The Brussels Post, 1914-6-4, Page 3lover sau
iL a, layer .1)1 jean or peeseevea
little the i
ve-dart/ ce, then put
i then anteing laver ,pr cake it atl
more cuetard. Yon can stop here,
or y•ou can puur over the whole a
fruit. syrup of the same flevor as
the fruit ttat•d, sue strawberry, and
you may dot the whole with little
peaks of whipped uream or .of egg
meringue, Sherry :Jr other wine is
sometimes itSeti instead of syrup,
I) flinty D i sh tat.
Lady Finger Bisellit
together on•e.hatle ,cup of sugar end
the eelke of four eggs until smooth
anti like a ribbon ; add a i•easPoon-
fid of orange flower water er the
grated zesb of half a lemon. If va-
nilla ie added it is usually put in
the last: thing instead of here. Mix
into this) part at a eim.e, a large
half -cup of dried and Silted flour,
and then .crd, in the etiffly beaten
whites of four eggs. The old test in
reference to the stiffness of the
beaten eggs required• that they be
firm enough to bolcl a •silver pie•ce
about the elm of a half dollar.
Shaping and Baking. --All sores of
fancy and plain moulds are used for
lady feigns, or the paste ie pressed
out: on M whitepaper from &pastry
bag, teeing small plain tube. There
are several septa of hiseuit molds,
in black, which make rakes about
th.e size of a lady finger, and if the
dine or facilities are 1a:citing the
cake may be baked in a thin sheet
and out up.
IF molds are, butter them,
and then 'dredge with sugar. Take
the paste up ins •beaspoon, starb at
one end of •the mold and draw the
peete along to the ot•her. Meet of
the fancy or plait] oblong molds will
hold just aboerea heaping teaspoon-
ful :et paatte, whith rises or swells
from a third to a Than in baking.
One way M bead the tap is to •sprin-
kle granulated &agar over it, then
shake some drops. of water over the
sugar. Bake in a moderate or
lack oven for eight or ten minubes,
if rakes are: of the teaspoon size.
It Lite oven is too hob they will not
The teue lady fingers, .baked on a
paper, have the formhest adapted
to the ernamenting of various dish-
es. and so baked ,they can be pub
tugether with a syrup or jelly. To
ghillie, prepare a pastry. bag by
eliding into it a. number two tube,
and •then fill in the plate, closing
Vie bag firm/y andletting it lie a
few minutes. Have -the sheets of
paper re•acly, take bold of t•he lower
part of the bag, near the tube, with
the left hand, holding the upper
part with the right. Pre.E,S With ,the
right hand and drop the batter on
the paper in a line three inehes, long
and eboub half an inch wide. Leave
et leaeb theee-quarters of an inch
between each. Theae may have
granulated sugar sprinkled over
them, or another way to bead the
surfece is to •sprinkle powdered au-
ger over them three times, at min-
ute intervals. Shake off superfluous
sugar before baking slowly. ,
Work together until light and
smooth three-fourths of a cup of
powdered sugar and ieur egg yolks.
tacid to this; a, little at a, time, one,
cup of boiling milk, .stirring all ithe
time, Pub on the fire and stir to
boiling point, remove from fire, fla-
vor and strain, Stir frequently
While cooking. This, with the same
mount of cream, ma•keaa fine ice
cream. It may be used hot resa
sauce, or cold, Metheeame we., Mr
trifle. With the addition of gelatin
and whipped cream ie ,enakes the
finest of Beveritin enema, etc.
Fine Butter Cretino—The fineah of
all butter creams, the smoothest,
handeoaneet and more wholesome
than the ordinary French butter
creams, may be made by adding
one-half cupof this oustard, ethen
lukewanne, to four ouncesof cream-
ed sweet bubter, and then beating
the two until lighb and smooth.
Snow Eggs.—One way to utilize
the whites of eggs left •over from
making :this custard is the follow-
ing: Beat these' whibes• to a seiff
froth end re,atrefully add to them a
good tablespoonful of powdeted• au-
ger for •ettle.h egg. In a flab pan pub
enough sweetened Milk, flavored
with vanilla, to poach this quantity
of meringue. With ie teatspoon
ethape :globes of this in egg form,
deop :them in the ,boiling milk; turn
them 01100 or dtwiee, trying not te,
break off any pieces, and after -they
have cooked a few minutes take
them out and drain them on a sieve.
Serve with some of the cusberd: ot
make a less expensive costard of
the milk used for the poaching.
Probably no desserb could be made
that would seem so light yeb would
wt, the amine time atave male great
'food valee, If thia alone was to be
made, the whites would fireb be
cooked, Oleo the egg addedebe tthe
milk to make a cuatarcl ,ealtee, for ib.
Inexpensive Custard oe Greene-,
Allow One egg bo One Cup of honing
tnilk in which has, been 000ked one
tableapooeful of corastatroh, wet, 1111
with •tield Milk if a thin °vetted ot
settee consiiteney is to he made. If
ib cee•am. thick enongli, when oold,
to pub between layers of °eke ia re-
quired use one and' a halt table-
spoonfuls of .corn slareh. Strain
this and ear -while 111 is .0.e:riling, if it
ef :the thine r eerie Flavored
with Vanilla:, one might never enias
the extra, egge of the emoother,
more expeoseve Thigh& cltelbln.
l'i'ide.--CIOVer the bottont i nee
oblong .glaes dish' with 11 thholityer
of eake, ef the, bleentit type, or use
thin elmea of sponge cake, which is
of the biscuit, Sort, pour ever this a
Useful Mute,
To give eine an exeeptionally fine
lustre rub it with keresene.
; A piece of sandpaper im of the
greatest, help 01 remuying stains
end food hem outokieg uteosils.
r'Wooden spoons and pastry boards
will repay 11, good teerubbing with
sand in preference to soap.
Be :sure te iron gannet -Oa with
the straight of the geode, and thus
prevent stretching of the hies
Do nee be annoyed by a squeaky
hinge; use a little butter, lard or
kerosene, and have the unpleasant
uoiee disappeer,
Lettuce wili keep ,erisp eorree days
if washed and pat into a cheese
cloth bag and hung where it gets a
current of oold
To remove spots f rem the handles
of ivory knives dip 11 ChtentOis skin
in water and then in powdered
pumice 'and rub the spots vigor-
ously. •
An expert mole ways that the ere-
creb ef roasting ,meets is to keep a
small temameled ,dieh, paddy
with vinegar, in the oven when
retesting meat of any kind.
Somatimee the white of an egg
may be saved hem waste by whip-
ping it very stiff and adding it to
creamed butter lend confectioners'
sugar fee .a. pudding stoma
To clean plaster ornaments, such
a•s busts or vases, dip in clean
starch ,mixed with water. When
dry, brush off the atereh and the
soiled parts will disappear.
Any upholstered furniture, whe-
ther covered with cloth, damask or
chintz, will look much the better
for being cleaned oecesionally with
bran and:Rennet
Have a hook or staple in the end
of the ironing board, eio ,that it may
be hung up when not in use. There
is less danger of the covering be-
coming zoned if this is done.
Heat your plate before puttiog
hot pies, on -them wh.en first taken
from the/oven. The, h•ot pies on cool
plates cause' a .sweet 'that makes
saggy undercrust.
When ironing eircular centre-
pieces, tablecloths, see that the iron
moves with the straight: grain of elie
cloth. In this way only is it posse-
ble to preserves the eirculer edge in
ite true line.
Housekeepers are mom, or less
bothered with the appearance of
ants or other insectson their .closet
shelves, but if •these are wiped wibh
eayeane pepper the insects will keep
.away, seys an authority.
When peeling Florida oranges
set them in the oven to heat, ther-
oeghly tor a few minutes.. The,
when you peel th.era, you will find
thee tha tough skin can be
easily removed withthe yellow rind.
A moistened newspaper resting
on dryer layers makes an excellent
dust dump for either the contents
of. a eterpee as eeper or a dtestpan.
Dust, and scurrying hot 'does not
escape when a, stray draft strikes, it,
owing to the moistening paper hill!-
ing it.
To preserve eggs.—Pour 6 'Zinarts
orboiling water on to 3 lbs, of flue
hone, 1 oz. of cream of tartar and
'ee, /b. ef salt: When quite cold pour
this over fresh eggs, carefully ar-
ranged in jars, and see that all are
covered. Tie Otter With paper and
Stand on a shell in the larder or in
a cool storehouse.
Over 1,500 Miles Completed—Niter-.
team Is a City.
There are now 1,500 nines of rail-
road in the Soudan, Through the
completion of the aine from 1Vadi
in the north through the de-
sert of KInerbuan, a dietan.ce of 580
miles, ad the establishment ofecome
fertable exprees steamers on', the
line between Shelled, on the seet,11-
ern boundary of Egypt, and Wadi
Haifa, ib is now possible to melee
the journey frean London to Khar-
tum in nine and a half to ten days.
Khartum, with a population of 20,-
000, 35 1110 centre of both the
and commercial life of the Sudan,
containing the palace of the Gover-
nor-General, the residences of
many high .efficiela and the (=teal
arainistratie•n buildings, The city
Lesson N. The Coming of the Meta
do-na, Luke 17. 20417. Golden
Text, Luke 17. tit.
than one occasion, and, Joni:epee:al
great empheeis upon lt, ta pre-
served in all Nur Cloepele, The men
and Wo111,0.11 Who haVe
1111(51, WhOge lives have been a les-
eten end an inspirethin to their own
lime and to after generatione, have
been those who, fur the sake el the
Kingdom, vomited not their teen
lives dear.
34, 35. The cluseet mforadeu will
be aeparalted if one is fib fee the
Kingdom and the other ie tueL.
There will be ne time nor oppurtain-
Veree 20, Being asked by the Ity to assist the ene who is ulnae-
Phaelseee, when the kingdom of pared. May this. fact serve to re.
God cometh—Jestm hatt taught ort
previous oecesions that the King -
W1114 at hued, and the Pharisees
mend ue elute we should vie thal;
as/di:times while there is vet time.
Our tondo') i.etter
on Watch for Suffragettea,
Hampton l'olirt Pakten has just been
reopened under conditions svitich as-
sure its laistorie eollentloo ftitnn
age et the hands gaff rutretteki.
An entrance fee of one shillitig 24
vents) IH cliargect, children under 12 in
the coMpally H.:lulls being admitted
for sixpence 12 col(s), VISitors OA'S
not allowed to wargier 1* 1105(1 the pal -
nee as previously, but are con-
ducted around in parties at con%enient
APParentlY there will he no free days,
but large parties are admitted at half
rates, subtect to prior application 0, the
I05 Do Away With Strikes,
.N great trades union conibine has
been organized In kingland, In whirl]
miners, . rallWity men and transport
Workers, totaling' IA 50,000 men, itere-
after will support each other in their
disputes with employers. The mem-
bers or the Miners' Federation voted in
favor of this working' agreement be-
tween the three organisations and the
executives Ita%e appointed a committee
10 iii MIMS it .
man boat, Imperator, whi.eli has
It was found in some of the more ti:0- made seven, round
tit;0u0tliti. ts;:,,,Tge'iti,1:40'7
Europe and New York during the
. .
trips bet Wean
deal could be accomplished by any one .
organisation. When the transport rest eeasen, was the first veesel tit,
workers were on strike. for example.
hoperator Made $1,000,000 in Four-
teen Trips—Caeries 5,200
e Soule on Board.
Britieh and German shipping am-
poules are racing :to be .the first: to
possess. a vessel that will boaot of
the proud length of 1,000 feet.
During the hest depute the alze
Atlantic liners lute increaaed rapid-
ly in length, and the 900 feet mark
has been passed. Indeed. the Ger-
Mat lo Gettig on In the IlIghlande
and Lowlands of Auld
Interned:Lai ligaet:ten eade of a •
gift of $500,000 to Deadee by Sit '
;lames IC, Cleitel, Bart., towards the '
erection of a new oily leen and'
omen oilman/el'.
37, And they answeriug say unto As the meta ef an explosion that •
talc when et, may be expected. It le him, Where, Lord 3- This queetien oceurreel in Mount Vernon Colliery,
possible that they wished to test was cluttbelese prompted by curio- Shettleeton, two miners, Duncan
date, and they saw ea yet no signs direct: reply. He has just been
him, If he mentioned an early eity, and Jeous does not give a
verely 11*Fr:ed.
MeIntyre and John BrOW11, were 88-,
of its appreathiug, they would know teaching that elte advent will not A men named MeGtowan of Wee-
ded: no eonfidenee was to be placed be limited to any particular place. gow, was fatally injured whilst
in hie words. Where the. body is, thither will working in the Kingston Dock,
Not with observatien—It is invisi- the eagles also be gathered—This Glasgow; through a heavy iron
b010e1.(00eNuitasigolsrrei.r sounds will an- WEIS probably e current. proverb. It 91' la"we' men "91 1 0 al Irteesie,v111.Vleb 'elaimig136062b0.,,,I,':teel,tix.4: brulIceb fallinag orti his head.
val. A spiritual hes been interpreted to mean here, e,...,,,t teezinti it.,0 rt,IrluniVeldie at ri.azirdoic:it o,:f..1,500,30g. tau
portant eve apneas ere pend -
kingdom is always stow el produe, "Where the deed betty et Innen `:.''''' Ale° when the n'ine" 011 -- " '
strike they cannot make it immediately ee tee:5 wale, and boasting 111. tti, ton-
exeriecl l•ength of 900 feet. She is
21. Neither shall they Say, to, there the judgments of Clod will
nature clinging to eiirthly things is. eleeweqetnign l'ailWaY Mon Peru" nage of 52,000.Her neer shin
colledes ha Vs largethatnolcaknii Prbal
the Vateelend, whieh -will take her
ing outward effects.
gays that men wdl say these. worde, Jeias sets gime- and at other alines non-unlon.
here ! or, There !—In verse 23 jesus came.- in- place .un the A.tlantie, ,next Jun.e,
but their statement will be falme.
The Kingdom is not a visible Objea
ti•ons of time and place and empha-
sizes: twee things : first, the certainty
1111 1101.etnnitig: 50Cdtikl, the very
grea.' impurtanee of being ready fer
(mimeo better eonditions from the em-
1\e‘alcitehreible,eltielvtete they can will be leo less than 935 feet long,
and the fleet veseel aleu to remelt
Robert sminte, M.P., president of the a width of 100 feet,
that ean be located. Miners' Federation. which.,wItiv its 800,- The new Ottlilard 1,e,S.S.e4 Aqui-
Lo—That is, Behold Used to his aiming. eye members is the largest organization ,
in the combination, believes that co- Velma, 15 expee eel to make her
operation between the three emit:so:a
t0of filet Britieli boat to reach the 900 -
statement •wadoli follows and th a•t .k N EYES El KE 'S. toeicouts. as representations
The kingdom of God is within Lids wspossibir for
variorums essioL).150.yere ee• leaders representing 1,- befog 903 feet long; in feet wide
hi.oh precedes it.
you—Or, in the midsl. of e-ou that Ocular Expresaion. eider that the combination will wield B.
constneratton, while Others COn-
"ls 'eeb high, with a gross ton!
great influence In amities. social iegis- ++.,t1 +
bring out the coneraab between the .
nuaden trip this :mouth. She is the
workers will do away with strikes arid
500,000 nfen will be sure to receive feet raerk, her actual measurements
is, " you," since the king -
_reel nage of 47,000,
heorta of" the Pharisees to whom anybody told you So you would ee
of eo- meanies, ter fee as
dom was not "within" or '911 the Yntlr eyes are like a pig's, If The Germans are thus far ahead
he was speaking. Instead of eom- doub elee s feel insulted. And yet attention of parliament.
9yeterlyEarteee-tTiShiseit, Nee -easing bite c 'Irma
altered l'iatitliexeis74:11u le-Mjr t°11,:u.°eRs' ej uwesit. an:1 Ma.'urettani -G--17eetit-! flai-d-bal7gseti411
in.g with outward signs upon a. (1,efie 6"`th a st'ateme"b ''''')".14 be q"ite then a
nite date, the Kingdom was already at. 1 n vest' gated conrdiy 01 liners, tfh,ough in th.e Lusitania
laborers of the "voeoa" islands of San Id 'h • et
correct. Your eyes are very moth
like a pig's -more so, indeed, than
there the person of Chrsit. and of
hie disciples. Another equally per- they are like any other animal's,
issible in be rp retation Ibis This ia one of the must curious
truths of physiology. A pig's eyes
clause takes it more literally, ene
phaeizing this inwardness and spiri- so closely resembles that of a in -
man being as to sere -e very impor-
teal nature of the Kingdom. S
interpreted 3Com may be regarded taut praCtiCal purpose. Young men
Isa stating general principle 0,r who are learning to be eye doctors
Muth without ref•erence. to its par- are taught the rudiments of their
ticular application to the Pharis•ees busieees with the help of pigs' eyes.
whom he is addreasing. They diasect them and praebise all
22. And he said onto the disciples, eeete 11 ePerAtlens then''' feel')
removing a. cataract, M the snipping
The days will COMB, when, ye shall
of the muscles which control the
desire to see one of the Slays of the
movements of the eyes in their or -
Son of 'man—Perhaps :the Pharisees
have retired, or it may be ,that his bite. If an oculist happens to be
words about the Kingdom bring to puzzled ahout .an operation he ex -
the miad of Jesus the years. of teil peebs to perform, he sometimes get%
and persecution awaiting' the disci- one or more freah pigs' eyes from
pies. He foresees that there will be thLbTibeher and makes experimemts
days of bitter discouragement, and w''""
ttella them that thay keg fer a 'A ie live Pig's bead
does. nob look mole like it human
foretaste text the eenting glory of the
eye. It ia smell and not very inbel-
Kingdom. "And ye shall not see
ligent in expression. 'When the pig
it."• This glory muse be patiently
is dead, however, and the eye is
waited Mr. It, will come, but. not
taken out it is hardly distinguish -
at the time of their diecouragement
ahle from the eye of a person.
and their great longing for it.
Human eyes do not vary much in
One of the days of the Son of man
size, and in themselves they have no
may else he translated 'write first of
expressioe whatever. When it is
the days of the, Son of man." it
said that a person has large eyes it
would then mean the day of bie re -
means eimply that the opening be -
turn. This may be what Jesus
tween the lids is larger then teeth -
meant, since the tame which fel-
nary. It is the lids thee are wholly
low refer to the second advent.
responsible fur ocular expression,
23. The disciplos. musti nob be in- which is. capable of 00011 wenderful
duced leave their work, nor fol- variation.
low after things win& they ertight
suppo;e, would lead them too the .1.
Place 01 the Son of meseit's aPPeatr- surtvrkoNs 03' THE DESERT.
ing. No faith is to be pub in the --
statement& of those. who predieb ex- Wonderful Skill of Medical Men
act dates or Oboes Mr the Lordse
re -appearing.. Among Algerian Bedouins.
24, The second advent will be as Wibhoue anaesthesia. or nee'dern
sudden and as generally visible as instruments, native surgeons among
the lightning in the heavens. No the Bedouins of the Algerian hin-
one cen feresee ib and all will know
ie at once,
25. But first Must fte suffer many
things and be rejeceed of this gen-
erebion—In his teaching Jesus, ever
guarded againeb the eraphaalsof one
feature to the exelusien of others.
Thus, days of discouragement were
to be brightened by the thought of
Aft, ea. especially with. respect to the
Thome and Principe. He wrote what he
saw and his rePort was received with
laughter, then With sneers, then with
angr' 1 1 1301 the "White Book"
recently published by the 13rttish 10 -
term 11 S S 0
reign °Moe proves that he understated bu iideing, .
while tho Cunard COM -
rather than overstated the truth.
mental attention to the matter, but the pea..4-ty
it was difficult to get serious goVern- , IN1rahvieeh, drawn it,itstpcipricainars efoct,r a„vweilsi
affair became an Huglish political scan-
liek everything that has ever been
using ibis slave labor products are alse
dal berause the leading cocoa -makers
seen on the Atlantic, both in point
lebonintirritsbiuotropristeoytgeosllebr:tegrreartlest.pes,,.•,,:eati5o.;dereubeititidtti.n.ter:juenss. of speed nod in size" ; and mueh
ittg the coal fields amend the
Belisha" ,clistriet. Two new pits are
being sunk by the Wishman Coal
Company in the vicinity Mossend.
Owing to the sleekneas of trade
many men are being paid off or sus,
pended at Glasgow docks, and
crowds of men can be seen waiting
kn. vain for a chasms to geb work.
The death has oecurred et: he
residence in Upper Coltbredge Ter -
rime, Murrayfield, Edinburgh, of
Mr. Francis Braid, formerly post-
matsber of Glasgow, in his seventy-
sixth year.
Daan.age to the extent of about
$600,000 was done by a fire in the
Paper works of Messrs. Pirie at
Stoneywood, near Abeaaleen, and
between 400 and 500 employes hey°
01)1 05)00U. been rendered idle.
the White Star bine have a, MOPS- The death •has occurred of Mr.
ter liner now on the sbocke whoee Henry Arthur ICellen, a prominent
dimensionee it Is .aaid, will exceed l'offieial of the North British. Railway
nF Company at Glasgow. He had been
employed with the company for
more than fifty years.
The Sangultar and Kirlcconnel
Collieries have advaneed the Kirk -
menet Bowling Club the necessary
'amount to 'clean off the debt 021
brought to promise to send hotne ttiese
entrapped negroes. Who now num
-00,91Pa,e/V is n'at making 14rmus build an up-to-date .pavilion.
sPectilELtion exiets ae to whether their new green and as much as Will
The recent "White took- shoWs (.bat ous efforts to be the first to posseata
The mane ers of the Western In-
-lave raiding on the mainland for the
.firmery of •laggew anneonees the
That liners of this length will be (tionhaiglis*me S'Ift *t4.124.6 .114
Why They Are Built.
by Miss Ilelen Ifureay, Etling
burgh, of a aurm of $40,000 for the
an accomplished islet in the neer
esidoevireent of a ward.
islands is still going on, that the PI 0-
mises of repatriation are being slackly
kept and that with praetical unanimity
the laborers wish to "go home.'
Caste in India Breaking Bp.
Sir George Mayalpine. urging the
claims of lndia. at the Baptist Mission-
ary society's meeting. recently. PRO
that lt There tflai'dnE fact gear to -day
it was that caste In India was breaking
up. Chte learned Indian had told him
that he gave caste ten years more life,
eftce which -It n cold 110 longer exist.
And east1 zone, there would be a great
influx from lndie into the ohristian
chit Cell.
Sowards for Seientifie Discovery.
Sir :Ronald Boss, discoverer of the
malaria parasite of the mosquito, has
applied to the Bt•itIsh parliament for a
pension of 95,000 a year in the effort te
establish the principle that there should.
be public rewards for scientific discov-
eries which are of such a nature that
thee can brine no commercial return.
How much his discovery means in
money as well as in human lives is
shown by the case of the Suez Canal
company's' works at Ismalia. • which
were about to be remmed because so
many of the workers were dying' with
e t otnancs out boat.
f utare eyielent, fur the eimple
The Westeii District Oonanithee •
reason alit these big boats, "them
of Stirlingshire have form.ulated a
Properly rea•naged, are paying pre -
scheme for th.e improvement of 46SeS
positions. The Imperator carried
miles of main roads -vvithin its area.
00 fewer than 56.000 passengers on
Negetiation,s for a lean 11 ram the
her seven trips acmes the Atlantic
and back. Some 22,600 of -nesse, Road Beard am preceeding.
At the annual reafferenee of thee
evere saloon passengees, the remain-
Scothish Fieheries. Association held
der being carried in the steerage,
paid 1 in Buctkie, resolutions were .;elop.t.
This seamy of 56,000 travellers
no less then $3,500,000 in pas,,,svar„.., I ed :calling upon the Government to
5' make further inquiry into the mat -
money, and -the eompany declare:I
that oves:. $1,000,000 of this is proe ter of State loa•ns to fishermen.
During a severe thunderstorm
This ves.atel, it may lee added, cost that broloe out over the. Weabon and
$8,500,000 to build. and a -hen she Midland dietricts of Scotland, -the
malaria. Sir Ronal event 0 took her maiden trip represented Vire alld Part of the U.F. Chureh
te t
a.s woad in srepetegling. S•he
three times without fee. As a result t.t , • • .
laccommedation for 700 first etruck by lightning a•nd am. old men
at Blackford, Perthshire. Was
of Ids inve"stigations anti advice the
mosquitoes were removed instead of the IlaoSs
works, and the British nation, which .
50 teemed, and 900 third, and 1,800
Mils a majority of the canal shares,
steera•ge: passengers, wbile Imp Edinburgh Cooneil, have approved
WaS saved far more than 55.000 a year
In public revenue. creev total 1.180, making a. compao ef a, reconamendation by the Eleetrec
Prepare Connaught's House.
Prepared fnr the home -coming or the Before site ca,me into sevvice the Westbank,
ground be acquired at
Lighting Committee that a, piece al
Cla:rence House is apparently being meot"of 5,200 sollls•
Duke anti Duchess of Connaught. Since
then lamest ehin onl • rri d Portobello, for the ereobien et a
the Duke was aptointed tioNernor- ' • tta e 0-
tleneral of Canada t e big mansion iti tal complement of 3.360 passengers new: electric light otatioll to 'cOell,
terliend hen. become ao skilful that life about the voyal residenee has been
it. Jaines'a has been shut up %Id. arll
the blinds drawn, and the only ig
engines are •eta.pable of a. tepeed of $75,000.
A boy named John Smith, 16
aeul teem. er , -see.
• H 62 000 1 turb'in'e
twenty-three kntets, .years of age, of Aberdeen, met with
the tpicIttr):,..Nyjrtotkpos.s, 7
dacl.l.d.. mounted
operations as delicate as trepan- tillicatepgsebse 0
t r qauntiniatelaysthe uppeur it ix. neceesaey ee epee over the cliffs at, 13urnbank Shore,
they do not hesitate to gegoen the last few do.ys. tts however, miles an 'hour, and to maintain this a, terrible death when he was blown
butn Hyliten-Si•mpeon, who, accenimaaiecl bue'SN; "irselletheg city b•eing no lees than 9,000 tons.
tens of coal 5.4153', her bunker capa, neae Cove Bay, a few Ineles outsid.e
Aberdeen, and fell a disbance of
ning. 'This repent is, beought by tAows were thrown open and the blinds
1 over 120 feet.
by his wife; hats jusb returned -to ecoieseratiory at the side of tbe bouSe
London front a scientific expedition molting out over 'the Mall and st, First Swimming Pool. Campbelltown fishermen re:-
Jame:a Park. Scaffolding has been
erected and some of the windows have ThitS Nektla the first liner to possess ' solved to protest against the mo -
among these alreeat unknown apnea -
future glory, tomd the future. glory plerer and his wife lived •amooe the
ex- been reMoVed.
1Vonien Guides In London.
a pool, the baths un all previoue ves-
dia tribee of the desert. The, a. properly -equipped swimming-
fering which must precede it.: relations with the ruling sheiks of ins as a, guide, and an advertisement
,,gi., rnearin;% i'gtdelf gellPilaniV-
511- the evirnening-bath is built
chastened byethe 'thought of the suf. netives and established the closest stela being mere tank.s. In th.e. Ian -
26 -28. As neared in a London daily panel' reoentlY ,.,. , , , _,
N,6,„h oile got..„„ema„y people win ),,,, • :DheY found that -surgery had le which an amensh woman "speaking at t:01 the ceeeigns ttil the ancient• Bo -
and is 65 feet long, 41 feee
wholly occupied with
. . , im d:,11,3 days of remote villages,.
oeseseas ae_ grown &be a really skilled profes, filet langtf'a"s" 171 at•00„iLtniiiitIT, lna'ns•
fairs and their own seafish enjoy- '
viVteerree estel)7iti Ve. on'e would Imay,ine, wide, the. greatest depth of waiter
monis, busied, with the things they
muse some. time leave behind them,
and unmindful of the •thinge ef
eternel value.
30. In the day that the Bon of
man is revealed—Note the cerbain-
by of -the expression "is reve.aled."
The sewed advent will be simply a
if st te ei f ClIS Chriet wilt 1 A
matt e. a• et • ,
already invisibly preemie
at. In that day . let hien not
go down . return baek—Is Matt.
24, 17, 1§ and IVIterk 13, 15, 16 these
worda ere spoken in connection with
the flight before the desteection of
jerusaieet, env ,be that Christ
theee used: them irt eeferring to this
910n. Hylton -Simpson eves lucky a big demand tor -women guides., ink st!is,d- being , te,e,t, She :owe the hese res.
enough to ems into contact with a aTliesbigatrortrditeilft= tland, have addressed a
friendly Arabian physician 18110 at, "We have tChiisu view. eel to possees a bailment, a praeti- of See
a nuMber of women gUiciles 001 sibitga for theateical perfoto ter to the ;National Rifie Association
ranged a meeting fee him with eight
00 001' :1st:" r`.i7at,d ,,j ,5are8fUouM\et' itil maames, and a running
ate ei tar 2 asked1 e :emcee protesting against; ope.ning the
of the tribal eat:gem-me From them services." a , w , , , 1 ,,. These and even other luxuries for ranges at //isles on $1.11:1s104%
011 jhe he millected a mese of interesting national Leagne nittnine's tii'll:‘ atb1ro8a1d the traveller of m•eane will be found Intimation has been received
information and a valuabl•e collet- oonducted exclusivelY bY w,0171•10 anti on the new British boa t, Aqui ta nea ,
lion of native. surgical insertimente. `-‘'',.1°E.goell:'s gl'oldt. Otalgli!"erlea f.and111?1 that Williioh Will. have acemmodation for
Their SW'S, lancet send probes are their services are grea.tly appreciated. ,-,
3.z80 pa.eeengers and carry a elMw
of 'the .ceadest, design, but. prove etntitil 1"e'eltuu4eFirtNiAstLfuor„18t7,":i0r113,70",- of 1,000. Another wonderful point
tion passed by the 'convention of ,
burghs, regarding a close time for
herrings in the Forth of Clyde, and ,
the closing of Loch Ryan a,gaeast
seine -net fishing.
The Army and Navy Chaplain
Committee oS the Church el Scot-
land and the United Free Meech
highly effective in the hands of
the it' native operetors. The only
training these natbive aurgeoes haw)
is instruction from them fatheas,
Very UM of them able to read
or write. .
tepaen ng °vela ons ale a-
bly mere common in. this country
bread avenues ei,nd
toe -
15 19.,1d 'eta en modero lines, with flight; and here again, though 111
streets, and has I wholly different connection, in 1)0 111 them. aelywhere else in the world ef the frequency evith whieh
electric lights and, a geed watter oases the worehleseriees of material the natives resort to ebone throwing
in .a, fight. The use of, an anecathe-
aySternt The Soudan is the ebief, pogeevaions, under the cirettan- Lie is unlonewn, 4141.d ;pain is regeed-
aoutee of tale world's supPay of two seances, ie .emphasized. Iii the first: eel with allele contempt that the pee-
ineporbant) 'products, gum ara,bic in:stence, the importance of saving pie aeem. impervions to it, Hylbon-
and limey. Formerly the i'VerSt life, beret, the importance of biting,
gathered. in th.e-fit.r eeteth WitiS &hip- ready foe the eoening of the So » Or i Si'nPaen 66'w 0110 ease i'l1 wilieh a
pod through Bri.tieth East Aleica, mall, 15 00 great ohat nothing chonid 1 boy was operated On for tifte711 days
but the development of tthe Seminal divert out ablenlion Nen these for the removal of a amen piece of
T • i • 311011
has teemed the teade to the north.
Pa,'' geld Tommy, , ttaking 'his
0y-firet question 'that eYeeing, "15
35 .5e514e1 0 botib?" yea,"
&aid pa, tryieg to reacl 1110 paper,
"eon .ciin call a vessel a, boat, oer-
tairly." "Weil, evluet ldnd ot
boat is a hlteed 5555101 1'' "A life-
boat, of coille• Now run 'off' 'to
32, Remember tot's wife —
looking theek, Doe's wife proved :her-
eon unworthy eif the salvation offer-
ed her. Likewise et the advent of
the Son of man, a Christian Coil-
eerneel'iabotti, the safety of his goods
18e014 be' 11111311 101' the Kingdom,
33. Wh•oseever shall get+ to gain
hie life -.Theb 30, "Ts) preserve for
himself," The words of this veree
Were cloubtleee repeated 011 mere
skull 'the operation WILS aucceeeful
end the pittieel, retovered. Besides
surgery the natives claim. be 'have
discovered Lette hundred ('11 ('05 Inc
verious diseases.
Many a girl eaechea, the men she
INitlikit by pretenclieg fe desire seine
men she doesn't went.
Miss 'Cora Dow of Clinriunati,
41181111 bevelve drug storee in that
ciby, '
neys to and frqpi wheel,
it is obvionS, too. that In slapping
eXpeditions o, India guide is useless, end
there must bs many foreign. American
anti Colonial women now in London who
would be glad of the services or a 005 -
able Woman with an intimate anowledge
of the West Mid shells.
I S ta d by II int.
"How is ib," inquire(' a young
bride ef .an older married friend,
"that you always to have
such delicious beefl"
"Iti very simple," said the older
women, "I first select, a good, hone
eat butcher, and then I steed by
"You meet) thet yen give him. all
of your trade'?" •
I -mean that I stand by him,
while he is cuttieg elle meat."
Coneerning Three Nations.
Question If 4 company sla doun
tab 41 table with a t•urkey on it, and
seine one upeet the table, Seheve na-
tional calamity, eoncerning three
natioes,'would it repreee,nt 1
Answer 1 Til breaking up 011
0111114, -the overthrow of Greete /mai
the downfall of Turkey.
about thetee. latest 11Ther5 25 the
height of their . decks, The bow of
the linperatcw, for ine,bance. reaches
56 beet oboe* the sea:, while the Cap-
tain's bridge is 70 feet tubove the
same level.
Real Sympathy.
Juror ; `'We aquitted him out of
Friend "For his aged mother 1"
juror: "Oh, no—for having each
The New Way.
-13e waited in time, leun't you
know that gild eirokes, drinlcs and
gambles at bridge?' '
"1 know. 1 am going to merry
her to reform her,"
1,11s 14;dnu :McMullen is the
:omelet) head of all the departments
of is litege daily and weekly newe-
paper in Gellipelis, Ohio.
Freneh women imve banded to-
gether to fight the aeloona in Lhal
ementry eoed over 220,000 women
have already 'signed the petition,
throuldt an Edinburgh heart of eche
°hors that Miss Christina Ander-
son, IL native of Tulliaillan parish,
has made a gift of $5,000 to Dun-
fermline Abbey, and a similar gift
Itt Tullicilla.n parieh ehiereh.
:Statistics show that women who
have attained the age of 35 will live
for auether 29 years.
In Singapore 180111011 ere em-
ployed in road building and break -
105 up much of the maeerial with
email hammers.
Out of 180,000 people employed by
ehe Ameeicete Telephone and Tele-
graph eortepany, 70,000 are womele.
Chicago women have purchased
over 1,000 acres of land in Missistip.
pi, e•ltiell will be esed as a farm
Two women beveisters 5,111 nesiet
in the defenee of Mete. Cailleux,
Lim' French wernan who shot nnd.
killed M. Calmette. the 'Paris
The bill extending the personal
and property eighte of married we -
men 111 nuteda, will bring impel-
neas to 'millions of eventen hi, that