HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-18, Page 4fw 1 be • lrusl exo 4'481 TelUIt3DAY, JUNE 18, 1;914 Tree West is going to have it bitnlper grain crop this harvest, which wUl be good news both et home and abroad, Tim old time circus still proves a great rnageet to attract the .crowd and the entreats are often only a secondary consideration, DOMINION Parliament prorogued last Friday afternoon. Many of the members were not present but probably drawing their full pay, Funny isn't it. $So,000 bas been voted by the Dominion Government- to aid the families who suffered the loss of loved ones by the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. ` DURING Wednesday of the last week of the campaign N. W. Rowell, leader of the Liberal forces in Ontario; will speak at Exeter. Clinton and Wingham at night. No doubt large audiences will hear bine. SENATOR 'COFFEY, of London, died last week. He contracted a cold while attending to his duties at Ottawa and mein at his home for about a month. The Senator was the publisher of the Catbolic Record of London. Already proposals are being made as to his successor. Do,nNtote Elections willlikely be held in Octoberandthe new order of constituencies comes into effect. Huron County will lose one seat, the new ridings being known as North and South. The new mouse will have 534 instead of 221 as in the last Parliament. A decision was given in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court that where bank cheques are not presented at a bark on a nearby date the issuer ot the cheque will not be held liable if there are no funds when the bolder calls at "any old time." This is a matter of interest to the public gener- ally, BARRISTER ROBERTSON, of Stratford, the Liberal candidate in North Perth, is meeting with encouraging features in his campaign and bas the promise of Conservative support on the Temper- ance question. Mr. Torrance, who has been the M. P. P., is his opponent. We hope to see Mr. Robertson win out as we believe he would make a capital member. ALTHOUGH a quiet election campaign so far there may be a great deal of good solid thinking eta the important question of marking the ballot. Oue big ques- tion looming up is "Banishing the bar." How are you going to vote 1 Will you safeguard your sou or your neighbors' boys by voting to close up the bars 1 A province wide dry territory would doa great work. PREMIER Mex BoxaaN and Sir Wilfrid Laurier said their Good Byes to the Duke of Connaught in Parliament last week. He is to close his term as Governor General of this Domintot this season. His Royal Highness has made himself a general favorite by his willingness to mix with the people and interest himself in the affairs of the country. The new Governor General will be Prince Alexander of Teck who will assume the official position next Fall. He is a brother CO Queen Mary. SATURDAY Night, a non-political jourual published in Toronto pokes fun at the Ontario Legislature and the un. suitability of the new site for Govern- ment House in Toronto as follows:— It has been suggested that Ontario's new Government House, in view of its situation, be mode over ihto a home for retired railway locomotive firemen and 'engineers. It is thought that with railways, close at hand on two sides, and with the belching chimneys of the Don Valley Brick Company on a third, these men would feel perfectly at home at Government House. It has been further suggested that this palatial million dollar pilebe made over into fin asylum for the feeble minded iu memory ot the genius who picked upon the site, but on mature consideration, it is said that the lunatics would objectto the location. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS Dates Announced For East and West Huron WEST BUNON Clinton 0... .„ ..eve. June 19 Holrnesville ttft, • 20 Goderich, • '• 22 EAST RUBOR Belgrave ...aft. June 28 ) tievale ........... " t' 24 Jamestown " t' 25 Brussels ......... r' " 28 Walton . u " 27 Iih"bleswor th " " 29 IFiordwrell " " 30 Coale .. '( July e PreN9t"ve this list for reference, HAVE PRETTY HAIR Thick, Soft, Fluffy, anti no Dandruff-- Uue Parlelan sage 1f yotu' hair is losing its natural color, coining out and splitting, or lacks that that softness, glees and beauty, do not despair—pretty hair is largely a mlttUer of care, If it is too thin make it grow. If itis harsh and brittle' soften it up—lubricate it. if you have dandruff it is because the scalp is too thy and flakes off. 'Fresh- en up the scalp with Parisian Sage— all' dandruff disappears, falling hair and itching head cease, your hair is doubly beautiful. Parisian Sage, sold by Jaa. Fox and at all drug counters, is just what you Peed—a Targe bottle costs but 50 cents, It surely snakes the. hair lustrous and seem twice as abundant. You can- not be disappointed in Parisian Sage. HURON CIL COUNCIL The June session of the Comity Council met in Goderich on June 2nd, all the members present except- ingH. Orich, of Tuckeramith, whose wife was seriously i11. Following is a synopsis of the business trausacted :— Equalization Committee reported recommending that equalization schedules of last year be adopted for the present year. Report was considered in committee of the whole and adopted. J. A. A'lallough addressed Council, urging appointment of a District Agricultural Reptesehtative for County. No action. Special committee, composed of Messrs. Govenlock, Livingstone and Warden, made verbal report on the matter of radial railways as ap- plicable to county. Report was received and committee continued with instructions to report tocouncil next session any develop- ments that may arise, Oommittee appointed at January meeting composed of Messrs. Living- stone, Grey, Shortreed, Morrie and Elliott, Stephen, to consider and re. port, on amendments to the present bridge by-law, was read and non eidered in committee of the whole. It was amended to reenmmend that the countv assume all bridges on boundary lines within the county, of 20 feet and over and that Lhe Lake Shore road from the North to the South boundaries of the county be considered a county boundary and that a by -Law be passed accordingly. Executive Committee's report was read and considered - in committee of the whole. The report was a- mended to read that prizes to be offered at Guelph Winter Fair, be for gelding of any age, 1st prize $155 and 2nd $I0. Moved by Leckie and Bunter that eatery of Dr, Shaw, Medical attendant at the House of Refuge, be increased from $300 to $350 ; salary of .John John Torrance, Inspector from $200 to $300 and Assistant Matron, from, $200 to $2550 including the current year and during the life of the by-law at present in force. ()allied. Finance Committee, in addition to recommending Lhe payment of a large number of accounts reported as pirates : We find that the County expenditure after taking into account he receipts will be $87,127 requiring rate of two and one twentieth mills on be dollar, on an equalised assess_ tient of $42,501,400. Increase in• the rate is due to a deficit in 1913 of 10,191. The rate last year was one and line -tenth mills on the dollar. • Education Committee recommend hat Dr. R. 0. Redmond be appointed o the WinghamHigh School Board to 11 the unexpired term' of Dr, J. A. ennedy. Payment recommended mmended f 290.03 to the $ Harriet n o High chool Board this being the amount ue for Huron County pupils attend re at Hat•riston less 380 the amount 1 fees paid. Special Committee reported as ollows : Respecting the suggestions fSheriff Reynolds as to re-foresting is recommended that if Mr. Rey - olds or any other person would lace a feasible proposition, suitable rr the whole County before the Com- ittee the Committee would favor- bly consider it. Respecting the solution of the Oounty of Dutferin, e r•ecornmeod that the tax remain re same as at present, but we rongly recommend that the money fleeted, or part of it, be sent back the County, where it has been fleeted to be spent on the roads of at County, Road and Bridge Committee re- rted respecting the motion of Town and Lindsay regarding the st of constructing a temporary idge, at Bayfield, and leeommend at the County assist Bayfield to the tent of 75 per cent of the cost of mporary bridge, providing the cost es not exceed $100 the village of ayfield agreeing to furnish all lights glutted Respecting account for idge erected on Howiek and Minto titulary in 1913 it is recommended at the unr08nt be paid. Respecting e motion of Oampbell and Mowbray carding the snow guards on idge at Zetland ie is recommended at Engineer have snow guards erect - when he considers them necessary, at the request of tike motion of ylor and Hudson regarding the sic walk on the bridge at Exeter, it recolnmendecl that Engineer have e said walk properly repaired. espeeting the account claimed to be e the townships of Morris and awanoeh for repairs clone On the ad South of Wingham, the corn- ittee find there le a balance due of 4,44 of which payment is recom- tnded leaving still a small balance account of extra land required, spatting the motion of Murray and ewart to have the road at Dickey 1 completed, it is recommended at no action be taken, Respecting key bridge it is suggested that the ad and bridge Committee, of Huron et the Bruce Rettig() Committee at e bridge at the earliest date possible th the view of'having the up- caches to the bridge put in proper rditiot] and arty ether work deemed cessary done, t 8 0 S ir d 0 f n it ppn ft m a re tl st 0o to co th Bo co th ex tit do I3 re br bo th ill re br. th ed Tia si is th R de 1V to $40 m on St hit til Di 14o me th wi pr bot ne Duff's Presbyterian Church, Walton Jubilee Services SUNDAY, JUNE 21st Jubilee Services by Rev. Robert Laird, 13. D., of Toronto. TUESDAY, JUNE'' 23tc1 Jubilee Social Re -union. Addresses by former Ministers and neigh- boring Pastors. SUNDAY, JUNE 28th Rev. Allan Oranstou, M. A•, of Pal- merston, will preach. . TUESDAY, JUNE 80th Jubilee Garden Party on the Manse Lawn. Following estimate of the receipts and expenditures for the current year was submitted by County Treasurer : Administration of Justice $7000 Jail Division Court Jury Fund 50 Schools . 24000 School management; 3000 Grants 2500 Municipal Government 8000 Stationery and postage 1000 Lunatics and charities 800 Discounts and interest 300 Miscellaneous County property 2000 Road and bridges 11380 1 I uluatriul Home 7000 Sterling debentures 5500 Bridge debentures 2000 Bridge No. 2 debentures 1000 Deficit, 1718 10191 Total 388327 Receipts— Registry office $400 Licenses 800 1200 To be raised $8712; House of Refuge Committee re- ported as follows : We have made quarterly visits to house and found management very satisfactory.' At this date there are 89 inmates being oared for in the institution. Since last meeting of Oouncil we have pur- chased a;good soiled young team of horses 3 and 4 years old, for $280. Committee would recommend that the main building outside be painted this Sommer as it requires vires it badly. o t Weal s recommend disposal of the present gasoline engine and that it be replaced by a Hydro Electric motor of 3 horse power. Believe this can be done without, additional cost and that arrangements of the transfer' be left with the chairman of this committee and the Inspector. Recom- mend a suitable vault be built in the basement for protection in the case of fire of documents, papers and other valuables and that this matter also be left with the Ohairnran and Inspector, It is recommended that Gee claims of J. Brooks and Mrs. Vancamp, respect- ing the estate of Mrs. Wiley, an in- mate of the House of Refuge be left Farmers Attention I have•full lines of the vatious•Ac- ricultural Implements in stock and am able to supply the needs of all on short notice. Steel Hay Loaders the best and only steel one on the market. Have wooden ones if pre- feered. Steel i cry Rakes Hay CaSlings, &c. Three machirs,nes are a caring' for the _Tees. necessity in y crop in pros. pect. See there. High Grade Pianos Phonographs Sewing Manhloes Stock of First-class Buggies If you require anything'in my line ring phone 82 or call et my wares"oom. Yon are always welcotne. S. Carter, Brussels O'er for future luvestigatiott and consideration, Cleanly Engineer reported : Spring ht:sher, pealed doing less damttgo than usual. I received notice from the Warden of Perth to Meet ]tile and examine bridges 0n the boundary between Huron and Perth, There are some small bridges that should be erected this season but being leas than 20 feet 1 wane instrucliops front the Connell in respect thetxnl.o, Examin- ed the bridge between Usborne ttud Blttiielravd neat' Woodham, New bridges will be required this year. .A new bridge will have to be erected over the race at Wingharn, or, repairs made to the old bridge. I have bad. new floors put on the Wroxeter, Mc. Donald and Seanlake bridges and there are still a number that will te- e -et -dee new floors tide season. I have had no Helico from Bruce County regarding work on that boundary bot expece to meet Heir officials lifter the June session. The amount paid for work since last session is 31480. Oouuty Property Comm ittee re- por'ted having visited the jail and Lound everything' in good condition and only one prisoner. Recommend that no action be taken in regard to building a coal shed. Additional lights were recommended for the Registry office. Executive Committee reported making Lite following recommenda- tions. Grant of $25 to the Huron Poultry Association ; that grant to the Provincial minter Fait at Guelph be complied with and grant of $25 be made. to Fat Stock Amateur Ex- hibitors for the best beef animal, $I5 for the 1st prize and $10 for 2nd prize, also that the sum of $25 be granted, $15 as let prize for heavy draught mare under 8 years and $10 for second prize for sante ; that the lender of Thos. Morrow for good beef fit for boiling to be delivered at the jail at 14 cents per pound be accepted. Special Committee,consisting of Messrs. Shortreed, Liingstone, and Elliott appointed at January meeting to consider revision present Bridge by-law governing boundary bridges in this County and to report to the June meeting the chanes deemed necessary, reported as follows : The present by-law includes all bridges 20 feet or over on all boundary lines and on the Lake Share road from Amber - ley to Grand Bend, We recommend by-law be changed- to read that the County assume all bridges12 feet and over ou all boundary fines within the County and on the Lake Shore road from the North boundary to the South boundary, that Lite Statute Section 458, Chapter 18, of 1913 govetue the erection 0f all bridges on County boundaries, We putt] that host of our uoighboring Counties aro governed by this Statute, which we consider is right, after consulting with the Connty lei tor, We have asked Lho Solicitor Lo preptu'o a by-law have ing blanks so the changes we ;worn - weed may be inserted when kepi nved by the Connell. Wu further consider i't necessary that the bylaw appoint- ing the Engineer be amended so that he be required to make a report on any bridge wlien asked to do reg by the Council or Road and Bridge Omit- ted tteo, ime A car load of Lime to hand. 35 cent per bushel, Apply to Tho People's Column rEAME BARN 40800 Peet for sale. Apply 01r 11% 1.0119 00,1, 7, Ill orris to Phone 1411 W, C, (TUNNi INarfe.N, CAEN POR SALAD. --The uudetai6•nsd offers for sale his 100 acre farm, being Lot 4, Con. 18, Grey. Farm is alt cleared but 2 SWIM and in good state of eoltivetion. Brick house, bank herr, gement driving shed • water sumii plied at both barn and 110580 by windmill, 80 nares undordrahned, Two miles from I' Walton For further particulars apply to W , NOLAN' R. It. Otto. 2 th•nesele, 47•Oe, STOREBOUSE FOR SALE OR To ram.— No. 1 Produce warehouse nt Brussels Station G, if. R. Por partioulers apply to S. LliOEre, Brussels, - Admiral Vasey . (15218) Enrolment No, 1422 ANDREW F. EMBURY & BON, Proprietors. MONDAY—Wilt leave his own stable, Lot 21, grd Line, Morris, and go Nortlt to Agar Bros., 2nd Line, Morris, for noonthen. North to 1st Line, Morrie, the, Rest Via James- town to Geo. Johnston's for night TUESDAY—East to David Onrson's for noon; then South to Thos. anile' fo,• night., WEDNESDAY—South to Edward Woods' for noon; then North to Ot11 Coh: to Peter Bishop's for night ,j( 4 THURSDAY—West and. South to A. GEB BAKER, Cranbrook Biabop'stornowi; thenviarrusseti.8 Robt. Niahol'8, 0th Lino. Morr18,Por night. o FRIDAY—West 114 miles, North 134 miles and West to Wnt. Miller's Stir line, Morris, Telephone 52e. for noon; then Molt toGravel road to John Wightman's for night, Belgrave to. A, Brydgee' for noon; then to his own stable where he will ` remain until the following Monday morning. No Friends Like The ©k Friends F r•oo m girlhood through middle life and right along to old age Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's best friend—feed the nerves, aid digestion„ stop headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. Try them 25c. a bottle Druggist', and Dealers or by mail. 8 Chamterinik Medicine Co., Toronto. The : r RctQm or the Boy -YOUR Vote. May, Settlelt. cn June 29th, ( el ,y a id asr.l 4 ll TH .'rhea: •t) -e. e.;•.•y ;,, (' Mascot's King (10,968) DIOK8ON BRO8„Proprietors Willstandfor service -at hisown stable, Lot 8, -Con. 11, Grey, for this season, Terms SB 00, Mascot Kings Enrolment number granted by the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board for 1014, is 1418, and 1s dated play Oth,1014. Cumberland- Gem (Imp,) [18978] (109801 JOHN J. McGAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement of stook dor- . fag the season at hle'pwn stable, Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop Terms—$12.00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion 18nrtlment Board of Ontario certifies that the name, description and ped] - gree of the Clydesdale Stallion Cumberland Ciera” (hop.), registered in tate Onnadian Clydesdale Stud Book its No, 18078, owned by Jolm J. htaGnvh,, 05 Walton, old foaled in 1910. has been enrolled in eocordnnee with Chanter 67 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 1867. H. W. WADE Secretary, PETERWnima, Chairman. " Toronto, Itiarab. 81st, 1014. loudoll's favorite (Imp.) [11812] (13070) JOHN J. MCGAVIN Proprietor - Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement of stook dur- ing the 0505011 at Ida own stable, Lot 22, Con. 18, McKillop - Terme—$8,00, Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the naive, description and pall.aree of the Clydesdale Stallion. ' Loudon's Favorite;' limp.) registered in the Canadian To .7 MoGeviale dBook in of Walton, andofoaled d in 1004, has been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario,2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 800. R, W. WADE, Sooratery. P0050 Wules Chairman. Toronto, March 81st, 1914, A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Pittings, such as. Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stook, &o. ljepairs to Pumps promptly attender] to. Give me a eall. A, RAYMANN, Cranbrook RUPTURE curd At your home without pain, danger .or ,operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless case's no matter what yourr age is ox how long ruptured. Why wait until your nip - tore becomes strangulated when you can be cured ?'. Oo not wait - Fill in coupon Age' Time ilup Siirgle,or Double Name , ... Address and return to - r J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia e't. :a Dept, A Str .tFoel, on#, r' 8 ✓✓N, Illi i'KIVI.R5.\1. CAR He pays for his vanity. The man who buys a heavy car sacrifices' good dollars to mis-placed pride. . The prudent buyer invests in the dependable Ford. He, knows will serve him best—and at lowest cost. Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford ren -about• the tom i t u u car 1. ' 4 SIX fifty the R' 1, town w h car nine hundred—f.F o. b. Ford, 'Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from J. H. GALBRAITH, Local Agent, Brussels. The : r RctQm or the Boy -YOUR Vote. May, Settlelt. cn June 29th, ( el ,y a id asr.l 4 ll TH .'rhea: •t) -e. e.;•.•y ;,, (' Mascot's King (10,968) DIOK8ON BRO8„Proprietors Willstandfor service -at hisown stable, Lot 8, -Con. 11, Grey, for this season, Terms SB 00, Mascot Kings Enrolment number granted by the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board for 1014, is 1418, and 1s dated play Oth,1014. Cumberland- Gem (Imp,) [18978] (109801 JOHN J. McGAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement of stook dor- . fag the season at hle'pwn stable, Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop Terms—$12.00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion 18nrtlment Board of Ontario certifies that the name, description and ped] - gree of the Clydesdale Stallion Cumberland Ciera” (hop.), registered in tate Onnadian Clydesdale Stud Book its No, 18078, owned by Jolm J. htaGnvh,, 05 Walton, old foaled in 1910. has been enrolled in eocordnnee with Chanter 67 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 1867. H. W. WADE Secretary, PETERWnima, Chairman. " Toronto, Itiarab. 81st, 1014. loudoll's favorite (Imp.) [11812] (13070) JOHN J. MCGAVIN Proprietor - Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement of stook dur- ing the 0505011 at Ida own stable, Lot 22, Con. 18, McKillop - Terme—$8,00, Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the naive, description and pall.aree of the Clydesdale Stallion. ' Loudon's Favorite;' limp.) registered in the Canadian To .7 MoGeviale dBook in of Walton, andofoaled d in 1004, has been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario,2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 800. R, W. WADE, Sooratery. P0050 Wules Chairman. Toronto, March 81st, 1914, A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Pittings, such as. Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stook, &o. ljepairs to Pumps promptly attender] to. Give me a eall. A, RAYMANN, Cranbrook RUPTURE curd At your home without pain, danger .or ,operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless case's no matter what yourr age is ox how long ruptured. Why wait until your nip - tore becomes strangulated when you can be cured ?'. Oo not wait - Fill in coupon Age' Time ilup Siirgle,or Double Name , ... Address and return to - r J. S. SMITH 88 Caledonia e't. :a Dept, A Str .tFoel, on#, r' 8