HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-11, Page 6Young Folks s�•srr•�•�sw� Jaequilinc's Reform, • Jaequiline Palmer was eonsider- ed the prettiest little girl in town. She had large blue eyes and long, light curl's But now, I ani sorry to Say, a little witch lived' inher pret- ty curls,and a wicked sorceress in her big blue eyes. For this reason Jaequiline had few friends. If any of :her playmates did any- thing to displease her she would naughtily shake her curls, throw }ler head high up into the air and walk away Baying, "You have no right to do that. You're not the moat beautiful girl. I am. Jaequiline was :so proud and lis- agreeable that she was unhappy, but she did not know why she was not happy, One day the shades were drawn in the large :house where Jaequiline lived. Children, even the poor :homely ones that she had treated so badly, whispered sympa'8hetio re- marks for little 3iaoquiline. For the doctor had told thein that the horrible ogre called "Typhoid Fe- ver" had 'seized her and that the doctors were fighting it day •incl night. 10 V, when little JacqLi1ins saw w the pretty flowers the children had sent her,she was sorry she had treated them eo b,adly. Would you believe that while she was in' bed the wicked witch in her curls died and also the wicked sor- ceress? And in theirplace the fairy queen called "Love' dwelt in her •big blue eyes and the spirit called "ILindne'ss" lived in her Cupid's lips. And from that day Jaequiline be- came the most loved as well .as the kindest little girl one could wish to meet. MODERN MONEY -BOXES. How the Safe -Maker Prepares for the Safe -Breaker. Most people remember asensa- tional attempt at safe burglary in London some months ago, when several men, with an equipment weighing over half a ton, spent a whole night trying to rob a safe that contained £80,000 worth of pearls, says London Answers. That big pea: merchant now an- nounces that he has procured a new safe guaranteed to ;baffle the world's most skilful safe-breakers. If so,. the news marks another s ep in the long and keenly fought duel be- tween the safe -maker and the safe- ' breaker. Till a few years ago a drill was good enough for safe -breaking. A hole was bored, and the powerful explosive nitro-glycerine inserted.. The safe -makers retaliated by building their safes of "five-ply steel, i,e., of five layers of hard and soft steel sandwiched together. The hard layers will baffle the finest drill ever made, while the soft ones give the whole a springiness that makes the safe resist the shattering effect of a powerful explosive. The method of the scientific Mr. Sikes was to get a grip for his ex- plosive simply by scratching lines in the paint, and rubbing the ni,tro- glycerine-or, as he calla it "soup". —in by the aid of a ball of clay or putty. Sometimes it was rubbed in- to thecrack between the safe door and the jamb it is attached to. • The safe -soaker has replied by using as thin paint on his safes as possiiblo, the thick edges where the door anee+ts the jamb being left quite unpainted, The close fit that the newest safes have—a fit that makes the 'insertion of "soup" absolutely impossible—is obtained by having the door and the. lock ground actually into their seats. " But the safe-breaker has refused to admit himself beaten, He hass discovered: the uses of the oxy�-ace- tkl'lene blow -pipe, and regards the soup" operator as old-fashioned, The oxy-acetylene blow -pipe is a very simple, but tremendously pow- erful weapon, A tube from a,cylin- der of oxygen and another from a cylinder of acetylene meet in a pipe. When the nozzle of this pipe is di- rected against a piece of metal, that ,metal promptly begins to run like candle -grease, even •if it be the toughest steel. Every metal made must yield to the blow -pipe, Al.' the safe -maker can do is to make the yielding as slow as possible.. The newest safes 'are built of manganese steel, the 'toughest as well as the hardest of all steels. Krupp's, it its said, are expert' meriting with a steel still tougher than manganese -,so tough, indeed, that seine 4,000 gallons of oxygen, and 3,000 of acetylene will be noes* eery, as well art at least twelve house' work, before the burglar can work through it So the last word ix emphatiacllly with the safe -matter, .It is an interesting fact that naw- ada;ys all big safe -making firrns. carefully examine into the past hie - tory of the men they engage, anal keep them under close staveillaime for yearn after they have left, ea well as dividing the work tip hi such a way that ho one man knows enough o€, their bherislled secrets to be a valtiable recruit to the safe - b a;, i n g'brriga,de.. HOW TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE The Common Cause is Lack ' of Blood—Therefore You Must Build up the Blood There is the 'neat, intimate rela- tion between the condition of the hlood and the activityof the sto- mach, The blood depnds upon the stomaoh for a" large part of its nourishment, while every act of digestion, from the time the food enters the stomach and is a•ssinii= dated by the blood needs plenty of pure well -oxidized blood. The muscles, glands and nerves of the • lin 'the stomach work only accoteg to quality of the blood, The most common cause of indi- gestion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only does impure blood weaken the muscles of the stomach, but it lessons the product of the glands of the intestines and 'stomach, which furnish the digestive fluids. Noth- ing will more promptly cure indi- gestion than plenty of pure blood, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are the safest and most certain blood- builder, A thorough trial of these pills gives a hearty appetite, per- fect digestion, strength and health. Here is proof of the value of these Pills in cases of indigestion. Mrs. Alfred Austin, Varna, Ont., says: "My system became un -down and my stomach very weak. I. had. no desire for food and what I did take caused me great distress, and, did not afford me nourishment, and I. was gradually growing weaker, and could' scarcely do any work at all. I did mot sleep soundly at night, and would wake up not at all re- freshed and with a feeling of dread Some years previously'I"had 'used Dr. tillfams' Pink Pills with much benefit, and this decided me to again try them. My confidence was pat misplaced, as by the time I had used six boxes I was again feeling quite veli." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by sending to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. EARNED $200,000 TO WIN HER. But President Poincaire Felt His Wife Was Worth It, Mme, Poincaire, wife of the Presi- dent of Prance, is at present a notable flgure'in the eyes of the people of that country, who are recalling the romantic circumstances of her mar - 'lege to M. Poincaire. The latter, while a young and by no means distinguished lawyer, met and fell in love with the charming daughter of a rich family. Alas for the young man's hopes, however, the stern -parents of the girl demanded a settlement of $200,000. Instead of weakly giving up and allowing some richer man to win her the plucky young man askedonly for time—five years. Applying himselfassiduously to his profession he succeeded in ac- cumulating the required amount and so winning the girl of his choice. Mme. Poincaire has the charm, the tact and the taste in dress that are common to the women of France and she has been the guiding star of her husband's career. In addition to her other accomplishments she is an ad- mirable housekeeper and looks after the .Elysee home—the Presidential mansion -much the same as she did her own home: Tortures of Rheumatism i . Yield to This Remedy J A Marvel of Speed, An Unfailing Cure For Old Chronic cases. GET A TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can rub out the pain of rheumatism, Scia- tica, Lumbago, or Neuralgia—rub it away so completely, that you feel like new all over. It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, or how long you have had it —rubbing with the king of all lini- menta "Nerviline" will cure you. Nerviline is highly concentrated -- about Rye times stronger than the or- dinary white ammonia liniment— therefore it penetrates quickly—sinks in deeply—and gets right at the core of the pain at once—draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness— eases the joints that have hurt you so much. Out conies the pain every time you rub on Nerviline, whirl contains some of the most valuable pain -subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold toevery family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor ills of a hundred kinds that constantly arise, Cot the large 60e. family size bottle; small trial size 25c, Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywil Ore. Spoiled the Job. Howell=When ,you want a thing done right, do it yourself. Powell—I guees that's good ad- vice ; I never ao.t •a fellow to lie for me when he didn't make a mess of it. YOUR OWN DRtJGOIST WILL. TELL YOB Try cutin Eye Remedy far Eck Weak, Weterry nyee and Granulated ltyollde; ipo 8martiog fust i'1ye Comfort, write for Eodk of tbo Eye bymoll r'reo, isittlnaGye Remedy Co., °Waage, serfata The chap w o. keeps everlastingly at ib mamma,' a 1o1 of things that are not neoessasil' worth the effort. Lek It Ainera'a end take AO enter, WEIRD EXPERIENCES, ['1unous 1 fifty-Thontiand;Milt, 'foul' Ill a Motor -Cur, . There are may ways of seeing the world, but ,perhaps the , Meet thorough—•eertainly the most novel s• -way is by motor oar, Mr. Glid- den, in the article which appears in Pearson's Magazine, tell.; us of many weird experiences, au d of soma records made during his. fanl- ous 50,000 -mile tour, no of which we quote' --"E'er 1,000 miles north of Stockholm we were the first mo - Wrists over the road, . The entire drive frim the southerly encl of Sweden to the Arctic Cirele-1,640 miles—was over roads which would compare favorably with a farmer's hayfield, ld track from his barn to his y , And everywhere we were greeted by unmanageable horses and cattle, Often occupants of carts abandoned them entirely at our approach and ran for shelter to the woods. North of the capital our route lay for 900 Miles through the woods skirting the Gulf of Bothnia, Here loneli- ness reigned supreme, broken only by flocks of birds and small game crossing our path. In a distance of 125 miles we passed only three mail carts driven by small boys, and in another stretch of fifty miles we saw but one human being. But in every 'settlement crowds gathered to wit- nessthe arrive 1the first motor. of i Swe- den, The telephone is uu verset in S den, and told our movements all u along the route. Most children ran away in mortal terror as we came up others stopped to ask such questions about the car as 'What Found the Cause The Rest Was Easy DODD)'S KIDNEY P.II,I,S QUICK- LY CURED HIS L(LDNEY. DISEASE:, flow Hudson Marchbank, After Suffering for Iivl Tears, Found (Zwick Relief and Permanent Cure in the Greatest of Canadian Remedies, Marchbank, Icing's County, N.B., June 1st (Special).—After suffering for fivo years from kidney disease, brought on by a strain, Hudson Marchbank Esq.,the well-known farmer of � thisplace, is again a strong, healthy man, and another grand cure for Dodd's Kidney Pills has been put on record,. In an in- terview, Mr. Marchbank say's:- "About five years ago 1 hurb says:, back from 'lifting, and it developed into kidney disease. My back pain-: ed me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches. 18Iy appetite was fitful: I had a'bitter taste in my mouth in the mornings; I perspiredfreely and my perspira- tion had a disagreeable odor. - "I used liniments and plasters,. but they did not do me any good,. i and as there wereSPtoms other s vi that kidneys were affected I de- cided' myr to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, After using two boxea,'my back was completely cured, and ray kidneys have. not troubled me since." When Mr, D'larehbank decided do you call it4'—`Is it the machine that his kidneys were the cause of which kills the people in France?' his troubles, the rest was easy. It was on the morning of August Almost any of his neighbors could 16th, 1903, with the thermometer at 45, when we left Haparande, for our. last day's drive towards our objec- tive, the Arctic Circler -a drive of 75 miles'over reindeer breaks, At the few settlements the Finns gath- ered to cheer us on the way, Fif- teen miles from the Circle, at Mar- ta-ren-gi, where is Sweden's most northerly- church, we took on board Mr. Ma1'tinell, the postmas- ter of the district, who certified that our car was 'the first automo- bile to pass the Arctic Circle.' TEETHING BABIES Teething' time is usually a time of worry to mothers. It is usually accompanied by nervousness, stom- ach trouble and extreme fretful- ness. The mother can avoid all this; she can have her baby pass through the dangerous teething time without pain or crossness. Baby's Own Tablets are the moth- er's greatest friend at this time. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, allay feverishness whioh usually accompanies the coming of new teeth, and in this way make teething easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at. 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medieine Co:, Brockville, Ont. d• WOMEN WHO HUNT BIG GAME. • Lady Hunter in London Tells of Jungle Thrills, Lohg hours of "stalking," wearisome nights spent sitting over a "kill" await- ing the return of a panther and endless miles on the back of an elephant through thick jungle in quest ofa tiger are amongst the incidents experienced by Mrs. Holmes, Tarn, who has just returned from India, whither she ea companied her husband an a shooting expedition, says the London Standard. The pursuit of big- game is a sport which 18 attracting numbers of women. The sportsman in India may shoot in two ways. There is the one which requires much preparation beforehand, when jungles are plentifully baited' in advance with young buffalo to attract tigers to that spot readyfor the guns, and there is the other when the sports- man chances his luck in a scratch beat, or a long stalk through the jungles, with a buffalo tied up at random on the chance of "drawing" a tiger. The latter method, more sporting, if also more arduous, was adopted by Mrs. Holmes- Tarn and her husband, Mrs. Holmes-Tarn's experiences of shooting are not, however, confined to India. She has probably had more all- round shooting experience than other women. "My first trip was to the Rocky Moimtaius, in Wyoming State," she said, "It was a rough trip; sometimes. we slept on the ground in the snow. We were after deer, wapiti and bears," Later the speaker went to Canada, where, amongst other animals, a moose and caribou fell to her rifle, Bast Africa is, however, her favorite hunting ground. A rhinoceros, shot. with a .803 rifle, and an elephant and rhinoceros with a .400, aro amongst her most prized African trophies, "I was trapping small animals for the British Museum that trip," remark - el Mas. Holmes -Tarn, "and managed to capture two new genera and ten rare species, Once when Mr. R. J, Cuuinghamo and I were ,out after ele- phant we were lost for 24 hours, dined off a zebra's liver roasted on sti.elar and only reached camp thanks to the help of a friendly herdsman. Another time it lyes touch and go whether we were charged by a herd of elephante, but, fortunately, they stampeded le the epposito direction, Tomy mind there is no cobntry like East Africa for shooting, Snap -shooting and stalking through bit jungles in India may please people who have not shot any, Whore else, butBast Africa spoils you for other ceuttris" Ills Ailment. hila e��ws-•-Wsiab did the deatpl' & �rv}e s` e Matter, with you, )1,ras- tta 1 DW.I 1t6 1,"I ieii,a'y 1 •got' a tarpodo tell him that Dodd's Ealney • Pills always cure diseased kidneys. — CATERPILLARS THAT BURN. And a Burrowing Creature With a Belt of Prickles. 1Vlore than one traveler has serious- ly asserted that the insect pests in the valleys of the Orinoco and the Amazon are enough to prevent forever the settlement of that region by civilized people of northern races, Southern Brazil seems as badly off, at least in the forested interior. Hugh Pearson, au English explorer of the wild coun- try, describes two insect pests that in- fest the sources of the Parana. One is a 'redhot caterpillar that burns- a person wherever it touches; and•the other a. burrowing creature with a belt of prickles. The caterpillars are not named, but. are said to be various and beautiful, and the different species can be recog- nized by the kind of pain they inflict as well fie by their markings. They may be the larvae of a species of Lasiocampidae, related to our tent caterpillars, which are clothed with tufts of downward -pointing hairs that in several tropical species are known to sting dreadfully, Madame Merlin, years ago, In an account of the zoology of Surinam; described an enormous caterpillar of this group. She simply touched one of them, whereupon her hands became inflamed, and she suf- fered excruciating pain. There is an African moth the hairs of whose caterpillar are so venomous that they are used as an ingredient in making arrow poison, Mr. Pearson asserts that where one of the South American caterpillars rested on his bare skin it 'made a blister an inch long, that had all the characteristics of a burn with a hot iron, and left a similar sear." HETI, MOTHER -IN -LAW - Proved, OTHER -IN -LAW - Proved• a Wise, Good Friend. A you'ng woman found a wase, good friP_nd nn her mother-in-law, jokes notwithstanding. She writes: "I was greatly troubled -with my stomach, complexion' was blotchy and yellow. After meals I' often suffered sharp -pains, and would have to lie down. My mother often told toe, it was the coffee I. drank at meals, But when I'd'quit coffee I'd have a severe liea.daohe." (Tea con- tains the saute poisonous drug, caf- feine, as coffee). "While visiting my inotih'er-in-law I reme.rked that she always. made such good coffee,and asked her to toll me how. She laughed and told me it was easy to melee good 'coffee' when you Use Posttnni. "I began to use Rostum as soon as I got home, and now we have the same good 'coffee' (Postum) every day, and I have no more trouble. .Tncligostion is a thing of the past, and my complexion has cleared up beautifully, "My grandmother suffered a great deal with her stomach. Her doctor told her to leave off coffee, She then' took tea, but that was just as bad, "She finally was induced to try Postum, which the has Used for over. a year. She travelled during, the winter visiting, eomothing; slno had not been able to do for years. She says she owes her present good health to Postmen," ,Name given by Canadian Poatum Co,, 1Windsor, Ont, Read' "Tho I.boad to Wellvalle," iii plcgs, Posture now comes in two forms: Regular Postman must be well boiled, 15e end 25e packages.. Instant Postum—is a soluble pow- der, A teaspoonful diseolves'quick- ly in n cup of hot water and, with Instantly, makes t de e o lus i i cream and.atlg l a mi baverago 3oc .and 50c One. The cost per cup of both kinds is ahifYtlt the game, "Tltalte's"a Reason" for Postern. —Sold by Grocers, BABY COVEDED 11TN EAS[I From• Head e d to Foot. Itched and Burned. Disfiguring. Face and Arms Worst. Cutipura Soap and Cuutioura Ointment Cured.red. Logore Corner, Monctou,.N. B.—." Whop my baby was avemonths old be had a rash which used to trouble him very much. Tile rash was very boil and be was covered from head to foot. 1 got no rest day or night with him. lb would itch and burn so much that ho used to scratch t111 lie used to bring the blood and then 1t would turn to a mattery sore which disfigured him. The worst was his face and arms. salves and man different "f Urled a goody soaps but to no use; lie got no better. But after a while I thought 2 would try Cuticura Soap and Ointment and had only used them two or three times when 1 saw agreatchange. The sores dried up and came off and he was cured.'; (Signed) hirs. George French, ltlay 26; 1913. Tor pimples and blackheads the following Is amostefective and economical treatment: Gently' smear' the affected parte with Cull - cure Ointment, on the endof the finger, but do not rub. Wash off the Outicura Oint- ment in ileo minutes with Outicura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some miu- 7ils treatment is best rising 7 and retiring. At other times use Cutieura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in pre- venting inflammation, irritation and dog- ging of the pores. Outicura Soap andOlnt- ment are sold everywhere. Por aliberal free senialo of each, with 32-p. book, send post- card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dope 33, Boston,' D. 5. A. A Safe Summer Drink. • Lemon -syrup is a delightful drink for the summer months, and for picnic outings. So often the atom- aoh is upset by unsuitable drinks during the hot weather, but the fol- lowing recipe can be safely recom- mended : Yeay thinly pare the yellow part of the elfin off three lemons, and place it in a jug with two large breakfastcupfuls of water by the side of the fire to infuse for an hour. Squeeze the juice of the three lemons into a clean enamel sauce- pan, add one .and a ,half pounds of sugar, two `breakfanteupfule of wa- ter, and a teaspoonful of tartars° acid. Mix this together, and add the water in which the shins are infused. Boil all together for ten to fifteen minutes. Str.ain•�through muslin, and bottle for use. A dessertspoonful in a tumbler of water is a .most refreshing drink, especially when a small piece of ice is added. "Is that your .son 1" "Yes." "A very eonrageons young man,• isn't he t" "Why .sol" "Look ook at the clothes he's wearing." q• The Death Warrant Delivered Na defence can be offered when you apply Putnam's to a sorecorn—the of- fender .has to die. Nothing socertain to quickly cure corn as Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor; try Putnam's. it's free from acids, and painless, 26e. bot- tles sold by: all dealers, a. The Quality of the Daily Life. The one great truth to whioh we all need to come is that a successful life lies not in doing' this, or going there, or possessing something else—it lies In the quality of the daily life. It Is just as surely success to be just and courteous to servants or companions comer, as it is to make or the chance o , a noted speech before an audience, or write a book; or make a million del- lara. It is achievement on the spirit- ual side of things; it is the extension of our life here into the spiritual world that is alone of value. This extension is achieved, this growth towards high- er things 15 attained, by. our habitual attitude of mind, It develops by truth and love and goodness, it is stunted by. every envious thought, every unjust or unkind act. Minord'f Liniment need by Pbyoiciane. Smarter Than Many Humans. Trigg—Wonder ' why people say "as smart' as a steel ;trap' 1 I never could ',see anything perlloularly in- telligent in a steel brag, ' N ogg—A steel ;trap is called ,smart because it knows exactly the right time to shut up. • Minard's Liniment Co , Limited, Gents,—I have ttseli your Mlnard's, Liniment In` my family and alto 1n my stables fqr years and consider it the best medicine obtainable, Yours truly ALPR150 ROCFIAV. Proprietoy SRexfax aei Pond hotel and Liver Sufficient Proof. She ---"No, George, T am afraidI cannot marry you. I want a man W11,0 .possesses a noble ambition 1. whoso heart is set on attaining some high and worthy object," ,r Ire -Well, don't I want; you? She—"Oh, George 1 I am yours I" tool) M1ltard'e Liniment In the house, Even seers neighbor who was par- ii,oulal•l,y well liked? Sure! ED. 4. ISSUE 23—'(.1. WHEN MAKING COMBS. Materials 'hied and ]low These Articles Arc Mennfaetueed. The essential materials of the regular combmaker are howl and hoofs while le .o toisea ell is often used, Horn and hoofs can now bo so excelienly niacle in imitation of tortoiseshell that- the latter quite naturally is not in such demand as it used to be. The first step in comb -making is the cutting of the horny Material into aegrnetits of a fit size. After being cut in" lengths a :horn possessing ap. large diameter has to be divided again transversely. The Hoofs are boiled before cutting, which renders these softer and therefore ea mei toacut in two. They are next conveyed to the pressing - floor, an apartment fixed up with furnaces. Rendered pliable by the action of the heat they are flattened out in the hands of the workmen_ and eut to shape with knives. After being inserted in stout blocks while still hot they pool in the form of a flat plate. These plates are next taken to the stock- room, whioh is kept at a high tem- perature by means of steam or hot- air flues, with the object of drying Or hardening, and here they are trimmed to shap;e, while the portion that is to be toothed is cut to a g' straight-ed e, - saws teeth are cut by circular s iv9 moving with inconceivable rapidity. When the he teeth are' tat:P eyed to a point and rounded, the finishers smooth the whole article to prevent it from catching do the hair. When a Woman Suffers With Chronic Backache There Is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptons of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go' direct to the seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys; to lend aid to the bladder and liver; to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For, all womanly irregularities their merit is well. known. Because of their. .mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of 'all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub. stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man= drake and Butternut. d• And When Money Talks. Sound travels at the rate of 400 .;yards per second.. Exceptions to this mule ; Scandal: 1,000 yards, Flattery : 500 yards. Tr'utth: 2% yards. Alarm clock -1 tiol Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect bakly;g, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces, They have no equal. PARRS FOR SAL& W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne urea. Toronto. Trrot/ WANTTO SOY On GULL. A ernit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm. write Ii, W. Dawson, Brampton. or sr Colborne 8L, Toronto. it W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t„ Tetania AGENTS WANTED. ,! GENTS WANTED, at TO 310 A t1 11aY. l'i'rits Peerless Cooker & Specialty Co., '13eriIn. NEWSPAPERS FOR BALE. GOOD WERs Ly IN LIVE 'rowN ,IN York County. Stationery end Book Business In connection. on. price °n ix 7 34.000. Terms liberal. log Company, 73 West Adelaide Street Toronto.• ■IISIOLLANS011/. CANGER, ionone. LUMPS. Erre., internal and external, cured with. out pain by oar home treatment. Writs en before too lata Dr. Hellman Mediae/ Ca,. Limited. Collingwon,1. Out. Mari uW ntC�tt who understands horses In every district we want such a titan Will pay 4:10 woP�C Canadian Distributors • !r l.,m,tvd Vence UVer.e 5 ` Site Understood Then. Applicant—No, ma'am, I couldn't ' work where there's children. Madam—But we advertised for a girl who understood children, Applicant -Oh, I undemstand'ern, ma'am. That's why I wouldn't work where they are. Lalnard'e Liniment Lumberman'a Priem' Food In Mexico. Refugees in Mexico will be redacted by this time to subsisting on tortillas and frijolis, the staple food of the country. A tortilla is a flat cake of unleavened bread. The corn is soaked in lye to destroy the husk, and the grains are crushed into meal on a stone table with a stone rolling pia by hand. Mixed with water and bak- ed, there results a thin flat cake, which tears like blotting paper, and. tastes about as pleasantly. These, with the frijoles or baked beans (either black or white) constitute the daily food, While meat, being cooked directly it is killed, is very tough, and is smother- ed in grease. Kidneys Cured or Bronzy Bak There is no risk in buying QIN PILLS. The are sold on a positive guarantee that theywillcure all I(id'ney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Pain in the Back, etc. If, after taking 6 boxes, yonnan honestly say that Gin Pills have not cured you, take the empty loxes to your dealer and he will refund the money. That shows how certain we are that GinPilla will cure you. b0o. a box ; fi for 62.50. Sent on receipt of price 12 your dealer can't supply you, Sample free if you mention • this paper. 186 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMiCAL CO., 0F CANADA LIMITED - TORONTO. a Gan Buy, Cheaper At e Von Ca y.%�®11� Ask your Local Merchant for the "-ome TRADE CATA OG E, rnd Save Money There is a j fir Better Quality. 11; ,��(tn•,1eF,�"'� , y '717.'" 5�T- �NT)^' Guaranteed. lrl-aefl°' anH1Ctee104:lte.kO7M�!t�3 TRADE MERCHANT hear you,