HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-21, Page 8w
Ou Friday and Saturday of this week
we will give away a'Face Chamois with
a tin of Talcum Powder. This bargain
, will be more than. ordinarily acceptable
just when the warm weather is at hand
-land you will most certainly require a
new tin of Talcum, Here are the choice
of odors
Yucca -Brand new package In Flesh
and White tints.
Violet Deice -Flesh and White.
Trailing Arbutus -White only.
Harmony Rose -White and Flesh.
Violet -White and Flesh:
L'hese are alt high class 'Talcums, de-
lightfully perfumed, and are sure to
please you. They are priced at 25c end
in order to have you know them better
we will give away a face chamois with a
purchase of one of them, Secure one
of them. '
Out -door days
are doubly pleasant
when you Kodak.
All Outdoors
invites your Kodak,
Before von accept the invitation
we invite you to inspect our
stock of all that's best iu ICodaks
at.d Supplies.
Bring your Films to us for de-
veloping and printing and be
asrtirecl of the best results.
Everything for Photography
.rise Store F R sm 1TH
u ■
Taal, ittb3s .tures
SUNDAY will be Empire Day.
Roane Telephone Company Directors
met last week.
THE Family Theatre is putting on a
great program for the coming week.
HURONCo, Council will meet in
Goderich on Tuesday, June and, at 3
Mmes. postoffice hours will be observ.
ed in Bt tinsels next Monday. 25th inst
Viz 8•to 9 p. m. and 5 to 6 p. m,
GREYHOUND annual Exenrsion to
Detroit on Friday, June I2th See
advt in another column fur particulars.
'TRE staters were here this week from
Stratford and put on a flue roof .,n john
Ewan's new residence. corner of Market
and James street,
COURT of Revision on r9r4 Assess-
ment Roll will be held in Brussels on
Monday, June rst at 8 p. m. See
advertisement in this issue.
THE June bugs are here in great
'numbers In some places where trees
are numerous the noise in the evenings
resembles the swarming of bees.
MODEL Farm Excursion to Guelph,
Thursday. June ISih. Special train
leaves Brussels at 7 55 a. m. and return-
. ing leaves Guelph at 7 p m. Dont miss
" the trip.
W. C T. U. -The regular monthly
meeting of the W. C. 1'. U will be held
in the audience room of the Public
Library Friday afternoon. May 2911),
at 3• o'clock.
SENIOR pupils and Entrance class in
connection with Brussels school are
putting in an extra half day each
Saturday forenoon looking toward the
nearby examinations.
LAST Saturday tbe placing of the 16
arches for the roof of •the Methodist
church new shed was finished and the
sheeting ofends and putting the metal
on for roof is being done.
CEMENT walls for the new shed at
Melville church were finished last Mon-
day and the job of roofing the building
will now be pushed along. It will be a
fine building when completed.
VICTORIA Park, after a careful culti-
vation, was seeded down last Monday.
It is to be hoped there will be a good
catch as the levelling and seeding has
cost considerable cold cash. This
should put the Park in good shape for
many a year.
, Cont. OIL STOvxs.-On Wednesday,
May 27th, there will be a demonstration
of what can be done by using coal oil
stoves instead of wood or coal stoves, at
Wilton & Gillespie's. Call at the shop
and be convinced of the economy and
comfort of coal oil.
T7oo.-At a certain home last Monday
night no less than 17co lune bugs were
slaughtered. This is no guessing story
as the "buzzers" were counted, Some
idea of the immense number may be
assumed when such a capture could be
made at one place. They are something
like the old time plague of locusts.
' ON account of the stiff breeze blowing
last Saturday, whirling the dust on
Turnberry street in dense clouds, the
Fire Engine was called lino requisition
and by tbe help of a line of hose a good
sousing was given the street in the busi-
ness section in the Afternoon. A. 'P,
Currie was the man who held the nozzle.
Laying the dust was highly appreciated
even if only temporary. 'Tuesday the
second application was made.
New WATER TANK -The new metal
tank to furnish the supply foii the street
watering wagon has arrived at last and
will be placed Immediately alongside
the Pope & Son Machine shop, Mill
street, on a cement foundation. Pipes
will be laid to the river and the pumping
will be done by Pope & Son's gasoline
engine, Phis arrangement should work
well and it 1e to be hoped will soon be
got into going order as the dust has
been very disagreeable.
AL1. READY, -The Presbyterian folk
of Melville aimed) are ready for the big
crowd they hope to welcome to the
Corner stone laying of their new edifice
MextMonday afternoon. Rev. Dr.
allacDonald,ofToronto, will be here to
perform the ceremony at a 30 p. m, and
'Will also give au aeldress. The platform
sneeting is expected to be helot on
Druggist Pox's lawn., Speeches of a
brief Character are expected by Bar-
raster Proudfoot, M P P., Goderich ;
A. 11. Musgrove, M. P. P , Wingham ;
Jas: 'Bowman, M, P, ; A. Hislop ex -
P, P„ and the local clergy. Witt,
mels a galaxy plus a intt,ical program,,,
there will he something doing every
t,tinute, Following the oratory the
Ladies' Aid will serve slipper to the
'Town Hall Where the best of evely
thug will be proVitled for the small fee
Of 25 cents. There will be no evening
meeting. It is to be hoped the weather
Will be fine and if so as noteworthy an
event as a Co'net stone laying of a
thttrcll Should attract many hundreds
specially ori a holiday In this delightful
season of theyear, A contribution t0
the Btfitdittg hand will be taken dining I
'tIIb afterneot, Dont miss the ceremony
liO3 the A 1 Mapper,
GREAT promise in this locality for
cherry, plum and early apple crop if
profusion of blossoin is an iudicatiou,
PosTOFrraE Box Reser.- Persons in-
debted for Box rent at the poetoffice
are asked by the Postmaster to square
off • he same at an early date.
Solus great specimen of suckers have
been caught near the iron I -ridge over
the Maitland this week, some of them 18
inches long and weighing 4} pounds
THE funeral service of the late Mrs,
Jno Gaynor, of Henfryn, was held in
the R. C. church, Brussels, 'Tuesday
morning, conducted by Rev. Fr. Blair
Interment was made in Seaforth ceme-
GARDEN PARTY -Oil Tuesday, lune
gt0, under the auspices of Melville
Church Young People, a Garden Party
will be held at the home of Walter Veld,
2yt miles North of Brussels, on gray l
road. A good time is promised.
Watch out for particulars on bills.
Fort SALE.—A number Of yards of good new
rag carpet and a quantity of sewed carpet
balls. Also n man's bicycle and a dog. Fur•
they information by enquiry at Tee PosT.
LOST.—A pendant, in form of cross, set with
brilltnnte, withfine gold chain attached. Find-
er will greatly oblige by leaving it et Tax
O0LLTE pops for sale. Also seed potatoes.
Lot 24, Oon. 12, Grey. Geo. E. SPaaRAN,
Phone 5511.
To sax PoBLIo.,-I have improved my work-
shop and will keep ammo open from 8 a tn. to
5 p m. dally. Will sharpen and repair paws
and lawn mowers to your fancy I have this
olass of goods for sale or will exchange sante
when desired
T. MoGaxoon, Brussels, Ont.
Bete received a shipment of Baby chick
food. Specially prepal•ed. Nothing so good
for young ohielot. Tly a package, Pryne
Mailing Co.
FLEURY, Wilkinson, Coolcshutt and Frost &
Wood plow repairs and those of the Deering
and Frost & Wood implements in etook and
sold by E. Plum at Blacksmith shop, Brussels.
Tewax year old heavy draft gelding for sale.
Rolm. EmineneON, Brussels.
A OAan,—We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of Ave standard So boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty Bente.
Quality guaranteed., Jae, Ballantyne, Geo,
Thomson and W. J, MoCraoken.
FOR SALE -General purpose filly 8 years
old. Jae. D. MONent, Lot .22, Oon.18, Grey.
phone 489.
A meeting will be held in Barrister
Sinclair's office Saturday • evening, at 8
o'clock to select delegates to the Ceutre
Huron Liberal Convention to be held in
Seaforth on Tuesday afternoon of next
A couple of cheeky youths visited the
Methodist church horse shed ou • a
recent Sunday and "borrowing" a horse
and buggy went for a drive; returning
before service was over. N'.w that a
watch is set it wont be half so funny if
the nervy lads are spotted. They will
find it pays better to mind their own
scribe, while calling at Seaforth, had
tite pleasure of a look throng) the new
Postoffice and Customs Government
building, - with the genial Assistant
Postmaster Sutherland as our guide.
It appears to bean A x building through-
out and is finished in first-class style,
modern and must convenient, well
lighted, and heated and occupies one of
the 113051 couvenlent sites in town,
An Armory has generous quarters under
the same roof while a town clock sur-
mounts the building. We hope the
proposed new Postoffice and Armory
for Brussels will be the equal of it when
it comes to erecting it next year.
'1'IIE Boy Scoots of Brussels went to
Ethel last Friday and met the Ethel
Scouts on the football field, The game
was keen all the way through and the
teams evenly matched. Score was one
to n thing in favor 0f Brussels, Harold
Currie, centre fol'ward, scoring the
only goal on a pass from Thu Oliver.
The Ethelites are coming over Friday
May 22nd, to play the return match.
It's no to the Brussels Scouts to keep
the lead. The Scouts of Ethel after
the match entertained our boys most
royally to a tea in their headquarters
and as some of the boys said they had
the best torte of their life. Let's return
them the good deeds and go one better.
DID WELL -,TIIo PosT IS glad to
chronicle the successful passing of W,
Glen Armstrong and Will G. Henderson
at the final exsmieation at Pharmacy;
College, -Toronto, They are now fully
fledged druggists with all the privileges.
Mr, Armstrong captured the Pothering,
ham medal in Meterla Medica and elect
took honeys. Glen's portrait appeared
in the Saturday Stet' Weekly along with
the other medal winners. He holds a
position in a College street drug store,
Toronto, Will. Henderson has return•
ed to Port Colborne to his old sit which
is a good recommendation es to the
satisiaetion he gave, Itt the honor list
appears the name of W, Edward Skitch,
Local interest Centres (0011(1 hili from
the fact that he onset; f1'oni ,she city of
Edmonton, Alta„ and spent this student
days til the drug store of Arthur Smith
formerly of Brussels. Lest Summer.
Mr, ettd ;.ire Skitcll and their six sons,
took a lholidtiy trip to England and no
doubt had a fine new ening relatives
and cid frieeds.
The Metropolitan Bank
capital Paid up
Reserve Fund -
Undivided Profits •• HEAD OFFIOE - TORONTO
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Fanners or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened.
LAST Sunday a number of Odd
Fellows from Brussels went to Wingham
and attended the annual servicew 4th
their brethren of the triple links.
THE politicians should be iu clover
these days with so many party Con-
ventions, unless they are looking for
nominations that they may not get,
Following is a summary if conditions
trim 035 points in the West reported
by the Free Press :- The condition of
the ground at seeding was almost uni-
versally good. The reports indicate
that there is little, if any, increase in
the acreage. If there is any increase it
will not exceed five per cent. The re-
ports indicate that the increase in
acreage in oats and barley will be large
but there is a material decrease in the
acre ge of flax, from 35 to possibly 4.0
per cent. The general condition of the
orop is very satisfactory, though it is
rather later than could be desired. Re-
ports Indicate that the crop of 1912 has
been almost completely sold out the
lioldlnt 5 in the fauna's' hands being
exceptionally light.
regular meeting of the Directors of
Bruseels. Mortis and Grey Telephone
Co held on May nth, the following
resolution of sympathy to Mrs E.
Bryans and family was passed ;-The
Directors of the Brussels, Morris and
Grey 'Telephone Co• desire to express to
you their deepest sympathy -in the ir-
reparable loss you have sustained by the
death of your beloved husband and
"father. - Mr. Bryans was a Director of
this Company since its inception and
during those years he provers hiniselt a
faithlut end efficient officer, sacrificing
much of his time and talent iu the in-
'erests of the Company. The vacancy
created by his sudden removal will be
difficult to fill. Signed on behalf of the
F. S ScoT'r, President,
M. BLACK, Secretary.
People We Talk About
Mrs. Joseph Querin is visiting her
sister at Winterllurne, Ont.
Mrs. Wnt. Pryne is back from a visit
of several weeks to 'Toronto.
)1at•1 Ament is able 10 be about al.
though bothered with rheumatism.
Jno. McGregor, of Porcupine, is .here
ou a visit with 1315 sister and other old
Miss Maude Ferguson; of Walton,
was the guest of Mrs. F. H. Gilroy for a
few days.
County Secretary G. M, Elliott, of
the Children's Aid Society, was in town
this week
G. A. Deadman left Wednesday for
Merlin He expects to be away for a
couple of weeks.
D and Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Zetta
and Russell, of Teeswater, were visiting
rela'ives in town,
Will Strachan and jack and Charlie
Leckie are home from Toronto Univer-
sity for their vacation.
Mrs. Geo. Colvin was at Clinton last
week attending the funeral of her uncle,
'Wm. Graham, of that town,
�� Mrs H L. Jackson was in London
week attending the Conference
Woman's Missionary Society
R and Mrs Robinson, of Moncrieff
lee5li'y. were visitors with W and Mrs.
Robinson, Queen steee', Brussels, last
Sal urday.
A and Mrs. McKee and children, of
Ethel, were visitors at the home of Jno,
and the Misses Grainger, Queen street.
Weet, Brussels
Misses Emma and Hattie Lavas, of
Clinton, were -renewing old friendships
In Brussels, They came back with S.
Carter in his ear.
Mrs, D M. Scott left on 'Tuesday for
Regina to join her husband who
holds a lucrative position there and
where she will spend s few months,
F. Burchill has taken a position with
R 'rrench, of Teeswater, in the lightn-
ing rod business, At present Ile is em•
plowed in the locality of Perth, Eastern
Miss Julia Sharpe, (nurse) of 'Toronto,
is Here nursing A . J Lowry, her
brother-in-law, who hes been quite
poorly for some lime but is cone,derabty
improved we are ,lad to state.
Miss Annie Wren, who has spent the
past 9 months at the Methodist Parson-
age, has gohe to Henson to visit. She
is sister to Rev Mr. Wren and made
many friends in Brussels and locality.
• R. F Downing went to Fergus on
Menday end accompanied Mrs, Down-
tug'hnme from the hospital where she
had been for a week. She is improving
quite nicely malty Friends will be pleased
to hear,
G. R. Sitthbs, of Calgary, and a well
known fortree resident of this Locality,
is here on a visit, He is 1t son -in sew
of W, and Mrs, Jewitt, Mill street,
Brits=els, and looks as if the Great
West agreed well with him.
Postmaster ICav, of Stratford, n'as
renewing old fileudships in town on
Wednesday. He was motoring to
Wingham with Rev Fr. Blair. Mr,
Kay is a brother • 10 Mrs, W, [I, Kerr
anti is an old 13tiissetile, 111ie being his
iI James Ballattvne was the Refetee'Of
the Mildmat-•-Wtikertou game of Iu-
°termediate Foot Bali, at the former
rp15Ce, Motldsy eVetl'ng, 'I'11e trip was
Ynatle in the tiwau car with lilinier es
haufifeltr. Waiter Scott and Frank
,Scott see0mpanied Lite 'official, The
it5t15 resulted in asci pore hent{ .104,
F. Lougfot and family, of Stratford,
were visitors with George ,and Mrs.
Edwards, 13russels.
Clarence, 5011 of L. end Mrs. Bailin -
ger, of brussels, has l eeu bothered of
late with au attack of rheumatism but
we hope he will soon he permanently
free from it.
This week Rev. D. and Mrs. Wren
and Stewart are visiting relatives and
friends ,tt Chiselhurst, 'Iensell and
locality 'These are old scenes to the
reverend gentlemen who looks back to
them with rap small pleasure.
J D. Pennington, of Dundas, was 15
Brussels on Monday making his head-
quarters at Reeve Leckie's. He is a
banner resident, selling his furniture
business to R. Leatherdale about 36
years ago. Mr. Pennington is connected
with a manufactory of up-to-date church
and school seats, 01d frlenJs here were
glad t0 see him.
W. Hartry and Thoe. Rands, of Sea -
forth, were visitors at the home of W.
Rands, Grey township, and called on
other friends In Brussels, Messrs.
Rands are brothers; Mr. Hartry was a
former Brusselite, moving to Seaforth
abort 3o years ago where he holds a
good position in the Catlatla Furniture
Church Chimes"
Rev. W. 1 0 Melee, of Hensel!, has
been re elected Rural 1)ecot of Huron.
Thursday beim Ascensi,tn Day thele
will he a sten service in St. iohu's
church at 8 o'c'ecit in the evening
Wingham 0 sitict meeting, of the
Methodist ch Melt will meet in Gotrie
next Tuesday and Wednesday.
The usual monthly social of the A Y.
P. A. will be het 1 on the last Thursday
of this 01011111 May 28th. in St. Julie's
church school room.
Rev. A J. and Mrs. Ad Hun and Mrs.
Meadows were at Kincardine this
J. Meadows
the former attending Maitland
Presbytery and the ladies the Pi esby-
St. Mary, purposes inviting London
Methodist 'Conference to .meet in 1.11 111
town in lucre 1915, The form -r as-
sembling there is remembered with
Services next Sunday morning at n
a. m. in St, lohu's church wizen the
subject of the - sermon will be
"Memories" and at tiie .eventug service
7 p. to "Wailing "
Iu the presence of many clergymen
and 'warty 5,00o people from Berlin
and Waterloo the eoruer stone of the
new addition to St. Lpuis Roman
Catholic church at Waterloo was.'laicl
Sunday afternoon.
'The name of Rev. Mr. Hazen, of
Wellington street church, London, is
prominently mentioned as the likely
President of London Methodist Con-
ference for the coming year. He would
fill the important uffice.competcntly.
"The mystery of growth" was the ap-
propriate theme of Rev, D. Wren's
sermon last Sabbath morning, Evenine
subject was "The crisis in the Prodigal's
life." Mrs Howson sang "The Ninety
and Nine" in :a veru pleasing manner
and has established her ability as e
soloist worthy of the name,
In tee recent report of the Christian
Conmerciel 'Travellers Band of Gideons,,
the statement is made that already
eo.000cop'es'of Use ,Bible have been
'placed in Ontario hotels and in addi-
tion several t' ousands have been placed
throughout elenitoba, Saskatchewan
and British Columbia, •
The Cornerstone laying of the new
Melville church, Brunsels, next Mocdet,
afternoeu, at 2 3o o'clock, will no doubt
attract a .lilrge eompeny. It will be a
very interesting gathering, Incease of
unpropitious weather 'he addresses and
musical program will be given in the
Methodist church, after the stone has
been laved, to be followed by lea server]
itt the 'Pewit Hall.
Rev. H. S Mahood, formerlypastor
of High Street Methodist church, Lon-
don, has been called to the pastorate of
one of the largest Congregational
churches in ltrooklt•r, N t', Rev.
Mr, :Mahood etitered the Congreg atonal
miuistry shortly after leaving London,
going to St. -Johns. N. B, Subsequently
he was engaged in ministerial work in
Wes'era Canada, He went to the
United States a short time ago. 'fie is
an 0111 liowick boy of no small. ability.
A party of six wets otit to attend the
Convention (8, S ) at Seaforth last
Thursday in Oliver's automobile and
spent an enjoyable time. The 1)e:.mety
meeting was held in the morning when
Rev. Mr. Page's paper on "Missiopary
Liter5lure was much appreciated,
At the afternoon session "Notes front
an Inspector's' Diary" was. given Icy
Rev, '1'. J. Charlton, It' R A. S., or
Mitchell and S S, In.specto' of Perth
A discussion "'That Sunday Sebools do
not help the atteodande at church ser-
vices" led by Miss Fish aid Miss
Marchand, Exeter , Mrs. 1'., W. Walker,
Wingham ; Miss Fye Goderich ; Revds.
Potts, Clinton; Page, Brussels; Col,
line, Exeter, entered into dissuasion'
and decision Wats Chet Sunday Schools
are necessary And fence' to thereto*:
church attendance' A paper was given
by Rev, J. 0, Potts, M. A , ou "Modern'
Suncley Sehotl Books" .a very instruct -
3190 papa'. A Deanery A, "T. P, A.
WAS organized, Mise Myrtle WilSou, of
Brussels be appointed to he Committee.
The Angltesb people of Staftirth cer
taluly eritertalnetl tike delegates web 10
51111(101' nod ten,
SENDING money to any point in
Canada, the United States or
Europe is safe, economical and
expeditious when this Bank's drafts
and money orders are used.
NyaI's s
• Blood
2 • Purifier
J. F. Rowland,
D d Manager.
The London Ministerial Anthem "will
decide at the Sep' ember meeting
whether to bring Billy Snuday to Lon-
don for Evangelistic services,
Co. Secretary Elliott, of Goderich,
gave an address 011 Chtld•en'i Aid
work at the prayer meeling Wednesday
evening in the Methodist church.
Brussels He is evidently in his proper
A Y P. A - Last Sunday in St
John's church a very Interesting paper
was read by Miss Ina Bryans m1 "Les.
son front the trees." The subject was
very appropriate to this season of the
year, It dealt with the utility of the
trees to animal life, the promise to men
typified by the opening leaf. Mrs. W.
W. Harris presided. Paper` next Sun-
day the last of the series is by Mrs, A.
C. Dames on "The Ascension."
A cninmittee of. Central Presbyterian
church, Galt, the pastorate of which was
recently resigned by Rev. Dr. Dick-
son. have visited Guelph in order to
hear Rev. -Dr Abraham and have asked
that minister to occupy the vacant Galt
pulpit for one Sunday, (hat the con
gregatiou May pass on the preacher who
Is their choice. If this procedure takes
place and a call is emended to Dr.
Abrahatn, it is understood: the stipend
named will be $3000,
Oanadian News
The Mermen church 1155 established a
conference with headquarters at St.
John. N. 13.
Victoria Hartford, four veers old, was
killed at Newmarket by being crushed
under a lumber pile,
The Employers' Detective Agency.
Ltd , has been incorporated, with some
extraordinary pourers.
Mrs, John R. Gaynes, of Calgary,
died from injuries received in a motor
accident at Bond Lake.
A settlement of the Dale Bank's af-
fairs at Itiadoc has been unanimously
accepted by the depositors.
Hon, IP, 0. Monk, 3.rmer'Minister of
Pnhlic Works, died at his home in
Montreal, after a lenethe illness.
Four Russians were electrocuted
while at work 011 a power line at
B:nek Lek-, Meter -tette county, Que
Mrs Mary '.1cealhnn, of St Cathay
ines, died suddenly in her chair, two
horns,itiei' the hurial or her step -son.
No one clip question the 0
A great value 01' tt reliable•
Blood Purifier and Blood ee
Builder as it Emilie. 1u the w
eur1';mil pi even Lion of the
midi miry diseases. The blood 0
current permeates every a
portion of the body so if the 2
blood be intpuve and impov-
erished it cannot help but 0
vltiittti one's health, We S
O t.'t+ooinmend . Nyal'e Blood rD
• Pueiiieras an efficient and
• reliable remedy for all die-
O orders of the blood. 3
81.00 per large bottle S
Aviator Macauley flew from Hamilton
to'Tohouto in 29 11.50155 mitt 37 seconds
with a reporter for the Globe as pas-
Judge Hugh MOD:)nald Henry, of
[Wax was accidentally drowned in
the mill -race near Riverside Park,
Guelph. •
The business section of Portage du
Fort, Quebec, was practically all de-
stroyed by fire, the property loss reach•
leg $5.0oo,000.
A three years' commission has been
given to Police Inspector Boyles, 'Tor-
onto, to track the slayers of two explor•
ers in Northern Canada.
Stratford ratepayers carried by taws
providing for an inciuerator, nitrogen
filled latnps end park improvements but
defeated one for fire eomipment,
John Chapman, of L Orignal, and O.e-
sinec Fortin. of Wmtau River, in a
drunken fight ala public dance at the
latter place, shot and killed each other,
Gertrude Slipper, aged 17, wheso
father Is In Detroit, committed suicide
like her mother, by drinking nelson be
cause out of work and unable to get
clothes like other girls.
THE Lune OF Ties FAT MAN. -We de-
sire to raise a fat men's regiment,
limiting the weight of the patriots to a
minimum weight of 225 pounds. IE
the government will equip the regiment
with electric fans, ice coolers rind rock-
ing chairs, and provide a special train
of Penmen's, ive will charge Mexico and
sit in the clot) windows ot, the city of
Mexico and show the Mexican people
what east going, lovable fell, s these
Americans are and iu six weeks the war
will be over. If a thousand fat men
equipped With pneumatic rocking chairs
could only, be dropped from aei•oplanes
into Mexico the war should he over, for
no one can withstand the blantliahments
of a fat man who sees trouble ahead and
is trying to avoid it.
Iftttvoa.—In Tornberry, on May 19th, 1914,
altiaabeth 1r,y, relict of the late James
Metall. agtd 80 years and 7 months.
Bva,irt.-Lt Sashatehewnn, on April 15111, 2014.
James Byron aged 74 years and 7 months,
late of the 14th Con, Grey Township;
• F
571,551 41 00 51 00
Oats 40 40
Peas - 90 00
Barley 00
Butter 77
15 00
7 75
10 00
At1 FOR SA, -The undersigned offers
for sale hie 100 'Dore farm, being Lot 4,
Con 15, Grey. Farm 4e all cleared but 2 acres
and In good stets of oultivatlon Break house,
baied at n, cement drlvtng alted t water eu •
Plied re both berm end hoose by miles
s0 sores anderdrained, Two mltee from
Walton For. Rtrther. ertdouleee applyy to
T, W . NOLAN, R. R. P0.'4 Brussels, 40.8m
Notice I
The Court of Revielon o, the Assessment
Roelof the Villmge of Brussels will be held b,
the 1sdaCouncil of Chamber, ext, els on Monday,
the let day of June next, at h o'olkek p. rat.
Alt parties interested will please take notice
and govern themselves accordingly.
F. S. 000TT, Cleric.
Brnssele, Itiey 1011,,1914,
Conservative ' association
Centre Huron
Nomination of a Oandidato
A meeting of the Centre Riding of Huron
Conservative Association will be held in Card.
no's Halla Seaforth, on Thursday, May 28th, et
It o'clock for the election -of officers, and et
1 90p m. for tate nomination o6 a candidate.
A. Pull attendance rognested, All Conserve•
tires welcome.
Secretary, President.
Meeting of Huron Co, Council
AUCTION SA LES • The Oounoil of the Corporation of the Conti-
nuum', MAY 25 D.—Farm stock, ample• ty of Enron will meet in the Onnnoll tihamber
treats, &o, STM Lot 18, Con, 9, .Morris town- in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 2nd
slip Sole unreserved at t 5 in W. Jaolteon, day of June next, at the hour of 8 o'^loose.
H Jenlr'o,t and A I,eidls'v, Executors of the W. LANE, Clerk.
late Geo. Jeolteott: P. S. Heott, Auctioneer. Dated. at Goderich, May 1861[, 1914.
i Brussels Daylight Store
Sale of
For 10 Dys only
for Ladies sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. All
ANOMEN'S and Misses' Suits away
VV below regular prices. We have
• them in this season's best styles
• in Serges, Worsteds and Fine French
Venetian Cloths ; assorted colors ; silk
linings ; for Misses 16, 18 and zo years ;
to be cleared at very.much less than reg-
ular prices. Saie prices—
• call and See them. These prices are worth while, Scarcely necessary to say
• that these prices are for uash.
I Progress Brood Clothing- for Men
ALMOS,T everyone knows PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING — Nothing
better to be had at any prico.. We haVe a dile 'stock in 1 weeds, Worsteds and
Serges, Perfect fitting—They keep their shape—and the prices
• are very reasonable indeed, Call and see them, Compare qualities with prices and
• we're sure you will be pleased,
All sizes and kinds of hots and Shoes. Prices,the [Nest
la' 'Highest prices ror Pro lpoo,
M cLar en a