HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1914-5-21, Page 14 rim
V')L. .i.2 : ')
New Advertisements
Por sale—Toe Posy,
Notkn, -Ben,. l ('00 null,
[i ownerIel),r Allan Snell,
Count. 41044nill W 1,nae
Pa m h"• w, , —T W Nrinn,
M ,it•bG.0 vhnt re Pont & won
FnadaV T11 o4i s tt 41 Intimi)',
Orn van cion Y o1 I..•0 Fla m I1bornin
Convearias—ren Ire Enron Coning vnllyes.
iStr .Ct Alm
Mrs. McQutu'r•ie and Mrs, Joseph
McKay were la Kincardine 11118 tveeltj
representing Knox church at Mait-
land Presbyterial..
Next Sabbath afternoon Empire
Day will be observed to the Presby-
terian church when the pastor will
deliver• an address appropriate to the
Early closing is being observed at
the store here during the Summer
months. '1'he open evenings are Mon-
day, Wednesday and Satnrday, other
evenings store closes at 7 o'clock,
T. G. Hemphill was in Tceswater m
Thursday last,
Geo. and Mrs. Leckie spent Sunda
with relatives near Brussels.
f A. Rasmussen left for Toronto las
week where he will work at his trade
Misses E. Nichol and Whitley, o
I Gorrie, spent Monday In the village
J. Banbridge, of Dutton, spen
Sunday with his sister, Miss V, Bain-
The Misses Rutledge, of Wingham
are visiting their brother, Juo,
Wrn, Sanderson, of Toronto, Is the
guest of his parents, W. H. and Mrs.
Sanderson, of Tut'nberry.
Thos, and Mrs. Hemphill and 0,
and Mrs. Cook, of Hensel!, spent
Sunday with relatives hero.
Mrs. J. Tennyson anti children, df
Toronto, are guests' of the fotaner's
parents, B. and Airs, Henning.
A. load of members of Montana I.
0. O. F. lodge attended the annual
Society service held in Wingham on
Sunday evening.
Miss M. Sanderson assisted by Wise
M. Anderson conducted the Young
People's Meeting in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday evening. The
topic was "What is a Christian Life."
The death occurred at het' home in
Turnberey, on May 16th, of Elizabeth
Gray, relict of the late James Kirton.
Deceased who had attained her 87th
year, had been gradually railing for a
long tittle and death was not nnlooked
for. She is survived by a grown up
family: The funeral took place to the
Wroxeter cemetery on '1'uesclay after.
norm, 9e1•viCe being conducted by
t Rev. 11. S. Lnakhmld
The (hest Jeanne match in the
Wes! Pr) Fool Bull Aseorl'atiol will
be held 1n the Peek tare on Monday
e.veniIIg, May 251 It, at 0.80, between
°buten and \Vroxeter. A good game
is expected.
M('(4, 1V. Wilson and Mrs. Al. Mc.
Len oat) here delegates to the annual
Onnvention ((1 Ilie 117. F. M, S. which
wee held in Kfnoa•dhle this week.
Rev. T. 1'1, Wesley also attended the
Presby tarry,
Then to r.
p s tri a hones at Oralbronk
ou Monday 250, are 12.80 to 4 p. in.
Early closing is in vogue on Tues-
day mid Thursday evenings at 7
Thursday, Juno 11th is the date set
for the Garden Party at Knox church,
Oran brook. Further particulars will
be given next week,
Last Saturday 0v0ming Fred.
Jeschke treated the residents of Oran.
brook to an open air Ooncertina Con-
cert. He is quite au expert,
Thursday evening of this week a
congregational Banquet will be held
in connection with Knox church.
Invitations have been sent out and
a fine time is expected. '
The 1VIethodist church will receive
an overhauling in the month of July
in which a number of improvements
are contemplated. They are a plucky
cougregatinn for their size.
, Miss Hazel Winter is visiting friends
iu Toronto for a couple of weeks.
Miss Harriet Wilton), of New York
is a visitor at the home of her parents
Alex. and Mrs, Wilson,
Miss Irene Henderson, of 'Winona,
is visiting at the home of D. and Mrs.
MOGI ebbe, Gncderirh street.
Misses Marion Watson and Bessie
Grieve, who have been attending
17(400lty in Toronto, are home for the.
A Liberal convention for 111e selec-
tion of a candidate for °entre Huron
will beheld in Seaforth on Tuesday
May 26th,
There was a heavy frost on Wed-
' nesday night but vegetation was not.
soffit—gently advanced for much harm
to be done.
J. Wesley and Mrs: Free have taken
up housekeeping in the comfortable
cottage of Richard Wright on
Sparring street,
CLOSE °ALL,— While the Misses
McIlroy, daughters of Mrs. Robert
Malloy, of aAicKillop Township, were
driving to town last Friday their
horse became frightened by a passing
auto and running away; threw the
ynung ladies out rendering one of
them unconscious. Both suffered con-
siderably from shock, but .are. all
right again. -
OROSSING.—Dr, J. G. Scott, of I his
town, had a miraculous escape from
death at the G. T. R. level crossing
here, Be was hurrying to the
ennn1ty in arr8tver to a,call and - upon
apots uanhing the crossing, apparently
failed to Bee nr hear the incoming
10.45 exprpas (math was almost upon
him. The engine crashed into his
buggy, taking off the back wheel and
throwing the doctor •0n the side of
the track and inflicting severe •injneie"
to his fare told heard. Medical aid was:
immediately summoned and he wits
removed to his residence where lie is
doing nicely.'
recurred of John 1liciiiauon,, of the
llth coil. 0f 'l'nekerstnilb, at the age
of 57 yeas. .11it', lileKinnon h1441 not.
been in good health foe a year past
but he was •prostrak(d by an attack
of pneumnnil14lL1;d his weakened- red-
ditiori'was unable to withstand .the
strain of the disease. Be was the
second son of the late Donald Mc-
Kinnon, and Ware born mi the farm mi
•which he died and where he had lived
all his life. He is survived'by four
brothets and four' sisters, one brother
and one sister having resided on the
homestead with him. He was never
,carried. The funeral was largely
attended. The services Wel e held in
St. James church, Seaforth, and the
remains were laid to rest in St. James
Machine Shop
Brussels - s••
Desire to thank the pe'ple of ••
Brussels rind glen ici fw the way •
they have encnuiagedthem by y
sending in their work. 1Ve hope •
they will cnntinue the same.
All kinds of repairs will he •
promptly attended to on fern) i
implements, threshing outfits, •
tubing, patching and all kinds V
of boiler t'eonies. Tea's of ex-
perienne on this classof work e .
enable them to give best,of, sat. 9
iefactiotJ.. s
Oultivator and plowshares 8.
ground. •
mowers sharpened. and ®.
set.• - •
• Auto i •
mob le re•pairs: •
• fair. Price Guaranteed, -
Don't beafraid —liontl-all your '
roP salong. palr •
S e
+ ams
e _I
r. +
Read the Bilis and seethe Advertising for +
The Mui
+ scum Thieves
+ 4 RigRee 4
1To-nightand To- ocrow Night
• Another great Detective Playbetter than Hua "Tigris."
; ), +
3• I
Ma •
. 25th.......
and 6
y th
After the laying of the Corner Stones
good and you have had a
Supper come to the Theatre
and see
'The Secret of the Safe e
Showing the wreck of two Moneta Loornnotivas in'8 sen.
sttti0nnl reels. A. whole evening's
entertainment -10 t
} Derive o1enat8,((1, S ehtrent-l0tccley
and P how starts at 830, °tame early
secure the best
,t• The
Prize z for
next P.x t PiP9CLY
beir Ladies'
r t.
Oc11 'tied •lent r .
L n/nt 1'
lit sl
See e(., them ten in
Y tiD
°, Rass' lt'H window.
W H. KERR, Prop1'ietor
Mies 13. Monson, who has been in The plant will be rebuilt at once,
New York for some time, hae al rived About fifteen MOO will be thrown, out.
home to spend the Stormier with her for a fete clays only. Loss about
mu etas, 1V. C. '1', tied Mrs. Morsel'. : $5,000;. insurance $8,000,
OLD RESIDENT Dune —Another 00P
of Seam ties -oldest re8idenle ha
1n488 •d away 111 the person of James
Weir, proprietor of the Royal Hotel,
who died after a lingering illness.
Mt•. Welt' was 74 years of :we and Is
survived by hie widow and three
dnnghters, Mrs. 0. H. 13roadfcot, of
Moosejaw; Mrs. Martin .Papst, of
Loddon, and Mrs, J. A. Roberts, of
Port Dover, and one sou, Lome, who
manages the hotel. The funeral was
held on Tuesday, interment being
made in a NJaaitimid bank cemetery.
Duncan and Mrs. McDonald spent
last Sunday in Brnssels.
Nr. and Mrs. Miekle, of Carrick,
were visitors at W. Willis',
Bert and Mrs. Watson, of Sunshine,
visited at Samuel Snell's last Sunday,
• Report of the Jamestown Women's
Institute may be read on page 5 of
this issue.
Next Sabbath evening Samuel Pol-
lock, of Oheeley, will conduct the
service in Victoria Hall.
Announcement i8 made of the popu-
lar Farmers' Ilrstitute Excursion to
Guelph on Thursday, June 18th.
BI uevale
Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. James
Kirton; an old and highly esteemed
resident of Turuberry township11
passed away in the person of Mrs.
James Kirton, She had a stroke of
paralysis 2 years ago from which she
had been an invalid and Monday' of
last week she had another resulting in
her death, Mr. Kirton 'died 5 years
ago. 5 sans and 4 daughters survive,
Mrs, 1Vn1, Michie, of Monis township,.
being a daughter, Mrs. K{rton'a
maiden name was Elizabeth Gray and
she was married in .England. The
funeral took place 10 Wtnxeter
cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. Me. Tate,
deceased's pastor, conducting the
service. The subject of this notice
wets 80 years and 7 months old old
hart been cared for during her long
illness with a devotion worthy of
those W11e apared no pains to do their
best for their loved one. Mrs. Kirton
was a fine woman.
East 'Wawanosh Council will be
Reid here next Tuesday,
Henry Hopper will go to the Wing -
ham District Meeting next week, at
Gorrie, to represent Belgrave Metho-
cllst circuit as lay delegate.
The. Women's Institute will hold
their next meeting on Tuesday after-
noon, 26111 fest.. at the home of Mrs.
lsaues Taylor, owing to the Foresters'
Hall being centupled by the Council.
Election was If office ffi
ee boaters and d lei
plans For future, stn., will ennstitute
the program. Meeting at 2 o'clock.
W. 141. S.—The annual meeting of
the Wonipo's Missionary Society of
the Methodist church here was held
on the 14th inst., when . the following
n11rwva were chosen 1—President,
Mrs. C. 13. Wilkinson; Vice Pl•esident,
Mrs. W. J. Procter ; Treasurer, Mrs
J. Belt; Secretary, Mrs. W. Procter ;
organist, Mrs, (Dr.) Stewart. Daring.
Past Year 842.00 were e contributed,
ht clothing, • fruit and money,
`b U of which was Fnrw+sided to the
tonferenee Treatsurel'. Meetings
held the first M(»dey of earl' mouth.
We w191 the ladies as year of marked
success. •
Tuesday of last Week Chancellor
Boyd visited Gotleeich to hold ti non -
jury sitting of the Supreme. Court of
Ontario, but there were only two
cases on thelist and these were dis•
posed of in a few minutes. One of
then) was Bowler vs. Londa» Tenets
On• anll the McDonald Titeeshheg On.,
of Stratford, an action for alleged il-
legal distress, was referred to the
local Master; His Honor Jndge Doyle.
Brophy Brothers, undertaker's of
have received a letter Penni
the Lake Carriers'. Association in-
structing them to take charge of any
bodies that might tonne ashm•e be-
tween Grand Bend and Armberley,
'Phey' have supplied them with a
descriptive list of sailors who were
lost last November, there being 102
bodies nuacen»nled'for,
Willi r
for 1 UenLelfli'
'net with a
LP a111f
Y File
cranking hie auto mobile, The creek
v batik and
hitting tile.
f007 s
Y elms a .double dislocation of
the forearm. The doctor who at-
tended him, pro,onneed it a very had
dislocation. 11'lr. Prnfdfnnt, who is
in great demand at Liberal gatherings.
i,l view of the 0011(1047 ('1801i0(l, 11, is
feared' will heartwood to cancel
which cannot, lloIVlwer, be substan-
tiated, is to the effect that...). W.
Moyes, for iv prima IVa•.Pm(t 11(1.5 1/0011
i8sued in 'connection with the ex-
ploitation of the Ontario and Nest
Shore Railway, is in a1 hospital i, nal 111 or
near Ttrrtin to• The 1 cool t is that he
was so seriously ill wilt 10tH algin at
Scotia Junction that he was brought
back Y
t the city. 1.119' 1"
Lr ❑119
al 1-1 a
leftLa l ' n 'r
x 1
f. ,
( declines
Itertl c
or, deny the report.
FIRE. —A di:resinous fite occurred
at 4:45 Saturday morning, whet1
Baechl e
e 9snwn1d11Wastnlailydnstroy.
e(1, The fire had gaited great head•
way before . the :ilium was sent 111,
he lirel'"
lull lent01 1 r
e tt on a Sidingof the
G. T. 1,I, away : from I.he. rest of the
large sLor
urnher t
Saved, but a few logs were slightly
damaged. Mr, 13aenh•ler is at a loss
to ((000lI tit. for the Bre, f -le WAS pro'
Miring to oda)ge his plant, ;laving
adrtle new machlnes ready to Install,
The corrected time table of the 0..
P. R. may be tread on page 5 of this
Walton wi11 be represented at the
Cornet Stone laying In Brussels next
Monday afternoon,
This week Who. (Rev.) Lundy, was
in attendance at the Maitland
Presbyterial held at Kincardine,
Empire Day coaling next Sunday
Rev. R. A. Lundy will speak on the
British Enmit'e, a gond subject.
J. J. Irvine, Recording Steward of
the Methodist church, is the lay
representative at the Goderi ch District
meeting this wee14.
It is said the firm of Ferguson &
Barris may go out of the general
store business, the former to take a
well deserved rest and the latter,
whose health is none to rugged, will
probably go on a trip to the West.
We hope neither families will re-
move from Walton permanently.
June 2181 will be the day on which
the Jubilee, or 50th anniversary of
Duff's church will be observed, Rev.
Dr. Laird, of Toronto, will occupy the
pulpit on this very interesting oc-
casion. The following Sabbath, June
28th, Rev. Mu Orunston, of Palmer-
ston, a former well known supply,
will preach. Jubilee Communion will
be observed on Sabbath, June; 14th.
Further particulars later.
Eli McLaughlin, a well known
resident of Walton, has moved to
Iona, Elgin Co, He was presented
with an address and a fine pipe by
the Chosen Friends of which he was
m worthy member. 'We wish the Mc-
Laughlin family success in their new
horns, trust they may prosper a-
bnndaaly and find their way back to
Walton frequently if not permanently.
I4Ir. Mallughlin has gone on a
farm, exchanging his Walton proper-
ty on the real estate sr) we expect to
hear of Agriculture being attended to
naw to proper shape as Mac. spent
his early years right on the soil, and
gond soil it was too. Address was las
follows :—
ELI McLatromaN,—Resolvecl that
the wisdom and ability a'hielr you
have exercised in the aid of our oe-
ganizaLioI by service and winked will
I.e held in grateful remembrance by
all members of Council No. 862, 0. 0.
0. F. and that your removal from
our midst leaves a vacancy that will
be deeply realized by *all member's
and friends of this organization and
will prove 14 serious loss to the com-
munity and the public. It is ,eteiuent•.
ly befitting that the record' our ap-
preciation of you by presenting you
with this small token of remenlbrattce.
Signed o behalf alFnf
No. n 362.
Walton, May 15, 1914.
Grey Township Cotmcil met here
last Saturday,
A. Pew from het e will attend the
Mitchell sports o1 14Iay. 251)1.
Alias Spence spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. Hemsworth at Mitchell.
P'stiimoe ham's here on Monday,
25113, will be 8 to 9 a. m. and 2.80 to
3.80 p. lin.
The workmen .are busy putting in
the foundation of the new school and•
ealso laking cement blocks,
The McIntosh
farm and village
property was not sold 'Wednesday of
last week the bids .not being high
Keep Dr, Ross' professional visit 11)
mind eacll,Wednesdaay aftertinim and
consult liim • if you ,require Dental
work done:
• 'Wm. Stevenson will play half back
With k Brussels Football reran again
lIlisseasnn. He dean old hand at the
game and lir knows the best pointers
from A to Z.
The contract for the new cement
horse shed to be erected at the Pres.
an church has been eu let to
McNabb, of.Oranbrook, He will snore
get busy at it and will do a good job.
Over 50 attended the Epworth
League Wednesday evening of last
week, Miss Marie McDonald gave it
capital paper on "Social aspects of
Home Missions." Myrtle Lamont
led the meeting in a very capable
Mrs. John McDonald is
1V. 14I. S.1
Oo IvenL•i0
n whir
h r s
held this- weekin the Dundas
entre Methodist
rl iP
.ru .h London.
The Missionary S tet'e
a on D
circuit, Method hit churohes have done
well this year, especially' in regard' to
the two well filled boxes which were
sent to the Rolok1eelta Mission in
Northern Alberta, Miss Phoebe
°tide, rot merly of Trowbridge, is tine
t bfi9al 1 t
11 n•I
1 s there.
A closely contested Poet Ball match
was played dere last Friday evening
between the 13oy. Scouts of lit ussels
and - a team espresso ting a similar
01471)111411)4)4141 here. The visitor's won
by 1 to 0. Elden boys will ))lay a re-
fur'11 gam n Err. 13r1184el8 Friday of
this wee Ariel 1 1 rpt Ian'n
Irle tire c IH vk
tors were invited to the Scouts l0'ltd-
(1(1414' ('('5 (V1101 1! (111011 was set wed in
(list -Mass style P b
Yale local Smelts.
Rev, Air. Paget
the able leader
of the
Brussels Scouts Ill
. Mode a very satiable -
tory referee. Game to be called at 5
'clock on Friday.
E S. , S. °Mac ,tae AND TEACHI)RS.-
1 Y
Y, tit r
Il Vitl I
LI P the 1 n83 eel's and a 1 ret'1 -
t, _ r, 1
t'rs of the Mtethntlist Sabbath Sehnol t
--Superintendent, ,In0. Me Donald ;
Assistant Supt., A. Mt Kee , Sern't.ary
Alvin b r '
i Itcc • s
els9 i'
ti411 C
Assistant Se.,, Miss
Luella Honey t
y 11• Paetl l' 1'
e lial'wP
Dobson ; Librarian, Chas, linnsnl ly
Pnpeenr•ian, Mies. Mande liansnlyd ;
Ow/tills , Miss Grace Eel:rider;
S iper•intendent Cradle Roll, Mrs, 3, A r.
Wright, 41581sted by ;hisses Della 144o and
Kee, Pearl Dobson and Luella Henry ;
Teacher's, Mrs, W. Hall, Mrs, W,
Slemmon, Miss Danbrook, Frank arid
Slt.l >
h hat l
Maguire, Mrs. Chambers. AAssistant
teachers, Mrs. Dobson, Mrs, J. Mc-
Donald, 0. and Mrs, Cleaver Robt.
McKay and Miss Lizzie Chambers, '
Road work comes next. Let it be
the best standard possible.
Listen for the jingle of wedding
hells at Henfryn in the near future.
Best wishes Tom.
It is expected that the sheds at
Roe's church will be repaired in the
near future, They are certainly in
need of it,
Several farmers in Grey township
have entered the standing field crop
competition in connection with East
Huron Agricultural Society.
Miss Florence' McOallum has re-
turned from the Stratford Hospital
where she underwent an operation.
She is improving slowly.
CARD OP TBANxs.—We wish to very
sineerely thank the neighbors and
other friends for many acts of kind-
ness and words of cheer during the
illness and subsequent demise of our
father and hope their deeds will not
go unrewarded, Yours Gratefully.
Mothers Day was celebrated at
Roe's church last Sunday. The
pastor preached an appropriate ser.
mon and the 141others' Quartette,
Mesdames Jas. T. Pearson, Jos.
Ames, Wta, Lowe and. Austin Ray -
nerd, furnished excellent vocal selec-
Will., son of James Cardiff, 7th
con,. has been bothered with some
trouble in his left eye. He thought
some foreign substance bad got into
the optic• but examination by a
physician failed to locate anything.
We hope the soreness will soon dis-
appear' and that he will be as well as
Wbile Jim McCallum was laid up
with the measles some miserable
wretch in the form of a roan stole a
large quantity of seed nuts from his
barn. Stealing is bad enough (u any
time and from anyone but Jilin having
just purchased his farm and on ac-
count of sickness can ill afford t0
have such treatment meted out to
PRETTY WEDDING,—A very pretty
wedding was solemnized on Thursday
evening, April 30th, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, 132 Jackson
street, East, Bamiltnn, when their
eldest daughter, Eva Luena was unit-
ed in matrimony to Herbert Henry
Piokai.d. Miss Ruth Pickard, niece of
t11.e groom played the Wedding March
while the bride entered the parlor
leaning on the arm of her uncle,
William Peet, where the marriage
arch of palms,
alms, ferns
, aro
ses and
liliaeceremonYteas performed ned andeaus
+f the valley. Rev. E. A. Pearson
officiated. The bride.was charmingly
gowned in ivory brocaded satin with
court train, shadow lace, pearl and
rystal trimmings with a long veil of
embroidered tulle, caught with fillies
f the valley and a shower buquet of
white bridal roses with streamers. of
white satin ribbon and valley lilies.
Velma and Melva, twin baby sisters
f the bride, acted as flower girl and
ing bearer, dressed in long gowns of
ale pick silk with bows of black
t ribbon and carrying baskets of
weet.peas. The groom's gift to the
rgaodst was a pearl ring and to 1110
ing bearer and flower girl
1161 lockets prettily engraved.
Rey the ceremony a dainty
upper was served in the dining room,
o guests numbering forty. The
able8 were decorated with vases of
bite and pink carnations and were
resided over by 14Ire. Bond, of Brart-
ord, cousin of the beide, gowned in
hits embroidery and shadow lace,
Rh corsage hequet of white and piuk
oses. Mrs. Taylor, mother of the
ride was in black with touches of
ciente' silk and corsage of mauve
weet peas, Mrs. Pickard, mother of
e bridegroom, wore
g ,blank silk and
orsage of roses. Both bride and
ridegroorn were the recipients of
truly handsome and useful gifts,
m01rg which were several generous
lecke, The bride travelled in a
lit of navy blue with tnsean hat.
fter a honeymoon in Buffalo and
her Eastern planes of interest, Mr,
Id Mrs. Pickard
wills reside de o
t Cum -
)(land ld u sun
v e Hamilton. ton.
The bride
a niece
of Chas.
10th con.,
Id was a former resident of the 121))
n. of
Grey township.
sh ).
Death has.
ruled away one of our highly and 10-
ected pioneers, in the person of
ales Byron, late of this locality but
me recently of the West. The end.
me very suddenly, he being in his
nal health n) to a fete hones before
s decease, He took a st'.rnke in the
4ht and passed peacefully away in
e early morning, answering the
eat ;toll Olall of his Heavenly
ether: Mr. Byron was a SentehmIm
birth. being born in 1840. He left
9 native Cr/111111'y and - carne tn.
nada v
stns t tel Title young tiny 1
tins 1 119
it tier bring w this • rontilry hPfnre
n, He !created itt Hoene °minty
• some years, ';vent to Michigaan,
lore he'lived for some time and
ere he was ns m 'r'
al ePd aver 53
1. His is wife only 1 lye
to a year leaving -ad toung9 babyy
Titter. The lett.Pi' passed away as
tv ears ego. Y The
Her nano teas. Mrs,
0(10(1. Phe slrbject of this notice
9 tnntl•1061 again to Margaret Sin-
ir, daughter it.pr o .
g t f the lad Peter Sin-
8r„ of the 141h cru, of Grey.
Byron and family
moved Pd o •
S out
est in t Ilre.eighties, locating between
Lend and Calgary where be owned
al ge ran4lt. He aryl 111e 9o11s doing
ry 8(100Ps9fn1 bnsiwwss for, years,
Ilia haird and floor Were
aalwr y0
h Ve
Laying Corner Stone *
M Melville
▪ Mnnda M ay
* A FINE 14JATOrtED Teau.-A great
span of black pure bred matched
Olydesdale mares, $ years of age, are
owned b'y Henry Bone, 3rd line,
Morris. One is by "Baron Ruby" and
the other by Everlasting." Mr.
Bone imported them, He deserves
no small credit for his enterprise,
FINE Holten,—Last week Henry
Bone, the well known horseman,
purchased the fine heavy draft im-
ported stallion, "Blairdon Colin"
[807] (17775) and he will stand at Si
Lot 20, Con, 3, Morris, unless for a
few days each ,weak when he will take
a short route. As a stock horse be is
bard to beat as his record will prove.
At the annual meeting of the Jack-
son church Sabbath School the follow-
ing officers were chosen for the corn-
ing year :— Superintendent, Thos,
Bielby ; Asst, -Su t., Wm. Skelton
Secretary, Mies Florence Rogerson ;
Treasurer, Geo. Skelton ; Paperarian,
Frank Bell ; Organists, Miss Amanda
Watson and Mies Lily Jackson ;
Teachers, Adult Bible Class, A.
Howlett, Miss Gerrie Bielby, David
Watson, Miss Florence Rogerson and
Mrs. A. Howlett. The latter is also
in charge of the Cradle Roll. Con-
tributed to Missions $18.86 ; shingling
shed, $81.00 ; Pastor's salary, $15.00 ;
books for church choir, $8.00 ; balance
in hand over $45.00. The work is go.
ing well. School meets at 2 p. m. each
at 2,30 p. m,
The ceremony to be performed
Dr. J. A. McDonald
+ of Toronto,
+ ono of CaSpeakersnada's Iforemost
Addressee will also be given by
WM, PitooDPOOT, M.P.P.
• A. H. Muso$ovx, M.P.P.
+ and others.
+, Musical Program
*Under the auspices of the Ladies'
+ Aid Society.
General charge 25c,
+ The Committee have spared no
+ pains to make this ceremony a
+ grand success andcan safely
+ promise the public a pleasant
profitable afternoon.
A Cordial Invitation Extended to All.
A first-class Musical Program
will be given on Jas. Fox's lawn
or in the Town Hall if the weath-
er le
eath-erie unfavorable.
Supper Served In the Town Nall
y. A Collection in aid of the Build4.
+ ing Fund will be taken during +
+ the Afternoon. . 'I'
+ "God Save the King" +
▪ Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A. D. C. Ross
+ Beaton Chairman of Com. +
open to all who needed a helping
hand in any way, Many an
almost famished and frozen
ranch -man and cowboy received food
and shelter in his hotne and none were
ever sent acfay without help if it was
needed, In those early days of
pioneer life in the West neighbors
and friends lived far apart hence a
was always s welcome
Deceased retired from ranching some
years ago on account of his Lvife ill -
health and they lived for a time in
St. Clair. Coming to Grey township
shoot five years ago he bought the
farm of Adam Sinclair but selling out
last Fall they again went West where
all their family liver. He is survived
by his widow, one daughter and
several sons. Mrs. • George Bowan
and John and William, all of Mon-
tana ; also Hugh the three of there
making their home together in
Saskatchewan until the time of his
death, 14Ir. Byron died on April 15th
aged 74 years and 7 months, Seveaal
of his fancily died years ago. He was
a well informed man having travelled
a great deal, 111 religion he was a
Presbyterian and in politics a Con-
servative, Mrs. Byron and family
have the sincere sympathy of their
old friends and neighbor's in their'
The Township news is always
come at THE POST, ,., Y wen
Drops are looking fairly good in
despite the backward season,
Rev. L. Humphries, of Toronto, has
visiting friends in Morris town-
ehi .
George and Mrs. Leckie, of Wrox.
t were visiting Elston and Mrs.
Oardiff, 5111 line.
Township 001111011 will meet next
Monday, It will also be Court of Re-
vision on the Assessment Roll.
A goodly number from Morris will
attend the Liberal Onnvention at
Win ha
ion t Frida
afternoon n of
s week,
Miss ss AnnieL' '
Gtima is back from a
visit of two months to Northern Ott-
, with , with tel '
all yes.
Her health was
greatly benefitted by the trip.
The Auction Sale of the farm stock,
implements, .kc., belonging to the es-
tate of the late George Jackson. 8th
line, will take place Friday afternoon
of This week, F. S. Scott will be
the auctioneer.
LastSatntdaay Mrs. Wm, Michele's
el, Mrs. Jas. Kirton, of Turn -
berry, died at the good old age of
nearly 87 Years, The funeral was
Held on Tuesday to Wroxeter Dome-
At the
Aucti n
n Sale
0f live stock,
use etc., tC b nn•'
el u1 ; '
, td the late
George Jarlt9Of, 1'1Iday aftel'nnn1 of
this week, 8 ehest9 of carpenter's tools
property the late R, T. Hing stop
F Br
be offered tad for
They are
in goodd
Condition anti will
he sold in lots to snit purchasers.
Terme will be cash for them. •
week L
t 5ear
Yheavy draftgelding was sold to Semitic & (hal-
ftime of Seaforth, by 14. Bone, 3rd
line for the tidy sum of $250.00. This
Feast was by'Suirlight and weighs
His mate, still
b Mr.
Bone will•,
> the
scale r
l s r l 170
0. This
15 801(10 1)0150 for a1 ali4nal rising 4
years old and is the kind that brings
the colt, Phie is the 1711) ear of
111rses far the above dealer's from
Seaford) this sese0n. They ship to
Men Weal,
The recent rains have been a
great benefit to the cropsofgrain.
Mies Rose Brown is the guest of
old friends in London and Stratford
this week.
Many people here who have recent.
ly started to raise chickens seem to
have bad luck with them, as the birds
die in the shell, being unable to get
Quite a lot of work is being done by
people adding to their buildings, and
considerable 511 eet and sewer work is
being done, for which citizens are
Complaints are being made of some
mischievous persons, who under the
cover of darkness, pull ilff tulips from
the beds which the citizens have re-
cently made.
Member's of Maitland Lodge, here,
No. 119, 1. 0. 0. F., met in the rooms.
on Josephine street, and marched to
the Methodist Church, where a splen- '
did sermon was preached to them by
the pastor, Rev. J. W. Hibbert.
A good game of Football was play-
ed here in Victoria Park on Saturday
afternoon between Berlin and Wing -
ham. In spite of the boys here doing
their best they were defeated by a
score of 2 to 1. Walker and Shirk
played well for Wingham, while Rad-
ford and Cruickshank were best for
Berlin. W. A. Miller, of Wingham,
North Huron, at Wingham, . on
Friday, of this week, at 2 p. m.
Centre Huron, at Seaforth, Tuesday
Nth inst., at 2 o'clock, in Cardno's
Hall At both meetings, it is expect-
ed, nominations will be made of
standard bearers for the Provincial
On Friday, 29th inst., the Liberal
Association of North Perth will meet
at Milverton at 1.80 p, m. The Chief-
feature -of the gathering will bethe
choosing of a candidate for the
Legislature g tore in the caning contest.
Officers will also be elected for the
following year.
POSTPONED.,—Bast Huron Liberals,
for Dominion House, who were asked
to meet next Tuesday at Brussels for
the annual meeting, will take notice
that meeting has been postponed ow.
ing to it conflicting with Centre
Boron Nominating Convention at
Seaforth on same date. Postponed
meeting will be held a week Later, viz.
June 2nd, at 2 o'clock. Let.
there be a good rally, Alex. Mc -
Lau hli)
Secretary. President. M. Black,
Centre Huron Conservatives will
hold a NominatingConvention at
Seaforth, on Thursay 28th, ab 1.80
North Huron Onneervative Conven-
tion will be held iti Wingham Town
aY, May
, It
be teannual meetinandalso nomi-
of a candidate, 0. R. Mc.
van M. P.
P. of D
utleri n
Col . A.
H. Musgrove,
P. and others ere twill
address the eeting which opens ab 1
Huron County.
The by-law to borrow $5,000 to erect
town hall ill Hensall was carried
last Saturday by a vote of 108 for and
18 against,
e Roberti .7. Reid, former-
ly of Winnipeg city police, force, who
exposed the Krafchenito escape con-
spiracy, was fatally inju lis
d Monday
ufterun 1
o t and died that at night follow-
ing an ;cadent at Stoney Mountain
Penitentiary. With a 20 year convict
((11m d
e Hawkins,e'
working wmiog
0(1 16 high scaffold when it collapsed
and both were thtocvn to the ground,
a distaare of .forty feet. Hawkins
was' so badly injol'ed he lived only a
n t, me.otli
B of ltei
d s lege were.
broken and his 51(1111 fractured but he
lingered until 10 o'clock. Hawkins
was artn
A steal'
inti and i ryas naught lit
Winnipeg a few 'years ago
he burglarized'ab0tlftYcitY
homes. lie
escaped front the pen-
itentiary last .,.C{. ntnmer buil was -re-
motored. Reid 5LL8 born at
Ont., 20' years ago. His another i9
for some time In iLOondon,, but worked
11)15 pollee toroth