The Brussels Post, 1914-6-25, Page 1de Is It. VOL, 42 NO, 52 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, yUNE 25; I914 W. H. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Paris (.4resn--ins, Pox. Strayed—1, �', I3srbonn. Por snlo-Jnmea Onth1I1, Notice -Q. R Wilkinson. Voters' IAsb-A, 13, Macdonald. Notice to oroditors-P. H. Scott. ilatuilg Thontra-R. Di tSinolnir, Teacher wanted-Androw Lamont. Notice to Oraditors-W, M. Sinclair. Bi strict .� J Wingham June bugs, which are very numer- ous are known to have destroyed guile a lot of small fruits, by eating off the blossoms at night, Fruit trees were sprayed but it did no good. The water main truest at the week- end causing a large hole in the road- way, which obliged people to drive a block out of their way, No other damage was done and itis now being repaired. At the close of his serum! Rev. D. Perrie, Presbyterian minister, urged his congregation to vote for Rowell and abolish the bar, as by 'doing so they were carrying out their professions. 1DutD,-Death has' claimed Robert Fluety, who passed away at his parent's residence on'iJosephine street in the 31st year of his age. For sorne 'years a printer in the Advance office here, he went to Osea, un the 0. P. R. where he worked on the Enterprise, About, 6 weeks ago he came home very ill, thinking that e. vest would do him good, but he gob no better. Before leaving town he was a member of the Citizens' Band and he was buried uuder its auspices, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Dymond f the English church. The band led the college. Mr. Finely leaves 4 sisters et home- Mrs. David Hamilton, Lizzie, Flossie and Maud ; one. brother William, in the West' and his mother. Wroxeter MATLtIMONIAL,- A very pleasing event took place on 'Thursday, June 18th, at the home of Wm. and Mrs, Lowry, Elmwood Hoene, Belmore, when their only daughter, Bliss Agnes 'was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Wm. 0. Nickel, of Toronto, second son of Robe. and Mrs. Nickel, .ot' Ilowick. Promptly at the hour of 12 o'clock the bride entered the drawing room, leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of Mendelssohns Wedding March, played by her cousin, tiiss Ella Paterson, of Portage la Prairie, Man. Bride was charmingly attired in white silk crepe and carried white roses. Ceremony was perfortned by Rev. R. S. Lackland. The 'drawing room was lavishly decorated with daisies and ferns. Bilden pair stood uuder a large wedding bell made of daisies. After the ceremony Lhe guests repaired to the dining room where lunch was served. Tables were beautifully decorated with tulle and white roses. The happy couple left its the afternoon for Toronto and the Thousand Islands. The bride's travelling costume was a madonna , blue serge snit opening over a blue crepe blouse trimmed with lace and hat was rose straw. On their return they will take up their residence iu. Toronto. Numerous and costly Presents gave evidence of the high esteem in which the young couple were held. The guests included Mr. Mrs. Nickel sr., Robert and Mrs. Nickel je„ Robert, Tiros. and Russell Nickel, Mrs. Mary Lowry, Miss Mabel McKee, Miss Jean Stewart, Rev. and Mrs Lackland, Mrs. 0. R. Galland and Miss Garland, 'Winnipeg ; Mrs. A. J. Paterson Miss Paterson, and W. C. Lowry, Portage la Prairie ; Mrs, G. H. Lowry, Miss Margaret Law, James Nickel and Robert Law, Toronto ; Miss Leta Deacon, Ottawa, NEWSY NOTES, -Thos. Sanderson, of Toronto, is spending two weeks holidays with his parents, D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson. -Rev. and Mrs. Wesley entertained the children on the Cradle Roll of the Presbyterian Sunday School and their mothers last Thursday afternoon. -James McNaughton, of Moose -Jaw, Sask., is the guest of his parents, Jno. and Mrs, McNaughton, of Turnberry.-J, J. Davis, and family, Mrs. Barber and Miss Duncan spent Saturday in Listowel --B, 11', Oarr, of Brussels, was a visitor in the village an Mon- day. -Wallace Campbell, of London, is visiting bis uncle, Wm. Leckie rand other relatives here. -A quiet event took place at the home of Jno. atid. Mrs. Smith last Wednesday after- noon, when their eldest daughter, jella,- was united in marriage to Gavin Muir, Rev. R. S. Lackland officiating. NL'. and Mrs. Muir left on the afternoon train for their future home in Stratford, followed by the best wishes of many friends here.- Misses Clara Rutherford and Alva l•Iupfer have taunted from Strate ford where they have completed their course at the Normal' School. -Miss Maggie Earls,- who is in training ab the Western Hospital, Toronto, is spending ttvo weeks vacation at ]ler home in H,owick•-Tindal Ritchie, of Notice C. R. WILKINSON t Win - EY e 5p ealel l.sham i �. will be hi atteidarioe all day at the American' Hotel, Brussels on Thursday.,,Jul 2hd Glasses made to overcouna.alt defecteof vision. I)itiirinit rases and children tispecialty. . I gamete tee every pair bf Gi 1_ lat+st s I u s�IrI Y l:u glee satlsfeia- tion... AD V IGS F141.t11 Brussels, spent hast Wednesday :in the village. -Mise Duneam, who has taught Lhe 'Entrance claw in the Public School hero, left for Drayton on Monday. We regret to learn she bus resigned .her position here and leaves for Edmonton shortly, -After a lingering and extremely painful illuese of more than et year's duration, a much respected resident of the vil- inge passed away on Sunday after- noon in the person of James Ander- sson. He is survived by his wife and four daughters for whom much sympathy is expressed in their beroaveineet. The funniest Leek rlaeo to the Wroxeter cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Service was con- ducted by Rev. T. M. Wesley, of the Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Anderson was (stneinber and a regular attendant until hisr illness. -42 candi- dates wrote on the lenbranne examin- ation here last week, of whom 19 were from the Wroxetor Public School, and G. Jefferson, of Ford- wich, was the presiding examiner. Bliss Dell bad charge of the Ford- wich school. -Misses 0. Bainbridge and F. Ray left on Saturday for their homes in Watford and Toronto.- R. B• Harris, of Toronto, a former resident here, is visiting old friends in the village this week. -Harvey Hazelwood and Miss I. Scott Mc- Arthur, soloists of Clifford, will Lake part in tits program at the Garden Party to be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid 'of the Methodist church on the church grounds on July lst.-W. J, Mather bas disposed of his furniture and undertaking business Moncriefl Geo. Hanley w of Owen Sound is spending bis vacation at his home1 li ere. Mrs. Flora McNair and children are visiting many old friends in this u ei gh both ood. Miss Mina Pete and Mrs. Boyington ; and children, of Hamilton, are visit-� Ing in this locality. Provincial Prohibition is our motto out here and we are going to vote that way next Monday. Jack Frost played hob with the corn orop and the potato patch as well.. Nature may aidin the recovery but it was a set -back to the growth all right. Rev. Mr. Laird, of Toronto, conduct- ed the service in Knox church here last Sunday afteruoon and gave a very practical sermon. The pastor tookthefuneral service of the late Mrs. Cynic the same afternoon.. Friday evening of this week a political meeting to the interests of Barrister Proudfoot, Liberal candi- date ilt Centre Huron, will be held in ldoncrieff school house, at 8 o'clock. Addresses by Messrs. Proudfoot, Hislop, Kerr and others. Ladies welcome. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox church will be held Wednesday July 1st. Bible reading will be given by Mrs. Geo. Machan, a paper on "Comedian Problems" by Mrs. Jas. Fulton and vise a paper on ''Indians io Canada" by Mrs. Hanley. The Garden Party to be held here Friday, July 3rd, of next week should be a sweeper. it is under the attapi- ces of the Presbyterian church. Jas. Fax, Canada's versatile humorist, will be there, assisted by local talent. Addresses by neighboring pastors and others. Tea will served ifs the base- ment of the church and program given 011 the school lawn. While en route from attending the Presbyterian General Assembly at Woodstock Rev. Robt. A. Hanley, of Nesbit, Manitoba, spent a few clays at the home of his mole, Geo. Hanley, 14th con, Grey. The Rev. R. • A. is a sin of Mr. Hanley's oldestbrother the late Wm. Manley, of Keady, Co. Armagh, Ireland, and has been irn the Presbyterian ministry in the West for the past 18 years. Walton Mrs. John Smillie is visiting friendsf near Woodstock this week, Jno. Buchanan, pith con., Grey, is sick again Will pneumonia. We hope for early recovery. A large number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs Jas. Ousie on Sunday; afternoon. Mr. McGavin, of Vancouver, is visite ing his former friends here for a feta' clays. He bus prospered well in the West. Mrs. Joseph Bennett and Master; Clarence took in the trip to Detroit one the steamer Greyhound. All ex- perienced a very rough trip as it was very windy. Rav, Mr. Edinunds, Will preach the closing sermon of his pastorate" next week. Mr. Youing, the new pastor is eXpected for the following Sunday, We tvish troth gentlenien abundant successes in Lite corning Oonferenee year, The 'Ladies' Act of Duff's church ttteet on •Thiu'sdtty afternoon -to rntike fell plans for their, Jubilee Garden Party on Manse Lawn on Tuesday evening June 80th, They have secured Jas. Fax, of Toronto, Canada's b'esIsGarden Patty;entertainer, Alto Seaforth Citizens' Band, Supper 6 to. 0 p. 1n,. Be '.sure and reserve June. 80tH foe WaltonGarden. Patty. Mohday eveninga public meeting was held in the. A. 0,.11. W. Hall rte connection with Lhe 'candidature cf Barrister Proudfoot and J, G. Ander. sots, the nominees for Liberalism in Centre And North Hilton. lutet'est- ing addresses wete given by Mr. Proudfoot, tend 11. D. Cameron, of Ducknow, the tepreeeutative for Mr. rider onwho wtteedin Meet, A s , wasa g, ing in another section of the riding, 'Them will likely be t large vote roll- ed in the polling sub-divisiors border., ing on Walton and it is to be hoped rnnein g enpptirt Wilt, ire given the Re The fine waren rain of Sunday was a welcome friend after Lhe sovexo frost. It will do an immense amount ofgood. It is said George Grigg, a well known resident of this locality, has purchased a residence in SeaforLis and will remove there in the near future. WOMEN'S 1NSTITQTI:.- Ladies take notice that) the District Annual meet- ing of the Women's Inetilule will be held in Duff's church basement on Saknrdtay, June 27th at2 p, tu. Be- sides Lhe usual business of the meet- ing Dr. L. 8, M. Hamilton, of Tor- onto and for the past 5 years con- nected with the Canadian Purity Educational Association of Toronto, will be present to address the meeting.' Musical selections will be given by each of the 8 branches represented. Lunch will be served at the close of the meeting and all the ladies of the community are invited to attend this meeting. The Jubilee services were well at- tended and most successful. Rev. Laird, of Toronto, is a powerfnl evangelical preaches. The Social re- union 01) Tuesday evening was most enjoyable. Program was as follows :- Hymn ; prayer by Rev. Mr. McNabb ; chairman's address ; anthem by choir ; Historical address, Jas. •Smillie ; addresses by Revels. Messrs. Ballan- tyne, McNabb, McCulloch, Wren, Page, Carswell, Mann, Edmunds ; recitation, Miss Harrison ; solos, Geo. Hanley, •wen Sound, and Rev. J. L. McCulloch, Cranbrook; instrutneptal,. Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy. Rev. Mr. Cran- ston, ofPalmerston, will preach .next Sunday, • Belgrave James McGill has the foundation built for his new house. Next Sunday being held as National Peace Sunday of Canada Rev. NIr. Boyle will conduct appropriate ser- vice in Knox church at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Boyle and Miss Tessie Halliday took part in the Art exhibit which was held last week ini Wingham at Miss Mulvey's studio. John Clegg and wife, 3. T. Bell and Miss Findlater A. and Mrs. McNeil and daughter Look in the excursion to the Model Farm last Thursday and report a pleasant Litne. Robert and Mrs. Armstrong, ac- companied scompanied by Alex. Bryans, went to Seaforth on the 14th of June. While there Alex. made a short visit with his friend Miss MacGregor. Rev. and Mrs. Boyle attended the Christian Endeavor Convention which was held at Owen Sound last week. He went as a delegate from the Young People's Society of Calvin church. Wednesday of last week Mrs W. H. Ferguson attended the meeting of the W. M. S. in St. Andrew's church, Blyth, and gave a report of the recent annual meeting held in Tor- onto. Mrs. George 'Taylor, of Calgary, is visiting here with relatives and!j friends, . especially her mother,, Mrs. Anderson, who is in her 86th year, but is hale:and hearty and is enjoying sufficient measure of health to attend church every Sunday. GOLDEN WEDDING OP A, AND MRS. HALLIDAY. - Surrounded by their children, grandchildren and intimate friends, numbering in all about 35, Aloin and NIrs. Halliday celebrated the 50th anniversary of their mar- tiage otl,June 15th at their residence in Belgrave. Early in the afternoon', P. W. Scott called with his car and gave Mr. and Mrs, Halliday, accom- panied by some of their relatives a ride to Blyth and back again which was very much appreciated, being quite a contrast to a ride in a lumber wagon on the day of their rnareiage. In the evening about 6 o'clock. dinner was served after which an address was read by D. Halliday and Mrs. D. Dunbar, a daughter, presented the couple with a purse of gold on behalf of their children. Thefollowing is the address :-We e opportunity W take this oppos y on this your 50th wedding anniver- sary, to express to you in some tangible form the love and esteem in which you are held' by us. We recall the many anxious hours you spent iu caring forour spiritual and bodily welfare, the many hardships you en - dined without nit rutin' oh complaint, of the kindly assistance and advice given to us at all times. When we revert to the past we would nob be doing our duty at this time did we not do something on this the crowning day, of your lives to show our ap- preciation of the many kind acts done for us. We ask :you to accept this purse of gold as a small token of the love and gratitude wefeel toward you and one earnest wishes' are that you may live ninny store yours to enjoy the fruits of yotu' labors. Mr, Halli- day although taken completely by surprise, thanked then 'for their bltoughttulness.. Adam Halliday was born in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, on. October lith883 and 1 caries to Comae- With anadawith his parents, brothers and sistere in 1885, the family Iodating in Dum- fries, Ontario. On ;lime 15th 1864 he was married in Blyth by Rev,' Me. Stewart, to Catharine Robeetsott, of East Wawanosh. She Was borne in the village of Dull, Perthshiee, Scot- The 'L1 - 1 2' l liena, March 1L t, 1'844.' gcooms- man, Jno. Oleate, of Dumfries arid the bridesmaid Mrs, Henderson, nee Mise Christian Roberton, sister of the bride passed away some years ago, Aftet their nnm'rlage they resided in Dumfries for .10 years, after which Mr, H.alliday sold his farm and moved to,Norwioh, Oxford Connty,where he engaged int farming for 10 years more. Disposing of his farm ire bought on the 5th line of Morris Toweeltip, where they lived until 1004, when he again sold itis property and moved to the village ofTel „rave where they nosy reaid. Their children Were alt rietlnited With them. on third the abth anniversary of their wedding, being Mrs. 1), A. Dunbar, residing near Belgrave ; .111.re. T. Walker in 13rus eels ; Mrs, 3, B. Stewart in Goder•ich Township ; Adam Halliday, of Virden Mao, aeeompauied by. Itis wife and son ; Mrs, D. A. Robertson, of Hew- ard, Sask. ; Donald Halliday, of F.l- rose, Sask„ and Miss Tessie at home, 01' the 35 guests only 8 were at their wedding 60 years agca Mt, and etre. Htallidaynvere also the recipients of ninny valuable tokens and of cards of congratulation, During the evening a number of friends called to otter congratulations to the venerable couple, Despite their advanced age Mr. and Mrs. Halliday are in good spirits, a continuance of which is the earnest wish of their many friends. Bluevale Miss Vine. 'Moffat, of Kent City, Mich„ is visiting with her cousin, Miss Bessie Miller, Cranbrook Miss Alice Wilton, of Brussels, is visiting friends here, Miss Kiser, of Stratford, is a visitor with Mrs. A. J. Helm. Earl Rathwell is home from Wing - ham Business College. • Mies Jessie Menzies has returned from the Stratford Normal School. A new Principal will be engaged in our school for the coming year. Robert Macdonald and A. Raymann motored to Stratford on Saturday. The Mission Band are having a pic-nic in Smalldon's grove Thursday afternoon. John Bothwell and Mesdames Risteen and Chapman are visiting friends here. • The foundation has been excavated, for the new residence to be erected�1 for Alex. Perrie, West of Oranbrook. Joseph Coombs, of Blyth, has • been visiting here with his daughter, Mrs. A. McDonald, • He's an active man for his years J. S. Campbell, of Viceroy, Sask , `.I is here combining business and. pleasure. He will take a new Ford car back with him. Miss ''Urquhart. of Owen Sound, 10110 has been attending Normal in Stratford, is spending a few days at the manse before returning home. A live political meeting in Barrister Proudfoot's behalf was on the prog- ram in Long's Hall last Monday even- ing. Wm. Oamexon filled the bill as chairman. Addresses were given by W. Kreuter, A: Hislop, W. Proud - foot and W. H. Keir on the various issues of the day. A pleasing feature was the large attendance of ladies. Meeting closed with the National Anthem and cheers for Mr. Rowell and Mr. Proudfoot. A welcome visitor to. Oranbrook is Will. J. Cameron, B. A., son of Wm.. and Mrs. Cameron, who has been at;;. East Orange, New Jersey, for the. last year or so. Thxough the recom- mendation of the Department where he was emploped he has secured a fine position at Raleigh, North. Carolina,} as Deputy Commissioner of Insurance) both Life and Fire. Mr. Cameron is a fine type of young manhood and has it in him to reach the top of the ladder. Many old friends here wish him the best success attainable. Grey Additional Grey news may be read on another page this week. Last Friday night's frost pinched early vegetables and nipped the core and potato vines in some places. The pupils of S. S. No. 1 will join with the Women's Institute in the picnic at the Davidson grove on Dotninion Day. NIr. and Mrs. Wright and Mr. and Mrs, Finlay, of Belmor'e motored to; Jno. Lake's last Sunday. Mrs. Finlay and daughter Minerva, remained for, a longer visit. Misses Jessie and Cora dl.loock, 14111 con., were at Clinton this week where they wrote et their musical exam. 'We wish them the best of progress in their course. Miss Beatrice Whibileld was at Toronto during the past week writing At the Conservatory exam, in vocal music. NIrs Addie Wright, of Brits- sels, her teacher, accompanied her to the Queen city. Miss Mary Mersh, of Richmond Hill, who was killed by being struck by an automobile in Toronto, last Saturday evening, was a niece of Daniel Marsh, a former resident of Con. 6. The young lady was 22 years of age. leIRs. J. Cusm° DIES SODDENLY. - Thursday of last week Alice Douglas, beloved wife of James Ouster, Lot 14, Con. 15, paid Nature's debt. in her 5811i year. She was born on Lot 9, Con, 15, in 1855 and resided it smile from her old home until the time of her decease. The eubject of this noLioe was united in marriage to her now bereft partner at Walton by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne 39 years ago. There remains to mourn her demise 8 of a family ,Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Guelph; Mrs, 1,i:.' W. Hoy, BlythMrs, II. Last, Gait; Annie, of Win- nipeg ; Alice, of Fortier, Man. Amelia, at home ; Wm. of Francis, Sask. ; Jno, of Fortier, Man., and Albert, who p motherredeceased his other 16 years ago, Tbe above wove all ln'esent tat the funeral excepting Alice, Writ. and John who were un- able to reach home in tithe. hitrs. Cusic'e death was very sudden. She had been troubled with her heart for the pasts 2 years but was in her usual health a few minutes before her de - mase when re stroke of apoplexy en- sued and within 15 minutes she had passed away. The ftmeral took place Sunda afternoon a ae y and was 1 goly attended, Rev, Mr. Lundy conducted file service and interment eras Made in 13i•ussels eelnetery. Pallbearers luetic W, J, Tartu, 333,r SV, . Hoe end H. Last, sons-in-iew, and J. and R. Houston and J. Douglas nephews. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family in the lose of wife and mother. De- ceased was an indttstrous, kindly woman who was most bighly esteem- ed by a wide circle of relatives and friends. A monster Garden Party is to be held at the Union Methodist church, 12th Onn.. 011 Wednesday evening steads, July 1st, Single fare tickets can be obtained at all points in Canada, Corrie and bring your best girl and enjoy the event of the season. The Voters' Lists for' 1914 for :Grey township are printed and were first posted up in the Clerk's office on Wednesday of this week. There are 8I5I 2 names'm Part II91 in Part ; and 33 in Part II. 380 ttre eli- gible to serve as jurors. Aueriote SALE. -On the afternoon of Thursday of next week, July 2nd an Auction Sale of live stock, rigs, household furniture, etc, will be held at the home of James Cusio, Lot 14, Con. 15. Sale will be without reserve as proprietor is giving up housekeep- ing and will snake his home with his daughter, Jamestown Teacher Leavy bade Goodbye to the school section East of here, his term baying expired. Ile leaves many friends. A wire fence has been put up by Bob King along the front of Lheir fat'ut, 1t miles South of here, which is a decided improvement. Miss Fern Eckmier, who has been a hu ilatStratford Normal School, is home having completed her term. The report will be issued in a few weeks. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Cooke will preach the closing sermon of his pastorate at the Johnston appoint- ment at 11 a. ne He goes to Grand Bend, Exeter District, The new pastor, Rev. Mr. Thompson will be on ]rand the following Sunday. SPLENDID TIME. -The union school picnic held in the grove on T. R. Ben- nett's line farm, Grey Boundary, last Saturday afternoon, was the mag- netic influence that attracted people from near and far. Day was beauti- ful, program of sports varied and well contested and the luncheon all that; could be desired, hence everybody had a good time and promised them- selves a return visit a year hence. Mr. Bennett was master of cere- monies and attended to his duties so well that everything went off like clock work, barring the platform de- partment which was not in evidence by the non -arrival of the politicians who were expected to ex- patiate. Wroxeter and the home team put on a lively Foot Ball match that was well contested, the visitors winning by a close margin. Tbe young ladies gave an exhibition of how up-to-date baseball is played, then followed the nail driving contest, footraces and other sports in which the interest was'welt sustained to the close. The teachers of the two Sections interested in the picnic were Miss Ashton and Mr. Leavy. Many a pleasant reunion was held during the afternoon as the friends assembled from the cardinal points of Lhe com- pass and it was manifested that such gatherings fltid favor with the people. Ethel The school kiddies are anxiously looking forward to the holidays. Our teacher, Miss Daubronk, at- tended the Garden Party at Donegal on Tuesday evening, A number from here are planning to attend the Garden Party at Union church next Wednesday evening, July lst• A number went to Guelph Thurs- day of last week on the Excursion to the Ontario Agricultural College and Farm. Jno. McNab has completed the cement work of the new horse shed for the Presbyterian church and did a good job. At the law case of McCall vs. Grey township, heard at Godei'ieh last week, no damages were allowed but drain will be improved. We are pleased to see Dr, Wardlaw out again after his serious attack of typhoid fever, Doc. is one of our most popular citizens. Presbyterian pic-nic in the Vodden grove on July 1st. Same arrange- ments as in other years will be fol- lowed. Everybody welcome, W. 0. McTaggart, one of the Liberal candidates us Toronto at the Provincial election, was a former Principal of elle Public School at Eth. Theelnext meeting of the Township. Domicil will be leeld here on Jul 14th, This will also be the date of theCourt of Revision on various Drain By - Laws. Last Monday evening Rev. I. A. McKelvey was at Brussels and deliver- ed an address at Patriotic platform Meeting under the auspices of the Epworth League, There was a large attendance at the Methodist church last Sunday after- noon despite the rain to hear Rev. I. A. McKelvey, who preached to the Ot•attgemeu. He preached a very appropriate sermon using 1 Ool. 1, 18:19 for his text, The chole furnished excellent selections which were greatly appreciated by all present. This week Archie Close, who has been in New Ontario foe the past 9 years, a; good share of the time en- gaged in ruining, veternod to the Northland after a visit to the parent. al home ht this locality. Hie father's. poor health was the chief reason for his home coming. Mr, Close was at Toronto this week consulting a specialist,. We hope he will soon re. gain His alit time eigoe, Dr. Macklin and Bev. Joseph Elliott in trouble l The charge of briber laid against Dr. Macklin, Conservative candidate for Centre Hero), and Rev, Joseph Elliott, one of his lieutenants, at Goderich, bas been changed to con- spiracy and the trial postponed until after Election Day, next Monday. ROWELL AT WINGHAM The big skating rink was filled at the rousing meeting held in Wingham Wednesday evening. A. Cosens pie - sided as chairman. Addresses were given by 3. G. Anderson, Liberal candidate for North Huron ; T. Mc- Millan, of Hullett and N. W. Rowell, All did well'but the latter's message will not soon be forgotten. The chances for Mr. Anderson's election are said to be good, The workmen of our village are very busy these days. They are working at the Presbyterian church sheds, the new school and are also building a verandah and stable at the Parsonage. A political meeting in the interest of Dr. Macklin, Conservative candi- date for Centre Huron, was held in the Township Hall here, Geo. E. McCall was chairman. Addresses were given by the candidate and Jas. Bowman, M. P. Morris Additional Morris news on page 6 of this issue, Mrs. David Walker is here on a visit with the family of Samuel Walker, 8th litre. A. H. and Nirs. Cochrane, of Water -j loo, were here this week on a holiday with relatives and old friends. There will be a great hustle in Mor- ris next Monday. The Rowell policy will no doubt receive a good lift by thesupport of Dir. Anderson. J. A. Knapton, wife and family and Miss McKenzie, of Parkhill, spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Moses. They made the trip in their auto. George Armstrong, 5th line, has been bothered with a sore hand, oc- casioned by something 'like blood poisoning. We hope he will soon be. o. k. Irvin Ferguson, • 5th line, having completed his Normal Course at Stratford, arrived home last weeek. He sdonld make a fine teacher and we wish him the best success. Pia -Nee. --A big time was enjoyed at the annual plc-nic in the W. B. Wilkinson grove, 4th line, Tuesday of last week, under the union auspices of the .Farmers' Club and 'Women's Institute. There were probably 200 present. The time was spent in athletic sports, Base Ball and Foot Ball matches between Morris and Wawanosh, etc. A royal good sup- per was served. Refreshment booth brought in about $50, the balance, after expenses, going to the treasury of the Club. Molesworth CARD OP THANES.- We wish to thank the many friends who through the illness and subsequent demise of tho late Wm, 0, Steiss did so much that was helpful and kindly. Mr. Steiss appreciated it very much dur- ing this illness and we will never for- get it, Yours Gratefully, N'IRs. W. 0. STEIse AND FAMILY. WILLIAM STEMS PASSES AWAY.- At 11 a. m. last Friday William Steiss answered the summons and bade good- bye to earthly friends until the meet- ing bye and bye. He was injured last Fall while working at his trade as blacksmith, and at times suffered considerably. The postmortem show- ed the ailment to be an abscess on the liver. Deceased was the 5th son of John V. Steiss and he was born in the township of Grey. He was a blacksmith by trade and lived at Brodhagen for 14 years before locale ing here. About 25 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Wilson and she, 8 sorts and 5 daugh- ters survive. They are Roy and Lloyd, Brodhagen ; Melvin, at home Clara J., of Fort Wayne Liiliau, Cleveland Ohio ; Mrs. I. Trembley,Detroit; Edna and Irene, at home. Deceased was a member of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters and attended the Presbyterian church. The funeral took place last Sunday atm. - noon, conducted by Rt so, Mr. Bell, deceased's pastor. Sntertnent was made in the .Cranbrook cemetery. Pallbearers were Jas. M. Menzies,. Jno. McIntosh, Jno.Shinbein,'John Lahr, Henry Campbell and Alex, Orcritr. Notwithstanding the wet day there was a large attendance at the funeral. The Foresters service was omitted at the grave owing to. the disagreeable weather. NIr. Steles wee a tip top mechanic and was held in high esteem for his manly char - Rotel.. His wife and family share, in the sympathy of the community. Mr, Steiss' father rind sevot'al brothers live in the township of Grey. it f he who Visitors with friends re, 1v at- tended t -tended the Jubilee services were as follows :-Mee. J. Welker and Alexa and Mrs. Paterson at S: G. Sangg- sters; Mr, and Mrs. Ei'ow, Monk' Lon, and Rev. Mr. McRae, Armow, at Geo, Brown's ; J. Sangster, Toronto, at Mrs, O. Sangster's, Rev.' Bell; Toronto, at the manse; a, and Alta. Gerry, Moulton, int Mrs O. Sangster's ; Miss Mabel Menzies, Cranbrook, with Miss Jean ltd' Dentad; ll. and Mrs. Gibson at L. Gibsone; Misses Belle and Mary' Mc- Donald, Brussels, and Arch, and Mrs. McDbnald,. Ethel, et Joe MoI)onald's Misses 118, l onison, L Baker, and, F. Hermiston at T. McDonald's 1 W. Kidd, Manitoba, aL T.if�lliott's ; Idles McEwen with Miss Agnes McIntosh Mrs.' T, McKee and Master. Stanleyof Toronto, at H, Geainger's. Other visit- ors were Mr, and Mrs. Millet', James- town; Mr, and Mrs. McKercher Wrox- eter; Miss Edna Edgar, D. and Mrs. Edgar and J, and Mrs. Edgar, Corrie; Dr, and Mrs. Ferguson and Mise Edith, of Ethel ; Arch, and Mrs. Robertson and Misses Vera and Tilly Listowel; Mr, and Mrs. G. Mc- Donald, Listowel ; D. and Mrs. Menzies, Listowel ; Geo, and Mrs, McDonald, Bluevaie; Mrs, W. Sanderson and family. Wroxetet P. and Mee. McKay, Ethel ; D. and Mrs. McDonald, Jamestown ; P, and Mrs. Scott and daughters, James- town. A meeting of the Women's Insti- tute will be held on Monday June With, at2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. T. Simpson, Dr. L. S. M. Hamilton, of Toronto, will be present and give an address. A musical program will be furnished. Dr. Hamilton is a graduate in Medicine of the Univer- sity of niver-sityof Toronto, and has taken a post- graduate course at the Western Hospital, Toronto. Her subject will be "Teaching Life's Truths," which promises to be very interesting. Everybody welcome. JUBILEE SERVICES St. Andrew's, Molesworth Sunday. June 21st, was a red letter day in the history of St. Andrew's church, when very inspiring and im- pressive Jubilee services were held. Splendid congregations assembled both morning and evening and listened with interest and profit to two strong practical sermons de- livered by Rev. D. C. McGregor, M. A. Associate Secretary of the newly amalgamated Board of Home Mis- sions and Social Service and Evange- lism. Mr. McGregor is a man of strong personality and deep con- viction and is a strong preacher. His message to the people who heard him last Sabbath will not soon ,be forgotten. Oct the platform and taking part in the service with Mr. McGregor were the pastor, Rev. T. A. Bell, B. A., and Rev. J. W. Bell M. A. pastor emeritus of Kew Beach Presbyterian church, Toronto and a former pastor of Listowel and Molesworth. Although Mr. Bell's pastorate dates back to the year 1868 time seems to have dealt gently with him and he still retains his powers to a remarkable degree. A feature of the morning service was the service of praise when the organ and choir were dispensed with and the singing was led by Geo. Brown, a former preceutor. The congregational singing of the Psalms and Paraphrases was hearty and many expressions of appreciation of this part of the service were heard. Congregation was fortunate in hav- ing the assistance of Waiter C. Mc- Cutcheon, baritone of St, Andrew's church, London, who sang with great acceptance at both services. Miss Hermiston, of iListowel, also sang at the evening service and her singing was much appreciated. With the able assistance given by the choir of the church the Song service in.con- nection with the Jubilee on Sunday was of a high order. The services were continued Mon- day afternoon and evening. In the afternoon a very enjoyable reunion was held. Church was well filled with members, former .members and friends. The service began with . singing "0 1 God of Bethel" ; the 28rd Psalm was read by the pastor and Rev. A. B. Dobson, of Fordwich, led in prayer. Addresses of a reminiscent and inspirational character were given by Rev. J. W. Bell, Toronto Rev. D. B. McRae, Aemow; Rev. A, B. Dobson, Fordwich. Music was furnished by d the choir an by D. Strachan, James- town. town. All of the selectione..were in keeping with the occasion and were appreciated by those present. By the time the meeting in the church was over the ladies had sup- per ready in the school room and a busy three hours were spent in pro- viding the inner needs of the crowd. Too much praise cannot be given the ladies for the excellent tables that were set and for the very efficient way in which they served the hun- dreds who sat down to the feast that was provided. The time between supper and the: opening of the even- ing meeting was one of, the most enjoyable parts of the Jubilee as it afforded an opportunity for the people to meet and renew old friend- ships and recall the scenes and :events of clays gone by. At 8 o'clock the church was filled toits capacity when the following program was given, . the pastor Rev. T. A. Bell, acting as Chairman, Each number on the program was well re- ceived and several eneot'ss were de- manded ;--- Prayer, Rev, J. L. Mc- Culloch, Cranbrook ; musical selec- tion, Ladies' Quartette, Listowel address, Rev. A. I. Mann, J3ruesels ; solo, D. Strachan, :Jamestown ;• ad- dress and recitation, Rev, J. M. Nicol,Listowel ; solo, Miss Th omJfon, istowel; ddress, Rev. 0. , Moorehnuse. Trowbridge ; solo, Mise Hermiston, Listowel ; addl'ess, ,;Rev. T. M. Wesley, Wroxeter ; selection, quartette ; address, Rev., J. L. Me- Culloeh, Cranbrook ; solo, D. ttrach- an ; address, Rev, 0. Tate, Bluevale ; selection, Quartette ;'"God .Save .the King," The members of St. Anclrowee realize that the Jubilee has been a time of refreshing and spiritual Up- lift and they feel heartened to take up the tacks which lie before them itr renis tO aline With new energyand zeal,