HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-7-2, Page 1VOL, 43 NO. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, yULY 2, 1914 New Advertisements TO0111109t-TIIEPOBD, Bey for sato-NIBS Mitchell. Piss for sale-Oeorge Bolter, ' . Tenders wanted -F.5. Soott. House for intle-Georse Thomson. 3D-1z:trig geb35 Belgrave Belgrave Fat mete' Club ancl Wom- en's Institute were represented at the District meeting at Walton last Satuv- day by Jos. and Mrs, Brandon ; W. H. and Mrs. Ferguson and Jno. and Mile Clegg. In the absence of the President Jebel. Ferguson gave the re- port. The Walton ladies played the hospitable in first-class style and everybody had a good time. A greet minty from this locality heard N.. W. Rowell in Wingham Wednesday nt last week. Cranbrook The Trustees have engaged the ser- vices of Miss Rebecca McNair ivlio has been teaching at Turnbulee school for several years and did splendid woek, as Principal of Oran brook at a salary of $050, duties to commence et the closeof the vacation. Miss McNair is well and favorably known here. Seim Bothwell and staters, Mis. Risteen, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Chap- man, of Tovonto, are welcome visitors in this locality. They were former residents and the former has beeia itt Winnipeg for the past 18 years where he has done well. It Is a mutual pleas- ure to the folks here as well as to the visitors to chat ovee the days of long ago. Rev. J. L. and Mrs. McCulloch are taking their holidays this month and the ladies of the congregation purpose while the pastor is away to reclean, papee and paint the Inside of the church which will greatly improve the present condition. Our new church is a thing of the future. A meeting will be held in a short time to decide business plans for doing the work. The new enclosed horse sheds will be ready for Winter use which is a great improvement to the present open ones. A. note from Milverton says t -le. W. Thomas, of Milverton, has ac- cepted the position et 0. P. R. agent at Bothwell and will leave, as soon as jelief is sent, to enter on his new duties. It is peobable that he may be succeeded by Friuli( Crawford, of Walton, The removal of Mr, ',Moines and bis family front M ilveeton will be viewed with general regret as they bold a very high place in the esti- mation of eitizens. The trustees of Walton school have engaged Jno. Hendeison, of Brussels, as Principal for the next year, at a salary of 5000. Mr. Henderson at. tended Lhe Faculty of Education at Toronto and is taking instruction in Cadet drill ab London now. He should make a fist-clase teacher as he is a hustle). Lo work and is a good student. Mr. Henderson's father taught the Walton school about 30 years ago. Miss McDonald continues in the Junior department of the school and the pupils will be glad of that. ' • Moncrieff Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Palmerston, preached in Knox cburch in the aftevnoon and did well. Mr. and Mrs. Abram and Miss Mc - Ewan, of Blnevale, and Miss Annie eleIn lost', of Kincardine wei e visite' s with Win. Schnook, Moncrieff. Are you keeping the Garden Party at the Presbytet tan church for Friday evening of this weal( in view ? After supper a great pi ograin will be given in which Tames Fax, the well known humorist, of Toronto, will take a leading part. Good music, addresses, &c. Friday evening of last week the elector]) assembled in the school house here and listened to addresses by A. Blaine and W. Prondfoot, the now re-elected M. P. P. Moncrieff gave a good account of themselves on Monday. H. McNaught wee the chair tna n. GED, MCKAY, AN OLD RESIDENT DIES. -Last Saturday evening, about 7 o'clock, an old and, well known resident of this locality, passed away in the person ef George McKay sr., at the advanced age of 86 years. He was only ill .for a short time, pneu- monia being the cause. Deceased lived with his son Joseph on the old homestead. Mrs. McKay predeceased her hUsband. The funeral takes piece Thursday afternoon to Oran - brook cemetery. Rev. Mr. Lundy will conduct the. service. A. large family survives viz Joseph, Wm., Dun- can, Alex., Jas. O., Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs,MMartin and Mrs. Mr. McKay was amongjhe early settlers in this community and was a rugged, hearty man who en • joyed the respect of the community. leTot many of the old people are left in this locality but the imprint of their industry is to be found on all sides. Ethel Arthur R'ennington, of Hamilton, has been visiting his cousin, Miss Verde Pollard. A good job is being done in the ex- tension of the cement sidewalk on the North side of Main street. Good progress has been made with the new school house. It will. be a very tidy building when coinpleted. Mrs, Cramp, Mrs. Itluginn and Mrs. Brooks, of Toronto, were visiting Mee. Spence over Sunday. Mrs. °ramp and Mrs. Martin') are sisters to Mrs. Spence and Mrs. Brooks a neice. The Methodist folk have purchased the vacant lots adjoining the Parscfn- rige from Jacob Kreuter and there is talk of new church, sheds, 'etc. It would make a dandy site for a new edifice and we hope to see the project go forward. Ethers hustling Women's In- stitute sent a large delegation to the District meeting at Walton last Saturday consisting of • 21 people, The 'manta here has a membership of 68 and is the banner Institute in the District: Hurrah 1 for Ethel. • A Wilkesport correspondent says :-- • "Last Sabbath Rev. W. E. Lucas preached his Emmett sermon on the Wilkesport circuit and intends leav- ing the first, week in July for Chicago to take up a special course of study." Mr. Lucas is a son-in-law of C. and Mrs. Reynard, of Ethel, and is as fine a fellow as you would meet in many a day's travel. 'We wish him continued aweless. daily wok. Frank Sellers 83, .*Sana Wood sawing bees have been on the Barr 79, Primary.-Good-liarry hum in various parts of the township. Ken. Those merked * missed ex- Mrs. Joseph Ames was away this aininations. BISATRICLI M. Cunene Week at a family reunion tif relativee, Toaohev, held in Norfolk Co, It has been a year- ly event but this is the first time Mrs. Ames has attended. Miss McIntosh, of Toronto, is a holiday visitor with Councillor P. A, and Mrs. McArthur. Next week Nurse McArthur expects to leaye for Hamiota, Man,, where she may spend some time. We wish her a pleasant trip. DAVID TAYLOR DEOBASED,-Wed- nesday morning, at 7.30 o'clock, David Taylor, Lot 15, Con. 16, Grey, passed away, aged 63 years, 7 months and 7 days. Funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock to Oranbrook cemetery. Service at 2 p. in. Obl- tuary notice will appear next week, DOING WELL, -Miss Beatrice Whit- field has successfully passed her Jun- ior Singing Examination at Toronto Conservatory of Music. The examin- ers were Dr. Vogt, Dr. Ham and Miss Shepherd, three of the best authorities in vocal music in Toronto. Miss Whitfield was examined along with the students of the Conservatory. She is a pupil of Mrs. Addie Wright, Brus- sels. • CARD OF THANRS.-We wish to ex- press our sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends who were so kind, helpful and. thoughtful during the illness and demise of our husband and father. We will never forget it and feel very grateful for the many words of sympathy expressed to us in out' bereavement.. • Yours thankftilly, Mies. A. B. SMITH AND FAMILY. Box SooraL.- Friday evening of next week, July 10th a Box Social will be held at the home of A. ands Mrs. Yuill, 8th Oon. Grey. A choice pro- gram of Musical and Literary selec- tions. Proceeds for Building Fund of Melville church. Keep the date Blear and go and have a good time. Rigs will leave eorner of Mill and Then - berry streets at 7.80 to convey people to Mr. Yuills at 10 cents return fare. At the politicer meeting held at Duke's school house last Friday evep- ing the chair was competently filled by James Thomson.. Addresses were given by Barrister Proudfoot, of Goderich ; Mayor Climie, of Listowel, and W. I. Kerr, of -Brussels, in the order named. Mr. Proudfoot spoke first as he had a meeting at Monorieff the same evening.He made the trip by motor. GARDEN Pannr.-At the home of James Pearson, sr., Lot 20, Con. 4, a congregational Garden Party will be held Monday evening, under the auspices of Roe's church, -Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, followed by a choice program of music, literary selections and addressee by neighbor- ing ministers. Ethel orchestra is ex= pected and a Male geartette. Ad mission fee is 25 and 15 cents. Tf you want a gond time go to Mr. l'eaz son's next Monday evening, - ADDRESS AND PERSIONTATION,-On Feiday afternoon the closing day of school the pupile of S. S. No. I Morris presented their teacher, who is Jetty- ing with a handsome case of silver tea spoons and a silver meat fork with gold bines, Willie Phelan read the address and Matilda Rogerson and Vera Hall made the presentation. Miss Pepemade a brief reply express- ing gratitude, not only for the gift,' but for their kindness shown during the two years' work with them and best wishes for their future. Address was as follows Miss MARY FEAR : Dees TEeoHito.--;It was with feel- ings of deepest regret that we heard we were goieg to lose you as 01.11' teacher. We wish it could have been otherwise, for by your kindness and rale dealing yon have won our high- est respect and we realize that your going means a very great loss to us. Our splendid progress in (NW studies nucleiyour tuition has been a source of Much pleasure to our parents as well as to ourselves and to all those in the Section Who are interested in the welfare of the school, Especially have you the gratitude of the En- trance Class to whose interests you have given yourself unsparingly. We thank you for all you have done for us and we hope that the future may have many happy days in store for you and that success may still crown your efforts wherever you may be. We would. like to express to you otherwise than •in mere words our love and appreciaticin and so we ask you to accept this gift as a token01! remembrance from your pupils of S.. S No. 1 Morris. Signed on behalf of the school. Matilda Rogerson, Robeit E. Laidlaw, Irees, Hall, 'Lillian Roger - eon and Willie Phelan. Mise Fear is a hard working, faithful teacher, possessing the4happy faculty of get- ting along web with her pupils. Morris Morris news on page 4. Next Council meeting will be July 27 th. Sheriff Caldbick, of New Liskeard, is here on a holiday. The outlook for crops in Morris is very good and a big harvest is ex- pected. Miss Young has been engaged as teacher in the Button School for the incoming yeay. Miss Ruby Clegg, of New Dundee, and Miss Irene Clegg, of Guelph, are home for their vacation., James Ireland, 3rd line, shows some improvement in health and we hope he will soon be as hearty as ever. Jas. Anderson, 5th line, is spending a few days with his father at Ware- ham, and attending his brother's wed- ding. Russell and Mrs. Wheeler, of South- ampton, are visiting the families of Jas, Bowman, M. P., and L. Wheeler for a holiday. 13 men were placed last week and 10 next week by D. Smith, Government agent, The men come from theWest end of London. Henry and Mts. Jackson, of Morris, and W. A. and Mieelaegan, of Blyth, were away on a motoring trip for sev- eral days to Brigden, aSarnia and oth- er places. At the home of the bride's parents, Dundalk, on June 30th, Annie M., only danghter of Wm, and eirs. Middleton, was wattled to Will W. Anderson, son of John Anderson, Wareham, Mrs. 3, R. Garden and three child- ren of Woolseley, Sask., arrived here on Tuesday of thie week and will visit during the &mow at the home of the formers parents, Wm. and Mrs. Taylor, 911 line, • Morris and other old friends. Some of the roads are in poor shape owing to the Statute laboe. We think the law should be Amended, so that the rock heeling would be chine at some other settson and thereby have some pleusut'e in driving in the Summer. • , Thursday of this week Mes. George Jackson moved from the farm, 811 line, Brussels where she purposes teekingher home. Many good wishes go with her ft•orn old neighbors and friends who have known her for many years. Wesley Searle has bought the farm and is now in possession, SCHOOL REPORT.-Iteport of S. S. No.' 6 Morris for the months of May 11110 nd JunH o, onoes 75%. PASS 00%. 81. IV.-EXalTlintql 115 Alia, Spel Geog., Gram.,Hist., Write Neter° Study, Art, Lit., Read. and Daily Work. Mary Bowman '76, Gable Bone 70, Sam Yuill 60. Si. 11I. -Harold Believe % Jr. 78, *Norman Shaw 70. Sr. IL -Ex- amined in Arab., Spell., Geoge Leng, Merne.Wri to.Neture Study, Art, Lit., Read. and daily work. Cecil Bone 85, Earl SVII(511.1 70, Lillian Sellers 68, Minnie Hogg 47, Sr. I. -Examined In Ale SpelI, Mech. Road, and Walton • The Orangenten of Walton Lodge will go to Goderich for . the 12th of July Oeleination. The Garden Party at the Manse mounds On Tuesday evening was a "whale." Proceeds $270,50. It was a hummer. • Rev. Me. 'Edmundsand family re- moved to Vienna this week. May success attend them on their new charge, Mrs. (Rev.) Leckland, of Wroxeter, bas been calling on old friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Laeltland is con- tinuing at Wroxeter. Jno. C. McGavin, of Vancouver, 13, 0,, a. former resident of this locality, has been renewing old ' friendships in Walton and locality. The house and lot of •George Grigg has been sold to Thomas the price- being $1,000. Purchaser gets possession when Mr. Grigg inovet] to Seaforth next Fall. Nolte Sabbath Mr. Young, who succeeds Rev. 81i. Edmunds will take charge of the services. We extend hearty welcome to Me and Mrs, 'Young and hope • their work will prosper. The Harris & Ferguson . general stets business passed into the hands of Mr. Lyddiatt this week. He is the owner of the store as web and came here recently from Elgin Co. Mee- - rs. Havels and Ferguson will continue 'to make their hotne here we hope. A fine new Bell organ with all the latest improvements, has been in- stalled in Duff's cher* purchased from Messes. Walker SD Black, of Brussels. This will be e great Re- quisition to the choir and the con- gregational singing. Duffle church people pp things, , 1.0et ',13.abbath in connection with the Jubilee services of Duff's church Rev, Mr. Cranston, 13. A., of Pelmer- ston, occupied the pulpit and preaelt. ed lave fine sermons, -Ile was very welconte at he had rendered gond seeviee iti the yeate gone by. The Gamlen Party Was held Tuesday even - Ing Grey Miss Marion Smith is visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. Turnbull. Miss Stella Stealth is holidaying with friends hi Brussels and vicinity. Miss Lucas, of Toronto, is a visitor with her cousin, Miss Beatrice Whit- field. Mrs. James McNair and Mrs. Jessie Perrie are visiting Mrs. Duncan near, Atwood. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, Who has beeu ill, is somewhat improved we are pleased to state. Miss Marion Houston, of St. Marys, is visiting at the home of Mrs. James Houston, 16th con. Will and Tont Knox have had their residence repainted which adds great- ly to its appearance. Miss Iona Steiss is spending some holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jack Wilson, near Atwood. Miss Gertrude Speiran, who has been attending Walkerton Collegiate, is home'for•her holidays. Archie Hislop was one of the speak- ers at a political meeting in Goderich Thursday evening of last week. Township Council will meet at Ethel on Tuesday of next week. Several Drain By-laws will be dealt with. Henry Richardson, of -Dixie, Peel Oounty, is a .visitor with Jno. W. and Mrs. Morrison, 5th cen. He is an ()Id friend. • Oliver and Mrs. Harris attended the Golden Wedding of E. and Mrs. Jacklin in Brussels. They report a good time. Mrs. Oliver Hemingway and child- ren were holideying at the fornier's parental resdence, Tee swater, duri ng the past week. John Oliver, 16th con., has purchas- ed a handsome piano flir his daugh- ters. Misses May and Jennie are get- ting on fine with their music. Miss Ivuh Speiran and het ncusin, Della 'Whitfield, left on• Saturday for Fern Cottage, near Orillia, where they will spend the next 'two months. Mrs. F. Coate and Miss Francis, also Richard Daly, of Trowbridge, at- tended the barn raising at Hugh Linnont's, Thursday of last week. Idl], Alex. Stewart, 16th con. still continues quite poorly, not much ehange in her conclitioe. 1 -ler many friends wish her a speedy recovery. iss Ida Frain 11118 been re-engaged as teacher in .the Barker school, 6th, Cote, at a salary of $625. She is a splendid teacher and a faithful work- er. • Walter Lowry. of Britesele, Ineg im- proved his ferm•property on the 10th con. by ehingling the barn and build- ing WIVO fencing. Ile bought from Eci, Fox, now of the West. Mu,,. David Taylor and Lorne were to Seaforth last week seeing the fortnev's nephew who is seriously ill 8.1 peeeeut at the home of Robert McMillan. John Campbell took them in his new auto. Mrs. Robert Duncanson and belay daughter are visiting ttt the home of Mrs. A. 'Thincenson, 17th con. Rev. ReDuncanson is .in VanCOUVE51. doing Miesien work among the Chinese. He and his wife returned from China in the Winter thne, The people or the.16th con., extend congratulations to Jno, 0, McDonald and bride in taking up residence upon the hem recent ly purchased' by the former fi ona Wm. Teller, now of Brussels. Mrs. McDonald was a Mies Campbell, of Hullett, and a Earner teacher at Walton. Balm 11./asnier. -A very successful barn raising was held on rho farm of Hugh Lamont, llth con,' Timeeday of last week, an addition of20 fe, being mode to width of barn, which is now 70 x 7234. with 14 ft. leen. 100 Men and about 00 ltd les were present, the woik being done i1 utam. the leader- ship of Geo. Iiealley and lade of The Whitney Government Sustained by large Majority All the Cabinet re-elected ex- cepting Dr. Reaume. Hurpn County remains as It was, • official Figures next Week. •• Last Notiday'e Provincial elections resulted in the return of Sir James Whitney with a large majority. Re- turns may not be exact but will be something as follows : • CONSERVATIVES Maj. A.ddington-W, D, Black 1800 Algotua-A, Grigg •400 Brockville -A. E. Donovan . . 400 Bruce South -W. D. Oargill. .. . .. 325 Carleton -R. H. .. . .. $40 Duffekin-C. R. McKeown.-- 550 Dundas -J. P. Whitney 750 Durham Eest-J. J. Preston 648 Durham West -J. H. Devitt • 227 Elgin East -0. A. Brower! 347 Elgin West -le G. MeDiaimid,815 Fort William -C. W. Jarvis 300 Frontenac-A. M. Rankin 400 Grenville -G. H. Ferguson 534 Grey Centre -T. B. Lucas 1000 Grey North -C. Cameron.— 780 Grey South -D. Jamieson 1000 Reedit -nand -Dr. W. Jacques, 300 Halton -A. W. Nixon..... 400 Hamilton West -Col. J. liPendrie1488 Hastings East -A. Grant ... . 600 Hastings North -r, J. Oooke.. -1000 Hastings West -J, W. Johnson174 Huron North -A. H. Musgrove 153 Huron South -H. Eilber 320 Kenora-H. A. C. Machin Acc. Kent West -G. W. Sidman.- 15 Kingston -De A. E. Ross .1466 Larnbton East -J. B. Marlyn . 10 'Litinbton West -W. J. Hanna...... 847 Lanark North -R. F. Pieston 75 Lanark South -F. W. Hall 589 Leede -J. R. Dargavel 450 Lennox -T. G. Carscallen. ........ 183 London -Sir Adam Beck 1496 Manitoulin -R. R. Gamey 330 Middlesex East -S. Melearlan . 398 Muskoka -S. H. Armstrong 800 Niagara Falls -G. S. Musgrove,- 928 Nipissing-H. . . 400 Norfolk South -A. 0. Pratt . . 164 Northumberland E. -,-Sam Nesbitt 700 Ontario North -W. H. Hoyle. ..... 873 Ontario South--C,Calder 186 Parry Souhd-J. ..... . .. 600 Peel -J. R. Faille619 Perth North -J. Torrance 600 Perth South -j. Benneweis. ..... 200 Peterboro' East -J. 'Thompson -- Port Arthur -D. Hogarth 500 Rainy River -T. A. Mathieu 200 Renfrew North -E. A. Dunlop608 Renfrew South -T. W. MeGarryAce. St. Catharines -E. Jessop 1200 Sault Ste Marie -W. H. Hearst735 Simcoe Centre -A. 33. Thompeon230 Sieecoe East -J. I. Hart.. . . . 800 Simeoe South -A. Ferguson 800 Simcoe West -J. S. Duff 800 Stormont -R. T. Shearer. . 100 Sudbury -0. McCrea ......... 600 Tetniskanting-T. Magladery • 450 Toronto N. E. "A" -R. A. Pyne...1700 Toronto N. E. "B" -M. Irish ..... ....1000 Toronto N. W. "A" T. Crawford-. Toronto N. W. "B" -W. D. Mc- Pherson .... . .. . ......... Toronto S. E. "A" -E. W. S. Owens Toronto S. E "B" -T. Hoolt Toronto S. W. "A" -J. J. Foy...., • Toronto S. W. "B" -G. H. Gooder- ham Toronto Parlidale-W H. Price Toronto Riverdale -Jos. Russell, Victoria North -Dr. R. M. Mason 275 Victoria South -Sohn Carew . 700 Waterloo North -C. H. Mills 1000 Waterloo.South-Z. A. Hall 890 Welland -D. Sharpe 800 Wellington West -W. Chambers 158 Wentworth North-A°F. Rykeet 4 Wentworth South -4. T. H. Regan 500 York Beet -G. S. Henry 350 York North -T. H, Lennox. ..... 235 York West -Dr. F. Godfrey...e; eAcc, The increase in the number of seats in the Legislature is the result 'of the recent redistribetiou, under which Toronto gets two additional seats, the remainder of the increase coming from Cochrane, Niagara Fells, St. Oetharines and Windsor. TEE GAINS • Liberal. --North Brant, South Brant Cychrane (new riding), North Essex, South Essex, Lincoln (new riding) North Middlesex, Bast Ottawa, West Ottawa, West Peterborough, Prince Ede7yairitdlinSgo)u±,1118Wellington, Wir ndso (u (Jon servati ve, -Sou th Bruce, Held i - mend, (new riding), East Lambtou, Niagara Falls, (tiew riding), Staab Ontario, Peekdale (new riding), River- dale (new riding) -7. South Oxford, Jamestown Norman and Mrs. McLeod were at Ripley for a few days this week. There Was an election on. Miss Moses has been re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No.\ 10, Mortis. She is a:•fine .teacher and does splendid woiet. Rev. Mr. Thozepson, the. new Meth- odist'pastor on Bluevale circuit, will. preach in the Johnston church next Sunday at 11 a. m. - •Wni. and Mrs. Burkand daughter, of Ingersoll and Mrs. Taylor and son, of Exeter, were visitors at S. Bulk's. They motored here in Mr. Scuttle - bar's car. In the school report of S. Se No:• 10, Morels, which appeatson page 5 of this issue, the names of Jessie Messer and Laura Johnston are omitted from the report. Their' standing was ex- cellent. Wingham DOG HAD lanues.-.T.ohn Willitb, •of Turnbet'ry Township, received word Friday.froin Toronto that the dog be shot on his farm. on Friday had rabies. The animal came to Mr. Willites place , and after biting his horse and a pig, chesed• his little son* into the house. The dog was snap- ping viciously at everything in sight, and Mr. Willitt at once took after it with his shot grin. Locating it he killed the animal and at once sent it zbo Toronte to have the head examin- ed. Wroxeter- • Miss Velma Lowry hi visiting relatives in &amines. ' Thos. klertin, of Londonvisited over Sunday at his home here. Frank Stretton, of 13russels, tilled on friends here last Wednesday. Ashton Morrison, of Chatsworth, is home fns' the Summer vacation, Miss Gedbolt, of Winchelsett, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. 11, NI sawn, ,msa. 0. Cook, of Mensal!, is spend Mg a few days with her brother, T. G. Hemphill. • The vote in the village of Wroxeter last Monday was Liberal 53; Con. servetive 33. Miss Cassieeleartis, of Toronto, is spending two weeks With bee mother, eire. Geo. Harris. W 1 Mather is adveetising a salt of his household effects to take place on Saturday, July 4th, Miss Beatrice Howe has returned from Leamington and is speeding the vacation at her home here. Scott Black and family arrived this week from Tngaske, Sask., and will speed two months with the former's parents, Robt. mid Mrs. Black. R. 13. Hemet; has sold hie lesidenet sireef, now occOpied by Davis, to John Hai•ris, if Brice els, who will lake possession in it few Weeks, CENTRE HURON Proudfoot Macklin Goderich Town 14 e5 25 147 81 58 168 Seaforth Grey Brussels McKillop Hullett Colborne Maj. for Proudfoot 27 816 SOUTH MORON Majoiities Exeter Hensel]. Bayfield Stephen 'Usborne ...... - Hay 108 Tuckersmith 117 Stanley - Goderich Township - Zeller Eilber so 17 75 197 59 106 Maj. for Eilber .320 NORTH HURON Anderson Musgrove Ashfield ........ ..... 71 Turnberry Morris Wroxeter 20 East Wawanosh 45 West Wawanosh7 Blyth 20 Wingham 111 Howick 134 Majority for Musgrove .........152 NORTH HURON 1911 Musgrove Kerr 138 ... 14 19 ' LIBERALS Brant North -Scott Davidson 84 Brant South -Jos. II Ham. ..... 850 Bruce North -W. McDonald 12 Bruce West -C. M. Bowman . 600 Cochrene-MacLiing... 50 Essex North -S. Ducharme . 100 Essex South -L, P. Wigle 120 Glengai ey-Hugh Munro . . ,..Acc.' Huron Centre -W. Proudfoot 316 • Kent East -W. R. Ferguson,......,.400 Liticolte-T. Marshall ' 257 Middlesex West -J, 0, Elliott 700 Middlesex North -J. Grieve 146 Norfolk North -T. R. Atkinson -1263 Northumberland W. -S. Olarke155 Ottawa Eitsee-J A. 498 Ottawa West -C. G. Huedmaree. 118 Oxford North -N. W. Rowell.-- 120 Oxford South -T. R. Mayberry- • 4 Peteebtiro' West -G, A: Gillespie. 200 Prince Edward -N. Parliament.- 00 Russell -D. Racine ...... ......., .... . . 800 Sturgeon Nails -Z. Mageati .1000 Wellington Titest-1.7. Richardson. 487 Wellington South -Sam Carter., 00 Windsor -J, 0. .. . .. 401 • ' LABOR Wingham Ashfield W. Wawanosh E. Wawanosh Blyth Morris Wroxeter ..... ......... 28 Turnberry . 47 .. Howick • 205 ... 898 129 Maj. for Musgrove. ... . . . 237 CENTRE HURON 1911 Proudfoot Elliott Seaeorth ...... ............. ..... 12 Clinton .., go Goderich ...... ..... . 37 15 (38 W. H. KER,R, Profitielor Temperance forces are now orgenized latntdo the evolfee Eloetinthl tpereoyti°11el iiEjf bin altre before the clouts of 1910. Apart from the yearly increasing wheat, fields of Sunny Alberta a new industry which gives great promise has come into existence in the pat month or two, in the discovery of oil, True it ie only it3 the experimental stage as yet, but the present indica - Bens are each as to give great, promise that Alberta has one of the ' greatest and richest oil fields in the world. Oil was found in the first well at a depth of 2750 feet. The oil that was taken from the well is worth $9.00 a barrel. It has not been found in great quantities but the indications are good, A little over a week ago another oil vvellwas struck at a depth of 808 ft. and in this the real rich black petroleum was found, the kind that is used for purposes of -fuel. Geologists, who are here from all over, spying out the land, are convinced that there is oil here and volumes of it. When oil was first steuck; you couldn't imagine the excitement the announcement of it caused. The whole city went wild. Oil stock offices were jammed with men crazy to buy shares. Many many thousands of dollars that were not supposed to exist were drawn forth from their secret hiding places and eagerly exchanged for oil certifi- cates. New oil companies were or- ganized with great profusion and rapidity. Before a week was past, probably 75 new companies were or- ganized with an enormous capitaliza- tion, reaching far away into the millions. Fabulous prices were paid for rent for offices for these new oom- panies. One company paid a barber $4000 for the rent of his shop till the end of the year. I wonder if John Hewitt or Andy Currie have any shops to let at that price ? Almost every section and quarter section of land for over 200 miles in length and 80 in width have beeh filed on for oil. Hamilton East -A, Studholtne..„ 099 • INDEPENDENT Pbeecott-G. Evanturel...... ... . . 360 THE NEW LEGISLATURE •'Standing of the parties in the neW Legislature :-- Conservatives ..... ..... ..84 Libel ale ...... ...... 25 Independent (Evatiturel) 1 Label, ......, ... ...... 1 Total , 111 Standibg of the' perties on the die- tolution of the Legislature ;- Coneervittives Liberals . . .18 tithor Vueseit (Pitescott) 1 Veal 0,1111101,10410 106 5, Brussels oKillop Grey 184 Hulleth 66 ... Colborne ¼ 14 ... -- 309 93 Liberal Maj., ..... . 216 .111. Neu. A. C, Wishart, A. Writes a Newsy letter from • Calgary, Alta. Upon not one section in perhaps a hundred which have been leased will oil be found, but if even one in a hun- dred produces oil it will be one of the greatest oil areas ib the world and millions upon millions of money will pour into Alberta from all over the world. There is one company here, backed by British capitalists, that is drilling for oil If they succeed in getting it they have sufficient money pledged to develop every likely loca- tion from the Montana boundary to the Arctic Circle. It was amusing as well as pathetic to see how crazy the people got. The very atmosplrere was electric and he was a steady cool- headed num indeed who could stand down town among the' crowd of ex- cited men who talked of nothing but oil by day and dreamed it by night and who refrained from investing. This spirit of gambling was not con- fined to the men alone. A lady down town one day caught the spirit. took her wrist -watch off her wrist and sold it and bought oil shares. Another woman sold her piano and invested and still another was even more bold. She had no money to invest and her hubby either wouldn't give her any or hadn'e it to give. But she wouldn't be balked. She wouldn't let the op- portnne moment go by without an ef- feet, after her husband went down town after breakfast she disposed of her kitchen range, took the money and went down town and bougt oil shares. A rumor of a gusher at a well sent her shares up and she sold them, then went and bought a new kitchen range and had it installed and when her husband returned for din- ner at six, she had the dinner ready and she had quite a little nest egg over, which she had realized that day on her adventure. Four young lady waiters in a restaurant, where I often get my lunch, took out oil leases last Fall costing $45 for a quarter section. Three weeks ago they sold their right for $92,000 and they don't wait on tables any more now. Two younix Scotch women, homesteaders, mold. the oil rights on their quarter section for $40,000. But not all are so fortun- ate and yet we will have many new millionaires here. One man last week went to bed hoping he would some day be a wealthy man, next morning he wakened up to find himself a really millionaire. To this condition many are called by the lure of wealth but few are chosen. It will be a while before I realize on my oil invest- ments for the simple reason that I haven't anything invested. I am com- fortably settled in my new house and have got the lawn nicely fixed. It is not quite so large as the one at Mel- ville manse, as land le rather more expensive here. I paid $3000 for the bare lob I um pleased to state that I tun improving and gradually coming back to my former condition, though the doctor tells me that I should be satisfied if I Dan fully recovered inside a year, It's a tniracle of miracles that I am alive, after being overcome with those deadly gas fumes, I lay uncon- scious on the couch for over 20 hours before X was discovered, during which time the fumes came pouring up from the furnace in which three burners wet e going full blast, through two hot air flees and I had the door and win- dows -shut. I lay 12 or 15 hones un- conscious in the hospital after I was taken there. There ie no (tette on mooed where anyone was ever in gas that long and was found elite. God, magnificent constitution, under Wed, pulled me through. But gas is a great convenience and I have my house heated all though with it, But I most atop. I ant very busy, owing to my illness I got behind with my work. I hope yon have telly ee. covered after' your Operation. 'YOu Might change the address on nay paint as below. With best, wishes for Tux POST and all Mende there. Very sincerely youre, A. O. Wlettent. Calgaty, Alta,, 1025 5 St, W. June 25, 1914, DEAR 141n. KERR. -In forwarding my belated subscription to your valu- able paper I thought a few lines from nie might be in order. Through the columns of THE POST I keep myself informed on the doings there and while things do not change with the same rapidity there as they do in the busy West, still many changes have taken place since I left. Friends re- speeted and revered. The angel of death is very impartiat en his selec- Mole Not always does he choose those who have reached the three score and ten mark, sometimes he selects those who are young and bright and full of much promise. But such is life. "It isteven a vapor thatetppeareth for it little time and then vanisheth away. I read with muclt interest the account of the corner stone lay- ingof the new Melville church which marks the beginning of anoth- erepoch in its history and though I was not pi:esent at the interesting ceremony:in person,yet 1 was in sphit, joying and rejoicing with the congregation in all that was done. 1 trust that the future has in store for Melville greater and richer things than have yeb been. " Many a poor horse will rejoice this Winter because of the sheltering cement walls of bhe breed new church sheds. I was pleased to teed that one of our young ladies carried off the gold medal in the graduating .class of the Waterloo hoepi tat. Good goods are donee.inp in small parcels. I yeas' glad to know that Burma carried the ()wide Temperance Act, but I am looking forward With hope and expectation to the returns in .the next Provincial Legielature oNa sufficient niimbee of ince who have pledged themselves to support Proviecial Prohibition to the full extent of its powerse trust that every temperance man and every choral Man will vote for pledged temperance candidetee. Now Ouse a thence is given to strike a blow for Prohibition. I hope that all who have the beet interests 2 the Province at tweet will strike that blow and Witte it hard, But I mustn't preaelt, We toe, in. Alberta have our hands full of the same great pfohletu," 'The