HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-7-2, Page 8SaveaOoLIar
Perhaps Two
Lest$uminer's Straw Hat maybe
good for many more weeks of ser-
vice. just because St is yellow or
dirty is no sign ,that it should be
thrown away, just drop a capsid of
Straw Hat Cleaner
in a little water, brush your hat with
the mixture, rinse it off and it is
clean and like a new hat. A roe
• beat cleans a bat twice ; the 250 size
cleans it eight tithes.
You can use Elkay's Straw Het
Cleaner to remove ink and fruit
stains, mildew, &c„ from almost all
kinds of fabrics.
To Keep Cool
Health Salts
Makes an sffervescent cooling drink
besides acting as a relief fur bead•
ache, biliousness. 810. Put up in
tins toe each.
Dalton's Orangeade
Dalton's Lemonade
130th conte in too and 250 bottles I
and provide a quick way of getting
a glass of good lemonade or orange-
Lime Fruit Juice
Used regularly prevents fever.
Price 35c bottle,
Grape Juice
Made from fresh Concord Grapes,
250 and 4oc bottles,
Effervescent Phosphate of Soda, 5e oz,
Citrate of Magnesia, 5c oz.
Citric Acid, toe oz,
Tartaric Acid, 5e oz
These we have pure and fresh,
.2 -he e. 5. d Store
focal Rely: f t,eiu
TER gipsies are visiting this locality.
COUNCIL meeting next Monday even.
ing. HE Land of the Maple is the land
for me.
LOCAL and District news on pages 4
and 5.
PECULIAR weather for the good old
Summer time.
Din we hear anybody say they were
short of rain water ?
SRR Friday's Foot Ball match,
Listowel vs. Brussels,
40 CENTS secures THE POST for the
balance of the year to new subscribers
in Canada.
ROBERT THOMSON lost one of his
sorrel team, last Saturday, from an at-
tack of paralysis.
Da. A. McKetvev, of Toronto, will be
in Brussels Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week for consultation _ at Dr,
Bryans' office.
A Goon se number of Brussels Wom-
en's Institute memoers went to Walton
to attend the District meeting and were
royally treated by the Waltouians.
BRUSSELS Orangemen will go to
Goderich for the Celebration of the
xzth, which will be observed on the
x3th as the former date falls on Sunday.
Moss BRYANS' office will be closed
from July tet to the 8th as she is out of
town attending a gathering of the clan
in Norfolk County, Her mother ac-
companied her.
A sots arrived at the home of Councillor
and Mrs. R. A. Pryne on Tuesday
morning of this week. The young lad
Will not take work at the dour mill this
MUIR THomsow has accepted an en-
gagement as Principal of Shallow Lake
school at a salary of $Soo. He will
commence his duties next September.
We expect he will do well.
THoz Ewan Carriage Factory turned
out a fine cariole for the Shelton livery
stable, Kincardine, last week, It will
accommodate 07 passeugers or it tnay be
converted into a baggage wagon. If
you want the clear stuff Brussels is the
spot to get it,
OWING to a rush of work Tindall
Ritchie bas purchased another draft
team. from George Muldoon, and should
now keep pace with his numerous calls,
He takes good care of his horses even
if he does keep them moving steadily,
IT is reported that G. T. R. Agent
Kyle has purchased the Mrs. Forbes
residence, Albert street, and will get
possession next September, The
property should suit him all right as it
is convenient to the depot. Miss Shed-
den is the present tenant in the house.
LAST Saturday evening the closing
meeting in the political campaign was
held. Addresses were given by Dr.
Macklin and A. H. Musgrove, the can-
didates. The chair was occupied by
James Bowman, M. E', There was a
good attendance.
WHorpzRs.—One day last week Jno.
R. Bell, 8th line, Morris, sent a box of
choice home grown strawberries to THE
POST Editor. Some of them measured
8 inches in circumference and they were
certainly luscious and the best of the
season. We hope the Bell family will
never want for plenty of such fruit.
ALBERT Guy DRAD.—Alhert Guy, one
of the famous troupe of Goy Brothers'
Minstrels, died Thesday of last week at
his home in Springfield, Mass. Albert
Guy was well kuown in Western On-
tario, the troupe having made many
acquaintances. Albert was one of a
family of four and took an end man's
part in their performances,
Fon' BALL.—Friday evening of this
Week, Listowel Intermediate Foot BaII
team will he here to try conclusions
with our boys in the W. F. A. Champion-
ship series. Game called at 6.x5
o'clock, Listowel boys play good ball
and will do their best to .win but there
will be another eleven of sturdy kickers
Who will battle for victory. See the
game. Ottr team will go to Listowel
the following Wednesday for the re-
turn game.
Early last Sabbath morning, Neil, the
youngest son of Nell 5, and Mrs. Mo-
Lauchlin, Brussels, closed his eyes in
death and his spirit, we believe, is in
the Heavenly fold of the Good Shep-
herd. Neil had been ill for the past 7
weeks,, theailment being r11eumatistn
and heart affection. He was born in
Brussels, was 6 years, 9 months and.
try days old, and was a bright, cheery
boy, and most patient during his illness.
Had attended public school a few weeks
before his illness. As a member- of the
"Little Stars" Mission Band and a
pupil of the Primary class iu Melville
Sabbath Scheel he was a favorite, and
his early demise is much regretted and
lfeueral sympathy expressed for the
bereaved. The Nacre! took place
Tuesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery,
Ray, A. J, Mamt conducting a suitable
service, Pallbearers were Stuart
Grant, Stuart McLauchlin attcl john
Mild Thos, McLattehlin,
DoatINtow Day passed by quietly,
The rainy weather disarranged the plans
of many.
A QUARTETTE of bowlers from town
were at Elora one day last week taking
part in a tournament.
THE Teeswater News has been sold to
W. B. Chalmers, who has taken posses.
Sion. We wish him success.
REsIONED.—Miss Irene Sheriff, who
bas been teacher of the Entrance class
in Brussels Public Sehool for the past
year, has tendered her resignation to
the Boards,
Dunelda Thompson, daughter of Alex,
Thompson, G. T. R. foreman, had the
misfortune to fall and break her collar
bone and her left arm. -She is getting
along aid right and will soon be able to
throw off the bandages and sling.
Roy FOR aALE.-8% acres good standing hay
for sale for clash. Apoly to MlSS JEAN
MIT0IELL, Graham's Survey, Brussels.
Toots and tool box lost on road South of
Brussels on Wednesday. Finder kindly leave
word at Tan 5055.
2 litters of pigs for sale, 5 weeks old. For
further particulars apply to GEORGE
BARER, Cranbrook. Phone 524.
GOLD cuff button lost in Brussels, Finder
will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tea PoeT.
GOOD brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, eta.
For father particulars apply to GEORGE'
TnOtfSON, Brussele.
Don STRAY/M.—Yellow and black Collie dog
strayed from the premises of the undersigned.
Answers to the name of "Burly " Anyinfor-
mation leading to his recovery will be grate-
fully received. J. T. BAnasAo 37th Con.
Grey,Phone 465, or Trios, G. MILLER, 6th
Line. Morris.
Lava POULTRY WANTED.—We are prepared
to buy live poultry to be delivered on Monday
and Tuesday of eaoh week. For prices call at
office or phone 88, R. TIMaiSoN, Brussels.
MEnrunr sized white dog strayed from the
premises of the undersigned. Answers to the
name of "Paddy. Any information will be.
gratefully received and a suitable reward paid
for the doe's recovery. M. OAMRnoN, Oran -
brook. Phone 528.
A. CARD.—We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of five standard 6o boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Quality guaranteed, Jas. Ballantyne, Geo.
Thomson and W. J. McCracken,
To TBE Puarie.—I have improved my work-
shop and will keep same open from 8 a. m, to
5 p. m. daily. Will sharpen and repair saws
and lawn mowers to your fancy. I have this
class of goods for Bale or will exchange same
when desired.
T. Moan/soon, Brussels, Ont.
LAST Saturday Huron Old Boys ran
their annual excursion from Toronto,
The attendance was not nearly as large
as usual, some say owing to the increas-
ed rate on the railway.
CARD or THANxs,—Wilt the friends
and neighbors, who showered words
and deeds of kindness upon us during
the illness and subsequent death of little
Neil, the family pet, kindly accept this
note of appreciation as their many kind-
ly acts will never be forgotten by us.
charges of conspiracy brought against
Dr. A. H, Macklin, Conservative candi-
date and Rev. Joseph Elliott, his co-
worker. both of Goderich, in connec
tion with the alleged bribery in, Centre
Huron conte upfor hearing. Friday
at so o'clock. Nothing further has de-
veloped in the alleged charges but it is
understood they will be thoroughly in-
vestigated at the Friday session before
Police Magistrate Kelly.
Weasr—BRANDON.—A quiet wedding
was celebrated at the residence of the
bride's brother, John Wren, B.• A.,
Toronto, Tuesday, when Miss Annie
Jane Wren, daughter of the late Geo,
and Mrs. Wren, of Hensall, was united
in marriage to Norman L. Branded, of
St. Marys. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev, David Wren, B. A„ of Brus-
sels, blether of the bride. Only the
immediate relatives were present.
After the . ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Brandon left on a trip down the St,
OBIT, --A note from Mrs. Jno. Tait,
of Abilene, Kansas says :—Clarence J.
Nott, who has beau iu failing stealth for
several months passed away June x6tt1,
Funeral took place from the home of
his mother, Mrs. john Nott, Clay
Centre, the afternoon of June 18(11.
He was laid to rest in the. family burial
plot. He resided in Aitchison, Kansas
for several years.—I note from time to
time the passing away of so malty of the
old friends and it certainly makes one
realize that "here we have no continuing
city." The friends here are well. Of
course Mrs. Nott feels keenly the death
of her dear bay but it was not unexpected.
We are pleased to known your health
has been restored.
TUE following item clipped from the
Toronto Star refers to a sister-in-law of
Mrs. Geo, Colvin :—"Phe marriage of
Mrs. Margaret Anderson to F. W. Van-
Dnsen, of Napanee, took place at half
past ten o'c1Ock, Tuesday morning,
June 16th, in the Dufferin Street Pres-
b terian church, Rev. Mr, Mustard
officiating. The btide who was given
away'by ber son, Leighton Anderson,
wore a navy blue 'travelling suit with
hat to snatch, There were no attend.
ants. After a wedding breakfast at the
hone of Ms, and Mrn, Anther on Cou
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up -
Roeorvo Fund - -
Undlvidod Profits - • - -
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
cord avenue, Mr, and Mrs. VauDusen
left for Ntagara Falls, going front there
to Kingston where they were guests
of Prof. and Mrs. Henderson, before
going to their home in Nepanee. Mrs.
Henderson is a daughter of Mrs, Ander-
son. Her niece, Miss Lin. Colvin came
over front Cleveland to attend the
W, C. T. U.—A special meeting of
the W. C. T. U., was held un June sath
for the election of Officers and after de-
votional exercises the following were
elected :—President, Mrs, A McGuire ;
est Vice. President, Mrs. (Rev ) Mann
and Vice President, Mrs. (Rev) Paul;
Cor. -Sec„ Miss Martha Smith ; Rec.•
Sec„ Mrs. R. Dark ; Trees , Mrs. R.
Oliver ; Evangelistic Supt., Mesdames
Mann, Paul and Hill ; Flower and
Fruit, Mrs. Seeker; Lumberman, Mrs.
Hill ; Auti Narcotic, The Union
Temperance S. S., Mrs. Walker ; Medi-
cal Temperance, Mrs. Alcock ; Purity
and Moral Education, Mrs. Mann and
Mrs, Ferguson; Press Supt., Mrs. Kerr;
Asst. -Press Supt., Miss Smith ; Scien.
tide Temperance, Mrs, McGuire ;
Systematic Giving, Mrs. Lowry ; Fran-
chise, Misses Smith and Jewitt. .
People We Talk About
Miss Muriel Brothers is home from
Wyman Sperling went to London
this week.
Robs. Ross, of Kincardine, was here
over the holiday.
J. Wilson spent the holiday at Lon-
don with relatives.
Albert Lott left this week for a visit
at Toronto and Banda, Ontario.
Geo. Thomson's health is much im-
proved his many friends are pleased to
Miss Clara Hunter, of Brussels post.
office staff, is having a few weeks'
George Lowry is home from Torouio
where be was employed at his trade as
Miss Hattie Downing is home from
Toronto for her vacation, from teach-
ing school.
Harry and Mrs. Churchill, of McGaw
station, were visiting relatives in town,
for a few days, ,
Miss Velma Lowry, of Wroxeter, has
been . holidaying with relatives and
friends in Brussels.
Mrs. (Dr.) Hossack, and little daugh-
ter, of Innerkip, is visiting her sister
Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne. -
Miss Carrie McCracken arrived home
last week from the Queen city where -
she is a public school teacher.
Jno. Dignan, of Exeter, is back to his
old post as carriage maker at D. Ewan's
factory. He is a good mechanic,
Miss Lin. Colvin, who has spent the
past millinery season at Cleveland• is
holidaying at the parental borne.
Mrs. W. H. McCracken has returned
from an enjoyable visit with relatives
and friends at Paisley and Chesley.
Miss Berva Bryans, who is on the
teaching staff at Toronto, is holidaying
under the parental roof, Queen street.
Mrs. D. Ewan, who has been i11 for
some time, is regaining her health and
we hope she will soon be convalescent,
Thos. Ross and daughter, of Chesley,
are visiting with relatives and .old
friends in Brussels, Mr. Ross is a
former townsman.
Mrs. Jno, Carter, who spent the some
time with her daughter, Mrs, Geo.
Henderson, of Seaforth. is' here for a
alga at her son's, S, Carter.
Frank Davidson has taken a positiou
in the office of a Flint, Mich„ auto
factory. He likes his work and the
city. Mrs. Davidson will follow later.
Jno, and Miss St, Amour, of Henfryn,
have moved to Brussels, where they
purpose residing. Mr, St. Amour is
one of the G. T, R. section men,
Alfred Denny and Miss Dorothy Car.
son, both of Buffalo, N. Y , are visiting
W. and Mrs. Oakley. The visitors are
son and great grand daughter of Mrs.
THE POST. welcomes Mrs. George
Jackson of Morris, as a resident of
Brussels. She took possession of her
house on Mill street Tuesday of this
Miss Gertrude Ross, who has been
teaching at Prince Albert, is home for a
vacation. She has enjoyed her work in
the West, Miss Ross is a daughter of
D. C. and Mrs. Ross, apd is a welcome
Athol MoQuarrie, who is engaged on
K Revell's poultry farm near Goderich,
was here last Monday to poll his vote in
the Provincial election contest. His
health is considerably improved we are
pleased to state,
Mies Helen Kay, daughter of Post-
master and Mrs, Kay, of Stratford, has
gone to Winnipeg to spend a holiday at
the home of J. R, and Mrs, Grant She
is a grand -daughter and niece of Mrs,
W. H. Kerr, of town.
Cecil McKinnon, who has been on
the staff of the Metropolitan Bank,.
Brussels, for the past 2 years, has been
called to the head office Toronto, He
is succeeded here by V. D. Cottrill, of
Port Elgin, We wish both, young gentle,
mensuccess 1 their newpositions,
u l si toes,
Mrs G. H, Santis and son have gone
to their home at Claremont as her
mothet, Mrs, F. S. Stott, has so much
improved in heal 11 and feels better in
every way due to the good care Red at-
tention, for the past 6 weeks, of her
physician and Nurse Griffiu, 'graduate
ntiroo from London, England,
Will. Goodwin, of Chesley, is a visitor
with W, . and Mrs. Kyle.
Mrs. *Hems, Woods was visiting
Listowel friends this week.
Gordon Gerald, of Hensel!, was a
visitor with W. 13, Strachan for several
Misses Mabel Kemp and Norma
Hermison, of Listowel, were visitors to
A. Strachan's last week;
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lang Ford and
Miss Nora, of Listowel, were renewing
old friendships in towu on Dominion
Miss Verne Walker returned with
Miss Snider to Cayuga with the motor
party in Dr. Snider's car, for a holiday
Mrs. Brownand daughter, of Strat-
ford, were 'visiting at the home of
Thos: and Mrs. Ennis. Mrs. Brown is
a daughter.
Mrs. lohn Ritter and Miss Helen, of
Millbank, were here this week attend.
ing the funeral of their eonsin, Nell
D G. McLaucnlin, of Chesley, was
in town 00 - Tuesday attending the
funeral of his nephew. Neil • McLauch-
lin. He is an old Brusselite.
J. T. and Mrs, Mason, of Ridgetown,
were visitors at the home of Councillor
and Mrs, McGuire, Mrs, Mason is
continuing her stay under the parental
Mrs. Jno. Oliver was one of the
vocalists at a Garden Party in Mc
Killop Thursday evening of last week:
She can do her part in this line in good
style. .
Mrs. Dinsmore, of Gorterich, and Mrs.
B; Yourgson, son and daughter, of
Granton, were visitor's at the home 'of
H. L. and Mrs. Jacksou, Mill street,
last week.
Roy McKay, who w. s off duty owing
to a strain in his side, is back to his
work with the Geo. Thomson delivery
van. He is an agreeable young man
and popular with Mr. Thomstu's pat-
Druggist Work is here for a holiday
visit with' relatives in Grey township
and Brussels. It's- a case of "where
your treasure is there will your heart
be also"—Mrs. Work and baby pieced
ung him here.
Our old and well known townsman,
David Ross, will celebrate his 88th
birthday next Sunday. He is enjoying
a fair measure of good health and was
able to get to the poll on Monday.
We extend congratulations,
Roger Deadman, who has been quite
poorly for some months in the West is
expected hone this week. His nurse is
accompanying him. It is to be hoped
the change of air, food and scene may
prove beneficial so that he may regain
his lost vigor and soon be as, strong as
N. F. Gerry and daughter, Miss Stella,
left last Saturday morning for Sarnia.
wbere they took the steamer Noronic
for Fort William where they expect to
spend a vacation with relatives and old
friends. They may visit some scenes
further West before returning. We
wish them a pleasant 'time,
Rev. D. and Mrs. Wren and son,
Stewart took Monday's train for Bell,.
ville for their vacation during the month
of July. They stayed over at Toronto
where, at the home of Jno. Wren, B. A.,
the reverend gentleman performed the
marriage ceremony making Norman
Brandon, of St. Marys, and Miss Annie
Wren, recently of Brussels! husband
and wife, The fortunate groom was a
former resident of the 2nd line of Mor
ris township.
Ohurch Chimes
Rev. Mr. Mann and Rev, Mr, Bradley,
of Teeswater, will exchange pulpits
next Sabbath.
Stonework of' Melville church base-
ment is completed, the joists in place
and the bricklayers will soon get limy,
Next Sabbath afternoon the monthly
Missiooery.program .will be given In
the Methodist Sabbath School and the
Missionary offering taken.
Tho Summer School opened at Gode.
rich last Monday evening. It is under
the direction of therPresbyterian church
and held at the Summer Hotel.
Melville Sabbath School met with the
congregation last Sunday morning whelr
the pastor gave an add resS on !'Peace."
The evening topic was "The captives in
In the absence of the pastor Rev
D. Wren, ,who holidays daring, the
mouth of July, Rev Mr. Thompson, of
Monkton, will occupy the pulpit of
Brussels Methodist church f Jr thenext,
two Sabbaths,
Rev. Mr. Page gave two stirring die
courses in St.' John's church last Sab-
bath, taking for his text in the morning
Jos, 54-16, "God forbid that we should
forsake the Lord." His evening theme
was talion froth Joins 7 46, "Never man
snake like this man.'t
The Methodist personage, Harriston,
was last Saturday night the Scene' of a
happy social gathering, when about
sixty of the ladies of the cougt'egation
visited the parsonage to Say goodbye to
Mrs (Rev )Be Bennett and
presented her
with a purse of gold and and an ad-
dress expressive of the high esteem in
which she had been held during the
past three years and fot the exoeilent
services reuclered in the Missionary and
Ladies' Aid society of the :ehureh
Rev, and Mrs. Bennett left for Mr,
Bennett's new church at I'ot•t Colborne
on Wednesdays
SENDING money to any point in
Canada, the United States or
Europe is safe, economical and
expeditious when this, Bank's drafts
and money orders are used.
J. F. Rowland, D Ch P9 Manager:
Bl u eval e
Pant cit Jowitt shipped a carload of
hogs this week.
Ales. Robs. Black visited friends at
Stratford this week.
Mrs. Win. Haney spent a few days
last,week with relatives at Goreie.
Miss Cora Messer spent a-feiv clays
this week with friends at Millbank,
David Jewitt is on the sick list this
week, we wish him a speedy restos.-
Misses Mary Stewart, Luella Shaw
and Flo Aitchison are home foe the
Mrs.; Sanderson and Mee Griffiths
are up from Toronto for a few weeks
Robs. Duff is on the sick list. His
many ftiehds wish him a speedy re.
Mrs,. M. M. Masters and Mrs. Barnes,
01 Toronto, are visiting relatives here
at present.
In spite of the bad weather Monday
a large number turned out to mark
their ballot.
Quite a number from here spent
Dominion Day at Wingharn and re-
port a good time.
Rerrtember the Garden Party to be
held on the Methodietchurch grounds
Tuesday, July 7tlt. Tea will be served
from 8 to 0 p. nt. The KiltielBrass
band from Clinton will furnish the
music for the evening. This is one of
the finest bands in this part of
Ontavie, there are 25 members and
they prornise something decidedly
new, All Will be made welcome.
Rev. Francis Swann and Mrs.
Swann announce the engagement of
their daughter, Annabel, of the Eltvta
Jo Gakko, Shizuoka, Japan, to Dr.
Wilbur Guest, of Winnipeg. The
marriage is to take place early in Oc-
tober. lt.ev. Mr. Swann, who is now
at. Kitamaat, B. C. was a 'former
Pastor of the Methodist church here.
Dr. G. J. Musgrove, Conservative'
was elected member of the Ontario
Legislature in the newly-macle riding.
pf,Niagara Falls by a plurality of 924
over Harry Stevens, Liberal. Sidney
Butenws, the Labor candidate, polled
fewer than 800 votes in the new 1'1(1-
ing. He is a brother, of A. H..Mna-
grnve, IN% ,P. P., for North Huron
and aformer resident of this locality.
Rev. J. E. Cooke. B. D., pastor of the
Methodist church, has just closed his
(hied year of "successful work awl
pi ice to his depatLure for Grand
Bend where he is stationed for the
next year, the members of the circuit
to the number of about 200 assembled
at •tile parsonage to epend a social
evening, At the close of a shoe
prngrtuu Rev, and Mire. Cooke were
pteeeuted with an. address of ap-
preciation, Mr. Cooke receiving a
gold -beaded umbrella and Mrs.
Choke a setof table linen. Cloin
Higgliis read the address and press
entation wits made by Airs. Small.
The chair wits competently filled by
Arthur Shaw. Rev,,Mt..Cooke made
a suitable, reply, thanking his friends
for their kindness and loyalty to hies
self and family during the last three
years. -After refreshments had been
served, the company broke up 'all
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Cooke God's
blessing on their new circuit. Rev.
Mr. Thompson succeeds Mr. Cooke
pretscbing his introductory serintnis
next Sabbath.
Goderich .
The Collegiate Cadets go to camp at
London, some 20 strong, on July 6th.
Owing to lack of orders the Godes
rich knitting factory has closed clown
Mrs. (Rev.) I. W. Kilpatricic and
daughter, of Belgrave, have been
visiting at the home of John Knox.
400 feet extension to the Nortit-
weat breakwater was completed on
Tuesday afternoon of last week.
Miss Pearl Gond, pupil of J. B.
Hunter, has received notice that she
has passed her senior examination in
piano forte playing.
The reeve asked the Council for a
new drinking fountain at Harbor
Park, and was given power to have
one replace the present fountain
which will not %yolk.
At a congregational meeting of the
Victories sLreetllietimdist church it was
unaminously decided to ,serve hot
Meals on July 18th, the occasion of
the Orange celebration in Godeeleh.
Western 'Canada Flour Mills Co..
are erecting a large storage shed on
the ground' fol:merly owned by Di•.
Holmes, immediately West of their
new elevator. It has concrete founda-
tion and will be coveted with cor-
Paris Green I
• 1Ve keep one anality only,
• the best, Every package •
absolutely guaranteed. 85c 0
• pet lb, ••
s• Fol' Lhe Out vent. Bushes,
Rose Bushes, ' &c. Good
3 heel! stork. 400 lb,
• One of the warm. weather 0
• comforts, We have them •
$1.50 to $5.00.
Invalid's fine Old Port
• Medicated, Particularly fine
• for -building up a run clown •
• system. 51.00 per bottle at s
• I O X' S
rugated steel tooling. The structure
will be used for storing staves of
which two and a ]half millions can
thus be Laken care of.
Pitraz.-la Brussele, on June 88th, 1914, to
Mr. and Mrs. R. A.Pryne, a son.
tbtANDON—Wnas—In Toronto, at the rest•
donee of Mr. John Wren. B. A., on June.
80th, by Rev. n Wren, R. A„ of Brussels.
Mr. Moraine I.Q. Brandon, of St. Marys, to
Miss Annie J. Ws en, of Brussels.
Ma 1914, Nell, youngest Ssone' of Neil s. nth,
ai d.
Margaret J. aiohnuehlln, agen 0 yeare,9
months and 27 days.
molar —In Gray township, on June 27th,
1914, George McKey, ar. aged 80 years,
NOTT,—tri Uhty Centre, Kansas, on June 16th,
1514, Clarence d , sonof the Tato Dr, Jno,
and Mre. No(t, formerly of Brussels,
TAYLOR—In Grey township, on July let, 1914,
,David Taylor, aged OS yonra. 7 months rind
?dayye. Funeral Friday afternoon to
Oranbroolc cemetery front Lot 16, Con. 10.
Wheat 51 00
90 00
20 00
17 10
776 775
Potatoes lb 50 10 6600
Wool washed 20 20
Wool unwashed - 18 18
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received, up too
o July 16th, for
lite construction of a sewer rot Turnberry
street South, Brussels. Plans and epeolflan•
tions may be seen at the Cleric's (Aee. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted,
Village Clerk.
®••••es••••••eses••e••••eoee•e•••••s••sse•e•see•ase•• eeo••••ee•sso•s•ss•e••e••• •-
1 Brussels Bayllght Store Gr N. McLaren•
„I ii , , I l t l ,l a, , H,, t. I q "' 1 . 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 •
,,'1,01,11, lit Ili II,,I le W III a a 1,Ia I0,..ie1PIIQl11II alt ry. lh IenJ i,,v I, a ID I, IIP..0 hal 1... le to hl LI hl unci �tlfih h,ltl hl hnio Idi0.1.0 ' 0,..11i Ih'lli Ih9h'1114daPId4dQlhi loo •
See our Stock of
+++++++44++++ ++++++÷÷44+++ •l'H +++' .*++++++++++.44.+++.1.++++++++++++++++++++++++++4++
canvasS�OeS and •
r4"r++-ir'1•++''F vel•+'r'i'w'i'�I•++.F+':"i'Fj''t'✓.t!++'A++'l'e'•'1••i i'+++•f•+'i'++ ++•F'i'F+++•i'+++ +++++.0 1. '+d"F+,u.
We are now ready with a complete stock of Summer Boots, Shoes and •
Slippers, in Leather and Canvas, for. Ladies, Misses and Children. Slip-
pers in 1, 2, 3 and 4 straps, leather and canvas: Comfortable Shoes and
Slippers for -the warm weather. Good values and big stocks of Men's
Boots in Heavy and Light weights.
Cali and See them. Prides the Lowest.
0+044+0+644+04.4)+•d'•+++e+++9044 P044440.0* 0+414.0444444'1' •44+04.0.144 44-014+•+1144+04•41+
Job Lot of Sh Dressesl
,{ •
10 dozen Ladies' and Misses' Wash Dresses for ages 16, i25 and 2o -all •
sizes 34 to 42-ni ide up of Gingham and Muslins. Reg. $2 to $2.50 m
Specialour choice for
Y $1.49•
S I ndsd Assortment I
p e ss rtment of . Straw Hats. •
s Boys' 'and Men's Straw Hats,also Linen and a _ i
• ld Crash Hats for Children.
Big assortment at Lowest Prices.
We are ready with a large stock of Wash Goods—Prints, Gin .ghams and 6
• Crepe Cloths. BestQualities; Best Patterns, Best Prices.se•
Highest prices'
S e_ for Produce: •
s �"@i1
P. 5, -(awing to the failure of 'Brush & Co we are clearin all•
_ g lines of B. e
I Corsets _ at Actual Wholesale Prices,C. •
♦eie •
e eehetr f� a •i .
ee a ee Nieeei•tbelllUsseeee•ee�et�eetralift�ieiie•+M•(�ewttN�ii/i•altrllrii1