The Brussels Post, 1914-6-4, Page 6Fashion Hints
Sheer Neville Collars.
One of the most delightful notes
in spring fashions is the new collar,
It Gamint be ve'i'y definitely defined
and perhaps it cannot be o'laimed
for tate spring. It began to sbow
itself fete in the winter. •
As for les definition, it is 'the flar-
ing collar of fine muslin that takes,
upon itself a dozen, even a nun -
deed, forms.
It is developed in the Medici
shape. When it has long, pointed
ands that almost 'brush the cheeks and their complexion changes to a
tt is called the Gladstone, Some- pasty yellow, or they become
times it is called the Brittany col- deathly white. No medicine ever
lar, because it is suggestive e the offered the publee has bestowed
Brittany peasants. And downs of such important benefits upon anae-
designers give at dozens of names. mac girls as Dr. benefits
Butvts name is unessential. The
Thousands of Growing Girls
Yearly Fall Into a Hope-
less Decline.
Anaemia—the ce.etor's name for
bloodlessness — holds bank many
girl•e ,from the path to bright,
healthy womanhood. At that all-
important time when their veins
should be full of rich, red blood,
anaemia, creeping on theist stealth-
ily, robs them of sparkling eyes and
a clear skin. They b•econte languid
and exhausted at the least exer-
tion, their backs aelt•e, their hearts
palpitate violently, appetite fails,
essential:.poiet about it is that it Pills. They build ap the body anew
is dainty and almost invariably .be-
coming. It must be made of some
white fabric, the sheerer the bet-
ter, and it mast be stiffened, usual-
ly with starch. so that it holds the Iielana Arsenault, Urbainville, P.
pose its makers dy collars
row r L I says: "I suffered from an at-
ni The thin organdy collars are, in tack of anaemia which my friends
a measure, the most strikaug of all
the new ones. But they are decid- feared at one time would prove fa -
edit, fragile, They can be launder- tai. I grew thinner every day, had
ed back into shape w.ibhout trouble, dark circles around in eyes, could
but they must be laundered often.
Perhaps the heavier linen collars
by making the rich, red bleed that
gives seplendid health, bright eyes,
a clear complexion acid womanly
brightness. Here is an instance out
of many recorded thousands. Miss
not sleep well at night and got up
in the morning feeling tired and
• are a little more practical for street depressed. I suffered severely from
wear. They add the touch of dainti- h•eadaehes and pains in the back
ness necessary to every one of theand limbs. I had to leave school,
spring frocks and they hold their a..nd was unable to doany work
shape longer than do the ea!,,,eme around the (house. I had no apple
ones. tate and frequently vomited what I
No Longer Seems Odd. did eat. I was, under a, doctor's
It seemed odd, at first, to see cats for eight months, but was
growing browse and worse, and was
linen and organdy used an combin- almost in despair, when a friend
ation with the finest laces. A blouse advised me to give Dr. Williams'
Made of cobwebby Thee mounted Pink Pills a trial. Anxious to get
over chiffon ought logically, it well, I decided to do so. After
seemed, to have a collar of tulle ori taking a few boxes I found a good
lace. Behold it with a stiff collar' improvement, and I continued tak-
of linen. in the Pills until I had used nine' Now that we are used to this! boxes, when I was again enjoying
combination, it no longer seems perfect health, and I found on
odd. And it mustbe admitted that lveigbing mgself that I had gained
it is quite attractive. seventeen pounds. I have since en -
The best thing about these col- joyed perfect health, for which I
laws is that they provide a method have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink
of freshening up heavy or dark Pills and strongly advise all other
froelcs. They are often made with ailing girls to give this medicine.a
cuffs. to match and a set of organdy fear trial "
`fells of His Feelings During the
The sensations of a blind men fly-
ing in am aeroplane at 00 miles an
hour were vividly described at
Hendon, England, on the 20th ult.
Mr. Eliot Williams, an Englishman
who beeaane blind while on a voyage
from British Columbia to England
recently, was a passenger with Mr.
Hamel on a short flight at the Lon-
don Aerodrome, Although he has
been blind only some three months
Mr. Williams 'has never seen an
aeroplane, Plying round the aero-
drome for about six minutes at the
rate of 80 miles an hour, Mr. Wil-
liams had only disappointment to
express at the brevity of the flight,
"Why, it seemed e'careely more
than a minute," he said afterwards,
"but it was a great sensation. I
could see nothing, but I felt a white
mist around nae all the time. I
guess that is the greatest gale I
have ever been in,' He continued
—"When I held my head up in the
air I had to gasp for breath. It
seemed as if I were riding on the
back of a sea gull. The great bird
seemed to rise and fall with a ter-
rific heave. Mr. Williams was full
of enthusivam about his flight, but
he wished that he could only have
been able to see. "Ah!" he ex-
claimed, "what a greater sensation
it would have been if I could have
seen the ground moving under-
neath and the people looking up."
Craeow Peasants Starving as !re-
sult of Bad Crops.
Amazing stories are being printed
in the German newspapers concern -
Mg the terrible predicament of Si-
lesian peasants in the neighborhood
of Cracow. Thousands of men, wo-
men and children, mostly Poles and
Ruthenians, who have come over
the border from Galicia, are there
begging for food. They belong to
the agricultural population of that
country, and have been totally
ruined by bad harvest and general
distress prevailing in Austria in
consequence of the money spent for
mobilization during the two Balkan
Men are ,willing to sell their
or linen conal•s and onffa add ire- F e woman minted with anae 1 dan�lters and wives, even, for a
mendously to a frock of serge or mi,aYevery woman who suffers from piece of bread. A great many are
gabardine or tztffeta in a dark color. backaches and sideaclies, and the
Another good thattnt about ntheot other miseries that afflict her sex
newdiDollars is home.
are not can secure new health and strength
to make Qe home. A new through a fair use of Dr. Williams'
model, when it is first shown in the Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine
shops, costs several dollars. Soon
it is duplicated in cheaper makes. dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box
can buy one for a ator .six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
And any woman pattern
defttern annd du-
nger- Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
plicate it from a strip of organdy
or linen. '
Hems Seems to be Lacking.
Sometimes the hem bothers the Resents Its Introduction to Knives
amateur. In the model collars the and Forks.
hem seems to be strangely lacking, Not .since its supposedlyinvincf-
inmanyinch wider wider tineable battalions were rolled
half an
The edge of the collar can be it is want-- the Bulgarian advance at L' ule Bur -
a basting line can mark the de- gas has the Turkish army experi-
sired edge, and the collar can be enema a greater shock than the or -
finished with a machine made picot der issued by the new Secretary of
edge at some trimming shop at War, Enver. Bey, that hereafter all
slight expense. Turkish soldiers must eat with a
If a regulation hem is desired .al- knife and fork.
low an eighth of en inch. Then cut The enlisted men are not only
a bias strip of the ' material and' alarmed at the pro.speet of hand -
seam it around the edge, turning it ling the strange implements, but
under in a facing. A hem cannot are hurt by the intimation that
readily he turned on the collar be- faithful bands, which have always
cense of the curving, bias edges, served the primary purpose of con -
Sometimes it is even better to cut veying food to their mouths, should
a regulation facing the shape of be deemed no longer fit for that
the edge of the collar, than to nee useful aelvioe.
a bias strip. The Turkish private is not prom-
Not since ruchings appeared to ing an apt pupil. When his sit -
make a woman's neck comfortable! periors are absent he squats upon
and attractive has such an innova the floor and devours° his food in
tion as the Dollar of the spring the good old-fashioned way, but
come to us. It is hoped ,that it will at the approach of an officer ho
find a lung and lasting welcome for sorambles to a seat at, the table
it is surely- a dainty and becoming and falls to wielding his new wean -
fashion, ons with all the skill he can com-
a wand.
A PLUCKY h 4'jri E. The civilizing process is not to
stop with teaching the . Turkish
Drava Three Liana Away From Jlfs soldier table mamma. The edict
Herd of Garlic. has also gone forth that he Hurst
learn to read and write.
Four lions attacked a herd of cat- 3
tae on a farm at Ramsey. South €host units and Roarsnesls
Africa, says a news item in the Rho- ' g' Away Herald. The herdboy was Qiiieltly Rubbed Away
Standing on an ant heap, examin-
ing a pair of boots he had got the
day previous, .when he heard a low "Nervillne" Gives Speedy Relief and toilsome cleaning, fanning, and
growl near hila, On looking up -he Cures Over Night, classifying of the grain that is now
saw that three lions lied got hold Got a cold£ necessary. Odessa no longer ex -
of three cows, while another lion Is yovoice raspy—le your chest ports the mast grain ; Nicolaey and
stood looking on. congested or sore? eta— stay each had more trade last
year. More barley is shipped from
the Black Sea ports than any other
cereal, but great quantities of
wheat, meta, 'corn and rye are also
A Family Trait.
ill from starvation and exposure,
but the Prussian police have found
at last a remedy for these poor
wretches. They are being driven
back like cattle across the border.
Five hundred of them have been so
returned. How many perished on
the way the officials do not report.
There are no coroners in Prussia.
Mrs. Aleide Charland, Ste.' So-
phie de Levrard, Que., writes: "I
and well satisfied with Baby's Own
Tablets which I used for my little
one during the teething period. I
know of no other medicine to equal
them," Mrs. Ciharland's teetimany
is that of thousands of other moth-
ers. Once the tablets are used a
mother will give no other medicine
to her little ones. The tablets are
guaranteed to be absolutely safe,
and are not only good during the
teething period, but cure constipa-
tion. colic, colds and simple fevers
—in fact they cure all the minor ills
of little ones. They are sold by
medioine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Russian Cereals.
The region tributary to the Black
Seaports, from whidh England gets
so much of its annual stppl•ieeof
wheat flour, barley, oats, and
maize, still lacks a well -organized
system of transport. Much of the
country produce does not reaeh the
seaports until winter has set in,
with the resulb that muoh of it has
deteriorated, and fetches only a
fraction of the price it should
fetch. The Russian government
has now begun to build elevators
and stores in agricultural areas
both in Europe and in Asia. With-
in five years there should be depots
enough to do away with all the
The boy pulled off his boots and Ifso, you are the very person that
threw them Mettle nearest lion, and Nerviline will cure hi a jiffy,
then made a rush for them with a Nerviline is strong and penetrating.
stink,' shouting at the same time It Sinks right into the tissues, takes
at the, top of his voice to another put inflammation and soreness, de-
ituerdbov to bring a grin, stroys colds in a truly wonderful way.
In the meantime two lions had (tub Nervlline over the chest—rub on
t their rows down, but, nothing
lots of it, and watch that tightness
g disappear, Nervillne won't blister it
doubted, the Kafir made a ruah for sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay "Pat," said a manager to one of
them; and the lions moved away on the surface like a thick, oily l£ni-i his workknen, "you , must be an
from their prey, The hoe then meet weuld. If the throat is raspy early riser, I always find you at
rounded up his cattle (he had 1081 and sore, rub it well outside with work the first thing in the morn -
head), and while 'lie was cklng so Nerviline, and use Nervillne as a gar- ing»
ltacl to chase the lions awav several' gle diluted wltlt- warm water. Just
one or two treatments like this and
tames ; when Ire ryas at ono side, the ole voice- and throat will be quick
lions would try to catch the cattle normal again,
on the direr. However, he brought.; Just think of it dor forty .years the
all his cat tie `eafely home. Sinop] largest, used family medicine in this
then one of the cows.has. died, the I country---:Nervtline must be good,
clew of e lion having penetrated
her lung.
Pot cool daring, it would be hard
to beet the chasing of four lions
gle-handed, and with no weapon
exeetr:; lt, pair o/ .boots and .a stick,
natal nuickly ieve and cure a hue.
tired Ills that ,befall every family. 'Try
it for earache, toothache, eonghs,,
colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus•
onlay pains In every part of the body,
Large family size bottle 50c,1 trial
size Sic. at all dealers. ua hid throat,
"Indeed, and I aan, cur., It's a
family trait, I'm thinlcin'."
"Then, your father was an early
riser, too?"
"Me father, is itf He rises that
early that of he went to bed a little
later he'd meet himself getting tip
in the morning."
Albert Carson, oaf Windsor, N,S.,
died via a result of getting f`tshbones
New Brunswick
Woman's Message
`fA)Jr 111,E S11'F.ERIN G 81 b. -
WS. James B. Roy was 111 for TWO
Years and the Doctor Could not
Help Her -- How She li'ountl a
Tremblay Settlement, Gloucester
Co„ N.B., May 25 (Speoial),--Mrs.
James B. Roy, an estimable lady,
well known here, has trade the fol-
lowing statement for publication :
"For two years I suffered from an
extreme weakness and an awful
pain in the back. Sometimes any
back was so weak I could hardly
walk. I rvaa always nervous, I had
no appetite and I was failing very
fasb. I took medicines. from a doc-
tor, but continued to grow worse.
"Then I started to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills and soon began to
improve. By the time I had finished
the third box I was completely
cured. I know I owe my cure to
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I want
ether sufferers to know that they
also may be cured." '
Mrs. Roy's symptoms showed that
she had Kidney trouble. That's
why she found speedy relief and
complete eure in Dodd's Kidney
Pills. They are a Kidney remedy,
pure and simple. The reason they
cure SO many suffering women le
that nine -tenths of women's trou-
bles conte from sick Kidneys.
King George, 'Though, Only Takes
Part in Quadrilles.
The two state balls which are to
be given at Buckingham Pekoe will
not be the only occasions this, sea-
son on which the Queen will be
seen dancing, says the London
Standard. She has already ar-
ranged to be present at two dances
in the near future, and it is not
improbable that this number will
be added to. Tho King has never
been much attracted to dancing,
but the Queen is regarded by many
good judges as the bent waltzer in
It is this royal pa'trona'ge whidh
has largely brought about the pre-
sent interest in dancing. A few
years ago even the most fashionable
hostesses experienced a great diffi-
culty in finding sufficient men to
provide partners for all her women
guests. Recourse, so it was said,
even hacl to be had in some oases
to the hiring of dancers. This, of
course, never occurred at the great
houses of Mayfair.
When dancing was at a low ebb,
so far as mem were concerned, ib
was suddenly taken up by the music
halls.• After a while ca,nle the tan-
go, which took London by storm.
Then people began to learn the
dance, and those who could not
master its steps sought refuge in
the waltz—since superseded by the
Boston. It has only needed the
stamp of royal approval to make
dancing now more fashionable than
it has been for a lung time.
The proem/trim at the state balls
usually include two polkas, two sets
of quadrilles, and the remainder
waltzes.: The King rarely takes part
in anything but quadrilles, but the
rest of his family are—to use the
expression of a dancing master ---
"ready for anything.' Prinoess
Mary is an exceedingly graceful
dancer, and the Prince of Wales is
rapidly becoming a first class
For strenuous enthusiasm, how-
A Winner
Every day many are find-
ing out that
are different from other
"ready to eat" foods. 'It's
in the making.
Toasties are carefully
cooked bits of choicest In-
dian corn toasted to an
appetizing, .golden - brown
Care and time in toasting
and the delicate flavoring
make this crisp corn -food
Post Toasties—ready to
eat direct from the sealed
package, with cream and
sugar to taste.
—sold by Grocers.
Ceondl'an Poctum Cereal Co„ Ltd.
- -
Windsor, Ontarlo.
Like Boils, Worst on Face, Watery
When Rubbed, Also Hands
Cracked and Smarted, Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Cured.
Main' St.: Eye -Brow, Sesit. "I was
bothered with small pimples similar to
little boils for four or five years. They wore
all over me but worst on
my face. Of course they
gave mo a bad appearance.
The pimples were both pain-
ful and itchy so I scratched
till quite largo sores would
J 1 be the result and they
\`\11 \\i \ seemed to be very watery
- afterI rubbed them to a
sore. My face was very scarred during the
time it was sore.
"I was troubled with sore hands most all
winter for two years. They kept cracked
011 they would bo bleeding, and they
smarted and were so sore I could hardly
bear to get them wet.
"Upon seeing Cuticura Sonp and Oint-
ment advertised I thqught there would be
no harm 1n trying them so I started with a
small sample. I purchased a full-sized cake
of Cuticura Soap also a box of Cuticura
Ointment and before I had quite finished
this I saw I was lots better so the second
cake of Cuticura Soap and box of Onticura
Ointment was purchased. But little was
used when I was entirely cured." (Signed)
Mrs. Wm. Dickson, May 23, 1013.
For treating poor complexions, red, rough
hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, Outi-
cern Soap and Cuticura Ointment have been
the world's favorites for more than a gen-
eration. A single sot Is often sufeclont. Sold
everywhere. For aliberalfraosamplooreach;
With 32-p. book. send post -card to Potter
Drug &Chem. Oorp., Dept.D. Boston.
ever, it would be difficult to equal
Prince Albert, who, •like old sailors,
is thoroughly 31 home on a ballroom
floor, Princess Mary is not yet
"out," and has, therefore, to con-
fine her activities in this way to a
few children's dances given at the
palace or the house of an intimate
friend. •
Kindness to Animals.
Rather an unusual state of af-
fairs exists in some of tate oat -of -
the -way corners of Europe, if we
may judge from a bit of news in the
Westminster Gazette. That news-
paper says that the mayor of a little
oommune in the Pyrenees has just
issued the following decree :
"Whereas the young people, of the
oousnune are went to meet and
dance every Sunday after mass,
and the noise they make frightens
the Docks, hens, and other animals
of the village., and wbereue the re-
sult is prejudicial to agriculture, we
thereby prohibit dancing in the oom-
nlune during the hours in which do-
mestic animals• take their repose."
Sentenced to Immediate Death
It happens every time you treat a corn
with "Putnam'." --Corn dies—never re-
turns. Nothing socertain and pain-
less as Putnam's Corn Extractor—try
it. Fifty years' success guarantees its
merits. 26c. bottles at all dealers.
Ligbtetl Projectiles.
Some suggestive experiments
have bean made on Garman war-
ships with lighted projectiles, which
it is thoeght may take the place of
the electric searchlight. The pro-
jectile, which is filled with• calcium
carbide, is fired from a cannon, and,
since it is lighter than water, alter
striking, it comes to the surface.
During ibs immemslon, water 1s au-
tomatically admitted, and produces
acetylene gas, which burns with an
illumination equal to that of 3,000
mediae. The placing of a few of
these around a distant enemy would
certainly put hintat very serious
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Slnart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c,.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c, Eye .Books Thee by Mali.
An Eye Tonto good for All Cyan that Need Care
Muria* Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago
Curiosity Justified.
She : "Have yon any special rea-
son for wanting to know any age?"
He: "I merely wish to. knew at
what age woman is really the most
Minara's Liniment mai by rhysielans..
"I've come to ask for your
daughter's hand," faltered the
young man, scratching hisoff shin.
with his nigh feet. "Can't have.
it," snapped the eter'n parent. "I
ain't in the instalment business,
When you can support the entire.
girl .'then you can have hear."
Drs Molrs&s -
Indian Root Pills
are just the right medicine for the •
children. When they ate constipated
—when their kidneys are out of order
when over-foulgencs la ma
favorite food
aeerie' th
em indigestion
—PqguuiDcekrl,ylyIveaogrneset:bell edltyyhaenyuRnteotoththo�eFrir;1.4111.1
t, n.i
weaken or gripe, like harm ir avesl,.
Guard your chlidrentg health
alwayet keeping a box of 15r_ Morsel
Indian Rot Pills in the house, They
Keels the Childress %Ve l
Cheaper, Cleaner, Blore Permanent
Then Steel.
Liners of porcelain driven by
petrol IUUy one day oust the steam -
driven altip of steel and wood. The
porcelain iihip is the plan of Mr.
W. fi'ales. Turner, of. Gravesend,
England, a famous 'taster potter.
His scheme is that, apart from the
sides and framework, ships should
be built of plate porcelain. After
forty years' labor and an expendi-
ture of about $500,000, it tins been
discovered haw to manufacture
plate poroelain at $35 a ton in any
size up to 15 feet by 10 feet.
Mr, Turner points out bhe advan-
tages of bite new material as regards
cheapness, cleanliness, and perma-
rnenoe. It is cheaper than any of
its rivals, it harbors no vermin., it
can be. cleaned by washing, the de-
coration can bo supplied at the
time of mamuf&ctune, and will never
need renewing, and it will never
need palating. Such a ship could
be washed up" like a china, cup.
Porcelain is practically everlast-
ing. Tiles at Nankin 4,000 years
old are as good as new. If a ship's
hull had' to be serapped'tkte porce-
lain could be taken out and used
for another vessel. In addition,
fire risks, would be reduced to a
minimum. and fire -insurance premi-
ums reduced.
"It would require a $300,000 fac-
tory to manufacture plate porce-
lain an sba•ndaadized linea far ship's
use," said Mr. Turner, "and' as the
climate on the favorable,
also the cost of raw materials, why
not once more build our ocean
linens bhm'o 1 '
Death Nearly Claimed
New Brunswick Lady
Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam
ily When'Hope Had Gone.
St. John, N.B„ Deo. lith.—At one
time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant,
of 3 White St., would succumb to the
deadly ravages of advanced kidney
trouble. "My first attacks Of back-
ache and kidney trouble began years
ago. For six years that dull gnawing
pain has been present. When I ex-
erted myself it was terribly intensified.
If I caught cold the pain. was unen-
durable. I used most everything, but
nothing gave that certain grateful re-
lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In-
stead of being bowed down with pain,
to -day I am strong, enjoy splendid
appetite, sleep soundly.Lost proper-
ties have been instilled into my blood
—cheeks are rosy with color,' and I
thank that day that I heard of so grand
a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills.°
Every woman should use these pills
regularly because good health pays,
and it's good, vigorous health that
Domes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's
Mandrake and Butternut Pills.
Any Time.
Nell: "Eliza went to en astrolo-
ger to find out when was the best
time to. get married."
Stell: "What did he tell her 7"
Nell: "He took one look at her
and told her to grab the first
Women Need Gin. Pills
For Weak Batiks and headaches.
Miss Ethel Balcombe, of Port Duffer -
in, N.S., writes: "I was troubled with
IOldney disease for several years. My
back was weak. I ha.d terrible head-
aches and was so restless that I could
net sleep at night, At last a friend
told me about GIN PILLS. I at once
got a box end after taking them, I felt
better—after inking three boxes 0 was
cured." 50c..a Box, 6 for $2.60. Sample
free if you write National Drug &
Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,
([appy Thought.
Miss Snipp : "'Take back your
ring, Mr. Sharpe ;, I love ,another,"
Mr. Sharpe: "Please mention
that I have a ring for sale—the
sucker's gob to have 000.' '
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited,
Yarmouth, N.S.
Centlomen,—ln January last, lt'ranols
Declare, one oe the men employed by
me, working in the lumber woods, had
a tree fall on him, entailing him fear-
fully. Be was, when. found, placed on
a sled and taken home, where grave 1
fears were entertained for his recovery,
his hips being badly bruised and hie
body turned black from his ribs to his
feet. Wo used MINARD'S L INtivi mel i'
on him freely to deaden the pain and,
with the use of three bottles he was
completely cured and able to return to.
his work. SATJVEUR 1)TJVAI•L,
Elgin Road, L'Islot Co., Que,
Indigestion is 6noro often the re-
sult,than the cause of a grouch..
Ask for Mtnara'o aid take no other.
Melting Alfifioial Teeth,
Machines for casting artificial
teeth of various metals have been
open to objection in that uniform
density could not be obtbined,a nri•
defects dcveioped awing to 'nick of
proper control of pressure, Two
Austrian engineers have lately ron-
struoted, adevices at, Praguewhich,
fee , •
c i 11isfiii s”" idea gilic-
nlwa s uniform, arid is exerted ver,
scally, somnathoing heretofore re-
garded 'be impossible in casting the
wagtail nlebals In such small molds;
ED. 4, 1881117 Seep rainara+s LiuimanE in the henna
All ready baked
toe nicety; whole, i
mealy and full
flavored. Heating
may is necessary,
nowt hi,. ton slam, chancel; 171111
40llut, o,t, 0,,Ingl,o, ton,'grotrlhQ, eu•rllln�,m
ftl„1 Or Iftn1Q11UXQ, V.O
Spavin Cure
It has been used by
horsemen, veteri-
narians and farm-
ers for 35 years—
and it lips proved
its worth in hundreds
of thousands of eases.
Bickerdike, Alta., Tan. 20, 1913.
"I have been using Kendall's Spavin Cure
fora good•nrany years with good results. Iu
fact, I am never without it." .
15. NllIDOItr.
St abottle—tl for $S at druggists—or write for
Copy or our book "Treatise nit -the Horse" free.
Enoeburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 70
A Mere Aquaintance.
Willie: "Paw, is truth stranger
than fiction 7"
Paw : "Well, *it is nromO of a
stranger than. fiction, my son."
Minard's Liniment Lembermari's Friend
The only safe way when you lose
your temper is to hold your tongue.
•Allen FON, SALL
N. W DAWSON, Ninety 'Colbonu Stria,
Toronto, .
Fruit. Stook, Brain, or
cher or W
write 11. W. Daweon,
Colborne Bt., Toronto.
N. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
'lW Ycrk County. Stationery and Book
Business in connection. Price only
ing Compa000. ny. 76b West Adelaidilson e •Stree0
Toren to.
FOR sena.
ii..• Soap 1041 $'1; melte your own scapi
no bo111ng, no macdtinet ,v, Particulars
free. (Tarry Dobell, 966 Osstngton Ave.,
Toronto, Canada.
,'r'1 ANODE, TUMORS, L05111, STO..
V internal and external, cured with.
out pain by onr home treatment. Wrltm
es before too .late. Dr. Hellman Medical
Oa., Limited, Collingwond. Ont.
sale, all 5100, 'Visible Royal.
Underwood, Rom., Smith,
Oliver, $20 to $45, with ein-
ilee Haid from Windsor. Cat-
alog free. U. O. Typewriter
Co., 53 Fisher nldg. Detroit.
,710 Bt. James St., Montreal
Write for Information.
who understands horses
In every district wewant
such a man 'Will pay
$. 0 WPP([
Cane -titan Distributors
(0 Loosed
Vancouver e C
Newest Post Card
A post card with an actual phono-
graph record on 14. Will ploy on
any Standard dine phonograph,
15 ornate each or two for. 25 oento
The hest over to use or mall Lo
your friends.
ila:1011 stnr llniitling,
1 I he Arts Conrsr ntay
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E,0UACHAi9O"N°,- ••n,..xti�"N" '•TiiI(SNi�ttnK
ytll;Y and AUGUST se
C: '1, CHOWN, Registrar, Kingstett, Ont,