HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-21, Page 51
W. l'noenroom, B. el, R 0, HAnrs
J, 14. If1LLORAN
Ufnoes-Those formerly 000spied by Messrs
Camorm' & Holt,
elonan1004 Or:Tealm.
Large, comfortable
steamers -every
convenience, every
luxury. Forinform-
ation apply agents,
the Allan Line 12*
S e. A.
Agent Allan Line, Brusoule..
. : If you expect High Grade Employ- (o
,,,et us
mont you DODO 11111140 High Grade 1�
1 Preparation. Oau Hchoul 1 m b la
strictly sup thrrmgbout (hmnda for i�
strictly snperlpn training is the
Graduates of title Hohool readilyob- .'
talo employment beepuse there are
the :nude of opening: in this olty 1-
every year and the aro called upon to t
1111 more than we nen.
Enter nny time Open all year.
Cntelogue tont on request yy
. (tor. Young and j.. W. J. ELLIOTT, i
.�y�A�,lexander Ste. f Principal. 1)'
11`yi.':NM1'yAPAIn .V,580 'FIN f=-'nic!elt7e2:1�P/"l.." WV
, CENTRAL / //
Become a epeohih,t in 8usinors. It
offers more opportunities them any
other yelling. 9:o reap the Pull meas.
nee of Naeceis you meet hove the best
possible trailing This le Ontario's
Boat Bueinras Scheel' Wo etre in -
dividing attention. You may enter our
elclnseex. nt any time. Three Deport
Commorcinl, Shorthand and
gTelugrnpby. write at once for our
free ontelogue
D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal.
i W' o'9.TtM.W.4 McM741A I
V8 xai!agt AM'SA l mY.Jyr+YAMITV vet
Enter . E,
6' ListoY�`ie,
el Cofl lge:S
Any time
Grow with us. t
For pnrtioulars address- -
RL'A FtA Ft'T' _ Fla V' A@,v.
46f y i P F 'ysteln'r tt,4FtiF
Best Brains
111 Caaadn have pnrbioipated in the pre-
purabion of nor splendid Hogue Study
doarseo In Bnn1Hng, Eomlondos, Higher
Accounting, Commercial Art. Show
Oard Writifng, Photography, Tournnl-
ism, Short Story Writing, Shorhllend
and Bookkeeping. Select the work
which most interests you and write ns
for pnrtiotilars. Address.
391-7 Yongo St., Toronto
�`� HOME
T anti "1-
h4' 1 4 pl'' ulbltmu 11144 Pete
1st: pre feint pl•eparulg I' thole owa
h 11008 Ge ow4'9, lIoIc Il wt. p psi tions u:'
ate ogra eller h ell B e a r s olein•
a b 1 :, a be 1 , 1 6
phew, Civil. servants,' le Nob every
sphere of nal -Mite, San nay 14441911 At
college if veil sit wish, Poen ions gnnr-
alteod. - Eater Ooliege ally day. Torii-
Instruction,EXpel t teachers
Thirty yea's' experience. Largest
trniner•a 1n .Camilo 8004.44 colleges,
Special oeurxo for l en0here.
A dillated with Cum4414'rctal Ednca
tot ool114 fauna of (Aul4l134 tine 40-
Se e,..I,ot fnnlone Hpotd,o44 ]3nsinoss G01-• .
Wingham Business College
ono. Srn'ren0amen,
. W. T. Ben,
•P11114141ent, Principal.
VV. H. 1_.01 E
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly a1(1 caro-
. fully attended to eight or
day, Phone 228,
En-4EL4 oNr
JAS ANDERSON, ing and Nominating Convention will be
VETERINARY SURGEON. held at Winglunn Friday afternoon of
Suo0essoeto18.H. ;loom. Office nt Ander. 1)1is week. Centre Httrou Liberals wilt .
41,01$.1,10047 04aple, Br4Ose1N: 010141e11e a o9Ven0 at Seaforth 'Pueslley afternoon
Nu, 20,
l.Presbyterian.'Assembly will convene Tn ■ ■ O
at Woodstock this year,
Noel% 1-Inron Liberal Annual meet -
43aahelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Ph). -
comas and Surgeons, Ont, • Post-4reduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, N000 and. throat Hospital,
ChiengIto,1111,-Ex,House Surgeon' to S. 1,1101 -
nut's Hospital, Toronto,
Office over P. 1i. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone 'connection wall Oranbrook at all hours.
Bsoholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licensieteof College of P1lyalolnne and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. 01Bees of late Dr.
A. Mc1eveyBSmith Block, Brussels,
erta phone 45.
M.B., M.C.P.&S. 0.
108 Blom' street Beet, Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinical ne,retunt in Mor, Nose a1,11 7 tweetde-
partan+nt New General Hospital, Termite ;
Post Graduate Harvard Medical School, Bete
ton . late Senior Residues Hnrg/'on Moss, Eye
& Mar Inflrinelry ; late Clinical assistant in
Nose and Throat department Masa Gen Hoe -
;Anil ; lete Rouse Surgeon Toronto General
Respitel 1 -""In lieu+aeln by appointment.
Physiolnn and Surgeon: Poet Graduate couroea
London (Eng.), New York and Chicoco Hos-
pitals. Special Attention to d iaeaae of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses,
G. H ROSS. D D.S., L.D S
Graduate of Royal -College of Dental Rur-
ceonoof Ontario and Grodnnte University of
Toronto Fnoulty of Dentistry.
Office in Ward Block, Wingham
Phone 240. Post Olflee box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and slight calla. OIRoe oppo4111
Flour M111, Ethel.
Personal gradnnt0 Department• of Op111hn1.
oology, McCormick Medical College, Cll longe,
f1l„ is prepared to teat eyes and tit gla40ee at
her office over Growsr'e•Resta rant, Brneeels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 1 to 6 p. m. Forenoons
lay appose tment, Phone 1210.
Will give better malefaction to both buyer qnd
Geller than any othr Auottoneor and only.
'Merge what is reasonable. Sales aotlduotutl
anywhere in Ontario. Pure bred stool sales
y t
Write or 'Phare 213 Wroxeter.
Matt 7:Ol a nl I Express ' 10:55 a m
Ezpl'ess ' 11.'2-5A a 111 Mail • 1:50 p in
EX Tess 2'
,56 o 111 Express 8:62
xP P in
To Toronto To Goderloh
exere40 8 07 a InExpress 12:04 a m
Express 2:42 p in I Express 7;48p m
Going Rest - 7:05n, in. and 8:55 p. m,
Going West 12;46 and 0;47p. m,
A11 trains going East donneet with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
0.,13, stations.
GEO. ALLAN, ';coil Agent.
aca1 Rau .t.erras
SOME sharp frosts.
HAVE you lied your first swim yet ?
LAWN Tennis is popular in Brussels,
THE Pos'rTelephones are Nos 31 and
32. Do you understand that hint?
T12ERE's a good bullfrog cboros on
the program at the mill dam these even•
Summit lours begin at the Public
Library ou •the tet day of June and
continue three months.
EXTRA good boating 'on the Maitland
above rhe dam Some have suggested
the propriety of putting on a gasoline
Winch to rim short pleasure trips.
NEx'1' Monday will be observed as a
public holiday, owing to Sunday being
the 24t)1. The Single fare rate ou the
railways onIV applies for that day.
Doer forget That TILE POST goes to
Dress early 'Thursday morning, hence
all nl5tter for insertion should be to
hand by Wednesday evening, where at
all possible.
A delegation from St. John's church
Brussels attended the Sabbath School
Convention at Searorlh 011 Thursday of
last week and report a enol time. They
made the trip by 4utonu111ile.
S'rA'us'rle" - Front Assessor Long's
gots fur 1914 THE POST copied the fol.
lowing filtures of interest : .
Value of real propefty, .8 333.995
Business assessment • 40,765
'i'exable income ... ,,, • 4,769
Total..... $379,469
Children 5 to 16 years 93
Total n 1la 1
No nt does . . . 28
No of female persuasion,. 3
Value of G 'P. R,propertyin the P P v
clnyinr0'ionn Slow.
THE POST .'.ould like to see--
ee-The watering cart in service .again
'A big crowd go to Guelph on lune
fii'nlloole Foot IBall teem well sop
Several more industries set 5goirlg
Every candidate successful at their
Everybody join a local "Paint up"
5o People taste advantage of a 5o
cent rate for rue Poser to the close
of r914
'TnnRSDAY, TUNE 18'1'444 Vei1J. RE 'THE
DATE --PCop)e are always on the look.
•lttt for the annual Excursion to the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.
'I'11is year the date will be Thursday,
lune 481)1, aspecial train tu4ning that
day to accomodate the people. It tykes.
413 from Kincardine to 1lenfryn, -iu-
elllsiVe, and is a very ponolar outing.
Timetable and rates will be issued
shortly. 'rIiis slto dd hes sleek season
of the year among the fanning Cont.
nxlnity who ,will no dodbl embrace the
opportunity ltVy of seeking
pleasure And in-
fnroat0lbV a law's Vied at the 0 A
C !teals tab on' the tide so as to keep
it eleet fba' NM trip,
26th fust., for the sante purpose.
DON'T forget that the _Summer hours
come into effavt in Brussels Public
Lit rary en Monday, June 1st, and will
uoltilue until September tet, Librar
will be open Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturdsy afternoons and Wednesday
and Saturday eveu lugs.
JAAMEa DUNFORD, A former Brtlsselite,
and brother to L. C. Dunford, who has
been with the W. '1'. Box Co., Sectoral,
for some time past, has bought out the
business of Wesley Walker, Clinton,
and will return to that town shortly.
He should do well.
Tug 31st session of the London Metho-
dist Conference will be held in Central
Methodistchlu'ch, Sarnia, commencing
on Wetteesday, June 3rd. The minis
tenial session will meet ou date named
at 8:45 a. n1., while the geuera) session
will open on Phursday at 2 p. in.
Foo?' 13AL1,.- Brussels Intermeliate
Foot Ball team play their first match
with Clinton, al that town, ou Friday of
ibis week. Clinton tackles Wroxeter at
the latter place on the 101101wing Mon-
day tied on Friday 29111 inst.. Wroxeter
will be here Lively times are figured
on iu the first round.
W A. Comic, of Seaforth, returned
from histrip West, on Friday, 8141 lust
Mr. Crich visited many places while
away, Unity, Tofield, Regina, Calgary,
and saw a number of old friends. who
seem to he doing well although the
Went is rather quiet just now. He
was away over a month. Mr.
Crich lived in Brussels for a number of
$UPPER 1N Tows; HALL,- Instead of
serving supper on the manse lawn on
Monday, May nth es announced on the
posters, the Ladies' Aid of Melville
church will use the Towu Hall so that
people may be more comfortable than
they would be outdoors, particularly it
weather is cool or damp. Supper will
follow the corner. stone !eying pro-
le Veer Trouble Indigestion? '
• There probably y10 know the evils
of dissentiml, fenuenlation and ir-
ritation (hot. 11Cr0(11petty digestive
troubles. Next important is to know
how promptly Nerviliul' cures. Quirk
as 'wink it relieves bloating tied -feel-
ing of fellness, puts the entire
digestive appat'atIts in perfect Miler.
makes you fer'1 fit and fine all over.
Foe innte1-11(11 p41111 Net v)line surpasses
every known eetnecly. K'en't in the
house always, it's a source Of Crimforl
io the hour of oihl't'geucy. Large
bottles for 250 atoll (dealers,
-During tihe months ofere, lulu and
August the following will be the Stim
mer hour .schedule followed and to
which ;he reeding public are asked to
take .nate :-Library will be open Tues-
day 'Thursday and Saturday afternoons
and Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
for same hours es now obtain Kindly
note that the change takes place on June
1st and will continue to September rat.
vertisement in this issue It will be seen
that the mutual Excursion to Detroit by
the fine steamer Greyhound is slated for
Friday, June 12th, good• to return on
the following Monday. Return fare
from Goderich to Detroit is. only $r 5o,
thus affording a delightful outing at
small cost, A 1 Base Ball games are on
the program at the City of the Straits.
Are you intending to go?
letter from M. McKenzie, of Aneta,
North Dakota, written on May 51It
says :-Seeding operation not proceed-
ing very fast -as the season is so wet.
Had one of the worst ice storms for
yew's on April 28th. Telephone and
elec'ric wires suffered greatly, also trees
which were almost budded out. Have
a good Methodist Sabbath School here
in Aneta, the only English speaking
church in the town, as. perhaps you
know, the Norwegians and Swedes
predominate, at least in this part of the
State and largely throughout this
Western part of the country, We like
to get THE POST and the, Thome clews.
With best rewards and congratulations
over your recovery to health.
the quarterly official hoard meeting of
Main Street church, Exeter, the finances
in all departments were shown to be in
a most flourishing condition. A resole
tion of al)preciation was tendered to
Rev. E G. Powell, who closed his
pastoral term and with it a check for
'too. Mr. Powell is leaving Ole pastor,
ate to oversee the temperance work of
Huron county. A committee on pastor-..
al supply vas appnhltea to guard the
interests or Ile church. The hoard de-
cided no to invite but c0 he- loyal In
Methodism and leave the 5ppcitltinenl
of a successor to Mr. Powell to the
Stationing Committee, 'Rev. Mr,
Powell was a former Methodist pastor
in Brussels for 4 years.
Easy To Retain Health
Most, important or all is proper tit..
154411011 to the bowels. Avoid (41101
Iuttroii II's I lit. selI It -killer I Mello
Handl wiping naednrne is ruinous -
1 la
431 t.+nt Jif il. Best. results follow tl
limn vel,1lable remedy like Dr.
Bandit 4111'S Pilo of Mandrake and
144111•ern01 width not only relieve
costiveness i1, 0111' 4144111 inn mien the
(111110e of 1 he a onbll' 4444(1. prole 111 Tia
re0u'n. No (list rex•+ 04' incnnvenienee
attend: the ase 0f 1341, 1114tniltnn's
:Pitts tyliie.h 444.4 world buttons fol' 1111141'
111ili) 1 11's'4 411.14 , fit i'•ua'y ',114141 ever\'•
where. 25 pet (444x -
'1'20 1lflil,e1,4 0.141) teiiialers oi` t.ln
S ;9 fat' next, you the 11s fr.)
lotus t-Htipt.. ltnbl rI Oali t\sol.
Supt , .lm. Pealsln ; Tertcher'
Ilia F174i11, .11ti•y JI1h114t11n Sint L)zzi,.
131N -flee, Joseph belly and ;1 no 1)em
8r111 As18i0111141' 111 )1, 1 lane Len shan' t
Sec.-Tee/Is , Oliva Lake ; Aoet,'ireas .
a1garet Johnston ; Pltp&il'ohians,
Jim, end Louis
1 lath.
Re,li 1 It l
lerwomm LEAS Up: Tit' following
are OW o1TitrrS of Roe'(i 1'.pwo1-I1.
League fo' the 0115ni11H Iera1 -1-Inn -
Pelel., Re V. 1. A, NIeI1(llv,'v ; Presi
tient, Mat yJoined nn ; 1st Vice -Pt est
dent, IdaFrltin; 2nd Vier1'1.sideml;
1711a Pearson ; Thai Vire-Pu Nid1' 1,
'Mach, 31u
ana1 4 11 Viee-Preablell.
loo. fse.sln
; T^lr'rrntl)ng-Slrrrlllrt,
Olive flaks 1 0 r..Sec.,, \lurthll John,
tett i .''rbtie.l Hassel Wilmle i Organ.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeo
table Compound—Their
0 w Stories HereTold.
Edmonton, Alberta, Can, - " I think
itis no more than right for me to thank
you for what your kind advice and Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have
done for me.
"When I wrote to you some time ago I
was a very sick woman suffering from
female troubles. I had organic inflam-
mation and could not stand or walls any
distance. At last I was confined to my
bed, and the doctor said I would have
to go through an operation, but this I
refused to do. A friend advised Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
now, after using three bottles of it, I
feel like a new woman. I most heartily
recommend your medicine to all women
who suffer with female troubles. I have
also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills, and think they are fine.. I will
never bo without' the medicine in the
house." -Mrs. FRANK EMSGET, 903 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta,
The Other Case.
Beatrice, Neb.-"Just after my mar-
riage my left side began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that I
suffered terribly with it I visited three
doctors and each one wanted to operate
on mo but I would not consent to an op-
eration. I heart] of the good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
Tiling for others and I used several bot -
14.5 of it with the result thatI haven't
cen bothered with my side since then.
' nm in good health and I have two little
"11.'-M rs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice,Neb.
1st, Ida• Pectin ; Asst. -Organist, Ella
Pearson ; Sec: Trews. Forwaul• Move-
ment, Laura BI'y11118 ; Convener of
olt•o n
i Ir
.o u t Oom. h .Carr.
town'Branch of the Women's Insti-
tute held their annual meeting in
Victoria Hall on May 18111. Follow-
ing ("Meets were elected for the en-
-ming year :-Miss Rae Moses and
Mrs, J. D. Miller were elected Presi-
dent and Vice -President; 2nc1 Vice -
President, Miss Marjorie Strachan ;
Miss Maly Smith, Seo.-Treas. ; Dis-
trict Director, Mrs. T. R. Bennett;
Directors, Miss Elsie Strachan and
Miss Bessie Miller ; Auditors, Mrs. D.
McDonald and Mrs. Wm. McDonald.
Russel Sellars has been engaged to
molt after the bowling green.
13, Morrit is the owner of a calf 271
mnr1 the o1c1 that weighs 280 pounds.
1317111 Flax Co. will have more land
uncle'. flax this year than here before.
A car of roller blocks. was shipped
loot week from the, sawmill here to
The many friends and schoolmates
of Miss Lyda Sims will regret to
learn that she is not enjoying good
Mrs. Chas. Roadhouee is visiting
1151- sister in Grey township- She was
accompanied by her niece, Miss Payne,
who was visiting her.
Isaac Brown has diposed of hie lot
on the South side of IK.ing street to
Tho Misses Little, who will erect a
dwelling thereon this Summer,
W. H. .IMeElroy is having ,his
property on Queen street, improved
by placing a veranda along the
front and having cement• walks laid.
A lawn social under the auspice.
of the Blyth Woman's Institute will
he held at the 11one of Mrs. Russell
Richmond, 901 eon. of Morris, Wed-
lle5(1ay, June 3rd, Tea will be served
'from 6 to 8 Welt -ink, The &Ilium
BIae913411411 Will furnish music for the
occasion. A ball game will be play-
ed between Morris and Blyth during
the evening.
few People
Outside of Ilhnse aha 11190 nletle a
al 44dy of it, eve 0111" I1: design In
P1l011044 the right m,outo'hil roe n
particular purpose.
My business is that of helping Ivy
p111MHO: fn sel4gl. 'a Innnt0llent, 11
h.'adxlone or miter 141141 Iter for u.
Reneenl'a;pint 1.1,414 wall 411.304'
11e0111e by itai h10'044111y with 1(9
4)4ll'i'l4%1i 1(1111(14 1un11'by rix expressive
appeal to memory.
\Iv slyness in ehnns)n4 nr)ght 18
more to (44*' 41111114411141'4 and heats.
\Vil.h me monumental work is it
professiona life work. I feel 1he
'lame pri(la in 11 be,411114W .(1944)4111
that. an artist in water colo' feels
111 an 14fti0(10 11411(i1Cape.
Tf yriti will eoree to me a.101 talk
shout what you wnitld litre to gel
4 (9))) make y0441' wishes my own
and they ;than he ;melded out in
The tvay that, will '011111'6 right l'e-
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
AWN E, HARNEY, Proprietlir
W, F. McCaughey is having the
intortor of the Commercial Hotel
altered and we understood it is his
intoitio1 to open u!1 a poolroom lit
enluleetion with the Clouse.
The annual meeting and election
of nfticots of the Ladies Aid Society
of the Blyth Methodist ehlu'ch, was
held on Tuesday afternoon of last
Week h1 the school 10040 of the church.
Rev, Geo, Jewitt presiding, TIIe
election 1 exulted a8 follows r-•Pres1-
clent•, Mrs. Huckstep ; vice president,
Mrs, (Rev.) JeWIL( ; Treaente4', Mrs.
flagging Rec. Secretary, Mrs, W.
Johnston ; Assistant Sec Mrs, 1,
Brown ; Chaplains, Mrs, Kittg and
Mrs, Gilley ; Auditors, ll1re, Begley
and Mrs, T. Sloan ; Pianist, MI's, I.
Brown ; Aset.. Pianist, Mrs. (Rev.)
Tho Original Corn Cure.
No substitute has aver been devised
that gives the quick, painless results
of Putnam's 00111 Extractor. For
fifty years its success has been un-
equalled. For safety and thorough
care use "Pntnain'a" only,
Court of Revision on Assessment
Roll will be held on 'I'huesday. May
10 teams of local bowlers will com-
pete this Sommer for a trophy in
Scotch doubles.
Melvyn Robb left for Sault Ste.
Marie, where he tilts taken a position
for the Sulnrne1'.
Randolph Erskine left for Moose -
jaw. Be will spend the Summer in
the West, leaching.
A meeting of plot hnldets in the
Elnla Centra cemetery will be held
Satin -day, 8Ulh host., at 2 p. m.
Mrs, 0. Longmire has arrived home
after spending the Winter in Win-
nipeg, Man:, and Saskatchewan.
Gladys Rowland, da4(911ter of 3'. E.
and 111hs. Rowland, 801 eon., who
underwent an operation for an
abscess in the head is not improving
and her recovery is doubtful.
head gives information and figures
from the Assessment Roll returned to
him on the29 h dayof April, 1914,a
t P 1, s
follows :-
Number acres cleared....... ... 55144
Number act es woodland 28821
Number acres elaslhlaud 9826}
Number acres wasteland.... ..... 10
Total nacres assessed 67368
Assessment on land "524200'
Assessment on buildings 1020860
Assessment on business .....22°1584670
Assessment on income............. 700
Assessment an telephones 3100
Assessment On telegraph 781
Total assessment 8571188
Total value of property exempt
'froth taxation 39200
Children between 5 and 21 years 1040
Children between 5 and 16 years 779
Population ............ 3331
Male persons between 21 and 60 '
years 828
Number of births 51
Number of deaths. . 22
Number of clogs .................... 473'
Number of bitches ................. 29
The oldest man is Donald Gordon who
IS in his 93rd year. Geo. Nichol is the
largest assessed person with $14,600.
The Seaforth Cadet corp is 46 strong
and certainly look a very manly
McKillop Council metin the Council
chamber, Seaforth, Monday May 18th.
M. Muedie Olerk.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Clinton, oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church Sunday evening.
Chas. Sills, who has been with a
surveying party, 600 miles North of
Winnipeg, mated i a has ret home.
A grant of $25 00 per•molth till the
let of December has been given the
Public Library by the town Cnunril,
Rev. S. Bond, of `Pomata, will eon -
duct the special Mothers' Day services
iu the Methodist church on Sabbath
May 24th.
The owner of any dog found run-
ning at large without a tag. in the
town of Seaforth after June 1st. 1914
will be.prnsecUted.
The illuminating Committee for the
Old Boys' Reunion have oonti'arte44
10,000 electric: lights to illuminate the
town during the re -onion week.
At the Missionary Convention held
in Tolman tot week the following
ladies from Seaforth were in at.
tem-lance:-Mis. Alex. Wilson, Airs.
F. H. Larkin, Mrs. NL V. McLean,
Miss Graham, Miss S. Govenlock, Miss
Gemmill and Mrs. D. Carswell.
The public Library Board, working
in conjunction with the Tennis 010b,
111'e flier gel lei lig the 'Penni. (1, ;i,'t 11'•
hind the Wino y hnillli.'f 1
for 1 he corning seas. n. Th. 1 1. .
111tcing it cinder court, which is a
mush faster court than is a sod one,
Rorie 1119e.t Will be meld 1n1 Seaforth,.
July 14, 15, 10, The adorers for the
')'orf 011111 ore 144 follows t -Pres., \V.
Gave llork ; Vlee Pres T -T (other' :
')44'5: Sr'.1": '1' til n•se 1 S ., ,,
; 0 ll• B 1 ,t
to Hob, 1
i' 'de• R le
Dime] [). P Hlu 144nn
' •4'
! ' ao I`Stephens,�V. oleo 1
Nll 1 J. 0 ,
A- 1lliLen van,
,T N. x11(1 Mrs. HIly left lastwer•1<
fni' BMW(' Creek, Mich., whet e 11113
Will spend some time.
Phos. $(nail Was in Innerk11) hest
week al 1)111(1114g the funeral of his
cons; 11, m115. Sferiing. Knight.
The ('ellntrlittel' in (414411•ge of the
Victoria pay neiehfa,tion has arla1llg•
ed a latrge pivlgeam of attractions for
that day.
At the epaulet' mollhly meeting of
the Public Sehnnl 130)Lrd J. M. Canto -
hell tem appointed es the tinned''=
1'epresentat ive on the Public Library
'Master Rnasell Moore left an egg at
the Standard nftks the other day
W11ic11 meaenred 8 x 0 illelles. The
egg g Was laic b
1 a Blaalt ilio
4,4 rat
13. O(nnpa4ly, T.istoivel, of 4134' 23411
Regi111ent, Perth, received their new
it41alti 11111Fo'mR.lasI' Week. Thi' 011ip-
tnent included 56 140inplel1 thnifoetns.
While ol'ns$ing firma the South to
the North side of Main street George
1 pand
\Vail was dY
own. b n 1 is
t linitis
Wan badly �hi 1 (d ,
rigAnd t L t
1 vl
fare, The horse was being driven 114
a pretty rapid speed,
New Perfection
Oil Cook tove
Points of Advantage
With this Woman's Favorite are
It uses all the heat,
It cooks evenly,
It doesn't smoke.
Will bake, boil, toast or roast,
Made with 1, 2 or 3 burners.
Get Pid of heat and save fuel by in-
vesting 11111 PERFECTION. It means
a enol kitchen and coal oil is tike cheap-
est fuel you coo use.
11' 4101111i ifej
Come and See
At our Store
Wednesday, May llth
De. 3. S. Bricker left for Rouleau,
Sask., where he will spend some time
with his ',mother, Dr. 0 D. Bricker.
De. J. S. Bricker proposes starting a
dental practice in the West,
Bali Bros., who for the past few
months have been conducting the
Genn Theatre, have disposed of their
business to J. T. B. Chilton, of Lind -
914y, who is (low in possession.
Thera died in Listowel on May 18141,
R. Graham Terhune, youngest son of
J. E. and Mrs. Terhune, in his 15th
year. The deceased had been ill for
some time, leakage of the heart caus-
ing death,
At a meeting of Knox church base-
ball club the following officers were
elected Hon. -Pi -es., Rev. J. M,
Nichol ; Pres., Fred. Mcdonnell ;
vice Pres., G. Stirrett ; Manager, D.
Mulcahy ; Sec.-Treas.. L. Patterson ;
Captain, W' Arnent. A tenni has
been entered in the town baseball
Dr. Diugman's large circle of friends
will be sorry to hear of his sericite
s On a
illlle Saturday tarday Na 9th while
making l a
call at Tl les
he waasudenly seized with illness
and became unconscious, having to be
brought home in an automobile. Al-
though he remained in (his c0n(ition
for some time, he is now improving
in every way, and unless something
unforseen happens the doctor soon
will be around again and able to take
charge of his practice.
The Duke of Connaught visited
Beachbnrg, Woodstock. Stratford and Falls since 2876, and Mayor for three
New Hamburg, laying the corner stone consecutive terms, died at his home of
of a oew school at Stratford. I pneumonia.
Quit Dosing
with strong Cathartics -
Chamberlain's Tablets are
most effective in regula-
ting stomach troubles and con-
stipation for thelittle folk -one
tablet going to bed means a
sunny face in the morning.
Pleasant to take, they never fail.
25c. a bottle. Druggists and
dealers or by mail.
Chamberlain Medicine Co.
Toronto 4
Dr. Levi Secord, High Court physi-
cian of the Ancient Order of Foresters,
died at Brantford; aged 59.
Earl Grey heads a British syndicate
which will spend millions on oil pro-
duction in Califoruia,
The Countess of Aberdeen was re-
elected President of the International
Council of Women at Rome.
D. A. Ferguson, Postmaster of Smith's
Buy this oven -tested flour
Your oven will certainly pro-
duce more bread and better bread
as a result of our oven test. -
From each shipment of wheat
delivered at our mills we take a
ten -pound sample. It is ground
into flour, We bake bread from
tflour. If bread is high in
qualityhis and largethis inr quantity we
i use the shipment of wheat from
which it came. Otherwise, we sell
S The baking quality of flop
'hid under this name is therefore
arc• exact certainty. Bu P and
ben t!
"More Bread®nd Better ireadf0 and
to Better\ astry Too"
.-.tom -.. ...
TH1't Ivpt SA
,UN L C 1ti
If you ou bad a "mint of money"—
you couldn't buy a better car,
Ford merit has made it the stand-
ard car of all nations. It's light—
strong—comfortable and depend-
able, And its cost is well within
your income. Get Our'S to -day.
Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford
run -abut ' ' 'l e'toul'in car is -8110 fife ' t1
tt, tl gC y , 50
town car nine hundred -f. Ford, Opt.,
complete with equipment. Get catalog and
particulars from J, 11. 0A.I,II11,A.ITI3, Local
Agent, Brussels,