HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-18, Page 5JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS S LIMITED LIKTIRANCIII I PrfINI4Piil' &mum) LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, J)tiOUDFOOT, BATS & KILLOBAN BAIi14IST18RS, SOLICITOR'S, NOTARIES POl3LIC, ETO, W. PaoopirooT, K. O,R 0, EA"J.. L. Emmons. Ofaoes—'!'hose formerly accepted by Messrs Cameron rt Holt, ODERIOH, ONTARIO, ALLAN INS ,••.,"n , ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHU'S ak.. o LIVERPOOL i' GLAS GOWiONDONfiA Largest and fastest steamers on the St. Lawrence route, For information apply 1 3 agents, or the Allan line o#ON W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. AIN tr.4.V. .ANAYO Vv,1X04,V Avai4$,vr If:you expect High Credo Employ- c mopt you most make HoGrade A Preparation. One School that is well-knon throughout Canada forB "tcT1 strictly superior training .is the (dl TORONTO, ONT. ' Gradnatee of this School readily ob. i tain employment because there are thousands or openings in this city every year and we are coiled upon to Q ( fill more than eon, r. iyl Enter . any time. - Open all year. ' Catalogue cent on request. Oar. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, ri Alexander Ste, i Principal. Y Yt'^. 9$e 'ai Aa'V 7isva`4 't s>,4stAY.e 'Y,c'+.a'i : ' a`4' c yyg ryry IJE11tl S,TRATFORD,. ONT., Becorae n specialist in Businoes. It 4 offers more p r n i o foto toes full ea i y other calling. i`o reap the full mens - pore of euceese you most hove tile beet Le 4. ®possible training. This is Ontario's C Hest Business School. We give in- 10 bdlyidnnl attention.. You may enter our - .Oi 01110 -es at any time. Three Depart- menta, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write at once for our .free ontnlogue O. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. p ;r vi;r.6lZgAVYA.4 WAMYAv.7,d Srr.?.1l,'. •s` rXLY2.W4gAriPZOWA'53.14,v614,T4 'iz7 Enter IListowel.........•:.,0 r Any time t / AND Grow with us. EDWIN -D. MATTHEWS, Prin. G: L4M VP,I6tActelyesvW‘BVa''vstellrr ,ora > ad Por particulars addrese— THE Best Brains Mgr in Canada have participated in there- paration of our splendid Home Study Courses in Bunking, Economies, Higher Accounting Commercial Art. Show Card Writing, Photog raphy Journal- ism, Short Story Writing. .Shorthand and Bookkeeping, Select the work . which roost interests you and write ns far particulars, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yong, 8t., Toronto • ellinteseisseessenseme COLLEGE AT HOME Thousand of ambitious oun • peo- ple a 8y 6 ore"fn. fast preparing in their own Thousands to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- phoro, civil servants in foal every sphere of activities, You may finish at college if you so wish. Pooitione 1001» 111110191. - Enter college any daIndi- vidual instruction. Export teachers. Thirty years'experience, Largest. trainers in Banndn, Seven oalleges. Special (cure° for teachers. Aftllinted with Continental Educe- tor'e Association of Caoeda,Su r neer School at famous Spotton Busbteee,Ool• • lege, London., Win ham Business College 9 9 GEC, SPoa1TON, W. T. Ale?OE, Proaidont, Principal, iENENEEseggegglignimigemille •41....6.416...46.,Jl..♦J41...4..LL1 W H L E OV Funeral Dire ct or CC'and tonwertor I Ot els' ton1tlY Mid care- fully attended night atten a i' n g r A • da 'Phone e 228, E I-IEL f . Business Cards ,JAS ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEOIV. Successor to AL, H, Moore, Office at Ander. eon thus, Livery etable, Brussels, 'Telephone No, 29, DR. T, T, M' RAE Baohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto Licentiate find Graduate of tete College of Phy- diaiene end Surgoo'na, Ont. Postgraduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Noao and Throat Hospital, Ohioago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mich- ael's Eospitnl, Toronto. Oiflce over P. 12. Smith's Drug Store. ' Tela, Phone connection with Oranbrookac all hours. DR. F T. BRYANS Bachelor of Modioino, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior noose. Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, OHiaen of late Dr, A. MaKevey, Sinai) Block, -•Brussels. Ruralhon 46. P D ALEX."' D. M'KELVEY M. B., M.O.P.@S. O. 198.Blooi• street East Toronto Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat Clinical assistant in Ear, Noso and Throat de• pertinent Now General Hospital, Toronto ; Post Grndunte Harvard Medical School, 13o0• ton ;late Senior Resident Surgeon Muss, Eye 85 Ear . Infirmary ; late Clinical assistant 111 Nose and Throat department MASA Gen. HOW Mind • late House Surgeon Toronto General Hospital. 1'In Brussels by appointment. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT, Physician and Surgeon : Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitale. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyestested for glasses. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate Uni•vereity of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, Office in leard Block, Wingham Phone. 249. PostOffieevox 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work aSpoolalty DR. WARDLAW Senor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Oilloe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal. graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, 111„ is prepared to test ,yea and ft glasses at her office over Grewae's Restaurant, Brussels, en Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week, Office hours 1 to 8 p. m. Forenoons by appointment, Phone 1219. .., T. R. 'BENNETT W111 give better satisfaction to both buyer and Roller than any other Auctioneer and only charge what la reasonable. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook sales a specialty, Write or 'phone 2B Wroxoter. &MAW `tri' 7owR Razz War BRUSSELS G01110 SOUTH GI NN° NORTH Buil 7:07 a no Express 10:66 a m Express 11 :25 a m Mail 1:59 p Express 2:65 0111 Express 8:62 p rn Ca'.11t*ita a x PaCIPIC WALTON To Toronto 1:22 p Express To Goderich Express......,.. 7:62 a.m I Express 11;19aes Express nt 8:95 p to WROXETER Goin Bost - 7:05 n, Al.and 8:56 . in. Going P Going- 12;46 nvd 0.1 west. 7 . m. P 1111 trains going East connect with C. P. R. atOrangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Loonl Agent. gond .eb Stents SYLVESTER AND MRS, FOX and Child, of Brussels. spent Sunday at L. V. Knight's, Howiclt, 'Primus STOTHRaS, ex -Warden for the, County of Huron, has been appoinled postmaster at Dungannon. Rgv. H. M. LANGFORD, rector 9f Christ church Listowel, and formerly of Brussels, has purchased a Saxon car. HURON County rate of taxation this year will be 2 1-2o mills instead of 2 r.no mills as in 0913, It's mounting up all right. HAROLD N$ w1" oN son of Dr. Newton Lu r ck tory whoh r s recently a Y ASR druggist, has taken a -position in Newark. Miss GRACE AUSTIN, of the Fergus High School bas been appointed by the Educational Department es one of the examiners ill Torouto. Miss Jule Bartliff, of Clinton, left on Monday of last week, to spend the sum- mer with her sister Mrs, Pinner, at Vancouver, B. C. Both were former resic}ents of Brussels. E. RozOLL, formerly of Grey, who purchased the Torrance Farm, just east of Clinton, has made preparations to deliver milk. A new up-tu.date milk" van has been ptirchased. Rev. J. C. Tolmie, Presbyterian minister of Wipdsor, is likely to be a Liberal candidate in North Essex Rev, lobo Cobourn, of Toronto, was nominated by p the Tem erauce (,coven- tim1to oppose Hon. Jas. Duff and In one of the Grey Co. constituencies. FRANK DURDLE of Exeter, formerly of Brussels has purchased a tell acre fruit form and garden farm adjoining the. city of St. Thomas -and taken possession hi the Fall- Mr. and Mrs. Durdle were in St. Thomas and closed the bargain, Mr. Durdle is very, tmtch, interested in this line, Bugs A STunio,--The Joplin (Kansas) Daily Globe of (une'3rd, speaks AS fol- lows of a 0011 of. Councillor and Mrs, McGuit•e, of Brussels :—Harry Cornish, cue of the most widely known photo- graphers of the South-west has d:is- Mposect,o.f his Studio here to Robert M. cGuire of Kansas City. Mr. McGuire assuined.charge of the studio at noon yesterday, His fondly will come to Joplin soon, Mr. Cornish recently ac. eepted a position as travelling repye- ,tentative of the Eastman Kodak Com, pane and will begin his duties in two weeks, _his headquarters' to b e to Rochester, N. `)' 'L'he studio under Mr, McGulre'eownersltip end Manage, - meet retaine of the willAl the name 119 CorlliSli •studio, .ori •oceotlnt.of its ex- tensive reputation, It Is situated et Nos t2•4 k M t Main street. , r Mc- Guire 4 Guire who formerly in Toronto, re t1ec i n 5 1 Can 11eli1 a politt il similar to the o to taken by Mr, Cornish tied hi his trips to Joplin he : became impressed with the city and•arorettged to li *ete Mete, so cents gets Tax Por for balance of the year to any Canad postefiiee. 30 cents extra for post to the United States, Now la a go time to get on the .list if you want t news, AuoTroN SALE ,.•- Wm, GOl•don, Flora street, intends holding an Aucti Sale of Household Furniture, etc., Saturday afternoon of this week, at o'clock. It will be without reserve he purposes removing from Brussels, Rev, John Kay and wife, of Stratfor have goue on an Old Country trip, sail, ing by the steamship Laetitia from Montreal, on Saturday. The revere gentleman supplied Melville Chur pulpit Brussels Otte summer, Jas. AND MRs DUN)'ORD and family have returned iron) Seaford) to. Clin- ton and are now nicely settled in the apartments above the store. '1'he many friends of the family are pleased to welcome them back to townl and hope their stay will be a pernaueni ope. JUNE 26')'x.—Dr, L, S. M. Hamilton, Agraduate in Medicine of Torouto Uu:versity and for past 5 years con- nected with the Canadian Purity Edo. cational Association of Toronto, will address a meeting of the Women's In- stitute in the Carnegie Library on tie afternoon of June 26th at '2 3o p. m. 'Phis will be a public meeting and they extend an invitation to every lady In town or vicinity. DomnsioN DAY Pic-Ntc.—.-Brussels Women's Institute intend holding a pie•nielo Davidson's grove on the after- noon of Wednesday July 1st, As this grove is an ideal spot for a picnic. keep the date clear, bring your lunch basket with you w and spend the a afternoon in the shade on the bank of the river.. A varied program of speeches. music, games, etc., will be given. A refresh- ment booth will also be on the grounds. J. 0. MITCHELL, of St. Marys, has disposed of his furniture and under- taking business to L. A. Ball, of Aylm- er, a man who has spent' his whole 'fife in the furniture and undertaking busi- ness. Mr. Ball is no stranger there, be ing well and favorably known by many Stone Town residents. In Igor he graivated from the Chicago School of Embalming and has since followed this business successfully. Mr, Ball is a former Brusselite. Good Reasons For it Success. The majority of catarrh remedies ale useless. But one that does cure is "Catarrhozone." It clears the head of all mucous discharge. Putt id ma- tey in the nostrils, phlegm in the throat, and disease germs are com- pletely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed, it's results are destroyed, and the system sn thorough- ly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is permanent. All types of r'ttf l' ,i 4C h throat and bronchial triable colds and coughs at'e more certainly cured by Catarrlinzone than anything else. Ttvo sizes, 25c and $L00 at all dealers. M A N I N fu sin con,ng9, s s; W. and sowCurl'ne, an ry furnishing grana send sowing Bpd same on Frarti° Road, $2,60; Alex, Porterfield, furnishing material and he TERRIBLE ■ buiiding Pence at devialien xoad con, A I- 0 $19,76 ; W m, Wigh Clean, salary its of VV Asaassor, $06,00; Wm, Wightman, on , equalizing the school sections and on Auburn Pollee village 528,00, Council 3 Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink- ad jout'ned to Monday, Some 22, as ham'sVegetable A.' PorrnarI1FLD, .01001.. Compound. d, atop Limping, Guro The' Corn. Quickly done by Putnan's Painless nd eb causes nn paha, removes every trace eh Cape Wolfe, Canada,—"LastMarein of soreness Fifty years f 1 0ranbrook ; J, M. Nicol, Listowel and I0, J. Moorehouse Trowbridge, Ser- vices on Sunday will be taken by ,1Rev, D. C. McGregor, M. A„ Toronto, ITo mark the uceaeion the jubilee Committee is !laving a souvenir pubii- cat100 pt•epared which promises to be , a decidedly interesting one. It will contain cuts of the first church. first seseion, early ministers and the pies- ' out church along with an interesting I sketch of the history of the cote' muuity. Oorn Extractor. Ants it; one day, 1 Walton DEATH Or MISS NELLIE BENNETT. roves Putnarins a the is our su u co fetor tit eat substitutes,. g Last week the' Plymouth Congre- gational church Young Men's Club in Chicago elected two former Huron Co. residents in the persons of Dr. Fred. Gilpin, formerly of Brussels, as Presi- dent, and Dr. Fred, Bissett. an old Goderich boy, vice President. The club does good work along Brotherhood lines. Retiring President tendered the members a Banquet at his residence on the evening n o of the election t which g was thoroughly hI enjoyed. Canuck gs continua Y to work to the top in Uncle Sam's. domain. A FORMER BRUSSELITE.— Spring was about ten days later, bete this year but the crops are looking good through it all. We congratulate you on your re covery trom your recent illness. It is going on g g 30 years since I left Brussels but it bas a warm spot in my memory yet and we like to get Tire POST to see how things are moving, although it seems the old timers are getting very few. It was uphill, for a while when we came here but we never regretted coming to Manitoba. Hoping this finds you all well as it leaves us all in good health. Enclose please find Si.00 for THE POST for 1914. Very truly yours, JOHN T. DEND0W. Deleau, Manitoba May 3oth 1914. CURFEW.—The Milverton San of last week says truly ;— Chief Hartmier has e i r ce ved instructions to enforce the Curfew u F law hickrequires. w that child ren under the age of *6 must not be found upon the streets or in any public place except in the company of a pareut or guardian after the hour of 9 o'clock 0a1n. The Council should strengthen the Chief's hands by giving him en- thusiastic support in his enforcement of the law. The law is intended for the protection of children and' should not be permitted to remain a dead -letter. There would be less talk of white slavery and fallen womanhood if a more rigid discipline was exercised by parents with regard to the hours their` children keep, Dict not the Whole Thing. • - Your table is loaded with food— digestible and wholesome, yet you never gain strength. What's the troubleLook within, and what do you find ? A lazy livor etonnch overloaded with wo k—useless work benause the ba woes and liver are o oat sufficient active, t I Relief ' t a quickly oct q Y supplied by De. Hamilton's Pills, They make weak folks strong by re- uloviug: the cause of the weakness.. Digestion improves, 'constipation leaves, liver takes new life, kidneys wake up, -the whole system is en- livened by Dr. 13amiltoin's Pills. No Better medicine for the sick or well, 25c at rill dealers, PRI1sENTATION,=Hon. Arthur Meig- lien, Solicitor: general of CanaclA, WAS thel•eoipient of a unique expressiou of honor' and esteem by the Conservative' members of Parliment, when prime minister ou their behalf presented hila with a gold watch and elude and Mrs. Meighen with a: sterling silver tea ser- vice, It was not in recognition of any anniversary, bet simply a'sponta'neotls tribute- to the ability of one 'who is recognized as one of the coming men of the halt n malting hasty, I malts g the', presentation Mr. Borden said that it was pot neces- sary to•dwell upon Mr, Meighen's car- eer since entering the House, From t F m the first remarkable ability, devotion to I du clearandlucid e t d xresin and Y.expression to i fl Tealsinfact,everything uecea- Y i ; y g f l' vAr o the fit ceessft l i r 1 t tb tc rnau had Y P been his. He closed with a graceful tribute to'Mrs, it.leigbeu. Hort, Mr, Moisten is A nephew , of Mrs. Fletcher Sparlieg, of Bfnaet}s, was a complete wreck. I; had given up r o susses, It' d d tp 1 k d h all complete getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a.sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they ey all know what a wreck I was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health."—Mrs. J. T. Corm, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada. Because your easels a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases ofil .fem le ills, ssu such as inflamma- tion, ma tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Pinkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateillsbf Women —ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's lTegetableCompound has restored health von s to thousands of such suffering women. Thy don't you try it if you need such a nedieine? Clinton At the annual London Conference. held at Sarnia R. B. Manning was elected a lay delegate to the General Conference which convenes in Ottawa in September. GALL TO PRESBYTERIAN PASTORATE. At a well attended meeting of the members of the Willie Presbyterian church, Monday evening, it was de- cided to extend a unanttnous call to Rev. F. 0, Harper, pastor of Chalmers Presbyterian church London. Rev. i11r. Reid, of Loudesboro, the moder- ator, presided at the meeting. The pulpit has been vacant since last March, when Rev. D. H. Grant ac- cepted a call to the Northwest. Rev. Alex. Stewart was pastor of the church'for over forty years. • Belgrave Chas. and Mrs. Bivno v attended the funeral on Monday Of last week at Be ' 1 lave of their 1 h uncle, the late g Chas. McRae. They live in Exeter, East Wawanosh Council was held nor May 20113. Members all present. Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll was opened as per notice. Only nue appeal that of R. R. Sloan claim- ing of being over assessed on land being received but owing to notice of appeal not being received in the stated time, no action was taken. There being no other changes requested, it was moved by Councillor Buchanan and Councillor Stonehouse, that the Court of Revision be now`olosed and Asseeoment Roll adopted for the present year. Carried. Council re- sumed and ordinary business proceed- ed. Minutes of last meeting read unci confirmed on motion of Irwin—Stone- house. Communication from J. W, Lyon, Guelph, asking for a grant of money Y to help d efiaY expensesen nes re- garding deputations ins rvho waited on the Govelument recently re . the Waterways Union and the Hydro - Electric Railway Union received and ordered to be filed. By -Lute No. 5.1914 ratifying the appointment of 3.13. Ellie as Collector and By -Law No, 0.1914 authorizing the Reeve and 'Pteasurer to borrow money to meet the ordinary township expenditure both read and passed. Following accounts were paid :— .Municipal .World supplies, 51.48; J. Stewart, hall relit, $30,00; N. olt, repairing and putting in culvert on side line ei•eeev•••••••••••••••••e • •• C:Pope &Son• • • . • S• e Machine Shop S • • • Brussels • j. Desire •to thank the en)le of •- • Brussels and district fat' the way • they have enconrhged them by • • sending in their work. We hope • • they will continue the same. • • All kinds of repairs will be •' promptly attended to on farm A • Implements, threshing outfits, • e • tubing, patching and all kinds e • of boiler repairs. Years of ex- q. perieuee on this class of world • enable them to give best of sat- iefaction. • • d Cultivator a ♦ n plowshares • • ground, Z • Lttwtl Ct rowers alt L w s ar etre i d tit d • P =set. • • • 2 Automobile repair's, • • fall, Price Guerep•teed,•• ♦ • • • trOn t Re afraid -Send r • • repairs r w e p along. • 4 2 C. POPE t,r O & SON .........40.....4.4,40/114. Oran brook Quitea number r n boo war •It to Stra f t old last week to see the circus. Fred. Josci}ice is raising the corner of his barn and putting cement blocks in. Horses are not alloited to run on the road 'se the Township By -Lary says. Knox Christian Endeavor had part in the meeting at Moneriefl Tuesday evening of last week. They turned out in large nutnbers. Moods DID WELL,—At the 84th annual Commencement of the Medico- Ohirurgical College of Philadelphia, held at the Academy of Music, on Friday, June 6th, out of very large graduating clave De. William Leonard McOutcl was vas at vardec}_ Honorable Mention for his moat excellent shov- ing in the final Examinations.. He received a Diploma from the Phila. delphia General Hospital for especial course in Oral Surgery that he took at that Institution. He also holds Diplomas of active membership in the Pei Omega Dental Fraternity ; the I. N. Browell Society..of Dental -Science ; the R. W. Starr Society of Stomoto- lony, and the Alumni of the College. He is this week taking the Pen- nsylvania State Board examinations. The Do, is a son of D, and Mrs. Mc- Outcheon, 8th line, Morris, and will practice his chosen profession with his uncle, Dr. W. R. Roe, of Philadelphia, Pa., formerly of Mortis, The Liberal convention held at Gilbert Plains last Friday added to the list of strong temperance and so- cial reform candodatea'by nominating G. D. Shortreed, M. D., of Grandview. The doctor has long stood for pro- gressive principles and for moral re- form, and lone been an aggressive worker amongst Liberals for demo- cratic ideas and advanced temperance legislation. He will be a1 out -spoken, virile advocate of the abolition of the bur and an able b e debater. The Leg- islature Assembly needs men of hos stamp. - In his first address on the evening of his nomination he came out in unmistakeable terms for the temperance policy of the Liberal party and among other things he was reported that he did not care what it was called, but he wanted legislation for the masses as opposed to legis- lation for the classes, as he believed in the fair distribution of wealth and in every man getting a fair return for his labor. Hewas n va thoroughly `u g Y t harmony with the principle of nation- al schools and he stood o by such schools n c cls b cause hec believe t the taught the children not "what" to think but "how" to think. He was also In accord with the principle of compulsory education the necessity for which was instanced by the case of Grandview, where not a hundred yards from the school .premises a number of children were growing up without receiving any education at all. Dr. Shortreed is an old Morris boy and a brother to Reeve Shortreed. When Illn se Comes Have you at band a remedy that will alleviate pain and help till the doctor comes ? A wise thing, is to have right in your home a bottle of "Nerviline" which gives instant relief, and prevents disease from spreading. Nothing known for the stomach and bowels that tv compare with Nerviline. dine. For cream,se. ton r•u heat tbuindi gsi 1 leadaclie, rte indispensable. For 50 years Poison's Nerviline in 25c bottles has been a family stand-by. Get }t ` today. Blyth Miss Hazel Bennett has taken the position of Organist in St. Audrelv's church. The sawmill is now running a clay 'and tt quarter to make tip for the lost time caused by the break in the engine. A Garden Party under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's ()bora, will be held on the °hooch grounds on the evening of Wednes- day, June 24th. The Kiltie Band, of Clinton, has been secured. GODiPET1TION. Pollots i i n to g i9 ti list of those who have entered their r field of White Oats in, the Blyth Agricultural Society Field Competi- tion :—C. K. Taylor, R. Richmond, nd , Duncan MOallnm, Win. Taylor.', R. Wightnutn, J. Tierney, James Snell, David Laidlaw, A. W. Sloan, Alex. McGowan; Wnr. Pollock, Jahn Barr, R. B. McGowan, Jaynes Jackson, W. Grey, R. H. Shortreed, W. McGowan, 'Wm. Watson, Duncan Laidlaw, Ben lNaniit, 3. & F. Laidlaw, R. 14. Sloan, Fred Toll, and T. H. Taylor &'Sons, Molesworth , ST, ANDREW'S Cavaco/ / JUBILAE,— The 50th anniversary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Molesworth will be held on Sunday, Jurte 21st„ and on the Monday afternoon following a re- union will be held when addresses tviii be given by Rev. J. W. Bell, Toronto and Rev. George Ballantyne Buxton, former pastors ; Rev, D. 13. Mcltae, Armow and Rev. A, B. Dobson, of 1crivici, Special music will be furnished and in the evonlog at 5 o'elo hskipper, w' 1 e tl be served b' the Y ]tidies. Monday evening an 03*181 tainment will be held in the church. Music will be furnished' h d by the ladies L R q inox nartette of I church Listowel stowed and D, StracbatrJamestown. Ad- dresses will be given bythe following g Ministers : Reeds,. A, S. Mann of:. Brussels; 0, Tate, 'Blurvltle ; • T, M, Wesley, Wruketerl3, ; t1 Mo0ullooh, • S. and Mrs. Bennett, of Wingham, who was called to her Eternal Home on Wednesday of last week. Miss Bennett 1 tk was a bcf ht g young girl of 10 years of age and her early demise casts a deep shadow of gloom. A few months ago she was stricken with a deadly disease, and although every- thing that earthly hands could do to restore her to health, was done, a greater Power was at work. The de. ceased was a member of the Metho- dist Church and Sunday School and will be greatly missed by her associ- ates, by whom sloe was loved and es- teemed. The deepest sympathy of the community goes out to the sorrowing parents and sister, Miss Blanche, in their very sad bereave- ment. Funeral services were held at the home of her parents on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock and interment took place at Seaforth, Deceased is a neice of Messrs Bennett of this locali. ty. Rheumatism Almost Killed Her. For years Mrs. Stahlsebrriidt, of Humberstone, Ont„ was a martyr to rheumatisrn. "I was SO stiff and lame I could scarcely walk" she writes. "An attack striking my limbs made walking impossible. Friends and doctors gave prescriptions but I only got relief from Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and gained from the first. Today 1 am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health:" Whether muscular or in- flammatory, 'chronic or otherwise, Ferrozone does cure rheumatism and sciatica, 50c per box at all dealer's. Wingham FIRE.—The home of Robert Saint, on Edward street, was completely destroyed fire Friday day night when as his two little daughters were about to retire an oil lamp upset and the blazing oil caught the furnishings and spread quickly. So quickly did the flames spread that the children had barely time to escape. They ran across the road and gave an alarm but before the fire department ar- rived the house was doomed and in a little while nothing but one wall re- mained. 14r. and Mrs. Saint and two other children were visiting at Blue vale at the time and the two little girls were alone in the house. they • Brantford windmills have been put up at on the farms of Jas. Cardiff, '1th con„ Garf. Baker, 9th con., and HughHenry, 12th con. George McCall,of Ethel,charge was in r of e the erection. At its last meeting in the June ses- sion the Perth County Council deci- ded to btiild a new bridge on the town line of Wallace and Grey, to be know as the Stewart bridge ; another be- tween Wallace and Hdwick to be known as the Campbell bridge, as well as a new floor for town line bridge between the townships of Keeps Keeping Perfect Time For sale by L.. Take, Walton few People Outside of plisse who have made_a study of it, are able to design or choose the right mernorial for a particular purpose, My business Is that of belping my patrons to select a monument, a headstone or other, marker for a grave or a plot that will please people by its harmony with its surroundings and by its expressive appeal to memory. My success in choosing aright is more to me than dollars and cents. With me monumental work is a profession, a lifework. I feel the same pride in a beautiful design that an artist in water color feels in an artistic landscape. If you will come to me .and talk suablts. out what you would like to get I will make your wishes' my own and they shall be .carried out in the way that will 'secure right re - Brussels Granite & Marble Works ALLAN E. HERSEY, Proprietor Wallace and Howick, It will also en- deavor to make the township of Logan or the interaction school section pay 527.15, the amount of last year's arbitration. Messrs. Jos. Kelly, Jos. Pearson and Misses Lizzie and Eva Bryans, of Grey, and W, and Mrs. Gallagher, of Gorrie, were guests Sunday at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Bryans, at Fordwitch. Qorrie By a note from his pastor we learn that Rev. J. W. Holmes of Saskatoon, has recently passed through an ex- ceedingly painful and serious illness. At the time of writing he was still confined to his room. Mr. Holmes is one of the best known of the senior ministers of the church and many of out readers will sympathise with him in his affliction and pray for his re- covery. The reverend gentleman was formerly a pastor of the Methodist church here. Friday evening of this week a public meeting in the interests of J. G. Anderson, Liberal candidate in North Huron, will be held- in the Township Hall here. Addresses by Mr. Anderson, R. D. Cameron, W. H. Seer and others. Tile Delivery Those who wish to pur- chase Tile around Brus- sels are requested to send order to Henfryn P. 0. or Phone 355. Upon receipt of enough orders we will send a car load to Brus- sels station. Cole & Dougherty Paper liajiN John Lunn Painter, Paper Hanger Grainer and Decorator A Trial Solicited First -Class Work Phone 41x Thomas Street, Brussels eoemoseeseasessseeeseesees wstee®tessteeeweol000 14N4. f5_.. 0 IiE SEASON is now at •is' • hand for the sale of e Buggies and all intend • Buggies it i purchasers will wl do well e B P w m and save moueq bq calling at = o D, EWAN'S 'UP-TO-DATE 2 s■ CARRIAGE FACTORY. a I e e W We take no back seat and s are al a son 2 w y the lead for an up-to-date Buggy. Our Brig;_ iBuggies i es gies have stood the test of 8,11 e >fjLs competitors for • close to 80 -; e years, whish should be a guarantee ,in itself, Our w • N - Styles and Materiel thisy ear • cs aro more up-to-date than all previous ears, Everybody is • P y s madei es e welcome to examine our Show Roane and purchase a Ewan Buggy. se You will gob first -,lase satisfaction as. well as encouraging home • O trade. - - .. • s Wood Work done all i tE bt'a nC110s, Is le Buggies re -painted and. Buggy Tops relined and Oovered to e look as good as nein at re e g reasonable prices. e • Di il5 Carriage Facto y • 44,066. 1.144114•064eitiooli ii 00.411110•06001.461116 ' Ulrl i •