The Brussels Post, 1914-6-4, Page 41, �l �fa0101 5 of the church X8,1$. Membership b shows n aubslsutial guilt the member- strip for 1918 Whig 510. Total uuin- I bar received into the church was 148 ; T fl a 1DAY, JUNE 4, 1914 I while time removed by death or by i letter and other eanee8 were 11?, showing an illcl•efse for the year of 81. and the total membership to be 541, The pastor, Rev..1. W. Hibbert deserves the hearty congratulations of the officials for his aueeessfni ef- forts during this his fleet year's labor in their midst. On a teeent evening about 7 o'clock the fire nlaum was given and the fire was found to be in the W111,111101 of L. Kennedy's restaurant. The firemen were hurriedly on the scene, but fortunately r 'u tut 1 lcly the Ore was exit finished before any water was used. The (muse of the Ore was that some bags were phased (o'er at pipe in the base- ment I 1 l 1 latent to dry and caught fire. DO/distort Parliament is likely to woregtee in a hurry now, evenwithout completing legislation Contemplated, so that the M P.'s'can lend a "jaw" to their btcethrep looking after Provincial boners. 1rsamees and others are warned to watch their fruit trees, especially plums, fur the caterpillar and bug visits. Re- port says great damage is being done In some parts of the Sou ntry l.y *their Call. Tmeis the mouth most 'favorable to those eontemptatiug matrimony. De- lays are dangerous so order your in- vitations, announcements and cards front Tara Pose. at once nod close up the matrimonial alliance. Ax American newspaper says that the woman who cries because "She has nothing torear" ho 0 1 should dryher tears g at once as sbe is strictly in style with such a costume. Of course she runs the cbance of the fashion changing betore the week is out. SANE mu Melee! legislation was enacted a short time aim a' Shawvilie, in Quebec Province, where the sale of cigarettes was prohibited during the Summer season owing to the numerous r fires chargeable to the cigarette in that locality. Had the by-law covered the other three season as well it would no doubt prove a friendly turn to the youth, supposing they did not so regard it. Paot'L5 will learn sense after a while in connection with the use of the fire cracker nuisance on public holidays Some of the accidents recorded for May 055th were a few people blinded, tamers) injuries from rockets and half. dozen burn outs b1- the remnants of the prackers thrown away as "dead ones." No wiser provision can he passed in any municipality than a By -Law bar- ring the sale or use of such dangerous playthings. They are a nuisance to both man and beast on a hniiday Las'l• week the loss of the great ship— the Empress of Ireland—gave a great shock to the world and especially Canada as on account of the versle being as outgoing one the toll of human life -Was a heavy one to the homes of this Dominion. There does not appear to be any one to blame particularly unless it is that in so dense a fog the collier, that rammed n mrd the big passenger ve ss1 e sending her to the bottom of the St. Lawrence in less than i'5 minutes, had no license to be running at such speed. Another proof of the great benefits of wireless telegraph was made apparent in the disaster and blessings pronounced upon .Marconi. ONTARIO Provincial Elections take place on Monday, June 29th, nomination ;being held on the 22nd inst,, which will glean a short, sharp fight. Although only three sessions have been held since the last election the Government think this au opportune time to test public opinion instead of waiting for another year, some say so that Premier Whitney,ose health 1 has s een very poor,may lead in the battle. 'P y 1 . he last House had ro6 members, subdivided Conservative $3, Liberals ze and 1 Labor M. P. P. In the coming con- test there will be or constituencies. Most of the candidates are already in the field acid a lively time is anticipated until the close of the month, Richard Procter, of Morris fownship, is the Re- turning Officer for North Huron and should look after the duties in good style. I'r is said $x37,000 is the amouut of money het on Ole horse races at 'Tor- onto in connection with the Woodbine, Queen's Plate, etc. If so it rather gives the story of the great mousy stringency ablaoic< eo•el5 1 else manya last dollar is Y c ventured in hope of gambling into better financial condition, There's not much doubt but preparation for above mentioned races in the way of "glad" clothes means many a dollar but cern- p0tiliou is so keen among the people who pose as fashion leaders that the v.trdrobes„ some of them nut mulish enough, must be had even if it means and travelliug for the balance of the year, Among the IAtistocrats who have the coin it may be ;'all for the good of trade" but to tine poor beggars who hate to be poor and look the p.trt it must re - strong arithmetical mind to figure out where the money is to come from. Lit is a great fad to desire to be- long to the"uppers" when the pace is a trifle fast to keep your footing. Wingham Iiabt, Fleury was home from Arthur, lie was suffering from an attack of bronchitis and was obliged to take a fate weeks' holidays. Annual Lewitt of the Wingbaht ,Methodist church has been issued and distributed among the members, and shows that the church has bad to etle- cessful year, both financially and as regards to' tne)nborehip, The report shows total receipts from all sources. 'amounted to $5817,67. Amonnb rais- ed for Missions $1790.68, while there Wag paid to the various Connexional ftint1i by the different rirgatsleatithr' Barrister Proudfoot Renomi- noted for Centre Huron At the most enthusiastic Liberal Convention ever held in this riding William Proudfoot, S. O, M. P.P . v18 acclaimed agaiis 1esfsd ar , bearer of the Liberal1 party f111Centre Huron Strong resolutions were a- dopted endorsing the federal and provincial party leaders.. 200 delegates went to Seaforth by train. automobile and carriage from all parts of the district, and as an evidence of the harmony that pre- vails in the party ranks the usual precaution of demanding credentials was dispensed with, It was known that the choice of Mr. Proudfoot would be unanimous, his clean fight- ing record having impressed his constituents as being all that could be desired. Mr, Peoudfoot's appearance was marked by a reruarkable demonstra- tion, every delegate rising to his feet and cheering as he entered the hall carrying one arm in a sling, e8 a result of his recent accident. With his good arra he waved back an acknowledgment of the kindly le. cap6tion. He was greeted with another splen - aid ovation when he rose to speak, following Ills t1uariim0ns nomination. In accepting the nomination the speaker fully explained the Liberal policy and reiterated his charges a. gal ust Hou. '31 e. Manna. Amidst laughter and applause lie told the delegates what they :night expect to hear in the way of an apology from the Provincial Secretary when he ap- peared in Settforth on Thursday. AI'. Proudfoot carne out boldly on the temperance question and to re -1 mind all u11) would hear that he bad moved some resolutions in the Ilonse 00 the titivation himself. He severely criticised the present administration j for extravagance and loose principle. His remarks web frequently inter- l ruined by applause. Addresses were also delivered by Thomas McMillan, of Hullett, W. IL Kerr, of Brussels and Dr. Shaw, of Clinton. The following 1esolntioes were car- ried amidst enthusiasm : Moved by James Smith, Clinton, seconded by C. A. Nairn, Goderich, "that we, the delegates assembled at this cnnven ton, desire to express one entire approval of the policy and 0011 - duct, of our leader, N. W. Rowell, and the Liberal party in the Legislature, ancl we further approve of the able support given by our menthe', Mr. Proudfoot, believing as we do that if this policy were adopted it would tend .very greatly to the progress and prosperity of the province and we pledge ourselves to do our 0111)0st to return Mr. Proudfnot, who will sup- port this policy." Moved by Dr. J. W. Shaw, Olip- ton, seconded by H. H, Hill, Hullett, "that representing the Liberal party Of ' assem- bled, Am on in convention as.em- bled, we desire to express not only our approval of the policy of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal party in the Dominion parliament, but also our ad- miration for the splendid fight being put up in parliament by that party against the retrograde and reaction- ary legislation which the Government tried to force upon the country' for the beueflt of the Big Interests, Michael Murdie, of McKillop, Presi- dent of the Association, occupied the chair, and J. L. Killoran, of Goderich, was in his plaee as Secretary. The minutes of the last annual meeting wore read and adopted. Al. Y. Mc- Lean, Wm, Lane and Dr. A. C. Hunt- er were appointed e, committee on resohnti(us on motion of Thomas Mc- Millan and R. S. Hays. Gordon Young, of Colborne, read the Treasurer's report showing a sir an - tial surplus and the same was adopted, Dr. Slntw, of`lin Robert L ton and Ferris, of Bullet, moved that thepees- 1 cot staff of officers of the As - socialite) be i's-elenLed for another steals 7'lns motion carried, Grand Trunk R'y System Union Farmers' Institutes excursion Guelph Model farm ON-- -• Thursday, June 18th following low Excursion Rates will Apply Fare Train Leaves KINCARDINE ... • $ 2 70 8:30 a. 10, RIPLEY . 2 60 6:47 LUOKNOW 2 35 '7:08 \VHITEOHUROR 215 7:15 WINGHANI ........................... ... 2 05 7:80 BLUEVALE .. .......... ., 1 95 '7:40 BRUSSELS .......... •.. 1 85 7:55 ETHEL 1 65 8:05 HENFRYN........................ 1 55 8:15 Art lying at Guelph at 10:40 5. in, Children over 8 and under 12 years Hall" Fare Excursionists Will take Special Excursion 'Crain from above mentioned places to Guelph. Relmming passengers will leave Gnelph by Special Teaiu at 7 o'clock p. ul, Tickets will 1)e lamed front all stations, except Henfeyn,, which will be supplied by Con- ductor on train. All tickets Blnevttle to Kincardine good to return by Regular Trains on Friday, June 1911. A Trip Full of Interest This is the popular trip of the season. Go and see Ile fatuous Provincial Agricultural College ; the Experimental Farm, a place of never-ending attraction for. agriculturalists and horti- culturists : McDonald Institute and McDonald Hall, two noted educational centres of special interest to women ; the Consolidated Ituual School and School Gardens ; Hon. W. J. Hanna's Celebrated Farm Colony ; and the many points of industrial and commercial interest within the City of Guelph. A Day of Education, Inspiration, Recreation. Do not miss it. W. H. Fraser, R. J. Nelson, Pres, E. Huron Farmers' Inst. Sec. 0, B rune Farmers' Inst. W. A. Rowand, Sec. S. Bruce Farmers' Institute. speech accepted the nomination. His first word was of appreciation of the courtesy of the Liberals of North Huron in tendering him the nomina- tion in face of the fact that a num- ber of good men were in the riding, and he felt the electors of this Iidiug would elect him as a protest to the Government in forcing hurt out of South Bruce. The speaker said the "bold and honest" Government had 75 per cent of the representation in the Province in face of the that the Liberals fact t e centof the votes had polled 45 a 1 in the last election. In the face of this the Government had gertymlm dered Bruce county in such a manner that it hoped to have two Tory mem- bers. • The only reason for Lhe geery- mender was the fact that Bruce County had elected three Liberals. Mr. Anderson said that in 1,110 House he had almost received an invitation from Mr. Musgrove to come over into North Huron. and now he was the Liberal standar d-bearet. The speak- er fully explained the gond work being done by the Liberals at Toronto, such as forcing the Government to enact the workmen's compensation act. The reckless expenditure of public )coney was condemned, especially in reference to Govern- ment, Horse and Ole revision of the statutes, Ile paid a high tribute to the leader, N. \V, Rowell, 1{. 0., and in closing urged all the Liberals to ll n 1115 mit sup - sorter support and send a rally Ip I sorter to Mr, Rowell In Toronto, Excellent addressee were also de- 1vered by ;lobo p. Currie, J, G, Min. - dont) and Olias. Slewat t. The officer's elected were:— Presi- dent Robert Shiell, )vast \Vawannsh 1st Vice -President, Ar111, Andersen, West WVawannsh ; 2nd Vice -Presi- dent Sheldon Bricker, Howlett 1 3ed Vice President Abner Cosens, \Ving- hllrn TreasuLer, J. A. Morton, WVinglmttn ; Secretary; II. B. Elliott, \Vinglianr. The usual resolutions ex- pressingcontinued confidence in the leadership of N. W. -Rowell and Sir Wilfrid Laurier were passed and the meeting closed with Ore uetutl cheering. 'rho Liberals of North Huron have made no mistake in their seleetioi nP a candidate. Ah'. Anderson has had a successful career as member for South Biome for three sessions. Ile has been ferried ot11 of his own rid- ing and the Liberals of North IHuron reel thatit hie they have a candi- date nd[-date whi will be able to defeat Mr, Musgrove one of the rnen who voted in the House to force tate South Bruce' menthol, not of his riding. Me, An- doi'snn is 59 mt1011 it Ell Pen man as 1e is of Bruce. He Inas boi 0and brought sip in the townshipof Ashfield told home oma 10tvn oLntoknow is as tench in Hru'on as itis 111 Bruce. The (mild ida t e has arranged for a series n f meetings anti will at once enter of mon active earnpaige, and the Liberate will unite to a man in the effort to make him the next metnbee for North Huron, J. G. ANDERSON, M. P. P. WILL CARRY THE LIBERAL BANNER IN NORTH HURON The annual meeting of the North Huron Liberal Association 151)5 held at Whlgham Friday May 22nd, the President, Robert Shiell, East Wawannsl, in the chair, There was a large r'epl'esent.ation, delegates being present from every munici• polity, 'Litre first business taken up was the selection of a candidate for the o0111ing 'Provincial election. The names of six gentlemen were placed in nomination as follows:— J. G. Anderson Al, P. P. from S0ut11 Iirare, who was gerrymandered otit of his riding ; John T Currie, ex - Warden of Huron 100(11y ; J. D, Murdoch and R. D. Cameron, Lucia 110W; John A. NiCLeari, WVingham and Charles Stewart, Deputy Reeve of Ashfield. A11 the candidates declined ne li d the nolnitttinll with the exception of Mr, Anclel'sml, and on 511011on his nomina- tion was Made unanimous, Word Wag immediately sent to Mr. Andcr- eon ut Lticlpnows and he came 10 Winghatn Jt1 an nuts, attain a running ANOTHER DRAINAGE CASE What, looks like another Elmo drainage case is looming on the hor- izon. Some time ago the Onunci] projected what is known 5s the Rnunenberg award drain. An ap- peal 15)18 emote by Jaules Broughton when Judge Barron was -brought on. He sustained the award. Some of the parties to the drain did not com- plete their work when the Council called for tenders and awarded the cnrtn conti r 'Win.o act Cmoll9 who start- ed work on May 18th i1 Broughton setyrd notice on Reeve Scott and Oontractor Connolly on the morning of the afotesaid dray threatening thea he would prosecute for trespass any one who entered on his lands to eater 0n the W011). Mr. Broughton's oppo- ••••••••••••••••4•••••N•• 0 • • • I. iitIPPt • •A • • • •-:. :;,• •0 s • • • • ••• • 1 • • • • 0 • Ay- Elgin,Re- °a • eithergina, Waltham, or • Hampden to us, v and we will show you, as, good Watches as ever a man owned. - • We bank upon any of these • makes pleasing ten out of ten of our Onstomers—and • they (10 it, • ForWhy? 2 Because they embody all • that is meant by a perfect Watch, s How much do you• have to Pay ? s • F1.011 5.00 to $25:00—just ac- cording to grade, Ail sizes • and styles of cases. Will you permit. us 10 show you. J. Ra Wendt 4 A 4 4 4 m 4 • e •• • • O • • Jeweler and Engraver • Wroxeter • • 40.************************ silion to the scheme is based ou'the claim tlmt there in no peeper nutlet ' 'and that the proposed drain angles his fields rete) two to six fells 110111 bis fences pisietienlly rendering a large portion (11' his 1111111 V11111011+80,l Reeve Scott, i ule1 t11i'„s lIut 1111. tcipute 11151gray fuel's ,(ill In, us0d ill preventing the eontrarlo' mom lug illi', lirnaghtou's hands, f, M. S, PRESBYTERIAL The antmel meeting or I lie W. [ , S. Presbylerinl of the Presby leer 1,{tnoardine, Alty 19 li 9'lia 11)18 all 1114101'ttallt. meeting as it WAS the , meeting et whirl! 11t' (innlgantnlinn of the two \\ a u n'a otic• '' e l l e m w r< s tea f, �, flesh tering churn t ns no iso u- 1 t I v t 1 r mated,. Hereafter there will be 110 11. 11 S. in 1111 WV 1 Al. S. in cl)10 ne0thnl with the congregations of the Presbytery, but. one :society doing the wnrk of both, lull known ns the \Vometi's Missionary Society. At the meeting in the afternoon, which was presided over by Mrs. revile, of \Vingham, greetings were ptees'nt- ed from other deuou1Jnatitehs byMrs. Rev Abey, i the Anglican 011113011 b of ') Y Mrs. Mcleod or the 13aptia church, 4 t C 1 • and by Rev.M Wesley for the Pres- bytery of Maitland. The work of the past year was re- viewed and the following report pre- sented by Miss Mather, Secretary of the Presbyterial. No. of auxiliaries, 27 ; mission bands, 12 ; members of tillXiliaries, 528 ; average attendance, 296 ; subscribers to Tidings, 577. Total amount contributed by auxiliaries and Mission bands, $2,992.00. The constitution of the new society was read and adopted unanimously. Following officers were elected fur coming year :— Pres., Mrs. Perrie, .W1Vingliam 1 1st vice Pree., Mrs. Hardie, Lochalsh ; 2nd vice Pres„ 111es, Mann, Brussels ; 8rd vice Pres., Kra. Bradley, Teeswater ; 4t11 vice Pres., Mrs. Stewart, Whitechurch ; Recording Secretary. Airs, Meadows, Brussels ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Coombe, Kiocalcline; 'Treasurer, Mrs. McKenzie, Lncknow ; Mission Banc! Secretary, Mrs. Lundy, Wal- ton ; Secretary of Snppllee, 311as Lockhart, Wingham t "Messenger" Secrete!. y, Alias McCallum, Kin. carelhre. Airs. MOOlnr•e, home on furlough after 80 years of service in Finnn, ad- dressed the meeting. It was most 1110 •estingnnd inspiring. She show- ed holy having put our money into these missions they belong to us and our interest should follow that (1- v-ostmeut. A)ost impressively she reviewed the oha1ges that have taken place in the 30 years of her acquaint- ance with the work. How old 1111811005 5re gradually being forsaken Buell as loot binding, etc.. how edu- citlien once <leilicd the women oP Ohiva is now sought after not only by the women themselves but also by husbands hint fathers for their wives unit, (hutghten8. The eveningmeetingwas addressed by Rev..L MccP. Sent of St. John's 0 rel Toronto. .Inn h,He had the privilege of visiting the 1111881011 ileitis of the Presbyterian cherish in foreign lands and speaks from first hand knowledge of the work being done there. H reviewed briefly lis trip t1rongh Japan, China and India, and home by way of Suezand the Mediterranean, and spoke briefly of the impression received. He confined himself mainly to the work being dine in Koen and emphasized the substantial nature of the work being done there, as shown in tire, lives of the Korean Christians, Ile spoke of their devotion to public worship as evidenced in the hundreds tutu thousands who 11heet together for prayer and melee, of .their love of God's Truth, as evidenced by their earnest study of the Scriptures of Christian service en their Ot as se by t i eeachin in the market place :tet p lI and places of business, and their per- sntlal work among their fellownmen. His closing appeal could not help but make n deep impression upon every thoughtful man of our In iSSI011 stations, preaching places without picotliers, llospilale closed because of lack of assistance and workers. He allowed how these fields are under -manned, where two o' at most three then or worsen have ehaarge of 210, tie 50 stations, where thousands are seeking the truth and where hun- dreds ate wailing to be received into the cher oh, but who need Maar notion, but who nnt1t wait until more helpers twelve or lip native ministry be reaiu- of &luithuul was 11010 hi I{uox chore 1 88.088®e8•ee8e8eeeeee8888e 8 Huron p�o •® Specialty sg IL m G 8Farm reBRUSSELS VBreeder of 0 • Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks • and White Leghorns N O t0 a 'Ph bird: have proven to be a e WViuter htyeia. Riggs from any e 0 of 111 lois at 0 v pens O 0 1,00 for 15 or 3,00 per 100 o v O � r� 0 61 • Chae. Oroesflotd, Alf. stoker, of NDA1(11l5 er, 0u•ner, t:tt e reee•eeeeeeeeoseeemeeee eeee ed to do the work, Rev. Nr. \InArthur presided at the meeting athe chide < evening g nd i'' , •f b I{ ox church so tl ve dseveral selep- lions which were greatly appreciated. About 150 delegates were present from otttsidt points, many 1eal5ining civet' night, being billeted in the homes of.the congregation. All expressed thmselves as highly delighted with the meeting, the beauty of the 101011 and the hospitality o1' the people of Khmedine. Tun much praise cannot be giver' to the different committees which had charge of the arrange- ments. The conveners of these com- mittees were Mrs. Andrew hlalcolrl, Mrs, Robert Patterson and 1Vliss i11c. 05111110. Here's A Friend Indeed Constipation is the bane of old age—harsh cathartics aggra- vate, avoid them and use Cham- berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oflaxatives—best for the 1. young, the middle aged and the old. 25c. bottle—Druggists and Dealers. or by mail. 6 CLrbe lila M dimes Co. Toronto. H.At�R LAIw'S ,e; ILET& .; Tile eHvery Those who wish to pur- chase Tile around Brus- sels are requested to send order to Henfryn P. O. or Phone 355. Upon receipt of enough orders we will send a car load to Brus- sels station. Cole & Dougherty The People's Column 11- PO1t kA 1,12, -The Undersigned offers for H1110 1111 100 tore farm, being Let 1, ('on 111, Croy. Form 10 all cleared but 2 torus null in goad state of cultivation. Brick Immo, hank barn, 0enlont 111 i ring shell ; water soil. plied. at both barn 11)1(1 !muse 11Y wind1,1f 1, 85 news 1nderdrnlu('(1. Two 11111021 110111 Walton b'oi' fnrlh.m pnrtdoula1•s apply (0 T. 12'. 31411./,14, It 11. Ne. 2 13rnxsole, •17.811 s1'OIiEB OUSE F011 BALE OR TO RhtNT,-- No, 1 Produce wn,eboase nt Brussels 5181108 0,13'.11. 1101 articular). apply to J. LIMN11C, Br'n105815. Incident NELSON HAVDEN, Proprietor IllondaY—Will Ienve his own stable, Lot 14, Con. 2, Grey, and go West, South and (Oast to Go Elliott's, Lot 16, Con 0 for noon; then Want and Bouch to Jas. verdure Lot 8, 0x1.7 , for night. (uht 1)cede Snath told Lent to John Hehtihl to Y Beat to 1 'hon anth and nn far nota Con. 1 V ( ea MpIinS s Lot NI, Con. 10, Gros for night. Wednesday—North b'5 Biles, then weal to William Straehan'e Loc 26, 0un. 9, for noon; then East and North to Thos. Tnglien'a, Lot 42, Con. 4, Elms, for night. Thursday—West and North to Jas. Lucas, Lot 61, Con. 1, Grey for noon; then Welt 1 and South to his 0W11 stable for night, I Friday—West to Itirho,cl Diiller'a, Let 58, Con. 1. Morris for noon; thea Alorth along for night. tr W1Y Hest g •env 1 rood to 1 G 1 stable Hest to his ori at h 01)Bouch end E t Saturday; util the for Hoek and whore he will remain u following Moedny 11101.11111$4. - Mascot's King (10,968) 0101,0308 BROS,, Proprietors, Will stand for service at his own stable, Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey, for this Beason. Terms 88 00. Mascot SinCCO 1;nrohnent nmitber greeted by L1,18, Ontario 8tnlliml Enrolment Board Por 1019, ie 1916, nnd Is dated May 8th, 1914. Border Chief 11821 A. SPEIR, Proprietor Wtllotand for servlae at his own stable ,m Lot 14 Con. 4, MT Morrie, for this season. ers $10.00. Border Ohtef'a Enrolment number, Grsntel bythe Ontario Stallion Enrolment Bon rd for 1914, 1s 008 and la dated April 11, 1514. Cumberland Gem (imp) (leeoo] (10980) JOHN J. MCOAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0, W111 stand for the imp rove,, en t of stookdue, ing thesenson at his own stable, Lot 22, Con.13, McKillop Terms -812.00. Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the manedescription and.pedi- gree of the Clydesdale Stallion 'Cumberland Gent" (imp 1, registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book ns No. 18978, owned by John J. McGavhl, of Welton, and foaled in 1910. has been enrolled in accordance with L`hnpter 07 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No. being 1807. R. W. WAD)I, Secretary. Pitman Wa1Ta, Chairman. Toronto, March 81st, 1919. Loudon's favorite (imp.) (11812) (18079) JOHN J, MCOAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0. Will stand for the improvement of Stock dur- ing the Benson at hl8 own stable, Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop Teens—$8 00, Stallion Enrolment The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the name, description and pedi- gree•of the Clydesdale Stalliion,'London's Favorite," (imp.) registered In the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book no No. 11812, owned by John J. McGevin, of Walton, and foiled hl 1904, has been enrolled in neper dance with Chapter 87 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 George P, the Enrolment Me. being 808. R. W. WAD'S, Secretary. Pitmen Wrumn, Oheirinen. Toronto, March 81st, 1914, Paper HanqingA. RAYMANN John Lunn Painter, Paper Hanger Grainer and Deoorator A Trial Solicited Flint -Class Work Phone 41x Thomas Street, Brussels is prepared to supply the best gnods in 1Vindinills, 5100 and W Boden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pinups promptly attended to. Give ole a call. A. 6AUNN, Cranbrook PARE r At your home without pain, dangeror operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait Fill in coupon Age,.. 'Pune R'up Slagle or Double Name Address.. ...., and return to SMITH 88 Caledonia 8t, Dept.A Stratfo•el, Ont. /✓���faaa/® .1LL, 11 ,2 1 v.r R C AL CAP t Out-of-date and out of use—go the heavy cars — but the light, strong Ford is sold in ever in- creasing numbers the world over, It's the "survival of the fittest,' and the Ford has proven itself a better car. Six hundecu1 001111rs is the price of the Ford run -about ; the touring car is six fifty ; the .. town car nine hundred—f. o, t), Ford, Out., complete wi(1l equipment. Gat cal alog Arial particulars from 3. 51. GALI3RAITH, Local Agent, Brussels, is prepared to supply the best gnods in 1Vindinills, 5100 and W Boden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pinups promptly attended to. Give ole a call. A. 6AUNN, Cranbrook PARE r At your home without pain, dangeror operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait Fill in coupon Age,.. 'Pune R'up Slagle or Double Name Address.. ...., and return to SMITH 88 Caledonia 8t, Dept.A Stratfo•el, Ont.