HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-6-4, Page 1bt 41 r VOL. 42 :V0. 49 BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, yUNE .4. 1914 W. H. KERR, Pro/lyietor New Advertisements fb1), l1sIcer, ntur-0s 1Hitn a, ?iwlool lo.a-Tun PORT, Dog st,•nyrd—M, Cameron, Olo,mo1 found -T( a Poem, Auction mule -Alex, Russell. Auction anlo-(leo, Rnother. Winn wanted -W. A. Lowry. Teaoher wanteil-T, 0, ntot:nlL Excursion -Partners Inmtitlrton. Beate and slioee-G, N. McLaren. Teacher Wanted—D. 0. Oent nebnnt. Homeoeolcera Excursion -T. & 1 .0.1ty. iatr:tixt ,leW McKillop' °A1$D OP THANKS.- We Wish .101 thank oue 10 ny friends and rehatives Mr the kindness they have shown to us in the time of our soil bereave - 1110111'. AIRS. JOHN STOREY AND FAMILY. Listowel TILE PLANT BURNED -Another five here early Saturday morning at the J. 0. Hay & Son tile Elaut, did. dam- age estimated at 85,000, It is thought to be of incendiary origin, as many other fires have beet recently in thin district. The loss was half covered by insurance. Alnuday morning the Council held a special session, and took steps to find the guilty persona, if any, ennttect'd with the burning. The flee Is the third 0110 iu the Mat week, and all are generally believed to have been the work of firebugs, but in none of the oases Is there any clne as to the way the buildings were lined, or who is gtiilly. The office of the Hay plant was desLl'n ed by fire in Meech, The new office was saved Saturday morning. The plant will be rebuilt irrunediately. Bluevale Additional Bluevale news may be read on page 5 of this issue. Rev. Mr. Ooolte is attending the Methodist Oouferenee at Sarnia this week. Arthur Shaw is the lay repre- sentative. \Ve notice the bills aid dodgers out. fdl' the annnel Exenrsion to the Model Farm, Guelph, the date. being Thursday .lune 18th, 'J'herc is generally a good representation front this locality as our peeple believe tliey profit by the trip 111 securing new ideas 101111 poioLe05. A.. CITE ALAN Dr's.- The district learned with deep regret 00,Feiday, May 22nd 1)I' the passing away of .Mr. Rolph, of Tnrnbetry. He was born in the town of Mitchell and was the eldest son of Joseph and Mrs. Ralph, of Lngtu, Township. When e. little boy be moved to Logan with his pavenls and resided there until he was 17 years of age, going froth there to Mitchell wheto he learned the harness making and lived there foe some 10 year's. 39 years ago he married Ma'gar„t McKity, of Turn. berry, who survives him. 0 years later deceased moved to Turnberry where he resided up to his death. There are left to mourn his loss, his, wife 2 daughter's (Mee, Joe E. Curtis, of Morris and Laura at 1101110) an aged. mother. 84 years old in Logan, also 4 brothels and 4 sietet's (William and Rebekah, on the homestead ; Joseph, of . Logan ; Mrs. W. B. Smith, of Hornell, New York State, also Jaynes, of Hornell ;. 14I•rs. Alex. Morrison, of Afwnod ; Mos. J. P. Bell, of Seaforth) His father and one sister and 2 brothel's had passed on befgt'e. Interment took phaco in the Wing - ham cenleie•y, services being hold in the Bluevale Methodist church, of which the deceased was a pillar. Rev. ' Nle. Cooke pastor of church, took for his text the 87th Psalm 37 verse, "Mak the perfect Iran and behold • the upright foe the end of that MRS is .peace." The set vice throughout was very iiia,pressive. x\ shadow of gloom was cast over Lhe eougregati0n or which the deeensed 100,5 Treasurer 1)p to thetimeof his (11110111 and had been to member of the Official Board fora number of yeiva. AI r. Rolph was of a quiet, retiliug disposition but 00105 n mat- who was the soul of horror and integrity being Lim amismatiestar A car load of 'Lithe to hand, 35 cent per bushel. Apply to GEo. BAKER, Cru br n ook Telephone 524 . Ilitibly respected and much beloved All who knew haul. calt•'ol 1 t r v B It 1 al L Y floral tL•ibutes were given by his Me -niters and sisters also Aire, J. Mc - Lend, Bluevale, lr. and Airs. Rowley, Toronto, 0, and Ales, Oadntte, Tor- onto, Mrs, 0, Turner and Stewart 'L'ut tier; The pallbearers were .10111) Musgrove, Thomas Stacey, Arthur Wheeler, Janes Nichol, George Turoee land John Itis ton, Atwood All. Shaw, of'At,wood,'was among the young erten ordained into the An- glican plleetliood at Wnnd5loelt by Bishop Williams on Stinclny. Thomas M1102a1'Llls', sou of ,I. J. and 51(8. 51c011lLhy, "Erin Lodge," West Alonlcton, will be ordained to the priesthood by Hie Lordship 111. Rev. Sl. P. Fallon, in St. Peter's Cathedral, London, on Saturday, 311110 01.11, at 0 o'clock, Ire will say his f1l.81 1111058 in WS native palish, St, llrigit's church, Logue, on 511nd(ay, Jnne 7th, at 10.30. Dr. ICfdd, •ol' Al wood, medical health officer. of Elam, bad Jas. Mitchell, 4th Oon, of Elu110,summon- ed before Police Magistrate Tel.hane on Friday, for not reporting a case of measles. 1 Ile (MSS 30248 dismissed, Dr. Kidd paying the costs. The doctor also head to nurse 801mmoted for mus- ing 10,i'ase of measles and leaving with- out. a Medical Eleaulth Offlrer's certifi- cate. The case was withdrawn, the nurse paying the costa. Ethel ceOe,uent blocks are ready for the basement walls of the new school house. - Nleasles have out quite a dash in this locality but they etre about stamped out now, Grey Council will meet Saturday of this week. Tile adjourned Oonr1 of Revision will also be held. Doc. \Vardlaw is getting along as well las could be expected for a person %vitt' typhoid fever. \Ve Elope he will soon be u. lc. Chrisckmier anti IS. Close were, at SeaforLh Tuesday of last - week ar=il tending Oentte Huron Liberal 0on4.1 vection. They motored from Bens: sets. The new cement enclosed shed to, be built 3.1 the Peesbyterian church will be 54 x 120 feet with metallic ronfand will cost ,about $1400 in ad- diliou to free labor.haul1ng gravel deo. Trench has been dug fee the foun- dation and wet k will proceed for•with. A number from here went to Brus- sels last Friday evening to witness the loot Bail u1•ttoli, 13russels vs. \Vroxeler. It was a very wet rain that did duty during the game. \Ve may try it again Friday evening of this week when OHIO on and Brussels will contend. Dr. - McNally, one of the District MedicalHealtl Officers, paid u visit to Ethel in confection with ,his of- ficial capacity. I'le asked to have samples of water from several wells sent to Toronto for analysis desiring to get at the first cause of repeated cases of typhoid fever. The report has not come back yet. Wroxeter Reeve Reis is inGoleri0h this week attending County Council. Airs. R. S. Laokland is spending a week with friends in Mitchell. Win. and Mese Patterson were visitors in Haeriston on Sunday. Miss Edna Carr, of Brussels, visited friends in the village on Sunday. Oculi and Airs. Fidler visited old frienrls iu Fordtvich on Tuesday. Aliss Hazel Hamilton, of Got rie, spent Sululay With .Bliss Lizzie 11,0i - ledge. Mrs. Naylor, of Fordyce,is the gnest of her parents, Thos. and Mrs. Higgins.. . Dr. G. P. Jaciksol, accompanied by his rather, returned front Toronto on SaLnrday. Mrs. Alex. Campbell, of London, i s rent last week with her mother and brothers here. Elston and Mrs. Cardiff and child- ren, of Brussels, were guests of rela- tives here on Senday. Mr. and Mrs. Bnrtrnan, or Gowans - town, Spent Saturday and Sunday at the horse of 1, Dnist, Mills Ilnzlcwnod and little (laugh - r fie( [ , I Clifford, spent Sunday 01 the u1 tieo I fo tmat s 1)other, W. C. Hayle end. w1) Leslie Davey, of Shirlburte, 1188 taken to position for the Summer months in the grocery store of his uncle, Fred. Davey. Mrs. L. Lovell, of T'nt'nberry, is spending a few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. S. MaKerclter. Mrs, Lovellrecently celebrated her 80th birthday. At the Young People's meeting held in the• Presbyterian cht11'ch oro Sunday evening, Thos. Brown, assiyl- ed by Miss Jean Davidson, gave a paper on "The Canadian Nation and its Jewish citizens, 1001111110.00.110100000111000••0••0000000000000000000000•0 • Homeseekers' seekerg Excursion • • • To Points on the• . • •• TamiskamlnG & Northernr1) Ontar,o. Railway w3. yr•e liaileybury and North in .Northern Ontario • ® s ® From all points inOntaricr.and Quebec o.0 the Graod Trunk a1d 0. P, •, R Railways except West of Chalk Rival. and North of P011 y Soiui d on • e the 0. 1'. Tickets at specially reduced rates good going • a ei Cd • • • • • 1 June 10th PATirvingsr June 20th • Soo your nearest Rail\vayA .smL• for pat or 1 to g r apply ,,• A. J. PARR - • T. t G. P. A.,.� N. O It Not Bt Ont y, rr( y, + • tea Y®•e••••i••M••Atr0r0•d10s SS*ess0••o000000tti•ssss•0s0 Genese Slnlpsol, of Moorefield, is visiting with Itis brother, 0, D, Si - soi. Mrs. Robert Hamilton, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at her old home in 'T'utvlberry, Owing to the absence of Rev. R. 'S.' Lttckland, who is attending Confer- ence al. Sarnia this week, 1\ic. Slntw, of Bluevale, will (weepy the pipit In. the Methodist church on Sunday evening, A. lantern lecture in connection with the Upper Canada Bible Society will be given 1)i the basement of Lhe Presbyterian church by Rev. W. D. Clarke, of Toronto, on the evening of June ;ft A huge 1uunbel' went from here ,le lit 'meets on Friday evening to witness the League Font r13all match between Brussels and Wilmette.. nxette.. The game was played under very unfavorable' comli1ions as 1 here was a very strong wind and a steady dOwnpone of rain throughout the game. Neither sides scot ed. Cr b ok An Auction Sale of farm imple- ments, household Milani e, &C., is an- 'noniteed by George Huether.. The date is Saturday, June 18th, at 2 p. m. F. S. Sento will he the Auctioneer. Sale will be without reserve. List may be read in this issue. Jamestown S. and Miss May Burke spent Sun- day with Atwood friends. 51159 Ellie Stewart, of Molesworth, was visiting the Misses Scott, Last Sunday evening Robert Shaw took the service in Victoria Hall, A few from this neighborhood will go to Detroit next Friday on the Greyhound excursion. - A school plc-nic is being arranged for in T. R. Bennett's grove. It fs an animal event e1 which there is always Et. gond time. The stimulating example of a life of faithful and consistent Ohristian 801" viee as lived by the. late Thomas Stra- chan, wlin tra-than,-who was so long and intimately connected with Sabbath School and Prayer Meeting labors at Jamestown, will live long and will be a pleasant Memory to all workers in the vineyard, • Morris King George's birthday was observ- ed as a holiday at S. S. 5. Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 9. Read the advt. this week. This week Reeve Shortreed is at- tending the Co. Cnuncil at Goderich; Duff & Steivart, Bluevale, have contract for new bridbe to be built on lst line. Hiss Imlay, teacher; of No, 5 school, has been re-engaged for another year by the Trustees. , Don't forget the Garden Party at the home of Walter and Mrs. Yttill next Tuesday evening. A fine time is promised. Wm. McOracken hasre arations' well underway for the purpose of erecting a new house of his farm im- mediately West or Township Hall. A garden party will be held at the house of Albert Howlett, 711i line on Tuesday evening, 16111 hist. Proceeds will go to the Jacksonchurob Sabbath School Next Sabbath afternoon Robert McKay, of Ethel, will take charge of the service in the Jackson .church. The pastor is attending Conference at Sarnia. Ails, Adam Smith, of Lauder, Man., and Mrs. Robert, Gibson, of Indian Head, were visiting Airs. Hugh, Hanna, their mother, 001 line. They were welcome visitors. \Ve ate pleased to luno% that Mrs, George Kelly, 8th line, is home hem the Clinton hospital and her timer- flus friends trust she will soon regain her old' time good health. • We are 'glad to see Gilbert Seek able to be about after the se, ions ac- cident that befell him 111 the West when he was so seriously burned, and hone he will snort be 13.s well 05 ever. Owing to the illness of Miss Mar- gltret Cowan, the teacher, there was no school in S. S. No..9, on Monday and Tueeduy of this week. Sale was able to resume her duties 011 Wednes- day. A good job has been done 11) the way of grading on Oloakey s sitlel'nad 11 orthe 5111 to 6111 11 nes, railer wits directed byJohn Trill land was v3. y drawn by Geotrge 1ondatt's haltuln engine. 'The same Machinery is being. 01iliZed 1n_ grade on the same 81(101010d from 8rd to 401 1iue, Gbon RasuL'1'S,--Al vs. . Geo. Miller, 511, line, pub 127 eggs 111 a Peerless in- cubator, mann factored by Lel, Hod- gins & Co., of Pembroke, and secured 9 live chicks. 19 of the eggs were •not fertile. This is a good record along the poultry. line. A bee was held by W. 0. Cunning- ham, 711) line, hauling stone for the stable, for the ocid1ti011 to his bairn U' 20 x48 feet. The timberr ie'ready and work will be pushed along. Mr. Cun- ningham has sold the house on the Kelly farm to \Vin. McOrackon, 511) line, .,The latler 30,51l take..it down and use Material in 3ebuitding o1 1118 farts. A Atorrisite complains of the visits of some "Smarr young fellows who itt additi0nto setting (ices in the bush are big enbngqh cid veil to milk some of the cows, They will think itis butter - Milk if Lhe toe of a good stogy boot catches thein in a part of thew anato- my where (1(106 "compliments" are 'usually supposed to be paicl- THio POST is in receipt of ail 10- vilatioll to the annual 0oumtenco• nleint and conferring of degrees. 111 Medicine,. Dent is try, Pharmacy, Roc., in Philadelphia, on Friday, .lune 5111. In the class of Do1)tal (,graduates the none of \V, L. Alc Ontoheoo, sol of David and Mrs. NIcotitolleoo, 0111 (1(18, appeals. Ile is a clover young titan pp and we aoigeattilate hlttf On hie well deserved stleoe58, • , Aue'rioo' SAI.O+-Alex' Russell, 6th line, is u feel g hie 100 acre farm crop, humstook and household ef- fects foe sale by Pubiie Anctio, on Tuesday 16th MSG., and offers .in1- mediate possession, il'tu'ther pitrti- cuia05 may be ascertained from the advt. on page 8 of this issue, • Grey Grey Township Voters' List for 1914 is in the priutee's hands. Trustees of S. S. No. 2 are asking for a teacher. See 10(101. 111 this issue. Service 'next Sabbath in Union church will be held in the evening d i- stead of the afternoon. Reeve Livingston and Deputy Reeve Brown are t Goderi h this week at- tending a C tending the County Council. New silos will be built this season by James 11loFadzeall and D. 0. Cunningham, 10th con, Material is being hauled now. •- Mrs. Wm. Buttrey has as her house guest, her daughter. Mrs.M. Given, of Saskatoon. She was home 2 years: ago and is welcome black. Invitations are out for the tnarriage of Miss 01 nut Ruy, daughter of Louis and Mrs. Steles, to John' A, Wilson; Elms township, on June 10th. J. Ritchie, 17th con., and Nelson Askin, 14th can., intend raising and remodellingthe barns on their farms and will flheal up in modern style. Archie and Mrs. McLean were re- newing old friendships in Blanshard township, Perth Co., last week. They were former tesidenta of that locality. Miss Mary Movies, of Zion City, III., is here on a visit at the home of W. Rands -and other old friends. She was a former Brusselite and is wel- come back. ' The contract has been let by Alex. Perris, 120h col., for a new 2 story bride resltletioeto be built this • season on his farm, John Hunter, of Oral- beook, hasLhe job so it will be tve11 looked after. At the Liberal Convention held at Seafol•th last tveelt the following persons were among the delegates :- A. Hislop, 0. Tu1'nbull, ;him Oliver, W. apnd,1. Dmiceurson, Neil McNair', 3. A. McNair, .P. A. McArthur and Geo. Turnbull: ' One oftthe timbers of the Davidson ba•idge, crossing the river on the 12th c , ol. _ivas discovered 01) fire a short Lime ago. Thos. Davidson did duty as fireulat and probably saved mote sedans damage. Cense of fire sup- posed to be the lighted stub of a algae or eigln'ette thrown carelessly away. ONE Os THE VE30I0ANS.— Our old friend Hugh Lamont celebrated his 78th birthday 011 Eulpir0.1)1ay by at- tending the ,corner stone laying of the new Presbyterian 'church at Brussels. Me. Lamont, was we be- lieve, the only person present on that occasion who has coulinunuely at- tended Presbyterian set vice since its inception abnnt 00. yea's sago when Rev. Sir. 1311rr,. of Harpnrhey, preach- ed in private houses. He belonged to Knox church berme the union, Mr. Lamont's health is considerably im-. proved we are pleased to state. BEEKEEPERS' FIELD DAY. -Next to doings thing yourself, the best way to leant is to see it -done. It is one thing to sit in some convention room and'hea' a man tell how he manages his bees ; it is Zai' better to go with him into the apiaiy and. have .111m show you. That is what you will have a chance to do at the apitu y of Lawrence Wheeler, 2 miles North of Brussels, (Tp. Grey), Thursday, June 11th, at 1.30 p. m. sharp. A qualified apiary instructor sent by the Ontario Department of Agricultutal will show holy to examine hives for disease, and will actually put a colony through the treatment for cure. Other mani- pulations will then be shown, such as finding the .queen, removing bees from supers, operating to prevent swarming, etc.., eta. Prominent local beekeepers will be asked to tape part and assist in the discussion of pra0lieal questions. These apitu'y denuosu•ations are being held all over Ontario, and it is well worth your while to attend one. Ladies are es- pecially invited, and all are advised to bring bee veils so they can cone right out into the apiary with corn- fort:-: NSWERED THE. ROLL OALL.-As 1)l 1LOd in HE hast week wu'I it t1 POST 9 1 lhuina, SLltirhan one of the pioneers u h n at tell and of (Ivey lovst 1 v t d fawotatil known 1 to alruost ever v body, was translated to ins reward on ,Wednesday morning, May 27th, at 1.30 o'clock, aged 88 yea's anal 9 mottles, After being in failing health for the past 12 months all of which he bore with Oltristie,u patience 11e passed away, at his house, 1)1 trustful confidence 111 the God he had loved so many years. Deceased was born in the Parish of Saddle, A,gy- 'ilshiee, Scotland, and was the oldest of seven children. He feather died in 1845 and to couple of years later Mrs. Strachan and family decided to . come to Canada. On arrival they lived for 0 year at Gealt'and then rented a 11001(1 in Pusliuch township where they made their 110110 nail codling to Grey p townshi in the Fall of 1853. 500 acres of ]rand were taken 1)p 011 the 3rd and 41I1 cons.. and these by industry and thrift were transformed from bush farms to well tilled fields. and several of theta are still in possession .of the Strachan families The subject of (his notice lived on Lot 3, colitiuuo118ly up to the time of his d1001(8e. in 1857 Mr. &ti'acital) selected as his bride Miss Flora, Cameron, of the village of Brussels told through Ole passing years she loyally, and successfully did her duty as wife and moth(,' and peeved herself 11 rent helpmate. The first Municipal itofGreyhad Mr. Strachan s Cranna n a member and after doing duty as Collector of taxes WAS elected to the Reeve's chair and in all served the township splendidly. for 0 score of year'(. J3.y aeebelation With the 00. Connell he became well known and was later elevated to the \ne ' s chair fol' Huron ()minty. In all of these offices he showed ability, faith- fulness, fairuese and ecotony and untcle many friends in the discharge of his duty. r While ever loyal to the Presbyterian 0hal00h, 111 which he was an EIc101' from the fohinatiou of Knox ehureb, Brussels, up to his death, be was broad minded and charitable to 1)l( other denominations and nets 8001 ready to aid in the advancement, of the Master's kingdom ie church and Sabbath School -work and prayer meetings. For years he was Pres'. deut of the Upper Canada Bible Society and was equally zealous in the Teiilperlatr(e; cause and as Presi- dent of the municipal organization was it tewer,of strength, Few men were bet tee aequaioted with the Word of God than M1•. Strachan and one of hischief delights %vas to con- verse on its precepts and promises. In the Fast Huron Farmers' Institute he sat in the President's chair for years. Whatever his 1113.1111 found to do he did it with his 1015111 and his name will be cherished by many on a0coalt of his integrity and untiring labors for the good of both old and young. No one, until recent years - would have guessed his age as Ile was so well preserved and enjoyed so large a degree of health. Of his fathers family the only survivor is Mrs. James Ferguson, of Brussels and DU11cai1 Tay101, of the sante piece, who is a half brother. Alts. Strachal and 0 children viz D0Ugaltl, of Patten, Sask. ; Mos. Werner!, Regina ; Alex.. of Brussels ; Robert, of Grey ; and John and Mise Jessie at home survive, Thomas turd Isabel are deceased. The funeral, service was held lust Friday after noon Zit' the home, con- ducted by deceaseds pastor, Rev. A, J. Mann, 8, A., of Brnesels, assisted by Rev. David Petrie, of tVinghuut. Many well deserved tributes were paic1 to the deceased and people ad- vised to follow in his footsteps. Pallbearers were A. Simpsot, W. Moses, 'Wm. and Alex. 13rya1s, Alex, Stewart and Wm. Gannett. A long colc0nrse followed the retnahn5 to the family plot in Brussels cemetery, testifying to the high esteem in which he was held. 'There is plenty of room in the vineyard for men of the type of the late Thomas Strtarhan, Ever ready totestify of the Faith that was in bin,; clear and definite in his espousal of the community 1 and every talent lie possessed employed in the advancement of the Lord's kingdom His regularity at church, Sabbath School and prayer meeting or visiting the sick was 0 source of great 011000 to all who were interested in these .labors of - love. To Mrs. Ste/wham whose 'health has been precarious for past few years, and members of the faintly the deep sym- pathy of many friends is extended: Air. Strachan will be greatly !Hissed both at home and abroad and the hope is expressed that not a fete will rise up t0 put on the armour he has laid down and fight for the right as faithfully as 11e did. While thorough- ly Canadian, after his sojourn here for about 67 years, .lie never lost in- terest in the land of his birth and could read, sing and write in the Gaelic language with ease. Servant of God well done. Thy glorious warfare's past, The battle's fought, the victory won And thou are safe at last. Belgrave Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick is away at Sar- Ilia attending the annual Louder A1eLhodist Conference. Miss Rachel and Lizzie McCurdy spent a short holiday with relatives in the vicinity of Guelph. A new program has been issued by the Epworth League of the Metho- dist foo the coning term. It contains many interesting topics. R0bt, and Mrs, McGuire leave on 'Tuesday for a trip through the \Vest They expect to go as far as Edmonton when Lhey will visit relatives. Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick is away to Conference. Services in connection with Belgrave Methodist church will be cancelled next Sunday as a supply was not available. Ther t 1e v enclosed shed at Trinity Y 1 b O1 feet. There chu c h is to a 50 x L n wall feet high las well be a cement % 3 eeL 1 g foundation. Shingle roof will be put on. Cost of shed will be $800. Geo, Procter is the con treater. Miss Grace Feegnson, having recently graduated at Niagara Falls Ont., General Hospital, taking honors of all the subjects examined in, has owing toiler high standing, rocatv011 the lucrative appointment of head nurse in the hospital. On Monday, Stine 15111, A. and Mrs, Hallidaywill celebrate the fiftieth;annivei'a' of their marriage. e. Their family will be present, Whose tell() are in the West returning home, The particulars of the auspicious ;event, which will be crowned with glory and honor,' will appear later. The Summer Saluted in connection' with the Hamilton and Landon Synod of Pt'esbyterian church will be held in Gnderich the week ei nsrnenc- ittg the 29111 of June, The p00gvalns are now ,distributed and it p00tniso5 to be a Veil/ interesting time, The morning will be ;devoted to Bible study, afternoon to teoreatiol, and evening 1( addressee. A bee tvas held at the manse on Tuesday afternoon when the ground was flowed', stumps rooted out and potatoes planted. Driveway was 1'tn•nish.ed with a coat of gravel, Gateway will be moved. ' In the Autumn the ground will be terraced and seeded down, John Ferguson( John Geddes and A, T. Cole snperi)1, tended the %leek which,h vi n coins O10c�will aid nnu h to appearance Of the property, Plants Choice assortment of Fo Geraniums and Annuals Doddring e Cab a Cauliflower & b N,Celery Also House Plants MISS KELLY, 48-4 Beussels_Oreeuhouse. Mr, Wilkinson, Eye Specialist, of Wingham, was in the village on Tuesday in his professional capacity, H. Hopper, of this locality, received Et post cad from his uncle, Jas. Grigg. who is supposed to he lost with the steamer, Empress of Ireland, which reads as follows :-Quebec, May 28'14 "Dear Sister and Brother. -Jost a few lines to let you know that •we are sailing to -day from here to Liverpool on this ship. We started from home on the 7111 and went South to New Orleans and :New York about 4000 miles. "Will hope to see you later on our return trip. From your loving brother, J. Grigg and wife." 51,' Grigg was horn in Belgrave about 55 years ago and left for Manitoba a few years since, taking up farming after which he event to Fraser Valley, B. 0., 'where he and his wife prospered in farming and sheep raising. Hepre- cently began a holiday, visiting Mends 111 New York and New Orleans. lie intended going for a visit to the Old County and as he stated on this card he intended to visit his birth place in Belgrave. 1a1r. Hopper is his nephew and after re - reeving this card he left. for Quebec to see if he could identify the bodies and if passible bring them to Belgrave. PIC -NIC. -The annual pie-tifc of the Farmers' Olub and Woman's Insti- tute will be held Tuesday, June 10t11 on C Z. Wilkinson's river fluis, or what is known as the ,Woman's In- stitute pic-nio grounds as this organiz- ation was the first public body to dis- cover this desirable location for pic- nics. Program of foot races for young and old is on .the list also athletic games. A Base Ball match will .be .contested between a select team ,chosen from Wawanosh by John McCallum and from Morris by Nelson Higgins. Refreshment booth 011 the ground. Proceeds nvili go to the benefit of the Chub. Committees al a iu charge of the management of the varies departments throughout the afternoon. A reception com- mittee will figure conspicuously in making every person welcome. Sup- per will be served at 5 80 p. m. Keep the date clear. Every person wel- come non-members as much as member's. Only qualification nec- cessary is to make yourself y 1d all the members of your faintly tid' me and to bring a basket, Wel for large posters with full aunouiC, smut. Walton Political affairs are commencing to liven op as the candidates and elec- 00,5 get busy. MIs. John Fianna, 01 Winthrop locality, died last week of canner of Lhe stomach. See the changes in the C. P. R. Thee table recorded in this issue. They ere quite noticeable and will be an improvement to the travelling public. At the Maitland Presbyterial, field at Kincardine recently, Mrs. fRev.) Lundy, of \Vaiton, was re-elected as Mission Baud Secretary, an office she is particularly well fitted for. Thursday of last week Andrew, the 7 year old son of James McNichol, 12th con., McKillop, was taken to Clinton hospital where an operation was performed successfully for ap- pendicitis. He isgetting along very well and will soon be able to be 11rong1t home. FINE ENTERTAINMENT.- The Domestic Drama "Vt011ey lam" in 4 /tats will be presented by Trinity church Dramatic Society, Blyth, in that A. 0. U. \V. Ball Walton, Wednesday evening June. 10111, under the auspices of the Young People's Society of St. George's ch\n•oh, Walton. It is well worth seeing and hearing; Admission 15c ; program- at $ o'clock. Miss Alma Sholcliee, Presi- dent; Miss Margaret Humphries Secretary. For 010 enjoyable time ves0ryc Wedliesday evening for "Valley Farm." WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS Pates Announced For East and Wast ItUron WEST IIUIRON Ki tail....aft. June 10 St. Helen's " " 12 Dungannon " " 18 St. Augustine ..... . .... " " 15 \Vingllam " 10 Blyth ' 17 Londeoboro tl 18 tion 7lt , .... ( 1 .eve. ill ilohnesviIle, .,......aft. " 20 der'olr. ,• [. 2. Go i 22 EAST 10010ON_� Belgrave ...,........,..ail, Jnne 23 Bluevale „ (1 24 Jarnceto n ..... '' "' 25 Brussels „. ,. „ 26 Walton . . . " " 27 Molesworth .,.,.,. n " 29 l'nrtlWlell .,.t,,..... .. ...o.. 11 " 30 aortic: July 2 Preserve this list ' reference, EAST HURON IISERAIS The annual meeting of East Huron Liberals for the Cotnmop8 convened in therown Hall, Btussels, on Time - day afternoon, Alex, McLaughlin, President, ocenpied the chair, After the Minutes were read and adopted and Tr'easurer's report wee presented' general business was transacted. Officers for the peel .year were re- elected as follows :-Pzesident, Alex. • M,:Laughlln ; lst Vice -President, Wm. Elston; 2nd Vice -President, Jim. Gillespie ; Secretary -Treasurer, M. Bl'tck ; Auitor, W. M. Sinclair. Chairmen of Municipalities are 1- Howick, Jno. Hennoberg ; Wroxeter, Jno. Douglas; L'urnberry, R. S. Muir ; Wingham, Richard Clegg ; East Wawanosh, B. H. Taylor ; Blyth, Jas. M0Murchie ; Morris, Peter McNabb ; Brussels, P. Scott; Grey, Neil Mc- Nair. List of polling sub -division chairmen was 'revised ,and as far as preliminary work is concerned, are in battle array whenever Election day hobs round. In the meantilne the proposed redistribution leaves the geographical lay -out a trifle in doubt. President McLaughlin, after a few remarks, called upon Geo. C, Ander- son, of Lucknow, Liberal nominee .in North Huron, who made friends for himself and the cruise of Liberalism by his practical speech. It was clear- cut; deliberate and business -like and was heartily received, A. Hislop, ex - M. P. P. and W. 11. Kerr were also asked to speak. The Liberals of East Huron are in good fettle for the Pro- vincial contest and with three good candidates will give them hearty sup- port during the campaign. Huron County Conservative Can- didates in Battle Array Messrs. Musgrove, tuber and Macklin the Standard Bearers NORTH IHURON Ata Nominating Convention held in the Town Hall, Wingham, for North Huron Conservatives for the Ontario Legislature, A. H. Musgrove, who has sat in the house for several ses- sions was again the choice. Ho ac- cepted and made a speech on the doings of Parliament, Mr. Nic- Keown, of Dufferin, was present and addressed the Convention. SOUTH HURON - Tuesday of this week the Con- servatives of South Huron assembled at Hensall and renominated H. Either, of Orediton, to carry the banner in the Provincial campaign. Mr. Either has sat for this constitu- ency during the past two Parlia- ments and it was rumored would not accept the honor. He declined to be quizzed as to the temperance policy. CENTRE HURON Dr. Macklin, of Godericb, will be the candidate in this riding, accepting the task at the Convention in Sea - forth last week. Dr. Thompson, Warden Oantelon, J. Connolly, Rev. Joseph Elliott and M. Broderick were also nominated. Provincial Secre- tary Hanna attended the Convention and spoke at some length. The Liberal candidates for the three Huron's are North riding, G. 0, Anderson, of Lucknow ; South Huron Editor Zeller, of Zurich ; and Centre Huron, Barrister Proudfoot, of Goderich. Now that the septette are on the warpath lively times are ex- pected. - Brussels Council The Court of Revision on the As- sessment Roll of. 1914 was constituted last Monday evening, all the members of the council present and took the oustomery oath. There were two ap- peals, viz.:—H. James, whose total assessment on hotel property was $9,875, and Joseph Querin assessed at $9,000 011 Queen's Hotel. Moved by R. A. Pryne, seconded by A. McGuire that H. James' assessment be reduced $1,000. Oaroied. Moved by R. A. Prune seconded b A. Y McGuire that J Q cerin' s assess- ment be reduced400 $ Carried. The fact that AIr. Querut has license for 7 months of 1914, while 311r. James was not a licensee was taken into the count. This closed the business of the Court of Revision. Minutes of last Council meeting were then read and passed. Accounts were presented as follows: Geo. Barkley, cement walls for street watering tank on Mill street ......... .. >& 84 00 THE POST, Britt tin .,. 7 50 Oliver, salary, y ay 40 05 J. Welsh, work on footbridge.,. 50 CV. J. McCracken, roads . 45 00 Gerry & Walker, tank and mi8. 116 03 A, R. Curie, Fire Dept 1 00 W. Burton, " 1 00 Anderson Bros., roads,5 00 Tindall Ritchie, " ...41 25 Mrs. D. Robb, 1 25 Moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded by John Hewitt that above accounts be paid, Oaied. By=Lav No.rr1, 1914, was reach con- cerning a sewer on Tui!nbeerystreet, John Roger, 0, L. S., being the En- gineer. Debentures to run for 10 year's. By -Law N(.2 authorizingthe Treas- rtrerto borrow necessary motley or p localassed. extP enditure, was also read and Application was made byWe, Mo pP l adOeal relative CO (hitting doWn a Maple tree,. Street after to see it. *Donnell atl'1nurnecl a fr.'t. r diseussiu 1118 Kirkbysuit and theappointment of additionl consel for theari