The Brussels Post, 1914-7-9, Page 1VOL. 43 NO, 2
New Advertisements
nrocet lost -Tun FOair.
Ring found -Tan Pekin.
Lodger lost -T11 PORT.
Wectnin Fair -A 1J. Hunt.
Strilytd-W M. Hutchinson.
lliue dololopod-1r. R, smith.
Special notice -G. W. INsithind.
istrizt get -os
Rev. F. 0. Harper for 3 years pastor
of Ohalmers Presbyterian church,
London, lute Renounced to his congre-
gation that he will accept the call to
Clinton Presbyterian chinch. The
call Was decided by the London Pres-
bytery at a meeting at Port Stanley.
DIED SIIODENLY.-Williarn Biggins.
one of the oldest settlers i Staidey
township, died at his' home in Elul-
huestmerir Clinton, at, noon; Monday
in his 80th year, florn heart failure.
ilieceased ate his dinner as urinal and
was overtaken while walking through
hie home and expired in a few
minutes before metrical aid could
reach him. He was a native of Yoi k-
thire and lived for a tithe in Ohio.
He was a well known stock farmer
and bad a valuable int of prize-win-
ning Shorthorn cattle. His widow
and one son, John, who lives at home
survive h .
Mrs, Mather left on Monday for
Mrs, Thos. Brown visited last week
with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Lowry, se., of Brussels, is the
gnest of her eon, Edward Lowry.
Robt. Stock has purchased Jno.
Rutledge's residence on Howl& street,
The Bank of liktIlli4011 18 taking
over the business of the Royal Bank
Miss Annie Harris, of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Jno. Rutledge left on Tuesday for a
trip through Saskatchewan and
Mrs. J. Messner and daughter, of
Washington, are guests or Mrs. Jas,
Harvey Kit by, of Berlin, formerly
of Belmore, called no old friends here
last Friday.
Olarence White, of Toronto, is
spending two weeks holidays at his
home here.
Mrs. Hart, of Fordwich, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Hupfer,
of Turnberty
Reeve Reis and family spent several
days recently with relatives in
Milverton and vicinity.
Miss Janie Howe, of Mb. Elgin
Institute, is spending a month's.
vacation at her home here.
Samuel and Mrs. Willis, of London,
former.. residents here spent Saturday
and Sunday in the village.
Miss Lulu Rutherford, of Grand
Valley, is spending the •Summer
holidays at her home here.
Wilfrid Weir, who has been at-
tending Dental College in Toronto, is
home for the Summer holidays. .
Mrs, R. Moffatt and Miss Fanny,
have returned from a few weeks'
visit with friends at Wingham,
Rev. R. S. Lackland will address
the Orangemen in the Methodist
church on Sunday afternoon, at 3
W. J. Mather's sale or household
effects on Saturday afternoon
Iaaoted quite a !toga number in the
Miss Bessie Lovell left for Guelph
last week where she will take a Sum -
mei. mime at the Agricultural Col-
lege there.
0. Zollener nee Miss B. Bar-
nard, of London, is the guest of, her
aunt, Mrs, J. Gibson, and other
friends here.
Colin MeNaughtou, of the Royal
Bank, has been transferred to a
branch at Glencoe, for which place he
left on Monday,
'Neil White bad the misfoetune to
have the top taken off one finger and
another badly bruised whiluemployed
in the platting mill last week.
Next week Mrs, (Rev.) Lackland
will leave on a trip to England. We
wish her a fine tinie, She goes by the
Allan Line steamer, Carthaginian
and will be away a couple of months.
4 44 44 444400.4.4.44... ****•••••••••••••••••••••
Western Fair
Misses Eleanor Hazlewood and Inez
Scott, of Clifford, are guests of the
former's cousin, Miss Kate liazie-
airs. W McLaughlin and little
dough ter, of Winni peg, ate visiting
the former's mother, Mrs, Sas,
Miss Cassie McDongall, who has
been attending Owen Sound Business'
College, is visiting at her home here.
She was accompanied by Miss Ella
Richardson, of Markciale.
Robert Stocks and family, of
Manitoulin Island, arrived here last
week, the former having receutly
purchased W. J. Mather'e furniture
and undertaking business.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
A. H. Moffitt who has spent several
weeks 10 a Guelph hospital, has re-
covered sufficiently to return to her
home here. We hope for a continued
A most enjoyable time was spent
by young and old at the pic-nic held
under the auspices of the. Presby-
terian Sunday School on Friday last,
at Peter MoTavish's bush. Hay-
racks seemed to be the principal inode
ot conveyance. An ice-cream booth
was conducted* on the grounds, the
proceeds of which were sent to the
Fresh Air Fund, 'Aron tb.
The item regarding church improve-
ment at Knox by the Ladies' Aid was
not correct. It would apply to the
Methodist brethren, however, as a
renovation is going on there.
The Misses Switzer have returned
to their home "The Maples" for the
Summer vacation. Miss Switzer has
been re-engaged in her school ab
Ekfrid for the coining year at a sale,ty
of $650. She is a good teacher.
'Will. J. Cameron left for Raleigh,
North Carolina, U. S., where he takes
hold of u fine position. We expect to
see hint reach the apex and wieh hiin
suecess. Diming his vacation here he
had the offer of another good ap-
poi n tmen t.
Mrs, Adam Kressler, who resided
with her sari, A. Kressier, of Logan,
died there recently aged 88 years.
The funeral took place to Oranbrook
cemetery. Besides A. Kressler an-
other eon Steve, of Sault Ste. Marie
and Mrs. 0. Bleckert, of Eima survive
their mother, Mrs. Kressler was a
former resident ofthis
Service was. nob held in the Metho-
dist church last Sunday nor will it be
next Sabbath as improvements me
being made. New ceiling is being
put in, woodwork will be painted,
new chandeliers added and 'a general
tidying up arranged. Theyare a
good lot of hustlers in carrying out
anything they undertake,
Farmers are busy with their hay
and roots,
Wm.Holt is home on a visit looking
very well.
Robert Shaw preached in Victoria
Hall last Sabbath evening.
Ernest Gibson, of Hamilton, has
been visiting his uncle, Wm. Moses,
2nd line, Morris.
We regret to hemof the serious
illness of Mrs. T. Stracham of this lo -
cat), but hope she will soon be better.
The next meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held on Thursday of
next week, 16th inst., in Victoria
Hall at 2.30. Mise Mary Smith will
take the topic.
Ed. Barnard has moved the house
on his farm cm as to better fall in
line with tbe new residence he ex-
pects to build from material in the
buildings he purchased from Thos.
George Johnston,.who has been
teaching at Pelee- Island, in Lake
Erie, is home for the vacation. He
recounts many interesting incidents
regarding this Garden of Eden, of
which so few Canucks are acquainted,
We. understand that Miss Fern
Eckmier, of this. place has accepted
the position of teacher in the Howiek
-Grey boundary school, duties to
commence in September. Salary
will be $590 it is said, She has just
gob home Wine the Normal School.
Miss Ashton has been the teacher for
the past two years. Miss Ecktnier,
should fill the bill to the dot and we
wish her success.
• •
• •
Ontario's PopularExhibition
September lith to 19th, '14
• -----. e
e Magnificent Programme of Attractions, Two Speed Evento Daily, ts
2New Fireworks Every Night.
4 4
2 Tho Doininiou Experimental FOAM Exhibit and The Calladian Royal
• •
o The Com T. Kennedy Shoe% will fill 1,lia Midway. O
2 Meek by the best available Bands.
: Reduced Rajlway Rates commencing Sept, Ilth 2
2 Special Excursien Days, Sept, 151,11, 16th, 171.1i. All tickets good till 2
et September 2181,,
; W. J. REID, President A, 12. fiUNTi Secretary i
; ...deo** i o....440.4041••••••• *****,..************444,4414
A fine time was enjoyed at the Sun-
day, School p10-nic in Maitland Park
on Dominion Day, GROWS Mid SporIS
were well programmed and all bad a
good afternoon,
After a long and neeful career the
Jamestown Postoffice went out of
business on July 1st, owing to the
establishment of the meal mail
system. D, McDonald continues the
mercantile business of course as
-051151. We are glad to report that William
Willis shows considerable improve-
ment, His illness was occasioned by
a heat t trouble and quiet is one of the
necessaries to restoration. This will
be hind medicine for the patient to
take as he is such a hustler to work.
Wonstre INSTITUTR.-The meeting
of the Jamestown Women's Institute
was held in Victoria Hall nn June
25th with Miss Noses, President in
the chair. Miss (Dr.) Hamilton, of
Toronto, gave a fine address on
.'Ohild's rights " Bluevale and
Molesworth Institutes visited James-
town that day and supplied an ex-
cellent. prograin. Refreshments were
served before the close and all en-
joyed a good time,
Hrs. George Habkirk died at her
home on the North road, McKillop,
Tuesday afternoon, June 80th 'having
reached the good age of 84 years,
She had been confined to bed for
about 4 weeks. Previous to that she
had been a remarkably active and
vigorous woman for her years and
seemed to suffer from no special
disease except the iufirrnities of old
age. Mrs. Habkirk's maiden name
was Mary Henderson. She was a
daughter of the late John Henderson,
and was born in Roxboroshire, Scot-
land, in the year 1330 and came to this.
country with her parents at the age
of 5 years. The family settled in
McKillop, and were among the
pioneers of that township. At the
age of 18 she was married to George
Habkirk, who survives her. They
lived on the 5th con., of McKillop for
37 years, when they removed to the
homestead of his father on the North
roa'cl, where she continued to reside
until her death. She is survived by
four sons and two daughters. The
sons are William, of Seaforth ; Mat-
thew and Robert, of ltIcrillop ;
and John, who had been with his
parents for Some time, attending to
them in their old age. The daughtersare Whs. McGonigle, of Seaforth
and Mrs. Matthews, of Edmonton.
Mrs. L. L. Mental, of Seaforth, is the
only living sister. Mrs. Ilebkirk had
been a member off Duff's church since
its organization anclone of the lead-
ing mombets of the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society of that congrega-
tion. She was a sincere Ohristian
woman, whose life was in accordance
with her profession: and her memory
will be long and lovingly cherished by
all who knew her.
Cherriee will be a.good crop.
Emmanuel Finch, of Stratford, was
here on a visit with the farnilies o
Messrs. Shurrie and Bradshaw, 41,11
Mast Sunday afternoon, Rev. Will.
Jewitt, son of the pastor, conducted
the service in the Jackson church and
did well.
Joseph and Mes. Shaw 8rd line,
were visitors with James and Mrs.
Jackson, near Clinton. The Jackson
fancily were former residents of Grey
The addition to Wm. Cunningham's
barn, 7th line, is well nigh ready, It
will give him .plenty of room for
his crop. Stone stabling was placed
under it.
Returning Officer Proctor looked
after his duties in connection with the
recent election with neatness and dis-
patch and should be well remunerated
for the work done,
Mrs. Jno, Roe, 2nd Con. Morris is
very ill at; her hotels with heart
trouble. Her two sons, doctors in
Philadelphia, have been sent for,
She is 77 years of age,
Miss Grace Robb, who has been
teaching at Moorefield, is home for
her vacation. She will not go back
to her former post but will seek
another appointment..
j. F. and Mrs.. McCracken and
children, and Miss Burcletta Mc -
Cracker), motored to London to at-
tend the marriage of Mrs. MoCiack-
en's sister, Miss Mlle Perrin, and
Jack Fern.
Miss Jennie Robb, 6th line ba e been
engaged to teach a school neat,
Palrnerston 'after the Summer
vacation. Salary will be $625 Miss
Robb is a gond teacher and has spent
the past few years in a school East of
Wal ton.
MAttuinn.- On Dominion.Day
Rev. A, J. Mann B. A..• tied the
matrimonial knot at the manse,
13i ussels, betweee Edward Garton, of
Whitechtiveh. and Miss Hulda
ledge, 4th line, Morris toweship. We
WWI them many happy, prosperous
Souoot REPaum.--Followitig is the
(boort of S. S. No. 1 Morris. for June.,
Se, IV.-Mayme Hall 76, Brucel3rown
75, Vera Hall 71, Harvey Nivins. Jr.
IV. -Matilda Rogerson (14. Sr. III. --
Louis Phelan 82, Richard Wallace 81.
Jr lit -Margaret Brown 81; Eael
Healy 72, Nellie Kelly 04, Mary Healy
00,, *Sohn Oraig 22. Sr. II. -Robert
Laidlaw 87, Lizzie Fear 82, Beeriest
Nivine 70, Alice Kirk 00, Willie Kelly
60. Jr. IL -Charles 'Cunningham 60.
Trivet 13ook-Mttry Brown and Mary
Kelly [equal] 92, Meld& McElroy 90,
David Craig, absent. Sr. Primer. -
Loretta, Healy 96, Geo, Powell 00,
Susie Cunningham 85,, Violet Engel-
beeelit 02, Jr. Peimer-Thomas
Kelly 75, *Mimed 3 exams, Average
attelidaliee 20. 81 FnAlt.
GARD OF TI -T wish to titanic
the neighbors and friends for kind
words and deeds in connection with
the illness and decease of my mother
It was niost highly appreciated.
On Dominion Day a good time was
enjoyed at an old time picnic in the
grove of Wm. Skelton, 8th line.
There were races for the children,
football for the men and base ball for
the ladies. Also swings, lunch,
(racial chat, &c. All had a good after -
clay evening last 1VIrs. John Kelling-
ton passed peacefully away to her
reward at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Duke Jordan, 5th line, in her
85411 year. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon, the service being
conducted by Rev. George Sewitt, of
Blyth, a nephew of deceased, in the
absence of Rev. D. Wren who is
holidayiug. Pallbearers were Jno.
Shurrie, H. McArter, D. McDonald,
Jno, Young, W. Gray and F. Smith.
Interment was made in Brussels
cemetery. Deceased was born in
Peel County where she was married to
John Kellington. They, continued to
live in the same locality and after
were in Hullett, Dungannon and
Fullerton township,Perth Co. Here
Mr. Kellington did over 20 years
ago. The children are :- Richard,
Woodstock ; Jno., Saskatoon ; Thos.,
Morris township; Wm.,Saskatoon :
Mrs, W. Phillips, Mitchel ; and Mrs.
Jordan. Deceased made her home
for a time with her son Thomas and
later with her daughter, Mrs. Jordan.
She had been in poor health. last
Winter and was supposed to have had
a stroke. At times she 'suffered con-
siderably but received the beet of
care. She was a Methodist and a
kindly, hospitable woman who Was
highly esteemed. Mrs. Phillips,
Richard and Wm. Kellington, Jno,
Brown, W. and Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Lee, of Londesboro, were here for the
Leo and Mrs. Irwin were holiday-
ing at Lneknow.
Our Orangemen will go to St.
Marys next 1VIonday.
Mrs. Jarnieson's health is not im-
proving any we are sorry to say.
The new school is going.up in a
hurry. The contractor is a hustler.
Mrs. Peter Keifer is not enjoying as
good health as her itnauy friends would
Grey Township Council will meet
here Tuesday of next week, 14th
inMs%s. Scott was a visitor at Hugh
Addie's last week. The lady is from
A stray horse. had his leg broken,
being run down by an auto in front of
8. ivS, r. o 1 ce'isa.
rk, Mrs. Wright and
Everett are spending a few days at
Ohas. Knight's.
Miss Maud McKee, of Toronto, is
visiting her uncle and aunt, Andrew
and Mrs. MnKee.
Edward Fletcher is improving the
looks of his place by a dandy fence,
f shingling house and other improve-
ments. •
The 0. E. topic at the Presbyterian
church Sunday evening 'The ministry
of Music," will be taken by Miss
Spence. Special music will be render-
The Ethel Boy Scouts have spent
the past 10 days camping in R. Barr's
grove near the railway btidge. They
had a gond time considering the un-
favorable weather.
Jas. McLelland is spending a short
holiday at Paielty. Miss Edna Mc-
Lelland is attending the Summer
'School at Goderich and Miss Rhea is
visiting friends at Auburn,
Rev. I, A. McKelvey preached in
Trowbridge last Sunday morning as
Rev. Mr. 1Vloorehouse has not yet
taken his work since Mrs. Moore -
house's death. Robett McKay took
the service at Roe's and Molesworth
and also at Trowbridge in the even-
' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -The regular
meetingof the Women's Institute will
be held n•the Dilworth Hall, Thurs-
day, July 16th, at 2,30 o'clock. Topic,
"Co-operation of Village and Country
Members." to be led by Mrs. 0. 0.
Cleaver arid Mrs. Win, Love. The
ladies of the community are cordially
Mrs, W. E. Lucas and children are
visiting the former's patents here for
a short time. Mr. Lucas who has-
been preaching at Wilkesport, for
the past 2years, has gone to Chicago
where he intends to take a course ab
the Moody Bible Institute. Mrs,
Lucas and children expect to go to
Chicago after theitvisit here. Mr.
and Mrs. Limas and children were the
recipients of beautiful presents before
leaving Wilkesporb. An address ex-
pressing. appreciation of their work
on the moult was also read to them
DID Witme-We are pleased to re-
port that Miss Lela Vodden, (laugh-
ter of Thomas and Mrs. Vodden, of
Ethel, was successful in passing her
26dyear piano examination, taking
honors which 'necessitated securing
85%. The exam, was taken at Sea -
forth, ' before A. If. Howell,,repre.
sen bOLl ve of the London, England,
()observatory. Miss Mae Wilkinson,
Brueeels, is Miss Lela's teacher and
is also to be congeatulat,ed. . Walter
Lowry, of Brussels took the ladies
t in his car.
ItHNAWAYS.-Some excitement was
caused in out village by runaways
lest week. Friday afternoon D.
Duttbar'a teant ran Nom the school
grounds to the centre of the village
where they were etopped before
much damage was done, They were
frightened by the noise of the falling 1-1
brick while the old school was being ;
torn down. On Saturday afternoon
A team helotigilig to ,Alnleetv McKee ,
tooknotion to have a little trip on B
W, H. KERR, Proprietor
their own account but they were
stopped suddenly by a telephone pole
and .a fence poet. The wagon reach
waeybeaoakieangear the harness consider-
ablRev. I, A, and Mee, McKelvey and
Irene attended the wedding of Mr.
McKelvey's sister., Lillie, to Wilbur
Collins at Stratford on Wednesday.
Rev, Mr. McKelvey performed the
ceremony assisted by Rev. Dr.
Manning, the bride's pastor,
Hay cutting is on the program of a
number of farmers.
Miss Jean Armstrong is home 'from
Toronto for her vacation,
Wm. and Mrs. Woods Stiudayed
with friends in Kinbuin.
Thos. and Mrs. Williamson spent
Sunday at Robt. Houston's,
Ed. Fulton has returned from an
enjoyable outing at Quebec.
Mrs. L. Steiss is visiting at, the
home of Jack Wilson, Atwood,
Grey -township Council will meet at
Ethel Tuesday of next week, 14th
Fall Wheat is looking good and
will be ready for the sickle in a week
Grey township gave Barrister
Proudfoot a majority of 147 in the
recent Provincial election.
Miss Muriel Owen and brother,
Albeit, of Toronto, are holidaying at
the home of Havry Speiran.
Mrs, Robert Logan is ill at the
home of her brother, Lublin McNeil.
Her friends hope she may soon take
a turn for the better.
O. and Mrs. Hull are moving this
week from the late James Byron's
farm 14th con, to the James Douglas
farm, 16th con., lot 14.
O. and Mrs. Turnbull Sundayed at
James Ireland's and while there Mr.
Turnbull took seriously ill but we are
pleased to say he was able to come
home the next day.
Last week Hugh Smith, eldest son
of Oliphant and 1VIrs. Smith, 5th Con.,
was taken seriously ill with threaten
ed appendicitis. By the use of prompt
measures he is considerably improved
now and will soon be as well as ever
we hope.
Hello 1 Don'tforget the Box
Social at Alex. Youill's, 8th con.
Friday evening of this week. An
excellent program rendered with Rev.
Mr. Mann as Chairman. Boxes cost
25 cents each, but a gent stands a
chance of securing a good wife as a
result. Ladies are asked to bring a
box with provisions for two people
and they will be admitted free. Pro-
ceeds go to Building Fund of Mel-
ville church, Brussels. A Foot Ball
match will be played ab 6.30 that
should be seen.
Sono= REPORT. -Following is the
report of S. S. No. 10 Grey, for May &
June. Honors 75. Pass 80. Si. IV.
Examined in Geog., Arith.,
Spell., History, Reading. -0. Speir-
an 77, L. Whitfield 68, L. Baker 81.
Jr. IV. Exam. in GeOg., Arith.,
Gram., Spell., Hist. & Read. -J. Love
43. Sr. 111. -Exam. in Hist., Arith.,
Spell:, Read., Writing. -0. Neabel 78,
H. Whitfield 65, Jr,
Neabel 47, E. 'Ward 36. Sr. II. -
Exam. in Arith., Spell., Read., Writ,
Nature Study and daily work. -V.
Inglis 81, E. Whitfield 79, L. Patter-
son 77, G. Whitfield 75, H. Neabel 72,
M. Ward 89, B. Inglis 87, L. Balers 65,
M. Stevenson 68. Jr. II, Eicandued
in Arith„ Spell., Read., Writ., and
daily work. -G. Speiran 82, R. Patter-
son 79, V. Michel 73, E. Whitfield 70,
N. Balers. Part II. -M. Henry, E.
Love, G. Neabel, A. Whitfield, E.
Ellacott; 0. Whitfield, W. Ward,
M. Cox, Hollenbeck. Part I. -
M. Carnochan, L. Patterson, M.
Ward, B, Neabel. Primary,- E.
Whitfield, K. Stevenson, L. Patter-
son, A. Inglis, E. Whitfield, N, Whit-
field. Average attendance 37.
H. ARMSTRONG, Teacher,
Goon TIME. --The annual Garden
Party of the .congregation of Roe's
Methodist church MS held at Jas.
Pearson's sr., on Monday evening.
Night was ideal, the at owd large, the
suppee fine and the program first-
class, and a right royal good time was
spent. Following was the program
of the evening :-Opening chorus,
choir ; prayer, the pastor Instru-
mental solo, Miss Irene Kitchen ;
chairman's address, Rev. L 8.. Mc-
Kelvey ; solo, Dougald Stritchan ;
Ethel Ovoluestre ; solo, Miss Florence
Whitfield ; Ethel Orchestra ;
Molesworth Male Quartette ; 'patina -
mental solo, Miss Ina Beyans ; solo,
Rev. J. L McCulloch ; chorus, men
of Roe's church choir ; Ethel
orchestra ; address, Rev. Mr. Mc-
Culloch ; Molesworth Male
Quartette ; solo, Dougald &rectum ;
Quartette, Misses Myrtle Speiran,
Florence Whitfield, Henry G,orsalitz
and Wm. Whitfield ; "God save the
King ;" Benediction, Proceeds 502.
GA pram PARTx.-Despite the en-
favorableweather a large number at-
tended the Garden Party held on the
'Union church grounds, wider the
auspices of the Sabbath School, Sup -
Pee was.seeved in the Sunday School
rom and was enjoyed by all. Eel-
owin g prow ant was t end ered
Opening chorus, choir ; playei.,,Rev.
Dr, Finsser ; Insteumenal duet, Jas.
Bowman M. P,, and (tang)) ter, Mrs,
Russell Wheeler, of Southampton ;
Chairman's address, Rev. I. A, Mc.
Kelvey ; recitation, Mies Peael
Harrison ; Instrnmental selection,
Union ovehestrn ; Vocal cilia; Geo.
and Garfield Dunbar ; address, Rev,
Dr, 110seer ; Instrtunmital dna,
Mr. Bownian and daughter ; reci-
tation, Lena Curtis ; eddrese, Jas.
Bowmen, M. P. ; instrnmentAl
selection, 'Union orchestra ; tecita.'
tion,„Miss Peart Haitieofi ; achltess
ugh Richmond 1 Quartette, Misses
Itneenee Whitfield and Myrtle Speie-
and Hy Gorealits and Wm.
peitean ; 'Goa save the King ;"
enedieti011, The PeOteetlit Were SAL
Special Notice
On July 1 th I Will close
My Photographic Studio
and will Open again on
Aug. 6th. Photographs
at greatly reduced prices
will be made for the re-
maining weeks of August.
G. F. Maitland
Miss Jennie Rands and Miss Mc-
Arthur (nurse) left this week for the
West. They went by steamer from
Poet McNichol and will visit at a
number of points. We wish them a
good time.
The Trustees of 8. S. No. 1, known
as Shine's school, have engaged the
services of Miss Jessie Menzies at a
salary of 5575, She will °eminence
work after vacation and should make
an A.1 teacher.
referred to the decease of David
Taylor, who died at his home Wed-
nesday, at 7.30 a. In., in his 64th year,
of bronchial asthma. He was born at
Klineburg, Ontario, and was an old
resident of this township, living on
the 14th con. up to 1892 and on the
16th up to the time of his demise. In
1878 deceased metaled Isabella,
daughter of the late Donald Mc-
Intosh, and the children born to them
were :-R. L., of Grey township ;
David, deceased, and Miss Jennie at
home. The funeral took place Friday
afternoon, interment being made at
Oranbrcek cemetery, Rev. Mr, Mc-
Culloch conducted an appropriate
service. Mr. Taylor had been poorly
for about 15 years. Mrs. T. Ennis. of
Mussels, is a sister to the subject of
this notice, and Mrs. P. Sinclair, de-
ceased, was another. Two surviving
brothers are Wm., of Titusville.,
Penn., and John, of Bridgeport,
Conn, Robert, of Toronto, died. 2
years ago. Mr. Taylor was well
known in the community and was
highly respected. In religion he ad-
hered . to the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Taylor and family have the
sympathy of the neighbors andfriends.
The Orangemen go to Goderieh
next Monday.
The infant of Jas. and Mrs. Bishop
died last Sunday. It was a day old.
Tuesday evening a Persian repre-
sentative gave an address in Duff's
church on "Life in the East."
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Youngtook
his initial services on Walton circuit,
munching here in the morning, He
gave a good account of himself. We
welcome he aud Mrs. Young to Wal-
On Wednesday afternoon next;
Walton Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Mc -
Gavin, 12th Con„ McKillop. Every
woman in the locality welcome to be-
come a member.
The following from the Public
Opinion published at Deoora, Iowa,
refers to a son of Rev. R. S. Lack -
land, of Wroxeter :-"On 'June 10th
at, the commencement of Milton
University at Baltimore, Rev, G. S.
Lackland, of the Methodist church of
Decors, was among five upon whom
was couferred the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy. This is a three year
post graduate of a college and possess
a working knowledge of at least four
langnages. The final thesis is practi-
cally a book containing something
which actually contributes to know-
ledge already in existente. Rev.
Lackland selected as his thesis "The
Psychology of the Social Order," con-
tending that there was a phychical as
well as a material force at work in
the movements of the masses towards
industrial freedom. The publication
of this work has been advised by
some authorities who have read it.
Accomplishing this task in addition
to a strenuous pastorate, is no small
achievement and there are few teen
as young as Rev. Mr, .Lackland who
`attained these honors. We
congratnlate Rev. Mr. 'Ackland on
his honor which has come to him
through most diligent work and
demonstrates his excellent ability in
ministerial affairs and illustrates that
he has a bright future before him in
larger fields of chneob work,
Promotion Exams, for Senior room
S, S. No, 11 Waltom Arranged in
nrdei' of merit. Pupils of the Junior
gtaeles who took higher than 75% on
the Senior exams, have been pro-
moted with them to the next grade,
To Jr. IV.- Honors 75 Madelene
Ryan, Esther Shoetreed, Gertrude
M I Iler, Mary Shortreed, Marie Ryan,
Katie Sholdice Pass 60-01ara Ryan,
Bert McLeod, To Sr. M. -Honore
Hattie Bolger, Bert Anderson Pass
Harry I3olger, Gladys Bolger low in
nors Angus 12
f Jr, III.- Hosubject promoted cooditionally.
FAO Sholdice, Viola Clark,
Leslie Edmunds, John Shortreed
Pas Bentedetto Ryan, Hilda
Harris, To Sr, IL -Pass Esther
Bolger, Oharlie Murvay. The fol-
lowing is the report of the Junior
mnnliit-Prottloted to Jr. IL-lionors
Elaine Dennison 81, Major ie McOoaig
'78 Pass Tunnie McCallum, *Hemel
Drager, Margaret MeLeod, Mary Mc-
Donald, Willie Murray, Grace
Murray, *Fergus Ryan, Olive Bolger,
Iflovence Iletillett, *Cecil McNeil,
*Amide Harris, Pt, IL -Hazel Ityan,
Wallace Sholdiee, Sr, Ii-tLeslie Mc
Spaddes, Tobi lqttei Joe Apen# Met'y
Pollard, Int. L-Liala Lawson, Nora
Shallot), George Sholdice, Ilene Mc-
Leod. Jr. 1, -Grace Shortreed, Tom
Shortreed, Clarence Ryan, Ritchie
Mager, Lawrence Ryan. Pr. -Mary
McCall, Edith McSpadden, David
Murray, George Pollard, George Me-
Oall, Enna F. DEsintfAN,
Drtowisen.-Vestor Bell, aged 21,
was drowned in the swimming pond
here Monday evening. While in
bathing with a companion, he took
cramps and sank in deep water. His
companion at once ran for assistance
and called for a doctor. The
body was soon found, but nothing
could be done. Deceased was a son of
W. and Mrs. Bell. This is the limit
&owning that has ever occurred-
OtnastrAux.-There passed away at
his home Mill street, BIyth, on
Wednesday evening, after an illness
of short duration, another of the
pioneers of this section in the peeson
of Francis McCaughey. Deceased,
who was born in Ireland in 1836, came
to Canada with hie parents in 1847
and settled at Toronto Gore where 54
years ago he was married to Mary
hlo0aarn, and shortly after their
marriage they name to the 7th line
of Morris and took up Lot 24, then in
its primeval state. Here they under-
went the many trials incident to
pioneer life and after -a residence of
10 years on the 7th line he disposed
of the farm and moved to Lot 6 Con.
8 in the same township and which
was then a bush farm, Through
hard work and industry he carved
out a comfortable home and resided
their until coming to Blyth 20 years
ago. His wife predeceased him 9
years ago having died in February
1905, The late M. McCaughey leaves
a family of 5 to mourn his loss,
namely :- Mrs. M. Carbut, Hullett ;
Mrs, Francis Schuyler, Seaforth
Catharine Janet, at home; James, of
London ; and John J. of Morris. Ona
child, Oaroline Jane, died in infancy.
Funeral took place Friday morning
service, being held in St. Michael's
chitech, interment taking place in the
R. 0. cemetery, Morris.
The Annual District meeting of
East Huron Woman's Institute was
held in Walton on Saturday, June
27th in the basemenb of Duff's church.
District President, Mrs. S. S. Cole,of
Ethel, presided. There are nine
branches of this Society in Haab
Huron,, eight of whom were repre-
sented, namely Bluevale, Brussels,
Belgrave, Fordwich, Gorxie, Ethel,
Molesworth, Jamestown and Walton.
.All of them are active and doing
good work.
Secretary -Treasurer's report show-
ed for the District $52.86 receipts and
expenditure $52.10 and for the
Branches $584.80, receipts, and ex-
penditure $391.73, with a balance on
hand $193.16. There was a total ate
tendance during the year at the first
meeting of 1730; number of meetings
held 91 ; amebae of papers and ad-
dresses given 1e7. The District
Secretary, Mrs. J. Armstrong, of
Gorrie, reported the possibility of
organizing three more Branches in
East Huron this year.
Following officers were elected :--
District President, Mrs. S. S. Cole,
Ethel ; 1st vice Pres., Mrs. John
Robb,Brussels ; 2nd vice Pres.'Mrs.
W. H. Ferguson, Belgrave ; Seem.
tary-Treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Armstrong.
Gorrie ; District Directors. Belgrave,
Mrs. J. 11. Vencamp ; Brussels, Mrs.
Wm. Rands; Bluevale, Mrs. P. D.
King ; Ethel, Mrs, M. Ferguson ;
Fordwich, Mrs. Wm. Watters,
Gorrie, Mrs. Wm. Stinson ; James-
town, Mrs. T. Bennett; Molesworth,
Miss Etta McKee ; Walton, Mrs. X.
Berry. Auditors, Mrs, David Hicks.
Gorrie and Mrs. Wm. Stinson Gorrie.
Dr. Hamilton, of Toronto, gave an
excellent address on "Teaching life's
truths," Several musical selections
were rendered by members of the
various Branches. Mrs. Brecken-
ridge, of Bluevale, gave the ladies a
cordial invitation to hold their
annual meeting in Bluevale next
year which was accepted. After the
business was concluded lunch was
served to all present, those attend-
ing the Farmers' Institute joining the
ladies. A vote of thanks was tendered
to Dr. liandlton, the officials of
Duff's church and to the Walton
Branch of the Woman's institute.
Brussels Council
The regular monthly meeting of
Brussels Donnell was held Monday
evening, all the tnembers present ex-
cepting Geo, Muldoon, who was out
Mites of last meeting read and
passed. '
Pope Ss Son, roads
ed ;-
Following accounts were psr2e2s0enst; '
Electric Light.......... .. ..... . 146 00
Rol% Oliver, salary . 4000
F. 8, Scott, salary 50 00
N. McCauley, rondo II 50
M. Nicholls roads 50
Anderson Bro., salary... 15 00
Moved by J, H. Hewitt, seconded
by it .,&„ Eerie that above mem:trite
be paid. Curled.
After a chat concerning Victoria,
Park, :gravelling Turnberry street,
electric light, etc, itteeting adjourned,
W. K. Potwar Principal of Mich-
ell High School, 1108 resigned to take
the PrInelpaiship of MortlebUrg 001*
leglabe ib 51500.