie, of Windsor, will be watched in the House.. He was the only cleric to win. The name of Harry Eilber, M. P. P. in South Huron, is mentioned es Speaker of the next Parliament. He would fill the bill all right. Election returns were placed before the two political camps in good style by James Fox on Election night. The Conservatives received the figures in the sample room of the Queen's Hotel and the Liberals occupied the Town Hall. There was a lot of good sense exhibited in the good nature with which the news was received and no display n o "soreness n5- on the part of victors by the defeated. A company of youths burned up a few boxes on Turnberry street in the way of fireworks. Huron County continues its political faith in the three former member's. W. Proudfoot, in Centre Huron, in- creased his majority from 216 in van to 319 ; A. H. Musgrove, representative iu the North riding, had a lively chase by his doughty opponent. George Ander- son, but held the constituency by 13o; and Harry Eilber swung into victory in the South by 35o. When these three ridings were gerrymandered it was ex- pected by the government that the political complexion would be as it is and nothing short of a very unpopular candidate will occasion an upheave, in the Huron trio. CENTRE HURON SEAPORTtr No, 2 2 3 4 5 Majority Lib, Con. 85 39 21 12 49 206 64 43 33 31 42 213 12 CLINTON No. r 59 47 2 6r 76 3 49 53 4 47 .61 216 237 Majority 21 GO DERIC1t No. 1 2 3 4 5 57 57 6 8o 82 7 44 54 486 - 500 Majority 14 No. I 68 98 8o 84 68 63 89 62 Majority BRUSSELS 67 46 123 - 81 32 54 27 M CIULLOP No. 1 77 2 94 3 50 4 48 Majority 269 57 Bowman Kincadine Town ....... ... .. 49 Southampton 47 20 Port Elgin ..... .... 62 26 'Tiverton 29 29- Lucknow 45 48 Ssugeen Towbship '' Bruce Township 42 41 7o 6o 212 5 6 7 Majority No• I Majority No. I 3 4 5 6 Majority No. r 3 4 Majority No. 1 3 4 5 6 Majority No.r 2 3 4 5 Majority No. r 2 3 4 5 Majority No. l 2 3 4 5 Majority No Majority NORTH H'j'J RON ASHFI ELI) Anderson 41, 49 49 29 Gr 63 6o 357 70 IILVTB 42 34 76 110 WICK 44 42 52 75 78 49 340 TURNBERRY 58 67 41 47 213 MORRIS 57 5o 32 49 50 51 289 3 EAST WAWANOSH 39 44 52 55 35 225 46 WEST \VAWANOSH 54 28 33 57 50 222 15 WINGHAM 34 36 45 65 18 198 W ROX STER 53 - 20 RECAPITULATION Musg rove Ashfield West Wawauosh East Wawanosh BIS'lh Wingbam Morris Wroxeter Turnberry H'owick 20 111 19 134 284 Majority for Mugrove 13o. SOUTH PERTH Bennewies Musgrove 66 58 46 60 25 ]3 ID 287 53 43 96 20 83 75 to 76 ci 65 474 134 85 61 47 39 232 19 33 4.2 44 43 54 7o 286 22 66 34 28' 29 079 52 51 40 37 27 207 64 67 -47 309 33 Anderson 7o 15 St. Marys 167 Blanshard . 52 Logan Downie ........... ..! 122 Hibbert. ' 74 Fullerton 6 S. Eastnope...... , Mitchell . 68 632 Majority for Bennewies Con. NORTH PERTH Torrance Robertson Stratford 638 North Easthope . Ellice ......................137 Moroington 85 Erma.. . 16o Wallace . •111 Listowel Ito Milverton 339 46 2 20 154 Erb 137 333 299 55 2296 Majority for Torrance 1117 Wss'r BRUCE GREY No. x 36 2 50 347 4 64 5 63 6 56 7 56 372 Majority 146 MULLE'r'r No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 63 63 Gz 23 47 54 211 26 Kincal•dineTownship .... , 24 __ Huron 'Township....,,...... 36 11116 Kinloss Township..,......... 8o 663 Majority for Bowman Lib. 638 27 36 20 40 17 28 347 594 Majority 153 COI,RORNR No. l 5o 53 2 26 40 3 48 07 4 32 23 Majority 156 183 27 RROAPI'SULATION Seaforth 227206 012 fo't h 2l5 Clinton 217 273 Goderich 410 447 Brussels 003 88 McKillop 284 215 Grey 374 240 I3tillett 326 260 Colborne M'ajotity 179 179 Gryh 25 25 NORTH BRUCE. McDonald Vandttsen Paisiet ..... 24 Eldersiie ,. 123 Chesley ,.,,. „ 002 Arran .....,.,..., Tara .... ... ...... . Amabel Wiarton Albemarle Eagtnor ,.,.. Lindsay 5 St. Edmunds.. ......, 64 s366 49 21 21 44 254 241 Majority for McDonald Iib. 13. Oanadian News 256 237 Simcoo and Liman carried Hydro - 486 500 electric bylaws, 113 :