HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-4, Page 54
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�/ (vr���A 7�y��1 y�7LIMITED
JS•l Avl•,ye5eyeI w�.T[+r
a9AL AtF3i1 utfi4VEYAN(:iNlL
It U
W 1'nou
Ouy 4r. ILC. It C. .liars
CIEuos -Those formerly aoottpiud by Mesar.
• (:amerce Jc 11 alt,
kfmss1it. LONDON - HAVRE
Fine modern steam-
ers - pp
o9 ui ed with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
or 14
the Allan Line, Toronto
W. H. KERR, '
Agent Allan. Line, Brussels,
r..4 vurG'uv.Ariy0�i ..... va7Avm4nvri�..,
It you expect High Grade. Employ- 1r
you 'oust make High
well-known throughout Canada forPro
Preparation. One School that fs
go(rtctly superior training lo the
G f Graduates of this School readily ob. 585
lain employment because there are r
-( thonaanda of openings In this oily j;r
ii every year and WO ere celled upon to g
all more then we can,
10,1108 any thne Open all year.
Oatnlogue re,t on i•egaedt.
VCoy. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT,, `Q
Alexander Sts, f Principal. :,,•
I'M ,R`avtiNY0M,PAA, A:av,s ,1'707 v 'v0ra aaS c
A . ,ssAvisSOsc Vs SsitiS'lima'icesi rstrisss"reo
Become a apeehrlist in Business. It
'i offers more op,ortanl.ies than any •v9
other calling. To reap the full meas•
me of imams yet ,mast have the best 0'
possible training. This et Ontario's -4-4
Bet - ,
6 BIl atnetla School. o We give u
i l
d vie nal attention. Y. i • enter our You ea t u
classes at 4
1 G
any time. Three th De an
�5 meats, Commercial, once to and Q
, Telegraphy. Write at once for our s0
,{ Pres catalogue.
rt D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
61):), ,W6V)78`0,0470 :AP vil7ANAVOYD'AVABLIA,,Y_
Yiy,4r,iv,Arcol4,viy,}vu�,v,5_sAgr,4vir�v� �
L i stow & College Business
Any tirne
Grow with us. ‘P.0
For particulars address-
VIE ASVAt1611%k a'S > 'svarag an`raati.' aS
Best Brains
in Canada have participated In the pre -
aeration of our splendid Home Study
Conrsee in Banking, Economics, Higher
Accounting Commercial Art. Show
Cord Writing. Photography, Journal-
ism, Short Story Writhe, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping, Seleot the work
which most interests yonand write lie
for particulars. Address
BIM THE i1 4
391-7 Vongo 8t., Toronto
Thousands of ambitious yorteg peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own
homes to occupyiuo•1rtive positions as
sterographer8, bookkeepers, totem -
Ohara, civil servants, in foot every
sphere of activities, You 91419 Snialt at
college if Yon so wish. Positions guar •
nnteed, Enter college tiny day. A?dl-
virtual ,.inetruetioi, Expert. teachers,
1Thirty yea's' experience. Largos%
trainers In Canada. Seven colleges.
Spacial mimeo for haulers,Affiliated with. Commercial Edman.
tor's A0000180011 of Canada Simmer
SchoolWinona Spottor Realness Col-
lege, Loudon.
Wingham Business College
Guo. t9rOPWON, W. T. Monett,
President. Principal.
W. 17 0
Funeral Di rector,
and Embalmer. .
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night ,rrr
clay Phone 228,
Bwninoos °Adds
With Revs, P. Perris, C, M, !Ruttier,-
ford and W. A. Bradley1 as, officers, REMARi�AHir
JAS ANDERSON• the history of the various congregations ■K,a�"r eR C
VE rERINARY SURGEON. within the botonds and short biographies
SO00011801, 10 lit. i, Moore. Ofpao 411 Ander, of the pastors and loading men who had
sen Bred, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone to do with the forming of the eon.
No, se, gregntions in the earlier days.
A Cordial invitation to Disease.
The purpose of the Society is to collect
Bachelor he of of Medicine, of Toronto ;Lfeenohtte and Graduate of the Co - Pity.
dlolans and Surgeons, Ont, Post-graduate
(Amoss) lie, Ear, Noae and Throat Hospital,
Bos ita
Ghleo •o 111, ExoS oon to St. Mich.
xel'aioxptsol, Toronto,
Ofiloe over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone oonne001011 with 0renbrook es ell hours,
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of Uollege of Physicians and Sur -
aeons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Wastorn H capital,. Toronto. Offices of late Dr.
A. McKinley, Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 95,
AL X. D.
M.B. M.C.P.&
S. O.
108 1lo r street cot 1 t
est, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Olbuanl nswlatantln Env, Nose and Th rant de.
pertinent Now General Hospital, Toronto ;
Post Gro '
Grad nateHarvard l blSingedioal
School, Bos
tell i Into Senior ResidentH
n 7 }lana Eye
10nr L ,• ,ar
1 Y , Isla (,nnicol as 101!. o'
Nose and Throat dopallnlent Muss Gen
pita) ; Into House Surgeon 'Toronto General
Hospital. i.wrin Brussels by appointment.
Physlointl and Surgeon :Post Gradnrtte courses
Jondor(Ent+.), New York end Menge How
pitals. Special attention to disease 0f eye, ear,
nose and throat. .Eyed tested for Biasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D S.
Graduate of Royal "College of Dental Sur -
ToonOntario and Graduatey University of
Torrontoto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In Isard Block, Wingham
Phone 240. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oolloge. Day and night calls, Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, bloCormiok Medical Oollege, 4301oago,
I11„ le prepared to test oyes and fit glosses at
her office over Grower's Restaurant, Bruseele,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Offioe hours 1 to 0 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1218.
Will give bettor satisfaction
g to bothebuyerany
seller than any r
coon Auctioned and n
charge what is �ensonnble. Salesrcoadllcte�
anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stook sales a
AP enlilit
Write or 'phone y
p o 2B Wroxeter.
6.61.1241) rerNV'M AMA/val.
GOING SO1199 GOD:0 Norma
Mail 7:07 n rn Express 10:55 a m
Express 11;251 nMail.
Express 2166 n in Express 8:62 p m
r r. siaram 'acme
To Toronto To Goderich'
Express 7:02 a m Express 11:10 ii m
,Express......... 1:22 p lir I Express 8;45 p m
Going East - 7:05 a. in. and 8:50 p. m.
Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. in.
A11 trains going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
MiStr"I.tt gaps
ATTENTION is called to the change of
time table on the C. P. R. (found on
page 5) which took effect June I.
ROBERT .Beatty, of Wingham, formerly
of Brussels, has received a cheque of
$175 . from the Post Office Dept., at
Ottawa in payment of a horse drowned
sometime ago. The horse was driven
by a rural rotate inspector. Bob says it
is good clean stoney.
$25,000, -Estimates for public build-
ings iu Ontario to the amount of over
four millions were approved of in com-
mittee by Parliament Saturday afternoon
and evening. The following votes for
points in Huron are included :-Brus-
sels, $25,000 ; Exeter, $r5,000 i Sea -
forth, $s,000.
Adam and Mrs. Scott have now got
nicely settled on the farm on the Base
Line Hallett, bought a short time since
from Mrs, Jos, Colclough. Improve-
ments have already been tnade and
others are about to begin so that veru
shortly the place will take on an en,
ti rely new appearance. Mr. Scott is a
brother of Mrs. P. Watson, Brussels,
and a former Morrisite,
Many Children Sick.
Gel there feet wet, catch cold or
08(1111ps, etnd give mallets an teuxitnla
time. With the first shiver of sneeze.
rub the little 0110's chest with Nei vi -
line gargle the throat, and glen tete
drops in nater at, bed -time. Next
morning all is weft. No veld, no time
lost at school. If Poison's Nervil1110
isn't in you, home get it therea1ouce.
Dealers sell it in large 25c bottles,
GOT 1t1S PATENT. -All order-th-
Council, at Ottawa, has been passed
authorizing the issue of a homestead
patent in Saskatchewan to Milton
Cavanagh, now of Owen Sound, Dr;
Cavanagh performed homestead duties
for several year's. but was stricken with
paralysis early last year. He formerly
practiced his profession as dentist in
Brussels, and is ason•in-law of Mrs
L. Kerr, of town, The Dr, has to be
taken about tIn a wheeled chair at
Presbytery of Maitland met in the
Methodist obese!), Kincardine,'Tuesday,
May (9th, as the Presbyterial of the
Women's M)ssionary• Society was meet.
log in Rnox church. The statistical
report for the past year WAS rendered
by the Clerk of the Presbytery. It
showed a decrease of 12 families on the
removal of, 11 mom•
previous year, a 1e v 7
belay front Within the bounds an increase
Of 47 or the previous year, crud Hie
total church membership of the Pres.
byter.y 14 loss that at the close of 1912.
Though 'there is a decrease in member.
whip there is a Marked increase Jf"escon•
tr?btitioos to the schemes of the oliltrcl'
and 10 1)0nel/0181100B 311(1 to Vaster'(
eateries. The total gifts of the Presb -
tery to all purposes were $63g,18 1 l
Presbytery formed a Hintoriefill Seelety,
I This lo au apt (10801,11,11(111(10801,11,11(111of 0011141- Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
E of Mrsi HAM
xtlou, It's an umett4retl condition
LU begin with, 11010(18 more, because
ibL n
bAi gs about fond detelio•nticu,
iulerloree with digestion, renders yen
susceptible to infectious diseases and
causes anaemia. Not so much a
• puigalive ae a letl:Ult11 stimulant to
the bowels is whet you need. You
get it in Dr. J•familton's Piffle which
inerrxso liver activity, restore the
bowels to perfect action and positive-
ly cure oonstipatio, and its attendant
evils, Insist on having only De.
Hamilton's lir'
Pills 1 t ) s 1,
l Ills c l it a, i
[ uL' k c
Butlerilut, 25c per box at all dealers.
Clayton Procter hits taken a posi-
tiont Welland tlland as teaches in the
S ttal13(101(1(80 College.
Alex 138115 v "
e t us the 1 • •I
IL tt e' i'
purchaser l of
the property owned by Mrs, W111.
Wiley, which was offered far sale by
Reeve Sho•teeed. The price was
$400. Me. Bruce will take up resi-
dence in the village shortly.
We are pleased to notice the mune
or kV, F. Freeman, son of F. F, and
Mrs, Freeman, of Luclolow. formerly
of Ethel, i11 the list of gred11ating M.
D's.,at theWestern W Bt@ 11 IIn1V '910
London, Many
old 'Stouts lime
extend hearty congrtttnlations and
hope a very successful career will be
his wherever he may deckle to locate.
Among the improvements on the
14th con, of Elute are the following ;
-John Rock. had a good well defiled
on his fifty acres ; Ohae. Que1'engesser
and men built a wall for Philip
Brackhaw's stable, and busy veneer -
1 ig with concrete a kitchen for Geo.
Rennick ; J. A. Nicholson had a new
gasoline engine installed for pumping
water Mettle stock ; the brick layers
are busy veneering Dan. Reitl's resi-
dence ; eave troughing was placed on
Jas. 1Sattin's new (hiving shed 1
Wm. Harvey is building a verandah,
which will greatly improve his resi-
SOI100L REPORT. -Following is the
School Report for S. S. No. 10 Morris.
Excirnined 111 Geog„ Spell„ Lit. and
Memorizing. Sr. IV. -Poral 250.
Zebus Turvey 210, Viola McLeod 170,
*Mary Miller. Jr. IV. -Total 400.
Addison Fraser 330 Harvey
07, Hazel Rabb 234. Sr, IIL-Ret
tea Purvey 347, Oltristie Forrest 380,.
Llva Ramsay 312, Melissa Johnston
200. Jr. III. -Verna Johnston 233,
Sr. II. -Total 300. *Sperling John-
ston 238, *Margaret Miller. Gertie
Robertson 263. *Gordon Moffat 181,
*Janet Millet, Sr. I. -Excellent -
Louise Fraser, Harry Robb. Fair -
Lamm, Johnston, 11Iargaret McDoug-
all, Jessie Messer, Dundas McDoug-
all. Jr. I (a) Excellent -Mabel John-
ston. Fair -George Gaiter, Jr. 1.-
(b) Cameral Miller, Olarenee John.
stop, Campbell Robertson, Stanley
Moffat, Willie Peacock, Pearl John -
B. Moans Teacher.
It Does Cure Womanly Ills.
"I feel it my duty" writes Mrs. S.
Mead of Frttserville, Ont„ "to let you
know that sometimes previous to the
change of life I suffered mole than I
could. tell. Neighbors told me Fer-
n -ozone was the only remedy and
thein' advice was good. Ferrozone
put a stop to my pain and sickness,
had a direct action on toy troubles
that relieved from the start. 1 safely
passed the turn, and now enjoy per-
fect health and rest. No womanly
medicine 01111 be better than Ferro -
zone." Instant relief is fouled in Fer-
rozane for female weakness of every
kind. 50c per box at; all dealers.
Unloaded for lest week)
NEWSY NOTES. -H. and Mrs. Bos-
nian, 'lbrnuto, visited their son in
Alnrris.-M15. Sanderson, of Toronto,
was a visitor in town.- [Ilia. Davey,
Listowel, spent Sunday with her
mother, MISS. Gannett.- bliss Loellit
Shaw was home for the holidays. -
Mee. 311o. Gannett, Tut01110, spent a
few days with her brother, it]. 3.
Smith,-11iws Agnes Aitchison spent
Su 11111(0' int. 1'1,1 110Ve,'.-Allllfl 60 tenni
hereapvnl the holiday at 131'ussels•-
MissNellie Burgess of Tulonto spent.
the holidays will; her parents. -Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor, of lire vele, --pent
SttuKitty with las, \lusters.- \Ills 1,111.
Uleghia•n, Tlannln, spent the hlliilayvi
wish her I''' urs• -A• Gras mud mins
Jessie spent the holiday 10(1 Lit -nitwit'
friends. -\P..1, bnlf, or 01. Thomas
9411 home Durr Suntitty.- Philip
Thomas, of ((111(11211(1, is visiting
relatives here at present -D. and
Mrs. Duhiutge of P'tlnterSLon, spent
Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs.
Leu. 1.luttan.- Att5. 301(115n is at
present visiting 1011)1ves at Sarnia
Ind Glencoe.- J, F, frleOracken has
disposed of his driver' anti purchased e
new Fuld cltr, John believes in being
tip -t, -date.- Ales. R. Musgrove ie
visiting friends ab 'Toronto. -John
11111 is having a well drilled 111Je
week. -R. and Mrs. Bieck visited
friends its Brussels on Monday. -Some
fine fish ware taken out of the Mait-
land. . Dozens were caught most of
thele weighing from " thiee to six
pounds. -The heavy rainfall Suedes,
night d?11 a great deal of good to the
8pti11g crops tend lily, Farmers were
fearing a dry spell like last year but
they 110 happy now. ---Ails. Robb.
Hamilton visited friends at White-
church )
l � over Sunday.- Our •
1 n ittlat'
blacksmith, 1i'rarllt yStot.t, spent the
holidays with his brother at Seaforth
wlio has been on the sick diet during
the past, few weeks,- Following is
list of officei0 of the tiptvn1l11 League
1'nt' this yell •--lion, Pres„ Rev,
00011 t P181,. Mts, W. J. 1Maeteis;
tat via,' President, Mrs. 1f. 0lcCial11
211d vire Plrsirle1i1, (1. il;ill ; 3rd Vire
President, S1. Slnm110100 ; 41h vies
President, 1dlsa Aic011i; 5th vice
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock, Mo. -"I feel it my duty
to tell the public the condition of my
1 11.i1l 1„�' •l health before using
,l ••Ii '41 ftf-'`: wi ]? your medicine, Iliad
f l?,r� i falling, inflamma-
illi Son and congestion,
?I� ' female weakness,
��pains in both
I�i backaches and d bear-
lii ins down pains, was
iffy?i!i?�•'i4'.I short of memory,
nervous, vans impatient,
passed sleepless
is and shad
neither strength tsar
energy. There was always a fear and
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I had apiece in my right side that was
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes, I tried medicines
and doctors, but they did me littlegoocl,
and I never expected to get out again,
Lydia . '
Y P em's
Compound and and Blood dPdr,
and 1 cer-
tain) r
}would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. But now I can work all day, Bleep
woll at night, eat anything 'want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
._11 pains, aches, fear's and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies,and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home."-
Mrs. JO= HAM, R. 1'. D. 1, Box 22,
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice write
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 00.,
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.
President, P. H. Obaruberlain ; Secre-
tary Wm.
McGeeOrganist, •
1g A'IISa
Mequll ; Asst. Organist, E. Shaw.-
Andrew Oloaltey, r Olds, s Alta. i
O c
spending a few weeks with his brother
Good Corn Sheller for 20c.
A marvel of efficiency and prompt-
ness, a remedy that does cure c01110
and warts. Its name na'
t t m s Corn
Extractor, Contains 1s no acids, never
pilins, gives lasting satisfaction. In-
sist on ''PntIIam's" only. It's the
J. and Mfrs. 01h1e, of Toronto; were
visitor's at Mrs• J. H. Broadfoo's.
Miss Della Gillespie is ill at present
and could not return to her school in
Rev. and Mrs. Bond were the guests
of Jno. and Mrs, Beattie during their
stay in town,
Scott is recovering splendidly
from his recent accidentand although
still sore he is able to move out,
Miss Eva Chitte111nn has secured a
gond position as stenographer in a
merge wholesale cli ygoods store in
Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club has
decided to have its tournament this
year on Wednesday and Thutsday
Julys and 2 and instead of rink games
the tournament will consist of singles
and Scotch doubles only.
A death occurred on Monday morn-
ing of last week which caused pro-
found regret in Seaforth and vicinity,
and although expected for' a long
time was sudden at last. We refer to
the death of James McQuade, of Mc-
Kiliop, who passed to the Great Be-
yond yat 2 o'clock Monday meriting,
after months of bravely lighting the
Grim Reaper. The immediate cense
of death was anemia of the pernicious
Goderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING X930 °?UNE 12
RETURN Ff o rnretJUNE 15
BALL GAMES 13th and 1401
In Detroit.
Tho morning ati'ain ficin Ili n-
r:ardinc`, Wingham and way
stations to Loncdesboro'W111
r c i tion
make a rule(, al. Clintonl
with the "float !l'rxiu" from
Sleet fed, on 1he12111,
type, but as Ilir. McQuade bad rallied
several times, his friends were hope
fun t0 the laa1 time his fine collstitn
tion would again pull him through
lio,%verve, this was not 10 be and al
though in the flower of hie Manhood
and possessing everything that alalia
life worth while he was called house,
It Actually Destroys the Cause.
That's why catarrh is invariably
cured by inhaling "Ctttat'Lhozoue.'
The healiu vapor spreads to every
part; of C1 • g
t It. breathing pp at ,ing orgxus, Gering
infecting the e tiesllea of the (lose,
throat and lungs are killed. Nothing
is left to cause leflatntnalion, Spots
that are sore are healed, Discharge
IS cleared away and catarrh becomes
something of the past. Use "Cat-
au'hozone" anis your recovery is
guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00
at all 110alees.
- m
• Cr
Pope & SOn♦
1 4,Machine Shop
• Brussels
Fists, -About 2.10 on Wednesday
morning of last week the alu101 o
fire was given and by the use of the
'phone many who are living g near the
village wet lee called. It was discover-
ed v e stovel•-
edtob i1 1 •v
e I the grocery store conduct-
ed C UCC-
ed by Stanley Ford, and had smould-
ered away 1'01• some time before it
was noticed by David Withers, who
lives three doom Soutit of the build-
ing. The viihtgeis were soon on the
scene and the engine along with the
bucket brigade were put to effective
use and by three o'clock the flames
were under control being confined to
the one building. The bake shop,
situated at the back of the store,
suffered l ttfe or nn g
da n
damage, the
racer and r
n11 paper 1•-
g Y Ford
P p
is a complete loss. The inferior of the
building will have to be lep)aced.
The building is owned by the Winni-
peg & Reality Oo., with Geo. Loch -
head, of town, • 1s their agent, and
somewhat directly interested in it.
The insurance on stock is $1,5(10 in the
Hamilton Oo., and the building in tlje
London Mutual to the amount of
$1,800. The cause of the fire is nn -
A meeting of the Directors of the
Elena Farmers' Mutual Pipe Insurance
Go„ was held in the Agricultural hall,
Atwoocl, May 19111, Directors being
present. Communications from H.
B. Morphy and W. H. Day were read
and filed. The claim of Albert Gropp
for meat burnt in smoke house laid
over from last meeting was again
brought up. Air. McOloy reported
beim able to.
settle for , 0 The 'C
4 . The maC-
ter was again laid over for further in-
formation. t A claimpresented
t vas
from Albert Gallo '
Gallop, n1 Morui11gbo11,
for da1inge to his house by fire but in
the absence of a 011001 paper it was
laid over. Olaim for $225.00 was pre-
sented from Jno. McNaught, of Grey,
for loss of his home by fire caused.
from stovepipes which VMS /MEd '
reel in
full. Wm. G. Bell, of Gray, present-
ed •
a claim fo contents of houae
stroyed by fire which was adjusted at
$301 ancl pend. Applications for in-
surance were accepted itmon11ting to
$63,300. The meeting adjourned till
June 1001. -
Manager Sauudets, of the Godetich
Organ 00., is again able to attend to
business, after tt utolt11'5 confinement
to the house through illness,
An Ottawa despatch said :-Militia
orders issued announce the Goderich
camp dates as August 17 to 21. This
will be for all arms except artillery.
The supplementary estimates
broughtdown to Parliament "contain
a further apprnprialion of $100,000 for
the improvement of Goderich I•Iarbor.
Harry ;Tichborne, Recording Sec-
retary of Huron Lodge of Odd Fel•
lows, was presented with a jewel at a
big Meeting prior to his departure for
St. Marys.
The work of extending the break-
water is being carried on rapidly.
Four pontoons have been sunk and
the superstructure will be put up in
a short time.
The Walkerton association of Bap-
tiet churches held their annual Con-
vention at Goderich in the Baptist
church o, Tuesday and Wednesday,
'21111 and 31•11 of June.
The Conservatives of the Centre
Riding held their convention at Sea -
forth Thursday afternoon, of last
week and nominated Dr. A. I3,
Macklin, of Goderich, to contest this
hiss Hazel Hay, of Victoria Uni-
versity Toronto, has returned home
for the Summer holidays. •
Jim. D. Paul left 051 Monday for
Winnipeg, where lie lute taken a posi-
tion in the Oauadian Northern Rail-
On going home from the planing
mill five, Henry Ranges discovered
that his Own barn had eau1ht• fire
(tont sparks from the 111111.- After
8111(,0to tiuleand with the assist'tnce of
neighbors ho euceeedecl in extinguish -
The Public School Fair was held tut:
the Sehnol in connection with the
Empire 1)eLy Celebration. Afternoon
W39 spent in patriotic exercises and
songs. Speeches were made by
members of School Board, Revds.
Nichol, McOaul and P. 1. Walter.
'The -display of children's work was on
exhibit in the manual t,to.inillg l;011m
within three nights, bath evidently of
incendiary origin, have 1r0nse1 the
citizen§ and officials to a vigilance
that bids fain to result in the capture
end prosecution of I he culprits, The
hast fire to occmr broke on,(b about 2
Friday morning, 26th 1110Ilra 11111211 be-
ing turned in et 2.20. The iblaze W00
int Na than'°alder'1 pinning, sash and
door Mill, valued at $4,000, !file 111i11
had been idle for the past 2i years,
but Mr. Calder purpnsel returning
from Medicine Hat to resume oper-
ations this trail. The building is,
situatedli 1nkr11 la 1
o r l street, opposite
n its
Ole Queen's hotel stables and to the
recur of the business places on Wallace
street West front Monne BI'os, lively
stable to S'tervitt & Co.'s, a block of
17 business concerns. Fortuntilely
the wird was blowing from the bus).
mess section. The whole iltterini' of
the 111111 was ablaze and the window
glees breaking from the heat before
1110 alarm 89(08 1(11'110(1 i11. P1119 111.0.
mei, respondedpronlpil and their
work of five flghtulg "coals bot have
r esto•
t o
o Dthank the people of •
13russelsnnd.district foe the way •
they have encouraged thele by
I• sending In then' work. We hope •
s• they will continuo the same. •
• All kinds of L'epairs will bo 0
• promptly attended to on farm >•
• implements, threshing outfits, •
• tubing, patching and all kinds •
of boiler' repairs. Years of ex- p
• perience on this
class of work
• enable there to give' best of sat- �
® isfactfon, •
,•• Cultivator and plowshares •
• ground. •
• Lawn mowers sharpened and •
• set•
oobile repairs•. •
• fair Price Guara•nteed. • o
• Don't be afraid - Send all your
• repairs along. :..
: • C. POPE & SON •
• •
been improved upon.
A mechanic
was rushed froth the power house in
Andrew Malcolm's car to the shut-off
valve at the standpipe, and a splendid
pressure was secured. Three streams
were soon playing on the roaring fire,
two of them from the hydrant on
Main street at the Arlington Hotel
corner. There was $500 insurance on
the mill in the Metropolitan Go. The
whole interior was gutted, and all
machinery tva9 destroyed, The walls
are still standing, but will have to be
pulled down. the fire was quite
evidently the work of an incendiary,
as was also that at the Breithaupt
Tannery only two days before.
dew People
Outside,of those who have made a
study of it, are able to design or
choose the right memorial fol' a
particular purpose.
My business is that of helping Iny
to select a monument, a
headstone or other matker for a
gPave or a
lot that will
people by its harmony.with
suapprroealundingsandto memory b.y its expressive
Mysuccess t cc es i0 choosing a1
It is
more to than dollars and cents.
With me monumental work is a
profession, a life work. I feel the
same pride in a beautiful design
that an artist in water color feels
in an artistic landscape.
If you will come to me and talk
about what you would like to get
I will make your wishes my own
sandultsthey shall be carried out in
the way that will 'secure right re-
Brus e
s15Gr Granite & Marble Works
ALLAN f. HERSEY, Proprietor
Business men of Wingham have de-
cided to close their places of business
Wednesday afternoons during July
and .August.
A by-law to establish a public library,
for which $2o,000 01AS to be accepted
from the Carnegie fund, was defeated in
Ontario's Great Exhibition.
hit hard rd by 'fire twice
within t e 0Y e to
The Western Fairi
with favorable
weather, will be better and grander
than ever this year. A very much
larger amount has been appropriated
far amusements and attractions than
ever before. There will be something
doing every minute. The Canadian
oous ui- 1
give e their
famous "Musical
Ride" twice daily,
The best pi ()gramme possible for the
patrons of the grandstand has been
provided. An entirely new program-
me of fireworks -vill be given and
changed every night. No person can
effort to )Hiss this year's Exhibition,
Sept. 11th to 19th. All palticulars
given on application to the Secretary
A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario.
Girls and women of all ages want to
be beautiful to ul and lit
t1 ncti
ve but
si h
g sly, thin and lifeless hair destroys
half P
the beauty t} Ut r 1 are v
t face.
10 ynnr 11)011' 1B losing stn its natural
color, is falling out, dull, streaky, full
of dandruff, too dry, or if the scalp
110110s and burns do not be alarmed,
use Parisian Sage, Rub it well into
the scalp. 11, will go right to the hair
roots, nourish them, and stimulate
Ole hair
toProw long ung and beautiful,
It removes dandruff n off with
one appli-
cation, stops itching' scalp, falling
hair and makes the head feel fine.
1 Parisian Sage supplies the hair with
what is needed to make it soft, fluffy
thick and gloriously radiant, It is
I sold in fifty cent bottles by Jas. Fox
1 and at all cling counters, Look for
1 the trade mark -"The Girl with the
Auburn Hair." Accept no other
•••••••••••0••••tineeee••.•IPU••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
• 1
• Wood Work done in all its branches.
• Buggies re -painted and Buggy Tops re -lined and Covered bo
0 look as good as new at reasonable ptioes,
0 ---��
a or
Carriage Factorye
11108100000000.000.0.01111100•110 •••.•ee0••0..... 00•••0••DO,
THE SEASON is now at
1 hand for the sale of
Buggies and all intend-
ing purchasers will do well
and save money by calling at
We take no back seat and
are always on the lead for an
up-to-date Buggy. Our BUg-•
gies have stood the test of all
competitors for close to 80
years, which should be a
guarantee in itself. Oar
Styles and Material this year
are more up-to-date than all previous years. Everybody is made
tvelcone to exatnine our Show Rooms and purchase a Ewati Buggy.
w get first-class satisfaction as well as encouraging home
L BLAKE, Walton