HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-21, Page 4i he i3 lziselA past Centre Ilurou liberal Association THURiI).\Y el AV 21, cele Annual Meeting and Convention The Amine fleeting of tic' Centre i Huron lettere' Assoeial ion %viol be held in Oltt:duo's il+tll, Seaf,rth, 'Peceiduy, .May 23111, 1914, at 2 leel,ck p. Mt. A rule (attendance is desired. Al. this Imaging a candidate well be selected to contest the riding at Lite np )eoaehing Provincial. Election, e elIOki AEI, IIUHDI.E, Pve'itlent. JAS. L. K1I.LOItAN, Seeretary. f The weather en the (oast isg ood. 1 middle GP null the nal Ir o f January We bad no floe!. and only an inch nrso of xu) , loot rive weeks we had . uf- fieleet frost to wake slitting, but from early in Fele miry through the \\Tinter Sanson I worked the snit ttH easily its at the present time. During r ••I tlarnh the teem her was Ideal. Now, Mr, Editor, I thank you for this spume, trusting it will le letet•esb •!, lug to your reline re. If any of lily fernier schnoluettr-s happen 10 see my name, I would. only be too pleased Lc . I get. in tenth with theta. AViebing you and THE Post' eveiy success, 1 t -e11111111 YOute in the Mast.et's service, J, FI. You:.0. Port Simpson, 13. C. A NEWSY .LETTER ;BOM PONT S1MPSQN B. C 1 leenTo1:i, Beeesrieue Poi i ' :— DEAR ixi.-1f yon will allow 01 •epace iu ytnu' paper I will endeavor to give you and your subscribers it liLtle 1 ifuereatiou contenting roar • Indian Mlteiou work, A. sheet time ago, I noticed a letter writt('n by Rev, 1''. Sweetie a lidtamuat, 13. (1 , regarding the work at. that place, Though 1 have neve been at Mr, Swain's Held of Jabot' yet I have •rtusou to believe he is doing a valuable work among Lite Indians at thin place. Perhaps many may remember ole as one of their et litelnpnrarles itt thea graduating class of 1007 front Bins. 'r School. Many ltrl eels Con iu litre nl (•h 1 .inn and L t varied have been the experiences since that time. After hawing taught two years in Ontario, I entered the .Bustness College world and foiled self eventually as Principal of the Commercial Depart meta of Columbian College, New 1V est inileiter, 13. C. Coming in touch with the ministers of the Gospel and the probationers at College, and hearing the great and immediate steed of laborers for the • harvest," I volutrteertd to do my part in bran i civilization 1d Christian- ity Gritit -ity to the needy. L at the lllssion etc Ia stationedt fi 1 m which was founded nursed aucl cherished by one who bas been fitly termed "A. Prince of blissitnlaties," The latrRev. Tbumas Crosby D. D., the founder and promoter of this work; labored Inc many years at this historic site of Port Siulpson. Com- ing here In the early seventies he gave his untiring, utselfieh life for the up- - lift of these Inditain people, who were at that time groping in sin and ;heathenism. By his arduous efforts he has sown the seed which Is 'blossoming into flower and fruit of Christian 1111. Through his efforts awe have today an Indian church with 'a seating rapacity of neatly 500 and a `L large choir loft with an organ, There are two boarding echonls—tete Crosby Girl's Flome and the Port Simpson Boys' Hone—both these i istitutlnns organized for the steel ter and Christina ':trainitig of Indian buys and girls. The Crosby Girl's Home was started iby Mrs: Crosby giving refnge to Indian girls who carne to her. Tak- ing thein fiat to their own house site :helped them as fat as their means ;would permit. But finally the needy ones betaine so many that steps were -taken to build a Home apart for these girls., This institution is now undee the adatinistrariotr of the W. M. S, stud is well utarnaged now by ,five elflaieut lady workers. About the same 1hne that the Crosby Girl's a`iIIome was ()petted measures wet•e 'taken to epee a hone for Indian boys. `'This building is not sn up-to-date as 'that of the Orosby Girl's Horne yet we provide for and give instruction to many needy ones. We have been fotlunate in having Hospital at this place it connection with aur Mission work. This !melte. tion has ab its head Rev, R. W. Large M. D., and a staff of Christian nurses. The Port Simpson General Hospital was opened by Dr. A. L. 3olton, now of Vancouver. - On one -of Mr, Crosby's visits to Ontario, he urged the need of a medical mission- ary and Dr. Bolton volunteered to 'come. Dr, W. T. Bergin, of Prince Rupert, was his successor, while Lhe ;mantle has now fallen on Dr. Large. Dur Hospital is doing a great work end is worthy of hearty support, The dayschool is an adequate two- . (too d i q r e )uldlM From Novetnbet anti] 51axch attendance comes neat to 150, while clueing the remainder of the year it is quite Small. As soon lie Spring -opens whole families go out, pamping and hunting.- Nearby Tune the salmon c aeries commence eperatinns. During the past few 'gears out of tan Indian population of '300 thele huts 1101 been a native on the reserve during canning season. As to ule (hie tribe— ,the Tsinipshean--. etm•shao) at indeettirttts and thrifty. hey snake gond money in the Sent- inel' but ie is difllruit to persuade them to give of their tnetans fnr Church work. At to recoil banquet given by the Port Simpson Btaucl to which the writer was iuviLod , it 'upper ante a few musical selections :were rendered after which stump speeellee were given in exaltation of the set vice. of the 13and. When the !Speech was finished a five ne ten dolltarbill ryas dmatld lir n shove tone that evening n�grot 0 ) was raised 111e Sabbath previous to :that we held oat 'Missionary unitvers- Laty collecting about $50 from the Indians. When they Mil see where 'the runny is going they will give 'readily but nos, otherwise, Our It li , Sunday School tette n )total farce of 250, In addition to this •e have the Crosby ('irre 1 Mote 8. H, of 80 told a %via() S. 8. conducted by ,B,ev. MeiRaley of 20. So out of a pnpobattioe of 700 we have it 8. H, al tetdance of 800. Alike the day School it, is at, its beat in the Winter seaso)t while in the Sommer there is none al all, There is a fin -meshing ptvorth' League Society witieh is onducled )nnt'e 11ketalisalvatinn Array ()twine, I'he, Indian Blies else tluhrkt 011 tarrlbouline, ennsequenty the 11. e. Meetings' aee mentioned of lots of helm 1nu810, ganging several favorite erects sung meg and nice' a sheet ;W- rests followed w 1 by aiengyhy testimony fleeting. DI -(7 are an ardent lot, of Meters though and help a great [deal 11 0111 work. Them tate (tele or two other Sociitica-(the Young PeoOle'e fides:atonal Association (Y, P. 17. A,); I rte Tenipeennee Hneiety (1. 0� G. J',); *opt ldltrlptenrt A LhleLio 01111) (I, , S. A, j 1 lttiletian I3ttnd of \Vot'Icers (0. Vt . be tape- 11 like wnr'ns ttttmibets th t) so fur its the Misatnn wrn'k is trowelled. The Salvatiott Army sa[ t0 quire irnnr but t w they Itiere One nr two '1anidlles of Advenitein also a small petee Virga of. Anglicafta Bee In Otte APPENDICITIS By a Convalescent \Vhen the Creator put Father• Adatn to sleep and borrowed to rib from him to snake .Eve with He did as pretty neat bit of surgery and set an example which is getting mare pope. lar every season. It is not kuowu even yet whether He gave Father Ad BM ether or chloroform) or just, told hint to go to sleep and forget himself, but no doubt this will be discovered by the scleutists, who are constantly fluffing new anaesthetics, every title of which the good Lord 'knows about since He made thele. But that's not what puzzler: the chap with sei eta—tithing mind ball u- ntttch as why the Lot•d look Coe of Adaln's ribs when Adam had et vet mi- fo•te appendix eMelt was no earthly use to hint mid out of which the AI- rnighey could have manufactured a woman quite ae easily as 001 of tt - rib, It looks wasteful to us at this late data but then we may not know eveeyLhing yet. Well, anyway, since that fist surgical npeeat fon they have ger•e ill increasing 111 pOjIFI1II 117 as lite years passed until now, if you hive not had tt rib of an aesuphagtts in. sotuethiog or other col out, or yens. dnterin' Hf- Lings te-(arranged, you feel like la hack number, I3esides al's sn wasteful, Your vertuifnt lit appendix, for installer, weighs 1150 onnees, and the race for weutth is so atreuunus that the modern unto must needs discard every superfluous encumbrance or be distanced. . Many a mitt discards itis consebeuee and even then loses out, tt•hereas if he had kept his conscience and got t•id of et true -ounce appendix he'd have come in tt Winner. The thing is to stick to ueeessiLies and do without luxuries. A luxury, the dictionary defines is sonletilieg the can do Without. One cart do without an appendix, conse- quently an appendix is a luxury. The age we live in is altogether too lux- urious. Let us regard it tae a hopeful indication of init'a desire to get back to the simple life, that when the doc- tor tells hire he roust cut out some- thing, whiskey, late hours, black cig- ars of hie vermiform appendix. x, be cheefully and unhesitatingly tells the surgeon to go ahead. Theoperation is so absurdly simple too, and takes a very few minutes, so that a chap can almost go and get the thing out between meals like having a tooth pulled, ne getting a hale cut, And then itis so nearly painless that a reasonably nimble. surgeons .can re- move half n dozen appendixes—or! ap- pendices—between i)retakfast and lunch and feel m'xt to no plain tvhet- 1'Ver. ft 18 title as far es the patient is concerned, that they !mike lune slay in bets for la fortnight tafLer the opera - don, but that is merely clone so as to give flim time in which to devise ways and ine4lrne Ln meet Lhe bill. This is the one tulsutiel'tat:tory fea- ture of it. Ot1Ce an appendix is re - Me red 11 ceases to have trtcal kat value. You resold sell a leg or an aim to a hone pod or a mnsetnn perhaps, but 11' anyone knows of n pawnshop where to fallow ran r n, t t raise fete bucks( on it slightly ditenagerl appendix 1 wish he'd send me the fulfil (18S, Perth County itlothets' Day has certainly (aright, elle foamy or Stratton] people and will assuredly amt item:ease in populatt13'. Home impeovtnnettLs have been made at the 8L, Mat ys Public Liln'ar'y recently. Gentlemen, are now re- queste(1 to rermive their hats when entering the building, a hat rack be- ing provided in the hallway. The deity papers are now put on a rack, instead of ou tables. $tratfotel old hop; in Iittnsas City, ilitssouri, have cud/1e(1 their names to the list of those who will return to their old Innen (lnrilg Old Ifntne Week, One gentleman has wet leen to Seeeetnry A, W. Dement, saying that 1t will be the fleet time be has been home for civet' thirty years, Arc atertrir..ttily rim enemies cleaner torte borrowed by the SLralford ;mat - offing to clean Lile atones, The ;tome in the enl.r•ttnee used by the: p<,stles yielded one gallon of dirt. 'Why don't, they nee Hurd-soritpersP sig, gest ed one gentleman pleasant 1y, when he wee t01d of it, Pet Linos are being circulated by the Sheet toed -inset ante) Agent agaitlst a, t 1 lir o" 1 n ( • 1 e acL ) i LI1c 1 v nc hl Govern- men( o r. n• ( v' ]n n(to lax the income of r e nt r n ,. I stuvtn . . re companies twolel cent. 'l'he agents aatSir alerted claim thatitwill i'e an additlonal bittcletr on 1116 mt' n Insured and Will be atrnngly appose(!, 't .r On Nov'.1,ever C1 Sun daY,Np inhabit - alit b.t- 1 a i. alit of Stratford will likely laird hint self or herself turning it to el tlt•t1h The Athnistet•ial Assl,cimit tnttde up their minds, at the regular meeting Monday seeming, lit see to this ll'hey will lay themplans iwtuediate At the next nm'etiug of the Steal ford (,tuncil, the city will be present- er, wait huge vow -at -mg m1• [be Duke null Duchess of Connaught. les tepi- dity, following the presentation of thc+tt1lreee Ln the (atvelttnt-Getierttl. Mayor Sterimeolt 15115 111esentea with the engt•rtvings by the Duke, who asked that they be pieced in the City Hill. 'Ile elapse will present the picturest on behalf of His Royal I4igh- ness at the next meeting of the Council. lit the April 18th issue of the Van- melees- Same clay Sunset, there is an tulle! e 0n Ille new will[ imhtslty {m British Columbia, which buts been es- tablished fly Alex. F. D1cLaren, ex - 11. P., formerly* of Stiatfurd, The new ii t(le:dry 'i8 called 111 itCLtlt•ell'8 l Lau re 1 in L k Co. I n L rentin ] l to in f t which is well known i11 Ettsteru Cuticula, it beteg tried out carefully here incl deutanOtsated its stip-441,t ty. for general list's, through the posslb11 ty of sptttung and keeping it pure and skeet for tuty length of lint1 desired. Principal 1). Ouleotau, of the Politic School, 111 tttrl (11, who wits stilted to have obtained his position by Rpm Mlle testimonials front Ottawa and Aru- m -Mr, and to 1111ve retained schen' Nee, resigned on Saturday. Fee ad- mitted Hiatt hie Ottawa Lestirunnin] was false, and would not deny that the 1 ) n document wits ;deo 1111- Sennett ltel1. I teIrg Lhe ''es trlitillletl atilt then.. was enol a tlilpaitl i salary than sn$leient to cover lbe u• to lint ivitheld At a Meetiltg cif the echo.] boatel Sattiulay the financial matter in dispute was adjusted. The resignation of Mr. Coleman takes. effect immediately, Air. Davis, a fortnet teacher in the school, tens ap- pointed to fill the vacant pnsiaion and true taken up his duties this week. Dr. J. H. Mathiesol, one of St. Marys best kuowu citizens, died Sunday IOth last. He was in his 7181 year, and for snore time had etired hem the practice of medicine. Latterly he had been in item. helahh. 11e went to his Melee strttiilg that he would t'eluttr for Ida dinner at 5 ri cloak, \Viten he diel not cisme Mrs. 31all iestnt went 111 lis office and found her husband sitting in his at Mohair with life extinct. He had been dead about an hour, Dr, elathiesml was born at 17mb1.t1 and Was it grad nate of McGill University, going to St. elaeys as a young won. In the -10 years he resiled It S1. life se; be Look an active interest in public affairs, among other things serving as Councillor. 1•le Was a Piesbyteriau and a Liberal His whlnw atlrl One son survive hila, elle latter, ;Milner Mathieson, living at Vernon, 13, C. Locus OPTION POR S'r1tATFORD.— The citizens of eittertford will vote on Loral Option at the .icutnlu•y elections in 1915. It was definitely decided at a well -attended meeting of Lhe City Temperance Alliance 10 enter on a campaign this year. A resolution to this effect wits moved by J. J. Mason, senottani by Aid. D. 1L Wright, and Carried nu u 0nan(111005 standing vote. Orgtwiztttinti of committees was at once begun by Field Secrettaey John Muir of the Dominion Alliance. Winery Reduced For the balance of the season I will sell all Mil- linery, Ribbons, Plumes, r cat rr �. , dicedp rices to clear out Spring and Sumner stock. ass Hunter, MILLINER ETHEL STEAMER GREYHOUND ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return GOING F'93 Ga c1i JUNE 12 RETURN FIora°`mtlJUNE 15 ROUND TRIP $1.50 BALL GAMES lath and 14th NEW YORK & ROSTON in Detroit "1'11e inn, ming Train ;(lith Iain- riurdtue, \Vingbain and way stall 11S to Lon(lesbnrn`, wilI make cnmlenLioll at 011111 ()it (villi the "Boat Prado" from Hnv (toed. on the 1211(, CRESCENT CLUB OFSTRATP011,D sP1tOIAL TRAIN TO THE 008210011 IIAND EXCURSION MOONEIGNIE% NJUNU IIIN WHITE STAR LINE StkAlett Eggs for Hatching Regal Strain White Wyendottes Pens Nos. 1 &ez'2). cousiet of 12 pullets in each, selectee front a flock of 80 and elated with a trek bird and cockerel front 220 and 212 egg record hens. Pees Nos. 8 St 4 consist, of 12 pul- lets lo each, selected front balance or my stock and Milted with cock bird turd cockerel front 200 and 190 recnrd hens. Provincial Farm Strain of Bred to Lay Barred Rocks '1'tvo pens -2.1 selected pullets—teem flock at 100 and united with 2 cocker- els of heavy haying sit /tins, Eggs per setting of 15 Pen 1 White \Vyaulottes .......,, $2 50 Pen 2 " 2 OU Pen " Pens Bate ed Rocks 1 0 UP n 4" ".,•• 1 U0150 75% fertility and square. deal guaran- teed. Onto' it limited quite Lay of Wyandotte eggs for sale up to May 1. Riverside Farm Phone 66 or 24x R. THOMSON Brussels. Tile Delivery never wept to Algonquitl Palk, hav- e aSen � ill last beau s et1 r 1 Lha u1)ct'o x I1 is behoved titer he thele went \\'eat to the Gwtttdiuh Son raid mussed over to the Ames keel side, 11 is also 1 thought Hutt he miry have gone from Scotia a0Utelioo to Oetawa anti Cense- r ell to the Htalelt front Pteesed.1., 111. Spector Kennedy:elated Lhnl roll the e emits tip cane/Lushmes'lots- . lute een tied Hite eloyes Wile wit ill ed. Regained Nerve and Vital Energy Front WWI Mil P. -'O , Cele , (mites the following front Ale. Ntizeire Be. gin—"If anyone hod tall Inc any rented y could build up my tel'"OUB system so well, I woniti not have be- lieved thee, Refute neipg feet en. zone 1 wits run doutl in net and vital energy, tau) itt very Ivettk health. 1 didn't get enough sleep at night, felt poorly -in the day time. Ferro - zone has filled rue with energy tutu viut, increased my weight and elude a new mall of Ise." 1lundeeds tell the sante Amy -- Weak and d 'stiri l everything ed ( h ll I y g Dint; wren unable Stu catch up. g g. r,.. D '1'ite • took I c l r azole and all tuns (shivered to health and serenity. Price 50e per box at all deniers, Mra Enz'thetlt Dtt nt, m died at St. John, N. B.. in her to2nd year. A Liberal cleat was organized at Mount Forest, being inaugurated with much enthusiasm. ' A. M. Nanton, of Winnipeg, was elected a director of the C P. R in the , room of the late Sir William Whyte. A new contract has been1mA e d by the Pnstoiea Department with the Ontario Equipment Com any formail he leeks p Firett e au ed the main pinnr 0f the Canada Ghee Company near Brantford. causing a loss of $r25,000, and throwing 5o men out of work, Hon. W T. White, Finance Minister, introduced the Government resolution to recoup the depositors lu the Farmers' Bank, which was carried W, F W. Fisher, of Burlingtoh, was selected at a large and enthusiastic Lib- erelconvention at Milton as a candid ate in the coming Provincial election. A new national park of 95 square miles in the railway .belt of British Columbia, bordering on the ellicillewaet River has been established by order in Council, Rev Dr Duval. for 26 years pastor of Knox Church, Winnipeg. and former Moderator or the Generel Aasenel'y, has resigned his charge on the advice of his rhysieiaus. Those who wish to pur- chase Tile around Brus- sels are requested to send order to Henfryn P. O. or! Phone ,355. Upon receipt of enough orders we will send a car load to Brus- sels station. Cole & Dougherty County Presides. 1, T. L. 1fatoiltoit, of LisLOwel, and Rev. John 11uir gave fnreerid add res -es, urging the specin1 sign ifleance 111' 411.111forcl em1)11rklog on a Local 1)1.1 ism campaign sinal- taneonsly with t11e Canada Tempel - anre Act fight in therein of Perth comity. Aid (h'ay, Presitllei 1 of the Lnaal Pemperlutoe AIlittnte was chair- man. le Your Cold Better 7 No, it's as l)ad tae ever. Nnlhiug seems to help. \Vhy lint 1188 the lip- tn-[bete speciflc "elatt•i'hozone," which drives mit cold 311 one day. In- hale Gatarrhozone and you will he relieved in two minutes. Continue the 11'eatment and (lire is assured. Heall lig, germ tdestrpyingand plenum nothing for colds, throat tt()utile and Oatarrh corn paves with Oatenhozone, Sold everywhere, 25a and $1.00. Goderich A FTElt liOYES —At tt special meet- ing or the Council Friday the follow- ing resolution moved •by Councillor tVigie and seconded by 0111ucillur 110011nton, Wt1S utlutirttoully passed. "That the Oounail 0ommunicate 111 once with the Attorney -Geneve 's de- partment asking that it prosecute without delay those Mete entente] in perpeLtal•ingg a fraud sn dtsasdrnu1 s n this and miter t11111icipalitie8 its the Olttaltu West Shore Railway deal." P1 In the passing of it result u n s t e It s p g a report of the case nits presented and listened to with much interest The council tonight, also decided to tette steps at• -(nice to provide an adequate fire Warn; system, remodel the Pre hall and provide uccumuuulation fur more (nen. OANT FIND 11oYL•'S.—Detective Greet', who was supposed 10 have gone to Algonquin Park in search of John W. Al oyes, the promoter of the Omar to and West lettere It t{1 way, re- turned last, i!riday Arnie the North without. his trete and denied that he had gone otter hi'n, "I wits up in Algtnglt{n Palk nu tannthee tmtLtee," hr ex thd.ned. "Would yeti have eie rested hint If yon had seen trim e" he was asked. "Certainly," was the reply, 'I'he detective said he did not have a warrant for ['1tyes' iterest, de- ckts'lug that the Metier west in the lauds or -I he city online raid the Dtovincial detectives had nothing to with ill it n 1 t \ f 9 )eCL< t of Detectives 1 Kennedy, of Toronto, slated that Ile %voids] CntntunniUtle with the Al - teen ey-G(Mere l's (11141.11110111 anti (.sic 11.11 ext.tinn Lion papers he prepared hi CIt&e. it is necessary to t)t•i ltg Moyes back frons at foreign ennitry. Flt' will 11131) 11115(1 phi+tngt'ttplls or the missing (run sent. IbrntIghnit Canada, mid the United Sleeve, tlillain and Butner. The police h11Ne learned that Moves WEALTH of HAiR Parisian Sage Makes Thin ' Lifeless Hair Soft and. Abundant Benet iftd hair, Blick, soft, finite, lustrnns, and free fl'om t1aol41111, is One or woman's greatest charms, yet so many have atrealted, thin anti lifeless hair anti think there is 110 remedy. Pretty hair is largely to matter of oeu'e. Ft811tellt applicators of Parisian Sage well dubbed into the scalp is tall OM is neede1—it acts litre tingle. Try 1 tonight—you will really be surprised with the result. Not, (111y will the hair become soft, flttlfel radiant. With life and 'pally doubly beautiful, bet all dandruff rliseppettts, falling ]air omt Balling earth) ) cease— your hetul feels flue. Mlterm gis[ssell m large bottle of t'tLtiSitill Sage for fifty 41118. Get it frntn Jas. Fox, he Will Yefnnd the rslaney,11 yOu are not, snl;iefed, • Auction Sales • EXEt:UT°1iS' YALE OF FARM S'10 R IMl1lliteNTs, 60. the property of the late Ueorge Jackson F. E Scutt, A¢vdonerr has revolved utstrua'iuns frau, the under. ;m- od 'Olio enters to sell by public auction at N Bair Lut 18, Oon 0, Mnrt•it, Friday Nay 12, et 1 o',tluak, th,. tulisevtng vala8bie property; -1 aged mare, 1 mare 4f eatsold in foal, 1 - year old filly, 2-4we•year old geldings, 1 rash valved cow, lonw due to Delve .lune 12th, 1 cow due to calve, lune 20th. 2 •sows in )ie 1, farrow in dilly 12 pi., In weeks old, 1 Al 11 anal'. binder 7 ft eut new, 1 Molder Prost 66 Wood Oft cot nearly new, 1 mower, 1 Elmira hay loader, 1 lerurt 6 wood oultivelor nen•ly new, 1 hay rake 1111 ill 10 hoes, 1 di•e harrow. 1 set 3,wn bans, et, 1. t'hathnnl fanning nt111 with .bagger, l wagon, I Shtgle baggy cuvarad, 1 Portland Cutter tthetly new, 1 cutter, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 Owl; racer. 1 hay rook, 1 gravel box, 1 pig emit 0, 0 set 8P w hiflletrees:and neck- 150kes,1set citable hareems nearly new, 1 set plow harness, 1 set single harness new, I set Mach- harnes.,, 1 set R7 nets, 1 single plow. Oliver make new, 1 walking plow, 1 two•fnr• row plow, 1 set bean &tales, I sob scales 1200 lbs„ 1 bag t lick, 1 Farrel of salt.1 gratis seed sower, I laud roller, 1 hay fork. slings and ropes, I pntper. 1 grain mud lo, 1 'muffler, 2 wheelhnrt ore, Lnrrelsand 'feed box.1 ant box, 1 081 a r (oriel ditching scoop, 1 grindstone, a quantity of oats and pens,) (pr,y or, 1 arose. cot saw, 1 apple barrel press, 1 wire stretcher, a number of mein lineal racer lifter, 1 wagon jack, 1 wort( bench, some carpenter tool., scythes, forks, rakes, shovels, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. Sole without reserve as the farm has been sold. Terms -Ail snnts of $1000 and under east; over thntamonnt 0 months credit given on furnishing spirnved joint notes 0 per • per e • annum off for cosh on credit n• mounts, t Wm - 7A0K50N R Inger 1A0x�oN, I)' Executors. ANDnMW LAinr,2w, wans•••••••••s•••••®••e••oe ; Sparkler • Huron 10,280 (10.81101 Enrolment No. 0008 O W. J. COOPER( Proprietor i�+9 EOD �9 - • MONOAT'-1.0144/04 its awn 11141140, Lot 00, Pec i -,i,.'ty a Can 10, espy, 01111 goes Notth vin eisnreets e a rood to Ian Dona ldson's ["4 11. Con, 7, ]thus, • • rot noun; then south to loth ).nen, then Wert e �'arm • lt) Oins, I)ulte4nw's 1•Uh Con fon night pp l'U1ts1)AY sow 14 in Luke (1 N00r:in's, O B R U E $ tl 1,00 08, 1 on 16, t)reti in, pr11111 Iben WUot 201 O S$ L 0 nd)es, ten n N, rib Sole tours, 11, n to bong's e • I101ld ttinnblontt,fpr %lee. tg Brooder of N WEON1FsIAY•-South to )deb (ion,. and • West to H. 1',,o,non a ter nom(; then North • to Amorit•nn Hotel, lit'usselx 40r. oigltt. Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks O THURSDAY -North to Adam Turnbull'(, 6 Y O 7th Oon 'tires' for noon' then to David O 0 Badgnly'x 2nd Con Cray, for eight. O and White foghorns a FRIDAII-Mast toJoho fluthein'tfe• noon; • - then East and West ao Thine Walker's Elaut 0. r boundary, far tight, • These hulls bare �Irnven In be'SA'I'UIt�OAY- 8 1111 nod Eost to Arthur • e 1171111er Itt•alt L s from any n to. Foremnu x. Orel i,lltn Elrnn, Por Lit tion ? gR Y Sctllutud West to bis two xtablo whol•o ho of lay peUs til 0 will (cosh until the following Moldsy • $1AB for 15 or 5,00per 100 • ,elartiing. o pChas. Crossfield, Alf. Booker, • • heal (ger. Owner, t®p 004.0..600.• • me••••••••••eo• t• 1 this senson. Terms 110 Con,.4, Morris, P0 t 1 1 5 Renter tnumber, Border Chief 11021 A. 8PE1R, Proprietor Will and for services et his own stable Lot 1 I 8t t Wd'liam Caves, of Montreal, was ap- pointed Inspector of 'lbbaoco Factories for the Domionion. A dispute over five cents iu Port Dover last Summer has coat the town and one of its park owners 17 goo. A. W. Roebuck was uneuimously chosen by the Timiskanting Libel -rile as their candidate iu the approaching Pro viueial election. Skilled Labor, Nigh-Orade Materials That tells the whole story of the absolute reliability of the REGINA WATCH, a reliability 11 which has earned for it the reputation: "TRUE AS THE SUN." ittk? tcsL, Blake, Walton Thu Peo'ple's Column FaRM FOR SA LE ..The 60 sere farm ad - doing the Village 0 Brussels, owned by George Robb. .Good Buildings, tat 0184 hind 111 gJedstate ofinitivatien, leer particulars apply to .1 11201tI0. Brussels, (Owner will be mere on 20011 insq) 3 OHOICE SHORT HORN GRADE COWS tor sale Apply Lots 20 and 80, Con, 0 Morris. Phone 100. JAS SPINE, Box 287, Brussels. Notice ! The (Mort of Revlslort on the Assessment Moll of the Tow nehlp of Grey w111 be held et the Township Ball, Ethel, of Saturday, t he 28rd day of 610Y, next. a m. All par- ties interested will please take notice and o B v ern themselves acorn (Jingly A. B MACDONALD, Clerk, Ethel May 6111, 1014. Notice ! Paper Hangrng Rhalil lofOoueToowR tl ofMoon i ho lAbh el d The Township Ball on Monday, the 26th day of al (ext A 100'010011 nt. All parties in. 16 tued next, please tbo notice And govern theansettves accordingly. A. MOE141tN, Clerk. Morris, Tiny 6th, 1014. John Lunn Painter, Paper Hanger Grainer and Deoorator A Trial Solicited Fitst•Clase Work Phone 41x Thomas Street, Brussels WARM P011 SALE, being N34 Lot 18, Con, 0, Mortis Township, Duron Co., containing 100 acres Otr the premises is n'good 0•1.00m,ed. frame house and woodshed, bank barn 40x00, straw abed 8024511, poultry house 18x40, and peg pen Tonere la considerable timber on ferns Lorntiot is about ;1 mile from church and school. For farther part Molars Apply on the premiers er to ROBT, NEWCOMBE, Myth lturnl phone 814 Ii, 1t No 2 Blyth /S'1'° OUSE trent KALE 01t TO RENT. - No 1 Produce wittchoose to Brussels Station U, )1'. It. For pot, ienlnrx apply to d. Lactate, Brussels, 4.6411020906000474414t200641 rootfieca 0008 0.06600000.0••••oe••e6 D 0 0 D m 0 • • Buggies • Buggies e • 0 0 • • t4 • • =71 1117 SEASON is nnty at hind for Ilse sale of amt; Buggies runt all intent]- ° ing purchasers will do well �7 D and -save motley by calling at I0. ti WAN'S 1.1.1?-DA7.'I7 CARRIAGE FACTORY. We Lake 110 back seat and are til O'tlye 011 the lead for an up -to -dale 13nggy. Our Bug - glee have stood the test or 8.11 competitors 'roe close to 80 ,'ears, Which 811001( be to gurt'ttntoe in itself. Otte Styles mill Materiel Lbis yea'' are mote, tip•to•daLe tem 1111 prnvi0ue yeses, lave, yhn(ly is maele tvpinnme lutixaruiue our Show Iltlnn)s and pnrahase to Ewan Boggy. 'S'oh will get, fltest•alnes satsfantinti its 17111 as encouv Lgilig home lead°. Wood -'Work done in all les branches. - Bnggies re -painted noel iiuggy 74tpe ee-lined and Ooeeiod to look as good as new al reasonable maces. 0 9 D. Ewaa"s Carriage factory 0 0 e a 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • • • 0 • 6 e 0 i. G • • 0 • a •• • • • • • 0 0 • • • et 10410009000•1140000•0611140.0•• b+adl®sesessesees66666666 oft, � r t'e Enrolment 10 00 0 Ul 111 B granted by Lha bntnrla stallion Enrul¢lent Board Pot• 1019,18 000 and is dntsd April 21,181.1. Drumburle Chief No, 6018, Vol. 44, C. H. A,, Canada, Nu, 10 724, Vol, 28, C 8. 0 Great Britain and Enrolment No. 1828.- Isopeated and approved J. W. KING, Proprietor Following route will be taken thin Reason by the above horse :-Monday will leave kis own' Mable, Btu OVUM, nud proceed by Ord Con. Mo r • rSx'to Jos. Miller's,P night. Tentn9 fon. H. !t %Morris, for noon thsn via Brussels to Elston Cardiff's, 6th lino blorris, c for ni•n Wednesday b.of ,e twayGrey, fr noon r . t0 A telt Oliverii I'p (un 19 Gley, for noon ; riot tufv1. ui•nh¢II s Coli 16, Grey, for night Thursday to Long's Hotel, (lrunbroott, for neon ; tlien to Robert Hoover's, (Ion. 8., Grey• for night. Pricing to Peter A tlleArtlt- ur'a.Oth Con. Grey, Por n0o0 • then to mei nine Paynes, 205 tion. Grey, for night. Saturday to Joseph Nmiiliels. Int line Morris, for noon ; theft to Itis own stable until the following Mot• day. Cumberland Gam(Imp.) 1189781 (109001 JOHN J. McQAVIN • Proprlotor Walton P. 0. Will stand ,tor the improvement of stook dor• Ing the season at Ids 0Wn stable, Lot 22, •Con. 13, McKillop ° Torras -$12.00. - Stallion Enrolmont Tito Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario certifies that the name, description and pedi• gree at the Clydesdale Stallion "Ctunberinnd Gem" (Imp.), registered in the Oattatlinn Clydesdale Stud Book es No. 18978. owned by , .1 .hn .1 aioGnvin, of Walton, nntt fonkd 1, '010. ]ms been enrolled in ncrardetce with Chapter 07 of the stntee et Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No, being 11167. R W. Wain:, Se:rotnt•y, Plt'rett Watma, Gudrnlnn. Toronto, Tiarob 81,4, 1014. Loudo ' ns favorite (Imp.) 111812) (1807111 JOHN J. MCQAVIN Proprietor Walton P. 0, • Will standfor the improvement of stock due.. ing the sessou ab his own stable, Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop Terre -$8 00. Stallion Enrolmont The Stallion Enrolment Board of Ontario• certifies that 1118 name, description and ppedl• gree of the Clydesdale Stallion, "Loudon's' Favorite," (imp 1 registered in t•)torCanadian Clyde•dnleatadRooran NO.11812, o1Yned by John J Ma0avin, of Wilton, and fouled in 1809, has been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 07 or the Statutes or Ontario, 2 George V, the Enrolment No, being 888. R. W. Wane, Secretary. Psmea WHITE, Chairman. Toronto, March 810, 1914. • r ,r HAYMANN - is prepared to supply the best goods in n Vindtills'Ion and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stuck, aha. Repairs .ln Pimps promptly attended to. Give me a eater. A. HAV 1N� Cranbrook 1 €,.(3,Lar tat RUPTU RE Curd At your home without pain, clanger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless .cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- turebecomes strangulated whet.Y ou can be cured Do not wait Fill in coupon Age Time Rep, Single or Double None , •.................. ........ Addressee."... and return to J. S SMITH 88 Caledonia 8t, Dept, A Stratford,. Ont. eic 11R