HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-7-2, Page 5ti
i l6wil: CARDt,
1GYaMl7eYd,eyC r7 e
Cs iltiiplf E' ovraiNt o
W. rnoonrooT, E, O, R 0, BAYS
J. L, EILLona0
Olaoea—Those formerly ocoapled by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,.
O onanlon, ONTARIO.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Conyeyanoer,
Notary Public, &o. Office—Stewart's Blook
t door Nor tb of neutral Hotel.
Solicitor ler rho Metropolitan Bank.
• man, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men, in lees time and less charges
than any ether Auctioneer in East Baron or
be won't (Margo anything. Dates and orders
COM always be arranged at this oaloe or by
. ru ,nal application,
Fine, modern steam.
era — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
or 14
the Allan Line, Toroni9
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
IY you expect High Grade Employ- (,
mont yon must make High Grade
Preparation. - One Sohool that is
welkltnown throughout Canada for
Istrictly superior, training is the
Graduates of this School readily ob-
tain employment because there are
thousands of openings in this city
every year and we. aro .called upon to
V yr p
1111 more than we can
t r
Enter any tonr 'Open all year.
J Catalogue sent on request. Q
Cor. Yotutg mid 1 W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Sta. Principal.
.. /al ,o2g0:0 Y 'rgit50 �rsAsaavfia4,c'a'4dgY a
rcaV 19 tach ia'ieaa'4emaYso gtra. `r
Become a epooiorb t on. a than IQ
otters more op:oreap tea than any.
other calling. 7:o reap t1ie full meas.
' ure of success you must have the beet o'
possible training. This is Ontario's �4
Brat Beninese School. We give ht- [rd9
dividual attention.. You may enter our
olasees at any time. Three Depart -
manta, Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write at once for our
free ontalogue.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
.8 tip G✓b�vo r0 w v� r;r4r5yAr Ove � 4v37
bo?v.A ,A iS i.Xiidv u tro.m
Listowel ColIego
Any time
Qrow with us.
1t�Mt For particulars address,—
aI G. MATTH WB Prin.
. vb4ai yiac^afAA�Ai
Best Brains
itt Canada hnvo participated in the pre-
paration of our splendid Hoene Study
Oourues in Banking, Ennnonlos, Nigher
A000uttin0 Commeroiol
rt, Slow
Clara Writing. Photogvaphy, journal.
ism,Short Story wricinc, horthnnd
and Bookkeeping, Selet
the work
which minterestso t, n WPI60 s
v t ogleAddr t and lou
Por nt•tiou xre. A dress
r 1 a
111.7 Vonge at., Toronto
r►'°• 1 c
Thousands of ambitions young eo•
• ple are fest preparing in their own
homes to mousy lucrative positions as
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra•
pliers, civil servants' ht fact every
sphere of actl ltl
p v ea, . P may Isiah at
Delle a if oguar.
v urowleg. .Pogitdoaa
indeed. t t r
Ill t e polio .eat day.Indo•
viflual ivatructlon. g Export nohei�s.
Thirty years'experience. Largest
trainers lit Canada. Seven colleges,
Special enn•eo for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial llama.
tees Assoointten of Canada. Bummer
Sohool at intron potton Boshtesa Col-
logo, Lbndon.
n9ham Business College
Gae,BrerroN, T. MORSE.
Protitlenb, • Prlimlpnh
0000 0
I$usif$I$I Carda.
St000seor to M. H, Moore. pliloo at Ander•
ecu Bros, l,iyory stable, Brussels. Telephone
No, 29.
daeheior Of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Lioentti ne and Graduate o the College f Ph
t h a-- o t
diooana andu I
S rgeoos, Ont. • Throat Chicago Bye, Ex, Nose pad Throne 81. Mich -
eel's Ill, Ex -Rotor Surgeon to St. Miaji•
uei'a Hospitlai, Toronto.
.Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele•
Plume conneotion with Oranbrook at all hours.
Bachelor of uledioine, Universityy of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur-
pgeons, Ontario ; ex•Sonlor House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Lok,
of tato Dr.
A. McKevey, Snlith Bloch, Brussels.
Rural phone 95,
M.B.. M.G.P.&S. O.
108 Blom street East, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clhnoal assistant in Ear • Nose and Throat de.
pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ;
Post G'radueto Harvard Medical School, Bow
toh ; late Senior Resident Surgeon Mess. Eye
& 19ai. Infirmary • late Clinical assistant in
Nose and Throat department Maes. Gan. Hos-
pital; late House Surgeon Toronto General
Hospital. tIn Brussels by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate coursee
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention todisense of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
geotsof Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In Isard Block, Wingham
Phone 249, Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personalgraduate Department of Ooltthal-
mology, MoCormiok Medical College, Ohloago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and lib glasses at
her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday ofeveryweek. Offioe hours 1 to 8 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1219.
Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and
seller than any othor Auctioneer and only
charge whatris reasonable. Sales conducted
anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stock sales a
Write or 'phone 2B Wroxeter.
Q1 xD Tarawa' Raiz Hear
Mail 7:07 a 20 Express ......,..10:50. n Ila
Express 11:25 a to Mail 1:59 p m
Express 2:55 p to Express 8:02 p m
Cox:i ma zm P.CIFIc
To Toronto To Goderlch
Express 7:52 a m I Express 11:10 a m
Express 1:22 p m Express 8:45 p m
Bast n
GoingEt At - 7:95 ft. ]ll. and 8 56 p. nt.
Going West - 12:90 and 9t47 p, m.
All trains going Haat connect with C. P. R. et
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. 8. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent,
TA'.Ca1its gtems
A C. 0. F. Organizer was canvassing
this territory during the past few
VEGETATION has taken on great growth
thanks to the refreshing showers and
plenty of sunshine.
AN entertainment will be given by
Mrs. M ire'
eGtt s SundaySchool cies in
aid of the Building Fud in the Public
Library, MondayJuly
6th, at 11
p. m.
An illustrated Lecture with
views of Ben Hur, will be given, also
suitablemusic,d i '
A m scion, Adults Igc,
children 10 cents.
A LET'l'EIt from Chas. S. Millar, form-
erly of Brussels, who is now at Rhein,
Sask„ written on June 16th says :—It is
very warm here jest now. w. Crops are
looking fairly good but are
rain badly, I sometimes see some of
the people from Brussels whom I am
pleased to meet any time. I like the
Western country fairly well. Enclosed
find subscription for THE POST.
FARMERS' BANK.—Determined to leave
no stone unturned in their efforts to
have the Farmers' Bank Bill again
passed by the house of Commons, more
than a hundred depositors of the defunct
bank met in Toronto and made plans
to coutieue their light. Speeches were
made by many of those present dealing
with the work done to date and cop-
demning the Senate for throwing out
the bill after It had been passed by the
House of Commons. Representatives
were present from each of the places
Where the Farmers' Bank had b •anche
and it was felt by till present that strong
and complete organization . of the de.
positorsahonld ba esea to, the Stalest in
pressing their olefins before the Govern -
Grey y
Pollan in is the
BonbonR'r0 T. W
School report for S. S. No. 8, Grey,
for term ending June 281,h. Names
arranged in order of lner'it 1—Jr. IV.
—Flora MoLeaty Mabel Carmichael.
Sr. 1IL--John1cTa art. Jr.
Alex. McNabb, y Adrian McTaggart,
James Carmichael, Sedie McNair,
Jr II.—Mer'or.
James McTaggart. J Y'
Fulton, John McNaught. Sr. .I.—
Muriel McNair, George McNair, Vera
McNaught. J r. T.—Margaret McNair,
Arnold McNair, Foglia McTaggart,
Annie McTaggart, Charlie McNaught.
W. TURNBULIt, Teacher.
HONORED.— We arepleased to
notice that the Icing in conferring
honors chose togive W
. K.
Me aught 1 for Noah
N g ate M. P. P. N
lot'otrtin the di nit t ahiorr
of a Oa n
g P
of St, Michaeland yt. George and he
ar ;9 G
will now have the tight to the affix
0. M. G. He lean old Grey totvttship
boy and a relative to the MaNa}ight
frat»rlies el chi% locality, let the Iva
duatrtal S11ti$v of e!'bfonto. had been a
director and fro is also a member of
the Ontario- Hydro -Electric Com-
mission, We extend congratulations'
and hope he may be spared many
years to worthily Weal' 111s well
deserved honors,
Sollooi. RtIPORT.-Following is the
Sehool report of d, S. No, 3, for
mouths a i P Mayan Ju
d no, ' q0.% Pass,
75% honors. Jr, IV,—Examined in
Arith„ Comp„ Spell., Giam„ Read,
Writing, Charlie Smith 87} Jae.
McFarlane 07, A. Cardiff 00, Jr. III. j
— Examined in Spell., Comp., AI'ltIt,,
Read., Metrr,, Writing. Willie Mc-
Donald 92, 1Vtilie Smith 88, Mary
Young 78, Amite Danner 07, Sr. II.
—Examined in same subjects as Jr. ILI.
Elsie Smith 76, Roy McFarlane 02,
Chas. Dietner 01. Jr. II,—Examined
in Spell„ Geo„ Arith„ Writing.,
Mem. Cameron Strachan 89,
Elizabeth' Smith 86, Willie Bishop 82,
Clifford Card ttf77, Richard Jacklln—,
Primary.—good, Melville Lamont,
Pearl Jatcltiln, Laura Turnbull.
Fair.—Katie lacklin, Mary Blether.
T. ARMSTRONG, Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
report of S. S. No. 10 Examined in
Arith., Grain., Geog„ Spell., Writ.,
arid Art, Jr. IV.—Addison Fraser
79, Harvey Robertson 78, Hazel Robb
70. Sr. III --•Christie Forrest 81,
Rettig Turvey 80, Elva Ramsay 80.
Jr. III.—Veteia Johnston 59. Sr, III.
—Sperling Johnston 02, Margaret
Miller 57. Jr, IL—Get'tie Robertson
82, *Janet Miller 70. *Gordon Moffatt
08. Pt. II. Excellent.— Margaret
2lcDougal1, Harry Robb, Louise
Feuer. Pair.—Duncan McDougall.
Pt. I Sr. Excellent.—Mabel Johns-
ton. Fair.—George Carter. Pt. I Jr.
—Cameron Vlilier, Campbell Robert -
8011, Clarence Johnston, *Stanley
lioffat. * missed.
B, Mosse, Teacher.
A Suggestion of Rare Value
A diseased condition of the surfaces
of the air passages pauses bad breath,
but more commonly emanates from
indigestion or impure condition of the
blood. Thousande of cases prove that
Dr. Hamilton's Pills through their
specific action on the secretory and
eliminative organs, not only cure bad
breath, but so thoroughly purify the
steal that
s anything s P Y
Y y g suggestive of
blood or digestive troubles at impos-
sible. Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills
the mind increases and bounding
stealth is established, sold everywhete
in 25c boxes.
G. W. Walker and Rich. Carson
have each purchased Ford autos.
Ales. James Hestia left for the West
cohere ehe will spend a few weeks
visiting friends.
Gorrie defeated Delmore in a game
of Base -ball in Victoria. Park by a
score of 13 to 2.
Miss Gladys Hastie, who is attend-
ing High School at Chatsworth, is
home for the vacation.
The ladies of the Gorrie Methodist
church will hold their anniversary on
Sunday and Monday, July 6th and
A new flag pole has been erected at
the Orange Hall.
Jos. Mahood has been ill from a
severe attack of pneumonia.
23 candidates wrote on the Entrance
Examinations here with Mies Dell, of
Wroxeter, presiding.
Little John Steuenoll caught a
sucker in the flume there that measur-
ed 14A inches in length, and weighed
one pound.
D. R. Bradley, well-known and
popular station agent, is leaving here
fol Oobourg whet he has been ap-
pointed agent of a new station which
is opening there,
Geo. and Mrs. Morton, who have
been on an extended wedding trip
through California and
the Southern
State e
States since last October, are gsP cid-
to a short time a t the home of the
latter's sister, Mrs. L. V. knight be-
fore returning to their future home
in Vancouver, B. 0.
Danger in Corn Salvos -
They usually contain acids and burn
the flesh. The one sure cure in liquid
forth is Pntnam's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor, which is purely vegetable,
causes no pain and cures in one day.
Don't forget the name "Putnam's," •
Miss Annie Switzer has returned
home from Virginia..
Mrs. F. Switzer and daughter, An-
nie left for Los Angeles, Cal,, where
they will spend the Summer.
L. Clemons, of the 0. A. 0. Guelph,
has been working on the farm of W.
G. Inglis surveying his 200 acres out
for drainage purposes.
A rink of bowler's from town cam-
pascal of b
lesses. Roger,
and Ln ead eee 'r Reruns Mon,
day and Tgesday of lest weekattend
ing the bowling tomuament.
A very unfortunate and serious ac,
eident occurred at the home of Geo,
Grubber; 0th 'eon., Elmo,. While
Mr. Grubber was in the field slaking
a fence, his little 5 year old son was
playing about, and as the father was
in the act of drivinga fence stake
v lien axe the lad ran u behind.
him unnoticed just' as 'Mr. Grubber'
was about
to drive ve the atahe. In
swinging the axe behind him he
Arnett the child on the temple, in-
flicting a terrible gash with the sharp
blade. Mr. Grubber quickly carried
the ,lad to the hoose and a doctor was
Mistily telephoned for. In the mean-
time bits, Grubber did what elle could
to stop the flow of blood.
MATRIMONIAL—A happy event oc-
curred at the Methodist Parsonage,
Wedneeday morning, June 24th, at
o'clock is
7 V Miss Pe t•1
n Hueser A.
A, 0. M. eldest daughter of Rev. Dr.
acid Mts. Hostel, was united in mar-
riage to E. G. Cog'hlin, druggist of
this place. The bride looked charm-
i1Y beautiful in her ivory
bei -
de.] robes trimmed With shadow
mid peat Is, and bridal veil. The hit
y couple were 1nattetided
Marion Ooglilin, still tthe geoora
was limey g,d
and carried its a lovely
basket of imees and ferns the mystic
t'itag Willett Wee 60 etioltele and finite
DOCTORS DID I D maxei�alter ; three broad juulps,o T.
uu R. Beneett and A. , 117e01ennan ;
Obteanie race, Stanley McKee and
NOT 1 Geo. Hislop • boot and oboe race,
ESP HER Rohl. baelllnoal and Geo, op ail;
foul• leggged raae, Geo Hislop and
Gordon McDonald ; biscuit race, Geo.
Hislop and Robt, Ballingal ; race for
. under 10, Bulla Patrick aad G.
boys d
But Lydia E. Pinkhallnl's Vag- McDonald.; race for girls under 10,
Evey Melee walking race for boys,
etable Compound Restored Verne McIionald and Geo. Hielop i
r tote race girls, Stella Bennett • tots
Mrs. Bradley sHealth-
race boys, Clifford McAllister and
Her Own Statement. Melvin Jacklln ; tug of war, Howlettvs. Grey, Howlett winning.
Winnipeg, Canada. — "Eleven years
ago I went to the Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, suffering with a growth. The
doctors said it was a tumor and could
not be removed as itwould cause instant
death. They found that my organs were
affected, and said I could not live more
than six months in the condition I was in.
'After I came home I saw your adver-
tisement in the paper, and commenced
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I took it constantly for two
years, and still take it at times, and
both my husband and myseltf claim that
It was the means of saving my life. I'
highly recommend it to suffering
Women."—Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, 284
JohnsonAve., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
Why will women take chances or drag
out a sickly,half-hearted existence, miss-
ing three-fourths of the joy of living,
when they can find health in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound 2
For thirty years it
has been the stan-
dard remedy for fe-
male ills, and has re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
who have been trou-
bled with such ail-
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc,
If you want s pe o i al advice
write to Lydia E. Ptnkham Med-
idine Co. (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
two lives into one. The bride entered
the parlor to the lovely strains of
Mendelssohn's wedding march played
by her sister, Mise Verna Reeser,
on the arm of J. 0. Hussey her bro-
ther and carried a boquet of white
roses and lily -of -the -valley. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Dr.
Musser, father of the bride. After
a sumptuous wedding breakfast the
happy couple motored to Newton
where theytook the train n for Lon-
don, Duton, Windsor, Detroit and
Leamington. The bride's going away
suit was French blue crepe with silk
blouse and hat to match. The groom's
gift to the beide was a necklace of
pearls and amethysts, and to the
pianist and flower girl, gold brace-
lets. Only the immediate relatives
were present, Geo. and Mrs. Ooghlin,
of Millbank,g , pp1711a atents of the groom,
and dau titer Mrs. J. Barter, of
London n '
London 7.`o tv slap, a sister of Dr.
Hussey. The young couple received
some beautiful and costly presents.
After their honeymoon they will re-
turn to Atwood where they will make
their future home.
Miss Mary Agar, of M 1. Forest, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Wal-
Quite a number from this locality
went to Wingham .Wednesday even-
ing of last week to hear N. W.
Rowell speak and were well- pleased
with his address.
We are sorry to report that Thos.
Smith er.. let line, Morris,had the
misfortune to inflict a nasty cut with
an axe on his right foot. Many
friends hopewill he soon be able to be
George Johnston, who has been
teaching at Pelee Island, the garden
of Canada, is home for the vacation.
We would like to have him address a
public meeting on the wonders of
Pelee. He could do it well.
ing were the winners at the Union
pie-nic in the Bennett grove :—Egg
race, P. R. Ashton and 111. Johnston ;
three legged race, W. McLennan, P.
Patrick, A. McLellan and T. Sander -
eon ; thread and needle race, M.
Maguire and M. M. Johnston ; walk-
ing race, P. R. Ashton and 21. John-
ston ; nail driving contest, Mary
Johnston and H. Ashton ; hop, step
and jump, A. McClennan and A.
a ••
• C. Pope &••
Machine Shop
• •
Brussels •
• Desire to thank the pe'iple of •
Brusselsand district for h a
o the
they have encouraged them by •
• sending in their' work. We hope •
2 they will continue the same. •
• All kinds of repairs will be •
• prompt•ly •attended to on farm •
• implements, threshing outfits, •
tubing, patching and all kinds i
•of boiler repairs. Years of ex- •.
• patience on this class of work
• enable them to give best of sat •
isfaction, s •
s Cset.groulutivatornd,. P • and plowshares e
Lawn mP •
owers sharpened ened and •:
2 Automobile repairs.
Fab' RrIHH guaPagtnpd1
afraid —Send 11
eaie alofg
i •
A Patriotic service was held in Sb.
Andrews church last Sunday morning
in connection with the Sunday School,
The third and last car of rollers
was shipped from the sawmill for
Liverpool via Montle/0 and were
pronounced by the purchaser ae the
beet sample of any shipped in recent
years by his firm.
In conversation with J. B. Tiernay,
he expressed the opinion that the
apple crop this year would not turn
out as abundant as was at first ex-
peeted from the immense show of
bloom. The fruit is being damaged to
a considerable extent by insect sting.
The crop on the whole will be an
average one.
Councillor Joseph Oarter received
word of the death of his brother, 3.
0. Garter, at Oakland, California.
The late Mr. Carter was born in
Tuckersmith Township and many
years ago was a resident of Blyth for
a short time, leaving here for the
States, Be travelled much having
spent some time in the Yukon, but
for the past number of years resided
in California. He was in the 8211d
year of his age at the time of his
demise. He leaves a wife and family
of three to mourn his lose.
Almost Dead of Bronchitis
Few people have suffered more than
John P. Taylor, Dyanent P. 0., Ont.
To -day he 'Is well aril writes, —"I
must tell you how much Catarrh -
ozone has been In nae. I was so bad
with bronchitis sometimes I thought
it would soon be over with one. A
spell of choking would come on that
left me prostrated and weak. Since
using Oatarrhozone I have had no
all. tble at a 1. It strengthened my
throat, stopped the cough, gave me
free breathing and entirely cured."
Just the usual experience. Catarrh -
ozone invariably cures wbether
Bronchitis, Asthma or Catarrh. Two
sizes, 25o and $1.00 at all dealers.
John Peffer attended the Dominion
Miller's Convention held iu London.
Commencing Wednesday of this
week the Listowel storeswills
t lice
Wednesday afternoon during July
and August,
Mrs, ON.) Bruce, of Toronto, a for-
mer we'll known resident of Listowel,
has been visiting with friends in town
for the past week.
The resignation of Rev.V'. Os
g borne
has been handed in. Mr. Osborne has
been minister for the Atwood and
Listowel Baptist churches.
Mies Agnes B. Kirland and Flossie
Seigner,of Newton, who recently
from the stenography de-
partment of the Listowel Business
College left for Toronto to accept posi-
tions in that city.
A number of store keepers on Main
street are complaining of the odor
coming from the river. One merchant
interviewed stated that there
was a bar of gravel on the North aide
of the bridge that prevented a flow of
Following a long spell of dry weath-
er, copious showers of rain which will
be of immense benefit to the growing
crops have fallen. The Spring crops
are looking well but it is said that hay
and clover will be lightand Fall wheat
short in straw.
There was a heavy in frostthis
locality and considerable damage has
Y g
been done to the tomato corn and
potato cropsand all tender vinesand
vegetables on low ground. It is
questionable whether they will re-
cover from the effects or not.
Win harp
Joe Stalker,former Principal of
Wingham Pubic School has received
an offer of $1,400 to take the Principal-
ship of a school in Ottawa.
This week our merehants closed
their stores on Wednesday afternoon
at 1 o'clock and continue so during
the mouths of July and August.
Rev. E. G. Dymond will be induct-
ed to the Rectorship of the church of
St. Paul the Apostle, by Venerable
Arondeaoon Richardson, on Weduee-
day, evening, July 8th.
Fred. Homuth came home from
Elora suffering from appendicitis and
was taken to the hospital where he
underwent an operation. We are
Pleased to report he is now improving
very favorably.
4. pleasing eent took place at the
Methodist parsonage on Saturday,da
June 201,11, when Janice Forest Wilson
of'Tor'tiberry, was united in marriage
to Miss Brittaua Linde Posliff, of
Wiugham. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. J. W. Hibbert. The
young couple spent their honeymoon
at Owenu ando
Sot rd will be at home
to their many friends after Jul 1st.
The Young Men's Bible. Glass of the
Methodist church gave a etr'awberry
social Thursday evening on T. Kew's
„lawn, in honor of their teacher, G. R.
Smith, who was about to go for his
Summer vacation and the Sunday
School Superintendent, re. Buchanan.
Strawberriee and oream'and ice cream
and 'cake were served by the social
committee. A program tvas given
consisting of addresses by the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Hibbet't, the President of
the class, W. Gurney and Messrs.
Stnith} n n and Cavan. oeat
BreInn V
and instrumental solos and drtets were
elan y'ondered.
passed away iu Lotver Winghatn on
Wednesday, Jane 17th, Adam Reid,
in his'i year.The deceased as
born hi Sligo, Ireland, in 1827, and
cane to blast Wiawauosh early in the
lietva9 twice lY alliCC] his firet,
sq s, afl st
wife beitlg N liza Agnow who diets lel
Feb�uary, 1877. In 1880 lie niai'i'ied
Mary Anil Aortic', wito with 4 sone and
I have full lines of the various Ag-
ricultural Implements in stock and
am able to supply the needs of all on
short notice,
Steel Hay Loaders
the best and only steel one on the
market. Have wooden ones if pre-
Steel U'otivery Rakes
Hay Cars, Slings, &c•
These machines are a necessity in
caring for the fine hay crop 10 pros-
pect. See them,
High Grade Pianos Phonographs
Sewing Machines
Stock of first-class Buggies
If you require anything in my line
ring phone 82 or call at my wareroom.
You are always welcome.
S. Carter, Brussels
4 daughters survive. The children
are T. A. Reid, Owen Sound ; G. A.
Reid, Toronto; John Reid, East
Wawanosh ; Adan Reid, of Water•-
ous, Sask. ;Mrs. J. Shiell, of Pretty
Valley ; Mrs. Geo. Robinson, East
Wawanosh ; Mra. John Halpenny,
Sask. ; Mts. (Rev.) Finlay, Browns-
ville, ' Ont., and Maggie, deceased.
The funeral took place on Friday to
Deacon cemetery.
Overtaken with Nausea
You don't known whether its going
to stay down or come up. You feel
like thirty cents and look even worse.
If one thing is quicker than another
its Nerviline. Ten drops in sweetened
w d
water gives instant relief. Almost
like magic is the change you experi-
ence. The cause of the nausea ie re.
moved every symptom of vomiting
and indigestion is mated within ten
minutes. When Nerviline is so trus-
ty and economical, a bottle at home
would not be amiss. Large ones for
quarter at all dealers.
Miss Mildred Johnston has beeu
confined to bed with a slight attack
of appendicitis.
John Govenlock, of McKillop, is
very ill at the home of his son, Will.
Govenlock, Egmondville.
Dr. R. R. Ross, who has been very
ill, has recovered and is able to be at
his place of business again.
Mrs. J. E. Lennon and little son, of
Calgary, are visitors at the home of
J. and Mrs. Devereaux, Huron road
Palmer Whiteley has bought out
21r. McKa 's share iu the Walker and
McKay furniture store and entered
upon his new duties on Monday of
last week.
Mies Bottoms, of the ,commercial
department of the Collegiate Institute
has sent in her resignation, having
accepted a similar position at North
Bay at a higher salary.
Miss Norma Dickson and Mies Ver-
de Best left for the West on . Satur-
day, the former to visit friends in
Fort Saskatchewan and the latter in
Moose Jaw and Calgary.
The concert held in the Egmondville
Presbyterian church, under the aus-
pices of the choir, was well attended.
An excellent program, consisting of
solos by Mrs. Taylor, of Ridgetown ;
choruses by the Sen f
otth double
Id readings byMiss Stew-
arrt, of Clinton, was carrieout. Rev.
Ms. Argo pastor of the church, acted
as chairman.
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
day.Phone 228.
dew People
Outside of those who have made a
study of it, are able to design or
choose the right memorial for a
particular purpose.
My bueineee,is that of helping my
patrons to select a monument, a
headstone or other marker for a
grave or a plot that will please
people by its harmony with its
surroundings and by its expressive
appeal to memory.
My success In choosing aright is
more to me than dollars and cents.
With me monumental work ie a
profession, a life work. I feel the
same pride in a beautiful design
that an artist in water Dolor feels
in an artistic landscape.
If you will come to me and talk
about what you would like to get
I will make your wishes my own
and they shall be carried out in
the way that will 'secure right re-
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
LUN E, HERSEY, Proprietor
At the Epworth League meeting in
the Methodist church John Button
was appointed delegate to attend the
Epworth League Convention to be
held in Buffalo in July.
Mrs, Shoener and little son, of
Hamilton, are at the home ofher fath-
er, John Beattie. They Dame up to
see her sister, Mise Helen Beattie,
who is seriouly ill at present.
Rev. T. Brown and F. G. Neelin
were in London attending the Synod.
The Bishop appointed Mr. Neelin one
of the scrutineers, add also a Lay
Representative of the Diocesan Sun-
day School Commission.
Mrs. Catharine Tancoek, of Sarnia,
was awarded $302 against the estate
of her former employer, the late Jas.
Irvin Carter, formerly of Seaforth,
salt manufacturer of Sarnia, by Chief
Justice Falconbridge, at Osgoode
Hall. Mrs. Tancoek put in a big
claim for nursing the deceased in his
last illness and for 1 sP ecial services
rendered him. Shea i
w e f nheem to
for more than eight years and appar-
ently expected he would have be-
queathed her something in his will
but she was not mentioned in any
way. The late Mr. Carter was a
wealthy man with somewhat peculiar
ideas. Under hie will all his relatives
were barred from participating in his
estate. He left some property to one
of his employees and to a personal
friend,but the bulk was w bequeathed
b u ached
in trust to the Provincial Treasurer to
be invested to provide county scholar
ehps for the Public schools through-
out Ontario. $100,000 was to be set
aside for this purpose and anything
in excess was to be invested
in provincial stock and the
interest thereon to be paid to
the Sick Children's Hospital in Toron-
to in perpetuity.
Magistrate Roger McGill, of Flesher -
ton, while trying a liquor case With
Magistrate McMullen, was seized with
heart failure and died in a few minutes.
Tile Delivery
Those who wish to pur-
chase Tile around Brus-
sels are
requested to send
order to Henfryn P.O. or
Phone 355. Upon receipt
of enough orders we will
send a car load to Brus-
sels station.
Cole & Dougherty
ase•asseseeeee••••••••ee••••i••••••••••••••••MN•••• I
• Buggies
s Buggies
Hnow E SEASON is at
Baud for the sale of
T t
Buggies and all intend-
ing purchasers will do well
and save money by calling at
We take no back Beat and
are alwaye on the lead for an
up-to-date Buggy. Our Bug-
glee have stood'the.test of all
competitors for close to 80
years, which ehould be a
guarantee in itself. Our
Styles and Material this year.
are more up-to-date'than all previous years. Everybody is made
• welcome to examine our Show Rooms and purchase a Ewan Buggy.
e You will get first-class satisfaction ae well as encouraging home
Wood Work done in all ilia branches.
• a
• Buggies re -painted and Buggy Tops relined and Covered io
look as good as new at reasonable prides.
• ^�'-..®sem'
• D Ewan's 'Factory
•i••i•sses see iii>kiwi•M6.011. b••i4INli4.i•i11ii1.4.00•40, /Ell