HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-28, Page 6Clothes
Moth Proof?'
Have von thought abet Pecking
• those fess mid woolens away for
next season's se?eAre you sure
that you will find them in just as
perfect ,condition next Fall as they
ete.noW / You will beg yon scntter
.• • •
throughout them. The refreshing
odor of Red Cedar combined with
ether proven moth preveutatives in
:ewes their esfety, Ravaging mot liS
simply can't come within inhaling
distance, Red Cedar Fines take
the place of a costly cedar chest and
in some ways are better, as they can
be scattered throughout each Ore -
A Generous sized package Ise.
Post Cards of Corner Stone Laying 56 each
New Pennants
We have just opened up our new
stock of Pen Limns. They show a
great improvement, both in design
and culoriegs even over those we
had last yeer.
A large Royal Blue Felt, inset with
scarlet satiii and Brussels lettered in
yelletY, comes at Qiit oo.
Large Penitents with fumy block letter-
ing are 75e.
Three color Penuaets and decorated
with flags are sec each.
Al 2511 We have a Mee 'choice to show
and sorne-entirely new color com-
Small Pennants for I3icycles, &c., are
5c and roc each,
See them while the. assortment 18 at its best
rhe es.4 Store
Tatra %taus 4JUrn tents •
Coot nights.
SCHOOL had a holiday on Monday,
LOCAL news may be read oti page 5
of this week's issue.
DELIGHTEUL showers have helped the
growing crops on farm and garden.
WROXETER vs. Brussels Friday even.
ing of th's week in Brussels. See the
THE Electric light was out of service
last Saturday night but did duty Sab
bath evening as usual.
IF you require repairs to machinery
call at the Pope & Son machine shop,
Mill street, Brussels, See their advt. in
this issue,
CLINTON Foot Ball team passed
through Brusseis en route to Wroxeter
on Monday. They made the trip in the
Elliott livery motor bus.
LAST week the broken slate on the
roof of the Pubic Library was repaired
by the slaters who were here from
Stratford. They are evidently well up
to their business.
THURSDAY of next week C. R.
Wilkinson, Eyesight specialist, Wing.
ham, will be at the American Hotel,
Brussels, ready to be consulted by those
requiring aids to vision.
SEVERAL Seals and benches have been
placed in Brussels cemetery by the
Trustee Board of the Methodist church
that will be appreciated by visitors who
pay frequent visits to the silent city of
the dead.
LAST week James Thuell had the
misfortune to lose one of his draft team
from indigestion. He had been offered
422o for the mare but thought she was
worth Sect in advance of that price. It
will be quite a loss to him.
Smith, who bas been in charge of the
G. T. R. depot here for about a year,
has gone to Stnith's Falls and his place
is being taken by Me Taylor, whom we
hope will like Brussels so well he will
remain for many a day, He and. Mrs,
Taylor are boarding at the American
Hote] in the meantime.
WALTER MILLER, who was among the
pioneer owners of automobiles in Brus-
sels, has invested in a tidy car of the
runabout pattern that seems to possess
power enough to take it over the roads
"humping." Speed will be no detri•
went to 50 10 Walter's eyes, This rounds
11P ICOarS owned in Brussels now with
the probability of the number increas-
Twnes.-On May ssth there was born
to the home of Reginald S. and Mrs,
Fletcher twins, a son and daughter but
we are sorry to state the children died
the same day. Mr. Fletcher is an old
Brussels boy and his wife's maiden
name was Miss Pearl Powell, being a
daughter of G. A. and Mrs. Powell, of
Toronto, former residents of town.
Last week the motorists of Wiugham
met and formed an Automobile Club,
They have invited Dr. P. E Doolittle,
President of the Ontario Motor League,
to address them on the evening of
Tuesday, June end. All motorists .in
this section of the COM) try are invited to
attend this meeting and all persons in•
terested in good roads, as the subject of
good roads forms au important part of
the address 10 115 given
MustEstrote -By advertisement in an-
other column it will he found that a big
day's sport ie on at Milverton next
Wednesday, the King's Birthday,whee
a hustling pfogram will be presented in.
eluding horse races, motor cycle races,
athletic sports, base ball. Calithumpien
procession, tug of war, foot ball and a
big coucert. $500 in prizes. Norman
McGuire, ffirmerly of Brussels, is the
Secretary of the Committee. Milver-
tot promises a big tiine.
Fein Bass- Wroxeter Intermediate
team will be here Friday evening to try
conelusious with our lads. Game will
be played at 6so o'clock, on the lot
immedietely North of the Anent
factory, owing to Victoria Park being
newly seeded down. Admissioe 05
cents for adults and to cents for ladies
or children. 1 here should be a large
crowd as the game promises to be a
etrenuorts one. Wroxeter will pet up
good football and our team wont t.ier•
Mit them to run away with the sport if
they can proven t it.
BRUSSELS WON -0,- Last Friday
evening the first Foot Ball match in
this Dietrict, in the Intermediate series,
Was pleyee at Clinton, when a closely
contested game between Brussels and
Clinton was 010 the prograrn, The only
goal scored was in the first .belf when
artiesels gained the advantage in e
penalty kick, Referee Loth, of Strat-
ford, banded out even handed justice.
For one of the early games of the
semen lively bell Was played iu spots
and the teams were fairly evenly Intell-
ect Frank Gerry WAS to gni instead
•of les. Anderson AA the latter was tin.
able to get away, All the bests did
their ju,stt all right and Will improve
alt neeett attendee,
-The Ladies' Aid of .the Presbyterian
church wish to anuottuce to 'the ladies
Who di d not get their dishes onsMonday
that they will find tbein in the Council
THE bricklayers have been busy ven•
eering the new residence ot Jno,. Ewan
Pressed brick it being used and the
work is in the -hands of Messrs, Me
Donald & Baker, of Cranbrook, who are
old hands at the business.
THis last week the applications for the
examination of students for Normal
Entrance and Matriculation were for-
warded to the Couuty Inspector, Dr.
Field. There are eight recommended
applications in the Middle Scbool and
seven in the Lower Scbool for Normal
Entrance. Examinations for the latter .
begin on Tnne es.
NUMBER of young:pi (fa for sale, Lot 21, Con.
7, Grey township. HARVEY DOBSON,
'Phone 8515. Ethel,
DOG Loss.- Strayed from the premises of
the undersigned. on May 8th, 1514s young tan
and white ffeagle Round, with a Mese out of
one ear. .Any person knowing of his where-
abouts kindly communicate with 0. J.
STEnstaLLEE, Gorrie,
PLANTs.-Will keep a choice assortment of
Geraniums and Annuals for bedding. also
Cabbage, Cauliflower and Celery Plants. Stock
of House Plants as well. Dims RALLY,
18-4 Brussele Greenhouse,
P008 FOR SALE, -1O young pigs, about seven
weeks old, also one grade Yorkshire Brood
How, due to litter in July. Apply at Lot 21,
Con.12, (*ray township. Phone 55e. -
J. P. Mo/NTose.
VALUABLE B80000 LesT..-Solld gold Main
round brooch, acalloped round edge. Place
for picture in back, Pin was left in dress.
Finder will confer a great favor by leaving it
Fon SAY.10.-A number of yards of good new
rag carpet and a quantity of sewed carpet
balls. -Also a man's bicycle and a dog. Fur-
ther information by enquiry at TRE Pon.
To viz PuBLTO.-I have improved my work-
shop and will keep same open from 8 a, m. to
5p. m. daily. Will sharpen and repair saws
and lawn mowers 10 1000 fancy. I have this
class of goods for sale or will exchange same
when desired
T. MoGnnO0a, Brussels, Ont.
HAve received a shipment of Baby chick
food. Specially prepared. Nothing so good.
for young ohicks. Try a package, Pryne
Milling Co.
FLIntr, Wilkinson, Coakshutt and Frost &
Wood plow repairs and those of the Deering
and Frost & Wood implements in stook and
sold by E. Plum at Blaoksinith shop, Brussels.
A. °Ann. -We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of five standard Se boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Quality guaranteed, Jes. Ballantyne, Geo.
Thomson and. W. J'. hIaOraoken.
DELEGATEs.- W. M. Sinclair, W,
Gillespie, Ino, Ferguson. Fred. Mc-
Cracken, Tno. Long, Geo. Robb Jahn
Oliver, Brine Scott and W. fl, Kerr at.
tended the Xelberal Convention at Sea.
forth on Tuesday. Barrister Proudfoot
received the unanimous nomination.
STRENUOUS GAME. -The Scouts of
Ethel came over to Brussels last Friday
to play the return football match.
Game was strenuous all the way, but
the Brussels Scouts were too strong for
the E. B. S. The game resulted in
win for Brussels by s to o. Referee
Rev. Mr, McKelvey. After the game
all adjourned to the present head-
quarters of the B. B. S., where re-
freshments have been provided for the
visiting team by Brussels boys, and a
splendid time was spent in demolishing
the good things,
GEORGE H. MAITLAND, of the Ter0e.
00 Star editorial staff, who hes been in
Ireland tor nearly two months in the
interests of that paper, arrived home
Saturday night, iStis lust, and came on
to Stratfor.I to join his wife end children
who have been guests of I. J. and
Mrs, Mason. His letters to the Star
were among the most crisp and vivid
that have crossed the ocean on the
Home Rule siltation and have interest-
ed his old Stratford friends deeply. He
returns to Toronto with Mrs. Maitland
and family in the corirse of the week,
Mr lelaitlaud is a son of our townsman,
Photographer Maitland.
nora Miner and News oE IVIav esrd, re-
•porte the death of an old resident of that
locality In the person of John Gardiner
by Accidental drowning, at leang's
Island, on Thursday evening of last
week. He had gone to the Island in
the moruiog and is supposed to have
taken a fainting spell while working
along the shore and was dead when dis-
covered. He was 78 years of age and a
cousin to Reeve Leckie, of Brussels,
Ole had been interested in railway con.
struction and lumbering for many
08, Gilroy, manager of 'the Brussela
branch of the Metroplitan 13ank, took
ill while spending the Holiday At his
parental home, Mount Forest, with
what 'appeared to be appendicitis and
'although improving it was the:tight wise
Los' him to remain there for a few (MI's
in hope of the trouble passing aWay,
Mrs. Gilroy and son are also in Mount
Forest. Mr, GilroV's placehere is be-
ing eupelled in the Bank in the Meens
time by 114e, McFarlane Who was former-
ly Teller h •re, Mr, Gilroe's Many
friencle hope he will be speedily teetered
00 hie iteettetented pod heeltil,
••444.,4a. • •
The Metropolitan Bank
0404A* "0
Capital Paid up - - $1,000,000.00
Reserve Fund - — 1,200,000,00
Undlvldod Profite • - - 182,547.01
'if oint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be. deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whOse names the account is opened.
Notice I
.a 4
C. R. •WfLkiNsoN
Eye Specialist, WIngham
will be in attendance all day at the
• Royal Hotel, Ethel
on Wednesday, June 3rd
Glasses made to overcome all defects of
vision and eatiefaction guaranteed.
Also all day at
American Hotel, Brussels
on Thursday, June 4th
W. F. Stretton was in Toronto this
week on a business trip.
IN connection with the Greyhound
Moonlight Excursion from Goderich on
June 21th the Crescent Club of Strat-
ford has cancelled the spec:al train,
The special eXenrsion on the morning
of June seth. from Stratford to Gode.
rich for the Excursion to Detroit will
ran as anon/iced as will the special
the following Monday evening to con-
vey the Excursionists homeward on ar.
rival of boat from Detroit.
A Brussels old boy Was here this
week in the person of Jas. A. Knox, of
Toronto, who made his home in his
boyhood with his uncle James Knox,
who resided on Turnberry street, and
died in 1883. Mr. Knox had a picture
taken of the old home and called on
several former friends in town. His
wife and daughter and brother, wife
and child accompanied him, travelling
by motor. Mr. 110X and party at-
tended St, Inn's church on Sunday
where his uncle and aunt were such
interested and helpful parishioners.
Mrs. Knox sr, died at Tara several
years ago. Visiting the old scenes is
often a very pleasant chapter in a
person's life and so our old townsman
found it.
sad news was received here on Wednes-
day that Miss Effie Brown, clanghterof
Browu, of Fullerton, had died in
one of the Toronto Hospitals after a
brief illness. Deceased was Only 22
years of age and a few years ago worked
in W. W. Burgess' studio Mitchell.
The news of her death has shocked her
many friends in town and vicinity.
She was a fine woman and was beloved
by all who knew her and her loss is
deeply regretted I y Many. The re-
mains were brought home Friday for
burial. The shock to her parents and
friends is indeed a severe blow, but if
sympathy counts, they have that of
every one in the community. Mr,
Brown is one of the sub contractors on
the new Melville church, Brussels, and
returned to Fullerton on Thursday.
Typhoid fever is said to be the cause of
Miss Brown's demise,
MOIRE Day, Friday, May and, was
observed by the Brussels Public School
in accordance with the plans of the
Education Depertment for that day.
The morning wee devoted to a study of
the greatness of the British Empire, the
classes of peoples embraced in the em-
pire, the lives of National heroes, etc,
In the afternoon addresses were deliver.
ett to the students of the Continuation
School and afterwards In the Public
School department by Rev. Mr. Page -
and Rev, Mr. Wren. The addresses
throbbed with the feeling- ot National
greatness, patriotism and honor, Rev.
Mr. Wren upheld the ideal of Empire,
its application. to the life of the country
and of the individual, In his address
to the Continuation School students he
decried the present imperfect examine.
tion system both for its unfairness and
the effect of its strain upon tee student.
Rev. Mr. Page delivered two speeches
that made his hearers proud to belong
to Canada and the Empire. 'The text of
his message to the public school was
"Every man play the game in right
earnest," Rev. Mr. Mann Iwao to have
been present but was unavoidably de-'
WONIEN's INSTITUTE -The 5111 anneal
meeting of Brussels Branch of the
Women's Iustitnte convened in the
Audience room of the Public Library
May isth with the. Proficient. Mrs, W,
Rands, in the chair. Mrs. Ballan'yne
read the yearly Statement showing that
the Society •was 10 good condition
financiallv, Arrangements were made
for oir Supplementary Summer meet-
ing to be held on June 26th, when Dr.
L. S. M. Hamilton, a practising physi:
cian of Toronto, W110 has taken a post
graduate course at the Western Hoge!.
tal and Nebo has for 5 years been con
peeled with the Canadian Purity
Educational Association. will address
our Itnnittite. Dr. Hamilton conies to
us highly recommended and there will
be further notice of thie meeting as we
would like to flee 5 larva turn mit of
ladies preseut. The electioe of offieers
then took piece and the result is as fol-
lows :--President, Mrs, P. Scott
vies President, etre 1) 13 iloore ; end
vice President, Mrs (Rev ) Ferguson
Sec -Treee Mrs. J. Robb ; Asst.
Treae„ Mrs: W. Reticle ; District
Director, Mre, Rands 1 Organist, Mis.
Kreuter Directors', Mesdames Kreuter,
Robb, Work And Thomson ; Auditors
Mitttl M. Stewart And Mrs. J. BONUS
A hearty vole of thankWas tetiaered
the retiring President and Seeretery for
kerVine fnitafoily rendered,
Church Chimes
St, John's A. Y, P. A. held its Mit
meeting of 11118 session last Senday.
Splendid paper was read on "The
Ascension" by 3,lis Ina' Bryans.
Thursday, May z81h el 8 p. m. the A.
Y. P. A. will hold a social in the St.
John's church basement foe members
and friends.
Services next Sunday in St. John's
church ti011 o. m. and 7 p. m. Subject
for morning "The gift of the Spirit,"
and sn the evening "The strength of the
Meet Sabbath evening Rev. D.
Wren will preacb the closing sermon of
the series of 6 on the Prodigal Son
when the subject will be 'TIte Elder
People We Talk About
Mrs. Burchill visited Mrs. Brine,
Goderich se, Seafortb.
Dr. George Ross, of Winghatn, was In
Brussels over the holiday,
Mrs, R. Paul made a brief holiday
visit with relatives at Paisley.
Miss Maude Bryans spent the holiday
with We, Harry Bartliffe, Clinton.
I. Leslie Kerr, of Clinton, was iu
Brussels for a few hours on Monday.
Wes Hooper, of Exeter, was 11 visitor
at Melville manse. Mts. Mann is her
J, G, Fitzgerald, of Linwood, was
calling ou old friends Sunday and Mon-
Hilton Hunter, of the Wingham A
wince, was in town over Sunday and
George Robb, of St, Catharines, is
renewing old friendships in Brussels and
Mrs. W. F. Stretton and her sis'er
Mrs. Is A. Wright, spent the week in
Miss M. Anent was iu Seafoith last
week the guest of the Misses Dixon,
North Main street.
Miss Ida Bailey was on the sick Hot
this week but is improving nicely now
we are glad to state,
Miss France Loscombe, of Kincar-
dine, was a welcome visitor at J. J
Gilpin's for a few days.
Miss Ebert Lowry and NUBS Ktithlee»
Wilton were home for a few days from
the Normal School, Stratiord.
Mrs. Eddie, of London, was here for
a short visit at the parental home with
Jno. mid Mrs. Currie, Mill street.
John Henderson is home from the
Faculty of Education at Toronto, visit-
ing at Port Colborne on the way.
Mimes Sarah and Belle McLauchlin,
aucl•their f:iend, Miss A. Doherty, of
Toronto, were here for the holiday.
Barrister and Mrs. Proudfoot, of
Goderich, were Lite guests of Barrister
and Mrs. Sinclair while in town last
JanleS Turnbull, wife and youngest
son, of London, were here visiting
relatives and old friends in Grey town-
ship and Brussels.
Miss Olive Gilpin, of Wiarton, was a
visitor at the home ni J. 1. and Mrs.
Gilpin. She is a Mises of the former
and was very welcome.
Jas. Biggar, of Galt, cousin of David
Ross, is here on a visit, Mr, Ross
although past 87 years, is able to get
round town with his visitor.
P1. J. and Mrs. Kyle and children, of
Clifford, were renewing old acq.unint-
ances in Brussels last week, He was
formerly G. T. R. agent here.
Mrs. Stacey and Miss .13mma, her
daughter and little son Edgar of St.
Marys, sister of Mrs. Sperling, were
guests at F. and Mrs Sparling's this
Miss Kate Smith has gone to Borden,
Sask., for a motith's visit with her
sister and brother and will also visit
J, Arthur and Mrs. Smith at Edmon-
'1'. ar, and Mrs. McFarland and Hugh
and Mrs. Ashlers of Loudon, were
guests at the home of J T. and Mrs.
Wood for a few clays. They made the
trip by motor.
Mrs, Nelson Bricker, of Michigan,
is enjoying a visit at the home of her
mother, Mre, E. Walker, Turnberry
street South. The visitor was a former
resident of this 'locality.
J. R. rule left's. Grant and daughters,
who spent the peat 6 months hi Call.
fornia, have returned to their home at
Winnipeg, After a very enjoyable time
in the land of fruit and flowers.
Parker and M 1%. Foster, of Kincar-
dine, IVES here for a few clays to visit at
the old home. Mr, McNaughten, who
hes been apparently so neas the border
land, is keeping deneiderably better,
although liable to sudden °bungee. He
ie 88 years of age hence felling health'is
not to be wondered at..
John Currie sr., tnet with a peculiar
accident the other day. While driving
a horse the end of the whip lash, which
had a knot 111 it snapped off and struck
him 011 008 of the eyelids with such
force as to mit the lid end injure the
eye. We hope he will eecei regain the
flee of the optic as good as ever.
j. A. and Mre Moore and family are
on their way from Greed Prairie,Peace
River, for a holitley visit with relatives
and old fried s Winitioeg, Brussels
and other points. The former Is a soli
of the late I) 13„ Moore, of them end
Mrs. Moore a daughter of W, Mc:Gavin
of Winnipeg, They Went to the far
Netth 0yanya ago,
.1/44p.D ()Fp/et,
SAVINGS deposited in this bank
draw the highest current rate oi
interest. Withdrawals of part or the
whole amount may be made when-
ever desired without delay.
J. F. Rowland, 1!!) in Manager.
...e-slaaesac.e...s.r—s.argasue.ntscatilereweidlenclalmen.....--,...spava . . ___
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS ! Wm. Taylor, of Clinton, was here
this week visiting relatives and
oatee Announceaurog East and West -
Wends. He was at Brussels attend-
- ., ing the comer stone laying .of the
new Pieneterian eliurch.
Matta . aft. ;lune 10
St. Helen's ...... " " 12
Dungannon . . .. ......... " " 13
St. Augustine . " " 15
Wingliam ........... . " " 10
Londesboro " 18
Clinton .eve. " 10
Holmesville .....aflo, '.• 20
narir BORON
I Belgrakse aft. June 23
Bluevide ...... ..... " " 24
Jamestown 11 "
1 25
Fordwich " " 80
Gorme . . .. " July 2
Preserve this list for reference.
t GI 27
. it it 29
S. Pollock, of Ohesley, conducted
the service in Victoria Hall, Sunday
Misses Ella Inman and Myrtle Wit-,
son visited with Mrs. D. McDonald
over Sunday,
Miss Ide, of Toronto, visited over
the holiday with her sister, Mrs.
David Miller.
G. and Mrs. Eckmies were visitors
at Sbratford with their daughter,
Miss Peelle, over the holiday.
Holy ,Oonitnunion will be ad-
ministered next Sunday, in St,
George's church.
Miss Woods, who was nursing Eva
.A.liderson, has returned to Beussels
as the patient is getting along fine.
Rev. R. A. Lundy was one of the
speakers at the corner stone layiug of
the new Preebyterian church at
Brussels lest Monday.
J110, and Mrs, Rea, of Edmonton,
are here foil an extended visit with
relatives and friends. The former
has been a tesiclent of the West for a
good mans, years. lie is an tild Me -
boy. airs. Rea's girlhood
name waa Bliss Bennett and she was a
folmet Waltenian.
11114111e ,1414MG162141
Alawn social will be held on the
lawn id the Methodist chetah and
parsonage here Tuesday of next week,
Tea served front 7 to 8 o'clock. Seri: -
forth Brass 13and will be present and
a good ..musical program rendered.
Therewill be a refreshment booth on
the grounds.... ,A (medial welcome is
1 Moncrieff
Mise Anna Dunlop visited with
Mss. Jas. Hendoeson of Listowel, for
a few days.
The Missionary Society of Knox
church will hold their regular month-
ly meeteig on Wednesday June Bed.
The Bible Reading will be given by
Miss Anna Dunlop, A paper on.
"Faithful women" by Mrs. H.
Lettington and also a paper on
"Chinese in Canada" by Miss Lizzie
Patterson. Meeting commences at
2 p. m.
MRS. JoHN GATNOR.-The subject
of this notice, who died on May 12t1a,
after to brief illness of pneunloltia, was
born in Queenaville, York -Co. in 1851,
Iter maiden name being Elizabeth
Travis. She came to the 0111 com of
Grey township about 50 years ago and
was married to her bereft, husband.
John Gaynor, in the year 1870. 8
children were botn 00 them, viz :-
Edward, who died 1 years ago ; John,
9111 con. Grey ; James, principal of a
school at Bruno, Sask. ; Thos., Leo
and Mrs. Quinn, in Sask. ;
NiChelS011 And MISS Aline, of Chicago.
A sister, Mrs. Callin, lives in Sask.
The funeral took place on the 181h
inse, service being held in Brussels
and the burial itt Seafortli cemetery.
Pallbearers were old friends, Thos.
Stevenson, Isaac Lake, Ecl, Campbell,
Den. Cooper, A ielvew Laidlaw • and
Luke Lucas. 101, and Mrs. Gaynor
had spent the Winter in Chicago and
were (silly back a week or so when
Mts. Gaynor took ill. She had many
friends who regretted her demise and
sympathise with the bereaved.
e • A.n excellent furniture poi- 0
5 'eh, Notte better -25e & 50c, 0
e. 0
O et
Colorite 0
e makes yonv Ohl SWAN,/ hat, 0
09 loolc like new. Wo have it fe,
in jet black, (bell black and
a beowo. No trouble 10 0080. 0'
e re
es ' NyaI's Straw
0° Hat Cleaner 9
O Not a dye, Restores SIPAW 0
O hate 00 111°4 original color 0
and look like new. 0
0 .
O 0
aPreseuvee VOL'S, ,. Clothes,
: °tweets, Blankets, &C., it- g
g,gaeiniaotet,uoths. Large packe
• a
' 0
: "KKOOAH" 0
o Very refretthing in casee of 0
2 headaChe, flattilency, heaut- :
; • born and constipation. 10c 0
O per Mtn at
O , 0
Fox's Drug Store 0
• 0
. .
- .Wingha.m • • .
Wiitghain Citizen's Band played in
Drayton Monday at Victoria Day
Rev. Edward Gladstone Dymond,
for the past 5i years Rectov "of Mark -
dale, has been appointed by his Lord-
ship the Bisbop of Huron, as sector of
St. Paul's church hese.
A goodly number of Wingliam
motorists met in the Council Chamber
and organized what is known as the
Wiugham Motor Club. A. H. Mus-
grove, Ai, P. P., is Hon. -Pres. ; L.
Kennedy, Pres, 1 Geo. Mason, Vice -
Pres. and Dr, J. P. Kennedy, Sec.-
Treas. One good effect is already
seen by which an arrangement is
made that Wingliam and Lucknow
enthusiasts will rake off all loose
stones on the road between the two
Fratmonum-Iii Winnipeg, Mem, on bitty 18th,
to kir, and Mrs. Reginald Sherman Flet-
cher, twins -SOU and daughter.
Bnowtt.-In Toronto, on May 2001, 1011, Bine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brown,
.age,i 22 years.
PSAITC11E11.-In Winnipeg. Mum, on May 18th,
• the twin son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Fletcher.
SERACKIAN.-Ill Grey township, on May 2711h
Thomas Straclian, aged. 80 years and. 9
Wrnwn,-Xit Morris township, on May 22nd,
1814, William Arthur White, egad 88 years
and 22 day S.
Mascot's King
DICKSON 13009,, Proprietors
Will stand for service at his own stable, Let
8, Con, 11, Grey, for this season. Terms 18 00,
Mascot Ring's Enrolmentimmber granted bY
tho Ontario Stellion Burohnent Board for 1014,
is 1418, end. is dated May 6195, 1814.
• esseasetuacessaaeoeaseeseaseetateseteacoarseatteassaapetaollo••••••••avatearassaaasoalso••••• ,
iBrusesls SaylIStore ght
a 4 G. N. McLaren
: .
Sale of ,....„.....
. .
9 ...:! 0
ga adies e
c„....lw •-i•
For 10 Days only - 3
O 0
: StiliS a
e 0 A to
e a
a / a
3 0
3 3
O o
6 o •
3 1 OMEN'S and Misses' Suits away
i, below regular .price§. We have a
thetil in this season's best styles • '• a
g 4,
a 1 in Serges, Worsteds and Fine French u iI :
* Venetian Cloths ; assorted colors ; silk e
• J\ linings f for Misses 16, 18 and 20 years J
1 •
4,1, for Ladies sizes 34,.36, 38 and 4.0. All . •
9 `* ,i'
to be cleared at very much less than reg -
e N41 •
' 3
• Tfe Oar prices.- Sale prices—
: ... ,9
i 9.00, 9.50, 10.00 & 11.00 a
See them. Those prices are worth while. Scarcely necessary to say i
that these prices arc for Cash. 14
. 0
li 04'
a 0
LMOST everyone knows PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING — Nothing :
better to be had at any price. We have a fine stock in Tweeds, Worsteds and
Serges. Perfect fitting—They keep their shape—and the prices :
are very reasonable indeed. Call and see them. Compare qualities •with prices and :
we're sure you will be plep.tsed. 2
All sizes and kinds of Boots and Shoes. Prices the lowest. 01
.. :
Highest prices for Produce G. N. McLaren 1.
_ ...,_