HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-25, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. pti0UDFOOT, EfARS & KILLORAN BARRISTERS, Home1TURH, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU, W. Paonoeoo'e,.H, 0, R O. Hers J, L• HILLo1AN UEn loe :Those formerly ()coupled by Metier. Cameron & Holt Bonn:non, ONTARIO. ' 7 M. SINCLAIR— • Barristor, Soltaltcr, 0ouveyauoer, Notary i+ublio, &a. Ctnao—Stowart's 131001 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan 13 ern. AUCTIONEERS. 41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • eau, will Ben for better prima, to better men in less time and leas-obarges than anyoiher Anettoneerin East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dottie and orders can always be arranged at this office or b .,, mutat npplieation, LL.N o LIVERP Ott"=t 5GOW-LONDON'HA1'' Large, comfortable steamers -every convenience, every luxury. Forinform- atien apply agents, or the Allan Lina TORONTO INE ROYAL MAIL sTEAM9(iTS. 12 W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Bruesele. � ..i.,...6t�,atal._;otc�c� ,.......,... , If youexpeot High'Grede Employ- ment you must notice High Grade Proparatlon. Ona Soltool that is 0 y welotlysup throughmot Canada Por atrlotly superior training is the 1` , yr r TORONTO, ONT. Graduates of this School readily ob- train employment because there are r every year of openings hl this city ovary year and we are celled upon to '� fill more than we can. , Enter any time. Open all year. Catalogue rent an request i Cor. Young and j W. J. ELLIOTT, t, Alexander Ste. s Principal. EMTI3AL ti STRATFORD. ON l'. 3- Become 0 specialist in Buaino.*s. It Z offers more oppportunioies than any - other calling. To reap the full melts- ureofsuccesyou must have no best. V possible training. This is Ontario's ,..s Best Business School Wenoho i. give hi. dividual attention. - You may enter our < classes � at any time. Three Depart.a V moats, Commercial, Shorthand and < Telegraphy. Write at mate for our V free catalogue - D. A. cLACHLAN, Principal. .'J M itMvatel'bltA 'AtAYMII MAM7AMVru x rdiYt.,.....,,,et.SyInterListo agee I Business 11 co e e g' i. 01' Any time Q �� AND Grow with us. For particulars address-- EDWIN ddress—EDWIN C. MATTHEWS, Prin. t9t g �4m RraG.m%V,mR4Atiz~IIvAi �.'A'4�!AV,sA-4,a2 rs�'4At+� Sillisesnameassim saseassumeteasememessonf THE Best Brains in Canada havo participated in the pro• pm'ation of our splendid Home. Study Ootu•000 In Bunking, Economies, Higher. A000untnna, Commercial Art,' Show Oat's Writing,Photography,raphy Jourunl- lst,Short p��aa�Shorthand and Bookkeeping, the work which most interests you.. and write ns for pnrticnnara, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 3914 Tango 8t., Toronto OI®® COLLEGE AT HOME • Thousands et mnbitious Y611118 1300' ple ate fast preparings b in theirown nombeto conpy n 0 oepositions apiora, innkeepers,tlgto Pliers, civil syts, in fnevery sphere f activities, You may Ellish at cone if yell so wish. Positionsgum•- vivad. Enter college ty day, Indi- vidual nl i Ttune e, Expert teachers. Thirty yours' xSv, Largest in Cnnado. Se. coleges,Spoolol boro for tenohera• Affiliated with tlommerolal Edina• tor'eAasoolation of Canada, %Mailer Sehool at famous Spotton Buainebe Col- lage, London. Win hem Bussiness Coll ege Guo, S1+oxa'0N., W, T. Morten pt'ealdent P1410061 Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VE'TE'RINARY SURGEON, Suaooaeor to M. H. Moore, Offloe at Ander. eon tiros. Livery stable, Brueeels. Telephone No, 29. DR. T. T, M'RAE daahetor of Medicine, TJniversity of Toronto i Lioonlnto and Graduate of: the College of Phy. Mamas and Surgeons, Ont, . Post' graduate Ohmage Bye,.liar, Nose and Throat Hospital, Uhleago, Ill Ez•Houtie Surgeon to sp. mole eel's Hospital Toronto, Otfoo over F. R, Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone 05nteetion with Ur'unbrook at all house. DR, f' T. BRYANS tiealu•Iar of tiedielne, Unweraity Of Toronto ; t. seen' hl to or ung„ ,f Physicians mut. 0 0.0444, Ontario• rentor ttone M111,, •na 0 Ynsterll 1deNlllt,ll, Toren to Mites of late Ur. A. McKaves, Smith Meek, SI.uoo,,I . Rural phone 45, ALEX. D. M'KELVEY M,B., M,O,P.&S.O. 1110 Blom. street Bast, 'Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Threat Clinical ass:etaut in pa', Nose and '1 bloat de- vtirtwmlt New Gei,w'al Hospital. Toronto : Post Graduate. Halliard Medical Sobool, Fos- ton ; hate Senior Resident Surgeon Mnna, Eye & Rae Infirmary • late Clinical assistant in Nose and Throat department Mees Gen, Eos. pilot 1 lute House Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. lIn Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. -ONT. Physician arld Surgeon : Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals,: Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office in Isard Block, Wingham Phone 249. - Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night malls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOQIST" Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick, Medioal. College, Chicago, 111. 1s prepared to teat eyes and fit glasses at her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 1. to 0 p. In, Forenoons by appointment. Phone 1219. T. R. BENNETT Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pare bred stock sales a specialty. Write. or 'phone 28 Wroxeter. BRUSSELS Goma SOUTH GOING NORTH .bail 7:07 aroExpress 10:55 am Express 11:25 n m I Mail 1:59 p m Express 2:55D to Express 8:52 p m CitArdarAlr g ni',rp 'WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express. 7:52 a mExpress 11:19 e Express 1;22 p m I m Express 8:45 p m WROXETER ER T Going East - 7:05 a. In. and 8:65 p, nn. Going West - 12:48 and 9:47 p. ln, A II trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. R. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. - istriri get% 50 CENTS gets THE Pon, to any Canadian postoffice address for balauee of 2944. POSTMAS'T'ER AND MRS. FISHER, of Wingham. recently celel.reted the 5nth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Fisher has held the position of post master since 1867. M. Y. McLean. of the Huron Exposi- tor. Seaforth, was seized by a weak spell on the street, on Tuesday, H of last week, and had lo'g o home. Mr. McLeau is all right a gin we are glad to say. —'1' regular W. C, '1'. U. he 1vu Or monthly meeting of the. W, C. T U. will be held ou Friday afternoon, June 26th, at 3 o'clock in the Public Library. An ad- dress, "Temperance in the home," will be given by Mrs, (Rev.) Mann. SEAFORTH NEWS,—W, A. and Mrs: Crich, drove over to Brussels on Sun- day, and spent the day, with friends there,—Mrs. Brine and Miss Frank - Brine motored over to Brussels on -Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. O'Neil, in their car, and visited Mrs. Brine's daughter, Mrs. P. Scott. • - FARMERs' INSTl'1'UTE.— The Annual meeting of Beet Huron Fanners' In- stitute and the Wolnea's Institute for the same District will convene gat Walton on Saturday 263h inst., com- mencing at 2 pi on. A speaker from the Live Stock branch of tine Department of Agriculture will _address the men and Mrs, (Dr.) Hamilton will discuss various •questions with g the delegates. to the Women's Institute. Marge attendance is expected. DID 130T PAN OUT.— The Wroxeter Star of last week says —"The defeat of the Wroxeter foot ball team at Cliutou leaves 13russe11 ahead in the race for district'houors. Our boys are deter- mined to place themselves on a level with the latter by heating them on Friday night. If they are successful in doing this the championship of the district will probably be decided by a sudden death gauze on neutral territory. Friday night's game theretore promises to be a fast one.. 'Bo sere and see it," Result of Friday's game 3 to 0 in favor of Brussels, . hence there will -be no sudden death gatno, - MEDtOINit.HAT 1'IMMM, MAX' 59TH.:— count treasur- er J. R Holmes, v J Ontario, was > a et• of Huron county, O , Medicine Hat visitor yesterday. The doctor, who is on a tout' of the West for recreation and incidentally with elle eye open- tot, a good investment, is a veteran of the American Civil war, where he served in, the medical corps, and of the Canadian militia, seeing service in the Fenian raid. He is alto the hero of several well fought battles for he Conservative party, rtY, though l 1141- fortunately 141' f rtuna elithe olds were ever a afuAt hon in poltica. He fs much impressed ,vtth the position, advantages .and the future ofvledlciue Hat and save the city lo apjsateutly holding tip against the present depression as well as any city in the West and much better than some," HntoNIANs.— W. 0, McTaggart, ebatrmep of the Public school board, Toronto, is the Liberal candidate for one of the seats in filet city for: the Provincial contest, He is a well known Heroniau, having been raised near Exeter, Dr, Forbes Godfrey, of Mimics, the late member and present Conservative candidate for West York, Spent his boyhood days at Belgrave, where his father was pastor of the Methodist church. Mrs, Godfrey is a daughter of the late Mrs, Tuffts, of Bclgrave. W. K. McNaught, late member for one of the Toronto seats, but who was defeated at the nominating convention, is an olcl Huroniae having been 'lased in Grey, Mr. Owen, one of the late Toronto representatives and Apia a candidate in the Conservative interest, practised law for a time in Clinton, Hon. I. 13. Lucas, Provincial I'teasurer, is a brother of Mrs. 1. E. Hovey, Clinton, When That OoId Comes. Bow is it to be cuee/l ? This method is simplicity itself. Rub the chest and throat well with Nerviline, use it as a gargle and take some 1u hot water before retiring along with one of Dr, FLaurilton's Pills. Next morning fields you refreshed, free from cold and bright ad a dollar. These household remedies aro wonder- fully successful, and certainly won't fail in your case. Ike sale at all dealers. Eth--�•---- INBm1TUTE.—Sal.urday27th inst., Is the date set for the Annual District meeting of East Huron Women's Ilnstitute and the place of meeting will be Walton. A. cariole will leave Mr. Voddeu's hotel at 12 o'clock to accouimodate the ladies wishing to. attend this meeting. Those intend- ing to go should let Me. Vodden know, Corrie Mrs, And. Doig is visiting her son, Paul, in London. Mrs. J: Stelurniller is at present visiting with her sister in Berlin. Mee. Lather's, of Salem, visited with her parents, Robert and Mrs. Earl. Mrs. Thos. Holmes, of Detroit, is visiting with her uncle's, Jas. Leech. Rev. W. 11. Roberts and Fred. Taylor attended the Synod at Lon- don. Miss Jane McGuire has been suc- cessful in passing her final exams. at the Stratford General Hospital, and is now nursing at St. Paul, Walton Rev, aid Mts. Turner, of Blyth visited et the manse. Mr, 804101 MI'S. Gardiner, of Tucker - smith, visited at the Gardiner home. Road work is the topic and work of the past week. Huron Go. is fat' faired fur her gold' roads. Anumlbet• from stere al ended the Excursion to Detroit and report a gond time barring rough water. Mr. Ryan has purchased an auto- mobile. We wonder when he Will '111' a pleasure i1 take 119 i tIi t 1 p arl+ o v.la 30LIr hear ,Tns. Pax, o1 Til,a,11, sl Wallin) Garden Pat t y. The ladies are trolling to make a reword Garden Party for their Jubilee year. The Ot adle Roll Party at the Pres- byterian Munich on '1`tesday 45118 a Hite success, Everybody had a splendid time. The pastor reported that Ile had baptized 122 at Walton 31111 1Ionevieff in five ytmm's. Special Jubilee services were held hist Sunday at 11 10. in. :and 7 p. w. In Duff's church. Rev. Mr Laird of Potonto preached. A1, ii„sial retutiol was held on Tuesday evening when a good program, of .1.1111 eases by 1,ntuer p1001018 and t•iailing clergymen, music, etc.. Was Wynn. Pity the Busy Office Man. He feel half dead,a sense of le s L e 1 ll train nausea, headache and clue attain, He IS on the verge of breakdown through overwork and lack of oxer•- rise. These difficulties are lies'. ever. dome by lh•, Hamilton's Pills, which - elake the bowels active, stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby free the systemp- of inn ni'iLies. tT o re- vitalize and stimulate your whole be- ing, to shake off lethargy and - tired- ness, nothing compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which do make good looks, good spitiite and good health. Sold everywhere in 25e boxes, Ooderich The annual excursion of the West Hut'op faetners' institute to the Model farm at Guelph was held on Saturday. Rev. James Hamilton left last tveeic for Bulks Palls. 4V1101e he will spend 10 ditye visiting his daughter, Miss Agnes liltnliltou, - Two more circular flower beds. have been fortnedtol the Court house lawn. These will he planted with Hovers of the season. The P. NV. Department had , a 'newer and team cutting the long grass, or rather hay, on the sides of the streets and the crop is a good one, Downing & IVRacVicar, 'who have conducted a boot and shoe business iu Goderioh for the past 11 years, have dissolved partnership, 1411'. Downing retiring. Conductor Tom Aasebt'ook Was the pi•ondprofessor of ra tnushl'ooln whims weighed 11 ounces and measured 211r inches in circumference, and from t fr the base of stein to top' of plant, 71 inches. o tL111111'11tl Registrar (Melee has beautiful showing of peooeybloom in the at den u1 the ,r of his house e 11a 6+ probably the finest in town. = '1•lia 1'nse1 i11 'tear of the leglstl•y officeave bf6inning to Thaws' .their, glorious bloom. George Beacom and George T0001p- eon narrowly terupeel Tel irnls injury When the drill -boatel' of the. hose wagon gave way as . I.hey were re- sponding to the nail of. fire at the Star theatre. - 13ot h 111011 fell at the ;ill 1:3eacou t heels of the team.' y I held roto the ,ftig hLcnc hlckil tl doing en was II'Ilw tt'Io•s, .hn in rl nl t1s II n It1cs t g und,9•,t he wheel of the .1 agoi, white, t eit etlllided with a -holm. 1011 1'ig, No, serious damage oeon:veil, While FEELS LIKE A NEW WOMAN As Lydia P. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. Piqua, Ohio.—"I would be very un- grateful if I fa'led to give Lydia - E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound the praise it deserves, for I have taken it at different times and it always re- lieved me when. other medicines failed, and when I hear a woman com- plain I always rec- ommend it. Lastwin- ter I was attacked with a severe case of organic weakness. I had backache, pains in my hips and over my kidneys, headache, dizziness, lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached and. I was always tired. I was hardly able to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound on one other occasion, and it had helped me so I took it again and it has built me up, until now I feel like a new woman. You have my hearty consent to use my name and testimonial in any way and I hope it will benefit suffering women."—Mrs. ORFILA TURNER, 431 S. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex shouldnotdoubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re- store their health. If you want special advice write to Lydia E.Piultliam Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, road and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. both men were considerably bruised they consider themselves fortunate to escape as they did. The Presbyterian Summer School, which will be held again in Godenich this year rtoin June 29th to July 610 promises to be to big success. Enroll- ments are rolling in from all parts of Western Ontario, Hotel Sunset has been secured for place of meeting and accommodation and everyone who can should attend. Por hill parti- culars apply to Rev. Gen, E. Rose. Proved After Fifty Years. The test of time has proved that Putnam's Ocru Extractor cures quick- er, with less discomfort and more thoroughly than anything else. Con- tains no acids is purelyvegetable and a1 Isaias el > 1iL1YLtl lee Iasi • on t d st Y1 "Putuuul's” Duly—it's the best. Morris • Several changes - will take place in the school teachers in Morris to w nshi p this Summer, A wile fence has been placed along 1 he. 111)181 lice of James Spear's flee 100 /loves, South of Brussels. It should lend valuable aid in keeping the gravel roach free,front snow block- ades as it has been a very bad road for drifting and pitch holes. GOOD OATTLE,-0. B Forrest, 2nd. line, sold a fine bunch of cattle to Harry Grainger, Molesworth, that would be difficult to beat. The heaviest weighed 17'70—a 3 year old steer—cud rho other' 5 propoi tion- ately. Mr. Forrest got 8t cents per Hound foe the lot or nearly 13800, The cattle went to Buffalo, N. Y. OBIT,—There died at her home in Orrie 0 1 Q31' !+n dtL es q of lust week atter an ills e illness extending aver some months, Salah A. Dungan,, belo ed %vire of Wirt. G. Hoy. Deceased was born at Moore's Falls, New York in the year 1866 tlnd was Married to her now bereft husband 25 years ago last September. About 11 years ago the family moved from the States and settled on Lot 15, (Jou. 10, Morris, where they have since lesid0(1, In teltggion the late Mrs. Hoy tuns a Methodist. She was the mother of two , children, \Viiliam, of Morris, and Alice Mabel at home. Besides the immediate family, there is left to 11.100m 13141' loss 8 brothers, namely Thomas Dougan, of Morels ; William,, m L •e 3 9 4 OOPSon m P A O b 4 m Machine Shop o Brussels ••o j Desire to thank the popple of v t Brussels and district for the way e o they have encouraged them by s 4 Sending in their work. We hope 'o athey will continue the same.. All kinds of repairs will be • e- promptly aL en 1 L dcd to c n farm m implements, threshing outfits, O * tubing, plttehing and tal1, kinds 1 Of boilee repairs. Yeala of• ex- spi iiace 0this tows of wo'lc • suable them to givo best ofsat- Sisfaction, m o OuBLiveto), and plowshares q es ground, s • Lawn mrltees sharpened and A set,• 0 • Automobile repairs. O o Fair Price Guaranteed, 0 e O Don't bo afraid —9cnd Ali your r 1 ® repairs along. o ir m I C. POPE & SON • 000040000400000000040044+0+ of Moore'rt Falls, N. Y and Edward, of Wellesley, Mass, Interment took (lace Thursday afternoon at the TTnion cemetery, service being held IVs the home at 1,30 o'clock. The family have the empathy of the community in their bereavement, - Grey Misses Jessie Menzies, Tena Dielc- son and 0la Armstrong and Harvey hoover ale home frorn Stratford Not mal School having completed theft leen), W (1, Glassier, of liauliltou form- erly of this townabip lite joined a Y, M. 0. A. 01)0131S of 1010 who rite to sing in the Armouries in that city during the holding of the Exhibition July 0 to 18, Duke's school house will be the place of a political meeting Prideyy evening of tis week in behalf of VV. Pi mid foot, Liberal candidate, when the questions of the day will be die - ceased by Mr, Peoudfoot, A, Hislop, W. H. li;orr and others, Seats will bet'eseived fur ladies, Chair will be taken at 8 o'clock. ter' Fordwich Chas, Harris and John Holt have each plirOhased automobiles. Miss M. Leask, from the West, is visiting heir sister, 111i's. (Rev.) Dob - 00n. Miss Effie Glass, M. A., of Toronto, isvisiting her aunt, Mrs, A. 0. Snthet•an. Adam Spence and Wm. Goggin were in London last week attending the Synod, The third annual picnic from Fo•d- wieh and vicinity will be held at Pike Lake on July let. Rev. and Mrs..A. B. Dobson enter- tained the members of Goi.'rie and Ford wich Ladies' Aid Societies to tea. The cheese factory at Carthage, owned by Marshall At met formerly of this place, was totally destroyed by fire. B. S. Cook left Wednesday morn- ing of last week for a trip as far West as Calgary, lie expects to be away about two months. We hope his health may he mush improved on his return. Seaforth M. Broderick attended the races in St. Thomas. A, A. Naylor presided over• the Entrance Examinations in Blyth, Thomas Stephens jr., was in Tor- onto attending the funeral of his cousin, Harry McKinney. Miss Belle McNab is not recovering as fast as her (many friends would like and is still confined to bed. Mrs. L. C. Jackson, who has been visiting her brother's in Philadelphia for the past few - weeks, returned home last week much improved in heal th. The sacred rite of Confirmation was administered by the Right Rev. Bis-_ hop Fn11cu Monday evening of last week in St. James' church Seaforth to 83 candidates. J. F. Ross, of the Collegiate In- stitute sLatY left for his home m Nan- ticoke, to speed his holiday. Mo. Ross will have charge of the S. 0. 1. Boy Scouts at Landau this Summer. 4 Mts. Howard Hartry spent the week end with her husband in Lon- don. Mrs. Henry was in seat•eb of a suitable house as she intends moving to London as soon as one can be ob- tained. Mrs. G: MeL. Chesney and little son, of Calgary, are here to spend the Summer at the home of Mrs. Ches- ney, Jobn street. R. E. Cresswell, who spent the Winter in California and WVestern States, has returned home. Samuel and Mrs. Dickson and daughter, Mrs. A. D. Sutherland, left recently to spend the Summer with friends in Port Saskatchewan and Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson have a son in Edmonton, S. A. Dick- son, barrister, and a daughter in Fort Saskatchewan, Mrs. S. O. Jones. Atwood Elute Council met stet Saturday. Orangemen of this district will celebrate the 12th of July at St. Marys. Mrs. (Rev.) Hislop Dickson, of Rainy River, Ont., is visiting with - lhos. and Mrs. Dickson. Robert Forrest, of town, has a small lot of rye in his garden with stalks in it that measure 10 feet 6 11101tes.. - During the heavy thunderstorm on lday 29th, six head of cattle owned by Chas. E. Oog111in, boundary, wets. struck by lightning and killed. Tno, B. Hamilton and- J. P. Green - sides went to Quebec city as delegates from Court Lansdowne, No, 93, 0. 0. F., Atwood, to the High Court, SVfiss Minnie Pearl, eldest daughter of Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Hussey, of At- wood, was married to E. G. Coghill), druggist, of the same plane, on Wednesday, June 24111. Jaime Cheese ,Ss Butter Mfg. Co„ Ltd., shipped their make of cheese for the last part of May on June 12th to the Swift Canadian Co„ Ltd., Stratford. Total cheese made in May 400, Amount realized $4021.11. Nesbitt Hamilton disposed of his stock of groceries, which he purchas- ed From Stanley Ford, to 1vlr. Lowry, of Brussels, who had it boxed up and shippedto that town on Monday, of last week, a• WI nx'ham Mrs. W, P. Ironstone went to Lon- don to meet iter little grandson, Van - stone Forster, who has come from Charleston, Mo, L".G Sperling llin holds the record in Wtngbam this year for early sweet peas. 141r. Sperling picked bloom from his sweet pea vines on Juno'11th. Miss Marguerite Honuth has suc- cessfully passed her intermediate piano land vocal examinations, the latter with dust class honors. She also captured tine prize for highest standing i)1 the oollege. • Alt's. Richard Vanstone and Miss Jean V nit t e v1si It " 1 tat to 1 were i 6i n g n,, vile it t ' Toronto and O tk 1 'Wh t 1n Oakville Miss Jean had the misfortune to tweak a bone in her wrist 'while attempting to save herself trete, fall. 1 ing, Goo. Oliver - and H., - B. Elliott, Wingham were in Quebec attending the annual meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters. At the recent examinations of the. British Columbia Pbat'macentieal .Aesoeiation held at Vancouver A. B. Carolyn, yonugest son of William Colwyn of town, was bead of sueoess- ful candidates. Mr. Cornyn le in charge of the Prescription De. pltrtment of the Poole Drng Company of •Nelson, 33. 0. Y, 0, Holmes, of the Electric Shoe Repairing Slop, has sold out the Shoe Shining Dspattmeot to Geo.' Moir. This WW1 necessitated by his assistant, 0. Williams, securing a more lucrative position with the Gurney Glove Factory. Mr. Holrnes will continue the shoe repairing As usual. Listowel J. A, Watson and J. A. , Kelly at- tended the races at St. Thomas, Alex. Baird had the misfortune to have his shoulder and ribs injured. Theme were 90 candidates trying their Entrance Examinations at the local High School. J. 11. McDonald has men engaged tearing out the ruins of the fire at the rear of his store on Main street. Miss Norma Hermiston, a graduate of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, secured her senior supervising examination for the teaching of music in the public schools. C. L. Doolittle has taken up his duties as 0, P. R. conductor on the Linwood to Listowel run, Mr, Mc- Dougall has gone to Guelph to run from Guelph to Hamilton. The ground on the West side of the postoffiee between the driveway and the new cement wall has been laid out into flower beds and when seeded down will snake a great improvement to the grounds. Thursday night thieves broke a window at the eland Trunk station and succeeded in effecting an entrance by unfastening the window catch. They broke into the money till but did not get any spoils as the money was placed in the safe over night. They broke into the ticket ease and stole some blank tickets but got nothing that would be of any value to them. Blyth Rev. T. H. Parr was in attendance at the Huron Synod in Londou, Mrs. Bartlett and daughter, Mrs. Havill, of Detroit, Mich., were guests of Diva Wm. Jackson. Annual meeting of Blyth Rural Telephone Go., was held in industry Hall, June 20th. A. W. Sloan, who has been con- fined to the house for some time with Ca very sore foot caused by a nail running into it, is now able to be a- round again, although foot is still very painful. Jas. and Mrs. Outt went to Toronto to meet their son, James R.. who was ou his way to Germany in connection with the Star Petroleum and Gas Go., of Calgary, Alberta, of which he is a director. Mr. Outt, jr., arrived in the cityat noon on Sunia and 0 y left that evening for New York where he took passage. The case of Wm Jonston vs Tilos.. Coulter, a charge of making threats to do plaintiff bodily harm ; and Tlhos. Coulter vs. Wm. Johnston a charge of assault, were aired before Magistrates Milne and Emigh. Through the arrangements of Law- yers gg lm of in ham and Br de Holmes, W one, of Clinton, both were bound over to keep the peace, each paying half the costs. .CANADIAN PACO F I C. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION S TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 27111, inclusive.' Winnipeg and Return - S35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations Wast and North of Toronto. Proportionate faros from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. Particulars regarding RAIL Or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry., Toronto. 1150, H. 1. JACKSON, Agent BRUSSELS Few People 11111111111111e 011011•11111111090110111 Outside of those who have made a study of it, are able to design or choose the right memorial for a particular purpose. My business is that of helping my patrons to select• a monument, a headstone or other manker for a grave or a plot that will please people by ire harmony with its surroundings and by its expressive appeal to memory, My success in choosing aright is more to me than dollars and cents. With me monumental work it a' profession, a life work. I feel the ' same pride in a beautiful design that an artist in water color feels in an artistic landscape. If you will come to me and talk about what you would like to get I will make your wishes my own and they shall be carried out in the way that will 'secure right re- sults. Brussels Granite & Marble Works ALLAN E; HEHSEY, Proprietor D'IATII.IIRONSAL.—A pretty June wed- ding took place at the home of George and Mrs. Leith, Morris street at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning of last week when their only daughter, Miss Emma Mae, was united in marriage to Won. Herbeson McElroy, son of ex -Councillor and Mrs: McElroy, Bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. to the .strains of the wedding march' played by Miss Etta McBrien, of Clinton, the cere- mony being performed by Rev. W. D. Turner. of St. Andrew's church. The bride looked charming in Ivory Duchess satin, trimmed with pearls and shadow lace. Travelling in a suit of navy blue crepe cloth. After congratulations, the guests number- ing about80 adjourned to the dining- ' room where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. Guests were present from Toronto, Galt, Ohenook, Mont.,and Stratford. Bride was the recipint of many beautiful presents, attesting the esteem in which she is held. The happy couple left on the 4 p. no. train for Stratford, 'Toronto and - other 'points, and on their return will take up housekeeping in the groom's residence, Queen street. Tile Delivery Those who wish to .pur- chase Tile around.Brus- sels are requested uested to send order to Henfryn P. 0. or Phone 355. Upon receipt of enough orders we will send a car load to Brus- sels station. - Cole & Dougherty Paper flu- John Lunn Painter, Paper Hanger - Grainer and Decorator A Trial Solicited First -Class Work Phone 41x Thomas Street, - Brussels • • • e HE SEASON is now' ab 0 A hen' ' d for the sale o£ ®Buggs ' © Buggies and all intend- ® e ing purchasers will do well' • and save money by calling at e S e D. EWAN'S UP-TO-DATE • • CARRIAGE FACTORY", i • • ISB u e S We take no backseat and • • Bugg) are always on the for an • • t e ® up-to-date Buggy,' Our Bug - o gies have stood the test of all •e •• �i �.i �; g N f'.S competitors for close to 80 e • a yettrs, which should be a • a • guarantee in itself, Our • • Styles and Material this year s ® are more up-tadate than all previous years. ' Everybody ie Mede • weleope to examine our Show Roams and purchase aEwan Buggy, • it1oaudew:i 1 get, satisfaction as well as Oneonta t n home ® a • Wood Work dobe in all its branches. • • Buggiesre-painted and Baggy Tops re -lined and Covered to a look as good as new at reasonable prices, ••s e • • e • • D Ewan's Camgra Factar � 1.........,!