HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-25, Page 4+4((�, r a use my iefieeuee to call the vote off. IIC bio Et Mr. Snider said he was willing to try to F unin I influence fellow Conservative wur'Iters FALLING iAil �a"EJ JUNE 2 along that line. He also said he had THUR,'3DAY, J 5, I 914 hash at an all-night meetiug in 'Toronto MANIFESTO From the Executive of the Huron County Branch of the Dominion Alliance Clinton, June 19, 1914 On the eve: of a Provincial !election we wquid earnestly urge the Temper- ance electors of all parties to consider impartially the great issue now before the people. For many years the Temperance people of the Province, irrespective of party, have united in urging upon the various goveruments in power, the enactment of some law that would make the public bar a thing of the past and that should most effectually con- trol the operations of the Liquor traffic and remedy its evils; This policy is now presented to the electors and upon it we are to pronounce our verdict. Our County of Huron, on the 29th of January last, spoke with no equivocal voice on the geese )n. As a result we shall have in a few weeks a bar - less county. The question now is, shall this Immunity from the open bar which we may oniov be extended to the whole Province? Iu our recent cam- paign paign severalLocal Option Municipalities joined in the C. T. A. campaign for the county's sake. Can we not with equal generosity unite with others in an of fort to abolish the bar throughout Ontario ? We would remind you that the several candidatesa our votes on the seeking kin g Y 29th of June have had ample opportunity to declare their attitude towards this policy, as .definite questions bearing on this subject have been submitted to each. Is it too much to ask the tem- perance electors. of Huron County to support only such candidate as has pledged himself to support the most advanced Temperance legislation ? We have already shown by our votes that we are overwelmingly opposed to the open bar. Shall we now dispose of the old joke that temperance men are NEVER TEMPERANCE VOTERS AT A POLITICAL ELECTION. This may mean a breaking of old party ties,'and it is 1)o easy•matter, even temporally to disassociate ourselves from the political affiiations of years ; but if we are to redeem our oft re• peated word we must now stand loyally by those who are prepared to give effect to the principles for which we have so long coctended. The issue is very clear, This is our day of opportunity ; it is also our day of responsibility. The Temperance party of Huron County and of Ontario is on its trial. We cau have what we want 1 If the open bar remains to imperil every home it will be because our indifference or our mistaken party loyalty gives it a fresb lease of life. We have often prayed for the destruction of the liquor traffic—on the 29th of June let us vote as we pray. Signed on behalf of the Executive Committee, A. T. COOPER, President, 1. A. IRWIN, Secretary. POLITICAL POINTERS II Proudtoot, Anderson and Zeller. Let every vote be polled next Monday and early at that. Ontario expects every true man will do his duty next Monday. Poll your vote before r p. 1n. The Boy or the Bar is the slogan next Monday. It is a great issue and worthy of hearty support. That bogus map, relative to the "wet" end "dry" territory in Ontario, is no credit to the promoters. Independent forecasts say Rowell will be the next Premier andill w1 beg lien a chance to inaugurate hisTemperance g mpe ance policy. While North Huron is a gerrymander- ed riding to give A. H. Musgrove 200 of a majority reports say Geo, Anderson is likely. to win next Monday. The boys and young men of Ontario call for your support next Monday in re- moving temptation by "Banishing the Bar." Will you guard their interests? 28 per cent reduction in rural school grants in 1993 yet a million dollar ex- • penditure no the Lieut. Governor's new palace. What does the sural voter think of this? We have not seen A. H. Musgrove's declaration as to where he stands on the Temperance issue. The five other candidates in Huron have written their replies to the County Association. Make Wm. Proudfoot's majority the biggest on record, if moo all the better. The Government is anxious for his ode- feat,a d n s meI fo k say v is mons being used with this object in view. If you want a fearless, straightforward repre- sentative get busy in his support. J. G, Anderson has a right 10 run in North Huron as he was gerrymandered oat of his seat in Bruce Co. and A. H. Musgrove voted for it. Mr. Musgrove must Kaye a short memory as he was no "outside candidate" when he opposed the late Thos, Gibson in East Huron, Mr. Anderson is an old Ashfield boy and the vote next Monday will prove they have not forgotten him. The coining of Inspector Snider to Huron Co, last January with his mes- sage to kill' the Canada Temperance Act for fear it would injure the Conser• vative party, was a contemptable piece of business. If the government did not have tv anything to y do with it whydict they notgive him his walkingcket when the acts were Made lain to thein? Why was the investigation burked itt the douse? '[frank Becheu• an, of Wiugliam, President of Heron Co. Temperance Associatiot and a life long Conservative, gave the following. statement re Snider''s visit to hila 1-- ."rhis gentleman called on me for a confidential talk and represented that he was sent by the Department or the proper authorities to see what could be done, as The Canada 'Temperance Act WAS in 90 Way to be compared with Loott1 Optionendif the thing went on it would jeopardize the Government He wanted to see If something cottid be done to prevent the'vote earryitig. He represented himself as the Inspector of Ile poetotseud'cattlehero As an .oll'1oia1 of 1110 GOvefltnteat and Waffled the to and they had agreed that they were in a bad potetion if the•-C(uaada Temperance Act carried:" Election Day next. Monday, Vote early, Here is Dr, IiLacklin's reply to the enquiry of lluron Co. Central Tem- petanee organization.:— J, A, Lewin, Clinton. Dear Sir—Your letter sets forth the reforms in Temperance Legislation of whichtheDoniinion Allianceapprov; v. I am heartily in sympathy with the reforms enumerated. I favor the methods of the Whitney Government for furthering these measures and I am also in flavor of eoltinning to im- prove the law until Prohibition be- comes complete. Yours truly A. H. MACKLIN. So otout a Oonsetvative paper as The Toronto Telegram said recently about the administration cif the Education Department under Dr, Pyne :—"It is idle to expect anything but wobbling, weak-kneed com- promise will be the policy of the Department of Education while the Hon. R. A. Pyne is at its head. The Minister is totally unable to see into the future, His gaze is apparently concentrated on the depths of the ballot bones—and he is very myopic at. that. Where Ilse ill is fora t a2' statesman who will stand up, Ontario is invited to respect a political' who seems incurably supine." "We do hereby place outselves (111 record as being in hearty accord with thetemperance policyW. t ce1)P N P Rowell. and we urge all one 01)140tles, in all mistime lie timies in Qntaeio, to give him s Aand 111 representatives their lyal support." mid a scene of It emendates enthusiasm the fore- going resolution, moved by H. D. Tresidder, Toronto, and seconded by. 'Mr. Keifer, of Berlin, was unanimous- ly carried at the session of the Ontario Ohristian Endeavor Union in Owen Sound, last week, There were 750 delegates present at the Con- vention, which was presided over by the Rev. W. A. MacTaggart. The President paid a magnificent tribute to the unselfishness of the Liberal leader, The Methodist Church Officers Speak Out • The Ontario group of the Department of Temperance and Moral Reform of the Methodist church realizing the im- portance of the present provincial politi- cal campaign to the great temperance reform, and through it to every phase of social service, would urge upon you the following considerations: THE METHODIST CHURCH AND 'TEMPERANCE The attitude of the Methodist church towards the liquor traffic has always been relentless opposition. We have never compromised with the traffic in strong drink. We have ever bten determinedly aggressive in the unceasing straggle to destroy this en -my of the health,happiness, owes and hopes of theP P ea le readiness I Our re ai cess to lartici- pate in this great reform is demanstrat: ed in our resolutions in General and Annual Coufereooes and other church courts, and our hearty co•operaticu in every community with those who labor for the cleansing of our statutes of courts, and our hearty co-operation in every community every legal sanction of a traffic whieh knows no law, nor holds sacred any fireside, nor any age, nor sex, and is the prinelpal cause of crime, the occasion of much poverty, suffering and sorrow, and the greatest factor in much of the degradation of humanity and destruction at' our race, THE IS5UE IS UPON U5 The present attitude of industry, commerce and society is largely fever - able towards total abstinence. This attitude demauds advanced legislation to effectually curtail the operations and remedy the evils of the liquor traffic. We helped to pruduce this attitude. It is our unquestionecl responsibility to stand unfalteringly upon our well- kuowurinci les and p , a d put forth every possible effort to secure tee nomination of candidates known to favor and sup- port prohibition, and to use our votes as a solemn trust to elect such candidates. THE OPPORTUNITY IS UPON US We are in the midst. of a Provincial election. The first place in the earn paign has been given to the Cause of temperance. Other issues are im- portant, but the dominant note is : (1) The abolition of the bar, including therein the abolition of all hotel and licenses, club w and therwith the treating .ystem (2) The enactment of such other reei nations upon the residue or the traffic as will limit its operations Sud remedy its evils ; (3) The removal of the three fifths clause from the local option laws of the province, and the use of that law for the removal of all shop licenses which may exist in any mimic' pality, It is our conviction in view of our • persistent .purpose to secure the prohibition of all legislation favoring the traffic in strong drink. that 1t is our dilly as citizens and es Christians to do. our utmost to secure the nomination and election of members of the Legis- lature from every constituency, who will in the Legislature fairly represent es in regard to these issues winch are of such supreme importance. rue RESPONSIBILITY IS UPON US With great earnestness we targe all our people to stand loyally by these principles, preferring them to politic[) phrtizauship, and in every possible way to use their influence, to elect as meal bers of the Legislature those candidates who, . regardless of party affiliations, will undertake, if elected, to introduce and support such legislation. 'Phis is the more important because we are to a large extent responsible for this move- ment to abolish the bat'. I1) root, subsequent to the referendum, .we united with others in urging upon elle government of that day the enactment of a law for "The abolition of the ptrhlic bar, the treating system, and drinking ill club:, and the imposition of Such other restrictions on the liquor traffic as, shall most efleetually eaten its aper• aliens anti remedy its mills," Qur &2'i uN1,0 811 f'Ihli Needless Use Parisian sage Now that 1 au•lsuon '4) _:• 1.111 he 11sui �'; tat ally thing iteun11t eeltniltiA• needless 1.1) have thin, brittle, 2121 1)e•d sttiugy 1)r faded hail, No matter how unsightly the hair, hew b'0ity it'. Is Falling, 1)r heti nmeh 1100111ntT, Parisian Sage i. all Hint is needed. Ft'equent eminent low: aoei well 10lr) 111 11110 the settip will 11011"111902 • fl: ;leis like magic, the 112111 roots use nomi1laed and stimulated le grow new hair, itching scalp, dandruff a1101 falling hair cense--y0Ur head 111Ss flue Best of all the hair bivxnues soft, fluffy, abundant curl radiant with life anil tleanti•. loo will be surmised nn11 delighted with Parisian Sage, lay n . least one fifty cent bottle 1'1 am .Le'.. Fox he 16111 refund the purchase price if you are lint satisfied. church Courts, Dur pulpits, press and platform have many times endorsed this declaration. We must support this policy to consistently meet our t spausl- bility. LET US ACT s't'RONGLY AND UNITEDLY, NOW Believing there is no other issue of such importance before the people in this election, and in view of the in- creasing anxiety of the leaders in com- merce. industry, and society E0 destiny this greatest menanee to the prosnen,t' •a o t D 11'w people, i s' and t ml t f ha ne s n i t P. we earnestly urge all 1111)' pc ,pie to united and strong -hear', d ,Wort in every possinle way ni 2020.0 the electron of such represenl:ulvcs as will secure for us the most advanced temperance legislation that may he within the jurisdiction of the Legislature. Let us fight as independently and earnestly for our principles, as the liquor interests will fight for their licenses, and the next Legislature will surely "Abolish the Bar room." Signed on behalf of the Ontario Group of the Department of Temper- ance and Moral Reform. H. CARMAN, Chairman, T. ALBERT MOORE, Secretary A Case In West Arichat, Mrs. A, P. Ferguson at well known Cape Bretoner leas cured asthma hg "Clttarrhoxou0."1 Her statement is convincing : "Although I tette troubled for years it was oily recent- ly I tried Qatiurhez(ne. When an attack snarled 1 got out. 1113 1:1taler• and fuvarinbly got quick millet, Feel- ing satisfied Catarrhozoeo woni(1 care, I couli:med. the tient went till 1)160 baffle was finished. I didn't 0.0 more because I was cut ed and the asthma has never returned." (lot at l hlazt'Ile 15 sur)' 1101.1.1.11 to 1(811111116 and bans-bi- 116, Try it and be couvleeed, 1'1160 sizes, 25c al1(1 $1.00 at all dealers. LADIES CANNOT SIT IN VESTRIES As was the case last year, the A nglicau Synod of Ilan art, in annual session at, Londonagain ]'e'vil women 11 a voice in the vestries 1)t the a hureh, A motion providing for the en- franchisement 1)1 women, sl flu' as vestry deliberations are 'collaeruld, was introduced by folie 1h-1.1151'1Na of 011010n, but was defeated by the fol. leaving Vote : Clerical vote rot' 77, against 111; lay vote, fur 55, against SZ d, two-thirds vote was tltrtssau•y to carry the motion. An amendment introduced by Charles Jenkins, of Petrolec, who spoke against the motion, p )11111ing for its referenre to a special com- mittee, which would report upon it at the next Synod heeling was also cle- feated. Rev. 111. W. Norwood, rector of Cronyn Memorial church London urged that the motion be adopted de- claring that it wag only just and fair that women be given the vote. C. O. F. 0100 COURT 6a,. r lezes e eMe r? aseel i Late full liut, e l' 111.' tnrinu9.rl9'- ricnhu tl 12, 12 t 111,2 fn',Old,: 111.11 a:w mite to •-0P1dy the •needs (.f 1111 011 010.4'1 11„41(•0. Steel Clay Loaders t ltc 1(181' and only cn Irl one on the market. 1lave Wooden 1)1(12 i1 rerroa. Steel l?`t"/very Rakes j Hay Oars, Slings, &c. These. urachiih+4 are it fl l'1•S4i I y 111 eating r u• t.in' lin, 1(6y mop in pr1)s- 11)1, See linin. Nigh Grade Pianos Phonographs Pawing Maehinas Stook of First -elf ss Bodes I1' you require nev'Ihing i1) my, line Hug phone S2 or eall at my watreroulrl. 1'011 9Ye talWays weleolue, o=va C rL...xn Brussels Bran' Tot 111; 11 Ittaeurer ; \V. L. n +•v ,, Sheltie, •.t od I1 haat nod A. Braid I f t 11igh Auditors , 11 . iti. Cooper, Montreal,. High ie1islliir • Ret . W. J.West, Port Perry, Out, High Chaplain, Dr. Stanley, the CletirInan of the Medical 130211(1, was not: up for eleoliou, its the Il year period l'or which he was previously elected had not expired. 'Phe elected members of flue 1'.x0015 tine Oowtil iltee were i W. J. Steven. son, Toronto, Ont, ; R. T. Kemp, Listowel, Out ' A. R. Galpin, Lon- don, Out. ; J. H. Davidson, Winni- peg, Man. ; A. R. Collin, Truro, N. S. The first four of those wore re-elected and the 111Th lean is placed on the em0ulitLee for the fleet time, Il, wits (leeide(1 to hold the next High Court meeting at St. Catho112 es Ona,. on the Third Tuesday in June 1015. Canaclian Moves rhe Munni militia camp at Niagarn NIS •1 t"ta` s1reaut12 of :1,5 Fti men. The i1q•r(v into the Einp.ess of Ireland dr::41?I •.2'l, bc:;nnat Que;.cc Grave liar-si.:; 6 Blade by tl.e Stors'acl's chief officer at the L'nlpress inquire 11 . &1 lt, y,tn11112 Vier i rr;iflei1t rof l 1- e ( irnoa1'i'i auk. 1:1(1!.a.,y, 1'1s51)1 I'3 VAyonit t)t,let e.l' I ohttuq 1itninnt (12120(1 Ledge 11201.2' 2115)1)1 Mani teed. Hou. 0, retie, l: be ater aut,ou ucec1 Out the anon' will probe the 2cenn freight ', •t -:.c t -e• ; 1,1 1!• v it iI 11,1;, 11011 t•ai.. 1. ip' R era, iii rr.,:,1 , 1.11,1:'1 oar'115) Northeast 1 .root;, 1 �� 3t$yv7 6 ezas — = is certainly one of the most dlsegree- able ailments which h fle;sl) is heir to. Coated toilet/ -1 tter taste in the mouth—nausea—dizziness—these combine to m010111e a burden. The cause is a disur,kred liver—the cure Dr. Eior e's Indian Root fills. They go st1 right to l he root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bov Ie clear 1111tongue and take awaythe bitterto:Cront the mouth t the ln,l Flo of bilious- ness take 3.11 0 D:1 orses 40 toEt 81 E b v O 1D @Ot9. • @fl@4vTd 44 @ p0G b The High 0001'1 of - the Canadian '6' 6 Order of Foresters brought its 351II annual session t to a cise 111 Queh1'e ? ti m Thursday evening. The meeting was.probably the lest e J 0 in the history of dile progressive and a " , 8 prem12(11raterual and benefieia:1V so- r 1-a 11 \P: q Y`.oti. e and some very ire frut 11legis- A. .2 Ial.iou 6Vas elute!oti. 4} iPt� t lea' f2' There wits {real. tauatlimiiy 1t-,, R f f ° w 1 0 mongol the 500 (lelegates, the e111- C- S Av i( J,. (? eels' reports bring alined trnani- '' t '_„arf� +C'. „ .'� 4 e 3 Y either Llp,iu,Idc- 3 ,rima, Waltham or 'e' u o rsly dotted and eclat Iter 1 11 l i ly V question where as tote 1,V1) tall r n bl mg d(I ided by It 111 )8 mala 111 3 Hight Chief li.an5el of the (bike, .T. A. 11te\Vlu 1, barrister or Ont., 11611(1104 the gavel 01111 hie usual ttei1ity, end the relu, 1111,1- lives showed their appt , rntl inn r I his *^ 7 ael'V I(tea 11) (1116` ()l dee by 2'r 1 if 2'.l ling 'tl him t111a111Mouoly 110 Ito, (.21)11,1 lxe I'm 1111(1 Ilam1rien to Us, we will. Show you a5 tive position for the 12Th tion'- {Ot1(1 Watches as ever a J. A. A. Brodeur, or Montreal, was also 1T -elected by ar,'lrualnti,,n Miall awned, the high Virl•(`hirl 11na11:,•1.for the O 1 6th time tool the 01hon' 11irh (leurt 6 " + o \V0 hn,Dh tt ins 111(3' of these officers re-elected Be he mono roar welt: --A. Iran S1n,ri lim, ltrudcea )dmoon, o ig it out f 4,160'(high Secretary ; Robert Elliott, t'ri n it,b 16 7 1 Choice assartment of For VAS by `' 3 Hevener, they embody idl �, '1h\Niat1ntisth ,ncauit byaper et;t : o 4 How !much do you p 03 have 1;o Pay ? Geraniums ® Mom 5,00 l.n 825.00- just ac- p' 1UW and quuuaia Ooddin� 2'f erritlirlp• 10 grade. A11 sieve 1 p� Sej, mid slyli'S of eases. WVBIi.q Cabbgge, Caub'ifinuJell ei Blatin 0 you permit tut to 8llnw yore . 6 i� tom` 0. Also Nouse Plants F' � ,, : », , r n i t 1 m at.wi95told Hi:gravet' 2 MISS KELLY, ? Wroxeter ' 4 48y6 B1'uesels Clrccnhouss. 4441. 44.44'le34.4+4dafrlb+ii.1'9114 6 The llrovincl'tl are to 1e hold on ()r:titiin 's 01 alit 5(11)11 1 1 hr tougregat 'ldt,l'. 1 a Strong aho,:10•n of the hi tlretilna ill Manitoba ter 10,11 of J613. t 111 ts1"111 Endeavor mai 11(5••latl at Owen ie 1):d l:'uiou of Canada ta.eoettiou in favor 1)l' tr. The hig dredge i)elver, with a crew of 1« ,,ink at 1) p. 1)1, ou15i110 Port Dol - len sie, ):d- 1 elsre, 'Pea amen were '14611101 by lugs, Glee Walter Burt, vete:duly w110 Some of the others )nay have been left ashore, A Hard Oaso Overcome. No lunger 11000ssary 10 seller 1'10111 m11w)elae 1'1e.lenfU ism. 14very case eats Is, ('11104. Plrrazni5e is unrolling 1)5 proved by David Joltnsiou, of Or- mond, Ont. ",Ply wife wag 21 dread - lid sufferer" lie un Res. "For two yl (II 1 010 could se0rcel3' du any 'rot lc. torr knuckles 1 es tool ,juit)ts swelled, chile 11g lot lure. To get up du' dow u slid). was 101pc1 511,11'. She 1,1)112 905 a1'1er tux of Nel'rnione told robbed the role places with Nervi line. Im- provement, el ruled and she mended fast. Today she is quite cured and ve thank Jferrozon0 fur 11 it r:ovelry," W Voters' List 1914 N0 remedy more popular with duel , is than b'eeroroue 1 it does core, 505 pct box at all dealers. Toronto Methodist Conference went on record 85 opposing Sunday golf, motoring and teas, Notice to Creditors Lr the matter of the estate of Willialil A Wh le. We of the 'Township of ,toms, i1) the County of 1lerou, Po..rinc• e.1 Qletuio, farmer, tle- crnsul Not ire r- hervhv given pnra51011 to See. 06, Mum 1 • 0, of the .Statutes of Ootni'lo, 1, George ';',111111.1111 persons having any Online 85e0110 the 1111,1 William A. White, who died on or 0 hunt the 9211d they of A pr11, 1014, are required to1e,d by 116701 u6Opa18 or delivV' to $tett, 12/2150710 Post Olden, agent fur 5152'yy tllhel White, Executrix of the estate of WI lana A, White, their name+ and addresses end fullpnrtionlnrs 111 writing of their claims before the 211th day of July, 1014, after which dote:he avid 1Esor111ors willpro- ceed t0 distribnte the assets of the said decea5' ed nnl)ng 111* persons entitled thereto Moving regard only 110 the e10fin0of which they shall then have had notice and that they will not be liable for the said 00eeta or any part thereof to July person of whose 81,11111 they shall not then have received notice Dated at Brussels this 20t11 day of Jena, 1014. F. S. Soomm, • Agent for Executrix, M unicipaiity of the Twp. of Croy, County of Huron. Notice isherebygiven Mutt I have transmit- ted or delivered to. the persona mentioned In, 82. A ,b,-d���-.6,,>b,��.4k,• .S motions 8 end 8 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the oopto.1 required by sold section to be P . is made, 'so 19)1.5 1 to 95 or delivered o the list da ' t It e. ni Ac of el erSOn appearing ' alai m t a d t L s P q hy .he last revised' Assessment Roll of the unicipalityt LegislativeyntEblyienstar members of the Legislative n 1ve Ant the 010 1 at 159 fl Municipal l rested Mons; nndthna 1117 said list was first lusted rutin my office in Ethel on the 24th dry of Stine 1914, and remains there for lnspeotlon. Electors ere caned upon to examine the said list and, if any omissions or any other errors are found :herein to take immediateproceed• ingo to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to law. Dated this 25th day June, 1014. A, 11. EXAOAONALn, Clerk of Grey, 1 W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended tn night or day. Phone 2' 2,11 �w. T H EL., ONT. e a;2' v- � .v,�.�''7®"Cp'�.'�"�"�„'. 4 o u G e t h fl fl. u.S Because Your Liver is Lazy You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its work, The bile does not flow. You become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting, You have that "bitter as gall" taste, The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated— turns sick—vomiting', and violent headache.—The best preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's Tablets. They make the liver do its work—strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c, a bottle —All Dealers aud Druggists, or by mail, 1 Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. -. r, a n t -e - r Ala .11,:.... itr...�`x$ .. .. 11..,11.-._ .-. . I He pays 'ars for his vanity. The man who buys a heavy y car sacrifices good dollars to mis-placed pride. The prudent buyer invests in the dependable Ford. . He knows WillerV him— s e best—and at lowest cost, • Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford ruin -about; the IACr111g 0111'-19 81X fifty ; the town car nine hundred—f. o.h. Ford, Ont„ 01(1111)lete with equipment. Get cal alog and particulars 84)111 3. 11. GALBRAITII, Local Agent, Brussels. .1 i e teeDIEMEESSIMIDEMEM A car load of LLwie to hand.35 cent per bushel, Apply to GER, BAKER Cranbrook D Telephone 621, The People's Column CRANE BARN 402E00 feet for sale, Apply on N� 115610, 0011.7, Morris, to Phone 1'4II W. O. 1'1UNNINGEAOI. Teacher Wanted Normal trained Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 4, Grey Township, Euro: Co., duties to commence after 58nunee vacation. Salsry up to $080. Male preferred. Applications re- solved 011 to June 27th BERNICE PAYE, Secretary, 81.2 111.19. No, 2, Bluevale. Teacher Wanted Tenoller wanted for S. S. No, 8, Grey town- ship, Applicants lun01 have ;Normal certifi- cates and are asked to supply references of pest work and also sate salary. 0 received lip to Jnly 1st. Duties to coinnem:e after Summer vacation, E0. FIILTO1S 110.8 11, 11.20.2, Brussels. E.ARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers for sale his 100 acre farm, being Lot 4, 0 Con. 1 re Farm is all cleared hut - dorsa 6 G al Grey. 111111 in good state of cultivation. IIriok house, bank barn, cement driving shed ; water sup- plied lied at both. barn and house by windmill. 00 acres 1ndordrain ed. Two 11111es from Walton For further particulars apply to T. W. NOLAN, R. R. No. 2 Brussels, 47.010 STORM:10On FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- No, 1, Produce warehouse at Brussels Station G, T. R. For particulars apply to J, LECKIE, Brusoele, Cumberland Gem (Imp) [10078) 1100801 JOHN J. McGAVIN Proprietor Walton P.O. Will stand for the improvement of stook dui. ing the neneon at his own stable, Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop Terata -912.00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the nnmo, description and midi. (tree of Elie Clydesdale Stallion"Cumberland Genu" In registered in the nim Int (Imp.), , b 0 d t John oClydesdale .MSoud Boole W lto 19078, owned by 020, i l belts 1, of Walton, and foaled in 1010, Las been unrolled 111 accordance with (ihnpter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 1807. R. W. W0.00, Secretnry, PIa0e11 WKITII, Chairman. To'onto, March 81st, 1014, louden's favorite (iinp.) 111812] (19070) JOHN J. McRAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement er smote dur- ing season this own able tin at Lot 22,Con. . 13, McKillop Terms -08 00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certili.ee tlist the mune,de,0,1 ion and pedi• area of the Clydesdae Stnlllon, ' Loudon'e Favorite," limp 1 registered in the Canadian Olyde+dala Stud Book 09 No.11812, owned by John .7 MaGnvin, of Walton, and footed in 1004, has been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 888. R. W. WADO, Secretary. P55mt Wut2e, Chairman. Toronto, March 51011, 1014. A. RAY3ANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock,Sec. Repairs to Pumps prempLly attended to, Give the a call. Id 111 A, iiAVEi1AN�d, Cranbrook 411 Every Regina Watch carries .with it a universal guarantee. That means, if ou purchase a y Regina from this store, we en- dorse the universal guarantee, all which will be honored by y other Regina watch agent anywhere. Add to this, the manufacturers' absolute and permanent guaran- tee against structural defects and you will see that you cannot make a mistake ilipurchasing a REGINA WATCH. BLAKE/ Walton PTURE cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no natter what your age is o1• how long ruptured. Whywait until y0U1' rup- ture becomes 'U -turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age Time Rup Single 01 Double Name , Address and return to J. S. SMITH #, ee Catodonla St. tools. A Stratiroea, Ont.